Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1906, p. 4

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* SINGLE AND UA v I I* w. *» M. D Christmas is Less than a Week Awriy. | fbere is one thing that will cure it--Aycr*s Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap­ pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you--healthy h>tir, no dan­ druff, no pimples, no eruptions. The best kind oi a testimonial-- "S0I4 for over sixty years." JCade by JVC. Ayer Co All yers Lowell, Mass. BO manufacturers of SARSAPARIUU. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. The McHenry MM? 'fWBtlSHED EVEBY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCH REINER. , ce In Batik Building. Telephone, No. 272 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: year . . . . . . . . . . Wets. Three months. ...tico iOcts TeWeo «Natfoaai If tfce great republic moat flower, vrhf not adopt tfcs plant (Nlcotteaa t«hfioum)T It t» ft~a* tire of this country and tn fldt found in Virginia. There to nothtac sectional or local about the plant, %f* rause today it is grown In most of faie states from Florida and Louisiana to Connecticut and is now used in eveitf nation on the globe, civilized and bar­ barian, if it is possible to obtain it. It is not commonly known that the to­ bacco plant bears a very pretty pink blossom, which might come into the flower gardens but for its rank and disagreeable odor. The Indian corn, or maize, is another plant indigenous to the United States and was found in use as food by the Indians from Vir­ ginia to Massachusetts. But if we must have a flower that is esteemed as such without regard to any economic considerations or utilitarian qualities, why not adopt the laurel (Lauras latl- folia), mountain laurel or broad leaf laurel ?--Ncw Orleans Picayune •r*HIS is the last week you will have to buy your Christmas " presents. We keep qur patterns uptodate. Something new-coming all the time. If you wish to see a choice Selec­ tion of something in the jewelry line come and see us. We give personal attention to all the little details of our business, and any special order trusted to our care will receiv* prompt attention. Wise buyers place their orders early. So call and see us this week. Optical work a specialty. All goods engraved FREE. How about that Piano or Diamond? .Thursday, December 1906. -- ----~ *'**' * Auction Sm1«. " Thi undersigned will sell at pttWBe derground, auction on what is known as the old Claripsy farm, 1J railes southwest of tia^tlaod tttn?ion, 41 uiies northwest of Woodstock and 1 mile from Silver Spring factory, on Monday, December 31, 1906, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following described property, to wit: 70 head of live stock, consisting of 20 fine cows, new milkers and spring efs, some with calves by their sides; 2 fnil blood Holstein bulls, 4 yearlings, 2 . two year old heifers, 3 work horses, Jj, -r „ colts coming three years, colt comi Hi years, sucking colt, 28 spring pigs and 7 Is brood sows* Hay, grain and machinery ,;V; --20 tons tame hay, 15 acres corn in *" -"K" shock, 200 bushels bar ey, 300 bushels * .u. corn in crib, stack of straw, 18 horse- power Rnssell traction engine, 32x50 ' Case separator, self feeder; water tank, jpT ^ pump and hose; 4-roll McCormick bosk gy/ er, Star grinder, Wizard grinder, buzz !*?/•' " saw, Piano grain binder, Deering corn binder, McCormick mower, Rock Island IP;/- hay louder, Bndlong pulverizer, Janes- C .viUe gang plow, Janesville seeder, John U a;v§, JJeere corn planter, 14 inch walking pC 'V; plow, 16-inch plow, Tiger corn plow, hay rake, J. S. Rowell corn plow, truck wagon, hay rack, hog rack and wagon box combined; narrow tire wagon, milk wagon, road wagon, top buggy, cutter, set boo s^eds, stone boat, corn sh^ller, caldron kettle, chains, forks, shovel^, la milk cans, 100 oak posts, hay poles and other articles too numerous to mention. The farm of 150 acres will also be sold at auction on terms to suit bidders. Plenty to eat and drink at noon. Terms of sale: All sums of $ 10 and under, cksh.