Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1907, p. 8

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I p ̂ , ;r »• -A ^ . «*. J -, Mt*--^ • 3 •«, - -s - . , . , , , „ , ; . . . . ^ t . . . . . . . H a v e n ' t Y o u B o u g h t A . . . . • v ' V v Suit or Overcoat this season? We have a big assortment^ m on hand at prices that Would make a 1 TAILOR WONDER that the qualitjg, 1 is so good for the price. In fact, the*;, price he would charge you for the ̂ '7 same quality and workmanship woukf% appear so he had tov pay the price forf\\^H& cloth alone, that we charge you for a *7 SUIT OR 'tVERCOAT./ J 4, V r * • )*^ '!*&' Sf ; » West flctlenry, Illinois. 1 fpA . " 5 > ? OUR LINE OF HOUSE- * " HOLD FURNITURE IS V , MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER BEFORE AND IS , • if. AT ALL TiriES READY igflKS i 5,1 FOR YOUR INSPECTION. ; l ? :* LET US GIVE YOU OUR iS PRICES. THEY PLEASE. rrZ j.M t i 'k-A A 7* , I ' ' >( - "* < i, - A * . - ; M Hardware! ssas -. V - - V - Often tnfaes the question, uWhc*fe shal * * « . _ V ' l ' , . ^ buy my Hardware?" comes before us^ . lil^The economical buyer always decide this j» h ^ . . ' • • f c ' C - ^question by purchasing from the dealef who offers the best goods at the righ| prices, and that's the reason his mind ?' is always turned to the West Side1. Har<% •' ware store, where the best of goods ane vh *4* sold at the right price#* Try us and bjjf- convinced. <' iJ' -j 1 ; '.0'y x . HcOflBER WEST SIDE! HARDWARE ^3S3S! W-'r? • f % <1 ",<v y * ^^ It will Pay You to Investigate Our on many lines of the heavy winter goods, to reduce stock. ; i : : * • •, ' < - >z:t ' . :iK ' " r j - f i i en Jtoord There is no case on re­ cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other seri­ ous lung trouble, after j FOLEY'S had been taken. < It stops the cough and heals the lungs and pre- vente serious #om a cold. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or experiment with some un­ known preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honejr and Tar. Remember the name and get the gmuine. i Smri GoM for Thrw Monffst. The following letter from A. J. Nus- baam, of Batesville, Ind., tells its own story: "I suffered for thre« months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared m« some medicine, and a physician pre­ scribed for it e, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey ana Tar, and eight jdoies cured me." Three sbes~25c, SOc, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two lns« one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times much. G SOLD Aim RECOMMENDED BY W. BE?LEY. WEST McHENRY STAT E Stria VICE EXAMINATION. fUfiinlN Civil Service Com»ti*Hloii Soon to Cuil ExmninattoiM, 1, , tfllinois Civil Service feoilutfrflidibff will soon call examinations for stewards and head farmers in the stote institu­ tions. These positions will pay from $125 to $160 per month and board. Head farmers will receive their house rent in addition to their board. Stew­ ards must be good business men with knowledge of purchasing merchandise and general supplies. Their duties will be the management of the business portions of the big institutions. Examinations also will be called for pathalogist, physicians, assistant physi­ cians and internes. These positions pay from $75 to $125 per month and board, with the exception of internes, who will receive $25 per month and board. Applicants who desire to try for posi­ tions as teachers of the deaf, literary teachers, assistant mations and attend­ ants should file their applications im­ mediately. Housefathers and house­ mothers, who receive $75 per couple, also will be examined soon, and appli­ cations should be sent to the headquar­ ters of the commission without delay. A director of the State Psychopathic institute, at a salary of $8,000 per year and board, will soon be selected, and physicians who wish to try for this place should notify the secretary of the commission so that they will be in* formed when the examination will be held. All applications ahoald be addressed to Joseph C. Mason, secretory. Spring* field, 111. . Cured of Lung Trouble. "It is now eleven years since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C. "I had run down in weight to 185 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began 'taking Dr. Kings New Discovery and continued this for about six months, when my cough and lnng trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons are healed every year. Guaran­ teed at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. TeiHsfcerH* Ht Marengo. A teasers' in»lt|g will take place at Marengo on Jan. 26, when the following will be given: Mnsic.. = .Marengo School Discussion of Chapters 7 and 8 on Discipline, Keith's Elementary Education . ,. .. Led by Snpt. 0. W. Grov«a Instrumental Mnsic The Experiences of an "Inexperi­ enced Teacher.... Miss Evelyn Hall Intermission 1:80 P. M. Music .Marengo Sohool The Problems of the Small High