... 1 -A** '• •'< Ssl * * *-Ar ̂ * 1" *r - % . * v^iw5 ; At; **> k f . VOLUglfXXXHl «5S- .'w| :-w WHOM WI CHTERTAIN ANO vr WHERE WE GOt Brows spent aufaifcan&- fliiitna •• VHtSWowmy it , Jr., egm* visitor la «ui (Mmgo via- •/H,*' -$ ̂ *;1" V ^•••- /. ...:<' W. *. Holts spent Fri- *lty. ̂ Tk«* wi^9El(Wiff-:l J. J. flfflle w* » ' Mat vteMov* ' iMhn to •§> VH » *44 ĴUJ A ̂ t|.|-t asss ia GUB^pp'4N|Minta9* ' EdwiaSaaaaDa etCtftê ospeat San- day wtttr a Chicago paa- M W ^Fmmm \wlWiPgO ̂ Imm^1 4|ktaAMNiHi' »"» *wlPiPII»«.- ,'WI WP». homalyhledaiigtiter. who haa bMP'teQMiaiibfbrsoatotiatet ib. «M|]|)tt A.CI Gtungeraf CM wi^F'••^H^pr Svu ̂ 4Hk M»' ., ' W/Kmw wHwHMRI?#, i'l^jpilw • -W• m*' ® few days duriag **» P*"t week". Jerry O'Mdlli of Omen -l#. Wis., hat Whole now atteadlaf school at Val paraiso, lad., spsptanntorat the horn* Mr. awl lfw. C. W 8*««er. Mm John C. Brits returned to her bosaa at Dayton, Ohio, laa* Saturday Mataing, after spsadtega few days at JfcAfeome ot Mr . aad Mrp. C C. Colby. "m of US was a bnsiMt ylsit* or is QUmb Saif WSS « Do *•• Want aMSpttifclGlte* Own? If so. loin as on iWtanpfy 5, 1907. Wewill leave the Orand Central sta- tioa InChicago via the Great Western railway at 6 p. m. If thsiuare tvrenty- flve or move we will ran aqwoial tonr- isiear. Tha round tripfhre from Chi- fetMado,wlll be$SS,in- Thara wilTbea*> dining ̂ DMh with tbern, as the oar Witt ha iHft with as until we return. Oaeataivivail at.Cheyenne, Wells, .Kit Genoa and Wild Hone, CoL, you will ba:aiK»wtt eoaae of the flneet forming you ever saw, at prices ranging from |4.00 to $12.00 per aore, and those 4stftin( homesteads mayloeate at tiw " time. Wat further jjp&oalaift or idAM».& f' Howe, McHsn- rj*W ThoeawW Aug to join us on tkia trip, misfar wltti Mr. -Howe as iill)i -- pn--ttilo as irn fln not care to ̂ : ̂ 80-2t HOiWK*KBll»B iNVBmaENT Co. Allen Walsh o t at the Park hotel. P»of. B.C.IIshw of Dundie was • MoBavy vlrtla» Mooday e*»rtng. H. rimnnnuaan speut Saturday and piay tof eyi%n«f|nn in MI*:|ttw'®iWler vent part of the past week with relativea and friends in Mrs. C. G Oollqr was the guaet «f En«lewood nSatiVss a law days JUs week. d^JlwSC^ ativas. Mrs. Kay O. f̂ pginrs spwt a few days tUs week wMi Hgin rriativsa and Mands. A. & AiU dl Woodstock was tti gnest of MeHenry relatives and Wends Sunday. Mia. Via Lamphara of lBgin spent with MeHenry relatives rLtbsHyyiAe flrtaads the first of tha wask. Mm U T. Blo î aad Utila daughtsr ttook wen tlM taasIs of MoHenry .rel Atmi |«#tes of BUbmauA .and Soaday with Miss «C MeHaaty wasfba «MS IfllM Wm m£.W. C.'SansQB Md son. How- ard, spsada few days last week with ' PhlatbMtaitttivea. mm WaiW aad Mahalle WhiilKtifinsaiT with Hiss UW» at the Vaata Clasloaaad *tti m*m r. aada p«rty of Ilielaadlwijsiilsfl TIIII1-T forOolasada Mr goaaabofuta weak angina. Name away. Oatl at S J • ILLINOIS, THURSDAV, JANUARVi HAPPENINQ8 IN M'HENRY AND POWER BOAT SHCM at 7th R«dii»«Bt Cfck*wo, March S 4* S. Write tor Om n#«*. at titnes had idfas which he or she would like to see in some news paper? Many a good thought has slnm- tha hiain of the thiafeer be cause of At dMBeulties and rehaffis sup* poaed to li* in the path to the editorial 1%a Chicago Reoord-Herald. a page in its Sunday issue called "The Ground of Modern Thought," exclusively to lettars from its rsaden. The hast articles xa* are carefnlly edited and printed over the wittm' names. IftalnMuat of really •sla*Ne matter that teds its way into tUa departmeet Is ramarkable, and is pĉ f that the ahUttytowriteienot ooatesd to pro- writers. The only restrietioik rd-Harald puts upoa its writ- mfor this hnufistlnt pagn is that ar» tiolas must heaf »«Bteataeslal natare aad devoted to the dlspussion of #. B. Mt̂ sr, ll«Beary's hastltecvar Ida aad vmBMo'Amlsr, haa just recent- Tha afw are sow to do ftM|p The new madifiwiy is for carving aad fetter- saving appam- work ia much it t̂ ea a smm to do perfart results m* always. - ' . A