Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1907, p. 9

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McHENRY PLAINDEALER SUPPLEMENT McHeniy, III., Thursday, April 25, 1907 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. ProocctUngi of the Special Kwtiog of April 16th. 1907. The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county, 111., met In special ses­ sion, pursuant to an adjournment from special meeting of March 2S. 1907. at the court house at Woodstock. 111., on April 10, 1907 Meeting called to order by the clerk and the following named Sups. an­ swered to their names at roll-call, to- wit: N. Brotzman. A. A. Crissey. H. E. Whipple, James Lake, John Baldock. Wm. Desmond, F. D. Perkins. J H. Calbow. H. F. Heinemann. E. C. Jew- ett, C. W. Thompson, H. M Turner, Lt. B. Covell, Jesse B. Richardson. J. C. Ladd, Ben Throop and L. E. Mentch. First in order was the election of a chairman for the ensuing year. On mo­ tion of Sup. Desmond, seconded by Sup. Turner, Sup. James Lake was unanimously chosen. Upon taking the chair Sup. Lake briefly thanked the members for the honor conferred the third time. Sup. Desmond offered the following resolution to-wit: In organizing this board April, 1906, the rules were amend­ ed. and the chairman authorized to ap­ point the same number and the same com­ mittees as required by the code gov­ erning-this board and the membership increased from five to seven and where­ as said arrangement, has not proven entirely satisfactory I would recommend that Section 2 be again amended and a re-arrangement of the committees be made And the matter be referred to the committee on rules for adjustment and the chair be authorimed to appoint said committee of five at once. Adopted. Thereupon Chairman- Lake appointed the following named supervisors as the standing committee on rules for the en­ suing year, to-wit: J. C. Ladd. Ben Throop, John Baldock. H. F. Heinemann. and A. A. Crissey, who immediately retired to 'act on the resolution. The committee on rules reported as follows, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the resolution to change that part of the rules of this board relating to the membership of the committees would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: We would recommend that Section two (2) of the rules of this board be amend­ ed to read as follows: (2> There shall be the following stand­ ing committees each consisting of five (5) members, three of whom shall con­ stitute a quorum for work appointed by the chairman of this board, to-wit: A committee Oft' lands, lots and personal property, on railroads, on finance, on road% and bridges, on education. ' on settlement with the treasurer, on elec­ tions, on town accounts, on rules, on Claims, labor, fees and supplies. on claims county poor and reliefs. also the following committees of seven <7) members, four of whom shall constitute a quorum: On fees and salaries. on poor farm, and on public buildings and grounds and a purchasing committee consisting of three (3) members. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. C. Ladd, Chairman A. A. Crissey H. F Heinemann John Baldock Ben Throop Sup. Whipple moved the adoption of the report which was duly seconded by up. Turner. A viva voce vote being ken Chairman Lake announced the ro thirds vote necessary to change the lea had been received and declared e report adopted. D motion of Sup. Desmonds board ourned until 1 p. zn. 1 P. M. Board convened pursuant to adjourn­ ment, At roll-call all supervisors pres-' ent. The chairman authorized the clerk to read the following list of committees and assignment of members for the en­ suing year. Lands. Lots and Personal Property.--F. D. Perkins. N, Brotzman. J. C. Ladd. Jesse B. Richardson, E. C. Jewett. Railroads--J. H. Calbow, H. F Heine­ mann, C. W. Thompson, L. B. Covell. L, E. Mentch. Financej-John Baldock, A. A. Crissey. C. W. Thompson. H. F. Heinemann. J. H. Calbow. 4 Education--J. B. Richardson. H. M- Turner. J. H. Calbow. John Baldock. C. W. Thompson. Roads and Bridges--L. B Covell. F, D. Perkins, J. C. Ladd. J. B. Richardc son, N. Brotzman. Fees and Salaries--H. M Turner. Wm Desmond. John Baldock. E. C. Jewett. L. 15. Mentch. C. Ladd. J. B. Rich­ ardson * \ ' Public Buildings : ; i»^.. -E. Mentch. E. C. Jewett. N. Brotzman. F. D. Perkins, H F. Heinemann, H M. Turner, L. B Covell. Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies--N. Brotzman. Ben Throop. H. E. Whipple. L.' B. Covell. J H. Calbow. Claims County Poor and Reliefs--A. A. Crissey. L. E. Mentch. J. C. Ladd. F. D Perkins. Wm. Desmond. To Settle with Treasurer--Ben Throop. J. H. Calbow. A. A Crissey. H. E. Whipple, C. ' W. Thompson. Poor Farm--Wm. Desmond. L. B. Covell. L. E Mentch. A. A. Crissey Ben Throop. H. E. Whipple, E. C Jewett. Elections--H. E. Whipple. H M. Turn­ er, H. F. Heinemann. J. B. Richardson, John Baldock. Town Accounts--H. F. Heinemann, C W. Thompson. N. Brotzman. H E. Whipple F. D. Perkins. Rales--J. C. Ladd. Ben Throop. John Baldock, H. F Heinemann, A. A. Cris­ sey. Purchasing--E. C. Jewett. Ben Throop. Wm. Desmond. On motion of Sup. Desmond the lUst- was approval. A list of claims against the county was presented and referred to their proper committees. A legal opinion of C. P. Barnes on the support of the poor was read by the clerk and on motion of Sup. Whip­ ple was referred to the committee on rules. Representatives of the Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's Relief Corps of Woodstock. 