Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1907, p. 3

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^"Pawpiif J™!1111»M^i^fppp ' ' < . „ , - . , r < 4i* *>./4rf(** Wft̂ " ' "•! J !*% on? grandmothers were alck, tifed out, onablo to work or sleep, when their rosy complexion began to Cade and the eyes to lose their luster, titer *vre told that they required "more hron in their blood." Instead of taking medicine, contain­ ing strong acids (to hold the iron in fOlutlon), they would stick iron nails into an apple, leave them in over night, and next morning, before breakfast. BAT THE APPLE. -xr- the results in all cases proved wHsfactory it demonstrates once again that the nearer we approach na­ ture the more apt are we to find reme­ dies for the sick. Mr: Zaegel, a chemist at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, has giveu this matter of using nature's remedies much atten­ tion. If any of our readers will write him fee will mail absolutely free an extract he prepares from • roots and herbs which has been found an excellent remedy for Backache, Constipation, Rheumatism and Piles. "If you will mention your complaint, he will also send the names of these roots and herbs, showing which is best indicated in your case. All that is necessary la to write to Mr. Zaegel, 127 Main street, Sheboy­ gan, Vis., and he will mail you a trial bottle free. So many are taking advantage of this offer that Mr. Zaegel says he does not know how long he can continue to give away free samples. "Write at once if you have Backache, OSOBtfpation, Rheumatism or Pil^jfe « ? Oldest Man on Army Rolls. "The oldest enlisted man on the rolls of' the United States army is Sergt David Robertson, of the hospital corps, station on Governor's island. He is a native Scotchman. He first enlisted Hay 27, 1854, and he has been in con­ tinuous service, having the extraordi­ nary record of never having lost a day. He is 74 years old. SICK HEADACHE Positively ened by these Little Pills. They also relieve Mi- trees from Dyspepsia. In­ digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem­ edy for Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Tasto in the Jloum. coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID UVER. They regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable, SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE CARTERS GARTERS PILLS. Gemma Must Bear Fac-Simile Signaturt REFUSE SUBSTITUTES* A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. GNcs Relief at One*. It cleanses, soothes I heol3 and protects the diseased mem­ brane. It cnrcs Ca­ tarrh and drives away a Cold in the! Head quickly. Be-1 stores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug, gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. F R E E H O M E S For information address, with stamp. Olivine BeMrvatlou Information Agency, L'OGlj*. WASH. CiDUCDC I AIM rn 2 Third St.. Portland, I MMCNw LARK UU • Ore., headquarters for bar- Sains in farms, acreage, c it} property, lo«,ns, In vest­ ment* In Portland and the great Willamette Valley. as CURED OF GRAVEL. Not a Single Stone Haa Formed Sine* Using Doan'a Kidney Pills. J. D. Daughtrey, music publisher, of Suffolk, Va,, says: "During two of r three years that I had kidney trouble I passed 2% pounds of gravel and sandy sediment in the urine. I haven't passed a stone since uaing> Doan's Kidney Pills, however, and that was three years ago. I used to suffer the most acute agony during a gravel attack, and had the other usual symptoms of kidney trouble--lassitude, headache, pain in the back, urinary disorders, rheumatic pain, etc. I have a box con­ taining 14 gravel stones that I passed, but that is not one-quarter of the whole number. I consider Doan's Kid­ ney Pills a fine kidney tonic." For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foater-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Little Bobby on Beet* Little Boby wrote an essay on bees as follows: "The bee ia a queer sort of an in­ sect, that gives people a few points that they don't appreciate. The queen bee bosses the hive, just like ma bosses our house. The drone bee is like pa; he don't care much about work. There are other kinds of bees, Including political bees, quilting bees and husking bees. But the best bees of all are the kissing bees. There