Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1907, p. 4

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gwwr >'.# - v f ip-/"- ^| "**h ,**i-> 'yipfw-fv w_ y:, '• J -i ,«. »*">.« } } M | ' > j* ' Vv_ "f ' V ^ ..^ „ • \.l » ) \ , < : , * » ^ . O *s "*; „, i« - „ - - - - \ «'fc, "f ;< ' * " * ; ' ^ * • «« if you arc suffering from tapure blood, thin blood, de­ bility, nervousness, exhaus- tfon, you should begin at once vM Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. Unices than i* diilf Ktion of the boweli, poiaonotu prodocU ate absorbed. causing head- aebe, blik>u»ne*«, mwi. dyspepala, and thai pcevsuttag theSareaparilla ROB doing ITA ban W * til ruu u, lint pill*. Act gently. A 9 lAItVKKML f M0 f*C aque CURB. %jj C>*# O CHEWY reprOKAL. W*k«nMM«NMl w» pubiith Ik* IbnulM of *>11 our medleinee. Tie Ndleiry Pliiodeiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. OAs* In Bank Building. Telephone, No.Kl TSRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION« TW. *•» ilgjpoatto. 75««au Thiee months. Mots. Thursday, April 4,19*7. "Quit a-shovin' me," says tin presi­ dent to the third-termers. ^ & The Thaw trial is dragging along at about the same pace aa the Pennsylvania :i; s; Jegislature.^^^^^^^^^^ / Divergency of opinions by insanity expertB leads one to doubt whether half jpf them are sane. When the big trusts have so much "stock" of course they mnBt need a great deal of water. ^ There's nobody smart enough when $. lie grows np to live up to the reputation fais parents gave him when he was a baby. Pittsburgh and Allegheny City «• 40 be consolidated. In this way, perhaps Pittsburg hopes to raise its general av­ erage in deportment. A London literary critic thinks that laughter is immoral. Physicians say c It ia a splendid aid to digestion. Shall we be morally dyspeptic or immox&ily happy* Mr. Cleveland's birthday falls on March 16 and Mr. Bryan's on March 19. Happily, genial and kind hearted St. Patrick fills in the gap and prevents trouble. . f i The Chicago young man who cleaned np a million in one day in Wall street ladked the lamb-like qualities that might have endeared him to the people of the financial district According to Gen. Hoke Smith, 400,000,000 of the $13,000,000,000 capi talization of the American railroads could be carried away in tin cups and soaked up with a sponge, A writer in a woman's magazine wants to know why men wear snspend- v era. For one reason, because they do $$>'••[ not understand the gentle art of making one pin hold up and together some sev- , en or nine yards of cloth. t- §: BI­ ANNUAL fcy <M TSWMM* tiwiBwr, Smmm E» Ooamr-Bftluet $l,UlA ' STATE OF ILLINOIS, t Kfi TOWN o*- OotrsTT or MOHKHBY MCHENBT. Tht following is a statement by James L. Conway of the Town of McHenry, In the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year Just dosed, ending on the Wth day of March, 1007, showing the amount of puollc funds on hand at the com­ mencement of said fiscal year, th&a^gmnt of subtle funds received ana from what sources received, the amount of public funds expend ed and for what purpose expended said fiecsl year, ending as aforesaid. ed and ior what purpose expended, during said fiecsl year, ending as aforesaid. The said James L. Conway, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the follow­ ing statement by him subscribed is a correct Statement of the t^nount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funas re­ ceived and the sources lrom which received, and the amount expended, and purchases for which expended, as set forth in said state­ ment.. JAMES L. COWWAY. Treas. DATS rCNDRHECEIVKn AND VltOM AMT WHAT SOURCES RKCBIVKTL. IMS A nit of public funds on h; at the commencement of