- Over that amount a credit of 12 months will be given on good approved notes at 6 per cent. Two per cent off for cash on sums entitled to credit No property to be removed until settled for wjtli clerk. MRS. JAMES M'CUE. Geo. L. Murphy, Clerk. JaBtes R. Green, Auctioneer. VatfeteblM a *4 Praltt ; The term vegetable has reference to the whole or any part of a plant culti­ vated especially with reference to use at the table. But the use of the word vegetable doesn't always depend upon cooking, for celery Is a vegetable and apples are fruit whether eaten raw or cooked. One would suppose the toma­ to to be entitled to the term fruit, for the method of its raising resembles that of fruit. But it is usually called vegetable, whether eaten raw or cook­ ed, in spite of its appearance. The quince is so fruitlike in 'appearance, so resembling apples, pears, etc., that it persists in being called fruit though eaten only when cooked. Sometimes the vegetable is a bud, as with cab­ bages and brussels sprouts; leaves, as spinach; stems above ground, as as­ paragus; stems enlarged (tubers) Un­ as common potato^, or E. C. 'PHONE, 773 m *3$ McHENRY, ILLINOIS E. LI. JOBLYN. roots, as sweet potatoes, turnips, beets and carrots.--St. Nicholas. :i<0; the great railroad wreck on the new stage at the Central opera bouse Sunday evening, Dec. 23, , Dynamiters Oestroy a Dam. violating an injunction of the circuit ctiurt of Kenosha county, unknown men Saturday night blew np the dam across the Camp Lake ditch with dynamite and today men armed with rifles are patrolling the ditch to prevent the re pair of the dam or prevent any inter >; ference with their work. Two 'weeks ago an injunction was issued by the circuit court to prevent anyone from ; interfering with a dam which had been built across the ditch by the Oetting Brothers' Ice company of Chicago. It pt is alleged that the ditch was opened for ^the purpose of carrying water from ; Camp lake, just over trie Wisconsin •4 line, to Channel lake, Lake county, near Antioch. Deputy sheriffs werq sent to the scene of the trouble and it is possi­ ble that a pitched battle will take place if any further efforts are made to inter with the 'lam. •i;:: This paper and Tl^ Weekly Inter Ocean-FL.tiS FOR^OTB OJM> yeaj The W«Mi of TekumtcfM The climate of the Tehuantepec isth­ mus compares most favorably with that of Panama, being mild and health­ ful, writes Rene Bache in Technical World Magazine. Coffee, cacao, to­ bacco, vanilla and sugar cane are grown in the region, which has a pop­ ulation of about 60,000. The Inhabit­ ants are hardy and Industrious, those of the plains on the Pacific side being descended from the ancient race of the Zapatecos and boasting that they were never conquered by the Spaniards. It is said that the women of this race have from time immemorial been able to maintain supremacy over the weak­ er male sex, leaning the men at home to take care of the house and children while they carry heavy bnrdens to market on their heads. They are very handsome, these women, and their na­ tive costume is most artistic, including a picturesque headdress. . v CMi.'. • i^tnan of cats declares it is tke worst of luck for a pet black cat to forsake your home. A woman of cats asserts it *is the best of luck. In the middle ages Satan's favorite form was a blac^ cat. Witches always have a cat as their familiar--a stray black pussy in preference. If a white cat races across your yard a child is going to die. If a/ stray cat of any color takes up with you, making your house its home, you will have good luck. Napoleon Bona­ parte showed a morbid horror of cats. The night before the battle of Water* loo a black cat passed near him, and at the sight the great warrior was com­ pletely unnerved. He saw an omen of defeat. Henry III. of France swoon­ ed whenever he saw a cat, and one of the Ferdinands of Germany would tremble in his