Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1907, p. 4

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is one thing that will lift it-~Ayer's Hair Vigor, h it a regular scalp-medicine. |t quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes heathy. The dandruff disap­ pears, had to disappear. A healthyscalp means a great deal to you--healthy hair, no dan­ druff, no pimples, no eruptions. Th* bMt kind of a testimonial-- "Sold lor owr sixty yeara." SSthrTo. SaMMli, A1.0 " yers waifeatiten of f SAKSAPAB1LU. PILLS. CBEREY PECTORAL. Tie NcHenry Pidittfeiler t' - PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY »Y !' \ F. o. SCHREINER. t ©*ee in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 17*. TIMit OF SUBSCRIPTION: ..fLBO Three months. Mots. • year......... - •U months, 75 eta. Thursday, January 24, 1907. • Senator Culberson is doing the beat be can to let the country know that Texas has another senator.-7 /i . If Satan could love he would cease to r bs wicked. Daily thought in Poughkeep- & tie Star. Snre, he'd go daffy. Mr. Bailey serais Inclined to want the legislature to pall off the election before jfipnariTinfl; with the investigation. It mint be confessed that the rail- : rtads seems to be working jnst now for HIivlfct. Bryan and government ownership. $r The peach crop fails several times •very spring, and yet, strange to say, the sweet summer girl crop is never a teilure. The meeting of the Farmers' Institute of McHenry county, held at Hebron, Jan. 11 and 12. via a successful and in­ structive convention. Considering the bad roads, quite a number from other towns were present The afternoon and evening sessions were more largely at­ tended than the morning sessions. The officers of the institute spared no pains in making this meeting truly instruc­ tive and entertaining? The hospitality of the citizens of^Hebron was greatly from other towns, the meetings were The United States is rich enough to pay fair salaries to its leading public servants. Failure to do this is dis­ creditable. Thecsar of Russia spends modi of his time in his library, so the cable says. We think we should prefer the cyclone oeDar. We are informed that the price of ileef has been raised, and yet it did look as tho it was hard enough to raise the l*toe as the thing stood. The champion lady whist player of the world says it is a sin to play. Prob­ ably she couldn't help thinking it a sin Ij-fthe way most women play. ' fi - "Parents should teach their children - to love sugar," says an eminent English : physician. Teach them? What kind of I- V children do they rear in England?' Washington is demanding seventy-five I oent gas. Her citizens, it would seem, eoght to be satisfied with the brand „f 4jjbat they get absolutely free of charge. i Qrover Cleveland probably would be to act as senator frOtn New •g Jersey during those portions of tbe year $>\ "When he is neither hunting nor fishing. Count Witte is explaining to the Rtta elan populace that he did not accumu- late greart wealth in the government § service. The suspicion of graft is every • (Ji where. . A scientist lays it down for a fact that people who drink whisky simply r - ehsrgo themselves with electricity. '" Certainly, they sometimes do shocking ft A St. Louis man has invented a chick- % 4a»choking device. Col. Rastus Wash- M^oa Napoleon Jones wants nothing batter than his forefinger and thumb, however. ^ The courts have panted protection to the slot machines which infest the subway in New York. Broadly con- r< aldered, the subway is itself a sort of f f plot machine. Even tbe heroine who, by waving her * red petticoat, saved the fast express, 36rom destruction, has had to give up her pass. Thus dp ihe gins of the unjust vail upon the jnst " A Massachusetts man dropped dead jastae he started to read an original Jposmto some friends. Editors might try the experiment of letting poets read f belr stuff to them. , appreciated by The proceedings of as follows: FEHOAY morning. Meeting tilled to order by President M. Long of! Greenwood. Invocation by Rev. S, L. McAmis, of Hebron Presbyterian church. Address of welcome by L. A. Nichols, president of Hebron village board. Response by M, Long, president Of the institute. The first topic was "Mixed Farming," by B. A Thomas of Orreenwood, fol­ lowed by discussion by Mr. Long and Mr. Howell. Mr. Thomas showed that mixed farming could be made very profitable, and gave a few items of great interest on the way in which he and his brother Gecfcge conducted their farm. The president appointed committees as follows: Nominating eommittee---G. W. Conn, Jr., J. H. Turner and F. E. Thayer. Committee on resolutions--George A. Hunt G. W. Conn, Jr., B A Thomas. Adjourned until 1:30 p. m. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Meeting called to order by President Lomr, Opening song, led by H. M. Turner, tn which all joined in singing, as re­ quested by Mr. Turner, which shows with what spirit a farmer goes at any­ thing if only he has someone to lead him. The topic, "Weeds and How to De­ stroy Them," was then discussed by George Hunt, H. E. Howell, F. E. Thay­ er, Mr. Thacher, Bert Thomas and Mr. Long. The discussion was ^§ry good, showing that the participants know how to destrdy weeds even if they do not destroy them. Canada thistle, bur­ dock, yellow dock, yarrow and velvet weed were the weeds most discussed. Bert Thomas suggesetd that the farm* ers pay particular attention to quack grass, and told how he and his brother had killed four acres in five years. Mr. Howell's idea of killing weeds was sim­ ply to get there all tbe time, and re­ ceived much applause. Instrumental music by Miss Hasel Wester man of Greenwood waa received with applause. The topic, "Corn Selecting, Storing and Testing Seed Corn; Methods of Corn Production," came next. George Hunt, H E. Howell, Mr. Thacher of LaSalle county and many others took part in the discussion, which showed that fanners are too negligent in select­ ing seed corn. There being no corn on exhibition, the corn question was not considered as it should have been, as it is our principal crop and we ought to endeavor to bring our best crop up to a standard not td be surpassed by any. The afternoon session closed with a short talk by G. W. Conn, Jr. # FRIDAY EVENING. This session waa devoted to domestic science and -was called to order at 8 o'clock by President Long. The program opened with a clarinet solo by E. F. Stratton of Hebron, fol­ lowed by a vocal solo by Miss Bessie Stone of Nunda; reading by Miss Ida Rhodes of Woodstock; solo by Miss Mable Allen of Greenwood; inatrumen tal music by Miss Haasel Westerman of Greenwood, who was forced to respond to an encore; and a song by tbe Hgbron male quartet, whojlso responded to an encore. An address was then given by Mrs. M. E. Bangs of Springfield, her subject being "Homes of Illinois." Mrs. Bangs is a very able speaker, and those who have heard her endorse her as such. She certainly gave a very good talk and her discourse was enjoyed by all. If we all tried to live as Mrs. Bangs instruct­ ed us. what a happy home circle we would have. The evening session dosed w|t$i clarinet solo by E. F. Stratton. SATURDAY MORNING. Meeting <^lled to order at President Long. Prof. W. J. Fraser, of the University of Illinois, Urbana, presented the sub­ ject "Importance of the Efficiency of a Dairy." Prof. Fraser is one who knows of that which he is speaking. In fact, he is the right man in the right place, He explains any point so it can be fully ifltSe m : Nursing baby?! lf« & heavy strain on mother. •' Her system is catted upon to s aourishment for two/', Some form of bt e**3y taken up by mother** systeafl lit needed. M h •7: Scott sEmittjlofn greatest possible amount of ment in easily digested form. Mother and baby are wondorfuQy | helped by Its use. - ' • 3.V. • AUL MUGGBTS. a*. AND '; ' ' WE HAVE W*E OF THfe HiaST B B A U T I P U L LINES OF LA- QENTS* WATCHES VER SHOWN In TOWN npHB largest'and beat litieof Jewelry can always be ^ found at this store. Our goods are all purchase^ from old established houses, and we can and will give a gilt-edg^eS guarantee with every piece of Jewelry that goes out of the place. Again we wish to call your attention to the fact that we receive all the latest records, which can beheard played at our store, We also wish to impress upon the minds of those wtyo con­ template the purchase of a piano to GET OUR PRICES «I OUIt PIKES N.A WEST McHENRY, f IL|4NOIf QENTS* RINOS IS TOE TALK OP TMB TOWN. IT N E V E R W A S More COnPLETE tfioutms pHYBICIANH AND SURGEONS, KcBEean 5}- OlBce at Resideî e, corner Ooartaa< i Blm streets. Telephone 188. ̂f O.T.SMILiEY , g A TTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, IUIooto " All business intrusted to bis care will hm'-. properly aadpromptly atteodedto. ̂ 1 4*4* ̂ W. F. 8TONB. D. D. S h !. i •Snccegsor t6 Dr. 