fhewMMd tellMS Worth miQm*- A. H. Tlnirnss a well knowa ooal of O., writes: "I with Udan mi witti MMFUciat'ng pain. 1 until I be* ia£«ll4at msr*k Kidaey Cura ̂thea theiesuH wassurprWag. A few deem like fine stones aad aow I hava ao pain acroes my Md- aeys and I AMTttke a new man. It hai of good." % It- Mty. MeHenry A. M., i*are W. n, W. r. GaWilwr ; 8. W« Harrison ; J. W., Hamgr Price; treasure, O. N. Owen; secret** :Dr. E. a. ChamberUn; & D., Hsaqr ; J. D., Joel Wheeler; chafe* laia, TIkjb. Thompson; a a, Chas. Ste- J. a, J. F. Millar; tyler, Sam uel thru the col* aaam of The Plaindealer.. to ezptess the many kind tham ia their ro- D. Wssbkr. fhTlimiUL cwl̂ boras. it *f Kcwa F»r OMmfr shoot squir- BMxm is to are spend- In crow huntukg. the crow we Milwaukee BSeetric is ctmridwiug the a«aw road from 'Mil- axtanrively used ehapped baads and lips, Sold by N. H. Peteech, Hi the twelv#.y««H had his^foot twisted fitta iir mmn? la a horae power gear- ̂hor8efl attached ordered that a new for practice in county court. The bid new 'is'HnaAjfty school teaeber asked how many 'wiiraimitMbts there were. He replied there were but nine, as Htary Jonee had broken one just bsKxeschooi had niltd For tain Tea. When a broom and tha than Our money Moun- A«>? your druggist, becomes end' straws beco^ue dip it into hot water, trim it avenly with the shears aad you will have a lHroom nearly as good aa new. Two days' treatttM&t free. Blag's yapepsia TabletB for test!oil, impure hfeslli. perfect assimi lation of food,* increased appetite. Do not fell to avail yoaraelf of the above offer, sad by N. H. We want young men and women to caisfeied darnaai for opatators. * Good positions guaranteed. Expenses very low. Catriogue ex^ainlng all fne. Dodge's Institute, Monroe St, Valpa raiso, Ittd. • M7 To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is wfn than to let it run and cure it after- Taken at the "encase stage" Preventics will bead off all Colds and Grippe, aad jMriiafn save yon from Pneumonia or Broachltis* Preventics a*e littie tobthsome candy cold rare selling in 5 oent and 85 oent If you are chilly, if yon begin l» saeeas. try Preveaties. They will eurely check the cold, and please you. Sold by If. H. Petnech. Tha season of icy sidewalks being at hand people who have cement walks are adpoaished not to throw salt on them, as the composition of which they are made won't stand for it The salt has the effect ot eofteuing the oement and sidewalk honey-combed. Ashes and sawdust are the proper ma te spread on them. The beet way to traat them, however, is to use a In good season. Then there w& henoneod of anything else. ts have decided to ohUs thehr plaoee of boriness all day fam Jan. 18 to May l>;tooloee waakdayaat 8 o'clock except Wednes- aad Satuidays, It-ie distinctly ageeed tla ̂no business is to be trans- Saturday night and Mon- Tbis is done that bosi- mea aad clerks may have their day df farii aadistarbed by business cares, their svwdbgs at home during the win- aad also to observe the 8ab- The of saloons do not ^ppsar in the list of those who signed nkeftnaer who residee .close to an ule^llk ra^way Une is to be eongmt- Heh»s a siding near his place pin cut ship his products without dNi^^lMaing. He can ride to the ditytaa pflas away fiir only a few cents afftxiijMiMi ̂ terms. He can a ha desires. He |̂ tiia«4eetrioewz»at £nnn the oom- paay fdr Ughts, has an electric motor to na^lli gaaoUne engine and is simply la toim.1 ̂̂ RFhat mom can he want? We beUavetimt the time ia not far dis tant wftaa paopie wM retire to the ism it. Every electric line of land in the vicin ity of ttsroute. ... It's a plsasure to tell our readers about a CVmgh Care Iika Dr. Shoe's. »s fought against tibe nsa cf Gptaaa, CUmofbnnr or other nasafa iagisdimls coaunonly found in Ow^t rsmiiifls* JPr. Sboop, it seems; baa' welqpaMi:## rm» Pood aad Drug Xmw p90tn$hf Im' Ihmi worik*' ((iH' years Dr. Shoop's Cough Oua cottlilners have had a warning