Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1906, p. 4

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, * -r*\] H - { , f°1 .'• " » > **"• * * ., Lr+ <* *« s- ** - *•* r-»F/ -1 ' ,r-'" A ^ •*<, « j * • % > / < » 7-: mM f±|fg|- Children V- To succeed these days you mast have plenty of grit, cour­ age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. ThP children cannot possibly hare good health «iiiess the bowels are in proper condition. Cor­ rect any constipation by Riving small laxative Voms of Ayer's nils. All vegetable .sugar-coatod. A iiM aumoteotarers or _ HAIR VHIOR. f f^l*Q AGUE CURE. . Uv# %T CHERRV PECflttftti. We have BO eeereta ! We publish the formula* of all our medicine#. ffie Mclfenry Plaifldealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Ml MCHENRY PLAIN DEALER COMPANY, A. CRI8TY. L. T. HOY, * Vice Pres. Secretary. JAMES PERRY, President and General Manager. F. 6. SCHREINXR. Editor. flee In Bank Building. Telephone, No.~S78. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: O&eye&r ,. 91* months, 75 cts. ».60 Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, November i, 1906. FAREWELL. c ; With this issop of The Plaindealer ay connection with the paper as editor and manager comes 1k> a close. Daring toy six and one-half years of service for the. present company, I can say that t have met with many experiences of ail instructive natnre, many joyfnl events and also some np-hill work. I liave made both friends and enemies, and of the latter I take this opportunity to beg pardon for any wrongs I may bave done them during my connection 'With the paper. I also wish to thank the public for the hearty support which has been tendered me, a fact which leads me to believe that my efforts have been moire or less appreciated. Espe­ cially do I wish to thank the different Correspondents for their worthy assist- *|bce, and also the business men of McHenry, who, thrn their generous support, have assisted in keeping The Plaindealer in the front ranks of jour- Sialism. My relation with the stock­ holders of the paper has been most peasant, and to them goes my sincerest Wish for farther success and advance- Bttent. Again thanking each and every­ one for the hearty support tendered me,, and assuring yon that it has been great­ ly appreciated, I am, • Yours sincerely, F. G. SCHRE1NER. |a every clime its colors are unfnrled, Its fame has spread from sea to sea; Be not surprised if in the other world, Yoa hear of Rocky Mountain Tea. *. G. W. Besley. Bead The Plaindealer. I WANTED AT ONCE--Boy about 16 1 of age, to learn tinsmith's trade. . good opportunity for a bright boy to t»rn a good trade. For farther infor Hon apply at the hardware store of J. J. Vycital, McHenry. on €J There is no specific lor consumption. Fresh air, ex­ ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil­ lions of people throughout die world are living and in good health on one lung. 9 From time immemorial die doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not accepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. We -will sample free. ^ Be tune that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap­ per of eTcry bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott&Bowne Chemists 409 Pearl-Street New York fOC.and£tj all dreggirt* send you a V 4'f J, . • m HOWARD M. SNAP* Staolne* For WsijUf IHHo In ConffrMS. llie Republican nominee for represen­ tative in Congress from the Eleventh district, is now serving his second tern) in the House. He is a member of the committee on Poet Office and Post Roads, and as snch ha* been instrumen­ tal in securing the present efficient rural free delivery for the counties in this dis­ trict. He also introduced the measure now pending in Congress, providing for the establishment of a system of Postal Savings Banks. He has been one of the most energetic members of the House in the support of the proposed Deep Water­ way from Chicago to the Gulf. Mr. Snapp was born in Joliet, Sept. 38, 1855, and received his early educa­ tion in the gnblic schools of that city. He then attended the University of Chi­ cago for three years. He then took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1869. He was appointed master in chancery in 1884, and held that position until he was elected to Congress ito JjH)2. He was a delegate to the national republican convention in 1896. From 1884 to 1890 he was secre­ tary of the Will County Central Com mittee and was then chairman of that body until the spring of 1906, when he presented his resignation. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election to be held Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1906. For State Treasurer-- JOHN F. SMUL8KI For Superintendent Public Instruc tion-- FRANCIS G. BLAIR For Trustees of State University-- MRS. C. T. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER McLEAN FRED L. HATCH LEWIS L. LEHMAN For Congressman-- HOWARD M. SNAPP For Representatives in Legislature, 8th Senatorial District-- EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF FRANK R. COVEY For County Judge - DAVID T. SMILEY For County Clerk-- # GEORGE F. RUSHTON For County Treasurer-- WILLIAM S. McCONNELL For Sheriff-f . CHARLES WANDRACK nnty Superintendent of For /6o- Schools f- GEORGE W. CONN, Jr. Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels goon strike they qaickly settle the trouble, and the puri­ fying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dizziness. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Besley's. West McHenry, druggists. Our Druggist Tells Vs. We learn today that oar local drug­ gist, N. H. Petescb, has made a special arrangement which carries with it an agreement to keep in stock constantly a full line of special prescriptions* created at the Laboratories of Dr. Sboop. A novel, yet thoroughly practical and newly created article has just been is- saed from the Laboratories in question,, called Lax ets and is included as a part) of the arrangement made today by the druggist in question. We refer to a prespription put np in candy tablet form for the relief of constipation, sour etomacV, bad breath, sallow complexion biliousness, headaches, etc., etc. The novelty of Lax ets arises from two or three sources. It has not even the sus picion, so far as tbe taste is concerned, that the article is medicine. It is candy in taste, and in appearance. Again, Lax-ets are put up in beautifully litho graphed metal boxes, and retails for the remarkably low price of 5 cents per box On the box is printed the ingredients, consisting of Cascara Sagrada, Egyptian Senna, Solid Extract of French Prunes, Slippery Elm Bark and other highly meritorious ingredients for the condi­ tions mentioned above. A Candy Cold Care pat np in the same style also sells at 5 cents per box and is called "Dr. Shoop's Preventics " Patrons, we be­ lieve, will be glad to learn of the new arrangement, and particularly of the new remedies, which certainly seem worthy of a trial purchase involving only the cost of a nickel. • ManZan relieves instantly the pain caused by those blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. It is pot np in collapsible tubes in snch a way thar it can be applied where tbe trouble orig­ inates, thns stopping the pain immedi­ ately. Try one bottle and if you are not relieved your money will be refund­ ed. Try our free offer. 8old by N H. Petesch's drug store. Read Th» Pluindwtlw "w»nt" ad* Gver-Work Weakens '- ' „ Your Kidneys. Unhealthy KMafcys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through jrour kidneys fncc every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. * Pains, aches and rheu­ matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because fhe heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. 'it used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin­ ning in kidney trouble If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz- es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home of 8wudp-r< free, also pamphlet telling y ou how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer St Co., Binghamtcn, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, bnt>remem- ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil­ mer's Swamp-Boot^ and the address, Binghamton. N. Y.. on every bottle, Ian* In Hungary. Wayside inns in Hungary generally rejoice in very quaint titles. This one was called the Dropperin and had the usual sign outside--viz, a long pole with a wooden ring and a gigantic wine bottle suspended fromf® it. The system of keeping the scores is primi­ tive, but practical. The regular cus­ tomers and the innkeeper each have a bit of wood called rovas, with the name of the person written on it, and every liter of wine consumed is marked by each making a notch on his re­ spective bit of wood. When the score Is paid off, both the rovas are burned. Consequently you hear the peasants in­ viting each other to ingyonroviasmo- ra, literally drink on my "knotoh stick," wmCh sounds most comical.-- "Wanderings In Hungary." Cruel. A cashier in the financial district of New York, on being advised by his physician to take a vacation not long ago, wrote the agent of a South Amer­ ican steampship line as follows: "As I am thinking of taking a trip to South America, please advise me Immediate­ ly with particulars relative to rates, ac­ commodations, and so on, to and from the various ports usually visited by tourists at this season of the year." The answer came by special delivery, marked private and confidential, "One of our steamers will sail for Valparaiso next Wednesday; shortest and' quick­ est way out of the country." A Teat For Sesilckaeii. Many , people have a genuine curios­ ity to know if they would be sea sick in case they should take an ocean voy­ age. An easy way to put the matter to a test is to stand before the. ordinary mirror that turns in its frame and let some one move it slowly and slightly at first, gradually growing faster, while you look fixedly at your own reflection. If you feel no effect whatever from it the chances are that you can stand an ordinary sea voyage without any qualm. Her Wisdom. "Girls!" quietly called old but emi­ nently astute Aunt Broadhead. "Ma'am?" they replied as they flut­ tered obedletitly to her. "Always remember, girls, that when a man professes to have a 'fatherly in­ terest' in you his own daughters need It, that your own father can sufficient­ ly supply you with it and that is the oldest of all, stories save one is the world.