,v --y w •Jw"*•- • ̂"•-?<- ?4- ̂ * Vf "v ^ m >'t z:^t« - • r>\v7'sy/-* ,f%r; j: »'* ;* Vv^^-T-'** I" '*1®5 wiMaiM m Frotil * ' * > - >/* - V "* <* • « '̂£/>. w *u I,$00 Samples ; • POSITIVELY NO TWO SUITS FROM ONE SAMPLES, f V • * • ' • ' ' • . 'v.": ... ^ A Decided for E VER YONE Will read--then act. Mon soon find out where they ran get the most for their money. Hun dreds have found out during the last few years that they can get better -7. Tailor-Hade Garments ffcom us than anywhere else and that they have not as yet found anyone else that can or wilt give them with in 25 per cent of our value. -Comparison has proven and is proving every day that the snits we pell for $20 00 are a« good in every way an4in most cases better than those which others ar« nailing at #25 00 to |38 00 . ' . Dress Suit$ and informal dress ga well made, $27.00 io (40.00 Outing: Suit# and comfortable, fine lining, (10.00 to (24LOO M Overcoats coats. flv front, comfort^ip, jl stylish* f 16.00 to (89.00. Sack Suits - Single or double 1 reacted, "made from cbevfois, - worsteds, serges, etc. (19.00 to $88.00^ . ,»i ' . * Frocks _ Ik button cataway, a busine** , 'J. • r frock. (14.00 to (87.00. ' < ^ We have au assortment of nearly 1,800 styles in fabrics, including worsteds, serges, cheviots, staples and novelties with light and dark effects --each One a Rumple of reliable cloth. Oar fashions tire the latent and moat approved Btyles. Yon are a sensible man--so take the time and let ns tell yon more io detail about the many ad vantages to be gained when we make your next snit. Onr (30 00 suits cannot be matched anywhere else nnder (25 00 to (28.00. The proof of the pndding is in the eating: the proof of the value is in the buying. •" Pants Pressed Free of Charge, ;/i >v/- Telephone Number 351, HcHenry, Illinois ORDER IIP And com pare with what some others charge an#, see how much baying here is in your favoiv Candies mixed, fresh and pure, per lb 7c, Chocolate Creams, per It) •> • • 1®° Fancy mixed Bon Bons, per lb .. 17c Self-rising Buckwheat or Pancake Flotar, p<5r , 2-pound package ........ 8c Pure Buckwheat Flour, per 10-pound sack*...35c Best Lump Starch, 5 pounds . , , . . . .V. . ;20c Brag Soap, 6 bars .•* *a . ... » *; * ^ 25c P & (T Naptha Soap 10 bars. 40c California Layer Raisins, per pound.. r* (»'•••« • 15c Dxtra fine quality Santa Clara Prunes, pef l& 12c Teas at a reduction of 10c per lb on all 50c grades, will be sold at per pound 40c Fresh Roasted Coffee, special combination, 5 pounds $1.10, per pound .25c Armour'^ Lighthouse Soap, 10 bars for..... ,»39c Elgin Sugar Corn, famous "Watch" brand, regular 10c can, spec ia l pr ice , 6 cans for . . . . . .42c Succotash, Blossom brand, per can JOHN Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. Fence . /y. - As an inducement for earl> fence building I will give a liberal discount for^cash on all fencing purchased on #r before March is)| 1 Surety Can Make Honey For You # you give me your fence business F. L. flcOHBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE . t :.r?.yv " ' - ' W*. •• • f.v *v. . - 1 , r'~ i. " - ...» _ . * KAIKKAI.D PAItK. Miss Kntie Knox spent Monday in Chicago. . ." . Rev. P. Boarke visited friends he»e Sunday. ' ' : V; ."' ' Phil Ay 1 ward called in this vicinity Friday last. ^ ? R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Snnday at his home. , Mrs. J. R. Smith spent Friday in Terra Cotta. L. Hnck of Chicago is spending the week at the Park. Miss Nettie Whiting visited at E. Knox'b Thursday. Miss Adah Kane spent last week at her uncle's, J. Rellhan. Miss Florence Carey and J. Schaefer visited friends here Sunday. John Murphy of Kenosha, Wit., was a caller in this vicinity Monday. Misses Ethel Harbaugh and Mamie Smith spent Sunday at Terra Cotta. Thomas Frisby and Thomas Bolger of Elgin spent Sunday at their homes. Misses Celia Powers and Alice Sutton visited friends north of McHenry Fri day. Miss Cecilia Powers of Elgin is visit ing at the home of her nncle, Robert Sntton. Misses Margaret Sntton, Florence Connell and Benlah Larkin spent Sun day at the home of R. J. Sntton. Miss Margaret McLaughlin went to Indianapolis Saturday, where she will Bpend a few weebg with relative*. Messrs. M. A. Sntton and L. E Walmsley returned