Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1907, p. 4

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wmm: ^ p\, * -^v.. r ,~4 vm 3, •»•'. VTT. :-^ „T\ '77..* JT^ Yes. 100,000 times cach day. Boss it send out good blood or bid blood? You know, for food blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood --Ayefr's Sirsiparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. f*n® frequent cmise of bad. ,b;lood is a sloggMlft llvfe?. Ttiis produces constipation. Poiionoot then absorW^i into the blood. Kfn*ip *h« bowel* open with AyorV Tills. A Jjowell, Sui. Alf-o Hitvnufaoturera of H.UR VIGOR. 11/9 rc a(U!e ci]re-uv/ O CttERRV P£CT0t*t~ We Jsave no seoreta! We publish Ike formulas ot ell our medicines. Id the treatment of piles il becomes necessary to hare the remedy put op in such a form that it can be applied to the parts affected. Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tube* with noEzla attached. It cannot help but reach the spot. Believes blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles.;, 50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. * Try;; it. Sold at Nr H. Petesch's drug store. >- Be ,<T% . :.w PUBLISHED EVlJlY THCliSDAy BY F. O. SCHREINER. OAce la Bank Building. Telephone, Nd. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ht S th», recta. /•...».«> Three months. 40cts. Thursday, May a, 1907. PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anton Schaefer & w to John Nimsgern, It 7 & pt it 6, Hasse's addn, Spring GrOve J $1000 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Oscar Gebhardt, 27 Chicago Eosa Butts, 22 Hartland Gustof Persson, 28 Woodstock Anna K. Madsen, }8, Woodstock Joseph Evans, 5$......... Harvard Hannah Johnson, 29 Harvard Best for Women and Children. On account of its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is especially recommended for women and children. It does not nau- aftftte or gripe like pills and ordinary Qatbartics. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup •ids digestion and stimulates the liver •nd bowels without irritating them. Remember the name Orino and refuse •ubstttetes. G. W. Besley. PJace Your Order Now. The government postal authorities hare caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to Che public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have a a ma and address printed on his envelop the sender if; address. •od leave 01 iypil,be put up in g their return to ke is made in the Plaindealer office ihis atationery and fust-class manner. ••} Don't Pay Alimony "te tie divorced from your appendix- There will be no occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their action is so gentle that the appendix never has Mtue to make the least complaint. Guar­ anteed by N H. Petesch, Frank Mas- quelet, Mcflenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. Try them. Have you seen The Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars ? If not, see them At once. Our prices are the lowest •far. In using a congh syrup, why not get •he best? One that comes highly recom­ mended is Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup, contains Ho hey and Tar and is superior to other cough syrups in many ways. .Children always like it because it con­ tains no opiates, is a laxative and is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money refunded. Try it. gold at N. H. Petesch's drug stord. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for $8.50. Order at onoe as the time of this is limited. Additional Locarl. Oefc ont your rake and get busy. At the Central Saturday and Sunday, May 4 and 5. Are you square with us? If not what ia the reason? H. Hirsch shipped a car load of cattle and hogs from McHenry last night. L. fi. Nordstrom has moved his family to McHenry and is now occupying the rooms over the new shoe store on the West Side. 4ptditlonal Personal. Geo. Yager attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. i T. H. Bethfee attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. Chas. G. Frett was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Miss May Spencer was the gnest of her parents here Sunday. Miss Mabel Granger was the gnest of Richmond friends Sunday. Miss Cassie Eldredge of Algonquin was a Sunday visitor here. Miss Eosina Reynolds spent Sunday and Monday with Chicago friends. Miss Lucy Spencer of Chicago is spend­ ing the week with her parents here. Dr, and Mrs. F. E. Wadhams of Chi­ cago spent Sunday at Orchard Beach. Miss Kate Howe of May wood is spend­ ing a week's yacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. f. Block and daugh­ ter spent Sunday with Woodstock rela­ tives. Miss Lillie Heimer was the guest of Woodstock friends several days last week. Mrs. L. F. Pouse was the guest of her brother, Dr. J. M. Larson, at Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Josef Beckel of Chicago were guests at Orchard Beach hotel last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dowe of Ingleside spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bernard Buss. Misses Beta Wray and Edith Schroed- er of Richmond were guests of friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Bay O. Lamphere and son were guests of county seat relatives a few days this week. Miss Irene Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frisby, here. Mrs. E. W. Howe was in Chicago a few days this week buying up new mil­ linery goods for her store. Mrs. Chas. Furlong and son, Lyle, of Chicago are spending the week at their cottage on Orchard Beach. Homer Brown of Rice Lake, Wis., was a guest at the home of his brother, Dr. H. T. Brown, several days last week. , Mrs. W. F. Gallaher returned Men- day evening from Amboy, 111., where she had been called by the illness of her step-mother. Mrs. Chas. J. Carrie and little son of Detroit, Mich., arrived in McHenry Sat­ urday evening for a month'* visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Covell of Port­ land, O^-e., are visiting friends in Mc­ Henry and vicinity. They intend visit­ ing the Jamestown exposition, Wash­ ington, and other points of interest be­ fore returning. Let me mail to you, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative and my book on either Dysyepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys. Address me, Dr. Shoop, Bacine, Wis. