Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1907, p. 4

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is one reason why Ayer*3 Pectoral is so valiti* la consumption. It stops wear and tear of useless . But it does more -ttfcOiurols the inflammation, lihe fever, soothes, heals, your doctor about this. Many , trfjwsll. mMS. or SAISAPAMLLA PILLS. HAIR view Vf* httn UStMWrHat We pabliBh th* &*»»!*• of *U r wf1 % keeping the Ayers Pitta. McHeiry PliMealer - PCBLISBBDHFCVERY THURSDAY BY ? F. a. SCHREINER. QSce in Bank Building. Telephone. TKffM# 0P SUBSCRIPTION! f*r. Slxmonths. ISets. : SLSO tiffee nooUu. 40ct*. liandiy, January 17, 1907, It seems that the death report of the ftai1 of Persia has really made its fare­ well tour. ^=s=;̂ ^ has 1 SENATOR HALE saye Uncle BO enemies, but be h%s plenty ©f'trouble with his fool friends. : SOME men think they ate turning Over a new leaf when they try a differ- L4rfplug tobacco. Ntlrisf of police at Alton, 18., has . all "mashers" who resist arrest ishot. No Alton for Caraao. . Aa the colored regiments have been to the Philippines. Senator inraker will set go with them. THE Hon. WM. R Hearst has elected 1 Hon. Wm. R. Hearst to be state lan of the Hon. Wm. B. Hearst SOKE of the bright yonng men of the I leave set about once more to onst Wilson. Probably wanted to ; earlyon a life job. "BIRDS are now taken as models for airships," says a magazine writer. How more appropriate than elephants, iles or hippopatami. WE renew the suggestion to Gen For* k aker that if he keeps on investigating the negro troops he will get a'tafcmore information tfran he desires. ? to understand why so uinch »>liid lie laid npon the news that atna Goldnlan in in jail. It would be rathe* startling news if she were not * WATSON, who has discovered ; rats have a sixth sense, ought to triwent on a few human beiogs who act as if they didn't have any.- ' PERSIA'S new con»titmiotr ought to someone the opportunity to be- > famons by rising to ask. "What ia new constitution between frieuds?". THERK is at present a shortage of course, this is distressing, irly so mnch *0 as the short augers caused by thw auuuer- is.- • Judge Alton B. Parker is re- ;|avoring the income tax prop- s was last week, but Mr, I^Hews on the subject today, are |K^(6^S has a man who is a minister, an undertaKer, &nd a tomb* le dealer, all combined. There is a who is ready to stand by yon from lish. IT'North TDakota divorce cue pW&ntly- called at 8 a. m. and a rendered one hour later. Bnsi- luust be getting dnll when they- waste all that tuu« 011 one case. THE selection of a United States sen- ?»tor in Micliig-iTji has been temporarily ••atopjwd because of graft, says the Indi- .i|£aiwli< Sun. What* the troubleT 1 he graft big enought TDGE LANDIS evidences a disposition |!n>*!r<* the -Standai l Oil company snf- ilfor it« nin-. very innch fear the judge stands in need of a course _ Iffff of Suttday aehoollectnres fa A ST. LotriS woOMfttvihot at a on the bench and stfliB# him. How l| happened that the tra reliable innocent hfetander was not right on hand to stop m bnllet is a strange accompanying incident. * The Christmas stores did nobly, now after the struggle is ended they begin to feel as if they were entitled to a bit of rest.--Birmingham Age-Herald. Not a bit of it. Business is * continu­ ous performance. ' DELAWARE presents the two extremes of a man who can have the United States senatorship for tjie asking and yet will not accept it, awl another man who is willing to pay millions forit and yet cannot buy it. IN the Indianapolis Star there ap­ peared a few disys since a poem headed "Shylock and Bluebeard," the paper sheepishly explaining the day follow­ ing that it should have been heided "Skylark and Bluebird." It's funny what a difference a few hours will make. Thousands Have Kidney TnmMi tad Don't Know ft*-v/ " ,1 v Bow To Find Out. - Hit a bottle or common glass water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment cr set­ tling indicates an unhealthy condi­ tion of the kW- neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ der are out of order. What to" So. There is comfort in the knowledge