'F. C. Boss.) ' , ' SfiV" Office Hours from 9 a. m. until SitS" "f " ' ^ p. m. Also open evenings. " ^ i McHENRY, - - .. ILLINOIS.̂ * Office and Residence oy«r Peteseh's Dragtefr l Store. Telephone N6. 274. 5 : . ̂ $-'"ri understood. He does not over-estimate the dairy business. Very few farmers or dairymen know which cows are the profitable ones in their dairies; There is only one way and that is to get N|Mt understanding. In other words, resort to the proper methods, vis., the scales and Baboock test system. The meeting then adjourned until ! 'clock. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. President Long called t|se meeting to order. ! The program opened with a vocal solo, "The Man Behind the PtoW," by F. Westphall of Alden. r- "Forage Crops of Illinois" was pre­ sented by Prof. O. D. Gent^-, of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Prof. Center devoted his whole time to speak­ ing of alfalfa clover--the growing, oat- ting and curing, and the milk-prodttei*C qualities--and was very interesting, especially to those who endeavor to ralse this crop. It looks reasonable tint if such results can be gained by raising this clover that it is the orop to r^se to a certain extent * > The committee on nominations re* ported ihe following nomination for officers of the McHenry County Fann­ ers' institute: President--F. E. Thayer, Hebron. Vioe-Preridept--B. A. Thomas, Graen- wood. Secretary---J. F. Weetphall, Aldse. Treasurer--F. C. Wells, Harvard, Moved and carried that tie report of the oommittee be accepted ̂ The resolution oommittee reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The people of the village of Hebron and vicinity have shown their usual spirit of hospitality and progress; ami Whereas, They have, through their representatives, given material evidence of the same by furnishing a place of meeting with all of its conveniences and comforts free of charge to the Farmers' institute, and opened np their homes to those in attendance; be it Resolved, That we hereby extea* onrf hearty appreciation for this expression of a very commemorable spirit Whereas, This community, so rich in musical and literary culture, has gener­ ously co-operated with the officers of this institute in providing entertain­ ment and instructions for all of its ses­ sions, be it further Resolved, That we extend to them our sincere thanks for an invaluable contribution -to tbe sucoess of meetings. . ' Whereas, The president and secretary of this organisation have given unstint- ingly of their time and talents with no prospects of a tangible compensation for the same; be it Eeeolved, That we take advantage of this opportunity to testify to the per sistent and successful efforts of theee men. Whereas, there exists iunong the burners of the state of Illinois a general desire to effectively enforoe the state game laws and to preserve the sanctity of the Sabbath; beit Reeolved, That the game laws of Illi nois should be so amended as to prohibit the killing of any quail, prairie chicken or pheasant for a period of five years that hunting on private premises with oat the permission of the owner be made unlawful, and the penalty on cms viction the same as that for hunting without a license; that all game killed shall be carried in open view; thatbunt- ing any where in this state on Sunday shall void the license of the hnnter. Whereas, The farmers of McHenry county have not as yet takeu advantage of the opportunities offered by our state university and i to college ofagriculture; Mid Whereas, The two weeks' courses of­ fered in the various departments of this college would be of Inestimable value in extending tbe influence of our state uni­ versity among the farmers' boys of our county; beit Resolved, Thsfe the McHenry County Farmers' institute encourage attendance at this year's session (Jan. 21 to Feb. 2) by defraying the necessary expeneee of two members of the Mefleyry Geunty Boy's Country club while in attendance at this session* and that tbe selection of the boys be left to the officers of thlajn stitute. > Whereas, The expenditure of time and money upon the pnMio roads of MeHenry county does not produce sat­ isfactory results; and Whereas, We believe that much of the waste is due to the lack of pursuance of proper principles and the lack of, con­ certed action and uniformity of plans; beit Resolved, That this institute go on record as favoring