fiscal year commencing 81st day of April, 1906 fliXB 42 Reed from E C .Jewett, R ft, telapdtel 47431 Reed from E O Jewett, del tax 315 CO 1MV Mar M Reed from John Niesen, col... 4979 87 Reed from poll tax 18060 m July I m Apr* May* Total Received (78891 TO • VOKDS EXPENDED AND rOR WHAT PURPOSE E3PHHDED. . Webster Bros, tile. $ 154 33 * " " 880 1000 17(89 2800 *00 MOO «85 4425 For Catarrh, let me send you, jnat to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Sboop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a mow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Or. Shoop, Ra­ cine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by N. H. Petesch. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for frwenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. In the treatment of piles it beoomes necessary to have the remedy pat up in such a form that it can be applied to the parts affected. Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help but reach the spot Believes blind, ' Weeding, itching and Protruding piles. 50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. Sold at N. H. Petmch's drug store I Klngwood Universalis* Church. Regular preachiDg next Sundry -at the Univerbalist church at 2: SO p. m. ' We had an excellent service last Sun­ day. Evyerbody cordially invited. JoaeIB John Stilling, gravel Elaindealer, pub treas report. Ike Worts, labor. Martin Smith, labor ... M Niesen, labor "'- |W M Smith, grading i -Wilbur Lum Co, lum ft cemnt Peter Brits, road work Geo Meyers, road work Pose Peatt, grading "Vmi Walkington, graveling... ieo Brefeld, road work ndRd Mach Oo, grader ~ O Hawley, unloading tile.... NWBB, frght on tile Wirfs bridge work artln Smith, labor at Steffes, mason work... . BO Meyers, grading lyn Francisco, graveling • -. mith & Miller, grading Zlmmermann, graveling-- F Freund, gravel & labor... artln Smith, labor... Ick Weber,gravel Stilling, road work.,. ..... so Meyers, road wodic. Wilbur Lum Co, lumber glyn Francisco, graveling.... W Allen, gravel E O Barnard, road work lyn Francisco, road work.... rHergott, hauling tile ; SThos Thompson, lum ft lbr.... mts^ftyeter Brits, labor June M' Steve Justen, labor . Thos Walkington, graveling.. R J Sutton, gravel Smith & Miller, gravl, gradng Jos Kline, labor & gravel Martin Smith, labor. . Leickem ft Peterson, labor H Zlmmermann, graveling Mrs B Sherman, gravel July 7 Glyn Francisco, road work. .. Bradley ft Foss, hardware... fohn Smith, gravel 'eter Brits, graveling. Smith ft Miller, graveling Homer Wattles, gravel Wilbur Lum Oo, inn ft Cemnt A"« * }?, Halstrom, labor ft gravel... Glyn Francisco, graveling John Sutton, road work Ed Dodge, road work 3has Coates, bridge work pohn Thelen, labor . lomer Watties, gravel like Freund, graveling IS Wheeler, gravel |mlth ft Miller, labor Wilbur Lum Oo, lam ft cemnt Clifford Sherman, gravel iV F Holte, road work C P Wright, laying tile Glyn Francisco, graving ft lbr Will Beth, graveling " Halstrom, gravel.. lenrv Stilling, labor. ...... . Blake,labor... . John Worts, labor.. Jake Worts, drawing tile ; Jake Freund, graveling. Mike Freund, graveling 8 W Smith, road work Wilbur Bassett, gravel . Wm Tony an, road work C W Harrison, graveling Fred Justen, road work Martin Freund, gravel Miller ft Smith, road work Wck Freund, gravel Continental Bridge Co, railing crossing Fox river Jos J Lang, gravel.. Oefc ai » B Nordqulst, blacksmithlng.. : Chas Coates, graveling NOT U Nick Weber, gravel W N Dunn, labor Geo Meyers road work. Dec 2B Jake Smith, graveling. John Smith,gravel. .. Thos Walkington, graveling.. Will Beth, graveling -- H W Allen, gravel John Stilling, gravel Aug 1835 5515 800 178 75 800 5546 800 1800 10 SO 1500 MOO 15ft 00 8120 10 85 1060 1040 940 6745 199 92 80 00 2000 1250 2000 800 605 825 18 00 5390 40» 20175 8450 600 750 ££ 4700 410 *00 13 30 172 00 3200 2S 62 800 1460 1100 1500 750 100 1115 moo 1400 6|00 18 800 500 5125 40 00 2800 200 2800 J907 Mar 2 600 550 5500 500 2045 1080 87 HO 400 12340 285 00 5850 450 00 2050 250 130 81 88t 19 065 9688 7519 328 85 12690 47 40 2635 800 6610 17600 150 6415 14200 84820 16 53 425 11800 100 6516 880 32500 150 500 98 50 280 850 143 --j. v,.. 