So often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every pert of the urinary passage, it corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad. effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mifd and the ex ordinary effect of Swamp-Rbot is realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you'heed a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes. You may have a sample bottle^ of this wonderful discovery * ^ and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Hon* of Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham- ton, N. Y-, on every bottle. as Freiieh Economy. France In her system of finance and fn ber whole scheme of economy aids and encourages saving among the peo­ ple. The government conducts a vast banking institution whereby every postoffiee has its savings bank depart­ ment--Its "eaisse d'epargne." Here any one may make a deposit as low as 1 franc (20 cents), which deposit is re­ corded in one's "livret de la caisse d'epargne" (savings bank book). A convenient feature of this system tend­ ing to make saving easy is that one may make his deposits In any post- office anywhere in France and may withdraw any part of all bis savings at any postoffiee, without regard to where the deposits have been made. 1 have never had a servant in France who had not her "livret de la caisse d'epargne," and yet the girl or woman, If she had no family of her own to support, almost invariably contributed to the support of her father's family. I have had) one middle aged "femme de cbambre" on whose face each day I could read pretty well how the bourse was going.--Flora McDonald Thomp­ son In Harper's Baaar. * 41 % " >*' "•"* (M *•' •<. Shoppt mm.f-• "' ;-v Shopping is a form of cruelty in­ dulged married ladies toward their husbands. It is incipient in youngf girls, reaches an active condition In brides and arrives at its most virulent stage between the tenth and the twen­ ty-fifth year of married life. A small, delicate, slight, nervous, sensitive wo man who would faint away at an empty mouse Irap will go through the shopping district in from two to seven hours and come out refreshed and sus­ tained by nu unfaltering trnst if her husband's credit is good, while that gentleman at the end of forty-five min­ utes has to be ^carried home on a stretcher. Some women are born shop­ pers, others achieve it, but not one of them. b<m it thrust upon ber. Shopping Is extensively practiced on week days, beginning on Monday with a rush and ending on Saturday In time for the opera. It promotes Industry. Without It married men wonid have tima to rest.--Delineator. . •* MOST B ^ < U T I F U L Ll(t& OP LA­ DIES' & QENTS' WAT6HES EVER SHOWNIn TbWN *T\HE largest **• found at this store. Our goods are all purchased froip old established houses, and we can au^i will give a gilt-edged guarantee with every piece of Jewelry that goes 6ut of the place. Again we wish, to call your attention to the fact that we receive all the latest records, which. <aa beheard played at our stpre.; "We also wish to impress upon the minds of those who con­ template the purchase of ^ piano to GET OUR PRICES GET OUR PRICES WEST mchenrv. N. A. HUEMANN, - - i. - ,• • ^ ; f, ? ILLINOIS ; X'. "'"i/' v -j- L A D I E S ' A N D TOW j.,: fr, - V - ' s.»p _ ,3P.a.^1"1 €T«liiiES Notice to Delinquent Subscribers AH subscribers knowing themselves to be in arrears to The Plaindealer for a period of two years or over are hereby requested to call for immediate settlement. During our newspaper career we have found that dues over $3.00 ai4 yery hard to collect and when n statement is sent to the subscriber the editor generally ( <gets his" for allowing the account to run that length of time. To overcome this we have decided that hereafter no subscription will be carried over two years, a|id hereby give notice to those who are two years or over in arrears to come in and make immediate payment. All accounts of $3.00 and over will be left* t)a# hands of > collector after February I. ' * > *. \ ^ SINGLE AND 1 , i.v - • • !•: ' " .iv ' 1 " .