S" I glance over our that new pi$no? yon money m The finest display of Cut Glass and Silverware ever brought to McHenry can now be found a! niy store. Have ^ou seen the display? If not, call in and let us show you something pretty and at the same time give you our extremely low prices. , How often does the question come before you when a friend or relative of yours is about to get married--what shall I get for a Wedding Present? This question can be answered at our store in a highly ̂ satisfactory manner.' One large and well selected stock will convince you that we are right. How about When you get ready put it in let us figure with yoti. 7 We know \je can save US a call when jfc,^need *;0 anything In the jewelry line. Our Gobds plea#f •UfaifiS It if. Fniemann, * Ulest lUcfienry ^ • has been opened for the past three weeks and our customers are satisfied. They know that our goods wear well and giye satisfaction. That's why they call again. That's why we are busy. THE LATEST. .y.\ i. BROOCHES, BRACELETS, - COMBS and everything up-to-date ill Jewelry. MORAL,:, Deal ' houail -• >'• • -.J; i •. • » ^ * * • * ' • • * » « * •** • With • a E. C. Jacob & Company, CENTERVILLE, ^ li' 'X1 '*M McHENRY, ILLINOIS. HOMESEEKHS; , round-trip rates v TO THE SOUtH at greatly reduced rates on the first and third ^Tuesday of each month, from points on the line of the Illinois Central R. R. in the North. Your homo Ticket Agent will Rive you full particulars as to rates. condi> tiotas and train tim»\ hut particular iitt«ntioa is herewith called to t he fact that oo the No- vomlter 6t.h excursion one can visit the MISSISSIPPI INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION that will ho held In Jackson, the state capital November 5th to 10th. Extensive displays of State's Prod ucts, Agricultural Jlachlnery, Live Stock, Dairy Products, Vehicles, Industrial Features, Ciood Speakers on Pertinent Topics, Illuminations, riusic, Fireworks and a "Pike." Take this opportunity to see the industrial and agricultural features of the South por trayed in practical and condensed form. It will help you t o an understanding of the mar velous resources of the South. Full Particular* concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Cen tral and the connecting lines or by address ing either of the undersigned, A. H. HANSON, P. T. M.. Chlcjuro, III. S. G. HATCH, G. P. A., ChicagoTlli. ...Cvatison's... OctoberSale should Drmg buyers to the LITTLE STORE# Everything on the bar gain counter, is needed at once. $ it it it it it it it it it i> John Evanson. - lllllfl gmummmnmiim----f----1--------am1-- Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. a sells the MuVi.-ker GasoliM Engine, Dnplex Grinding Milkj, Bock Island Plu-vs, Wagon*, Carriages, Buggit c., Wind Mills, ' „ Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. frnklii UffttiiRg m WirtsJ • i am agent for the above. We ~ |>ut the Bods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages " -it no more thau (500. Call and get fall particulars. feMHl Blicksnlttti^ Prices rtwiys Rttuulie i North Dakota | Lands! The richest and best land in Eastern North Dakota for sale at reasonable prices ana on good terms. Bend or call on our local representative for advertising matter, maps and full information in re gard to these lands. MUR RAY BROS. LAND COM PANY, Minneapolis, Minn. | Ben Stilling, - Loui Agent. § If yon contemplaie holding an tion sale see F. O. Gtans, the auctioneer. He will do the right thing by yon. Sat isfaction guaranteed. This paper and The Weekly i } O. S. RANDALL. E. L. JOSLYN. & AUCTIONEERS Sales a specialty, tisfaction guaranteed, erms made known oa pplication. Address t •* J (i.S. RiDdill, W.Mdlwy. J Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.66 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. If yon have lost yonr boyhood spirits, courage and confidence of yoath, we of fer you new life, fresh dom from ill health in Mountain Tea. 85 G. V" ~ At Central Opera House, Sunday Evening, Oct. j8. Want Column. AU advertisements Inserted under this head at the following-ratea: Five Unfa or less, 25 cent* for lint Insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a 1 ine for additional insertions. "R*OR SALE--Two choice cows, both new *• milkers. For further information apply to Jacob Diedrich, McHenry. 18* TjH)R SALE--Base burner stove. For fur- •*- ther information inquire of HENIIY BRE- nu>, at barber shop. West Me Henry. 18-tf "p^OR SALE--SO acres of the best land in Mc- Henry county. Fair buildings, Rood wa ter, 3 milos from Bprden's condensing factory In McHenry. Inquire of A. 8. PARKS, Agent Standard Oil Go., Woodstock, 111. 