18176 J Conway, highway com 81 da. 162 00 J no Boyle, highway com 72 da. 144 00 J R Justen " " 71 da. 14200 N H Petesch, rent, stationery, poll tax and stamp 2140 Total Expenditures... S BECAPITOLATiO*. Aniotltit ott hand at beginning of fiscal year Amount of funds received dup­ ing fiscal year . .. Total amount 97882 70 Amount expended during fiscal _year | Com missions at 2 per cent on •W8« 18176 John Bowers, road work Chas Coates, graveling Peter Britc, graveling. Jos Michels, labor Jacob May, graveling. Fred Justen. road work Smith ft Miller, road work Jos Hnemann, blacksmithlng. Geo Harrison, road work John Worts, road work Mike Wagner, gravel Wilbur Lum Go, lumber Ben Justen, road work. Wilbur Bassett, road work Hanlv Bros, gravel . Mat Weber, gravel E H Dodge, road work Bradlev ft Foes, hardware. Jas L Conway, treas, 2 per ct. 1674141 42 am 28 Total amt paid out.... 1674141 Balance on haud .. .6114129 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Celeste Ralston, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratorofthe Estate of Celeste ltal- ston, deceased, late of the County of Mcilen- „ •UPmVWQfra STATEMENT Of OHS Hwsiihl Aftelr* of the Town of McHenry. x statement of the financial affairs of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of lllinoia, as existing on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1007: ' DR CR To bat on hand March 8?j lag... .$203050 To amt reed from Co col, ing ry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June Term, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per •ons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this 25th day of March, A. D. 1907. 413t JOHN C. RALSTON, Administrator. si i(i-. a*«hcl bal of tax for 1905, less his com 29411 To amt of tax of 1906. reed from townco^,. . . * 2265 03 v , Total amt rec from all sources*4589fttlf OONTR4. . $ Total amount, paid out, and the account on which the same was paid, are as follows: By amt pd co treas, poor bill from Mar 22.1905, to Sept 21, 1905 |U3 24 By amt pd co treas, poor bill Sept 21. i 1906, to March 28, 1908 124 86 By amt pd co treas for imtane paupers at Elgin 14% By amt pd I>r H F Bee be, rued service Phalen family 123 00 By amt pd Dr H K Beebe, med service Mike Sugurue .. . 50 00 By amt pa G W llesley, med furnished Hike Sugurue 3 90 By amt pa Mrs Wm Thurtwell, board « and care Mike Sugurue 11000 By amt pd Dr H F Beebe, med service for Mrs North 2800 Bv amt pd E F Matthews, meat for Mrs North 98 By amt pd John Stoffel, groceries for North faml'or Iff By amt pd F L MeUmber, oil 12 By amt pd Dr I> G Wells, med service Mrs^Ance Thompson 2800 BvamtpdDrDG Wells, med service. JPhalenboy 9 50 By amt pd Dr D G Wells, order for an­ titoxin, Geske family 920- By amt pd Dr R G Cham berlin, service • Phalen boy ' 8 66 By amt pd Dr C H Fegers, med ser and med, Chas Geske family-- 8920 By amt pd N H Petesch, med, etc, for ChasGeske family 280 By amt pd Thos Phalen, nurse 11 days Chas Geske family 1800 By amt pd John Evanson, groceries, C Gcskt? • • • • • 34 76 By amt pd E F M attlie ws,'naeat. Geske 4 44 By amt pd John Stoffel, gro Geske fam 3 51 By amt pd G W Besley, med Geske fam 4 60 Bv amt pd G W Besley, med Phalen family 1056 By amt pd Henry Degen, milk Geske family ' 840 By amt pd Wilbur Lumber Co, coal for John Freund 987 By amt pd M Engeln ft Son, stove for John Freund 1565 By amt pd Wilbur Lumber Oo, coal for Mrs North 228 By amt pd Mrs H C Smith, house rent for Mrs Frank Rossman, 86 00 By amt pd Math Karis. 