Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1907, p. 1

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, ;, 4. » $>F*Sf+ yr<vVw}* r fK a'"t *«"•*< j?^ i~<J1* *' ' ^ *» *t '"yy&zrh&r •"*'"' .̂T'*" "' - * ' "* • ' * s*> ---- •, -~.; • - .. 1 * ̂ ^ * "*" i • 'w w w-** 1 " ^ - * "' V' .•' P-- ; % .J v *-*.» *»J »V* »-*' »••* ?»-»•, S- "* ',?-. *+ ; ,» ••> f V Y1'*/- > *>. ' * |>;> ,5f,> ••:'.&•• •' i VOLUME XXXIII. i-W ^ ' „ • • • - -- FV •. ~ ) ; ; *"-> . * !? .»»*• , * * * '$ * , . 4 , r . - "• , •. • '• « • * v $ ̂ - v ; r ' » v j *• r *> » & •»* ", , „ • J MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL 4. 1907. ~ OF A PERSONAL NATU1IL •. >S? WHOM WE ENTERTAIfd WHERE WE GO. ikNO ifi lit* St: ^KclMrjr K«tcrt«fnii n large Com pen y of "J- *» Visiter*. IMrlnff the ffMk-WhoM We Knterlnlnf } • V:-";WV :. I (Just Ginnti attended to taisinew* lit Chicago Monday ' >r -V. Al., Apple « (%iumo ijwit fhmdav ; - *%r with friends hare. ;/ \ J. H, Miller/was a vh- V; / itor in Wauconda \ Mrs. Charles B. Harmsen was a re- ^ f* ^Scent Nonda visitor. ^ *' Miss Elma Teseh sprat a recent day -5- r ^with Nnnda friend*. ; Henry Miller wu a Chicago visitor < x v, " the first of the week. %• „ Henry Ulrich of Chicago spent Sun- ^-tfay with friends here. N. A. Huemann was a bosins**. TUit- I, or in Chicago Monday. < ; • B. W. Inness was a bturipees visitor in |the windy city Monday. j;. c J Waiter Wood burn of Woodstock spent f, >f|Sanday with friends here. 1 » Miss Celia Frisby of Elgin spent Son- • ilay with her parents here. f" * Charles Q. Boss, of Cbicas» spent , 'a- ^Bonday with his mother here ."T Joe Wheeler is a new employ^ At the ^Hunter-Weckier Boat works. \ ^ Miss Kate Howe of May wood spent Banday with her parents here. ^ * Philip Qnigley of Chicajro was the \ • '\|Kn®®' of relatives here Sunday. •V' * A.» M. Beattie, the Plaindealer fbre- • ; man, spent Monday in Chicago. John Kimball was a business visitor ^|nt the connty Seat last Saturday. v': Miss Anna Herliby of Elgin was a ;|recent guest of McHenry friends. Leo. W. Jackson of Chicago spent ' jSunday at the home of S Reynolds. Merritt Clark of Wanconda was a McHenry visitor one day last weiilt. Wm. Bnrke of Chicago spent Snnday with his children and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Walsh of Elgin Spent Snnday with McHenry friends. Edwin Evanson of Chicago spent sev eral days this week with relatives here. Stewart Renwick of Chicago spent Saturday and Snnday at Pistakee Bay. Jatnes Sayler of Chicago was the guest of his parents Saturday and Snn- Hay. * Misses May and Lnoy Spencer of Chi- |»go spent Snnday With their parents fliere. , Mr. Lawlnshas been on the sick list for the past two weeks, but is now on the gain. {J Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wolff of Chicago were guests of rel itiven here the first of i4th*» week. ; Frank Qeske hss «Murwl a position |jit the Oliver type writer factory at ^Woodstock. •?, Albert M. Frett *vf Chit'Mto upvut rt\ Monday with his brother, Charles G. ^nd family. - Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schneider of Woodstock spent Snnday at the home of |M-P. Block t Walter Geske and Eddie Quigley were ver from Woodstock to spend Snnday rith friends. Dr. J. Dawson of Wanconda ipsin McHenry on. professional business one ll^flny last week. f ^ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Jensen and ohiht ^ fen of Woodstock spent Snnday with relatives here. ; 1 ^ Miss Jessie Winkjemann of Terra ftotta spent several dayft t^is week with; (iss Hillebrand. Miss Irene McOinber of EvanstMl ; *vas the gnest of her iwrents here 8atnr- £>, . Jlay and Snnday. £ Miss Margaret Ay 1 ward of Elgin speak -y • several days this week with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilson of 1 ford spent several days of the past with McHenry friends. Misfl Lizzie Scheasel of KichnnMM^ spent a few days last week wMte kmt- Bister, Miss May ScbeaseL , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Peters of Chicago 'P , " spent Saturday and Sunday at MM!** - - summer home at Pistakee Bay. Dr. S. S. Wells came ont from ChiM* go Saturday evenin* to spend East©* all the home of his brother, Dr. D. G. Mrs. Paal Woosfeer and daughter of Woodstock spent Saturday and. Snnday ; at the home of W, F. Gallaher. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Don e of Ingleside were gnests at the home of the latter'* another, Mrs. Bernard Boss, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Colby of Wood­ stock spent Snnday at the home of the C latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Spnrling. . Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Preston of CM* oago were gnests at the home of the lat­ ter *s parents, Mr. and Mr^ H. M. He» Omber Snaday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Anderson of Cbi> ? . cago were gnssls at the home of ter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sea the first of the week. Mrs. 'Jams* Lae and Miss May sel spent a reeeMb day at the home of > the letter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John i Soheesel, at Richmond. Mrs. Walter J. Keyee of / - was a caller in torn last Saturday noon. Mrs. Keyeareport* a good ness at the new "American" hotel Mrs. B. W. Ianesd spent Tuesday in Chicago, Mrs. Anton Sdhneider spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. John Nieeei^speoi 8atnrd*y list in Chicago. ^ John F. Miner waaa Woodstock visit­ or last Friday. L. F. Block was afhw^ps* visitor in Chicago Tuesday. J. N. Gilbert wa&a Nmnda caller test Saturday afternoon. Geo. R. Gilbert was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Peter B. Frennd attended to hurinons in Chicago Tuesday. / F. H. Wattles attended to business in Chioago Wednesday. , Miss Bosina Reynolds was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Dr. J. M. Larson of Elgin sprat Snn­ day with relatives her*, John H. Miller boarded the Chicago train last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Block ware gnests of Dundee relatives Snnday. Miss Dora Stoffel of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents hen*. Mrs. W. D Went worth was the gnest of Chicago relatives yesterday. Mrs. Carl Mead and danghter wero Woodstock passengers last Friday. Clarence Ruh of Fox Lake was a Mc­ Henry caller last Snnday evening. Mr, and Mrs. John Glossen were Chi- cftoo passengers Tuesday morning. Mrs. V. C. Goodwin of Elgin was the guest of Mrs. E. Hunter this week. Miss Fannie Haskins of Richmond called on friends here last Saturday. Philip Giesler of Chicago spent Snn> day at the home of George Meyers Milton Ott and A1 Krause spent Sun* day aud Monday in the windy city. . Mis. Peter Scheid of Nnnda was the gnest of McHenry relatives Snnday. George Freund spent Friday and Saturday last with Chicago friends. M. J. Walsh attended to matters of a bnsiness nature in Chicago yesterday. Klare Hart of Chicago Cook in the dance at Stoffel's'hall Tuesday evening. Miss Anna Larson of Chicago spent Snnday with her siBter, Mrs. L. Pouse. Miss Florence Granger was the gnest of Elgin relatives and frends last week. Mrs, Torrance of Hebron is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. HL T. Brown this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bethke and child­ ren spent Sunday wth relatives at Don- dee. Misses Mae and Lncy Spenoer of Chi* cago spent Snnday with their parents here. Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, are spending the week with Chicago rela­ tives. LH other tQ. Seog of Chicago spent a few days tbif week at the h°*>e «»f W. Holts. M. A Howell of Chicago spent several dnys this week with his mother at the Villas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs of Chica­ go spent Sunday at ih* home of John Walsh. * Robert baas of Chioago spent a few days this week at the home of Simon Stoffet Mr. and Mrs.., Mat Frennd and tin* Jacob Jos ten wen* Chkago visitors Monday- Victor Meyers was the gnest of Chi­ cago relatives and friends the first of th* week. W. A Cristy of Anrora. Mo , is visit in« ainang his many friends in McHenry this week. T. U Grot of Ottawa. IM , attended to, his business interests here a few days thia w*»k. Dr and. 3tr*» IE. ? SIMM was* gaests «>f Chicago relatives a few days the first of the week. Dr. Geo. Haet was on%#Qm Chkago an<l spent a few days last week A* Hd- wttll's Villas. Misses Zue Gallaher and Edna Hunter have been spending the past week with Elgin friends. Mrs. S. S. Torrance was in Chicago Wednesday buying new ipillinery goods for the Paris. / F. Schintsens and O. 8orgel of Anstin »p#ttt a few days list week with Mc­ Henry friends. J Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh of Evans ton were guests of MoBenrf friends a few days this week. C. H. Heagle of Chicago was the gnest of Mr. and Mrs, Carl W. Stenger a few days this week. Misses Tillie McCallister and Minnie Greeley of Evanetoa spent Snnday with the Misses MoGee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bo thermal and children of Chicago spent'Snnday with MoHenry relatives. Mrs. Math. Ranen, son and danghter of Chicago spent the of tha week at the McHenry House., , Mrs. W. R. Marshall of Monee, 111., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Meyers, this week. Mrs. E. L. Bailey of Allegan, Michi- MB. spent several days fast weeji at the hanie of Dr. F. C. Roes. Mesdames Ed. Wilftgman and Frank Tfcpmpeon were gnests of Chicago frtonda the first of the week. Mrs. Emma C. See and danghter, Lot thk of Loop City, Nebraska, spent Tnes- <|*ty with Mrs. Thoe. Power*. Tuesday Mr*. Jama* B. Perry left Mr. and Mrs. IL O. Ross and for a two weeks* visit with her [ tar of Cheiago spent Snnday at - home of Mr. and Mra. Richard €B*Ma£< at Powell's Villas. Mr- Roes retnnMdt *?#• city in the evening, but ̂ tapl dta t̂er remained m " fhter, Mrs. H. H. Hanly, at Havana, Mr*. Bdgar Balding of. Weet Chicago mA Flank Warran of Cbieag* wers re- ' guests at Ihe ton' 1 " A VER* 9PfflniD CAUCUS WAS THAT HELD AT CITY HALL. * LA8T SATURDAY. HaM #or tlw Vlllagii PtMldwey 1 Clarimt In Team--iMtrnti Alto Pat V/ Hot Fight. />ne of the-moat spirited cancnses Which has taken place in onr village in some years was that of last Saturday, the-race for the vilhige presidency being the closest fight we have had in years. Altbo there are a few (since the can ens) who say they that had chosen the winning candidates, there were but few on the day of the proceedings who conld tell what the result wonld be. For the presidency. Peter J. Freund and W . F. Hoi tarsn a very olose race, and not until the last few votes were counted were the clerks able to deterr mine which way the vote was going. The vote at the cloee of the final count stood 111 to 106, in favor of Peter J. Frennd, thns showing that the friends of the two candidate* were very evenly divided. The race for the village aldermanship proved quite as interesting as that of ihe presidency, the six candidates put­ ting np a hard and stubborn fight. Wm. Simes led the candidates with 118 votes, his nearest competitor being Henry Block, who had 108 votes to his credit. Frank J. Herbes came third with 103. The balance of the candi­ dates and the1 vote* received by each were as follow# A. M. Browu, 97; C. T. Eldredge, u6; N. J. Justea, 78. Since the canons a f*t*tion ticket has been placed in,the field, which will bear the namesof A. M. Brown and Wm. Bonslett as candidates for the office of village alderman. The placing of the petition ticket mean* that the election, which takes place i>pri> 16, will be even more spirited than was the cancae. The caucus brought ont 229 voters. HOT CAUCUS AT GRAYSLAKE. Gray slake hid an exciting village cau­ cus last Friday when the Citizens' party put np a ticket; F. D. Batters hall was unopposed fo^ the nomination for presi­ dent. He reeved 113 votes. D. G. White was nominated for clerk over Orsen Washburn by a vote of 118 to 113. Dr. Clark was chosen for police magis­ trate. Four trustees were nominated, tb» first four named being the winners: Wm. Brads tetter, 66; E. B. Sherman, 64; A. A. McMullen, 78; B J. Loftus, 69;-- Judge JFritsoh, U; A. W. UoMhe^ Mi Wm. Pester, 68%j , -*£\ ' SCHOOL HOTS*. Miwtslll wiTilp thruM(h Mt*. Vgwlto VMUMM^ Tmmmwpw MRM. Miss Grier was cslleil l»<>ui« sndd^nfy last weeK on account <»f. the dexth of her grandmother.; Leonard Phillips is having his nlinre of illness, beinjt ont uf school a necoud time oa tbst acetmnt. He i* improving nicely. v A study Of &»n UfalMU Transporto- tion and Manufacture is varying the program for the high school and room fonr this week- A atereopticon trip thrn the Yosemite Valley is to be the feature «>f the closing meeting of the Bnsiness Class on Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock. In the basket ball gam** at Dundee last week the boys won from the Dun­ dee team by a score of 64 to 39. This was a hard fonght game, with no acci­ dents and few fonls, though the most strictly jndged game of tbe season. If the ability of our boys as players needed auy proof, it certainly received it in this game. The girls were defeated by a score of 16 to 8. They ware not able to play so well as at Woodstock, the short- as of the hall having much to do with it. The whole party attending the games was pleasantly enteitained. Mr. Ackert and Mr. Giesselbrecbt officiated in both games and certainly did so to their credit and the satisfaction of all. LrrUnt at Ui«l Church. Rev. Arthur Roberts, pastor. Regu­ lar services next Sonday, preaching at 10:90% m.