PI •M & Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for food blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood--Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One frequent cause of bad blood U a sluggish liver. This produces constipation. Poisonous substances are then absorbed into the blood. Keep the bowels open with Ayer's Pills. A Xadebyj.C.AjrarCo., fcowell, Maaa. Ubo wsimftotawrt of f_ BAR VIGOR. ague cure. CHERRY PECTORAL. t/ers Wa hare no aeereta I Wa publish fffmniM of All our nMiioinsi. me McHenry Pluinlealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. tMBec in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 871. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONt JfMtf dijc months. 75cts. «L» tkne months. 40cts. Thursday, March ji, 1907. AUDITOR'S MEETING. 1 is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, coanty of McHenry, and state of Illi nois, will meet on Taeeday, March 36, 1907, in the town clerk's office, McHen- ry, 111., at two o'clock p. m., to audit any and ail bills against said town and to transact such business as may come before the meeting. Bills against said town of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or with the undersigned. Dated at McHenry this 11th day of Maxob, 1907. N. Hi Petesch, Town Clerk VILLAGE CAUCUS NOTICE. The legal voters of the village of Mc Henry are requested to meet at the city hall on Saturday, the 30th day of March at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the follow ing village offices, yiz: One president of the village; three trustees; and to transact such other business as may ^ come before them. :k'" i-t i-i. J. Stoffel, 'f Village Clerk. Strang* Story of a Dream. A correspondent sends the following anecdote, or, at he calls it, thought transference," which was told him by an eminent engineer, whose name we withhold: This well known engineer had been to Bulawayo on tlie occasion of the opening of the railway to that place. A friend who accompa nied him on the occasion contracted enteric fever and died on the home ward voyage. Half an hour before he died his hair turned perfectly white. On arriving in England the engineer went to break the news to the young man's slater. He found that not only did the lady know of the death of her brother, but she knew the tiuie and the circumstance of thfe hair turning white. The engineer was requested to break the news to the father and moth er as gently as possible, but to say nothing of the hair turning white. Aft er a journey of 100 miles he found that both father and mother, whom he saw separately, not only knew of the death of their son, but knew of his hair turn ing white at the time of his death. Each had bad a dream, a vivid dream, at the moment of the death taking place, and each had kept bis and her own counsel, and they had not spoken to each other of the dream Hall. - ., ;.W 1 >- v * • Tfw Old Feather Bed. > ^ What has become of the old fashion ed feather bed? We mean the kind so high it required the service of a step- ladder to climb into It? Did you ever climb into one of them when you were a kid aM &ink down, down, down, till you gasped and wondered when you would touch bottom and if you didn't need a life preserver? And do you re member how good it felt upon a cold morning when you poked your head from under the covers and saw the window panes frost covered? And do you remember how you used to climb out of Its billows, half dress yourself, shivering, teeth chattering, run down stairs and steal behind the kltcheu stove, half your clothes in your arms? And bow good those griddlecakes and sausages smelled! Feathers may not be healthy to sleep on, as claimed by doctors, who probably never slept on them, but they seemed mighty good to the kid. Why doesn't somebody write a song about "The Old Feather Bedf* Milwaukee Sentinel. Am UnlaSswtisnsl Joke. An writer tells the story of his first" el ipence, which he earned by an unpremeditated joke. His fathei had been foi twenty-seven years en gaged in a suit iu chancery and had Just gained his cause. The expenses of the suit, however,' had swallowed up the entire estate, the residue being merely 3s. 6d. The writer says: My father ranged the seven six pences ou our breakfast table. "My