boots if a harmless tabby got in the line of his vision. Among the Romans cat was a symbol of lib­ erty. The Egyptians held the anima! in veneration under the name of Aelu- rus, a deity with a human body and a cat*s head. Whoever killed a cat, even by accident, was put to death. Diana assumed the form of a cat and excited the fury of the giants. G. S. RANDALL. RANDAiL & JOSiTH! AUCTIONEERS. T*rm Sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms made known on application. Address U. Until, W. McfkWfy. Yazoo Mississippi Ydley Is the title of anew pamphlet now ready for llstrl button and published by the Illinois 'entral Railroad Company. It describes in detail the resources an«l pos- ibllitlex of the richest valley to the United states. For free copy address the undersign­ ed at Manchester, Iowa. J. F. MERRY. Dc. 31. General Immigration Agent. Wfcy c«t Glaaa Upe***'.- '-it, Cut glass makers explain why it is that there are frequent reports of cut glass suddenly breaking or crumbling on a table, shelf or sideboard in homes and elsewhere, although the glass was not in use. They assert that whenever the tone of any cut glass article comes into contact with Its responsive chord the life of the glass will go with the tone, by which it is affected, and the glass collapses or crumbles. It is on record a famous opera singer could break cut glassware by reaching high C in her singing. Several tests were made in New York and Paris, and by her singing she broke several pieces of cut glassware. The tone of a violin if attuned so as to be in true accord with cut glass will destroy it , •ttecwi mmA tke SaMMriHkt.'. , ;, There is not, and there never was in­ tended to be, any soch feeling of Puri­ tanism or of Calvinism with regard , to our day of rest as there is connected with the Lord's day of our neighbors. The Jewish Sabbath waa to be a de­ light, and we read that in the mediaeval ghetto dancing, among other recrea­ tions, was common on that day. There is nothing contrary to the spirit of Judaism in the playing of games or in­ dulgence in any form of light recrea tion on Saturday so long as it is com bined with a due regard for the sacred claims of divine worship.--Jewish World. The White HM<C4 Bey. The phrase "his mother's white head­ ed boy" is as old as the hills in Ire­ land. it appears in many of the Irish fairy Btories of the last century. Irish mothers who knew good fairies always kept the secret for the "white beaded boy" of the family. Gerald Griffin in one of his best short stories years ago used the phrase as one he hail bor rowed from an old Celtic book. Mlxea M to Detelttea#* Hungry Higgins--Wot! YoU aUtin6 wot a miser is? A miser is a man that denies his self the necessaries of life when he has the money to buy 'em. Weary Watkins--Oh, I have met some of them fellers. But I foug$it they called theirselves Prohibitionists.?--In dlanapolls Journal. TcUewtail Flthlac. There are no "between rounds," no breathing spells, with the yellowtail. He is fighting for his Hfe desperately, no quarter given nor asked, with au amazing staying power akin to that marvelous faculty of the leaping tuna. The angler is far more likely to be the first one exhausted; the Inches of line gradually granted to the "pump­ ing" rod are earned by the sweat of his b*ow and the semiparalysls of the bi­ ceps. 'Have I got a fish or a devil?" ex­ claimed a weary Englishman after a half hour's work, with Sir Yellowtail still gamboling at the end of 200 feet of line. And many have shared his astonishment while "catching" these animated galvanic batteries. That man has lived and lived in­ tensely to whose bending rod a half dozen lusty yellowtail have capitulated in a bright afternoon. May his re­ maining history be ever so humdrum or prosaic, that crisp encounter wUt illuminate the dullest moments.