^nd Sunday school at 11:45 At 7M p. ni. the pastor will give the pictorial lecture of Universalist chnrch. The lecture consist* of two hundred views and illustmtiaan dating from the earlist listing of thecbnrch in the United States and coming down to the present time. To ail interested in this chnrch and wish to know of its force in this country cannot help but enjoy and ap­ preciate this lecture. In fact, the lect­ ure is so gotten up as to interest anyone. We hope to see a large attendance at all services next Sunday. Everybody Mr- dlaUy invited. - Addtttoaal Farsowpl. New line of coat shirk it K. J. Walsh's. Mrs. John Schillo and danghter, Maude, of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Jos. Heimer the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaefer came ont from Chicago Saturday e /ening to spend Sunday at the home of thelatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hetzel. Mr. Schaefer returned to Chicago Mon­ day morning while bis wife remained for a few days' longer stay. Mr. Schae­ fer intends putting in all his spare time in MoHenry this rammer, having pur­ chased an elegant new launch at the lo­ cal boat works. potators. guanine Early Boee Early Ohio. Beauty of Hebron and Early Six Weeks, ttto per bushel, at BOYS WIN AT DUNDEE Willi* Clrl» Again How to Their Mr Opponents. The girls' and boys' basket ball teams of tho McHenry high school were at Dnhdee last Wednesday evening where they met tha uvu teams i&presenting that village. w One of tbe largest crowd* that ever attended a basket ball game in the down river town was on hand bright and early to cheer their favorite ones to victory. Tbe games, especially that of the boys, were very hotly contested and the crowd was kept on ita feet dnring the entire contest. The boys' game was to decide which team was tbe better, this being the third of a series of three games to be played, each team having won one, thns making the game last Wednesday evening the "rubber," with our boys coming ont with flying colors* tbe finsl score being 34 to 29, which partly indi­ cates how stubbornly the contest was fonght. The line np of the boys' teams was as follows: MoHenry--Gallaher and McAndrews, forwards; Larson, cen ter; McOmber and Pouse, guards. Dundee--Sawyer and Lagerstrom. for­ wards; Rynder* eenter; Augell and Livingston, guards. Score--first half, 14-13; total score, 84-29, McHenry lead­ ing in both instances. While the boys came home all smiles the fairer sex were not quite as jolly, as they had been defeated for the Jhird time by their Dundee frieu<1>, this time the score being 16 to 8 The girls pre­ sented the following line np: McHetn y --Wheeler and Evsnson. forwards; E. Bee be, center; Stoffel and M. Beebe, guards. Dundee--Biunie, Henry snd Ehlert, forwards; DahlliQUi, center, Burgess and Banmann, guards. Score- first half, 8-3; total t-core, 1$8; with Dnndee iu the lead. The following gentlemen acted as officials: Ackert of Algonquin, referee; Giesselbrecbt of Wottdstocfc, umpire; Adame, storekeeper: lieverly, time keeper. At the close of the game out boys and girls and those who accompanied the teams were ver}' pleasantly entertained at Fraternity hall. All report a most pleasant time and fine treatment at the hands of the Dundeeitee. «* , Seed potatoes, genuine Early Rose, Early Ohio. Beauty of Hebron and Early Six Weeks, 90c per bnshel, at Gilbert Bros. t*l«MHHiitly Kntertiilnad. At their Ik»um on VVaukeaan street last Mondsy evening Mr. and Mrs. F. AJ» Bohlander very pleasantly entertain­ ed a ouiigixnx <>f yuaiiK niHi-ried people at progressive cinch. The evening was a most pleasant one for the occasion and as a result nearly