m made it ponlfila far molliem to protrrt thsfar cUldren by simply insisting <m having Dr. 8boop'8 Cough Cure. Sold by N. H. tar Ooean aad ttls Aakok The Waatiy In- vioa«.»tor In spite of all sorts of UgaetatemeDia aad misrepresentations n^MMing the | situation, Chicago will have the biggest scd most important event of its kiad ln the country in the sect power boat show, to bo gtm^ttttitt ti«e au^pioea of the Ameriean Asaoeiation of igine and Boat Manufacturers in the Seventh regiment armory on March ft to •, next. It has been reported a|din timated in several dtraotlMHi tie ehow would not be he^l %i planned and announced, aad tt tl fair to Manager W. a Aodorsoc the others bnsily engaged ia call guiding the avalanche of for space and plans for partiotpatiocu to as not to be overwhrtiil#^ vent is made that fnrtyy lifltftintimi points to the most extensive, instruct ive and far-reaching power boat b1m># that has yet been contemplated in thie country. On every hand and In ivery bsaach of the industry wurk ls haing rushed on models, scheme* wta bel^g Revised and display iiVnifimmiti tming perfected for the coming rimw, while the social side of it asmmes proportions that would not have been regarded wHfc- tn the range of poesibilitiee when this annual exhibition was inaugurated under the same auspices a year ago. From different important points re ports from varioua sources §re being re ceived «ia number of anrpriato ia^ore for those intereeted in this new and rapidly growing form of sport and rec reation. The official character 6f the exhibition has attracted authorities and many of the laymen aloag th«t gnat lakse aad even from foreign eauatrtes; and the territory embracing the various exhibits is widespread, extending far beyond the confines of the Uatliftftettss. One of the innovations of partkmhtf in- tereet to the general publio will be the repeated argument in ttaWrial and phswical <brm of the ease ̂ life which people may enjoy the motor boat sport, M many of the devices and apparatus are perfected aad aimply arranged, and providad at a cost timt Is ridiculously low la covnparieoa with th# c^ber In- dustries and sports where mechanical requirements enter largely into the cal culations. Few buildings in the country are more admirably adapted to the require mentsofsnch an exhibition than the Seventh regiment armory, formerly known throughout the land as Tatter- sail's, where some of the moat famous shows of recent years have been held. In order to give th« exhibitors, as well as the visiting publio, every chance. Manager Anderson has been compelled to rearrange his aisle and decorative plans three times. In addition to all sorts and kinds of new models and de vices for 1907, wonderful things are promised in speed, comfort* simplicity of operation and practicability, and the dates of the official show are regarded as particularly timely, giving prospec tive and Initiated participants in the sport ample opportunity of forming their plans for the season before it opens. All the motor boat olnbe of Chioago are making elaborate plans for active participation in the coming event, and their plans contemplate unusual social co-operation with the leading clabe of the entire country. Invitations ara being shutout to clubs ia the principal oities to attend as guests of the local clubs, and this feature of the show will be one of the most important fro^a Jbe standpoint of attract!vonoa ̂ Behool Mates. •\ • : "M' John Larsen is back agaia In school. The basket bail team expects to play at Woodstock Friday evening. , The intermediate and grammar grades are preparing programs for Washington's birthday. By some error Alta Went worth's name was omitted last week from the honor list of the third grade. Her av erage was 88. Flossie and Hettie Randall have been out a part of this week on account of sicknees, breaking an excellent record for attendance. The tenth grade, to which they belong, has an almost per