is a kissing bee in our parlor every Sun­ day night and I get a nickel not to tell about It. When it conies to a choice of bees, give me a£&sing bee every time." $LOOD GETS SOUR. V ;>r^" • Si Every Family Should Make Up Thia Home Mixture and Take Now. At this time < year, says a well- known authority, the Kidneys become weak, clogged and inactive, failing to filter out the poisons and acids, which sour the blood, causing not only facial and bodily eruptions, but the worst foima of Rheumatism, Nervous and Stomach troubles, Backache and pain­ ful, annoying Urinary afflictions. It is worth anyone's time now to get from some good prescription phar­ macy the following ingredients: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com­ pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bot­ tle and take in teaspoonful doses after your meals and at bedtime. , This simple home-made mixture will force the Kidneys to normal, healthy action, so they will filter and strain all uric acid and poisonous waste matter from the blood, and expel this in the urine, at the same time restoring the "full blood count"--that is, 95 per cent, red blood corpuscles--which is abso­ lutely Indispensable to perfect health. Animals With Backbones. Hie number of different species of animals known to naturalists is, roughly,' 156,000, of which 15,3<K) are vertebrates,for backboned. Garfield Tea is for those who dwlre an ideal laxative; it is simple, pure, mild and potent; it regulates the liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation, and brings Good Health. It is guaranteed under toe Pure Food and Drugs Law. People seldom improve, when tney have no other model but themselvea to copy after.--Goldsmith. FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free |2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline. Ld., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. It avails little to the unfortunate to be brave.---From the Spanish. agar has a rich taste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Lewis' Single Binder Cij ste. Yoi Peoria. 111. Nothing is impossible to lb* man who can will.--Emerson. Mrs. Winrioir's Soothing Sjrrap. Ildren teething, softens the gurus, redac at Ion. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a b Conscience is the highest oanrts.--Victor Hugo. of aU m X * STITCHES. ALL APPLY TWISTS USE ELECTRIC POTATO HEtLER. Bread Made at West Point Without Touch of a Hand. The first thing which attracts one's attention is the electric potato peeler --a tublike machine with revolving knives. A bushel of potatoes is thrown in at a time, a button is pressed and in the space of five minutes the tubers foil into another tub neatly peeled. As four or five barrels of potatoes are used every day the labor saving of the apparatus will be readily under­ stood. One hundred and fifteen loaves of bread are baked every 24 hours, and nearly 100 rolls, with occasionally 50 spice cakes. Pies are used once a week and 125 are baked. There is an electric bread-mixing machine, with funnels through which the flour, water and yeast may flow according to the wish of the baker. The loaves are also cut and rolled by machinery, the whole baking being done without a hand touching the bread until it comes from the oven and is placed on the cooling racks. An electric dough divider is used for cutting rolls. The dough is thrown on an iron plate, and a cutter drops, separating it into pieces of the size required for each roll. These are quickly transferred to a pan and are set to rise. The eggs used In cooking are beat­ en by electricity, and the silver used in the dining-room is polished with a brush run by the same motive power. Dishes are washed by pacing them In a wire rack and touching a lever which causes the rack to sink into scaiding water, where the dishes are * cleaned. Another lever lifts them, and they are turned out on trays^ to dry. Ice is made In the basement, and comes from the freeser in 50-pound cakes. The 8terililzng machine is an elec­ tric apparatus, and with its aid 180 gallons of milk are sterilized every morning. The milk is poured into a large can and heated to 180 degrees, which kills the bacteria, and in less than three-fourths of a minute it is cooled to 38 degrees.