all r*M4«>u4«d to the invitations issued th*Nt», It being April Fool day thirteen games were played. After ihe liell had beeu tsp|»ed, signifying that the thirteenth and last game hsd l**>n plitred. it »a« fonnd that three contestants were tied for the Indies' Hr*t prise, as folU»wn: Me dsm^s Bruce Starritt, Guy L. Clemens and W. F. Gallaher As is customary in h a case the cut was made with, the result that the first named lady wo* ont, her prise be'ng a fancy dish. For the Inwiby pria» Mesdames Curl W. Stenger and C. L. Pane were tied, whiHt m-r** sitated a cut, with Mrs Steuger winning out, her priz« being sn Better lily hat pin holder. The gentleman's first prise, a clothes brush, went to O N. Owen, but not nntil he had «nt with Georae Kuebler. The gent*' booby prise was easily won by F. L. McOmber, wtio won one game, his pr»s^ being s tiny |>at!k of cards. After the prizes bad been award­ ed, tbe winners all sat down to daintily prepared reftt-shment* served by the hostess. The table decorations were very pretty and well in keeping with the n>'ca«k*n. Candiea stuffed with cotton, cork, rablier and cheese were also served. All preeent enjoyed the evening eery u»n«-b and nothing i*nt words of praise could be heard for the good tiuieshovtf/i them bv tin e^ti^^Jll^e host and hostess. Tbe following were present. Messrs. and Mesdames W. F. Gallaher, H. E. Price, William Spencer, Carl W. Stenger, John Walsh, Bruce Starritt, D. G. Weils, George Kuebler, F. L. McOmber, William Gilbert, Guy L. Clemens, C. L. Page. Frank Martin, Clifford Sherman, R. G. Chamberlin; Mesdames E. M. Owen and Ray O. Lamphere; Messrs. O N. Owen, G. W. Besley Bnd C. Bunte. , x ^ • { --- Go to Gilbert Bros, for seed potatoes, all kinds and true to name; Early Six Weeks, Early ^hic^and Early Rose, 90c per bushel. " Every women appreciates a beautiful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use Hollieter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 80 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your drug­ gist. , LOST--Sometime during Wednesday night my sorrel mare broke loose from my barn and has since been running. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will confer a great favor by notifying me. Dr. C. H. Fegers. Go to Gilbert Eros, for seed •(•otatoes, ail kinds and true to name; Early Six Weeks, Early Ohio and Early Rose, 90c per bushel. The first Saturday night dance of the --inn wilt take place at Stoffel's hall on April 18. Metxger 'e orchestra wilt fnmtch the marie. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. AND A Miscellaneous, A.»«urtmeut of News Items la Condensed Form For Conven­ ience of Husy People. The annual Woodman picnic will be held at Rockford, Thursday, June 6. Spring Winds chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. Pinesalve Carboliz- ed applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem edy. Acts like a poultice and draws out inflammation. Sold at N. H. Peteech's drugstore. Over 60,000 tickets were sold from Chicago to Fox Lake last year by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul rail­ way. Practically the entire number was sold during three Or four summer months and nearly all theae on Satur­ days and Sundays, According to a statement made by President Charles H. Hnlbnrd, of the Elgin National Watch company, more watches are being made in Elgin at the present time than dnring any previous period in the biBtory of the factory. Elgin's leading industry is not only growing rapidly but will continue to expand until the output is nearly double what it was a few years ago. Harvard Herald: At a meeting of tbe poor farm committee, held at the county farm at Hartland, bills amount­ ing to $1,043 were audited and ordered paid. There are 41 inthates in the coun­ ty house and at this meeting it was fonnd that it costs $1.48 per week to board them. Members of tbe committee present were: Supervisors Desmond, McConnell, Crissey, Mentch, Covell and Tbroop, the other member, Mr. Whip­ ple, being absent. Nnnda Herald: Thursday evening last a jolly crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lock wood, at Ter­ ra Cotta, in response to invitations is­ sued in honor of Miss Alice Smith of McHenry. Everyone seemed bent on having a good time. Games, cards and dancing were