fect record for the year. Kob Old Winter. Cold, dreary, tedious winter evenings are made delightful by a telephone. Yon talk with friends or relatives and defy cold or slush. Order now and rob old Boreas of Us sting. Chicago Tele phone Company. ̂ Mrs. Robt. Sntton DmUL Mrs. Robert J. Sutton passed away at her home at Emerald Park at two o'clock this (Thursday) morning. The funeral wilt take place at 1040 o'clock Saturday morning from St Patrick's church. Obituary will appear week. , o « ftfANY SOCIAL EVENTS • ,/*,•. v ING WEEK. V't >J>V #or&«th Mn. I SmrprtM* Ml Sis" •" jjmat* aad ' •«»»--- mrfiji -• « „ *»***• , Alt AOREEABLE SURPRISE. A number of J. W. Freund's fri«ods to n«nind him of tite of his Wrth. The on Mr. Freund at the >, and to say that the a. aiostcmhjplete <«e is The in reCow- shock abd ssoortei his where he A right ro "'̂ iqpbnt in company etor© at surprise of lag. frou* guests u C*rp«t Ha* iislal. There will be a carpst ing social at the Terra Cotta school bouse Thursday evening, Jan. £4, to which all are in vited. Ladies will pleaee bring lunch for two, also ball of carpet rags with name in center. StrawbaniM, We are now ready to book ocdsm for strawberry plants. Price, oae seat each. Special rate per 100 or more. All varieties. Jacob I*HaKKM. a The Plaindealer and Cj§m» Daily Chronicle, both papers cSPflMr for |8.60. OrSsrat oaos ss the tbaeof this offer is in this way all sat down to a a^pst prepared. liy Mr& beautiful oak rocker was toft by the company as a token of the esteem in whtah he Is h^d ;W»d also to serve w a kind memento of the occasion. Those to enjoy the event ware as follows: Messrs. and Mesdames Stephen H. Freund, N. J. J us ten, Martin J. Wag ner, P. H. Weber, H.'Brefe!d,# Autos Barbian, N. E. Barbiaa, Math. Heimer, H. S. Freundi W. G. Schreiner; Urt- dwass Harry Bending, J. J. Miller; Mr. Joseph A. Killer. ENTERTAINS LITTLE FRIENDS. Little Miss Julia Freund celebrated her twelfth birthday anniversary at her hasae'^ Mf>a4»y. .eiwlat.by inviting a company of little Mends to enjoy a few social hour* with her. The even- in? was spent In playing the various ineralLv ao to make up an evening of enjoyment for tha little ones. A^an annroifflate hour refreshments of a very inviting nature were served, after whioh ths little ones departrd for their homes. The eoiapany left many remiaders of the bccaslou with the little The following Were prseent Boss, Mamie Buss, Grade Heimer, Verena Jus ten, Verena Bre- feld, (Mia. Freund, Vera Barbian, Lau ra Batbian, Mamia Bajrbian, Mary Lau res, Eva Laures, Leona Justen, Lpxa Freund, Julia Frennd. Fijj^BWXLlU PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown entertained about thirty-five of their young friends at a farewell party at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, who reside east of town, last Sunday evening. The event was greatly enjoyed by all pres ent Schaffer*s MeHenry oncheetra fur nished music during the eatire evening and dancing was indulged in. At an tour refreshments were of, after which the company of merry-makers departed for their various homes, wishing the host mud hostess prosperity and good luck in their new home. ___/ V Dino* «t Stofliel's. Tour company is requeate#itadance to take place at Stoffel's hall, West Me Henry, 111., Saturday evening, January 10, 1007. Music bv Metsger's Wood- etook orchestra. Have you been in the habit of attending these dances? Ifnot, get the habit and you will never regret it! A ftne sociable time is always guar* anteed. No one ever disappointed. Floor committee: West MeHenry, F. Neben; MeHenry. Chas Heimer; Wood- atock, Dale Floyd; Nnnda, Frank Tif- fany; Blngwood, Clarence Whiting; 8dbn, Guy Hodge; Emerald Park, Thomas Bolster; Wauconda, Earl Daitoy. Danoe tickets 80 cents. "• f ; Ooei Sk«tla(. , William Wbigmn of Libertyvitle, who bears ihe enviable distinction of having been the first white male child born in Lake county, who has the first offspring