--Leslie's Weekly. COURT TRIALS OF ANIMALS. In Olden Times They Were Arraigned ^ ^ Before Justices. The decision of the southwestern police court (London) magistrate that a monkey may use the pavement if he causes no obstruction, reminds us that, down to a comparatively late pe­ riod on the continent, the lower ani­ mals were considered amenable to the laws. Domestic animals were tried in the common criminal courts; wild animals fell under ecclesiastical ju­ risdiction. French antiquaries have discovered the records of 92 proc­ esses against animals, conducted with the strictest formalities of justice, from 1120 to 1740, when the last trial and execution, that of a cow, took place. Thus, there was a lawsuit that lasted from 14-45 to 1467 between the inhabitants of St. Jullen and < a kind of beetle, and at Lavigny, in 1457, a sow and her six young ones were tried on a charge of having mur­ dered and partly eaten a child. The sow was found guilty and condemned to death, but the little pigs were ac­ quitted on account of their youth, the bad example of their mother, and the absence of direct proof against them. --London Chronicle. " ' 54 YEARS SELLING DIRECT Oar vehiaaeaadkaraaas have fcaaoaoUl direct from our factory *op * third, of a. otBtury, itip for examination ana approTfcl •nd |rnmrmnt-- Mtf* d*Uwy. Yon art out nothing if not *• to rtyto, qull^ and prioe. We Arc The LargMt NaiMrfMfaiwra In Tka Worid sellingtothaoonaameraxola^iralT. Wenmfc*MOatyleaot w Tehtclea, •& ktyiee of Harueea. Bend for large. (rM oatio^ua. rvNStJuKKwWto Elkhart CMrrte«e ft «•£*. Fttee!fn.l£ Elkhart, ladlauu. rlviaf Wtf«. piste, extra *«*t. $£3. ••x;. -,r • f . i » " ' ^ v.. ^4- Fertile Farming L A N D S OMKBO Easy "^Te la the Bttf SectioB ofthe South Unexcelled for Getierel Farming. Stock Raising, Berries, Fruit and Vegetables. Cantaloupes, Strawberries, Peaches, Apples. Grapes, etc., give handsome returns. Cattle needbui little winter feed. HEALTHY CLIMATE. GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING SEASON. Mdress 6. A. PARK.Sen.Im.aintrt A*t LwlsriHs t HnkvlHs I. R. Co. [THE iPACKAGt Chewers of Tea Leaves. "I had an odd case of tea chewing the other day," said a physician. "The man was yellow and emaciated. He had been chewing China tea for seven years. "He Baid that at first tea chewing had had a wonderfully stimulating ef­ fect on him. " 'I drank in those days,' he admit­ ted frankly, 'and sometimes I would turn up at the shop after putting away 20 or 25 beers with only three hours of sleep to my credit. Naturally I'd feel seedy, but, sir, by chewing a few mouthfuls of tea I'd become almost as alert and fresh as ever again.' "As the habit grew on the man, though, its stimulating effect died. It finally failed to stimulate him at all, but without it he was nervous, he got headaches and he had no appetite. "Of course I advised him to aban­ don tea chewing--to abandon it grad­ ually. What Interested me in his case was his claim that in teashops--he -worked in a teashop--the chewing Of the leaves was <a Hiirly common thing." J \ •" Goose Is Intelligent Bird. Afarmer would scarcely believe that a goose requires only about 60 hours in order to prepare it for the footlights* and a critical audience, and that a common pig, which has been bought in the market, will in 30 hours be competent to blossom forth as an actor. According to Mr. Clyde Pow­ ers, a trainer of wide experience and much patience, it takes a duck about three days to learn hew to march on the stage, to follow the chorus, and to inarch off again at the proper time; it takes a chicken a week or more, and a turkey cannot grasp the art of act­ ing before six months' time. Mr. Pow­ ers has tried to train a peafowl, but he finds that It is impossible. A goose is the most intelligent of all the feath­ ered tribe, and a goose is also the only one of the domestic fowls that shows affection.