OF WEST MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Stock, •OFFICERS^ ^ ».• ft. EDWIN h. WAGNER, President PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-president, T SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President.. ' CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING \CCOUNTS,,SAVINGS AC COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITf DOHEST1C AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC 4 jg»M p«.*d on Savings Ac- coUi *s and Time Cer tifies of Deposit. J0* IT AS A ( TO BUY bakers' Cocoa, per 25c can.,».20c Uneeda Biscuit, 6 packages for...... % > • 23c Postum Cereal; per large package... . 20c Triscuit Breakfast Food, per 15c package 9c Sorghum, 100 per cent pure, per 40c pail. .30c Ben Hur Flour, Minnesota patent, guaran teed, per sack.......... . . . . . . ... $1.10 4 lb package Johnson Washing powder.... 15c Wisdom Washing Powcfer, per package... 3c Armour's Canned Meats, 3 10c cans for.. .10c Armour's Canned Meats, 3 5c cans for.... 5c Reo Plug Tobacco, per 20oz plug .... • •. 25c Country Club Smoking Tobacco lib pail . .29c v 6 bars Lighthouse Soap, 1 packag# Lighthouse Soap Powder, 2 bars of Flotilla Soap), the c^nbination for £5C JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. Jlew Year's Bargains should induce ,*v .i1 . •, i '*•» \ •• f '*• , activity at the * 'Little Store. r>- -ft" '.r», -? * * I to Bars Kirk's Cabinti - . . - - * * - s»- •{ T"; Soap. • * v. r • • 25 cenH V' »•<? v %• • ' ' ! " " < • 1 found Plug Squa.r®- V/. . ti •/« »b«Lcc#*^. «5 cents * v **" < • ] X- •» ' 1 •' • "/'V - - ' , •, ^48j6- ,4v Grandma's Washing '*! • * \ ' Extra Heavy flannel- ette • j: • - • • , . i* $V* -> I* * ' ; ] * > s : K4 '->• • •>> v ̂ We Bid You Welcome. *•' 0̂tk p0l P H I L I P J A E Q E R GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT: ; iMii w. SPECIAL ATTBNTION GIVEN TO THE SALS OF V";J bressed Beef, flutton, Hogs. Vesl. ;J:/. Hides, Etc., Butter and Egftk J ThtaUthe >wnHyi>tiffn COLO STORAOB FREE Man• ajtjNiMpeft^ 4 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS .̂6 J , «. ' •• J mi the street Tags and *V t -\t* I fBzkSdldt °en ^1 Si Jos. H. Huemann - ; Johnsburgb Illinois. the Mo^i^her Gasollse r I Sa^ne, Duplex Grinding Mills, • BoUk Island Pkiwa, Wagons, ' _ Quriages, Bnggi^iv, Wind Miib, \ ' Well Supplies. Haraens Oil, : Paint Oil and Machine O't a Specialty. riHkHi UUMi M Wrtfl ; i am agent for the aborc. Wo . ' put the Bods on your Boild- • tc^s and should they be struck :-v' by UghtninR we pay damages . if no more tbau §500. Call and 1 get fall particulars. V * m. *eieri! BlKluoitttttf Mces tiwiys Re<s--iMf JnRNgBOBfiH. Peter Britz was a Vote caller Sunday. Wm. Oeffling spent Friday at Ingle- side Math. Batter from Volo was here Monday. William Althoff weet til Chicago Thnreday. John J. S^iaefer made a trip to Chica go Wednesday. Miss Susie Freond made a trip to Chicago Monday. John Karls of Spring Grove was a caller hefe Saturday. Dr. N. 3. Nye was a Chicago pa--en- ger last week Friday. The young people are enjoying skat ing very maca at present Jake Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping are the proud parents twin babies. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Volo passed through here on Thursday. Misses Helen Michela aud Eva King were McHenry visitors last Friday. Mrs. John Bowers and Rosa Justen of Spring Grove were here Friday. Misses Emma and Marsraret Freund spent Sunday with home folks here. Joseph Thelen and John Mertes were recent business callers in McHenry. Miss Christina Meyer spent Tuesday with her friend. Miss Emma Bngner. Mr. Reed, agent for the National Biscuit Co., wag a caller here Friday. Mrs. John Qbhmitt of Aurora is spend ing a few we^» with her children here. John Karl and John Wagner of Spring drove drove thru here one da0fttt week. Miss ^Margaret Adams boarded the train for Chicago Wednesday morning. Mrs. John Jfchaefer visited her mother Mrs. Margaret Freund, one day last week. - Mrs. intoft Meyers spent Monday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Jacob Freund. > Mr. George Wirfs and wife visited the lattera setter, Mrs. John Blake, Monday. Mrs. William Kattner and daughter, TiHie, of Sprt&g Grove were in town Thursday. * • Peter M. Freund and family are now moving pp their new farm near McHenry. \ , Miss Lena Hettermann of Barling- ton, Wis., is visiting with H. J. Hetter- mann here. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Worta aud little daughter, Sadie, of Volo were shoppers here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Schmitt and daughter, Beatrice, were Spring Grove visitors Saturday. Mrs. Bugner.spent the latter part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Freund, at Ringwood. William Kattner and daughter, Til< lie, of Spring Grove spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. John Thelen. A great number of people attended the Catholic Forester's dance here at St. Joseph'b hall on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nick L Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay spent Tuesday at Mr- and Mrs. Martin Frennd's of Ingle- side. The Forsters had a festival on Tues day evening. Supper was^ served at a late honr, when all departed to their homes. All reported a good time. It's a pleasure to tell our readers about a Cough Cure like Dr. Sboop's. For years Dr. Shoop has fought against the use.of Opium, Chloroform, or other unsafe ingredients commonly found in Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop, it seems, has welcomed the Pur* Food and Drug Law recently enacted, for La aae work ed along similar Hues many yean. For nearly twenty years Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure containers have had a warning printed on then against Opium And other narcotic poisons. He has thns made it possible for mothers to protect their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by N. H. Petesc h. RINOWOOtf; Henry Schaefer Chicagoed 6W9 ds^y recently. J. C. Ladd shipped a carload of bogs to Chicago Monday. Mrs. Amos Smith waa a passenger for Chicago Tnelifay of last week. Mrs. Will Beck and Will McCannon spent Wednesday witb Elgin friends. E. A. and J. D. Smith have purchased ten head of Jersey cattle from a party in Waukesha, Wis. . Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, removing all dis orders from your system, is what Hol- lister'e Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keepe yon well. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. Ask your drug gist. „ Martin V. B. Spanlding, an old re spected citizen of Ringwood, ^passed from this world of sorrow to a world more beautiful Tuesday morning. He received a stroke of paralysis Sunday morning. Age 71 years. Funeral will be held from the M. E. church today (Thursday) at 11 o'clock. Croup can positively be stopped in twenty minutes. No vomiting--noth ing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant, and safe Svrup, called Dr. hSoop's Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Sboop's Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It's for Croup, that's all. Sold fay If* H. Kot • Lanrr* Even washerwomen, employed at a small wage, find telephone service a profitable investment. This feet should be full of significance to the citizen who believes the telephone is a luxury. Chi cago Telephone Company. ^ y Why not get in line? Tes, Jt is a special--a very special--rate. $1.66 for this paper and The Weekl/Inter Ocean for one full jtan'tletit get away from yon. RMKRALD PARK. Mrs. Ed. Comiskey is visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill spent Son- day at their cottage here. Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Chicago is spending a few days with Mrs. Ber- kircher. Messrs. L. Huck and TheoSchieesleof Chicago are spending a few days at the former's cettage. To stop a Cold with'"Preventka" is .safer than to let it run and cure it after wards. Taken at the "sneeze Stage" Preventica will head off all Colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventica are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 86 cent bexes. If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preventica. They will surely check the cold, and please you. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Among those from a distance to at tend the funeral of Mi's Robt. Sutton here last Saturday were: Mrs. John Powers, Miss Oelia Powers, Mrs. Mae Lester, Mr. and Mrs.. John R. Powers, Frank Suttou, Thos. and Mike Clearv, Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Cleary, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Miss Nellie Cleary, Misses Mayuie, Margaret and Lola Aylwnrd, John and Robert Aylward, Celia Frisby, Mrs. O'Flaherty, Mrs. S. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty, Miss B. Braban, Mrs. M. Rourke, Miss Florence Connell, Miss Ida Cornell, Mrs. T. Larkln, of El gin ; Mrs. M. Kelly, Miss Eleanor Kelly, M. Kelter, Ed. Kelter, Miss Ella Kelter, Mrs. Wm. Bowles, Ed. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs, Mrs. J. Demling, Wm. Bolger, Mrs. Beeker, Miss Esther Beeker, M. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. D. McMaua- mann, Miss Irene Frisby, John Wall, Mrs. Wm. Wall, Mrs. N. Biggy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bacon, of Chicago; Ed. Sutton, Miss Mae Sutton, of Sioux Falls,' South Dakota. VOlA ~ . Ed Luilt a ound Lake waa in town Sunday. ' ' v David Parker of Liberty ville waft in Volo recently. ; George Kuebler of Palatine spent Friday night in Volo.' C. G. Huson of Libertyville was in town one day 'iast week. : Born, to Mr. and Mrs Geoirge Wal ton. Thursday, January 17, a son. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, J|«, of Wauconda were Volo callers Sunday. Messrs. Simmons and Hannon made a business trip to Wauconda last week. Mrs. John Walton and Miss Anna Miller were Wauconda callers last Wednesday. Henry Stadtfteld visited bis brother, Peter, at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago iast Tuesday. Bee'fj Laxative Cough Syrup contain ing Honey anl Tar is especially appro priate for cu.idren, no opiates or poi sons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pore Food and Drug Law, June 80. 1906. For croup, Whooping Cough, eto. It expels the Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by N. Ft. Petesch, druggist. HOLCOMBV1LLK. Fred Davoll was a business qaller in Chicago Monday. A. P. Peck spent the last of the week at his home here. ; Mr. and Mr*. C. /Hudson called at W. Gilbert's Tuesday. F. M. Peck of Chicago spent Thurs day with Mrs. B. F. Peck. Misses Etta and Anna Powers- visited at John Powers' Sunday afternoon. Two days' treatment free. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired indi gestion, impure breath, perfect assimi lation of food, increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above offer. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist Womau Sam Woodmen. Through her attorney, C. P. Barnes, Mrs. Margaret Murphy of Hartland has sued the Modern Woodmen of America in the circuit court of McHenry county for the sum of $2,540 on account of the death of her husband, which occurred several months ago. Mr. Murphy was found dead in his bed, and the society refused to pay the claim on the ground that there had been untruthful stete- inents in the application, it is under- st kn). The iirtu of Jack man & Bennett has been retained by the general"feounsel of the order, Truman Plantz, of War saw, to look after the society's interests. It is hardly probable that the suit will come to trial at this term of the circuit oonrt. A Kadlcal Departure. The most popular Illustrated weeklies and monthlies are produced at enor mous cost. Competition for the work of the leading authors and illustrators has established a scale of expense that is almost prohibitive. Yet in addition to its many attractive features the Sun day Chicago Reuord-Herald furnishes its readers with a Sunday magazine which compares favorably with the in dependent periodicals in every way and has souie merits peculiar to itself. The most famous writers and illustrators contribute to it. Fine paper and press work and handy size make it a pleasure to read this entertaining publication which marks a radical departure in Sunday journalist^. Chronic Constipation Cured. * One who suffers from chronic con stipation is in- danger of many serious ailments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation and it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Commence taking it to day and you will feel better at once. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nanseate or gripe and is v«ry pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. G. W. Bealey. , Read The Plalndsalar "waat' Successful in our practice, ̂ ^ % Unexcelled in our facilities, Conscientious in our metho^ Considerate in our charges, Ever ready to please, M >; | Style and elegance in our glasses, 4 Successful because we deserve it. When in need v ^ sit Spectacles or eye* glasses call on lis. Appointments cart be made lor Satur- days and Sundays. •PHONE, 773- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. CHASED THRU CHICAGO STREETS MiilkHin b* From WowMill ArreM- ed for Stealing Silk. Detectives and citizens pursued an alleged thief thru several down-town Chicago streets last week.*causing a panic among pedestrians and driving women to seek the shelter of hallways. Revolvers flashed during the pursuit and every time the detectives saw a good opportunity to fire at the fugitive without danger of Btriking a -pedestrian they did so. The alleged thief fled east in Randolph street to Dearborn street, then north to the alley half a block away. From there he turned east again, running toward State street. By this time a large crov^d, had joined in the pursuit. The detectives dodged under and around wagons, firing their revolvers at the fugitive, but without effect. Reaching State street, the fugitive turned north, but was finally overtaken at Lake street and placed under arrest. The prisoner was taken to the cen tral station, where he gave his name as James Kavanaugh and Baid his home was in Woodstock, 111. < u A short time before his capture Kav anaugh, it is alleged, jumped on a wag on belonging to Henry Jacoby; 4108 State street, which was standing in front of the Garrick theater, and seized a bundle containing silk drosses. FROM THE ANTILLES. Chamberlain's Couch Btrntdy ftoneflta a Vltf Councilman at Kingston, ' i" C;r * Mr. W. O'Reilly Fogarty, wfb Is a member of the City Council at Kings ton, Jamaica. West Indies, writes as follows; "One bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had good effect on a cough that was giving me trouble and I think I should have been more quickly relieved if I had continued the remedy. That it was beneficial and quiok in re lieving me there is no doubt and it is my intention to obtain another bottle.* FoV sale by all druggists. Pay* $8S Fine. Charles J. Miller di Round Lake was arrested Sunday by Game Warden Bingham and was tried before Justice Fitch at Grayslake Tuesday morning. The charge was violation of section 28 of the Illinois game laws, which states that the holder of a hunting license must properly sign the same himself, which Mr. Miller, thru an oversight, bad failed to do. "Ignoranoe of the law excuses no one," and the prisoner, realising that he was up against it, plead guilty and was fined |85 and costs, amounting to $27.50. This law has been declared constitutional by At torney Gen. W. H- Stead, aa well as another section which compels each holder of a license to have same on his person when hunting, another law which oftentimes is thoughtlessly vio lated. Mr. Bingham says he has re cently received explicit instructions to enforce both the above laws, strictly, and it would be well for our local hunt ers to be a little more careful hereafter. A Thousand Dollar* Worth of Good. / A. H. Thnrnes a well known coal operator of Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel and stones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicine until I be gan taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result waa surprising. A few doses startedxtbe brick dost like fine stones and now I have no pain across my kid neys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of goo^J' G-. W. B e a l e y . . ^ ̂ ^ « - v - Bntortaiaa It. M. ^,. / Miss Katie Heimer entertained the M. M. M. club at her home Tuesday evening of last week. The nsual fasci nating game of progressive cinch was indulged in for a few social hours, after which refreshments were served. In the card games the hostess was the win ner of the prise. Ah. excellent time was enjoyed by all. How to Cure Chilblains. "To enjoy freedom from chilblains." writes John Kemp, East Otisfield, Me., "I apply Budklen's Arnica Salve. Have also used it for salt rheum with excel lent results.' * Guaranteed to cure fever Bores, indolent ulcers, pile*" burns, wounds, trost bites and skin diseases. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, McHtmry, G- W. Besley's, West McHenry drug stores,.. , • .1:,J/1 ; . Advertised Letter remaining unclaimed in the at McHenry, III., for the wwkindiiig Jan. 19, 1907: Rev. Ed' ward Fox. When calling for tint above advertised. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by .r Kidney Trouble* *v\ 7 " ' '""wliey trouble preys upon the nUncl dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness sooh disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has ^ become so prevalent "" that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may haves sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- b«m <* Bwaaqt-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., oe sure and mention this paper. / Don't make any mistake, but rettiem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. 7 Additional Personal. M. J. Walsh was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds were Wood stock visitors Tuesday. George Walmsley is the guest Of Chi cago relatives this week. John Kennebeck was a business visitor at the county seat Friday. Miss Rosina Reynolds apent Wednes day and Thursday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Ben Hanly was seen boarding the Chicago train Wednesday morning. MissCassie Bldredge returned Mon day from a week's visit in Genoa Junction. Ds? and Mrs. J. Cravens of Spirit Lake, Iowa, were visitors at R. Sher burne's a few days last week. Miss Mary Benolken of Freeport, Minn., is spending the week with rela tives and friends to McHenry and vicinity. Miss A. T. West of Chicago and Miss H. Watson of New York City were guests at the Riverside House a couple of days this week. Michael Kelter, E. F/ Kelter and Miss Ella M. Kelter of Chicago were in Mc Henry to attend the funeral of Mrs. R. J. Sutton last Saturday. Do You Want m Home nf y#Bf Own? If so, join us on February S, 1907. We will leave the Grand Central sta tion in Chicago via the Great Western railway at 0 p. m. If. there are twenty- five or more we will run a special tour ist car. The round trip fare from Chi cago to Hugo, Colorado, will be $85, in cluding berths. There will be a dining car on the train and thoee wishing may take a basket lunch witb them, as the car will be kept witb us until we return. On our arrival at Cheyenne, Wells, Kit Carson and Wild Horse, Col., you will be shown oome of the finest farming lands you ever saw, at prices ranging fr6m |4.00 to $12.00 per acre, and thoee desiring homesteads may locate at the isame time. For further particulars call on or address E. W. Howe, McHen ry, 111. Those wishing to join us on this trip, register with Mr. Howe as early as possible, as we do not care to crowd this car. 80-2t HOWE-HEIDE INVESTMENT Co; Richmond, Girl Victim of Crime. Miss Emma Johnson, formerly of Richmond, 111., is dead in Chicago as the result, the police claim, of an illegal operation which was performed on her about a month ago Dr. Charles St. Claire, a physician 70 years old, and Mrs. Mamie Riedell have been arrested, charged with the crime. Miss Job neon left her home in Richmond two years ago attd has since been working in Chi cago as a stenographer. Her father and the police are active in the search for a young man implicated in the canti/ The Right Name. *' Mr. August Sherpe, the popular over «eer of the poor at Fort Madison, Iowa, says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably, do more good and make one feel better than an v other laxative. " Guaranteed to cure biliousness and constipation. 25c at N H. Peteech's. McHenry. G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, Opera House McHENRY. ILLINOIS. Matinee and Night iri - - SUNDAY, PERKINS & TABOR OTTER fie Elite otVitfevillt v, w. . t r. , < < • SE •• <• Hi • - •;rp (Big ViuMe Acts Prices this engagement 25C,35C,5QC Yo ur Cough will When the inflammation caused by a cold invades the tissues of the lungs and bron chial tubes we have a cough. The way to cure a oough is to allay the infiammation. And that is just what our White Pine and Taar ' doee^-it gels at the seat of trouble and removes the cWwe. A coQgh will not last long with this treatment Try it if you are coughing. We guarantee a cure. : f 5 Cents. N. H. Petesch, ,i PRUGCIST i nijiaiii McHenry, * Illinois.