Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1906, p. 8

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••*••• 'H K W iction on tie iurm known as Why should you pay $5.00 more for a garment made to order when we can give you the same cloth in a Suit or Overcoat at $5.00 less and guaranteed by the maker to be better than generally made to order garments, for the reason that the cloth is thoroughly shrunl^and the workmanship^equal to any tailor make? JOS. W. FREUND, : WEST McHENRY. Clothing! A very successful business man of this city who is always a delight to his friends because of his well-groomed ap­ pearance, said to us one day this week: "Every season I go the rounds of the different clothing stores to see what new the world of clothes has to offer. But I always wind up at J D. Lodtz's when it comes to getting what I want." There's a whole sermon in this, and a very ma­ terial and interesting one. It happens to be the logic of the business. The place that is best able to supply tlie wants of a great community, and will exercise its great resources willingly, in the effort, is the one to which the people invariably turn when it "comes to getting what they really want.It has been the experience of thousands. Smart new English Walking Suits will be worn a great deal by stylish men. We show very superior line? in fancy worsteds. Some of the plaid effects of the Cron- berg system make are distinguished for their really aris­ tocratic construction and appearance. Prices, $12.50 up. JOHND.LODTZ Stoves! Stoves! All kinds for all kinds of fuel, All sizes, all prices. New Stoves and old Stoves. If you have an old Stove that you do not wish to set up this fall bring it to us aftd we will allow you all it is worth in ex> change for a new onjp. If you want a new Stove and haven't the ready cash to buy, call and learn what we can do for you. It is for your interest to call if you are in need of a Stove, anyway. :: :: F. L. ricOHBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Indigestion Stomach trouble is bat* symptom of,and not ID itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain specific Nerve sickness--nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy--Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With­ out that Original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative--Tablets or Liquid--and see for your­ self what it can and will do. We sell and cheer­ fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative N. H. PETESCH, ROBBER IS CAUGHT. (Continued from first page.) demands, McHenry has thus far escaped with bat very few visits from this class. One thing to be remembered by every man, woman and child, and more es­ pecially the business man, is, "Do not trust a stranger," especially when he is of the slippery tongue order. No Case of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneu­ monia or consumption when Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cnres coughs and colds perfectly, so do/ not take chances with soma unknown prep­ aration which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered. #G. W. Besley. EX-OFFICIO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 0. P. BARNES, Attorney. Estate of William Musgrove. Deceased. The undersigned. Ex-Offlclo Administrator of the Estate of William Mussrrove, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will ap­ pear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons hav­ ing claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in­ debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned T»ated this 22nd day of October, A. D. 1906. WM. H. HAKRISON, 18-3t Ex-Ofticio Administrator. 1 win a®" at public auction theJobtr& Flusky farm, located two miles south of McHenry and about 80 rods west of the Clemens school house, on the Crystal Lake road, on Monday, Nov. 19, commencing at 10 o'clock a. ni. sharp, the following described prop­ erty, to-wit: Thirty choice milk cows, partly Holsteins, ne* milkers and close springers; 2-year-old half blood Here­ ford stock bull; 15 shoats; brood sow; light bay colt, 4 yearsold, weight 1800 pounds; dark bay Colt, 4 yearn old, weight 1850 pounds; 50 bushels wheat; half stack straw; wide-tired truck wag­ on; narrow tired truck wagon; 2 horse drag; sulky plow; hay^ rack; sulky cul­ tivator; seeder, with^ grain sower at­ tachment; Appleton 6-roller corn husk- er; Fairbanks*Morse 12-horse power en­ gine; Nichols & Shepard separator, near­ ly new; steam food cooker; water tank, holding 12 cans; set double harness; ten milk cans, and other articles loo numer­ ous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of eight months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at six per cent, per annum. Two per cent, off for cash on sums entitled to credit. No property to be removed until settled for. Plenty to eat and drink at noou. F. O. Gp.ns, auctioneer; Chas. B. Harmsen, clerk. HENRY BUCHERT, Prop. A Year of Bl<MmL» The year 1903 will long be^ remember­ ed in the home of F. N. Tacket, of Al­ liance, Ky., as a year of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that death seemed very near. He' writes; "Severe bleeding from the hinge and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King'a>New Discovery for Consump­ tion, with the astonishing result that after taking four bottles I was com­ pletely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds at N. H. Petesch's, McHeury; G. W. Besley's. West McHenry, drug stores. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. The Plaindealer will be sent to,, any address on trial thTee months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at. the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it A Rellttble Remedy for Crottp. With the- dry, cold weather of the early winter months, parents of croupy children should be on the alert for om­ inous symptoms. There is no canse for anxiety, however, when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is kept in the home. If this medicine is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough has appeared, the attack may be warded off. Mrs. S. Rosinthal, of Turner, Mich., says: "We have used Chamberlain's Cough Remddy for our­ selves and children for several years and like it very much. I think it is the only remedy for croup 4pd can highly rec­ ommend it." For sale by G.x W. Besley. We give you the news of town and county, and give it to you right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele­ graphic news of America and the cabled news of all the world. $1,155 for both papers one year. Made Happy for Life. Great happiness came into the home of S. C. Blair, school superintendent, at St. Albacs, W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dread­ ful complaint he.names. He says: "My little daughter had St. Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until as a last resort we tried Electric Bitters; and I rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure." Quick, sure cure for nervous com­ plaints, general debility, female weak­ ness, impoverished blood and malaria. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch's, McHen­ ry; G. W. Besley'g, West McHenry, drug stores. Price 50 cents. The Plaipdealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for $8.50. Order at once as the time of this offer it limited. It is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective fn the treat­ ment of diseases of the bladder and kid­ neys. Sufferers from backache and oth­ er troubles due to faulty action of the kidneys find relief in the use of Pine- ules. $1.00 buys 80 days' treatment. Sold by N. H. Petesch's drug store. COUGHS STUFFY COLDS QSICKLY CURED BY Foley's Honey and Tar , There is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar bad been taken. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last stages will always give comfort and relief. Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath­ ing at once. Remember the name--Foley's Hoisey and Tar --and refuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation. Contains no opiates, y Cured of Terrible Cough onliHlgs. N. Jackson of Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe afld a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar, which cured her. She has nevw been troubled with a cough since." Consumption Cured. Foley & Co., Chicago. Dana, Ind. Gentlemen:--Foley's Honey and Tar cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years and was almost des­ perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Its effect right from the start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou­ ble. Yours very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle al­ most six times as much. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY G W. BESLEY, WEST McHENRt Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on his farm, located five miles east of McHenry, 1± miles north of Yolo, on* Wednesday, Nov. 14, com­ mencing at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, the following described property: Fifteen head milch cows, mostly Holsteins, new milkers and close springers; 8-year-old bull; 9-year-old mare with foal; 9-year- old horse; horse, coming five years old; 8 shoats; 50 chickens; set work harness; set driving harness; single harness; top buggy; two-seated surry; sulky plow; walking plow; set drags; pulverizer; seeder; grain binder; corn binder;spring tooth cultivator; set bob sleds; lumber wagon; truck wagon; milk wagon; milk cart; 14 milk cans; pails and strainer; 50 bnshels oats; 15 acres corn in shocks; 2 acres corn fodder in barn; 10 tons of timothy and slough hay in barn; tank heater; tank pump; mower; hay rake; 2 hay racks; pair wagon springs, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and un­ der, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at six per cent, per annum.^No property to be removed until settled for. Walter White, auctioneer; MATH. WORTS. Piles qnickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for Piles alone--and it does the work surely and with satisfaction. Itch­ ing, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large, Nickel Capped glass jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommended by N. H. Petesch. , Dress Goods Outing .Flannels Tennis Flannels Ginghams ; Percales e are showing a very complete and look xis over before ing. 'Phone 291. WEST Me henry*/ F A. BOH LANDER Why Doesn't He 4L stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? Ne^inan can afford to turn his back on the COAL QUES­ TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is hear and any orders that are left with us will be filled promptly. ORDEJR NOW. % We carry a full line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. Olilbur Cumber Co. { Look Here! WHEN in need of anything in the Drug Line don't forget that our stock is always complete in every respect.. We handle nothing but the BEST of everything which gives us the reputation of being "THE OLD RE­ LIABLE." Get the habit of buying your Drugs at Besley's and you will never be disap­ pointed. Our line of School Supplies is also very complete and the school children will al­ ways find our store the best and cheapest place in town to buy their Pencils, Pens, Pen Hold­ ers, Inks, Tablets, Etc. There is still a good assortment of Souvenirs left and it is up to you to call at once if you want one of them. :: :: G.W. BESLEY. TOOTH BRUSHES. • n HAIR BRUSHES / • H. Petesch, Druggist. mountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles Dairy and Food Comm Union'* Report. The Minnesota Dairy and Food Com­ mission's analysis shows that Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar and Bee's Lax­ ative Honey and Tar contained opiates and croton oil. Opiates are poisons and croton oil is a violent poisonous purga­ tive. Refuee to accept any but Foley 's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opi­ ates or drugs and is the best congh and cold cure. G. W. Besley. Terra Cotta School Report. The following pupils have been nei­ ther absent nor tardy for the month ending October 26: Arthur Shales, Jos. La Plant, Eleanor Phalin, Edna Phalin, Florence Knox, Frances Knox, Eddie Knox, Mary Conway, Agnes Conway, Hazel Lock wood, Lester Lock wood, A&nie Buss, Lillian Riley, Alice Riley, John Haskins. ALICE KNOX, Teaoffr. Preventics, as the name implies, pre­ vents all Colds and Grippe when "taken at the sneeze stage." Preventics are toothsome candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds qnickly, and taken early, when you feel that a cold is com­ ing, they ch^ck and prevent tbepa. Pre­ ventics are thoroughly safe for children and as effectual for adults. Sold and recommended in 5 cent and 25 cent box- e • bjf H« H. Petesch. •r Block = & FUR S(ARE VALUES! And values we mean. We can sell you a Fur Scarf at less than others pay for samrs We will compare any and all our Scarfs with any you buy elsewhere at 35 per cent, more than what we •a§k, MAKE US PROVE THIS. A.;...,/ • 1 Furs consist of sable black Mar­ ten, Fox, Electric SegJLand n*any o t h e r s . S e e t h e m . A t . . . . . . . . . $1.29, 2.00, 2.69, 2.98, 3-49 UNDERWEAR VALUES J Children's fine fleeced-lined Un­ derwear, an exceptionally, big value, all si«es, at per garment 25c Ladies' extra heavy plusfc back Underwear, something warm. A Garment you will buy at sight, all sizes, 4 to 8, each 49c Ladies' gray ribbed, fleeced-lined Underwear, a snap, see them, sizes 4 to 8, each a$c OUR BED BLANKETS! In Bed Blankets we are able to show you values that exceed all. All sizes from small .10-4 size to the extra large 12-4 sizes. Low­ est prices prevail. Don t over­ look these values, they need your attention. Per pair.. -50c, 60c, 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.39, $1.98 Wool 12-4 size Blankets, "gray and tan, full size; at \ ..$3-50* $4.75 and $5.00 •fB* McHENRY, ,1V ILLINOIS. iSfiMii

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