Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1907, p. 9

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He enjoys much who is thankful tor little; a grateful mind is both a great and a happy mind.--Seeker. Lewis1 Single Binder straight 5c. You pay 10c for cig irs not so good. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 1IL An aim in life is the only fortune worth pursuing.--Adnah. Painting for Profit No one will question the superior appearance of well-painted property. The question that the property-owner asks is: "Is the appearance worth the cost?" Poor point is for temporary appear- anceonly. Paint made from Pare Linseed Oil and Pure White Lead is for lasting appearance and for protection. It saves repairs and replacements cost­ ing many times the paint investment. w The Dutch Boy trade mark is found only on kegs containing Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK "A Talk on Paint » Hives valuable Infor­ mation on th« paint •abject. Sent free upon request. AO lead packed in t>(ff bcart this i NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY to whfakever of thefoUovy- tng cities it nrnrrtt you. New York. Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, 8t. Loals, Philadel­ phia [John T. Lewio A Bros. Oo.J, Plttibni(b Dta fa otional Lead & Oil Oo.) Irritations Of Baths With And Gentle Anointings Of The Great Skin Cure, when all other remedies andevenphysiciansfail. Guaranteed absolutely pure, sweet, and whole- 'some, and may be used bom the hour of birth. I 8»lcl throughout th« world. Depots In all CttlM. Vttter Drug & ('hem. Corp., Bole Prop*., Bostoat tr Book on Torturing. Disfiguring Humours, HEW WHEAT LMDS IH THE CAHMIM WEST CQM additional miles U|VW of railway this year have opened up a largely increased terri­ tory to the projrressive farmers of western Canada and the Gov­ ernment of the Domin­ ion continue* to give ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES FREE to every settler. THE COUNTRY HAS NO SUPERIOR Coal, wood and water in abundance; chu rebel and schools convenient; markets easy of access; taxes low; climate the best in the northern tem­ perate lone. I4« and order prevails every where. For advice and information address the SUPERINTENDENT OP IMMIGRATION, Ottawa, Canada, or any authorized Canadian Government Agent. C. J. BROUGHTON, Rosa 439 Qaiacy BUf., Chicago, III.; W. H. ROGERS, third floor, Tractisa Tcrwnal BUf., Uiaaaps&s, U.; or T. 0. CURRIE, Rosa 12 B, Cailaiua Block. Milwaukee. Wis. ME YOU Thousands are tx INTERESTED IN IRRI6ATED LANDS IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ? Tbecoming independent from ten aero tractaln Km it and Vegetables! Unequalled oppor­ tunities for Fruit Rancher, VlneyardUt, Orchnrtiist or Poultry Farmer In the Two Hirers District of Colombia River. Karly Fruit Bolt. Valuable In­ formation free. PASOO FOWM A WATER CO.. lSlf Alaska Building, BKATTLE, WASH. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 0RAN6E GROVES > to >I>Q. liberal terms. $6<J to#75a jsar net Inoome. Cmfmtes on electric car line from bnalnecs oentor of population of 21.(100. Sure soocnlativeand lacemo proposition. Beautiful half-tone picture. doacrlptiTS literature, etc.. free. COCHRAN A JKNBADQH.PaciflcKlectrie Bldg.. Los Anjslss. RID1 m APHTIk MALE OR FEMALE-- AGENTS Yoi CIR Mike Big Mwej and bo Independent if yon handle an excellent line ot mine--an I tablo for oonntry town or village. X .»I^C*»«*»-TheA£0n0£ •ItT Building, Blooming ton. .saggars Wate** X. C«>taiuft, Patent Attor- PATcNTS W&fefi tfie bedroom bwome3 a sick room there is an added reason why ex­ treme precautions should be used to keep the room in a thoroughly sanitary condition. Above all things, the bedroom should never be damp. It should be nice and dry, always warm and comfortable in winter, cool and airy in summer, and bright and sunny some parts of the day. If there is any suspicion of damp­ ness in a bedroom it is probably due, if there is wallpaper on the wall, to the absorption of water by the paper which frequently acts as a blotting pa­ per and holds quantities of water in it The use of wallpaper on walls is to be deplored; it means disease, ill health and unhappiness. It is fre­ quently the cause of lung trouble, not only because of its dampness but also because of its power to retain infec­ tion of many kinds. The desired method of treating a bedroom waljfeis to tint it for the ala- bastined wall is a perfect wall. It never flakes off, chips or peels. It ab­ sorbs moisture and expels it, it opens the pores of the plaster and makes a room livable and breathable. The floor in the bedroom should have light, cleanable, dainty rugs that can be easily shaken and a floor that is thoroughly oiled or varnished, that will not absorb moisture. The cracks in the floor should be thoroughly filled and covered. Woodwork in the bed­ room should be attended to carefully, window sills should be thoroughly var­ nished or waxed, and the window cas­ ings kept in perfect order. The doors should be wiped