boy," said he, "see what comes of going to law In Great Britain! Your mother has told you tbafc l iMjive Won my suit In chancery?" ^ "Yes, papa." "Well, then, look! That is alt I get of it" and he pointed grimly nt the sixpences. I opened wide my eyes. "All you get of the whole suit?" I echoed with a puzzled air, convinced that a suit in chancery was composed, as other suits are, of a coat, waistcoat and trousers. "Why, papa, those are only the but tons!" It was this deplorable Joke that earn ed me my sixpence, for my father, laughing, tossed me one across the ta ble, and I rushed off with it iikeadog pelted with a bone. 1, ' \ Want Column. All adTertlaemaats InaarMd aatfar title head at tfe* following rate* Fir* lines or leih SI MM* tor flrat Insertion! cents for eaek StMSMMC insartlofc. More thau Ave line#. 5cents* Um tor list iiuwiuon. •and S cents a line lor addition* IMMttaMa, m>B PRESIDENT VILLAGE BOARD. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of president of the vil lage board, subject to the decision of the coming village primary. Thanking the legal voters of the village for any support they may tender me, I beg to Yours respectfully, 38-tf Peter J. Frknd. FOB VILLAGE TRUSTEE. After many urgent requests from my mends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of village trus tee for the village of McHenry and will be thankful for the support of the legal voters at the coming primary and elec- Hdn. Wm. Simes. Feb. 38 FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. Thrn the many requests of my friends I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of village trustee subject to the decision of the village primary and will be very thankful for the support of the legal voters of Mc Henry. Respectfully, A. M. Brown. FOR TRUSTEE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of member of the village board, subject to the decision of the village primaries. Thanking the voters for any support they may extend, I am, 4 s Respectfully yours, IWbll - F. J. Herbes. FOR VILLAGE TUUSTEE. *hru the many urgent requests on the part of my friends I hereby again an nounce my candidacy for the office of t village trustee, subject to the decision of the coming village primary cancus. Thanking the legal voters of the village for their past support and assuring them that this support will again be , jsmain, * ' ' R e s p e c t f u l l y y o u r s , "' 'V':*' " Henry F. Block. Lax-ets 5 C Sweet to Eat A Casdy lewd Laxative. Easter chicks at Besley's. Legend of the White 8ky Calf. The Kiowa Indians have a queer story of the "white sky calf." Accord ing to the legend, that portion of the American desert was formerly very fertile, supporting large herds of pure white buffaloes, each having a black tail. These creatures were held sacred by the savages and never killed for any purpose. Finally an old medicine m&n, Ne-ka-ta-mah, vowed that he would have a tepee built from the sa cred white skins. The chiefs of the tribe tried hard to dissuade him from the notion, but all to no purpose. He declared that he would commence to collect the skins on the morrow. Dur ing the night a great white light ap peared in the sky and in its center a white buffalo calf. The calf slowly de scended to the earth, took charge of the herds, leading them northward, and from that day to this the Kiowas have never seen a white buffalo. Engraved Easter Eggs. Engraving on eggs is a special art in South America. The tools used are extremely delicate, and the utmost precision must be used In the process. The varying depths of the engraved line give light and shade to the de sign, and the result of this pure line engraving on the smooth oval shell is surprisingly beautiful. On the first day of spring the Easter eggs are put on exhibition, and no store is too small and shabby, none too Important and imposing to fall to have its stock of eggs ready. A popular design shows a map of South America on one side and on the other two clasped hands, with a liberty cap below and a rising sun above.--New York Tribune. A Few Years Henoe. Aa She tiptoed into the bedroom her husband raised his head from the pil low sleepily. "Mrs. Jay was here to see you," he murmured. "She said she'd call again some other evening." "And what did you tell her, John?" the wife asked as she laid her money and latch key on the bureau. "Oh," he answered, "I jilst gave her the address of your club."