the chief amusements. Supper, which consisted of coffee, sand­ wiches, cake and fruit salad, was served at midnight. At a late hour they de­ parted for their various homes, declar­ ing they had never spent a more enjoy­ able evening. In a letter to the Woodstock Repub­ lican, A. L. Francisco writes from Here­ ford, Texas: "We have beeu passing a new kind of winter--in fact, when com­ pared with Illinois winters, no winter at all. Farmers nave been plowing all the time, the ground not having been frozen enough to prevent the work. Building has bqpn going on continuous­ ly, as rapidly as material can lie gotten in, and carpenters, of which there sre a large number, can work it np. Many of the houses are engaged for rent be­ fore they are built, and of course rent is very high." Elgin Courier: Frank Fisk hits just returned from Fox Lake, where be bas beeu tor the past week looking after his interests on Indian Point. Mr. Fisk owns a large tract of land at this point, aud haS disposed of several lots this spring to Chicago parties. He said that since the dam was pot iu at McHetny the water is a great deal higher, and that the low water at the resort last snmmer would not heaBource of trouble this season. Many hunters are follow­ ing the sport at the lake at present. Several Elgin parties are contemplating building cottages at the lake this sum­ mer, and from all present indications it promises to be a favorite resort. Nonda Herald: W. A. Goodwin of Crystal Lake brought home from Bur­ ton's Bridge one day last week the big­ gest lot of fish reported to the Herald by any single fisherman in the last ten years. They were.practically all pick­ erel, measuring from a foot to two feet in length, and there were just forty of them ' They were jnst right for baking or frying, as the writer can attest from the sample furnished by Mr. Goodwin. F. P. Wilmington accompanied Mr. Goodwin on the fishiug trip and shared in the good luck. Tbe fish in Fox river are biting lively this year. A large nnmber of redhorse and black suckers have been caught, also a few pickerel. A great many were caught the latter part of last week, but tbis week they have not beeu biting so well. In speaking o° tbe Teachers' institute held at Woodstock last week the Wood- stock Republican, among other things, says: "Two societies were organized Tuesday afternoon--the McHenry Coun­ ty Geographic society, with Supt. W. F. Rice of MoHenry as president and Mrs. Fannie Webster of Harvard as secretary, the purpose of which is to forward the plan of purchasing stereop- ticon slides and stereoscopic views, to­ gether with other geopraphical material, and circulating the tame to the various schools in the county; the other society is the Supplementary Reading society, with Prin. J. E. Ackert of Algonquin as president and Miss Kathrjn O Neil of Harvard as secretary. Tbe purpose of this organization is to study various sets of supplementary readers and to recommend to the secretary any set or part thereof which may be found valu­ able aud adaptable to school u^e " Everyone knows that Spring is the season of they year when the system ueeds cleansing--Dade's Little Liver Pills are highly recunui-uded. Try them. Sold at N. 8. Psteeoh's drag store. - COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. VillatC* Darin Tleelnre Light Plant Spolu- »)wk aupd Holler » Nuumms*> 60 00 1 60 18 10 83 27 980 400 600 2760 14 08 200 2200 10 00 200 199 , r Council Room, April 1, 1907. Hie board of trustees meet in regular session, Present--Trustees Block, Bar- bian, Stoffel, Simes and Weber. In the absence ot President Evanson, Trntlan Stoffel was chosen to preside. The minutes of the last regular moat* ing were read and approved. The following bills were r**d and ap proved by tbe finanoe ooaualtte*: P. Engeln, labor. ...... $ 2 00 John Walsh, police services*.... .; 50 00 M. M. Niesen, same F. Kimball, labor Herbes Bros , labor McHenry Electric Light, Heat, it Power Co., lighting Legal Advisor Co., 8qppU«fe.,. L. M. Worts, gravel Geo. Meyers, gravel '.;... \ Geo. Meyers, labor M. Engeln & Son, bridge ratling,. A. Schneider, acct G. Eagela, lfo McHenry Brewery, graveling... A. Engeln, storing hoe* carts A. Schneider, acct R. Hatpin, it* Gilbert Bros., oil On motion by Block seconded by Simes the bill* were approved and ordered warrants for the same. A petition signed by the properly ow­ ners near the Electric Light plant re questing the board to compel the owners of said plaut to put the sapn# into a safe condition, was prso*nt*d. read aidplac ed on file. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Simes that the boiler and smoksstaok of the McHenry Electric Light, Beat and Power Co. be declared/a ^uisance until such time as the sam# be p«t into* safe condition. Motion carried unanimously The committee on streets and alleys was instructed to inepeot tha n4U race bridge. The board appointed P. J. Ctoifgr, C. T. Eldredge and John Nieeen as judge* of election and H E. Block. John Weber and John Barbian as clerks of an elect­ ion to i>e held in the village on April 16, 1907. On motion, duly carried, the board adjourned. John Sxwfel, Clerk. Seed potatoes, genuine Early Rose, Early Ohio, Beaaty of Hebron and Early Six Weeks. 90c per bushel, at Gilbert Bros. QUARTER OF A C^MTURV. Items Clipped from The Plaindealer •! April S, 188S. The "Hidden Hand." at Riverside halt, tomorrow, Thursday evening, by the McHenry Dramatic club. Tripp Bros., the new wagon makers, h.\ve arrived aud taken possession of the wagon department in Carpenter's shop on the West. Side The annual town meeting on Tues­ day was one of the most quiet that bas been held in this town for many years. There was but one ticket in the field, that headed by J. W. Cristy for super­ visor, and while there was, as usual, a little scratching the ticket went thru almost unanimous. Tbe absence of a contest of course caused the vote to be light, but 20(1 votes being cast. Whether the opposition, who have been so often beaten, have given np their case as hopeless in this town, or are laying back for a "better hold" another time, we are unable to 6ay, but we are frep to say Mtp don't like such tame elections. We a square fight. No skulking. The following is the ticket elected: Super­ visor, J. W. Cristy; town clerk, F. G. Mayes; assessor, John Hnemaan; col­ lector, James Ladd; cominillitfjp highways, Isasc Harsh. Ilirlhdajr Snrprlne. v Frances Stoffel was the victim of a birthday surprise party last Monday evening when a nnmber ot her young girl friends called at her home in a body, the occasion beipg the victim's four­ teenth birthday anniversary. The jolly company arrived at 6:80 and remained until 9:80 o'clock. The evening was spent playing games, jokes, songs and laughter and judging from the many ha! ha! hasl that came from that direc­ tion the event was fnlly enjoyed by al preeent. Refreshments were served and more than a little fun was bad with the April Fool candy. Those present were: Lizzie Miller, Celia Alyward, Mae Ayl- ward, Maggie Buss, Susie Schreiner* Lovetta Pfeffer, Sylrie HiW, J*e*i» Winklemann, Mary Burke, Belle Carey, Esther Stoffel, Anna Knox, Alice Olsen, Martha Stoffel, Frances Stoffel. A Cats' Boarding House. A woman who had engaged board for two cats at an animal boarding house stopped at the desk on her way out and said: "Ob, by the way, I forgot something. What do you give your cats for Sunday dinner?" "The regu­ lar fare," said the proprietor. "I would like you to make an exception iu the case of my cats," said the woman. "They have been used to special dished at home on Sunday, and 1 am surfe they wonld miss them vary much, t am willing to apay extra for the care and expense." "That," grumbled the animal man after acceding to her re­ quest, "is one of the peculiar phase* of »h>w business. Half the people pcJgonr (Liing a place of this kind insist upon onr providing a few chokta tMhkta for the Sunday dinner of their pet*. It is bound to ruin their digestion, but whenever there is a clause In tbe con­ tract to that effect special Bunday and holiday face proralia."