111., appeared before the hoard in behalf of an appropriation to erect a soldiers' monument on the pub­ lic square in Woodstock. 111. After brief discussion by Abe Still, Judge C. H. Donnelly and pt'.iers the matter was referred to the committee on county poor and reliefs. On motion of Sup. Desmond board ad­ journed until i p. m. 2 P. W Board met pursuant to adjournment. All supervisors present at roll-call. The committee on rules made the fol­ lowing report which was adopted to- wit: ^ Mr. Chairman 'and Gentlemen of the Board Of Supervisors: Your committee on rules would beg leave to submit the following report on: the matters before them: Your committee would report that owing to a general misunderstanding of the application of Section 21. Chapter 107, of the Revised Statutes of this state, relating to the care of non-resi­ dent paupers, they employed counsel and met with them on March 4th. 1907, and herewith submit the opinion of C. P. Barnes the counsel employed, to­ gether, with the concurrence therein of County Judge D. 1. Smiley and States Attorney L. D. Lowell, to-wit: To the honorable James C. Ladd. chairman, and to the other members of a committee of the Board of Supervis­ ors of McHenry county. Section 24, of Chapter 1<»7. of Hurd's Statutes 1905. reads as follows: "S«ctioii 24. When any non-resident or any person not coming within the definition of a pauper, of any county or town, shall fall sick or die. not hav­ ing money or property to pay his board, nursing and medical aid or burial ex­ penses. the overseer or overseers of the town or precinct in which he may be shall give, or cause to be given to him such assistance, as they may deem necessary and proper, or cauge him to •be conveyed to his hpme. and if he shall die, cause him to be decently bur­ ied: and the county shall pay the reas­ onable expense thereof, which expense of burial may be recovered from the relatives of the said pauper or from the county of which he is a resident, in an appropriate action." The above section was amended by the legislature in the year of 1906 by adding to the section, as previously enacted the following words: "And the county shall pay the reas­ onable expense thereof, which expense of burial may be recovered from the relatives of the said pauper or from the county of which he is a resident, in an appropriate action." Two classes of persons are included under the above Section 24. 1st. Non-residents of the town or county, who may fall sick or die with­ out money or property to pay for board, nursing, medical aid or burial expenses. 2nd. Residents of the town or county who may fall sick or die, without mon­ ey or property to pay for board, nurs­ ing, medical aid or burial expenses Under the above section, it is clearly the duty of the supervisor of the town, to erive such sick person such assistance, as the supervisor "may deein necessary and proper" or in cases of a non resi­ dent to "cause him to be conveyed to his home." and if either of the class mentioned die the supervisor of the town should cause him to be decently buried and in each of the above cases the county shall pay the expense or the amount patd by the supervisor for such assistance or cost of conveying the non-resident to his home, and in either case the county must also pay the ex­ pense of such burial. The case of the County of Perry vs. the City of Du Quion 99, 111., P. 479. ex­ pressly hold that the two classes above nief&ioned are Included in the ° above section. In the case of the County of Kanka­ kee vs. the Town of Mnnteno. 6^. III. App. ^65. The above section was con­ sidered and on page 3'5fi, in speaking of said Section 20, the court say: "We are of the opinion that all cases coming within that section are county charges." In accordance with the above, the expense of nursing, care and medical aid. in cases of contagious diseases likewise fall uion the c unty to pay. but. before a city or village can recov­ er fnm the eountv for any such board, nursinir, care or medical attendance, the supervisor of the town, must have been notified or requested to render such, assistance, and if a city or village in this county voluntarily assumes to fur- n'sh such care, nursing, or medical at­ tendance, without requesting the sup»r- v'sor of such town to attend to the cases, the eountv wil' not be II ih'e The county hoard are. by law, en­ titled to pass reasonable rules nnd regu­ lations which can control ifnd govern the amount to be paid In such cases, and in this way the county can protect itself nga'nst unreasonable hills As will he seen bv Section 24. above men­ tioned. this only niiikcn ihe county 11- nhle where a person "shn'l fall s'ck or die." Temporary relief to residents of a town where there Is no sickness must be borne by the town thr» same as the cost and expense of a regular pauper Dated this 16th day of April, A. 1). 