--New York Press. The Mew Pare Food and Bros Lav. We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, cold and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Q. W. Beeley. 'litMaendo. "Maw, what is a reprobate?" "Ask your father, Johnny." Now, why should a man become In censed over a harmless little episode llkf this?--Louisville Courier-JournaL RMri The Plaindealwr "want" aria to fiflmnax' iVit-iuii uj.hi Ifti • wippc or uiiiueiizSt wnxuivw you nro call it, is one of ths moat weakening! The Blacksmith's Sleeves. An aged woman was standing before a beautiful picture of a blacks mrth^iu a local department store. The picture was a remarkable painting and had evoked so much praise that hundreds of visitors thronged around it. Th* figure was that of a village black smith standing at his forge, which was blazing with a light that Illuminated the whole room. The woman came to the canvas with several younger wom en, apparently her children. All stood with rapt attention before the work of art, contemplating the light effects an|l the beautiful shadows. One of the younger women asked of the elderly one what she thought of the picture. Well, It's all right but the sleeves," she replied. "I lived in the country a long time, and I know something that the painter with all his knowln' didn't know. That blacksmith's sleeves are rolled out. Now, they don't wear them that way. A blacksmith always turns his sleeves in so the flyin' sparks won't catch."--Indianapol is News. A Friend III Need. MlibSBiately after the earthqilat# in California In 1906 relief stations were established In San Francisco and Oak land. Supplies poured in from neigh boring ranches, other towns and other states, but almost all that was sent needed to be cooked before It could be eaten, and of course In many instances homeless wanderers were in immediate need of food. The volunteer cooks did the best they could. They boiled great kettles of soup, caldrons of coffee and oceans of tea, but It was impossible to cook rapidly enough to supply all corn ers. Late one afternoon when the cooked food supply was running low and a long line of hungry persons still waited to be fed a wagon halted before one of these stations, and a bluff old ranchman addressed the lady in charge. Say/' said he, "I've brought you 300 dozen of the best eggs in the state, but you won't need to cook them. They're already cooked. I've been boiling eggs 6 o'clock this morning." FOB SALE II. V. Mead Olfors his farm, consisting of 185 acres, mode! farm house, two good bams, poultry house, spring bousp; within out* mile of depot at McHenry, condensing factory, butter factory and grist mill. Terms re.iwmuble and made known on application. H. V. Mead, Wot McHenry, IU. A GOOD all around grey mare for sale; single or double or heavy work. 34 H. C. Mead, West McHenry, III. " Earthquake Pranks. Hindustan has had many Important geological changes effected by earth quakes. In 1762 Chittagong was vio lently shaken, the earth opening in many places and throwing up water and mud of sulphurous smell. Then sixty square miles of coast suddenly and permanently subsided, one of the Mug mountains entirely disappeared, and another sank so low that only the summit remained. At the same time a corresponding rise of ground took place at Ramree, an island farther along the coast. Again, at Cutch, In 1819 the fort and village of Slndree were submerged, and about five miles distant a long elevated mound was raised, measuring some fifty miles by sixteen in places, out of wJtiat bad. been a perfectly level plain. Two Definitions. In illustrating a point a lecturer told of some woman who spoke of her worse half as "a model husband." "Yes," commented an old Irishman who knew the husband better than she did, "he is all of that But look at the dictionary and see what a 'model' means. It Is defined as a 'miniature imitation of the real thing.'" The lec turer also told of the same Irishman's definition of the world repartee. Said he, "It is the saying right off of what you think of the next day." The Contingent Fes. •JPfte following pointed note was writ ten by Daniel Webster in answer to a request that he take a certain case for a contingent fee. "I do not desire em - ployment in professional matters, al though I do sometimes engage in them. But I never engage on contingencies merely, for that would make me a naaje garty to a lawsuit" Johnny's Plot Foiled. Johnny ^Topes--My sister has been took with theviheasies, teacher. Teach er--Then you'd'better go home at once, Johnny, and stay there till she gets well. Freddy Brown--Please, teacher, Johnny's sister is stopping; with hi* aunt in Chicago.