Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1907, p. 7

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V" 1 . • J. i,800 Samples to Select From X - 'POSITIVELY NO TWO SUITS FROM ONE SAMPLE. A Decided Advantage for EVERYONE who till read---then act. Men soon find out where they <«n get the most for their money. Hun­ dreds have found out during the last few years that they can get better Tailor-Hade Garments from us than anywhere else and that they have not as yet found anyone else that can or will give them with­ in 25 per cent of our value. « Comparison has proven and is proving every ,'*§ay that the anits we sell for $90.00 mo as food in every way and in moet oases better ban those which others are selling at $35.00 '•'1^ igaa flfl t - press Suits Formaland informal drejl garments, well made, $27.j90 to $40.00. Sack Suits Single or doable Ireasted, made from eheviots, li^iantteds, serges, etc, $12.06'to Outing Suits ; ^ Cool and comfortable, fine motiair lining, $10.00 to $24.00. Overcoats To* ooats, fly front, comfortable, stylish, $16.00 to $89.00. Frocks • = ; 3-button cutaway, a business ^ frock, $14.00 to $87.00. We have an assortment of nearly 1,800 styles in fabrics, including worsteds, serges, cheviots, staples and noyelties with light and dark effects --each one a sample of reliable cloth. Onr fashions are the latest and most approved styles. Yon are a sensible man--so take the time and let us tell yon more in detail about the many ad­ vantages to be gained when we make your next snit. O&r $20.00 suijts cannot be matched anywhere else nnder $25.00 to $28.00. The proof of the pndding is in the eating; the proof of the value is in the buying. Pants Pressed Free of Charge J. D. ' TelephoncHtftimber 251, flcHenry, Illinois WAKHES, (LOCKS, WHEN YOU SEE OUR UNE ^ ' --YOU SEE THE LATEST. i ' t;-"- . . -J. V\*:r^ : '^1; WHEN YOU QET OUR PRJCtS •YOU GET THE LOWEST. " • \r/ Silverware ; Jeweliy^ WHEN YOU BUY OUR GOODS -- YOU BUY THE BEST. E; C. Jacob & Company, 'PHONE, 77$» McHENRY, ILLINOIS. "V frank Dni#ist dod Apotfieury Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, fine toilet soaps, fancy hair and tooth brush­ es, perfumery, fancy toilet articles, trusses and shoul­ der braces, pure wines and liquors for medical pur­ poses, paints, oils, varnish­ es, dye-stuffs, letter paper, pens, ink, envelopes, glass, putty, earbonoil, lamps and chimneys. - nyskJios' Prtscrtpdns Acuntely Cwpwirted. 12 st, Telephone ttl 1 The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for Order at once as the time of this PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Mm Abstract Company, Woodstock. Jllfnols.] REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Nina N Sherman to Frank H Wattles, pt w ^4nwH sec 28 & pt eHneM sec 2§, McHenry.. 4 1<0 Benson G Sherman pen admr, to same, same 1000 00 Mat hi as May & w to Stephen H Smith, Is wide off n end of eM^seM eKsec May strip 22 rod! & strip lying in n end of w!>4se54 It, McHenry 71500 Mary J Spaulding to Frank E Fay, M a & 54 sq rds of land in sec 10 & sub* lots l & 2 of lot 18, Co Clerk's plat sec It, McHenry 100 Elizabeth Fare to B J Adams, lots 6 & 7, blk 10. West McHenry 80000 Anna M Meiler et al to Martin .Tung, w V4seM sec 12 & 12 a in «Hnw^ sec 18 & 12 a in neMneJ* sec 14 & pt sMseJ* seJ< »ee 11, McHenry 898000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Roy Waterman, 28... . .Dorr Township Bessie Reed, 28 ; e.. .Ridgefield William Henricks, .Richmond Carrie Chandler, 22 ,.; .Chicago Charles Gtehl, Jr., 28. Algonquin Ida Wernecke, 22 .. Algonqniu Grustav Bloedorn, 31. ..Union Anna Pollnow, 21 .Union Geo. W. Farr, 46.5;Union Grace Knapp, 87 j . . . * * . . . M a r e n g o Rndolph Roeber, 21., Chicago Laura Lein, 20. • ..McHenry • Worked Like a Charm. * Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of Urifrt spicy journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, Va., says: "I ran a nail in my foot last week and at once applied Bucklen's Ar­ nica Salve. No inflammation followed; the salve simply healed the wound." Heals every sore, burn and skin disease. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masqnelet's, McHenry, G. W. Beeley's, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. ... Additional Personal. Fred Kainhplz was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Jonn M. Frett was a county seat visitor Wednesday. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin was a business visitor in Solon yesterday. F. J. Herbes attedded to business in the windy city Wednesday. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth spent Wed­ nesday with Elgin friends. N. A. Huemann was a business visit­ or in Chicago Wednesday. ^George Stilling came out from Chi­ cago Friday evening to spend Saturday and Sunday with his parents at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler and son, Frank, were recent guests at the home of I>r. and Mrs. W. C. Besley at Wood­ stock. Mrs. F. C. Ross and son, Clayton, at­ tended a lecture at the Auditorium in Chicago last Friday evening, given un­ der the auspices of the six Christian Science churches of Chicago. Misses Jodiephiae Barrett. Irene Therry, Messrs. John Cooke, Arthur Fitzpatrick, Joe Therry and Ed Schillo of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Eva Stilling at Pistakee Bay. WANTED: Ten men in each state tp travel, distribute samples of our goods and tack signs. Salary 985 per month, |8.00 per day for expenses. Saunders Co., Department P, 46 Jack son Boulevard, Chicago. 111. Mar 27. 'j C Sweet la Eat i £u4y .jkndL JLttutftak NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CdRPS M C^RRESPONbElH ̂\ -- riiiiim i ii m it - JOHSSBIBGH. Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klein, a baby girl. , Miss Dena Miller spent Friday with Miss Margaret Hueinann. Mrs Mike Roueu of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. Maggie Freand. Mat Freund of California, who is deaf and dnmb, was seen in town on Friday. William Oeffling and Jacob Huemann spent Monday at Volo with John Oeff­ ling. Mrs. Snsan Frennd spent a few days with her son, Mike Frennd, at Sherman Hill. ^ Mrs. Frank Freand spent Tuesday forenoon with her mother, Mrs. Kate May. Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Schaefer and children spent Ttn?eday at Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer's. Mrs. Jacob Miller and Mrs. John F. Schmitt spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Joseph Schaefer. i Mrs. Nick Steffes and daughter, Car­ oline, of Pistakee Bay spent a few days with Mrs. Mat Steffes. Mrs. Jacob Freund, who injured her foot by a fall, is spending this week at her son*8, Joseph, on the Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Spring Grove spent Tnesday with Mrs. Antpn Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich and Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt and children spent Sunday with Jacob Schmitt of Spring Grove. There are many kidney remediee bat few that accomplish the resnlt. "Pine- ules" is a kidney remedy that contains no alcohol ot opiates of any kind, com­ plies with the National Pure Food aud Drug Law, guaranteed to give satisfac­ tion. Thirty day treatment for $1.00. Inquire about "Pineules." Sold at N. Petesch's drug store. KHKRALITPAHK. D. W. Hill spent Sunday at the Park. E. Knox spent Saturday at Wood­ stock. Thomas Bolger of Elgin spent Souday at his home here. F. Romano of Chicago called at the Park Friday last. ESd Walsh of Chicago spent Monday at his home here. , C. Whiting of Woodstock called in this vicinity Sunday. J. R. Smith and family visited at the former's parents Sunday.- H. Berkircher returned Tnesday after visiting a week in Chicago. Mrs. M. Gilles of McHenry is spend­ ing this week at John Phalin's. Misses Anna Frisby and Mabel Gran­ ger visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sohns are sport­ ing a fine new horse and buggy this week. Misses Mary and Margaret Bolger of Elgin visited at W. Bolger's Saturday and Sunday. W. Walsh returned Monday after a week's visit with friends at Chicago, Elgin and Harvard. Coughs and colds contracted atr this season of the year should have immedi­ ate attention. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar and is uneqaalled for hoarseness, croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers en­ dorse it; children like to take it. Con­ tains no opiates. Moves the bowels. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Notice! To fnsnre publication in The Plain- dealer copy mast be in the offioe no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect Faster and faster the pace is set,, By people of action, vim and get, So if at the finish you would be, Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your Druggist. VOUJL Frank Amann of Round Lake was in town Sunday, Paul Avery, who is working in Chi­ cago, was home over Sunday, czzs Job Vasev of West McHenry made a business trip to Volo Saturday. Miss Edith Dowe of Ingleside attend­ ed church here Sunday forenoon. Mrs. Henry Hogan of Elgin made a business trip here one day last week. Peter Myer aud Miss Elsie Walton were in Wauconda Sunday afternoon. Ed Lusk of Round Lake was the guest of friends here several days last week. Claude Richardson of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Saturday and Sunday, W. A. Rosing of Round Lake visited