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves--means Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital or­ gans. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Be- storative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the ' 'inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Bestorative. Write for my free book now. Dr. Shoop's Bestorative sold by N. H. Petesch. His Hope For Revenue. Judge (to barber sentenced to death) --If you have a last request, the court will be glad to grant it. Barber~I should like to shave the prosecuting at­ torney--Munich Jugend. Nervous [ladftes, fecit get rftf of the dfe-j lease which Is the cause of I most of woman's nervousness, viz*t female trouble. "I wis ivery -nervous/* writes Mrs. j T. L. Jones, of Gallatin, I Tenn., "and suffered six years | with every disease peculiar to my sex* I had headache,! | backache, and acute female inflammation. I took three ' bottles of Cardui and it cured' me. I gained 35 pounds in / eight. I teH my husband j I that WISE CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF srold recommend Druggists Of all the f rui ts there are in the land, That grow on bush octree, I would give up the choicest ones For Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea. Ask you druggiBt. Want Column. Free samples of "Preventics" and a booklet on Colds will be gladly mailed you, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Bacine, Wis., simply to prove merit. Preven­ tics are little Candy Cold Cure tablets. No Quinine,no Laxative, nothing harm­ ful whatever. Preventics prevent colds --as the name implies--when taken early or at the "Sneeze Stage." For a seated cold or LaGrippe, break it quick ly and safely with Preventics. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a • special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean' for Oiia full year. Don t let it get away from yon. Hurried meals, lack of exercise are the main causes of dyspepsia. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids digestion, improves the appetite. Sold at N. EL Petesch's drug store. Cash or Credit. Women should not get credit. Nei ther sflould men. Cash is the cure. Tradesmen maybe would have a bad tî ne for six CM* twelve months, and many a lady would have to "lie low," but in the ead we would get both our trade and our money, and she would get her dress and at far less cost-- London Opinion Improper action of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine ules" is a kidney remedy that will re­ lieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refanded. "Relief in every dose." Sold at Petesch s drug store. (ENM IcHENRY, H1IR01S y0tir^ C-w!v All advertisements Inserted under this head at the followingraU'g: Five lines or less, 25 cente for first insertion; 15 cents lor eaeli subsequent insertion. More than tlve lines, 6 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line tor additiona insertions. "CV)R RENT--8 to 10 acres on south side of m i l l pond, near the 8tandplpe. canning products. O. N. Owra, 36 Bank of Mcllenry, 111 Good for T2V>R 8ALE-- Dakota and Colorado lands Homesteads located. For further infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry, III. 38-tf "I3H)R SALE--A house and lot near the river, * very cheap; part cash, balance time. 41-tf Hank of McHenry. F°K RENT--The l iv ing rooms In the old Henry Colby Hat on Water street, near river bridge. For further information apply to or address E. W. Howie, McHenry. 4H tf "C>OR 8A LE--To settle the esiate, the prop- E erty known as the Grlmoldby place, con­ s i s t ing o f house, ba rn, and two lo t s, on Main street, West McHenry. For further Informa­ tion apply to N. J. Justen, West McHenry. 48 DOY WANTED A T ONCE To work In bak- -D ery shop. Must be sixteen or over. For further informal inn apply at McHenry Bak­ ery, Max Zjmmekmann. Proprietor. •*"> "CV5R SALE OR RENT--The Wm. Reid prop- ^ erty. m miles »-outh of McHenry, consist­ ing of 5 acres of land, good house, barn, etc. Inquire of W. Boixiek, West McHenry. 111. forty acres of Two hujndred and fine timber land near TJ^OR SALE OR TRADE forty Wlthee, Wis. Bargain If taken at once. For further information apply to AtrotJST Lar aON. McHenry, 111. 45 3t* Spring Winds chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. Pinesalve Carboliz- ed applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem­ edy. Acts like a poultice and drafts out inflammation. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Chicago & North-Western. Effective November 18,1806. WEEK DAY TRAINS. nobthbound McHenry. 7.00 am V«a Elgin 10.17 a m 9.00 a m.. Via l>es Plaines 10.17 a m 3.35 p m Via Des I'laines 4.50 p m 4.00 p m Via Elgin ^ .6.40 p m 4.57 p m Via Des Plaines .6.40 p m StJNDA Y-THAINS. Via Elgin 11.14 a m ..Via Des Plaines 11.14 am Via Elgin 4.55 p m WEEK DAY TRAINS. * SOUTHBOUND. 0h"igO. .Via Elgin 10.10a m pi .,i Leave OhSafo. 8.45 a m. 9.10a m.. 2.02 p m.. Leave McHmry. 