--Boston Transcript ^ S c o f f s E m u l s i o n , which it Co& Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di gested form, it the greatest strength-builder known tomedical science. It is so easily digested that It sinks into fiie system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. fvV Use S c o t t ' E m u l s i o n after M Influenza. invaluable fd{ bought mod CoUt, ALL DRUQOI8T8I SOo. AND SUOO. 'Doctor, Risky. wife says she is getting PV)R SALE--A quantity of tlcnothy and up- 1 land hay. tor further Information In quire of II. Mkau, West McHenry. • TTOR RENT--8 to 10 acres on south side of A mill pond, near the standpipe. Good f<tir canning products. i). N.OWBH. 38 Bank of McHenry, 111. "EV>lt SALE--80 acre farm, good land, fair buildings, two wells ana plenty of fruit; four miles from town. For terms apply to .1. E. McAndiihws, West McHenry, III. .SOtf TJHJR SALE--Dakota and Colorado landa J- Homesteads located. For further Infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc Henry, 111. 3g.tf Ti^OR RENT--Eight nice light rooms over the Anton Schneider grocery. For fur ther information apply at the store on Water street, McHenry. ' Bflrtbagsara Private RetpiMi. forLadtes ' Is delicate hcaltk wlshlag sklliM Xedieal or Hufletl treataieat or filtt hose ae- comasodatioas dsrlig eoaiaeneat. Teadei esre bestowed imi the pi to as br other parslelsss. fllcatlon. 279 W. Mini State License, Telephone Bourse S149. esre bestowed ifti the pstleits tatnwted Cirealsrs os sp* Srreeft, Chl«a§e» PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph Thelen & w to Katie Pepping, it 10, co clerk's plat sec 14, McHenry.43000 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John H. Clark, 81..... ..... ..Richmond Teresa Huff, 20..... ..... .Spring Grove Ben Nilssen, 21........ Annie Giden, 21 Ezra Smith, 74.........., Mrs. Hattie Hancock, 86.: Addison W. Bower, ; Huntley Huntley . Harvard i... Harvard Harvard Minnie Adams, 28.. .. Chicago Found at Last. J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va., says: "At last I have fonnd a perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic constipa tion, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. 35o at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc Henry, druggists.' # Obliging. Dismal Old Lady--I don't suppose I shall ever want another pair. Mr. Stlb- blns. Oleaginous Elderly Shopman-- I 'ope you'll wear out a lot more shoe leather yet, mum. Dismal Old Lady-- Ah, but I've one foot in the grave al ready. Oleaginous Elderly Shopman- Most 'appy to sell you a single boot, mum.--London Mall. Entertaining. "Is your family entertaining this sea son?" inquired the society devotee. "Well," answered Mr. Cumrox, "mother and the girls seem kind ot amusing to me, but everybody else seems to take 'em seriously."--Wash- lng$inS^ar. • , . Force of HabK. *• New Arrival--Is my wife iu there? St. Pet^r--Yes. What are you doing? New Arrival--Merely removing my shoes before going upstairs.--Harper's Bazar. The Now England Conseionoe, The New Bngiand conscience Isn't an Idea. Ifs an Inherited disease.-- Life. Work is not a man's punishment. It Is his reward and his strength.--George Band. Rheumatic sufferers can have a free sample of Dr. Shoop's Remedy With book on Rheumatism by simply writing Dr. Shoop, Raoine, Wis. This book will explain how Dr. Shoop's Rheumat ic Renedy successfully drives Rheumat ism put of the blood. This remedy is not a relief only. It aims to clear the blood entirely of Rheumatic poisions, and then Rheumatism must die a nat ural death. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Are you square with us? is tb» reason? If not what "Tell her Ifs because she Is getting old." "Do you believe she is deaf enough for that to be safe?"