off frequently as also should be all the standing woodwork in the bedroom, as the presence of dust on woodwork is a menace to health as well as an evidence of poor housekeeping. WOMAN HA8 FINE RECORD. Keeper of lighthouse, She Has 8aved Eighteen Live*. Ida Lewli recently celebrated her fiftieth year as keeper of the Lime island lighthouse in the harbor of Newport, R. I. As a girl and woman Ida Lewis has lived a remarkable life. Her bravery and skill in handling a boat are well known and her fame is secure as the great woman life saver in the world, for she has the credit of having saved no less than 18 lives, most of her rescues having been effect­ ed in the face of extreme danger and in winter. As keeper of the Lime island lighthouse, to which post she was appointed in recognition of her bravery and record as a life saver on the death of her father, Miss Lewis has shown herself as careful and effi­ cient as a man could be. She is one of the few women in such a position. SLEEP BROKEN BY ITCHING. Eczema Covered Whole Body for a Yejir--No Relief Until Cuticura Remedies Prove a Succeca. *Fbr a year I have had what they call eczema. I had an itching all over my body, and when I would retire for the night it would keep me awake half the night, and the more I would scratch, the more it would itch. I tried all kinds of remedies, but could get no relief. "I used one cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Cuticura, and two vials of Cuticura Resolvent Pills, which cost me a dolla#and twenty-five cents in them, for 2BgU*Valter W. all, and am very glad I was completely cure] Paglusch, 207 N. Robey St., Chicago, 111., Oct 8 and 16, 1906." • £ Doctors' fees are the reward tor well-doing. HONEST MEDICINE THY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR STOMACH TROUBLE. Convincing Evidence Supported by m Guarantee That Must Convince The Most Skeptical. Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills are a doctor's prescription, msed by an eminent prac­ titioner, and for nearly a generation known as a reliable household remedy throughout the United States. Need­ less to say, no advertised medicine could retain popular favor for so long a period •without having great merit and it is the Invaluable curative properties of the pills that have made them a standard remedy an every civilized country in the world. Added to this is the absolute guarantee that the pills contain no harmful drug, opiate, narcotic or stimulant. A recent evidence of their efficacy is found in the statement of Mrs. N. B. Whitley, of Boxley, Ark., who says: •'I had suffered for a good many years from stomach trouble. For a long time I was subject to bad spells of faintuess and lack of breath accompanied by an indescribable feeling that seemed to start in my stomach. Whenever I was a little run-down or over-tired, these spells would come on. They occurred frequently but did not last very long. "I was confined to my bed for ten weeks one time and the doctor pro­ nounced my trouble chronic inflamma­ tion of the stomach and bowels. Since that time I have been subject to the fainting spells and at other times to flut­ tering of the heart and a feeling as though I was smothering. My general healt h was very bad and I was weak and trembling. "I had seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mentioned in the newspapers and de­ cided to try them. When I began taking the pills I was so run-down in strength that I could hardly do any housework. Now I could walk ten miles if necessary. Both my husband and myself think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the best medicine made and we always recommend the pills to our friends." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood and give strength and tone to every part of the body. They have cured serious disorders of the blood and nerves, such as rheumatism, sciatica, anasmia, nervousness, headaches, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance and many forms of weakness in either sex. They are sold by all drug­ gists or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes far $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. INVENTIONS NEEDED Mr. Riley M. Fletcher Berry, fa hts book, "Fruit Recipes" (Doubleday, Page & Co.), says that fruit soups are usually served cold--where conveni­ ent, chilled on ice--in very small china or glass bowls or bouillon cups. With this daintiness of service, how­ ever, it may be forgotten or not real­ ized that such soups are not to th»* stomach mere empty, introductory flourishes, whatever the intent Fruit soups are foods, and as such are used in many countries by even the peas­ ants, though they may lack delicate table appointments. It is true that a fruit may be used which It not of it­ self substantial (though the opposite may hold, as with prunes), but the sago, arrowroot or tapioca used for thickening furnishes a certain amount of heat-producing material, and where wine is added this is increased, so it may readily be understood why, whea used