17tf XpOR SALE CHEAP--All building material *• from the Washington Park race tracks now being wrecked by the J. C. Ruel Wreck ing Co., Chicago, phone Wentworth S94. Tim bers ail lengths and sixes, scantling and joints all lengths and sizes, 4 and <i in. floor ing, sheathing boards, fence boards, cedar posts, barn and house doors and windows all sizes, chicken wire? gasoline street lamps and posts, 2 steel bridges, 1 beams and columns, sewer pipe 6 to 16 inches, plumbing goods all kinds, wooden water vats and troughs, 24 and 32 foot wood trusses. Estimates furnisned. J. G. Rukl Wrecking Co., 61st and St. Law rence Ave,, Chicago, 111. Dec 1 Place Y'oar Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every post- office in the conntry a circuiar letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation shonld have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. A Quick aad Safe" Remedy for Bowel Complaints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock discovered that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was a quick and safe cure for bowel com plaints. "During all of these years," he says, "I have used it and recommend ed it many times and the rosnlts have never yet disappointed me." Mr. Brock is publisher of the Aberdeen, Md. For sale by G. W. Besley. PROBA TE NEWS I Ben Stilling & w to Joseph Stilling, n*M sec So, McHenry [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois.} BEAL ESTATE <FRANSFKB8. J J Downey to Timothy D Murphy et al lot 3, Woodlawn Park, McHenry | 75 00 Timothy Murphy et al to Honey Dew club, same |Q9 sH . ... 600000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Heurv L Blendsman, 20.., .... .Chicago Anna R. Traver, 26 , . Harvard Henry Ohlerick, 28 ?„•-<., .Woodstock Bertha Jeschke, '40.... Nunda Geo. R. Lanning. 54 Dunham Twp Mary A. Scott, f»4 Harvard Ernest Backhus. 27 Woodstock MarQia C. Stuhluiilier, 20.... Woodstock Frank H. Beardsley, 491 ^,.. Z, •. .Nunda Euphenia M. Whyte, 4#X, Nunda Clark Masher, 21.....,. ......Huntley Irene Darby, 16.. Hnntley Damon's musical comedy will be the next attraction at the Central opera house. This company' is composed of colored people and the entertainment that they give is full of good music and comedy, introducing the jolly comedi ans, Jefferson, Webb, (Jhas. Edwards, and the celebrated Sam Johnson. Good looking colored girls that sing beauti fully, dancing that is both graceful and knock-about; refreshing cOon songs and high class comedy, introducing Damon, the musical wonder, on violin, banjo and zither solos extraordinary; and one merry jingle is the entire performance. This company will appear on Sunday, Get 28, with the unusually low priccs of 25, 35 and 50 cents. Quinsy, Sprains and Swelling* Gored. "In November, 1901, I caught cold and had the quinsy. My throat was swollen so I could hardly breathe. I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave instant relief in a short time. In two days I was all right," says Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterburn, Mich. Cham berlain's Pain Balm is a especially valuable for mien, uoam* liniment and is BIKGWOOD. Warren FOBS Chicagoed Thursday last Dr. Hepburn was in the windy city Monday. E. A. and W. E. Smith drove to Lake Geneva Sunday. Mrs. Ole Wolkc* is visiting with rel atives at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Agnes Carey entertained a lady friend from Elgin over Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Noonan and paughter, Mae, were in the windy city Monday. Willis Kittle spent several days re cently with Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh. Mrs. O. Wheeler and daughter were passengers for Chicago Wednesday last. Chas. Carr and Chas. Olson were pas sengers for Chicago Saturday morning, C. E, EL Tuttle and Wm. Coatee spent several days of the past week at Maren- Mrs. Chas. Carr and daughter-Mid Mrs. W. E. Bradley were in. the windy city Monday. 0 Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove spent Wednesday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stevens. Stevens & Watson took their threeh. ing outfit to Spring Grove Wednesday Where they are now at work. Mr. and Mrs. Sayler Smith of Port land, Oregon, are the happy parents of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are well known to many of onr readers. A special autumn service will be giv en next Sunday in the Ringwood Meth odist church. The pastor will speak upon "Autumn Leaves." Special mu sic and decorations are expected. Regular services at the Universalist church next Sunday. Preaching at 2:80 p. m., Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Ser vices will be of special interest next Sunday. Everybody cordially invited. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which s quickly oured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nan* sea, headache, dizziness and colic, with out griping or discomfort 25c. Guar anteed by N. H. Peteseh, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, drug gists. \ johnsbuboh. Mrs. Jos. Heimerof McHenry was a Sunday caller here. Miss Lena Miller of Zenda, Wis., was a Sunday visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels were Mo- Henry visitors Tuesday. Jacob Sohuihachef of Spring Grove was a Sunday caller here. Jos May of Ringwood wm * Johns- burgh visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith were Pistakee Bay callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeftling Sunday. Miss Marguerite Adams was a busi ness visitor in Chicago Tuesdsy. Misses Rena Michels and Maggie Hue mann were McHenry callers last Friday Mrs. Riley of Chicago is visiting her parents, Nr. and Mrs. Joa. Palmes, this week. :l „ Bfesdames W. F. Holts and Peter Engeln of McHenry were Johnsburgh callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kattner of Spring Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher Sunday. Miss Katie Freund and brother, Tony, of McHenry visited their uncle. Henry Klappericb, a few days this week. Mrs. Simon Michels is visiting her daughters, Mesdames. B. Simons and Roy Newell, in Chicago this week. It's the educational opportunity of your lifetime. The Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper |1 A5 for on« yaar. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Spring Grove visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Althoff of Ken osha, Wis., were the guests of friends and relatives here Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rothermel and children and Mr. and Mrs. ,J. J. Bishop of McHenry visited at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels' Sunday. vo&a. Lee Geary of Wauconda was in town Sunday. Miss Kittie Dowell of West was in Yolo Sunday. Lee Huson of Libertyville called on friends here Sunday. Miss Maude Walton is spending a week at Round Lake. Miss Lucy Dunnill has been visiting friends in Elgin recently. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago spent Sun day with his parents here. Miss Laura Granger of Chicago ia vis iting her parents at present. S. Stoffel and W. Wentworth of Mc Henry were in town Saturday. ^ Mrs. John Richardson entertained rel atives from Des Plaines last week. Mrs. Geo. Rosing and children of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Misses Hellen Raymond and Anna Miller were Grayslike callers Wednes day. Mrs. Laura Huson is spending two weeks with relatives and friends in Chi cago. Mrs. Ambrose Raught and Mrs. Geo Huson were Round Lake callers Wed nesday. Miss Ruby Oooke of Wauoonda spent Friday and Saturday with Hiss Hellen Raymond. Mesdames John Meyer and Charles Parker and daughter were McHenry visitors recently. Mr. and Mrs, O. St. Peters and daugh ter, Marian, of Highland Park called at Raught Bros.' Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cossman and daughter. Merle, spent Sunday with Jas. Kir wan and wife. Mrs. S. Gibbs of Chicago sprat the past week with her daughter, Mrs. L. Granger, at Fish Lake. Mrs. Anna Ham and daughter, Mar ian, of Wauconda. and Miss Mary Un derwood of North Adams, Mass., called at A. J. Raymond's Sunday afternoon. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorised to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious re sults from a cold. Cures la grippe oough and prevents pneumonia and con sumption. Contains no opium. The original is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley, EMERALD PARK. W. Aylward of Solon called on friends here Sunday. R. E. Sutton of Chicago apent Sunday at his home here. Ed. Comisky spent tike first of the week in Chicago. E. J. Farrell of Chioago spent Sunday with relatives here. R. L. Aylward of Elgin spent Satur day aud Sunday at E. Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Chi cago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith and chil dren spent Sunday at C. W, Colby's at Barreville. Mesdames John and Paul Armstrong and sons of River Forest are bear-hunt ing here this week. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago spent the first of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. Miss Julia Howard and brother. Will, of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sun day with friends here. Mrs. J. Powers of Elgin spent, a few days with relatives in this vicinity aad returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Larkinand children of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Makes Homely Women Pretty. No woman no matter how regular her features may be can be called pretty if her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and clears sallow, blotched complexions by stimu lating the liver and bowels. Orino Lax ative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse to accept any substitute. G. W. Besley . • " . . \ ; IHIS is the place -to get your Groceries. We handle nothing' the best of everything and our prices 'a|*e within reach ,*>f an. ; Call tts up or send in your order. We will fill it as it has never before been filled. fmy atMMery *4 "•/ -ftf v, OUR SPECIALTY McHenry, III. IS: i j V; it,>>: 1- ' t ml Bank of This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other fisgt class security. Special attention given to collections. .INSURANCE ih TltSt Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Tours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. JH 4 9ft, - vi2 ' J SINGLE AND t \ Driviffii H«rf | Cream Pure, Healthful, Known everywhere and guaranteed a strictly cream of tartar baking powder; no alum--no ammonia--no phosphatic acid. Low-priced powders and those which do not give the cream of tartar guarantee are made front alum. Of what use to give 25 ounces of baking poi der for 25 cents if 8 of those ounces are alum' STUDY THE LABEL, " Give us your order for that new single or driv ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. See our elegant line of Dusters and X&p Robes. :: :: :: :: : CARRIAGE TRINNM6 A SKCSALIY M. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. v . . - : . , '** -'-X , / -il' «'• =-*•' f iv •