a reconstruction of our road laws, such that the work of road building shall 0 ̂under the direc­ tion of individual state, county and township commissioners. The adoption;of theee reeolutions was followed by a song by the mala quartet, who responded to an encore. "Manuel Training for the Farmer Boy," by Pro. W. E. King, principle of tbe Hebron high eohool, waa followed by a discussion in which W. E. Wire, R. J. Jones, Q. D. Center and G. W. Conn, Jr., took pari 'Practical Demonstration of the Bab* OOck Test," was given by J. P. West­ phall, of Alden. The topic is soon to be takeu up in the high schools as one of the important features where agricul­ ture is taught It is being endorsed by many high schools principals at pceeent SATURDAY EVENING. The evening session was devoted to Hie boys* cl«& in which many interest­ ing subjectswere discussed. SINGLE AND . /\v* i. ..V KOTICK or DimoLimcHr. To all whom it maf oonoern: Please take nrttns thSt aS a special meeting of the stdd^lderiraf the McHenry Plain- ooatpany, held on the 38nd day December, A. D. IMS, at the office of said oompafcy in l&Henry, Illinois, it was voted by two-thirds of all the votee represented by the whole stock of said oorporat|on that said company abhndon the corporate enterprise it has engaged in, surrender itscyittnr, franchise* Mid oorpomte name and dlatolve said cor­ poration. J AMIS B. PSRRY, Pres. 8®-8t. L. T. Hoy, Sec. Special AwMQunHit Kffardlag tin Nr- tioasl Para Food aadrDrajt Uw. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar foe coughs, colds and lang^tcoattss is not sffscted by the Hational Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe, remedy for children and adults. G. W. Besley. " MASTER'S BALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of aa order of the Circuit Court ot McHenry County, Illinois, I willon Friday, the 8th day of February, A. D. 1907, at tae boor of Jl o clock in the forenoon, at the front door of tbe court boose, in the Olsy of Wood­ stock, County of McHenry and State ot Illi­ nois, sell at public ancuou, to tbe^ l̂MMt ar, for cash, tbe to descrit Number One and Lot to-wit:' Tbe'Nortili 6alf <K) of •ert" 3ne (1) of the Southwest Quarter 00 Number Onou(l) of the Northwest X). all la Section Number Seven (7), • Number * -- '• am and State of the Richard Givens farm, located about three miles Southeast of the Village of Mc­ Henry. Twentĵ perowat of tbe bid to be pakl in cash on deed. balance on delivery of VALVIH J. Haamncis, Master ia Chancery. Why Colds are Dangerous. If you would become immune from disease, keep the system healthy. Each successive oold weakens the oonetitu tion and renders infectious diseassw more liable. Chamberlain's Congb Remedy will cure your cold/ promptly and restore tbe system to its normal condition. For sale by all druggists. The opening attendance of the Ten nessee legislature is reported to have been the smallest in the history of (he state. But that may be due to the fact that passes are abolished and walking is bad. Why SsStrrmB BhtBSMttasf Do you know that rheumatic pain can be relieved T If you doubt this just try one application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, it may not give you relief front pain but will make rest and sleep possible, and that certainly means a gnat deal to any one afflicted with rheumatism. For sale by all druggists. The dubious outlook of Senator La* Follette's railroad bill in the house may open thst gentleman's eyes to the fiMt that the senate moves in a mysterious way, its hasing to perform. Dade's Little LMftar PiUs thoroughly oleauth^syetetn,good ft? lasy livers, makes clear eomfrtMrtdas. blight «y«a» happy thoughts. Sold by esch, druggist . ThePlaindealer wfll be esotto any aflflrnss *^1 as lis wlilia the t weiilj Aye csints. said will be rtlam«Hun»l at the mTfrtifitiffti of |hat tUaa MdassotfMMv wiseordeced. Try it Give us your order for that new single or driv­ ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. Bee our elegant line of Busters and Xap Robes. :: :: :: :: : amuse TUMK asmoaut M. A. THELfiN t McHENRY, ILLINOip. J \ son: Did you Say 5 .1; , ̂ sjsir- i ^ * We can supply Job in first-class style with the finest meats that money can buy. We sell beef by the quartern Do you want one? If so, up. Fresh - Fish « Friday E. f. MATTHEWS, JR. < : Want Column. AU «dv»rtiMm«nU iiuwrted nnder this kMd stths toUMlHwtw; nriltaN or M*. W owiU (ot a taswttoat U