Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1907, p. 5

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;• a. >4J\ I I' -•• yM ,̂ t-: ̂ >-;, OF WEST McHBNRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. M-V V- EDWIN I,. WAGNER, President. T 'i PACKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President.. "'V,- SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC*< COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : I c. :*•: >W'S-% 8 •OFFICERS:; paid on Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer­ tificates^ of Deposit. Winter Medicines "4*.'V\fr < "V** <rS ' -Y f- There are certain lines and remedies that are In special demand at particular seasons. This store is always prepared to supply them. We strive to meet every need of the community and to y • anticipate needs before they are expressed. Whatever drugs, medicines or sundries you may require this season we can supply, We can <§i give assurance that the quality will be tie highest W and tfcei price the lowest possible. <let the habit of cpning to drug store goods. It is a habit ."'•fHiat pay*/' 1 fc -it* tt * " n. b McHenry, D R U G G I ST JUST AS A IT PAYS TO BUY FOR (ASH I . Bakers' Cocoa, per 25c can...... .... .0 .20c Uneeda Biscuit, 6 packages for ...... 'M~. -25c Post urn Cereal, per large package 20c Triscuit Breakfast Food, per 15c package 9c Sorghum, 100 per cent pure, per 40p pail. .30c Ben Hur Flour, Minnesota patent, guaran­ teed, per sack. ...$1.10 4 lb package Johnson Washing powder.. ..15c Wisdom Washing Powder, per package... 3c Armour's Canned Meats, 3 10c cans for.. .10c Armour's Canned Meats, 3 5c cans for 5c Reo Plug Tobacco, per 20oz plug 25c Country Club Smoking Tobacco lib pail. .29c 6 bars Lighthouse Soap, 1 package Lighthouse Soap Powder, 2 bars of Flotilla Soap, the combination for KC JOHN STOFFEL, ' K 1' Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. BY ANSON'S New Year's Bargains should induce v activity at the "Little Store." ^ 12 Bars Kirk's Cabinet ound Plujt Sq\ ToboLCco .. 35 cents Washing . ..9 cents t Powder Heavy Flannel- « t » . . . . M e a n t * We Bid You Welcome / • NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS *j SPRING 6KOVK. ^ Mrs. Math. Raaen entertained her Bister Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Sanborn entertained Ringwood folks last week Friday. Mrs. Dr. Bremken spent last Friday arifl Saturday with Chicago relatives. Earl Westlake returned to his school work at Chicago last week Wednesday, Fred Shotliff was unable to attend school the first of the week on leconnt of sickness. Mra. Joseph James and brother. Fred Shotliff, were Ringwood visitors San day afternoon. Mrs. B. A. Stevens was qnite sick the the first of the week, bat at this writ ing is improving. Miss Alice Shotliff, who has spent several weeks with Beloit relatives, re turned home Saturday morning. Mrs. Wilson and sister, Miss Hanter, returned Sunday from a visit of several weeks with Richmond relatives Ora Blanchard is very sick with pneu­ monia, but under the care of Dr. Brem ken we hope for a speedy recovery. Rev. Fathar Krug has been qaite poorly for the put few weeks. His many friends hope to see him down town again soon. James Westlake was called to Silver Lake last Friday on account of the sick- as of his son, Robert, who at last re­ ports was very low. Miss Ada Westlake spent the last of the week at Harvard the guest of her sister, Mrs. Cora Johnson. Little Harold Johnson came home with her. Mrs. James Bell ahd little daughter, Gertrude Ethel, were over from Ring- wood and spent the last of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Raaen. The Walker-Cartiss pressing oatfit from Trevor, Wisconsin, has been pressing many tons of hay for the Hoff­ man Bros., W. C. Moss and Walter Dykes the past two weeks. We give yon the news of town and connty, and give it to yon right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele­ graphic news of America and the cabled news of all tfie world. $1.55 for both papers one yekr. Two days' treatment free. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired indi­ gestion, impnre breath, perfect assimi­ lation of food, increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above offer. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. Casper Krumpen of Richmond has rented the R. B. Cole farm on English Prairie and will take possession March 1. Chase B. Cole, the present tenant, will have a sale January 16, and become a resident of Richmond after March 1. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles dis­ appear like magic by its use. Try. it and see! N. H. Petesch. The remain* of Mra. Jane Lawson arrived here Saturday morning and were taken to the home of her brother, James Flemming, at Randall where the funer­ al was held Sunday afternoon. Many of her old neighbors from around here attended the funeral. The relief of Coughs and Colds thra laxative influence originated with Bee's* Laxative Cough Syrup containing Hon­ ey and Tar, a cough syrup containing no opiates or poisons, which is exten­ sively sold. Secure a bottle at once* obtain a guarantee coupon, and if not fully satisfied with results your money will be refunded. Sold by N, H. Pet- each, druggist. ^ Cured of Lung Trouble. 