--Houston Post. The power of fortune Is confessed only by the miserable, for the happy impute all their success to prudence and merit--Swift. Rheninatlc t'alBH Halted. Chamberlain's Pain Balm ¥sltoveg rhematic pains and makes fleep and rest possible, which If alone worth many time* ita cost B. F. froeker, Esq., now 84 yesrs of age, and for twenty years Justice of the Peace of MartinBburg, Iowa, says: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism in my left arm and right Mp. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it did me lots of good " For sale by alt drug gists. Clears the Complexion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syr up stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and cleans the complexion of piuipleb and blotches. It is the best laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Orino is much superior to pills, aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as it does not irritate the stomach and bowels. G. W. Besley. One Sided Justioe. "Roy Bean, Justice of thC Peace-- The Law West of the Pecos." was the sign over the shanty where lived the man who for years was the only repre sentative of the law in the great terri tory west of the Pecos river in Texas. Langtry, named for the Jersey Lily, was his postoffice, and he did business under the honorary title of Chief Jus tice Bean of the Pecos, making a tidy sum on the side by selling postal cards bearing the picture of bis queer Justice shop. Years ago, when the Southern Pacific was being built, some cowboys came in on a tear and shot up the town. Incidentally killing three Chl- i nese coolies who were working on the ' railroad. There was a roundup, and the cowboys were brought before Squire Dean. There was much testi mony, and the trial was long. At its , end he gravely said: "The testimony shows that these I three Chinamen were killed by some of the men on trial. It is pretty clear who did the fatal shooting, but the prosecution has utterly and entirely failed to show where the statutes of the state of Texas make it a crime for a white man to shoot a Chinaman. The prisoners are discharged."--New York Sun. (P ft*""** i, * / i Somebody's are Always • v r., . \ v i "He velvet optics of gentle are ever and always aaroqring mob - j .. No man can escape. To win her sweet approval it behoove* every man to be smartly dressed, for there is nothing a woman admires more than a weB groomed stylish look. Have yoar prmrnti to measure I Have than stylish--well taikced--and made to fit The INTERNATIONAL TAILORING GO. malw *tt the* guniMmia this way---beyond critkimi--and up to the bichaft ataadtfd of WQOMh kind's approval. Do not fail to see our new line of shirts in fmn and fancy negligee, ranging in price from 50c to $1.0Q. All thfe neW things in collars and ties. Hats and caps, our line is up-\o-date, in staple and smart shapes and colors. "A ^ ShoesJ of every description fiiw and summer wear. We have a fine line to retail at $2.50 and $3.50 in men's and $2.i00 to $3.50 in ladies. Other grades also. Come and see them. ,.1 Rugs, lace curtains and window shades. ^ Portieres and couch covers at $1.50 to $3. t$. An elegant line of spring dress goods in all worsteds and cotton fabrics. Silks for waists, silks for full suits in fancy and plain black, 20 to 36 inches wide, 50c to $1.50. Large full stock of fresh, pure groceries. Try our 25c coffee and 50c tea. " V :4Uti IN-. O -E.- WEST ricHENRY Hats and Shoes , . i f f • The most complete and fin est line to be found in town. OURS PRICES ' h j ' . i , i ' h ii 1 i I'Vl - will surprise you. Come in and look over our Display. GILBERT'S • - Heimer Block, . , CentervUlc^ /tcHenry i St. Are you tired, fagged out, nervous, sleepless, feel mean? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens the nerves, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. 