--P. Lt Harding in Field and Stream. Want Column. All advertisement* Inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or leas, 36 cents for flrst uuertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Wore than five line*, S cents a* line for tlrst insertion, •nd I cent* a line for additional Insertion*. i Six-octave Crown organ, prac­ tically good as new. For further infor- G*OR SALE c ticatly g< tnation apply to O. L. PAGE, West McHenry, 111. 2»-4t» CTkAY DOG--A Scotch collie came to my ° place about two months ago. Owner can have same by paying charges. WM. OErri IKG, * Johnsburgh.Ill. CTOR SALE--80 acres of the best land In Mc- Henry county. Pair buildings, Rood wa­ ter, 3 miles from Borden's condensing factory • McHenry. Inquire of A. 8. PAHKS, Agent Standard Oil Co., Woodstock,111. 17tf C^ARM FOR SALE-H. C. Mead offers his L farm, ro misting of 125 acres, model farm house, twi go 1 barns, poultry house, spring bouse; wit in ne mile of depot at McHenry, condensing >a tory, butter factorv and grist mill. Ternta reasonable and made known on application. H. G. MUD, West McHenry, 111. EA8T SIDE. 18 IT. West Bowler* are Troaaeed East Side Team. by the Small'* Jinglw. The Jungles of Central America and Brazil are masses of vegetation so dense that it is practically impossible to penetrate them. Swain and his par­ ty when crossing the isthmus of Da- rien labored hard with their hatchets and machetes the whole of one day and achieved but half a mile. In many parts of Central America the under­ growth renews itself so rapidly that it is almost impossible to keep a road open through it In one instance in Honduras a road sixteen feet wide was made by engineers and laboreis through a jungle, the underbrush and vines being cut away even with the ground. Two weeks later, returning to complete the work by laying stones on tile roadbed, they could not find the road, the vines having completel^ ^Ued the vacant space. » Special deal. A Boston wreak and sickly. His arms were He didn't have a strong irmt-rVf* in kit (Btire IxmI&Vi:V!' ' • i The physician who had attended the family for thirty yean Scoffs Emulsion* NOW: if oukjl aDOrenHrM blackstriith. DRUOOI8T8 A* Seen From * BaOMa, Sense of danger you have of course none, for you are so aghast at the dan- gars run by your dear ones below from motors and bicycles and trains and gas works and all the other things ter­ restrial that all concern for your own safety goes. And the shocking air they breathe and the horrid little wormlike trains that burrow in and out of dark looking holes--how un­ healthy the whole earthly existence seems to you as you glide motionless through the air, with white cloud? be­ low you stretched out as a sorf of sil­ ver carpet at your feet and above you nothing but a limitless expense of deep blue sky!--Bystander. ' The bowling match last Friday even­ ing between the East and West Side teams proved a very one-sided affair, the East Siders having an easy walk away, defeating the West Siders by 104 pins in the three games*played. The first game played easily settled the evening's contest when the East Siders won out by a margin of 165 pins. The other two games were more evenly contested and proved highly in teresting to the large crowd of rooters present. The losing team takes its defeat with good grace&nd promises to make a bet ter showing the next tome the two teams meet, which will undoubtedly be in the very near future. Before the game Friday evening G. C. Boley, rep­ resenting the Owl camp team, chal­ lenged the winning team to a match game, to be pulled off tomorrow (Fri day) evening. The following are the scores of last Friday evening's contest: SIDE. j " Y"-f 1st 2nd Fort/.. ^^-....448 Weber -..i 94 W Heimer..........170 Bickler •. Yager.. . ...157 Velvet. Velvet is manufactured by placing in the loom rows of very short threads of the material designed to be employed, whether cotton or silk. These are then caught up by the cross threads In the weaving and fastened in such a way that the fleecy ends present themselves all on one side of the fabric. The man­ ufacture of velvet is so slow that for a hand ̂ w eaver a yard is considered a good day's work. The machine made velvet is of course turned out much more rapidjjr. f'r • Cerre eieSL "•No,* remarked the uiaU Md traveled and had returned to the place of his birth, "the village is not what it used to be. Many of the old landmarks have vanished." "What landmarks?' asked the,native resentfully. "Why, the town pump, for instance." "Call that a landmark? I call it a water mark!" \>RY B»<m *>» DeBwr. COL", Hatlm* at a ad Weatem Lit* 8t««k Skew, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold Jannary 19. 