of the first nnion by marriage to be per formed in Lake county, and whose grandfather. Daniel Wright, was the first white man to take up a residence and build withiu the borders of laky county, got to feeling boyish last Sun day. He threw a pair of skates over his shoulder and going to Butler's passed the afternoon making cirelat the ice and cutting up with thereet of the boys. And he maid too, so the kids say. PLAH mtmmoH. Traction Compur Comldcfiaf Um t» Al(oi>qain and CryatAl l«k«. Elgin Daily News: BttSWW&ii the Aurora, Elgin & Chicago pany plan to extend their present sys* tem from Carpentersville to Crystal Lake the coming summer are betag re tired. When President Wolf was in Elgin last spring he stated that su<& an extension was being carefnlly consid ered, and that a line up the Fox river valley was only a question of time. While the railway officials will not admit thht they have fortiaed any def inite plans -rscaKding the proposed exten- *iou of tiie C^pentersville &ae, they do not dray thiiltilwy are giving the mat ter very cartful consideration. It is said that surveys have already been Wids for a part of the new route and sites will be fiafcen as soon as qpifag opms to push the wonk of eon* ' si iiwiai ii H MfWllOD. Probably thstu is no territory so un- traVMaedbj an ̂ Botricline la nortiiern as tha upper Fox river valley, of vlUagcs and towns would be much aasded facilities for the |f MS PICKED UP ABOUT T< - * DURING THE WEEK. limit **•»!« IN D*lac to Onr by *h« ' i Batter'Market. Twenty tubs of butter were pie* 4ft«f09 la * 4 Chinaatiaduoed prioeg at ̂ The days are now getting both ends. ' : • Are you square with us?' Ifnot is tite reason? Local spoi tsniisu luhT - - Would place common- ... ^ . elec- tric line, aad~Would ateo give' them transportation service to Marengo, Huntley, Belridere, Rockford and Free- port, as well as with the towns down tha Fox river, Including Aurora and Joliet. , •' . , •... • '• MEAD'S rAIIM 8AML ' * Kvetjrthioa on the MMfl rtm tott SoNI •t Aoetlon JannarT'ia. rabbits these The merry <flft»sp of the sleigh are heard <mca ] Perch fishing is in the river just Mead's au«i|oft See notice elesWhiti ln Mr. and M« Jqltt parents of a bul#gf^; day. J-U - . Tcschtri' MaHttf. A teachers' masltog will take place at Nunda on Saturday, Jwa. 10, at which time the following program will be #V*y :V\\ ' • 0:80 A. M. ^ ...V Music •. . ...,/. ..NaadaSchool DiscussionotChaptefSf and 8, K^t?s El ementary by Prin. J. E. Ackert aces of an "Inexporienced" .!lllssNinav.Johnson As 1 am about to move to Texas I offer everything on the Mead fhitt, sit uated one mile west of the Bot^va fac tory, for sale at auction. Bniryfitag goes--farm implements, wagons, bag- gies, carriage, bobs, horses, double and single harnesses, thorobred Tolouse geese, thorobred Barred Book ^okens, everything la household furiiUdi%i, in dhiiU '̂pteiick flalo begins liwu i m Saturday, Jan. 19. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amouat a credit of six months' tim« willbe givea on bankable notes drawing interest at 7 par cent per annum, K O. dabs, auotlooaw. W. H. Mbab. Tho lCaai Ahead. In every paper we pick up we see ot of gush on the man behind the conn ter aad the man behind the barii; the man baktaal. the gun; - the min - behind theaagtaaaad th« man behind ihe dun the man behind the times and the man behind his rents; the man behind the cars, the man behind the kodak and the maa behind tbe bars; the man be hind his whisker* and the man his fists, and nearly everything behind is featured on the list*. BoOhsy'va skipped another follow of whom noth ing has been said, the follow who is even, or a little way ahead; who pays for What he gets; whoeebillsate «lwaf« signed, he's a blamed right portent than the man who is behind. All we editors and merchants and the whole commercial clan are for existence to this honeM He keeps us all in buriness anA hii town is never dead; and so we take