1907. C. P Burned. We concur In the above and foregoing opinion having heretofore looked up the law upon the sub*ect. D. T. Sinlley. L. D. Lowell. Th,e comm'ttee on claims county poor and reliefs made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims of county poor and re l ie fs would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be d - r-"cted to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sev­ eral amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: W. J Esmond, coal for Penning­ ton's $ 8 66 W. J. Worthington, groceries 6 4T> Chas. O. Peck, M. D.. services at Pennington's..1 75 00 Carr. Ambler & Co.. groceries for Pennington's 23 33 111. Industrial School for Girls, care of Freeda Sodawater 30 00 Dr. E G. Davis for Sup. town of Chemung, services of Pennington 2^ (XI Your committee would further recom­ mend that th<» petitions from <;rnnd Army and Woman's Relief Corps placed In our hands be referred to the finance •ommittee A.. A. Crissey. Chairman. Wm. Desmond F. I) Perkins J. G. Ladd L. E. Mentch The committee on claims, labor, fees and supplies made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims of labor fees and supplies would beg leave to report that they have ex­ amined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the follow­ ing, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: P. F. Pettibone & Co, sup for co. officers % 127 84 Mark Mortensen, janitor service.. .50 00 Hammond Stephens Co. sup. for Supt of Schools 16 65 E. Windmueller. exam. 1 ins. pa­ tient and two blind 6 50 E. A. Foley, exam. 1 ins. patient " 50 Nunda Herald, pub sup. pro 25 00 City of Woodstock, electric lights and water 41 1<> Woodstock Sentinel Co. pub. rules and sup. pro 25 85 Same, printing for Sup. of Schools 24 85 Same, envelopes for Sup. of Schools 8 00 fiyr >n De Graw, labor at poor farm 15 00 G. W Conn. Jr.. exp. as supt of schools 91 7V Geo. W. Lemmers, 10 cds. wood. 60 00 W. S. McConnell, com. work 5 60 L. B Covell, same .. 11 8'> C. W. Thompson, same 2 90 John Baldock. same 3 80 H. F. Heinemann, same 3 70 James Lake, same 3 70 H M. Turner, same 4 00 L. E. Mentch. same 8 30 F. D. Perkins, same 5 80 For death reports 2^ 2f. For birth reports. 8« '£< Ben Throop, com. work .. .. & 40 V. S. Lurnley. making contract for bridge and bond 7 50 A. A. Crissey. for special com­ mittee work 12 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. N. Brotzman. Chairman. L. B. Covell J. H Calbow Ben Throop 11. !i Whipple The committee on education offered the following resolution which, on .mo­ tion of Sup. Desmond, was referred to the committee on public buildings with instructions to make the repairs necessary. To the Honorable Board of Supervis­ ors of McHenry county: The commit­ tee on education would offer the fol­ lowing resolution. We would recommend that tlie office of the county superin­ tendent of, schools be supplied with proper lighting facilities and that slight repairs b^ made on one of the radiators: Respectfully submitted J. H. Richardson. Chairman. J. H. Calbow C. W. Thompson H. M Turner John Baldock Sup Jewett offered the following reso­ lution and on motion of Sup. Ladd it was adopted, to-wit: Resolved, That owing to an error In the a.-sH's^ment of the property of A. K. Thomas In the town of S.»nec«. conn ty of McHenry . ahd state of Illinois, that the tax of the said A. E Thomas lx> rebated to the am-'unt of $ 7.1'! less >;•' NN the uni'uint of thi district school (a* « •' the amount of $2»> and that the county collector he allowed to teturn Ihe same 'nun the delinquent funds of said town o,' Seneca and take credit therefi'r# on Iiik abatement list The following turned persons were s dected to serve as grand Jurors at the May term >f the circuit court, A D. !!K)7. McHenry county. 111., and on motion of Sup. Crissey the list was ap­ proved and the clerk of the board was instructed to certify the same to the clerk of the circuit court to wit: Riley-- J. H. McKeown. Maren«o - Henry t'happel. Chas. Gre>»n. • Dun ha ni- - Wallace Wells. Cliemune -A B. Tooker. J. A. Sweeney Alden- -E. S Smith. Hart land--'Thomas McGee. Seneca--<T<>orge Torrence. Coral Charles Ackman , Grafton-John Hawlev. Dorr -Hen Stupfel C. W. Hill Greenwood--Charles Thompson. Hebron F. W. Torrence. Richmond--E. G Turner. Burton--J J. Freund. McHenry--C. W. Harrison. Charles L Page. Nunda ^Henry Rowley. E. H. Wollen- hurgs. Algonquin--S. H. Abbott, B. C. Get- zelman. Sup. Desmond moved that the peti­ tions and request for an appropriation to erect soldiers' monument referred to the committee on finance be deferred until the regular June meeting. Carried. The clerk presented the bond of W S. McConnell, supervisor of assessments, in the penal sum of $2000.00 signed by himself and by Benjamin Stupfel and Theo. Hamer as sureties. On motion of Sup. Turner bond approved. On motion of Sup. JDesmond board ad­ journed. JAMES LAKE. 'Chairman. Attest-G. F. RUSHTON. Clerk.

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