--Leslie's Weekly. It would be too bad to deco­ rate your home in the ordi­ nary way, simply because of not knowing you could do It better for less money with Alabastlne. Better find out all about Alabasttae firqjt, anyway. We'll cheerfully send you full information if you will send us your address on a post card. The AlabastlM Co.. nOOraaMUa to^Graad t*ti •kt., m MB Water S«r««C IHMQK. LOUtaVtLLK, KY Made an Impression. Hie witty vicar of a country parish in the north of England was often pained at the apparent apathy dis­ played by members of his congrega­ tion towards matters of religion. He did his best to impress them for good, but somehow he seemed to make very unsatisfactory progress. One day, aa he was out for a ride on horseback in his parish, the horse made a sudden plunge, and he found himself lying full length on his back in a ditch bottom. Fortunately, it . waa soft, otherwise the consequences might have been more serious. He got up and, taking a survey of the place, ex­ claimed as he walked away: "Well, there is at least one plac* In my parish now wnere I have left impression." FIGURES OF A CROP IN WESTERN CANADA. • Swan River 8ett!er Haa \ vSucceeded. -V; 3 Benito, Manitoba, Nov. H 1906. At Swan River Valley, In May, 1900, a settler took up a homestead on Sec­ tion 30, in Township 34, Range 29 West of the First Meridan, at that time 50 miles from. a railway, tele­ graph, school or church. There la now a railway within two miles of my farm, and all these other advant­ ages close at hand. His story is: "After making my homestead entry fee of |10 I had $45.00 total (forty-five dollars) capital. Through doing homestead duties tin alack times of the year, I managed to get a start. I am a married man of 28 years of age. "I built my first house, or shack, and broke up 8 acres, putting five acres in crop the first year. "ThlB year, 1906, I had 80 acrea in crop--65 acres in wheat, 20 acres of which yielded 850 bushels, or 42tt bushels per acre; 15 acres of oats, which yielded 365 bushels, and one stack of oats in sheaf for feed. "Receipts for the year- Sold 1,755 bu. of wheat for.. .91,037.10 In granary, 110 bushels 71.50 In granary, 355 bu. oats..... 88.75 Garden roots and vegetables 25.00 One stack of oats la sheaf,.. 50.00 Total t*., ExpetsWrtffye&r B l u e s t o n e f o r s e e d . 1 . 6 0 Paid for binder twine......* 30.00 Paid for hired 12000 Paid for threshing 107.00 I ».*.•«.. .S|. .$1,272.35 T o t a l . . . « * V ^ J i » * 2 5 8 . 6 0 Receipta .»....... ^.... .$1,272.35 Expenditure* ,., 258.60 Balance .**«• •.t.,....*'*$1,013.75 Assets. 160 acres of land valued at. .$2,500.00 Frame house 20x26, valued at 600.00 Farm implements 425.00 1 team horses and harness.. 400.00 5 head young cattle 75.00 2 hogs 15.00 Receipta of this year's crop.. 1,015.75 Total ,p J Loan On tenfi 'sl vf ,030.75 500.00 Balance to my 'gobA..:. :?|4,530.75 Particulars as to how to secure low railway rates to the free homestead lands of Western Canada may be se­ cured from any Canadian Government Agent. Churning Dogs. A carious point in regard to the new dogs act occupied the attention of the Carnorvan county bench on Saturday, says the London Daily Mail. The su­ perintendent reported that eight per­ sons had applied for exemptions in re­ spect of dogs which >vere used fof churning. Issard Davids inquired whether it had not been decided that to use dogs for such a purpose was cruelty, but several of his colleagues replied in the negative. The bench decided that the owners of the churn­ ing dogs must take out licenses. FURIOUS HUMOR ON CHJLI*. Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Bo^jl> --Nothing Helped Her--Cuticura Cures Her in Five Days. "After my granddaughter of about seven years had been cured of the measles, she was attacked about * fortnight later by a furious itching and painful eruption all over her body, especially the upper part of It, forming watery and bleeding sores, especially under the arms, of considerable size. She suffered a great deal and for three weeks we nursed her every night, using all the remedies we could think of. Nothing would help. We tried the Cuticura Remedies and after twenty- four hours we noted considerable im­ provement, and after using only one complete set of the Cuticura Remedies, in five consecutive days the little one, much to our joy, had been entirely cured, and has been well for a long time. Mrs. F. Ruefenacht, R. F. D. No. 8, Bakersfleld, Cal., June 25 and July 20, 1906." v Persistent people begin their suc­ cess where others end In failure.