Schjpol .Supt. E. F. Hultgreun Country kife and the Country School : ..G. W. Conn, Jr. General Discussion ; ? • . »•• ' *"T Adjournment . .v;/, " Are you square lather--sont ̂ Wm Mom »t Molon. Mr». Frank Yerbes died at her Home In Algouquin, Saturday, JMi>u»ry 18, 1907, aged 46 y*a?s» 0 nioutbtnittd % The news of canie aa § to Everyone,'ae tibep«r o<l of her iliU was but one Anne«fik»tton was born Jnly % Ht Solon III. kmUM until sixt̂ l̂ ftrs wbm ilM went to AliQMtniu to teach sohool in the Ford district After teaching there two years, she was uiarried on January 1, 1870, to Frank E. Yerkea of Algon- quin, and tuiuce then made their bow* in and about the villeite. To thorn were born three children-- Myrtle E., Rath Mae and William J. Myrtle r<- died in infancy aud William Jf, tn |«b- ruary.1904. Mrs. Yerkes had been in actfVe mem­ ber of Lady Washington Cam|» Ho. 123, E N. of A., and was vioe^oi»cle at the time of her death. Besides a boat of friends, the deceased leaves to monrn her death a husband, one daughter, Mn>. R E Haeger; an aged mother, Mrs. Ruth Sutton; three brothers, Albert, Robert and George Sutton of Solon Mills; and a sister, Mr*. Fred Brown of Mason City, la. The funeral services were held at tfef Congregational church, Algooqniu, Tuesday, Jannary 15, at 8 o'clook p. m., Rev. Ernest Benson of Belvtdere officiating. The Royal Neighbors at­ tended in a l>ody. Mnsic was furnished by a male qnartet from, Elgin, and there was an abundance $f beautiful flowers. Interment took pluce in the Algonqnin cemetery. Those from a distance attending the funeral were: Mrs. Rath Sutton, AI bert, Robert and George Sutton, Solon Mills; Mrs. Fred Brown, Maaon OMjy» la.; Mr. and Mrs, Wrn, Morton,'Mr and Mrs. Harry Morion, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Balcb, Mr. and Mm. C. Graagor, Mr. and Mrs. Heliigas, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell. Mrs. Esther Sherwoo<l, Misses Anna and Vera Haeger, Elgin; Mrp. Fred Bartels, John Rattray, Wood- stock; Mrs. David Haeger, Mrs. Frank Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton, Mrs. Eliza Dygert, Mm. Louise Perkey, Mrs. Eugene Bennett, Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Seyinonr, Carpentersrille; Mr. Simes, McHenry. IlanfMBdttiM and tasted nttnf Vota nnsdr tliat will m Cbtit&M 'teiyi *Ka lljUfc anj itakAMP Inriraita sosar tAas aMod jbo. AndtlMw, wfcwfi <Bl««s» pqlionpM wUm tmto pa* tam tts mtm, aad 0» mtm *t H|w«nn»W«n>fagoostoww»- TktmM-wv*,*# nsl*)s»id iw) PfHSl srnnw to satUr lvuffi "IK* • eo*Ml». Ws ten.and inoopfl»oca iiinfiniiwi SHOP?S Umiiiiliii f. H. PETESCH, quahtei: ot a csntury. Mmm Cttw»* from The F1a|a4«a|sr »* Imurjr m, iim, A P. Wise Counsel From tlM South. "I want to give some valuable advice to those who suffer with lame beck and kidney trouble," says J. R. Blankenship of Beck, Tenn. MI have proved to an absolute certainty that Electric Bitters will positively cure this distressing con* dition. The first bottle gave me grant relief and after taking a few more bot­ tles I was completely cured; so com. pletely that it becomes a pleasure to recommend this great roptdy." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch'*, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry. drug stores. Price 50o. Plaee Your Order Now. The government postal authoritiea hare caused to be posted in every post* office in the country a circuiar letter to the public, urging everyone to nee en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business «"»», "fawner or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on lite envelopes, thns insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer and leave orders for this stationery amid it will be pnt np in first-class manner. How Iq Avoid Pnenmoala. We have never heard of instance of a cold resulting in pnenmooi* or other lung trouble when Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken. It not only stopa the congh, but heals and strengthens the luugs. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substt* tnte. Dr. C. J. Bishop of Agnew, Mich., writes: "I have used Foley't Honey and Tar in three very seven cases of pneumonia with good reanlts in every case. Q. W. Besley. Motto*! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the offioe no later than Wednesday noon of week. Advertisers, espeaially, are toi take particular notice to this This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.55 gels fiqar both mi* ye#r Special deal. Chas. Granger is to succeed \7aite as depnty postiaastfr. O. L. James, of the Milwauk ̂Bridge eena^any, oommenoed the work of ^ailHNNPg np the bridge this morn­ ing •« A lergc uumber of our citisens were Woodstock the latter part of last week, attending court, the trial of cur bridge «a*e with the connty being on. U was dosed on Friday night, the Jodfle reserving his decision. It wni ffrobably be decided in abont two weeks. L. Stoddard, an old and well known resident of this village, died very sud­ denly at his residence in this vjQSage on Tuesday afternoon. Very few ot our oitisens knew that he was sick until his death was announced. He had a dis­ ease of many years' standing, but has been around tending to business until Saturday last. Shedd & Co. have oontipenced har­ vesting the ioe on the pond and for -a. few weeks it will be lively in that sec­ tion. As their bouse here ia full of last year's ice this .Mesa's crop will be ehippsd immediately to Chicago. A long train of empties came in on Mon day for that purpose. We understand ttpey will ran about one hundred hands here. It h ranoMi by the knowing one» that a cock fight took place in the weel part of our , village on Saturday nigh# lust. If this is a fact we should like to inquire where our marshal was about that time. We would suggest to our beard that he either be requested to do his duty or resign. From the manner in whioh things are going on it might with propriety be asked, "Have we a marshal among us?" We learn that B. S. Grovenor, who was formerly with Ward Gale in the foundry in this village, was accidental­ ly killed at the foundry in Elgin on Wednesday last It sggMars he was at work alone in the evening, and going below to adjust a belt his scarf caught in the shafting, and when his fellow workmen came around in the morning he was found hanging to the shaft, his neok broken. Grovenor moved from this place to Elgin about a year ago. He leaves a wife and four children. Commencing Friday, January to February a we will ckwe out all odds and ends: ̂ and small lots at cost and below. Ladies' Shirts at 25 pet cent Discount, $ Ladies' Furs at 2$ per cent Discount, f r ' Ladies' Caps that sold at 50c, 75c and $1.00 now $3,90 and 79c. Ladies' Flannelett Night Gowns that sold at SOc now .39£. Men's and Boys' Caps that sold at 85o and SOc now 19c and 39c. Men's and Boys' Sweaters that sold at IKfe new .39c. . MenV fleece lined Shirts and Drawers that sold at 50c now 39c. .. Boys' fleece lined Shirts and Drawers that sold at 860 now age. Men's work and dress Shhrts that sold at SOc and 78c now §fte. Coffee! Coffee! Cm*sl The best in town for the money, at... ... 15c, aoc, as,and39c. Special discount on lba» or more. ' 5oap & Wash Powder Lenos Soap 8 Bars for 35c, per *»*••/• $3.15 Sanfba Clans Soap 8 bars for age, per bo! .$3.19 CalnmetFarnilySoap 12bars9gc Johnson Washing Powder, 4ft pkg., per package .v .. .13c. Fairbanks' Gold Dust, 4ft pkg., per package 19c. NIP F. A. Bohlander, S8MB i Chamberlain'* Congh Remedy 1 Medicine far ChUdrnn. In buying a cough remedy for chil­ dren never be afraid to buy Chamber­ lain's Congh Remedy. There is no dan ger from it,, and relief is always sure to It is intended ^specially for cenghs, colds, croup and whooping ffpgh, and there is no better medicine Saj the world for these diseases. It is jM>t only a certain oure for oroup, bat, sdken given as soon as the eroupy oougb appears, will prevent the attack. Whoopbig cough is not dangerous when tills remedy is given as directed. It contains no opium or other harmful dfp and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult For sals by all ̂ rqggists. Something spedalt The Weekly In* ter Ocean and this paper for$1.56 for one year. Ask us what it means. stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn Ms back on the COAt QUES­ TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left with us will befilled promptly. OKDJER NOW. $ _We carry a full line of Lumber, Lath, ...*-'f Shingles, Brick, (Jme, Cement, Etc. s A"/ . fo buy your drugs. During our Experience in the business we have found that it is the house that j|andles the old and reliable goods tHat meets with success and that |s ji»t the kind of goods we ? handle. .« ki. '; / \' 57 '* ' *• • •" . f'" :-p5.3 V ' G.W. BESLEY SB BARGAINS TAIN ABLE ALL TIMES,. OB- *4-* v' THE PLACE TO DO YOUR BUY­ ING, "v*. i : : 3fc Beys' SuM SMrt vap We have bought and y|§f |w1 on sale a special SOc vtftue in Boys' Shirts and have thrown ̂ in aP shirts sold at 50c and 69c in this lot giv­ ing you a big selection to look at, mm 12^ to l4, choice ... ... A. snap in black Sateen Petticoats, full cut SMrt with deep 3-ruffled flounce, special value Tacble Linerv Se>.vii\Ss! We areah^riflg a special Union Linen Table Cloth, one that will wear and wash well, • 45 inches wide, square block design, per yard• 63^4ch fine Sheer onion Table Linea, bow knot and vine design with border to corres­ pond,' a special big value, per yard.. 35c AU ^kien Table Clotlw extra wide, per yard... i „.^.49C-7SC Ladies' Pla^lCblf C^eB going at. 35 mm VALUE - 35c We have thrown on center counter all Kimonas sold at »*50c and in order to dispose of them quickly have mar­ ked them at this jow fig­ ure,, going at ...35c BIG PANTS VALUES We are showing a special big value in Men's Work and Dress Pants and guar­ antee every pair to be a money saver, choice of lot $1.00,1.39, 2.00^ 2.25, 2.98 .f. rt. ^

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