--] Record, kir" WffKtT PtCK-QR* ITEMS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWM4 DURING THE WEEK. i?ea»le are Doing in u«r Man Little ̂ ' Cl<7--New* am Seen by The ' , * ItoaressntatiirM. Butter Miwtwt, Thirty cents was tha prica ot^hBlter I] on the Elgin board of trad* Moad*?. "' , ̂ Elegant new line of noveltigs at M. J. C / * $ Walsh's. ." ,* i An elegant new line of dnw6-<WR.h>i"iJ' 1 found at Masquelet's. Long silk glove* in whM* black at M, J. Walsh's. The roof on the Gilbert hloafc, in Q|B» terville has been sanovwad wife m -nmr ; coat of tar. j f * l it repaired before the spring rush opens. * ^ "r J. J. Vycital, McHenry. * ^ -* Wm. Stoffel has received hi* antom<(- bile from Chicago, for whieh he traded his last year's machine. A dance will be held at the McHenry House hall on Wednesday evening, April 17. Particulars next week. ? Nothing stale or shop worn, enty-i thing fresh and. up-to-date at Ma8qne-:|fi|K^ let's drng store, near Rivwaid* Bona*, % McHenry. - 7; Go to Gilbert Bros, for seed potatoes,/ 'v'X -l all kinds and true to name; Early Six ^ Weeks, Early Rose and Early Ohio. 9Qe/ per btwbel. -* . Seed potatoes, genuina Barly Early Ohio, Beauty ot Hebron Early Six Weeks, 90c par bushel-••if? Gilbert Bros. [al- The many friends of John Kvan*o»v t :••-•. wi)l be pleased to learn that he^s on the? •-'f- road to recovery from his recent quite ,, serious illness. A Go to Gilbert Broa. for«M)4 -polafcwk-yv all kinds and trae to name; Bhriy Six : Weeks, Early Roqa and Early Ohio, tte^ . : ^ per bushel. y The antomobile season is agailt aftJ hand. Here's hoping that the authorities will enforce tha speed ocdi* ' J, nance to the letter this season* , . < * GIBL shop. le. WANTED--In my One who is handy with theMitti Apply at shop. J. D. Lodta, tatt^l MoHenry, 111. 40-tf Dnring the past two weeks Wtlfttapa. Bacon has drilled fonr wells and *^ two new windmills and in every inatamm his, work has given perfect satisfaction. When in need of anything in the line . _ of drugs, don't forget Masqnelet. That < •; is the place where satisfaction is a mot- ̂ to. Give him a trial and be convinced. , The Passion play in stereopticon view* **'*-•> 4 will be given at St. Patrick's ohnroh in I this village some time in the aear fntaMtay;... W^tch these columns for noaocement. Oondolences are alt very wu, ow ' •. - • they do not repair the damage can**d by inferior paint. Bradley & Vrooman 4 /;•: i p a i p t s g i v e s e n t i r e s a t i * f a B t H i % 8 n l A f ; by F. L. McOmbar. f ' Nine years ago tbe First M. E. chnreltf at Morning Sun, Iowa, was paiMiftf with Bradley & Vrooman paint. |||f painting was not required till years later. Sold by F. L. McOm The Mrs. J. J. Miller store occupied by J. W. Frennd, tha Side clothier, has been recovered a lire proof roofing during the #>ijfej Petar J. Freund and carpenters did ttrif wosk. • A jolly, good-natured crpwd of danc- era tripped the light fantastic at the 4'; McHenry House ball Monday evening. ' Hapke's McHenry orchestra fnrnishod the music and a good time was enjoyed ^ by all in attendance. ^.. .. ..IsSfi The dance at Stoffel's hall Tnesdfj 1 ^ evening was quite well attended and { , from reports we should judge that everyone present "jnet had a dandy lima" The music w«| fnTnt||jirl by Metfger's of Woodstock. ^ ^ Z Steffes & Wirfs, tbe Johnabnrgh ce- •• ' ment block manufacturers, have this ; week installed a new machine by which : they can now turn ont cement balls of a ; size that are used for ordtniry deooia^- ing unrposai. The firm ia eninpinga rapidly growing bnsinees. , Leave your orders with N. A. Hue- • mann, the West Side jeweler, for piano ' ̂ tuning and repairing- He baa engaged an expert piano tnner and repair*r vltk ' •• ; eighteen years of exp«d«aeajhi tidi BM - ̂ ̂ f- of work, to take care of his ptanoa. 8* , / <%< 'if ^ . will be in McHenry abowfc May 1. 4t-H f'* '*' * Mike Engeln has the honor of the first person to wake a catch of ftdt from the river bridge this season. •m catch consisted of an even dq«*n of ftM . black basis and w«us made on Wednen* . ; day, March it. Some fine strings of silver bass are also being taken from , ^ the waters of themiU joillhii ! Owing to the fact that there wan bttt , 5 ̂ one ticket in the field the annual town election held Tuesday was dull and nn- v ̂ Interesting. NiarigNfonr «e|«t polled in the MoHenry Ring wood polled IB- The ed is as follows; Supervisor. JnamMfe *?""T Ladd; town clerk. N. H.Pnte*ch; amw»i > ? ' or, Joh»XlmhaU; ooUaotor, John •en; Hdw tommU • OoWMT* ' ^ ;,ft. . v;i^ ^4-zj : .< ^ ~ ,vt. . ^ ;v ,• • • u * • • , . , - v I ' , " * ' • • ' ' ' - • ' I - ' " ' i v i . V " 1 ^ 4 ' f • „ * • j » " " J I , - s ' . ' . V ' 1 , • * / ' . ' • v r v v * • ^ ~ T ' t y :,i A •-

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