15 weeks board John Hemphill 2250 By amt pd Illinois Home society, tak­ ing Krause child. 50 00 By amt pd J C Lada, ser poor master.. 90 00 Total amount poor bills f 93129 By amt pd judges and clerks, spring election, two precincts 36 00 By amt pd bridge oonds nos 7 & 1000 00 175 00 15 40 By amt pd int on bridge bonds nos 7, 8, 1,11,12.13 «, 10, Dy umt pd McHenry Plaindealer, prtg. By amt pd J 0 Lada, one day canvass • ing votes and auditing By amt pd Peter Niesen, one day can­ vassing votes By amt pd John Kimball, 87K days as­ sessing By amt paid John Kimball, 33 days thistle committee By amt pd Albert Francisco, auditing. By amt pd John Stoffel, bal ser town clerk By amt pd J V Buckland, hall rent, spring election Bj amt jpd^V Buckland, painting and By amt pd John Kimball, canvassing votes By amt pd McHenry Plaindealer, pub­ lishing notices By amt pd N H Petesch, ser town elk.. Byantpd John Boyle, highway com ser 22 days By amt pd J R Justen, highway com, ser22days... }y amt pd Jas L Conway, highway com. ser 22 >" da' By aint pd H C Mead, 2 days aud accts By amt pd John Kimball, 2 days aud accts boo 150 262 50 06 00 150 500 M? 620 150 1020 40 75 44 00 44 00 44 00 300 300 Total amt pd out for all purposes. .12698 < Total amt of all receipts $4580 64 Being a balance in the hands of lihe Supervisor of (1890 71 The amount of tax levied, not including railroad, telegapli telephone, for the precedintf% fe i^iO|fUUllOi IV! VUC pr<C?LiCUIIif[ year for toe payment of towr indebtedness and charges is.. j The amount collected by tli town collector and paid over to the present supervisor is.. ..$2265 The comml^lonB of tti$ town collector amount to. . Leaving a balance to be collect*^ ed by the county collector of." The amount and kind of indebt $2485 19 $ 178 94 edness of the town due and nil paid are as follows: Amt due McHenry Co poor farm bill from Mar 22, 'Ort-Sep 21. '06.9 161 81 Amt due McHenry Co poor farm bill. Sept21, '06-Mar4k15109' Total amt due | The amount and kind of Indebt* edness not yet due and wliea /. the same will mature are af s < M follows: . & Amt due for bridge bonds du4fit-"':';^-Vt,- July 5, 1907 91000 Amt due for int on bridge bonds . due July 5,1907 125 0fS *r Amt due for bridge bonds due July 6, 1908 1000 0te¥; Amt due for int on bridge bonds if due July 5,1908 : 75 op£ Amt due for bridge bonds due ^ I' JulyS, 1909 500 0#i Amt due for int on bridge bonds due July 5,1909. 25 < Total indebtedness not yet due.$2725 00 Dated at Rlngwood, III., this 26th day of March, 190V. JAMES C. LADD, s; - Superior. Jlitten by a Spider. Tbrough blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Bosque- ville, Tex., would have lost his leg, which became a mass of running sores, had he not been persuaded to try Bnck- len's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The first application relieved and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals every sore. 35c at N. H. Peteech's, Frank Masque- let's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, druggists. Annual Statement of 8eh«ol Faa4a, Annual statement of school funds by treas­ urer of township No. 45, range 8. E, McHenry county, III., for the year beginning April 2, 1906, and ending April 1,1907: ACCOUNT WITH SCHOOL TRUSTEES. RECEIPTS. Township fund on hand April 2,1906....9 11954 Notes paid 1484 00 Read from county supt ........,.? .;.. 41042 Int paid on notes ....a. ....... 199 76 Total ,,,;^!$2818 72 BXPENDITtTBES. Distributed to districts... 