**--Puck. V, ) An Experiment. are you going, Michael, wife got sick last "Where early" "Apothecary's; night" "Doctor been there yet?" "No. I found a prescription In the street when J was in town, and I'm going to have that made up and try it." --Fliegende Blatter. Tone the liver, move the bowels cleanse the system. Dade's Little Liv­ er Pills never gripe. Sold by N. H. Petesch's drug store. I HYaPtC C Sweet to Eat 1«I1A"V13 O A Caady lewd Lautivc, You Look The trouble is, your liver's sfcfe. One of its product* bile, is overflowing tefeo your blood. You can't digest yout foody your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head­ ache* stomach ache* dirti­ ness, malaria, constipation, What you need is not a dose of salt* cathartic water or pills--but a liver tonic Black-Draught This peat eedldne acts gantly on the sick Hvsr. It purifies the blogd, renews theappetite, feed* tbe nerves,™ clears the brain aad cures consti­ pation. It is a true medidne for sick liver and kidneys, and regulates all the digestive functions. Try it. At all dealers la la 26c packages. 1 fifllSH THE HOME w*» •Of: OUR LINE OF HOUSE­ HOLD FURNITURE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER BEFORE AND IS AT ALL TIHES READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. LET US GIVE YOU OUR PRICES. THEY PLEASE. 3acob}u$teti OUR STOCK OF is now very complete and awaits your inspection. We are offering many bar­ gains in new Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannelettes, Ginghams and Suitings. Also a nice -line of Shirt Waist Patterns in Printed Velvets, Silks, Mohairs and Silk Warp EJoliens. Underwear for all ages and sizes in Cottons, Wool Mix­ tures and strictly all wool. New line of fall Negligee Shirts, Hats, Caps and Gloves. Our line of Shoes is the most complete in town. Pure, fresh Grocer­ ies, Flour, Etc. Goods promtlv deliv­ ered. 'Phone 363. :: :: :: f :: . :: M. J. WALSH. State Bank McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capi ta l S tock , $25,000. •OFFICERS:! EDWIN h._ WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY, PUBLIC. : : 3 percent paid on Savings Ac­counts and Time Cer­tificates of Deposit. The V-3t toilet soap known, famous as a skin cleanser And complexion bcautlSer ... For You 4 Pull Size Cake of PALMGL1VE For a short time only, the B. J. Johnson Soap Co., authorize certain local dealers to make you a present of a cake of this wonderful ^oag>, a b s o l u t e l y f r e e o f c h a r g e , w h e n y o u p u r c h a s e 2 5 c e n t s ' w o r t h o f f Galvanic Soap The Famous Easy Washer Galvanic Soap dissolves dirt with the speed of lightning, and saves money, saves strength, saves time, saves clothes. With 10 cents' worth of Galvanic Soap your dealer presents ytm, absolutely free of charge, with a 5 cent package of Jfohnson's Washing Powder " j Easy on Everything but Dirt ' We give these presents to introduce our splendid soaps into your household, j The following dealer will supply you: \ John Stoffe i , - West A^Henry | Who also carries a full line of staple and fancy Groceries. HOMESEEKtHS i; rouo4.t»fp rates -P TO THE SOUTH at greatly reduced rates on the first and third Tuesday of ea<ch month, from points on tbe line of the . Illinois Central R. R. in the North. Your home Ticket Agent will jtlye you full particulars as to rates, condl- io an<J train time, but particular attention l called to the fact that on the No- \ ember Sth excursion one can visit the MISSISSIPPI INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION that will be held In Jackson, the state capital November 5th to loth. Extensive displays of State's Prod' ucts. Agricultural flachinery, Llvi Stock, Daln^Products, Vehicles, Industrial F Ae8| Oood speakers on Pertinent l&plcs, Illuminations, fluslc. Fireworks and a "Pike." Take this opportunity to see the industrial ;ind agricultural features of the South por- trayed in practical and condensed form. It wilt help you to an understanding of the mar­ velous resources of the South. Fall Particulars concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Cen tral and the connecting lines or by address* ing either of tbe undersigned.. A. H. HANSON, P. T. M.. Chicago, 111. 