in quantity, such combinations may approach, of themselves, substan­ tial meals, or why, even in small measure, fruit soups, with buf slight additions of foods containing other balancing elements, may arrive at the right to be chief "dish" of a luncheon or light supper. * As a general rule, stewed fruit passed through a sieve, may have added to it an equal quantity of wa­ ter, and to each pint a heaping tea- spoonful or scant dessert spoonful of sago, arrowroot (for which cornstarch may be substituted) or tapioca. Some instructors give the rule of a level tablespoonful of cornstarch to each pint of clear, pressed fruit juice, which, however, may be slightly dil­ uted. The arrowroot or cornstarch is a quicker process, and should be dis­ solved till smooth in a little cold wa­ ter, added when the fruit juice is at boiling point then cooked till clear; meantime adding sugar, and later a tablespoonful of lemon juice or wine. If sago or tapioca Is used, it must be cooked till thoroughly tender and translucent. A soup made of raspber­ ries may serve as 'example of a lighter fpuit soup. Several recipes for fruit soups and much information valuable to the housekeeper are also given. THE HOT WATER BAQ. Simple Precautions That Will Pre­ serve Its Usefulness. Boiling water should never be put into a rubber bag. Do not much more than half fill the bag, then place it in the lap before putting in the stopper, and carefully press out the steam. This makes the bag softer, as it is relieved of the pressure the steam makes if left in it. After using the bag drain out the water, let it hang bottom up for a little while, then take it down and with the mouth blow a little air into it, just enough to keep the inside from com­ ing together, as it will often do if there is no air in it, in which case the bag is almost 6ure to be ruined in pulling It apart. If the bag ever should stick, put Into it some hot water with a few drops of ammonia, let it remain a few minutes, then with a thin, dull-edged stick, try to separate the inside carefully. Never fold a bag after it has once beeij used. A flannel bag covering for the rubber bag is very useful. Care of Shoes. An excellent preservative of shoe leather is vaseline. If a small quantity be applied to new shoes it will soften the leather, and if enameled leather, will keep it soft much longer than ordi­ narily and render it less liable to crack. If worn shoes are cleaned and black­ ened, and then rubbed with the vase­ line, their appearance and wearing qualities will be much improved. Have a box of oats handy and when the shoes are taken off remove all mud and dirt, lace or button them, fill half full with oats and stuff the tops with crumpled paper. When necessary to wear the shoes empty them and they will be found to have kept their shape, and will not be drawn if they were in'the least damp when taken off. Cleaning White Silk. wash white taffeta and Other white silks, proceed as follows: Having made dProng suds by boil­ ing castile soap in soft water, allow it to cool to blood heat or 100 de­ grees, and wash the silk in it by swishing It about and lightly press­ ing out the water with the hands. Dip the goods into suds of the same kind; press the water out once more and hang in an airy, sunless place until almost dry, pulling out all wrinkles from time to time. Roll the silk carefully over a board, and let it lie wrapped in a towel until there Is only a trace of moisture left. Smooth it under a fine, white cloth with a moderately warm iron. If a clear tone of white is desired, add blueing to the water; if an ivory shade is preferred, use the clear suds. 8h»pliftinf Temptations. Out of tea or 12 cases I have had only ene professional thief, and I am convinced that In the large majority of cases where women are guilty of shoplifting it is because a passing temptation is too strong for them to resist. In my opinion, our large ware­ houses, with their tempting display of all kinds of desirable articles, are a great danger to public morality.-- London Ideas. Best Books Cheapest. Seriously speaking, books are so cheap nowadays that poverty is no ex­ cuse for Ignorance, says the Practical Teacher. And, what is excellent, the best books are cheapest The new re­ prints of standard and classical au­ thors in every department of literature put the world of knowledge within the reach of the working man, whereas formerly books were the luxury of wealth. The kidney 8 have a great wwrk to do in keeping the blood pure. When they get out of order It causes backache, headaches, dizziness, languor and distress­ ing urinary troubles. K e e p t h e k i d n e y s well and all these suf­ ferings will be saved you. Mrs. S. A, Moore, proprietor of a res­ taurant at Waterville, Mo., says: "Before usfag Doan's Kidney Pills I suffered everything from kidney troubles for a year and a half. I had pain in the back and head, and almost continuous in the loins and felt weary all the time. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills brought great relief, and I kept on taking them until in a short time I was cured. I think Doan's Kidne; Pills are wonderful." For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y WOMEN IN NEW FIELDS. British 8mart 8ociety Takes to "Hop* ping"--Woman Veterinary. Work in the hop fields is the latest "rest cure" fad for London's smart set, and the luxurious society "hop­ pers" claim that a week's hopping is far better and more pleasant than a rest at any well-known health resort. The tents of these well-to-do pickers are expensively furnished, and easy chairs, soft beds and up-to-date camp­ ing outfits are among their hopping appliances. In Berlin there is a woman veter­ inary surgeon who is an official in­ spector of animals. She rides through the streets on the lookout for animals suffering from any disablement, and before reporting a horse as unfit for work, she examines its injuries and whenever possible applies remedies to alleviate its pain. She carries a leath­ er ease filled with bandages and other surgical appliances. SARSAPARILLA TIME. Make Your Own Sarsaparilla or 8jprlng Blood Medicine. Mix one-half ounce Fluid Fxtraet Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar- gon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well in a bottle and take one teaspoonfule after meals and again at bedtime. Any good drug­ gist can supply these Ingredients. This is said to be a splendid Spring Blood Tonic and system renovator be­ cause of its gentle action In restoring the Kidneys to normal activity, forcing them to filter from the blood all im­ pure matter and acids, destroying micro-organisms which produce ill health and sour blood. Everyone should take something to cleanse the blood at this time of year, and the above simple prescription is the most highly indorsed of the hun­ dreds of home remedies generally used. Mix this yourself, then you will know what you are taking. 8heep Raising In Australia. The greatest industry of'Australia Is sheep raising, mainly for the sake of the wool, but also in part, of course, for the meat. Australia now ranks second among the great sheep-raising countries, Argentina being first with 92,000,000 sheep, Ar^tralia second with 72,000,000, and Russia third with 70,- 000,000. Only a few years ago Aus­ tralia was first, possessing no less than 106,260,000 head of sheep. That was in 1891. Prolonged droughts were the cause of the destruction of many millions of Australian sheep, but Bince 1902 there has been an annual gain. Yet these sheep were not indigenous to Australia. They were first intro­ duced in 1797, being of the Spanish merino species. A Word for Bachelors. 1 Very well. If bachelors are to . be taxed they will be entitled to make a charge when they "fill in" at dinners, act as groomsmen and get up subscrip­ tion dances. Let them just try to tax bachelors and see how society will get Great German Socialist. Herr Bebel, the leader of the Ger­ man socialists, who has been so much in evidence of late, is a wheelwright by trade. Although entirely self-edu­ cated, he is one of the finest orators and debaters in the fatherland and, distasteful as his views may be to the reichstag, whenever he addresses the assembly he I# certain of having a large and attentive audience. In such esteem is he held by the social ists that millions will obey his will without thinking whether they are do ing right or wrong. Herr Bebel neither drinks nor smokes, and be­ sides being a celebrity in the political wold has gained some tame as a writer. Curious Maps. Maps for military and general field use are produced by Dr. O. H. F. Vollbehr, of Halensee, Berlin, as mi­ croscopic transparencies, each about one and one-half inch by two inches in size. These form slides for the micro-photoscope, a special Instrument having a haad-mirror-shaped frame, to which is attached a slide-holder, with a movable lens over it. The lens Slides ia two directions, about 79 square miles being shewn in each po­ sition. FIND OUT The Kind of Food That Will Keep You W?ll. The true way is to find out what is best |o eat and drink, and then culti­ vate a taste for those things Instead of poisoning ourselves with improper, indigestible food, etc. A conservative Mass. woman writes: "I have used Grape-Nuts 5 years for the young and for the aged; in sick- nessv and in health; at first following directions carefully, later in a variety of ways as my taste and judgment sug­ gested. "But its most special, personal bene­ fit has been a substitute for meat, and served dry with cream when rheu­ matic troubles made it important for me to give up the 'coffee habit.' "Served in this way with the addi­ tion of a cup of hot water and a little fruit it has been used at my morning meal for six months, during which time my health has much Improved, nerves have grown steadier, and a gradual decrease in my comfort." Name given by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," iiljpkgs. "There's a Reason." a tall man is broke long , and short of it Fruit acids will not stain goods dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES, and the colors are bright and fast. It's so much easier to tell a lie than It is to make people believe It. Lewis' Single Binder costs more than other 5c cigars. Smokers know why. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, ILL New York Births and Deaths. There is a birth in New York city each five minutes In the day and a death each seven minutes. Garfield Tea, the Mild Laxative, is a pure, practical household remedy; good for yonng and old. To be taken for constipa­ tion, indigestion, sick-headache, colds and diseases arising from impure blood. It clears the complexion. Increase In Savings Deposits. In 1906 the resources of the savings banks of the state of New York reached $1,465,000,000, an increase ot |59,000,000 in only one year. It Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-En «e is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Addren Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy- N. Y. Mexican Railways. The total length of railways in the republic of Mexico^ now aggregates 17,446 kilometers of track, which, add­ ed to the 4,165 kilometers of lines un­ der the jurisdiction of the state gov­ ernments, and the private lines, gives a total of 21,611 kilometers fl3,S98 biles). Beware of Ointments for Citanll that Contain Mercury, u mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell aid completely derange the whole system when oaterlng it through the nmeous surfaces. Bach wildee shonld never be used except <*• prescrip­ tion* from reputable physician*, m the damage they will do la ten told to the (rood y«u can poMlklf de­ rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., coatnlns M ttsr- cury, and is taken Internally, actlnpr directly ape* the Moed and macona surfaces of the system, la buying Hal)"* Catarrh Cure be jure you cat tbe genuine. It Is taken Internally and made la Toledo* Ohio, tiy F. J. Cheney a Co. Testi-meniali tree. Sold by Druggist*. Price, T5c. per hotfn. Take HaU'i Family Fllli tor caastlpatlM. Animals at Church. Animals attend a church service lm Peru. Pigs, goats, cattle aad poultry are brought by their owners to be blessed on All Souls' day, and the church is turned into a domestic me­ nagerie. The seats are removed, and the animals can trot abeut or lie down where they will. After the ceremony the livestock is formally handed over to the monks, who receive little other payment for their services. Operations MIS S.ROSE. MOORE. M i M l I When a woman suffering from female trouble is told that an oper­ ation is necessary, it, of course, frightens her. The very thought of the hospital, the operating table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. It is quite true that these troub­ les may reach a stage where an ope­ ration is the only resource, but a great many women have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after an operation has been decided upon as the only cure. The strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com] made from native roots and herbs, have escaped serious operations, as evidenced by Miss Rose Moore's case, of 307 W. 36th St., N.Y, She writes:-- Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express to you my deepest gratitude. I suffered intensely for two years so that I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting to an operation which I was advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; it cured me of the terrible trouble and I am now in better health than I have been for many years." This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly­ dia E. Pinkh am's Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. i--r^rTnrci SICK HEADACHE Positively cured fcy these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis­ tress trora. Dyspepsia. In­ digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem­ edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Houtb, Coated Tongue, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. TtUp ngnlats tbs Bowett. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SIULL USE. SMALL PMCE. CARTERS CARTERS Genoina Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A Positive CUKE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it fuicktjr absorbed. Givas Raiief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail; Trial size 10 cts. by mail. lily Brothers, 66 W arren Street. New YoriL PATENTS Gife Protection | I B FOR 17 YEARS, AT LITTLE COST O Send for free booklet. Mllo B. Stevens A Co., A 900 uth St.. Washington. 