504 09 Compensation of treasurer ;. L-.. ; 100 00 Incidental expenses i 09 Publishing annual report 5 00 Township fund on hand April 1,1907.,.. 1003 54 COl v . ' S t a t i s t i c * s h o w d i a l I n N e w Y o r k C i t y •lone over 200 people dim mrmy week from - oonsumptioii. p" And mo«t of theM consumptive* might < fce living now if titer had not ai^»ctid WMramg cough. rt,. You knorn, how qidcldjr BmuMon enable* you to throw off * cough or cold* ALL MUGCISTfi Ms, AND «14*. v Total $01372 AOCOOHT WITH DISTRIOn. / RECEIPTS. Dlst bal Aprils, 1906 «6;14 74 Distributed by the trustees....... 504W Special district taxes OS Railroad, tel, tel and back .taxai 948 45 From other treasurers...... .... . .... 39319 Tuition to dlst No 15.. . 24697 Special fund dist No 15. 87 76 Total |ttM76 88 EXPENDITURES. Paid out for district No. 12 .-.i, ....1 988 46 t w 5153 78 :: : s t •: g »•» : s : . - s - s » • • « • j»-v TM" J#;-.... as „ •« o , •» .40.;;.'!"'.',".; 119511 130 44 IK3 80 455 20 347 Zi 29 05 47 00 Wm. W Balance on tend April 1, 1907 6414 83 ' Total . ...815276 23 The above statement is correct f/o tlie best of my knowledge and belief. O.N. OWES. School Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of April. A. D. 1907. JAMES B. PKRRT, Notary Public. lfotlee to Oar Customer*. We are pleased to announce that Fo ley'sHoney and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drag law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. G. •: GR0(E-RS ha* Early Seed PotdtQes firly Ohio • •; £ Early Rose - ; firly Six Beauty of fOc perBuifieil fancy Eating Potatoes Runl N. Y. 55c peiJMisbel Spwe Deil Tebaccfl, ll. 23c Spear Ifetf Pluf Totoce, \t. 35c Btrtbafttara Private l)0$pitM ^ FOR WOMEN Oiftm flrst-clssa Private Home forLsdlss In delicmte health wishing skillful Sedlesl or Sargleal treatment or qalet home ac­ commodation H during confinement. Tender the otherphTg' gleatloii. 279 W. Adams Srreet, Chicago* care bestowed upon the patients intrusted teas by other physicians. Circulars oa ap« ite License, Telephone Monroe 2148, Want Column. All advertisements Inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 85 cents for Srst Insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for first Insertion, and S centB a line for additiona insertions. XpOK BENT--8 to 10 acres on south side of x mill pond, near the standpipe. Good for canning products. O. N. OWEN, 36 Bank of McHenry, 111. X^OK SALE--80 acre farm, good land, fair buildings, two wells and plenty of fruit; four miles from town. For terms apply to J. E. MCANDREWS, West McHenry, 111. 39tf TpOB SALE--Dakota and Colorado lauds x Homesteads located. For further infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry, in. 38-tf X^OK KENT--Eight nice light rooms over the Anton Schneider grocery. For fur­ ther information apply at the store on Water street, McHenry. "CH)R SALE--House and % acres of land, A also my store building and lot. Terms very reasonable. Apply to F. SCHUMACHER, 4l-8t Spring Grove, 111. "pV5R SALE--Horsfc and buggy, surry, lncu- x bator, geese, ducks, chickens, household goods and 8 tons of good soft coal at $4.50. JOHN A. ULRICH, on Reed's place, next to John Itelihan's. 41 pOB SALE--About thirty or forty bushels A of seed potatoes. For further parttcu l a r s app ly t o H E N R Y S I M E S , M cH e nry , I I I . 41 TpOK SALE--A house and lot near the river, very cheap; part cash, balance time. 41-tf BANK OF MOH ENRT. "C^OR SALE--Four rose comb black Minorca x hens and one cockerel. Also hatching eggs from single comb white Leghorns, at 50c per setting of 13. Big Oak Poultry farm, M mile north of German Catholic church. 