his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing, Sunday. Mrs. Everett Stone and child of Wau- cooda were visitors at Chas. Potter's Sunday. Mru. Henry Effinger of Wauconda spent Saturday and Sunday with rela­ tives here. Ralph Richardson, who is employed by Jnng & Co. at Round Lake, was in town Sunday. Miss Afina Coinpton spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Jennie Cossman, at Rouud Lake. Mr. Watton of Chicago was the gaest of Mr! and Mrs. Harry Nicholls Sun­ day and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable are entertain­ ing their grandson, Harold Sneider, of Fox Lake this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gib iBurnett of Sloonm'B Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Huson at "The Maples." Iu the treatment of piles it becomes necessary to have the remedy put up in such a form that it can be applied to Abe parts affected.' Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tube With nozzle attached. It cannot help but reach .jithe spot. Relieves blind, bleeding, itching and\ protruding piles. 50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. RIDOEFIELU. T. Corkill was in Chicago on business this week. Miss Sopha Wille was in Woodstock Saturday. * Mrs, F. Reed of Chicagcfis visiting at Henry Reed's. J. G. and F. W. Hartman were in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Edith Hobart visited relatives at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. Senne of Woodstock visited friends in this vicinity Snnday. Mrs. Haughawont and daughter were in Woodstock the last of the week. Mrs. T. Wille and children of Nanda spent Sunday at the parental home. Mrs. Quinn of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. F. W. Hartman, Tuesday. Misses Etta Goddard and Florence Reed of Woodstock spent Snnday at home. Derwood Merchant of Richmond is Visiting his grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs J. B. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter, Hapel, were in Elgin Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit with her daugh­ ter at Richmond. Mrs. Westerman and daughter, Hazel, of Greenwood visited with XT. J. Gar­ rison Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parks and Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison transacted legal business at Woodstock Friday. Spring Winds chap, tan and canse freckles to appear. Pineealve Carboliz- ed applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem­ edy. Acts like a poultice and draws out inflammation. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. STORE * i % t , » i ?• r .i * When drug store goods are wanted be^ if; mind that you can order of tis by mail and your interests will be as carefully guarded as if you traded in person. * t All mail ord€^ ̂ recefve^^ prompt attention and, when practicable, goods will be forwarded by mail. On goods that can be ordinarily wrapped there'll be no extra charge but postage. If special mailing package is necessary to comply with mail­ ing rules we must charge cost of same in addition to postage. The extra cost js small--probably not over 5 or 10 cents. ^ ^ . Why not try Our Mail Order()Service? . H. McHENRY. ILLINOIS. i^Nii V",i i | # BATS, BONNETS, AND * OOWNS TO ORDER PROMPT SERVICE 4MD SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Chamberlain'* Cough Kemedy is RoUt Agreeable and Effective. |j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way inju­ rious has made it a favorite with moth- erfc. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a merchant of Kirksville, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles. .It is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my customers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by all druggists. CENTRAL NcffiMtr. turns We give you the news of town and county, and give it to you right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele­ graphic news of America and the cabled news of all the world. $1.55 for both papers one year Fred Karges was the guest of Ken osha, Wis., relatives and friends several days this week. Bertha £x*ra PrtwM ftotpttirt ^ FOR WOMEN Offer*a flrct-elan rrlrato H#at fbrLadlei la.delleate health wlaklaf iklllM lexical •r Baigieal treataeat er qalat hMae ie. «<HMOdatlOBi daiiag: etiluatit. Teader care bcatowed aaoa tk« patteats latnuted to ii by ether •hralclaaa. Ctraalara n a p. alleatUa. I7»w. Unu flmiLCklnif, y^f-r, iff'lilt "f _ f * v«w s r ̂"# " " " ̂ • v.v.yh Now for 'ure Food I Mm*** * r' S i-r; i Two Heurso !mk ^ V I § v-1^ 7 - Bit Arts , 1 * " 't • ^ 7® koop homo baking puro M healthful you must use it's Siiit htrlWi (de nte it Wit ! is ^ ii: . . . v i

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