Tuesday from their trip to Colorado and report it the coin ing country. Improper action of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine- ules" i* a kidney remedy that will re lieve theses-diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed ro give satisfaction or money refunded. "Relief in every dose." Sold at Peteach s drug store. > i" ' HOLCONBV1LLK. * -iV Bertchy was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Silver were Nunda call ers Saturday, P. Flanders of Ringwopd called at T. L. Flander'8 Monday. David and Eddie Powerswere Wood stock callers Wednesday Mr. anil Mrs. W. Gilbert visited rela tives in Ringwood Snnday. Misses Grace and Vera Doherty visit ed relatives in McHenry last week. ~ Miss Irene Davoll and brother, WiQie, spent Snnday with Mrs. A. P. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers and daughter visited with F. Powers Snn day. While visiting his sister, Mrs. Whis- ton, Mr. Salisbury of Rockford had the misfortune to fall and fracture his hip. Spring Winds chap, tan and canse freckles to appear. Pineealve Carbolix- ed applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem edy. Acts like a poultice and draws oat inflammation. < I3k>ld at N. H. Petesch'a drag store. ' .' * • " V -I'1, ^ . -• . * •' < : ~MfGffS0RWGW:ki- Mct/iiomcLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS RESPONDENTS Torn Corkill WHS in NNNDH Frt^L^ F Willn **•«< in WiiiidKt.nck Friday Mrs. Wayne was jn Nunda Tuesday. J. H Parks was iu. ChL-ago Monday, Mrs. W. Dike was in Nunda Tneaday. H. Mnnroe wan in Woodstock Monday. • ... F. W. Hartmau in WtKidatock S a t u r d a y . ^ • t ' Mrs H. Cooper i^ixMhitork Saturday. M rn. VV. H. Mn»r<«e WUH UI W<KX1- st<M-k Tlmmlay. Mr. and Mrs. Lerdy Skinner were in Nunda Saturday. Mm. Baldwin of Nunda was here on business Saturday. ^ Mrs. J, B Lynch and sook Roy. were in Chicago Monday, ""5 W | Yankn WHS fl Ohitugo yMtor Thursday and Friday. ' W. J. Garrison, wife and daughter were in Elgin Friday. Mrs. R. L. Dnfield was in Nnuda Friday and Saturday. Rev. David Morell was entertained at Mrs H. R«wd s Snnday. Mr and Mrs. Htunen and children were in Sharon Tuesday. ' y v v MiRS Lizzie Furney was the giest «)f Mrs. Hodgkinson Sunday. Charles Keeler and sou of Elgltt vtait- ed his mother here Sunday. Earl Skinner was visiting with rela tive here Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Stephenson and mother, Mrs. French, were iu Nunda Saturday. Theo. Hamer and son of Woodstock visited with Mrs. W. Smith Sunday. Miss Mabell Skinner visited with her brother in Wisconsin the past week. E. Jacohitz, night opeiator, ir visit ing his mother at Kewauskui-.i, Wip. J. C. Button visited Inn daughter at Austin from Thnrsdsv uutil Monday. Mrs. R. Kimball and children of Nunda visited wuh F French .^aionlay. Mr. Hnuotn and family are occapying the Hunt liouxw lately Vacalt^l by T. Corkill. Win. Smith and fiatsceeof Elgin visit ed from Thursday until Saturday with Mrs. Nettie Siuitiu<«*\ Mr. and Mrs R L. DnfieM attended th« funeral ot Miss Agoe+ Dtjlield iu Woodstock Thursday. « Mrs. Gecr^e Doolittle,'*oti, WiUie, and daughtei , Mary, are visiting rela tives snd friend «i»» Chicago. In using a cough syrup, why not vet the best? One that comes highly recom- mended is Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and is nuperior toother cough syrups in many ways. Children always like it because it cou* tains no opiates, i« a bixative and is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money refunded. Try it. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. P. M. P<>tter. an old resident *»f Ripon. Wis . ami a |>iu»eer>f th» West ern Unite«l Staves tusii service, diwi at his home in ft.'t city Sunday, Mnrc lt 10, 1907, at the advanced agw ot eighty-nine years. Mr. Potter H'«* l»orn IMtuford, Wi>« .in 1818 and caine to Jtscine in 1889, where he at once begun carryiug the mail from that place to Janesville. Later the same year he too^ liie^ ronle from Chicago to Madison, which he continued for three yearn. Mr. Potter made the round trip, a distance at 812 miles, once a week, the station* on the route being Chicago. McHenry, Wal worth, Darien, Janesville and Madison, the latter place having a population of two hundred inhabitants