40-4t Jos. BARTZ, McHenry. Tel. 76i. pOR SALE OH RENT-H. O. Mead offers his farm, consisting of 12> acres, model farm house, two good barns, poultry house, spring house; within one mile of depot at McHenry, condensing factory, butter factory and grist mill. Terms reasonable anil made known on application. H. O. MEAD, West McHenry, 111. Must be In first class condition and very cheap. Address, Box 087, Woodstock 111. 40-tf •WTANTED--A 20ft. gasoline launch. " In flrttt, oIum (^nnfilflnn nn#' Allen & Tappan of Woodstock, 111., are the McHetiry county representatives of the Indiana and Ohio Live Stock In surance Co., which indemnifies owners of horses or other live stock for death caused by accident, disease, fire, or lightning. If yon have more capital in­ vested in a horse than you care to risk drop thetn a card and they will call and explain the cost and warranties of this class of insnranee. There are many kidney remedies but few that accomplish the result. '.'Pine- ulee" is a kidney remedy that contains no alcohol or opiates of any kind, com­ plies with the National Pure Food aud Drug Law, guaranteed to give satisfac­ tion. Thirty day treatment for f 1.00^ Inquire about "Pineulea. " Sold at N. Petesch's drug store: Bead The Platadealar "want" afe * s , lions py . • «* A • r- <« ttl. Besley Olest melienrv Jlnd let us Fill tbem for you This we can do in a man­ ner that will make you smile. Years of experi­ ence in the drui*' business has placed us i» a posi­ tion where we can fill any prescription desired amd give excellent satis­ faction. :: :: Our Line o#* Postal Cards 'W' always complete tip-to:date. ^That's why they godlike hot cakes. The best place in town to buy at honest prices. If you wan|sp tQ pr^fp this, call im > ' . :J Why Doesn't He stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his back on the COAL QUES­ TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left with us will be filled promptly. ORDER NOW. * We carry a full line <Jf Ltftribef, Latti, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. Ulilbur Cumber Co. sv r • - Hats and Shoes The most complete and firs* estline to be found in towi|^ OUR. PRICES will surprise you. Come ift and look over our Display. GILBERT'S Heimer Block. Centerville, HcHenry Professional, Society V and Busirvesss Cards \ DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. DIlYSICIAN, 8UUGEON AND v-KJULtu* , 4 *• Office ana residence corner Elm i Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No. Ml|gf. "1 FEGKllS & FEGERS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHearf *• ill. Oflii.-o at. Itesidence,corner OourSanf Elm-street* Telephone 333. -m * |). T. SMILEY A TTOBNEY AT LAW, Woodcock, IlUsi x x All business intrusted to his care Will properly and promptly attended to. PARKER S. WEBSTER T AWYER. 701, 702 Hector building, 12BMoq¥ *-* roe street, Chicago. Telephone Central 4531. W. F. STONE I>. D. (Successor to Dr. F. O. Boss-) Office Hours from 9 a. in. until f»I p. m. Also open evenings. McHENRY, - ILLINOI^ Office and liesldooce over Petesch's" Drug Jn Sj^re. Telephone No. tlL DR.'R.G. CHAMBBI04IRIILF ' *" ^ ̂ r I>ENTIS'i. • \ Office and Residence over ft. J. Wahh's Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. } v WB»T MolfKNinr. ILU Telephone No. 393. »Vi'f •• • j#'. ~f».- '** -.ft - SIMON STOFFSX • Insurance Agent for all classe«of '^4;^ property in the best Companies. ";J : * a West McHoary, FRANK PRACTICAL PAINTKR AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 iRdliPWARl House and Sign Paint ing and all Interior E orat ing. Residence north town line one bl west of river. Telephone No. 254 i't '•Ji f M CH ENRY. ILLINOIS -- J o h n U . V y c i t a l : DEALER IN Gervere^l H&rdwaflfe Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin an^ mi|«f chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phode.6^|: ' v. McHENRY, - V " ILLINOISil Telephone, No. 604. " * Ofljce In Hel or bldg., Oentervlllp Aj- D. 1.WILLEY, M. D.