= Uf«i Hot IHptk, There is mneh difference in the pay. chological effect of the two ideas "life" and "death." This was Illus­ trated, says the writer of "Letters From a Surgeon," in the case of Gen­ eral Frank Bartlett. who was wounded on the Fredericksburg pike in 1804. General Bartlett was brought to the surgeon bleeding profusely from a wound in his head. He was uncon-' clous and white as death. The sur­ geon called his name, but could not rouse him. Passing his finger into the wound, he found the ball had not pene­ trated the bone, but had simply cut an aistery in the scalp. This the surgeon bound with a ligature. He laid the general on the ground and completed dressing the wound. "No harm done, old boy!" tie shout/ ed. "This Is only a flesh wound. Ton will be all right when I take a stitch or two." The good news seemed to bring Gen­ eral Bartlett to consciousness. He rallied completely. "I thought I was done for," he said. "Well, If I'm all right, here goes." Before the surgeon could stop him he was in the sfddle and riding at the Jbest gait of his horse back to the front again. . <1* • ' 'ft or lnttueiiza, w to call it, is one of the diseases known. t ever you ̂ Sfwtfs Emulsion, wlticli is Cod Livei Oil and Hjrpophosphites in easUy forrn, is the greatest strongtb htiildur to medical science. is so easily digested that It sinks inl»^ new blood and new lalt nerves and muscles. Use Scott's ilnlllMISA* .. lavmlambh tor Coughs mad Cotik, AIX/DBUQOISTS > 50o. AND SL.OO. IMIIIH' L PROBA TE NEWS bjr McHenry County Abstract [Fu Company, ^podstock, illftiois.] RKA^t ESTATE TRANSPEEW. '/' Lewis Hatch ASr to Fred L Hatch, sec 20 eHneH stec 32 and land in Lake Co <250 per year during life Catherine J us tea et H1 to Caroline He- deabergb, its M & 35, J U Festet'n sab- dlvisloit,sec20, McHenry....... 9190 MARRIAGE LICENSES.. Fred Phillips, 29.. . . . « . . . . . H e b r o n Eloiee Dgpsow, 18. ... i ... .Hebron Clarice R. Draper, 2§,,.. .Nnnda Twp Lena A. Mason, 28... , . • . Dorr Twp Lester H. Thompson, S7..... Woodstock Bessie L. Mason, 21.... Woodstock **• w«r* «f MwMttMMr; r The ways of the moonshiner are pret­ ty much the same everywhere. A suit­ able location consists of a secluded spot with water In abundance. It Is Important, should he eve* be called upon to defend a case in court, for the question of the ownership of the land upon which the still Is located, to be involved In doubt; hence the moonshin­ er gets ns near the line of his own land or th«» laud he controls as possible. The stills are primitive affairs uud are often made complete in the neighbor­ hood In which they are operated. With two or three square yards of sheet CJp per the still maker requires but a few hours to make the "b'ller." Home made hogsheads are usually used its fermenters. and the only thing tbutjlie Illicit <lixtilh>r lias to seud "off yundcr arter" is th«» worm. Relng difficult to secure, the moonshiner iprifces his "worm" highly, and that part of the dlfttillery ts usually taken away when th«» operator leaves Dsvid A. Gates In Metropolitan Magazine. Orlirin <*f MBlMeatoekln«rHb** " Burke, apropos i»f "Rvuliua/' paid Fanny Huruey tills high tumplimeot: "We have bad an age for statesmen, au age for heroes, nn agi; for poets, an n«re for artists, hut this" with a gal l.-iut bow to Kanny .-"is flte age for women." The name "bluesUwklugs," given to lhest> dlstlitKiilsbi*il women, arose, according to l*'atmy Burtiey in her "Memoir* of Her Puttier," from an apology made by Mr. Htilllngtleet in declining un invitation of Mrs Vesey'g to a literary meeting at ber house. "I am not properly dressed for such a party." he pleaded "IMio, pho," she crle<l. taking hUw and Ids dress all in ut a glance, "don't intnd dress! Come in your blue stockings." This be did, sud "those words ev«rr after weii ||xed lit playful stigma upon Mrs. Ve- sey's associations.**^- T. 9.