--Ed­ ward Eggleston. FAD^LES^YI^fill remain bri^lf and beautiful. No trouble to use. 5 A woman either loves or hatea; there is no third part--Publlus Syrus. JBmokera have to call for Lewis' Single Binder cigar to get it. Your ™l*r or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, HI. it is the gold of love that rqakes the quartz of life worth while--A/C. Man­ ning. Plan for Good Health! Take Garfield Tea now; It regulates the liver and kid­ neys, overcomes constipation, purifies the blood and eradicates aise&se. It ia wholly of Herbs. Keep yeur fears to yourself, but •hare your courage with others.-- Stevens. It Cures While You Walk.^ V Allen's Foot-Ewie Is a certain ctrrp vfbr • hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching, feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't aocept any substitute. Trial package FREE.: Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Hearing Strangely Restored, A man of Witten, Germany, who- bad been almost deaf for some years., recovered his hearing completely after * terrific exploelon. CASTOR - iKlafutauul Children -J-.. * i * top Iht Kind Yoi Have Always BN0fl'"7 JJJ!|•ENTMMI§!TP££P*WMMN*•«»«•*.NMVDMIET*v. ... n<\ ^ a* 5 STAT* or Ora, Ctrr OT ; Ll'CAS Lloc-rr. f FRATTK J. CHBXBY UMICM Mth th»t be ti lenloi* rartacr of the firm of F. J. C*ssr«r a Co., dvitar iMtoece In tL.o City ot Toledo. Coaaty mad Stat, •foresaid. And that Mid firm w!!l W the «uin © OSS MI'S OK ED DOLLARS for each and e*erjf cut «f Catarrh that cannot to cared by the ut« of IU,L.. Cataeku CUB*. ^ Sworn to before me Md snbecrllted la raj preeuca, | NOTABT Pomno HiarTcatarrti Cure !t taken internally aad sett directly on tbe blood and mucous surfacM of IBS mtin. Send for testimonial*, free. _ , „ T.J. CHSNEF * CO., TelStfc0> 8o!d by all Dragslttt, T5c. Taka Hall'a r tally PUia f»r eeMtlyetlsa. Photographs ef Brave Men." The Mikado and the crown prince of Japan are each having an album mad® of photographs of all the military and naval officers killed In the wax with Russia. For Emergencies at Home ft* ihe Stock on the Farni £ ? Stoatts Liiximeivt Is a whole medicine chest Price 25c 50ft 6 HOO Santf^N* Free Booklet on HorMS,CdHe.HofiS eftwkiy* Address Dr. Earl S. &1oan, Boston, Mass. One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the Well-Informed of the World is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading' mauufadll^ ^ ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. / y- ;' "truth and quality ,:C'v', =' appeal td 'the "Wetf-fftf&rmed in every walk of life and are essential to pehhanent'suc- 1 cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hoar of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac­ ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably knlown under the name of-- Syrup of Figs--and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--aS more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs--and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company -- California Fig Syrup Co.--- plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for--Syrup of Figs--or by the full name--Syrup of Figs and. Elixir of Senna--as--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name -- Syrup of Figs -- which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bftt^e. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., that the remedy is not adulterated or ^p r̂aaded Within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906* r- - \ , v. f-1 m ' t ri:i m*: 'J- :• 1 ; 1 7\ f' \ - i ^ n a V t, . * *? J t. ^ p.- ^ * •* ' * L >• Vf 1 CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. X A , " • < * * 1 Louisville, Ky. San Francisco, Cal. v:-• U S. A. . f|ondon, England* New Yatii-'iliY. M E N A D M I R E MISS EMMA RUNTZLER a pretty face, & good figure, but s o o n e r o r l a t e r l e a r n t h a t t h e healthy, happy, contented woman is most of all to be admired. Women troubled with fainting spells, irregularities, nervous irrita­ bility, backache, the "blues," aad those dreadful dragging sensations, cannot hope to be happy or popular, and advancement in either home, business or social life is impossible. The cause of these troubles, how­ ever, yields quickly toLydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs. It acta at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers, dispelling effec­ tually all those distressing symp­ toms. No other medicine in the country has received such unqualified indorsement or has such a record of cures of female ills as haa Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Miss Emma Runtaler, of 631 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., writes:-- "For a long time I was-troubled with a weakness which seemed to drain all my strength away. I had dull headaches, was nervous, irritable, and all worn out. Chancing to read one of your advertisements of a case similar to mine cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I decided to try it and I cannot express my gratitude for the benefit received. I am entirely well and feel lilce a new person.** Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most successful remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and, ia invaluable in pre­ paring for childbirth and the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkhaaa, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTERS THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. '• * C A P I S I C U M ; V A S E L I N E * J - t EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIH.> I5CT-- IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF L£C. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. " T I L L T H E P A I N C O M E 5 - K I E P A T U A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and vilt not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualitMf«f the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and rtttiiya Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest externa) counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the c&tst and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gtuly complaints. Atrial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invalual^iftiik tUk household and f or chi Idren. Once used no family will be without It. Many people say "it is the best of all you* preparations." Accept tioprap«mtfoa of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUg LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY -W1*-fUSSBt ' -K- IDE CANADIAN WEST IS THE BEST WEST W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND S3.BO SHOES THE WORLD W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 BUT EDGE 8H0£8 CANNOT K EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRtGESs Men'i Shoe#, 85 to SI .SO. Bagrs* Show, 83 to 81.25. Women's ghixea, 84 to 81.50. Mlim' A Children'* Shoes, 82.85 to Si.OO. W. L. Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear to be the best in Btyle, fit and wear produced in this country. E part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost. If I could take you Into my laiye factories at Brockton, Mass,, and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas _ shoes are made, yon would then understand why they hold their shape, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W. L. Dougla* uara and l»rtce la (tamped on tbe bottom, which protect* tbe wearer againat high artoe* and inferior sboe«. Take Ma lukaUtatr. Bold by the beat sboe dealer* evenrwbcni. tmK&Wr JSytitu utidcjcchuirtiw- Catalog /r--. W. L. i>H tter, Tbe testimony of thou­ sands ditriuii the past vear is ibi»».tbe Canadian Weal is the best M eat. Year by tear the agri- cnittirul returns have In­ creased In volume and la value, and still the Cana­ dian Governmfiit offers ISO aem KKKK to every bona tide settlor. STOP ALL ""ma DISEASE HHE2: IIISTOBY OF TU TJG3TUION1ALS sj&mm. A6ENTS WANTED JfS""* AGENTS r«A£ OR r Some of the Advantages The plienomanal Increase in railway mileage-- main lines und branches--bas put almost every por­ tion of the country within easy reach of cl»urch*s, schools, markets, cheap fuel and every modern convenience. Tbe NINETY MILLION BOSHKL WHEAT CHOP of this year means IMJ,(M0,OUO to the farmers ot Western Canada, apart from the results of other grains and cattle. Vor advice and information addreas the SOPBHr INTKN-DK-Vr OF LMMlUttATlOtf, OUawa, Canada, or any authorised Government Agent. C. J . BROUGHTON, KM 430 Qatacy BMa., Ckicag*. BL; W. U. ROGERS, tttrd flew. Tractien Temiaal BMf., hwliaaapelw, U.; er T. 0. CURR1E, ROOM 12 B, filhfc- BU«k. Vis. I arid be Independent if yon haiadleaa of nilne-- strtabie for eumrtrr t want BO money. HI.ACKM Man. Hoom 323 unity BulMinx. INVENTIONS YOUR FORTUNE 8eod» eairti r tne neat shoe aeaieis every when. , itOl CLAH, BrotkUa.lUft 11 tSfetal t(Hh I -- m taa_a_ WW efes, use ( TMB|IMI» Eft WllBf •I F*TEMTSr^®fif 2172. ^ 14) .. , ,

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