'It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, "8. C. "I had run down in weight to 185 pounds, and conghing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery and con tinned this for about six months, when my cough and lnng trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170'pounds." Thousands of persons are healed every year, (guaran­ teed at N. H. Petesch's, McHebry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. HOLCOMBVILLI. Frank Zenk called at W. Zenk's San- day. iliss Mabel Doherty spent Snnday with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller retained to their home in Iowa last week. Miss Bridget Doherty of McHenry visited relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Silver and children spent Sunday at Warren Thomas'. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and chil­ dren visited at P. Flanders' in Ring- wood Snnday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Ladd and Miss Bige- low of Ringwood visited at Wm. Har­ rison's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert spent Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Beckley at Wunda. After a few weeks' visit with h^r sister, Mrs. Hildebrand, Mrs. HugginS has gone to South Africa to reside. Wise Counsel From the South. "I want to give some valuable advice to those who suffer with lame beck and kidney trouble," says J. R. Blankenship of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to an absolute certainty that Electric Bitters will positively cure this distressing con­ dition. The first bottle gave me great relief and after taking a few more bot­ tles I was completely cured; so com- pletelyttoat it becomes a pleasure to recommend this great remedy." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry. drug stores. Price 50c. Bead TK+ Plaiadtater VOtAtk Mrs. L. V. Lusk of West Fremont was a Volo caller Sunday. Messrs. E. Mills and Leslie Turnbnll ;• were Volo callers Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs.C. Sable spent Sunday with relatives at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell spent one day recently at Round Lake. Mrs. Henry Effinger of Wauconda visited relatives here Snnday. Miss Lillian Effinger has been visiting relatives in Wauconda recently. Mra. George Hnson visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnettat Wauconda last week. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Mariel, of Round Lake were in Volo Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Rangtat of Wankegan was at Raught's Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Simeon Russell of Chicago spent New Year's day with her mother, Mrs. Fayette Hnson. Misses Kate Rowing and Maud Wal* ton of Round Lake spent Sunday at their homes here. Paul Avery of Chicago and Miss Georgia Kapple of Grayslake spent Sun­ day at Ray Paddock's. Miss Annie Stilling of Pistakee Bay was the guest of Miss Anna Miller last Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Reba Hnson retained to her home here Sunday after a two weeks' visit with relatives near Wauconda. Pete Statfeld, who has been sick for some time, was taken to the Presbyter­ ian hospital in Chicago last Saturday. Dr. Taylor qf Libertyville has been in attendance. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one fall year. Don't let it get away from yon. * , To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is safer than to let it run and cure it after­ wards. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will bead off all Colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes. If yot^are chilly, if you begin to Bneeze, try Preventics. They will surely check the cold, and pleaae yon. Sold by N. H. Petesch. kmbbAld park. Miss Katie Knox visited at Ringwood Sunday. Miss Mary Knox visited at R. J. Sut­ ton's Sunday. Miss Mary Gibbs is spending a few days at F. Powers'. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Relihan spent Thors day last in Chicago. Mrs. H. Felmeten and children spent a couple of weeks in Chioago. J.Aylward went to Elgin Wednes­ day, having secured a position there. Thomas Bolger went to Elgin Sunday to attend the Ellis Business college for a few months. Mr. and Mra J. tt. Smith attended the Stilling-Brown. wedding Wednesday at Johnsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith and son, Josie, visited the former's parents east of town Sunday. Messrs. Joseph and Chris Smith of Adams, Minn., visited their brother, John R., a few days recently. Miss May Welch of Griswold Lake visited friends in Chicago last week during the holidays. Mrs. P. Costello and Ions, James and Robert, of Elgin visited relatives in thia vicinity the past week. Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, removing all dis­ orders from your system, is what Hoi- lister's Rooky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask year drug­ gist - r_-_ r" RINGWOOD. Walter B. Bradley Uhicagoed Friday. Amos Smith shipped a carload of hogs to Chicago Friday. J. D. and E. A. Smith spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Oshkosh, Wis. James Conway entertained company from Chicago Saturday and Snnday. Pat McGarry's auction sale proved to be quite a success, things selling at good prices. Mrs. LeRoy Peet has been on the sick list the past week, bnt is now on the road to recovery. Our young people, and some not so young, have been en joying the skating on Beatty's pond. John Keefe spent Sunday with Wood­ stock relatives. 0 He was accompanied home by Miss Katie and Edwin Keefe, who have been visiting with relatives in that place. ManZan Pile Remedy put np in col­ lapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of trouble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaran­ teed or money refunded. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. /-• UJKEE ! INvi We beg to express our thanks to all our friends for the favors and sup­ port during the past, and venture the hope that our efforts to please them have successful* For 1907 we shall use ^Very endeavor to increase our efficiency and to jnake our service the best. We consider every customer a friend and shall use our best efforts to cement the friendship stronger during the coming year. . ? r We carry everything in the Jewelry line. We fctTsb carry a line of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Graphophones, Discs, etc. Our prices are the lowest. All goods guaranteed. Engraving Free. x E. C. •PHONE, 773J GREENWOOD. Wilson returned to school Mon-Di day/ Mrs. Earl Toles is the possessor of I new piano. Choir practice at Miss Allen's Thurs­ day evening. School opened after the holidays with a good attendance. Harvey Jensen and Dwlght Smith are new pupils in the higher room. Would consolidation be a good thing in Greenwood township? Think about it. The eighth grade is enjoying civics, having taken them np after the holiday vacation. Your money refunded if after ubing three-fourths (t) of a tube of ManZan you are dissatisfied. Return the bal­ ance of the tube to your druggist, and your money will be cheerfully returned. Take advantage of this offsc. ftoid by N. H. Petesch, druggist. , k£ Additional Local. The memberaof the local Eastern Star installed new officers last Monday evening. A thunder storm and lightning on January 7! Well, what's the use of kickingt City water ia being installed in th« store building formerly owned by Miss Julia A. Story. Grot & Damgard have built a small addition to their cold storage house, lo- oated west of the traoks, daring the past week. " It is being rumored that by next sum­ mer a new brick business block will be in progress of construction on the vacant lots caused by the fire last spring. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the system, good for lazy livers, makes clear complexions, bright eyes, happy thoughts. Sold by N. H. Pet­ esch, druggist. The McHenry Pleasure club is at the present time in better condition than it has ever been since its establishment. The clnb will at any time take in new social members at fifty cents a month, Miss Hellen Cohan will next year in­ crease the population of Emerald Park. The young lady arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Cohan in Chica go recently. Grandpa E. J. Cohan is also wearing a broad smile. The local M. W. A. are considering the advisability of moving from the Gil­ bert building to the room over the blacksmith shop in the new Mrs. B. Lanres block, which will be fitted ap to be used for such purposes. WANTED--Lady to advertise oar goods locally. Several weeks home work. Salary $12 per week, $1.00 a day for expenses. Saunders & Co., Dept. W, 46-48 Jaokson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Jan 17 WANTED: Tea men in each state to travel, distribute samples of our goods and tack signs. Salary $85 per month, $8.00 per day for expenses. Saunders Co., Department P, 46 Jack­ son Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Mar 37. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reser of Hebron are the happy parents of A baby girl, born Sunday, January 6. Mr. Reser is known to quite a number of our read­ ers, being the brother of J. J. Reser, former superintendent of the Borden factory here. ' 'Pine-ules" (non-alooholic) made from resin from our Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kid­ ney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from N. H. Petesch, druggisfc WANTED--Gentleman or lady to travel for mercantile house of large cap­ ital. Territory at home or abroad to suit. If desirable the home may be used for headquarters. Weekly salary of $1,000 per year and expenses. Ad- dress^Jos. A. Alexander, McHenry, 111 ^an ® The American Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers has issued an­ nouncements of the second annual boat show to be held under its auspices MarchS to 9 at the Seventh Regiment armory, Chicago. E, Hunter of this place is president and Henry T. Chase, jr., secretary of the organization. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contain­ ing Honey and Tar is especially appro­ priate for children, no opiates or poi­ sons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 80, 1906. For croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels the Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by N, B. Petesch, druggist. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other* wise ordered. Try it. ^ Why Colds are Dangerous. If you would become immune from disease, keep the system healthy. Each successive cold weakens the constitu­ tion and renders infectious diseases more liable. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure your cold promptly and restore the system to its normal condition. For sale by G. W. Besley. FOR SALE CHEAP--A second hand two-horse power gasoline engine. Name your price and take it away. Call at this office. Special Announcement KctrdiiK th* Na­ tional Para Food and Drnir Law. We are pleased to annoonoe thai Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not effected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for oUldxen and adulte. 4». W. Besley. .. W* McHENRY, ILLINOIS. SKI ' P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COftMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVBN TO THK SALK *1 y'«i Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs iSiJS This is the oldest house the street. Tags and price lists famished COLD STORAGE FREE I CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. § application. & cV "J Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois, sells the McVi Aer Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Rock Island Plows, Ws Carriages, Buggiro, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, .Harness Oil, Of Paint CHI and Machine Oil a Specialty. friilttii U$m I am agent for the above. | put the Rods on your Bulld- ' less and should they be struck '?• by UghtniuK we pay damages : If no more than fSOO. Call sad 's get full particulars. iOCMiil BlMkunitltag Prices ilwiys W«Mt A SOUND DRUBBINQ. 4 Ida Team Suffers Went Xtofaat of Season. At Yager's bowling alleys last Friday evening the West Side team suffered an unmerciful drubbing at the hands of the Owl Camp five, who are now the undisputed champions of McHenry, having defeated both the Centerville and the West Side teams. Until last Friday evening the West Side team had an idea that they oonld bowl some, bat sinoe then they have decided that they have no more license to bowl in a match game than they would have to challenge Joe Gans for a fight. Thus the West Side team is now a thing of the past -and will gladly step ont of the limelight and give some other team a chance to show what they can accomplish. Below we giye the score as rolled last Friday evening: West Side 1st 2nd 8rd Av.v Schreiner 1U 182 106 116 Cobb 158 90 104 115 Gibbs 128 128 146 182 Buss 91 144 188 128 Heimer 147 115 1H 189 < .. . 034 609 m 125 OwlCamp 1st 2nd 8rd Av. Yager 184 146 187 156 Bickler 184 154 10ft 148 Boley ̂ US 185 119 122 Bishoft 115 150 11S 126 Freunp , 162 114 146 141 657 699 719 189 Below we give the result of the bowl­ ing match between the two Borden teams which was contested on the al­ leys on New Tear's afternoon: 1st 2nd 8t# A v. Brown 110 104 . IQg ' 116 Kimball 105 121 ^7 108 Feltz 141 96 • y/108 111 W. Krause 105 121 W' 105 Spnrling 1 vt 76 ' 88 89 Spnrling i a . . r . 568 518 501 106 * ^ 1st 2nd 8rd Av. BickliPf 162 108 182 186 Smith 151 92 W 122 J. Krause 114 124 71 106 Schreiner 122 119 102 114 B"»°t ̂ 102 100 w 98 • - " 651 588 ; 114 list fine CHKRRY YAXLEY. Joseph McAndrews is on the siek tbis week. i G. S. Randall has purchased a span of bay horses. Mian Esther Murphy shared in the New Year's dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McAndrews'. v F. W. Courtney of Alberta, Canada, spent New Year's day with his sister, Mrs. McAndrews. Wm. Bacon is prospecting on anew drive well at G. S. Randall's. A depth of 160 feet has been reached without indications of water. The Right Name. Mr. Augnst Sberpe, the popular over­ seer of the poor at Fort Madison, Iowa, says: 4'Dr. King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably, do more good and make one feel better than any other laxative." Guaranteed to cure biliousness and constipation. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, * McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drag stores. Additional Persona!. } James Walsh, of the Richmond Ga* sette, was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Dr. R. G. Cbamberlin was a profes­ sional visitor at Solon Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Briggs and daughter, Leah, of Elgin, were guests at the home qf & S* Jwt o f t h . w X * . ^ « la MR. BASKET HQ. Ringing, Swings, Sinf Souttern Maskil Direct M tis (Malls KATURflK Miss fortfiit Dett, ** tie quilt tittle cMKicne. as "Sissy," tie Sato- j titer spdittks His m- pay Males i tmHe pvtet tiilly wtrtft POPULAR PRICES 25,35 md 50c. Sf ATS NOW SMIIK HQUlSTCft't pAolru HaiMfii&a Tmi ClQvRj MWIIHI »WI HifitUnMi V •:

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