% tondoo Weekly. f> Something special! The Weekly In­ ter Ocean and this paper for|1.5S for onay--g. As*uswkattt»a--a "Pine-nles" (non alcoholic) made from resin from our Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kid­ ney diseasss. Medicine for thirty days fl.00. Guaranteed to give satisfaoti n or money refunded. Get our gnarantee coupon from N. H. Petesch, drnggist^ What Wr Xmnil Oa. The density of the earth as a whole has been estimated, with close agre<* meat among the scientist^ who have made the determination by different methods, to be about 5.5. or five and a half times as heavy as an equivalent sphere of wate^On the other hand, the -aVerage density of the materials form­ ing the accessible parts of the earth's cbust Is between 2.5 and 3. so that the mean density of the whole globe is about twice that of Its outer part.' This indicates that the central part of the earth Is composed of heavier mate­ rials and may even be metallic, which condition, says the Engineering and Mining Journal, would accord perfect­ ly with the nebular hypothesis. Mature and Broken Boaet. In the spliclug of broken bones oa- ture can give the best surgeon pointers. When a bone Is broken the splintered ends are surrounded with cartilage un­ til they are firmly held In position. Then gradually a layer of bone is placed between them and soldered to­ gether. All the physician has to do Is to bring the two ends of the bohes together so that the point will be smooth and even. Nature's little agents do the rest.--New York Tribune. Pile* get qnirk relief from 'V. Shobp's Magic Ointment. RetuemUr it's uia<ie alone' for pile*--and «t work* with certainty and nati (faction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles dis­ appear like ntagic by its use. Try it and see! N. H. Petesch. Taf-tc Co'vfrai Spelllaiir. Shal;e*|>enre swelled his own name Is sixteen different ways which have survived, and It Is evident that Eliza­ bethan spelling "depends upon the taste aud fancy of the speller." It la the printing press wtttelrafcK&l spelila* by stereotyping It. and it bt, after all, on the printer's reader nfore than on the professor that the spelling of the future depends.--London Star. Bnitds np wsste t ssue. promotes ap petite, improves digestion, fndnoea re­ freshing sleep, give'* renewed health and strength. That's what Hollistwr's JEtocky Mountain Tea does. 85 oente, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. Olkiaa at~redooe4 prioss si Plt--oh's. d658B8555S \ (T1V6 US your order for \ J that new single or driv- ? J ing Harness. Our work f J is the best and prices are ! j right. See our elegant J J line of ljusters and Lap J ? Robes. :: : J i CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPECIALTY i { M. A.THELEN j 5 MoflENRY, ILLINOIS. • \ fee----e--e----sssssiisj Did Vou Say meats ? can supply you At first-class style' %ith the finest meats that money can buy. ^ sell beef by the Q u a r t e r . " D o y o u w want one? If so, ttP- Fresh - Fish - Friday f. f. MATTHEWS, II!. Want Column. All advertiMmeuttt Innertwl und^r thi» head at the folIowfalStatM: Five lines or ent*, tt cents for flrwt inserthmt U centit for each insertion. More ttea Ave lines, 6 cents a line for tlrnt insertluu, Mill 3 ecnta »line lor additiona Ui«ertlou». Tj^AKM " fMrn FOU HALE-H. C. Mead offers bis rm, cotislstlnn of 125 acres, model fMtrn house, two go K! burns, poultry Itouso. spring liOHstr; n-ithln ono mile of depot ut Mcllenry. condensing factory. butter factory und urlxt mill. Torn s re.isoiuvbU' and uartdc K nown on application. H.iC. MKAD, West Mellonry, ill. TJHdt !*A li, d rk, lev«-l prairie land. 1 fa.",0 to #7.00 HII ucro. on easy terms. Tltl s ierf«vt. Splendid climate. All make money on land I sold. SIMON H-nnrKT,. 28-«t FOU ODM s'sck ' contslnlns oiitht tens of bay. Inqutro of JV C. Felts, tbe draormso. A 2^-tf "ITHVRHALF.--A nearly new milk wagon, ono r b ^ity in (tood condition, und lidrness. Fm- furtlMT in formal Ion apply to i>t elertric hgltt plant, Mc Henry, 111. Uey nold.s 2S-tf V F mati<m apply \ Hej»<".v. Il»- . R sAl.E -1 akota rtd •» olorndo landH. t|<*n*«><.ten<fahW8{*ri. !