20 and 21, with favorable return limits. Apply to^ ageote Chicago & North 165 108 128 106 148 8rd 170 90 119 189 149 •v. 199 96 187 188 101 717 647 667 180 SIDE. 1st 2nd Scbreine4>. Cobb ,v, J. Heitntt. Brink..-JY. Neben.. K. 106 i'8 , . .,^..108 189 ». .'V..... ' 88 054 21ft 109 77 100 104 8rd 160 111 187 102 118 Av. 162 118 106 114 118 60ft 628 m Western E'y. » Dee 81 A Flay for Ike People. Flinef Walters' western play, "A Thoroughbred Tramp," is said to be a very artistically staged show this sea­ son and the play, accord i ng vteureports, is meeting with unusual success. The story of the play is one that appeals to the masses and the funny comedy sit­ uations create much laughter. The play is laid in a little mining camp in Colorado and affords much entertain ment to theater-goers who enjoy melo- dramic comedy. At the Central opera house next Sunday evening, December 28 . 20c, 3V and 50c Of course you pay your money, ^ But you get your money's For what does money mean to y< When Bocky -Mountain Tea's on earth? G. W. Beeley. KxnBraion Ticket* to Poultry Skow at Elgin, 111.,^ Via the North-Western Line, will be sold Dec. 81 to Jan. 5, inclusive, limited to return until Jan. 7, inclusive. Ap­ ply to agents Chicago & North-Western B y. Dec. 31 Old Folks' dance Central opera bouse Friday evenix ,̂ December H. OPERA HOUSE Elmer Walters' Spaikling 'Western Play w? • • ..</ • • A Stery of (olorado ;|BU(eoic display (i UM'i cast Hurrah! fun! PRICES 25, 35, 501 PHOTO STUDIO. Give us your order for \ that new single or driv- J ing Harness. Our work f is the best and prices are J See our elegant J line of Dusters and Lap " IjJobes. :: :: :: :z : CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPfCIALTY M. A. THELEN McHENBY, ILLINOIS." PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCITLWT . Ofiico and residence corker Elu» an* < Sirtfen streets, McHenry. Telephone NO. m F A FEGERH • pHYBUJlANo AND SUKGEONS. Hellene* *- III. Office at Residence, corner Oonrt saaC ^ I w . ^ t p t ^ ^ e i e ^ h o n e . ' . . j . . , Woodstock, Illinois AU business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. D. T. SMFLET" ATTORNEY AT LAW, ** All hn^inAttfi int.niKt. W. F. STONE, 53. D. S7; (Successor to Dr. F. C. Boss.) ' * Office Hours from 9 a. m. until 5:30 p. in. ,^lho open evenings, McBENRY, . - - - ILLINOfcj.. Office and Residence over Petescb's Dnw • Store. Teiepbone No. 274. s II >!j^0af»k of v;^ McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a r GENERAL BANKING BUSHIEST. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to. our customers and respect* . fully solicit the public patronage, Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections j' . INSURANCE' in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CENTERVILLB •'WiriisiiiJta the line of fresh and salt MEAT^ and Wm also handle burgh Creamery Johas- Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, HI. 1>R« R. G. CBtAMBBRX42|| DENTIST. .5, Office and Residence over fl. J. Walsb's Hou»: 8:oo to 5:30. W»ST McHIBNOT. ILI^. ̂ v.rS, -4--; -- -i.--- j , 1 !,?i : Geo. Meyers general Teaming all kinds. - Excavating and Grading. ; • ^ | ricHENRY ----- ILLINOIS- * Telapboa* No. SIMON ' % STOFFEL t&nurance Agent for all classes of - •^l^jperty in the be|t Companies. / W<^J1AcH«agr. tuinllrl j . --"""t-t. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTKR AND P^PSRHANGER ' CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 ana UPWARD Ilrtuse and Kign Pafntfug and all Interior D^e- ora'ing. Residenceflorth'townlineoneblodlr We&. of river. Telephone No.2f»4. MCHBNBY,.;. .r., -f , ,-r n J. / DEALER IN GervereLl Hardware V Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repair 1 'Phone III McBENBY;^|--'Ji--} • ILLINOIS. Telephone, No. 694. Office in HeiiH- srvifle er bldg.. Center D. A. WILIEY, M. a t VETERINARY SUROEOW - AND DENTIST. /ffcHENRY, ~ # - ILLINOIS* Wer.-drillinB a spocialty. ^ 1. "Phooe + . WM. BACdN Dealer in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fi^tfn^ Well Supplies. Plfst-cjass work_ ~ guaranteed ataU'tlnies. McHENKY, ' ' - ILI* Tel. Main 1714. WHY S do people of Henry, Lake o.t her conn drop in at Lambert Q. Sen; VSt Fifth Ave^ CH1CAQO? : I8f» V- - : KILLTHE couch AND C U R E THE LY EMCS Portraits. All shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished In different styles. Price, tS.00aod upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive npparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, suclr as group pictures, views f buildings, cattle, machinery, etc» Citl&xgementai. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every Instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Fracnoa. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sites made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waakegan St., near the Standptpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. TolopKone* 499 Chicago ft North-Western. Effective November 18,190S. WEEK DAY THAIN8. OI^WO. SOUTH BOOSD McHenry. 7.00 am ...V<a Kljrln .10.17 a to 0 00 a m Via Des IMaines 10.17 a tn 3.2A p m........ Via l>es I'laines 4..M) p u; 4.00 pn.. ....Via Klftio ®.40p m 4.57 p aa... Via Des Ptaines....., ,.6.t0p w SUXDAY THAIMS. S.46am. .. 9 lean.... ?.0Spm... Leave McHenry. 7J»amuf. 8 JO a mT.. 4JKp m... 4J»pm... 7.»am... 5-OOpin... rt.o^pw... ....Via ElKln. . .. .Via Des I'lalnes... ..lUi a m .. 11.14 a m .. 4.55 pro ....Via Elirin.. Will DAY TLLAINB. SOUTH BOUm>. Via Elgin..... ViaDe* Plalnee.. Via De« Plaines.. Via Elgin eCHDAV TIIAIHS. via RlKin v . 10.85aw .....Via DM Plaines .....0.&npN VlwRlfln. -...7.80 Dir Arrive Ohicafro. ..10.10 an .9.58 a m ...6.1A p m ...7.10p it. Sweet to Eat A Caady Bowel Luaiivt. A ; •- : .-'"/ft- f •V,*f 4 1 »-,! Ct 1 * S'< " Lax-ets5 Did Vou Say meats ? 3S can supply you :• -ill fii^st-class style with the finest meats >rthat money can buy. ; sell beef % the" q u a r t e r . D o y o u t want one? If so, „ up. ̂ . ~i Fresh - Fish - Friday E. f. MATTHEWS, JR. ™ Dr. King's flew Discovery ™«c ~ 'OKSUiaPTIOII • Price Go'CHS and 50c & $1.00 ^CLDS Free Trial. Surest and 'SficKeBt Cure for all" THROAT and LUNG THOUB. ZiES, or MCSTEY BACK "--*TTfTW--1 Promptly obtained, or FCC RETURNED. SO YEARS' EXPCRiCNCK. OurOHANCKa A|W THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and free report on patentoWltty. MFmNQEMUrr salts conducted betor* all courts. Patents obtained thm(h na, iWjJJ* TISKD and SOLO, free. SIONS and OWYHNNTI quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office* WASHINGTON, D. C. DSWIFT&(° T H E O R I G I N A L LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP HOLLISTER'S i3cky Mountain Tea Nugoain , A Buy Hedidas far Buy ISrala \u ~a Golden fieaitk and bum VlfH. •jt •: fie for Constipation, Indigestion* U» g' A.!-. Troubles,Pimples.BosaaWilinpr . lireuth, Slunish Bowels, Hsads ^•kache. It 8 Rocky Mountain Tea In i i " ^ ̂ S5 cents a bo*. Qeoolae MM i F •£ life ER Dm a COUPAXT, Madison, Wis. NU8QET8 FOR MLLOW •'•V-" •} •stltor Wfcooeiftf Coeoii, Ete. LAXATIVE. The rpd lett_ "is" ia on every bottle. Prepared fcy SWM Mr4tola» Ct^CUnp 8omethiBff special! ter Ocean and Ibis OM yssr. Ask w* what The Weekly In-1 paper for$l.Mte»j CONTAINING HONEY-TAR Trsps coB^alBt spates eosttt> Mits t̂h« mw«1». Bee's \szattv« Honey aat EAIJBOTOS TSS BEWAU AAD OOATAINS AAFLAUTRS» N. H. PETESCH, ̂ 'JiX- I "T sm •jfe;,'-.

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