osata (or each ratiifiwrt Im--rU ItoMthM flrcltuM, (ouitaa lina Cor Snt ISWItlWl, --S > eento t tine for xMIIIom lnmllpiii. -CVABM fob BALE-H. c. Mead oners his * farm, ooosfstlps of CK acres, model fanu house, two cood bans, poultry boose, sprta* boose; witfiu one mile of depot at McHenry, coadenslnf factory, butter factory and grist mill. Terms rauKnable and made kno*n on application. H. C. Mbad, West McHeBry, Ol. tpOR SALS--Rich, dark, level P H8S toS7jMan acre, oa easy perfect. Spiendldciimate. A1 on land I sold. SuiOa Sxoi "CH>B SALE--One stack A tons of bay. drayman. cont ̂ Inquire of F. C. T2VOB BALK-A pearl L^Ar4* at eieo|He light TTVOH SALE--Dakota and Cob ™ Homesteads located. Fori Satlon iumqr to or address E. Miry. 111. Howe, MoHenry, 111. T OBT--A bunch of keys, sine/, here between Lass.o,satr1 w""r TMljs, bowline alleys please return to GaO. |ZH>B 8ALB--'Three ,new mlleh cows with * wivesbyslde; also Ivs close sartaaMra* SSJSTOSEBF' •»6388 acres of tiled hay land, rotation inquire of McHearyTm. Henry #tate . farm, one mT _ feary. Imiuire at WseS Sl-St* •>«flaa tlte big vandevilla show at the Osntml Suaiay «Fa®u#^,y7. Bank of This Bapk receives, deposits, buys wad sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a .r J. • aa&AL iaiikuk ujsmrsi We endeavor to do all btisinees intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class fleenrity. Special attention given to collections....... *?•»* INSURANCE in first Class Companiss, at tbe towast ratsa. Tours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Natevy RiMk4* iB«al(»n. CENTERVILLE l7e handle everything in |he line of freeh and sal|f ̂ MEATS .;r f' and Sausage#, . We also handle Johnsr ^urgh Creamery Butted > -'if, V,' Chas. G. Frett, AKcttoory, 111. PHOTO STUDIO. aadsiaM.. tew- ram. Baoh doa-. it styles. Pries, ve extensive of ou 1 fil WaCk aad white or oolots. - Pipaasss. A vaHetref styles ia stock toselect fran. OH Mass made up for a^r ata* Waakegaa 0t,,aaarths ta warn McHtNBY. » % TetseHeaa, 4#9. .a ais CJlkago A Nsftt-Wmwrg. /•V':vv 'MeetlWltewiiis ̂ waaa aAvvnans. t. "wimk mnim.' ... .....VI Lax-ds5 BR. R. DENTIST. Office and Residence over rt. Walsh's rs: 8:00 to 5:30. ; kst MoHknry. Itti ; . . . t . ' A r t > • ' . t i . } Teiepliea* N?. *93 ̂ ' % " \ J SIMON STOFFEb Insurance Agent for all classesdf property in the best Companies. • . West McHeary, nMi« , ^ J • . : n.,W>n ,1] BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTIMT AND PAPER HANGER aRRIAOf PAINTING, UPWARD ̂ . | House and-Slgn Painting and all Interior Dec^L'**: : >./ '1 orating. Residence north town line one WocSSK'^fr^s^^ WfSt ofriTer. Telephone No.854. MCH£J4IIY, - ^ - Illinois , . j n J. Vyoita I DEALER IN ' , \ Genera.1 Hardware ; Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and maif chitre repairing gf a}l'Phone 54®'^/ McHENRY, l.~ ' iLONOIst# •* J Telephonei^' • , OflScein Heim^i No.894. * erbldfi;,,Centervill<|>; _j VETERINARY SUROEON AND DENTIST. .43 r f \ j.. v D. A. WILLET, M. D. C. EON ILUftOlS^V McHENRY, "4 1 Well-drilling a specialty. " T ^Phone WM. BACON 1 ' , f Dealer ln Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, FittinSSfC ^ 4j Well Supplies. First-class work s" * " guaranteedat a^ \ McHENRY. - ^ • IUk W H Y »• ' -j cC* * do people of Ml . . .i Henry, Ltdce aa ^ ' 1 o t h e r countl /' . drop in at ^ ,,,,, | Lambert- fS * ,V' Q. Seng's M Fifth Ave., ̂ _ 1 j CHICAOOt Because it is < home like. -n-z • % KILL the COUGH «*p CURE THI LUWC8 w™ Dr. King's New Discovery P(in /tor----- U ONSUMPnON 0UGH8 and 60c&$f4» LOS Free Trial. l̂uraat and Quickest Cure for all THSOAf and LTJHO TBOVB- LIS, or MONEY BACK. :• • Mi otMaM. <«r rCC MTOHNIfc ee viaas' sarsaiMiof. oy ewsaass sal TMS UMUT. Bcnd mortnl. photo or mnk Hl (res raport on eoorla Patents obtaiaed throofh TWft» sad SOUk, Aea sisas aaa oorvBKurrs Opposite U. a. Patsnt Offiee* WAaHINOTON, 0. O. j S P-i NOLUSTW't ocky Mountain Tea Nuggtte A Buy Vsdldm fcr Bwy Mags QsUmi fisalth aad Bonrad Vlgar. ^ Hsciflo for Oonstipatioo, Indigestion, Live ' Bowels, Mountain Tea ia tail- rorrn, SR cents a box. Genuine mate by .:.I8TSA DMOO Cowiky, Madison, Wis. -DEN NUOGETT FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Import - : , % • iSSL A X A T I V E * * * ' if, O J ' Il̂ S 'ii&fts. -1 p ' : *4- * ; '"J -'d . ' • '• •- •sa led lessse ........74Spm r A : N I N , T ' ^ £" . ... • i wmimM

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