*<»r fS'ther inf 'i- u» or a»ldf»*«» K VV. Howe; Mr- 2»-4t Bank of This Bank reoeives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a : GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do- all badness intrusted to our carrin a naimar and upon terms entirely satttCant- ory to our custoinan and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Tloney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. .. INSURANCE v in First Glass Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully wc , w1'1 "1 1 • .1 Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CENTERVlLLE the line of fresh and Mlt MEATS, We aleo handle J^uttis^: bnrgh Creamery Bsti4*: Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. Sev- ;bdoi. ^OOvadVpwsiiL r* --1 rlc^ 0?i{S&5,1ff-.i!vt15Ky5aK; ork, sach as group ptetttna, Views •• buildings, catt l«. maehieepjr, etc. ^>Al«krsfmenta. _ Copied from e» H rail I picture. Lt ken qss sasnujieeSl inevwyinirt^ce. Vtitsfced ia hlMk and «MMor colors., Fremee.. A mrle^of styles le gapRRt? }<sx ,d Ml SONS. Wfiriinis • Wuf icorn&rConrtimi O.T. 8MILE1T" -rwfr-^ •' ';• i" • < t-' * •» ?• * \ . A TTO&|8^>%®mv¥, Woodstock, IUlnoll " M AUVh«MtesMtet»usted to his care"will l>e 7^ properljr aad proaptiy attended to. • \ , v; W. K". STONR r». fSm-tessor to Rr. F. cntoss.). \ ' Office Honrs froni 8 a. m, un^l 5;3^ V( > ; 3 Pb ,n. ijfcO op®»^ evenings. . , '• McHENRY, - - ILUNOI8, • .yf' . Office and Residence over Peteseh's Dnt V v 4' Store. Telephony No. 274. *. . .... ' ^ J ^ * - • .• 'V- ' "7 -* *""" ' • 1 ^ 5 i '~- ; DR. R. O./CHAMBijRLI^gJf •, ^psMTIST.* , ' t ' Offlceelsd Residence over 11.4. W«WT» Hour,: 'jifffc• mi*.*-• v • s:-|L • m n -, 'V ^ Meyer® - \;i t Oeneral teanMg • *-vivn..-."" . <\ "T V WMX MCHBKHXVLULITTITZ Ii'jiiii. Iiifinniiii.'ii • . / •• ot all kinds. vtf • .. ^ v s - 1 Excavating anil Grading. HENRY - - - liLlNOlt ' 'V TdepiMMNo. v ^ "**"-* * ,, MMON STOFFEL ^ . EiManuioeAgentforaUclasaeeof t pipoperty in the best Companies. 11 I . ' . . A. J! . i f . ' Wert Mclleery. Hltaieis . p. (ARRMOE PAMTIKt.tS.OOlMilPWARD [ Hdnse and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec- '*' OfStlng. Residence north town line one blbCK , West of river. Telephone No.254. HCHENEY. 4 -f, - JLLINQP^ , ---- • ^ J o h n j . V y c i t a f J ^ I DEALER IN ' GenereJ Hardware Stoves, Faints and Oils. Tin and vmr • ohine repalrti^| all, fepds. . Phone Stt» | * ; J McHENRY,/ ; ^ 5 - -I|.LlNOra. * ' f"Tf } FRANK BVHft PRACTICAL PAIlfTUR AND PAPER HANGER Telephg.e, . Office in Hefn­ er feldg., Oen tervllle. jrj,: * -j yj* m |;A.,WILLfY,|i«3P« ^VET^RINARY SURUEON^ , C m AND DENTIST. ' ... ... ... -x ILLINOIS. McHENRY, 1+ Wel1.-drilling a specialty -WM. to select fretta. Odd SIMS made ap for any she picture, certMcftte, eta, Waekegan St., near the Standptipe. WB8T McHENRV, II.L. T«ltph«s>, 493 Chicago ft North-Wastersi. TJ^OIi SVf.E -The IWnipy Colby bulldiiiK nvar «• Iron brl«i(jf. M lleiiry. Apply to r, VV. Ilowi'. vicllenrv. III. 23-tl.. J- Yonr money refnnded if sft^er u«*ing lhr»*< fonrlhs (J) «t tnlx> of MsnZsn yon sr« K*»fnri> the l>sl ance of tbe tnhe to yonr drnggfot. and yonr money will I* cheerfnlly returned. Take iidvantage of this N. fl. Pstwh. drn«gi«t. , , . , •«:: WANTED: Ten uieii" th*"eacfi slate to travel, distribute samples of our goods and tack signs. Salary fttt per month, $8.00 per day for expenses, Saunders Co., Department P, 46 Jack- son Boulevard, Ohloegat IU. .Mar 17. Leave Chicago. T.Wam...,v. B00 am...... 3.S9pin.. 4.00 p m.. 4.57 p in.. BfCpctlve November ID, UU. WEEK OAT VHAIXS- soiHraiMNnio V«»l Via DCS ....Via .11.14 a IB a n> 4.86 pa s.45 a m. «10 a t.JS p m Arrive lfltlO ••.Ma ...7.10 via Via .w. Vh» .. . 10.H6 a m ....awpK 7.80 p tr mta 'PhoneIQt, - i j • ^ *v Dealer In Windmills. Pipes, Pumps, Fittlsp^ f- Well Applies. Flrst-claJis work „ rS ( gnaranteed at all limes. ^ ^ McHiBNKY, ; r « 1 " • . v.: :h¥' : :4 ..Tel..Aisle *, - J WHY ! do people of liv Henry. Lake an 'f"-r • ";j - ,• o t h e r c o u n M ^ - m * drop in at La^ibert '? Q. Sea^^^tlriil. w Fifth Ave. ^ r ' • * ctncAQor Because it is S0 home like. fit" • w l" .t!"' • i KIL L TM CO U GH m CURS TW LUIUCS WITH SUMPTION Pries 0U0H8 and 60c &ft Pres. ttawist.ancnE SBBOAT and Ji,mra XJW»oricoirsrr Ifefe'r-• O H I G ' N A I i u li U u H S :-y*. ...v, lis? 9 i. ; * iK| ' * - 4 ; j ' ; • ' J •*> \\ "'"T Vc" ^ j ' - f ' J - •fV, •€•/ f f ' j ' Z-: > -V ' j.'s daL,:', "H V ~ ' i •* ' " • v,. J ' >•" •«"- w:V'»|a

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