our £ G. S. Howard recently worth of pelts from Crystal Lake. Daily aid Sunday pai John gMM's. Sunday - H . P e t t i i ^ i a , . . . . Bringittybur ptscdine stove i Are you in att*arB for two over? If so, iN ̂the notice tlii quant iwilwailjWjik aitf «e| at one*.' hats off to the man w! so we tai is ahead. l«ctar« For Women. Mande L.Dunn, M. D., of Chioago will give a lecture on "Health*' at the home of Mrs. W. #. Ga&ahar at 1:80 o'clock Friday afteraBbi of this week. All ladies are urgently invited to be j^eaent. There will beU0$hi*£ft for admission, bat tiie lectuhi S| so arranged that it t the ladies' Aid charcb. Be- iaa wrteome and the sn^l^jfoijiti ̂ that m&st be of vital interest to all. . • ', 1:30p.M. " , Instrumental Music. The Reorganisation ot the Present Osnric- _alem..... Sapt. A. M. Shettoo teaChlHK «Jbe Engiish QUmIcb. ........... 8upt. C.B. Douglass ussioo. Will Sorve Sapper. The Willing Workers of the Univer- sallst church will serve one of their papular suppers in the church parlors on Fridajr evening, Jan. 35, ftoai five o'clock until all are served. After sup per a rnarical and Hterary program will be readared- The ladies will also have on side; aprons and other useful articles. GiMiNMii aad ea|of • good musio, good reading and a time, a^l toe twenty-five cents; fifteen cents. Hot water bottles an5 fountain syr- inges--quality gu aranteed at I^tesch's. Chronle Conatlpatlon Ottpi One who suffers from chronic con- Ipation is ia danger of many serious mttjajtos^kta. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup ~c constipation and it aids stimulates the liver bowels, restoring the natpr&l action of theee organs, Commence taking it to day Mid you will feel better at (Nice. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Gv W. BesleV; ̂ ' . <J«ts Thirty Days. Theiyoung man who attempted bur glary in the office of the Wilbur Lum ber company some two months ago was given thirty days in the county jail. His hearing was held at Woodstock last Monday. Whether or not the Geneva people will take the young at the expiration of his'term at the county jail la not known, but in all probability they will, as it was there that he made a haul a couple of before making the fatal attempt bora. Will Prosmt Play. The McHeery Dramatic club is rehMMlag the sidfrsplittiug farce edy entitled "Prince of 14am," whit* will be presented at the Central opera house on the evenings of February 8 audi. The play wiU h*.gi*pp aadar the aaapiees of ̂ *be local Boyal Nrighbrarsof America-Fl^lpartioalan next week. Dade's Little Lira Pills ^oroaghly dean the system, godd for lasy Una mikss clear complaxioas, bright A|l.l(»oattege la QlMliMardBeach by railway Saorl Waite. E. W. Howe and doing the work. Word reached MeHenry tha first 'tfcln" WVjBiC I ' The thaiVhllWmi an hoa»:aada.' N.J. ~ passenger i F. Iilma nf their places. A A LUhtt! week.. The Land o* fair elsed audi day evening. the best that 1 this i The Ladies' meet with Mrs. day, Jauuary M, good attendance i officers will bel The Januar opened at the < morning. The< 169 cases, two Ofy common law; circuit The Illinois State held in the capitol, Springfield, day and Friday, Jam The stockholders of Canning company will m^l hall in this vUlaga M Saturday afternoafc. A are requeated to be:glettWBiW3 ing. • ... All hous^told furniture ̂ tables, chairs, stoves, beds, glassware, tinware, ate., etc., sold at public auction on thai H. C. Mead next Saturday. Seal elsewhere. Mathias Rothermel, who laid up with a htood-ppiaoaed thep^t three weelBi, ̂ a i cut with a broksa boMia a%%|»l factory, Is 9«q|recingah»ty aad will able to go to ̂ Me aart wuek.' Frank Masqueletand igaapa now i lag aad .living, rooms i from Mlas JuttaA. r' improve H. Hirsch of he is located in poaaof try m MbHMiry •* seen north ofl his family out here a|> A report has been town that the hv«1 Mm evening of thai the Owl had beea < V x A' i*) * * v." -V'.. •y •m. l> -" K , • J V. . i