(. VETERINARY SURGE ON ' ANO UENTIST. a: - McHENRY, - ILLINOIS; i * Wer.-drilllng a specialty. "" *Phone4B(t I W M . B A C O N ! Dealer in Windmills. Pipes, Pumps, FittlU; Well, Supplies. First-class, work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, Ml Tel. Main 1714,s " ' W H Y , : rlo pwiple of Mfe.j Henry. Lake anS* ; other counting iropinat pi Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Aye.. CHICAGO? Because It Is M home like. S *5'-;; KILILtiiz COUGH AND CURE THE LUNCS Or. King's New Discovery FORC ONSUMPTION OUGHS and OLDS Pries 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. BUJREST^NT'SUICKAIRCUMNSRTIR THROAT and LUNQ TBOT7B- XJSS, or MONET BACK. sv MCHENRY'S if: NEW MODEL DRUGSTORE That's the place to buy your drugs. Everything new and up-to-date. No stale or shop-worn goods in the building. Our motto is "Satisfaction," that's why our custom­ ers are alyearn fik&sed. Call and.; frank Misquelet DraHlst Md Apotneciry IE Elm St., McHenry, 111. ^•4 iiPHOTO STUD Id* Portraits. A l l s h a p e s a n d s i z e s . Sev­eral proofs to select from. Each doc- en finished in different styles. Price, 93,00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views < buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Eiiltirgeinerxta. Copied from any Small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Wames. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up - tor any site picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standpipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone. 493 Chicago & North-Western. Effective November 18,1800. . " WEKK DAY TBAINS. Chicago. .. . J N°MTHBOUM» McHenry. 7.<*) a m .. Via Elgin ...,10.17 a m #.00 a »Via lies Plainas ......10.17 a m 3.25 p m.,.i,^iVia l)es PlaineS.. i-t>0 p m 4.00 p m.,,.4 4 i •• Via Elgin.... » 6.40p m 4.S7 p tn.......>Via Des Ptaines..... ..0.40p m , J0NDAT TRAIN*. 9.45 am. V..1, -Via Elgin. ? .. ....11.14am 9.10a m..... ..Via Des Plaiues......\.11.14 a m 2 .02pm. . . . . . . , . . .V iaElg in . , 4 .55pm #|>BK DAT TRAIKS. McH^nr f . SOUTH,.OUN., ' Ohfcago. 7.80 a m. w.- Via Elgin .i,. 10.10 a m ft.sea m.,k%w&Via Des Plains*.,... -#.55a » 4.23 p m.'ii' v*»WVia Des PlalnM;« 0.15 p m 4.23 p m.Via Elgin 7.10 p in ICTKDAY num. 7.20am..Via Elgin...........10.35am 5.00 p T •ms Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNCD. to VKARS'CXPERIENOC. Oar OtMUMCS AM TMS LOWEST. Ht-mi model, photo or Md Cor expert search and tree report oa (wtaBtatttty. MPHlWOCMENr suits conducted before aB courts. Patents obtained through aa, IMI> TISED and SOU), free. TMUM4WUK*, MM* SIONS and COPYRIOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent OfBoe»x WASHINOTON, D. O. D SWIFTs© ry mz HOLLisTERs /Cky Mountain Tea ttuggete . A Busy Medioia# for Buiy Ftanls. 'ngi Golden Health sad BsiMrM Ylgar. Indigeation, Live !, Edema, Impu Bowels, Headaci >cific for Constipation, ..Iney Troubles, Pimples, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, tckache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tui '••»n, 35 cents a box. Genuine made bj RSTSA DRUG COMPANY, MadisonrWis. NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE T H E O R I G I N A L LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Best far «'<w WhooeiM Ceuoh,Ete. B E E S L A X A T I V E . 1: ? r: C ONTAINING H0NEY.«!TAR Bee's Lazativa - N. H. PETESCH, \< *"V. . i" I' * " I •. * \4i t v ... „L. .,.-A.. ir s. • ik'r.

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