1>. (\ Krancbe* 2 at Chicago. Cleveland and Detroit. Estab. X ltti. rpatent, uo fee for our services. Wm ZYMOTOID Positively Cure* Old Ulcere, «aem» and akla diseases by Simple Application. Surely relieve* pain and prevents Blood FoImb. Nothing else needed for any Wound, Birt or Sere Throat. Uutll yoar dronrlftgets '«•. we will supply you direct at bit prloe.tUM, ezpren prepaid. Write for full literature to DR. W. B. AKNOX.D, BOCUOBS, ILUJIOU. . BOX tHO. Alabasdne HtL THE ONLY Sanitary Durable ALABASTINB oomea in dry powder form, ready for use by mixing witti CIMUT pure cold water. Safeguards health and makefi homes beautiful and livable. Easy to mix. You can apply it yourself with an ordinary flat wall brush. Insist on goods in packages labeled " ALABASTINE" and that your «rock~ men bring Alabastine in unopen packages and use on job. . If your dealer does not have Alabastine we will supply you. Write focfieatf; color suggestions and send us 10 cents for book " Dainty Wall Decorations." ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids. Mlrh. Mew York City.'. •fl K Af i : THE/SOUTHWEST Round trip tickets to San Antonio, Corpus Cbristi, Brownsville, etc., on the first and third Tuesdays ot each month: From Chicago $25.00 Front St. Ptil 27. SO From St. Leuis 20.00 Fiw Kansas City 20.00 To Oklahoma and Indian Territory the rates are less Mrxnany cases. One way tickets at half the reeular rite plus $2.00, e. r., from St. Louis the fare to San Antonio is J15- 3 5 : intermediate point* ia proportion. One great advantage - the Southwest has is equable climate. Herei farmwork goes on prac- | tically the year round. and there is rarely ever- ' ,4 a . need of providing : V shelter for stock. The v. growing season is longer t and another crop is fre­ quently grown on the*. same land after the firsts has been harvested* Go Southwest Now • • . i J 'J • 1 **• y'k; "4 • - J On April i6th, Mayv ^ ^ 7th and aist you casH > S/V: see the Southwest very cheaply. Tickets are good*; •,| j 30 days and permit stop-overs. One very desir- able feature of the trip via the M. K. & T. Ry. is- ^ , J the diverse route through Oklahoma--you can go through Indian Territory and ntfiKp through Oklahoma City, or vice versa. ,--4: Why not investigate the possibilities of this wonderful land ? Take a trip in the neit excursion and see for yourself. Write me to-day for full information, and ask lor a copy of " The Coming Country." W. S. ST. GEORGE General Passenger Agent, M. K. Sc T. Ry. ̂ Wainwrigbt Building . Saint Lw*i Mo. W. SMITH, Northern PiM<ag<r Agwt, M. K. ft T. Ry., 316 Maiqaatte Blig., Clicifa, Your nearest railway agent will quote yon tha rates. W. L. DOUGLAS S3.00 Af^D $3.50 SHOES TKEFWWuj> W L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY WUCE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICESi \ Men's Shoes, «5 to ®1.50. Boys' Shoeu, S3 to SI .25. Women • Shoes, M to S1.50. Mifwes* St ChUdren's Shoes, S2.'i5 to S1.W. W.L. Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear t«be the best in style, fit and wear produced in this country. £ach part of the shoo and every detail of the making is looked after and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost. If I could take you into my large factories at I Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas [ -- shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their Wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W L Wpla« name nnd price is stamped on the bottom, which protects the weaivr against hlrh Driees and interior shoe*. T,.tf.\o NuL.tiMte. SfiUJ'T dealers eTwrjwhere^ Vumirt* *n+ii r vlustvelv. Catol»o maiUU ji ttm W» JU iHltiii Hrnthl--ilia FREE T o c o n v i n c e a n y woman that Pm-tine Antiscptlc will improve her health and do all we claim f o r I t . W o w i l l send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtine with book of Instruc­ t i o n s a n d g e n u i n e t e s t i m o n i a l s . S e n d your name and address on a postal card. cl eanses and heals m u c o u s m e m - brane at-PAXTINE factions, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic catarrh and inflammation caused by femi­ nine ills; soro eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment Its cur- atirtf power over these troubles is extra­ ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women aro using and rec­ ommending it every day. 60 cents at druggists orby mail. Remember, however, IT COSTS YOI' NOT1IINO TO 1ST IT. THIS K. FAXTON CO., Boston, S E C U R I T Y G A U L S A L V E M POSITIVELY HCALS /SORE SHOULDERS m AOAC MECKY (OH BACKS OM I HORSES and MULES • IT HEALS THEM ANYWAY • IN HARNESS. UNDER SADDLE OA I OIK IT MOT IOLD IN TOW TOWN ftCMO TOW CCS ETC u *•« "• rncc % M up In ate, Mo ««<t tt.OO tan MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS ^SECURITY REMEDY! _ m.M>NNCAPOLI| MINH. I 0 " B A P Q W I R E 8 A L L C U T S > SECURITY ANTISEFTIC HEALER 0EFIANCE STARCH starcbiu cio&bM fertile Farming L A N P S Cheap Easy T< lathe Best SediM if the South Unexcelled for General Farming Stock Raising. Berries. Fruit and Vegetables. Cantaloupes, Strawberries. PMubha* Apples, Grapes, etc.,givs handsome returns. Cattle need bat little winter feed. HEALTHY CLIMATE. GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING SEASON. Mfttn 6. A PARK. Gen. tm. ft Mt ««L Louisvill* & Hukvitt* ft. R. Go. LOUISVILLE, '•» .V' -# : v; i DOLLAR BEET SUQAH * oty, Gurernineut i , • *3 <4. MILLION m4 lrriituoB. _ ___

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