85 cents. Tea or tablets. Ask vonr Frank Misquelet Dm$Sist iwjAfotliecary qp Dealer in JDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals, tine toilet soaps, fancy hair and tooth brush es, perfumery, fancy toilet articles, trusses and shoul der braces, pure wines and liquors for medical pur poses, paints, oils, varnish es, dye-stuffs, letter paper, pens, ink, envelopes, glass, putty, carbon oil, lamps and chimneys. ifeysiciios' Prescripts Auur&ly ftapmrtH 12 Elm St., McHenry, IU. Teleptoae tti *P»|P STUDIO. I shapes an<1 sizes. Sev- i to select from. Each dos- t in different styles. Price, pward. fork. We have extensive itypsratos tor all kinds of outdoor work .such as group pictures, views f bulldincs, cattle, machinery, etc. r.ubareomoixtw. Copied from any •mall picture. Likeness guaranteed to •TCjj Instance. Finished in black fwrnn, A variety ol to select from, odd te or colors. of styles in stock id sixes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standpipe. WEST McHENUY, ILL. TolepKowo. 493 Chicago 4k North-Western. Leave Chicaao. 7.00 ass.. e.Maai.. 1.8pm.. 4.oo pa. 4.57 p a*.. Wtective Novetntier 18, H tm OAV TWAINS. KOBTHBOUHt*. i ViaSSgin... ..10.17 a in yiiV DesPlaines 10.17 a m Arrive McHenry. S.45 a «, 9.10 a a l.»pa Via DeoPiatnes. Via Slain Via DeoPlalnes.. 80KBAT THAIWS. Via Elgin. . .. Maines... ..ViaDesPL Via Elgin iraSK DAT 9RAMS, SOUTHBODKD. Via Elfin i«i m Vim Des Plaines, V,VWintt" Leave McHiary 7.90 am. 4J8pa. 7J0»m ... 5,C0pa......Vlai COHOAT TBAIIIS Via-Elgin... 4.50 p m 8.40 p m 8.40 p m ....11.14 am 11.14 a m 4.S6 pm Arrive Ohfeago. 10.10 am .V.Mam 6.15 p m 7 JO p in Professional. Society > a-nd Cards davId fcrnfim it."h pHYSIOIAN, SUKGEON AND OCULIST 1 ' Office and residence corner Elm aai Greeustreets. McHenry. Telephone FEGEB8 A FEQEfiS DHYSICIANy AND 8UBOEON8. McHea» r C HI. Oflicesit, UesldmM. corner Court aaifi Elm streets. Telephoner- D. T. SMILEY AfTOUNEY AT LAW. WoMstock, niM. All business intrusted to his care wuTba properly and promptly attended to. PAHiiEE S. WEBSTER T A-WYEB. 701,70S Hector building, 128 M.on- roe street, Chicago. Telephone Oeatral 45ot. W. 10. STONE. D. D. 8 (Successor to Dr. F. O. Boss.) . f '• - - v " A*-4 Office Hours from fit a. m. until 5:8||K n. m. Also open evenings. v *'1 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and Residence over Petosch's Drae Store. Telephone No. £74. 7*; PR. R. Q. CHAMBERLUC * DKNX1ST. ^ Ofllcs atid Residence over n. i. Waisii's Hours: 8:oo to f:jo. w asT MOUJB»K?:. Ixo<. Telephone No. m. _ 10.86 a m Plaines. S.W p m ttlMON STOFFEL Chsurance Agent for all classes of „ property in the best Companies. ̂ West McHenry. IlllntIS FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PA1NTKR V AND PA BR HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 ifld UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one Mock wes: of river. Telephone No. 264. McHenry. Illinois John J. Vycitarl DEALER IN GeneraJ Hardware v Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and chine repairing of all kinds. Thone 648 McHENRY ,̂ ̂̂ ̂ ILLINOIS. Telephone, NotSM. 4 Office in Heim er bldg., OentervHle" A. WILlfY, M. D. C , VETERINARY SURGEON •<*' * A N D paNiTKyy McHENRY, •. - ILUNOIS. Wel'.-drilling a specialty. 'PhoneSSB. WM. BACON Dealer in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Ftttl^p Well supplies. First-class work ' guaranteed"at all times McHENRY, - - Td. Mala 1714. WHY « do people of llkf Henry, Lake aa other counn drop in at « Fifth A CMICAaOF" Because it IS SO' home like. KILLthc COUCH [and CURE THf LUNGS W T H Dr. King's New Discovery /TONSUMPIir FOR Pries 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for air THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or XONKT BACK. PATENTS VMS mwest. Smt paoto or •tateh tor expart HanO aad fN* raport on patenteUMtjr. MmweaMeisr mMi <x»anote<1 baCom an eaorta. FUarta oWafneil Outrngfa na, NNU* Tiaioaix) aeca^ftaa. vwaee-Msaaa, w aiona and seSVWMITS qulokly ototainad. Oppoetto II. a. Patent OIHoo, WASNINQTON, D. O. DSWIFT&® Muima'i acfcy Mountain Tea Nuggatf A Buy XsdWas te Buy Ptosis. ,i»gs Oddsa Hwltk ud Bsaswsd Vigor. ,«ciflc for Oonsttoatioa, Indigsation, Live ntney Troublss,rimi;" " , Impan Breath, Sluggish Bowelg, Heada<')i % iteicache. ItH Rooky Mountain Tea in tai>- - rm, SS oeato a box. Genuine mode- by < :«raca Daca Oohfaxt, Madison, Wis. flCN NUMCIt FOR SALLOW PE0PU m T H F 0 ! ; I G i N A L lAXATtVE COUGH SYRUP B E E S L A X A T I V E . CJ N l A i r-j ; r J •- H O N E Y T A H -t', tstas . v - ' , « - ' • - r > .v .Isl. ".1 .rf.. k.*1A...*'