at that time. The mail was carried on hors* back and Mr. Potter relates that he was often times lost in the fog and storm, at one time spending the entiro night in a swamp and at another time being mistaken for a horse thief by a posse while off the trail and leading his horse. Later he used a wagon, doing Hnndry errands for patrons along the line, bay ing supplies for the Wisconsin legis lature and conducting a produce busi ness and carrying passengers occasional ly on his own account. In 1842 Mr. Potter became the Madison agent of the Frank & Walker stage line, a posi tion iu which he continued for ten years. Mr. Potter came to Ripon in 1868 where he has resided until death.--Ripon Commonwealth. , . « k ' i , , < Notice! <•••••••••• To insure publication io The Plain- -dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to tak<* particular notic.w to t.hn eff<*<•».. , •WWWWWWWWUM ««II JOflSSBtlBGB. ftick lltty in «>n tii« sick list this week. •I. C Debrecht was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers spent, Wednesday in Chicago * Mrs. .f. B. Young of McHenry spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and son,j Austin, spent Wednesday in" Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Peter Englen of Mc Henry spent Tuesday with Mrs. George Nell. Mrs. Frank Wsguw of Spring Grove spent Monday afternoon with her moth er, Mrs. Thelen <§ Mrs. John Mert.es and daughter. Hellen. speut Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Hoff. Miss Annie OeffHng, brothers. Pete and George, spent Saturday with their cousins. Mamie and Eddie Kattner. Mrs. Mat Steffes, daughter, Loretta, Mrs. Nick Steffes and daughter, Caro line, spent Monday^afternoon with Mrs. Joseph H. Hiiemann.* Mrs. Simon Michels, Anton Thelen and Joseph J. Michels went to Chicago Tuesday to spend a few days at Mrs. Barney Simmons', who is vei$ ill at this writing. Mary--Dsrk circles under the eyes in dicate a sluggish circulation, torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise and Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will make yon well and be ntiful 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer. daugh ter. EVA. Mr. and Mrs Nick Schaefer and children, Mrs. Mat Schaefer. Mrs. Stephen Frennd. Jacob and John Frernd spent Tuesday with Joseph Schaefer in honor of his nauiesdNV £ *11 like our service " ttle want your trade - > - ' '$ Combine •••*& •» ' -• ti* • W: * ' ' ' * T X < This is an age of combination and we should like to enter into an unwritten agreement to this effect with all the careful drug buyers of the locality. "if JVesee Ai that every drug or %$$her article supplied is of high- • possible qtmlity and sold at the ftiirest possible price. The buyer merely to agree to make this his tegular trading place and to tell if he ever finds the slightest^^ y muse for dissatisfaction. '•."".ire ar«, carrying out our papt W such an agreement all the time in, the belief that the p u b l i c w i l l d o i t s p a r t . I . J We have evidence that the cdmbioation is getting stronger all the time. - *3^ 'i.'.1*. ^ ti 4"'"V . - IJm 1 ^ • f . . N. H. PETESCH =S^ IMjggist, McHENRY, ILLINOIS How to Remain Young. To continue vonng in' health and strength, do »s Mrs. N F. Rowxn. Mc.- Donough, Ga., did. She says: "Three bottles of Electee Bitte*s cnred me of chronic liver anit stomach trouble, com plicated with such an nuhealthy condi tion of the blood that tnv skin turned red as flannel. I HUI now p.Ticticnlly 20 years younjser than before I took Elec tric Bittr-fs. I can now do all my work with east* and assist in my husdand's store." Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masqnelet's. McHenry, Q. W. 8eeley'*.J%^ McHeut-y. dt«g #terea. Price 50C4 ' '< • • VOIA*, • Ed Lusk of Round Lake was in U#wn Sunday. 1 George TTironiuius is visiting relatives in Waukegan this week. Wm. Dillon made a business trip to Chicago one day last week. < Wm. Moore of Shabbona. IU., wae at home several days recently.' . C. G. Huson of Libertyville was 1 business visitor here recently. ' Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Rossdeutacher, Friday. March IS, a d«lighter. Messrs. Fuller and Turunnll of Wau- conda were at t he Cash store Saturday. Mr. ani Mrs. Wm. Vanderboom of Fort Hill attended church here Sunday forenoon. Miss Frances Rosing has returned to her work at Round Lake, after being at home a week. Misses Catheriue Do well and Ertna Huson of West Fremont (were iu town one day last week. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake were guests of Volo relatives Sunday. Mis. Wm. Dillon and son, Arthnr, and Mrs. John Walton were the guests of relatives in Waukegan last Saturday and Sunday. Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy !• Boiti Agreeable Mild Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no snperior for coughs, colds and cronp, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way inju rious has made it a favorite with moth ers. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a merchant of Kirksville, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamberlain's Congh Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles. It is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my customers who have used it will not take any other." For sale'tvy all druggists. HATS, BONNETS, MIK SOWNS TO ORDER PROMPT SER AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED STYLISH FOX LAKE CAUCUS. Nounl- Easter post car .is at Petesch's Everyone knows that Spring 1B the season of they year when the system needs cleansing--Dade's Little Liver Pills are highly rec->mmeoded Try them. Sold at N. Petesch's drng store. Years the Standard BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tartar Powder, Made From Grapem NO ALUM Marble Defeata Brown for.; tlsn of Village Prenldeat. The,first caucus following tlte' fecial election at Fox Lake w as held at Mner- chke's last Friday evening and it proved even a more exciting and interesting event than the first election held for the village some time ago, Con Marble was nominated for village president defeating his opponent, A. J. Brown (who was elected president at the initial meeting of the first trustees), by two votee, the votes standing 32 to 30, a fact which shows how close the contest was. The fight for trustees was also a hard one and three of the men who were on the village's first board of trustees land who are now holding office) were dis placed by three new men. The nomi nees as they will come before the people at the election on t^ie 16th are: Blown, Devine, Collins, Jofin Bailey, Olson and Otto Muerchke. Of this number Devine, Collins and Bailey are new men, displacing and de feating in the caucus these men who are now on the board: Colon Ostrander, Scott and Maypole. George Koeth was unopposed for the nomination of village clerk. The caucus was a most determined one for the nomination of the candidates mean, their election as no other ticket will be placed in the field. Saved Her Son's Life. The happiest mother in the little town of Ava, Mo , is Mrs. S. ttnppee. She writes: "One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unable to help him; when, by our druggist's advice, I began giving him Dr. King's New Dis covery, and I soon noticed improve ment. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks when he was perfectly well. He has worked steadily since at carpen ter work. Dr. King's New Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best congh and cold cure by N. H. Petesch, Frank Masquelet, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, Druggists. 50c at d $1.00. Trial bottle free. Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every post- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation shonld have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at TLe Piai»<le»ler office and leave orders for this stationery au.l it will be put up in first-class, mauner. Coughs and colds ooutracted at this season of the year shonld have immedi ate attention. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar and is uuequalled for hoarseness, croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers en dorse it; children like to take it Con tains no opiates. Moves* the bowels. Sold -at N. H. Petesch's drng store. •.im.> . I - . - *v < *• GILBERT "k , FANCY GROCERS •W " . • \ r *h • ' Our Groceries are the freshest and best M money (an buy. i Send in your order the plone and we willit Ihe rest n TELEPHONE 271 McHenry, III f.sJ: V J - ' .,v> -