8. G. HATCH, G. P. A., OhlcagoTlli. „ WEST SIDE ^ " Always a complete line of fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest Iparket prices paid for Workers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first-class city market to offer? mwiniMi»mnm pNTERVILLE arket We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. We also Handle Joins- bnrgh Creamery Butter. Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. Chicago & North-western. Effective September 24,1900. Leave Chicago. 7.05 am... 8.45 a m.... 12.30 p m.. 3.45 p m... 4.00 p m... 4.57 pm... 8.00 a m... 3.45 am. 0.10 am... KKp m... Leave McHenry. 7.23 am... 8.82 a m... 4.28 p m... 4.23 pm... 0.17 pm. . WBCK DAT TRAINS. / SOBTHBO0M> ,.Via Elgh JilgiU ,.Vla Des Plaines1 7.23am... 7.06 p m... 7.48pm... 7.48 p m... Via Elgin ...Via Des Plaines... Via Elgin...... ... Via Des Plaines... SUNDAY TRAINS. .. .Via Des Plaines... Via Elgin ..•la Des Plaines.... .. ....ViaElgin....... W*SK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOCND. ......ViaElgin ....Via Des naines... ....Via Des Plaines.. , -Via Elgin........ ...Via Des Plaines...1 SUNDAY TRAINS. .Via Elgin -•..Via Des Plaines.... ..Vlit/Des Plaines...., iaKlain Arrive McHenry. ....10.17 a m ....10.17 a 111 2.50 p m . ....4.45 p m p m ,, >.0.40 p m .... 9.37 a m 11.14 a m ..y 11.14 am .... 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. ...>10.10 a tn ... ,9.35a m 6.15 p m ,....7.10 p n . 11^7.55 p m .. a m 8.2!> p !» .....9.15 p u .10.20 p jr PHOf&STUDIO, Portraits. All shapes and slaes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, *32.00 unci upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive •ipparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views • buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. £ulnr|em«ntii. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed ih%very instance. Finished In black •^rhlte or colors. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Wajlkegan St., near the Standpipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. T*l«pt\oi», 495 G. S. RANDALL. E. L. JOSLYN. mmi & iosiyh ! AUCTIONEERS. 'f|um Sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms made known on application. Address W.Mdleoiy. j Professionals Society V Card »\isinesss DAVID G. WELLS. M. P. pHYSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OOULIBT „ Office aod residence ^corner- EUn **w Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311: FEGEIW Si KKGRRS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHenry ~ 111. Office at Residence, corner, Court ani Elm streets. Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, lilinoif All business intrusted to his care will b# properly and promptly attended tg. :s W. Pi STONE. T>. D. S (Successor to Dr. F. -€. Ross.) Office Hours from 9 a. m. until 5:30 p. hi. - Also opeh evenings. McHENRY, - ~ - j ILLINOIS, office" and Residence o^er . Petesch's Drag Store. Telephone No. 274. • ' I>R. R, Q. CHAMBMRIitK - DENTIST. • • Office and Residence ever ft. J. WtfUh's Store Hours: 8:0Q to 5:30^ Geo. General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - - - - _ ILLINOIS Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, lllinors FRANK BVHR PRACTICAL PAINTKR : AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, 55.00 m UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec-, orating. Residence north town line one MOCK weh; of river. Telephone No. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS John J. Vyoital DEALER IN tierver&l Hoirdware Stoves, Paints and Oils, jjin and ma­ chine repairing of all kind& Phone543 McHENRY, ^ - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, No. 694. Office in Heim- er bldg.v Centerviile 0. A. WIILEY, M. D. (. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wei".-drilling a specialty. 'Phone 253. WM. BACON Dealer in Windmills, Pipes. Pumps. Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, ILL. - £ 1 el. IVMta 1714. WHY do people of Mc Henry. Luke an .other countl drop in at -Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO? Because it is so home like. KILLTHE AND CURE THE WITH Dr.K New 6i FOR C 0NSUWPTI0N 0UGHS and Gi-DS LOGICS PrFce 60c .00 Fret- Trial iurest^nd Quickest Cure iorall THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PATENTS promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. SO VKARS1 EXPERIENCE. Our CHANCES ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and free report on patentiilrilitjr. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through us, ADVER­ TISED and SOLO, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN- SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained- Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, P. C. DSWIFT&<° Best for Coughs Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough. Eto. L A X A T I V E . The red 1 otter MH" is on every bottie. Prepared by Ptaesie Hedirloe Co., Ckieefo CONTAINING HONEY-TAR N. H. PETESCH,

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