7.30 am... 8.30a m... 4.33 p m... .Via Des Plaines 9.55 a m r .Via Des Plaines #.15 p m 4.23 p m ....Via Elgin 7.10 p hi SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.20 a m Via Elgin 10.35 a m 5.00 p m Via Des Plaices .6.30 p nc 5.00 pm Via Kilr-iTt. ...7.50 p ir There are many kidney remedies but few that accomplish the result. "Pine- ules" is a kidney remedy that contains no alcohol or opiates of any kind, com­ plies with the National Pure Food aud Drug Law, guaranteed to give satisfac­ tion. Thirty day treatment for $1.00 Inquire about "Pineules." Sold at N. Petesch's drugstore. Water Needles. . So penetrating is water at high pres­ sure that only special qualities of cast iron will be tight against it. In the early days of the hydraulic jack it was no uncommon thing to see the water issuing like a fine needle through the metal, „ and the water needle would penetrate the unwary finger just as readily as a steel one. Scof f s Emuls ion strengthen enfeebled mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. TALL DRUGGISTS: eoo. AND si.OO. few? ' n L*> W The New Pure "Food and Drug Law. * We are pleased to announce that, Fo­ ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. G. W- Basley. They Began Early. Gummey--Women's habit of going to their husbands for money is as old as the human race. Gargoyle--That can't be, for the human race had no such thing as money for many ages. Gummey--Nevertheless Eve got • "bone" from Adam. • Artists have no trouble in securing models. The famous beauties have dis caided corsets and have become models in face and form since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your drug­ gist. Physical Culture. Police Surgeon (to would bo cop)-- How is it, my man, that your right arm Is developed out of all proportion to t!|0 rest of you? Italian Applicant-- Grlnda da org', shlna da frett, roostn da peanut--Puck, A Show that Pleases all to 25,35,50c Seats on Sale at Gilbert's FuraisHiity Store NEW SHOE STORE Having opened a new shoe store in the Schnorr block in West' McHenry I hereby ask the public for their patronage. Besides handling a full line of shoes I also do repair work of all kinds, in whish% line I consider myself an expert Buy your shoes of me and I will repair them free of charge. * Lt ScMorr Building, West McHenry The West Side Fruits Candy Store That is the place to buy We handle the finest line of candies and fruits to be found in town. Lama's box candies, the best that money can buy, are here in plenty. We also handle all kinds of vegetables in season. Peanuts are roast­ ed right here and are fresh. Our soda water fountain is open and we want you to give it a trial. Giunta Bros. NEAR DEPOT Benefits of^Modera Profession a |U Society V = . Otnd Businesss Cards ['• Oroen streets. .v**-...... One of the most generally approved ideas ot modern plumbing is that of installing one-piece lavatories, supplied with hot and cold running water, in t# apartments-and ({resung chxmben of the individual membcit Jiou9ehold. . first thought this idea may app# U xurious to some ns^but when its benefit* are i made apparent,, it wi l l be- found necessary to mod­ ern living. One- piece l ava tor ies throughout the .home are in the iSSf i r s t p lace , a mark ' i&of refinemeikfr-- second, they direct constant attention to the toilet and pro moils cleanli­ ness---third, they avoid the incon­ venience of having to dress in carder to reach the bathrooin, posj5bly to fcfct it already occupied. ~ 1 Gill, write or phone for a copy of booklet "Modern Lavatories" which shows the complete line of One-piece Lavatories, with approximate prices in detail. There are none as good. ^ ... Herbes Bros., McHenry J B m\ mrnm j P H I L I P GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT/ f' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flatten, Kegs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs , This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price listp furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois.. sells the McVi.'ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plvjvs, Wagons, Carriages, Buggit k, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine OU a Specialty. Franklin Lgfttflin* Rod Works! 1 am agent for the abovei We put the Bods' on your Hold­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages lt no more than 1500. (Jail and get full particulars. Central BlacksmltMug Prkes always Reasouble Chamberlaln'H Colic, Cholera and Dliir-rh«eulteii)«<ty. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more' implicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur­ ing the third of a century in which it has been in nse, people have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take.. For sale by all druggists. C Sweet to Eat A Caady lewd LuattM. Cbat new H a r n e s s HAVE) you placed your order for your new spring har­ ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen in Mc­ Henry and want t*> do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right alojig and our customers are pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices. :: :: IH. fl. Cbeien, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Lax-ets5 Why Not give us your next order for that steak ? We would be pleased to fill it for you. We know that we can please you as we handle nothing but the best. Buy your meats where you know you are being given a fair deal and honest prices. That is what We db Here every day in the week. Our line of Sausages, Salt and Smoked Meat is always fresh and to-date. , £. F. Matthew9, West McHenry, IM. . Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections »v.... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at < the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. t)AVft> 6. WELLS, M.'l»v ie No. 311 • ' * £"• - FEGERfvJt pHYSKl'I A N H AND^KtiKON^. ^ |C; J ~~ 111. Office Ht Ke,-sid^iic»*.com«»r D:T.8MLtBy ATTORNEY AT L A W . wc«Misto<'k, iiitiu)ib> A l l business int i ustwl t«) his care will !*•', •. \ properly and promptly attended to ,5) • ^AftKER S. WEBSTER _ T AWYEK. 701, 702 Rector building, 123SMtm- ^ roe street, ,L'l»lcago. Telephone Oeafcral DR. R. q. CHAMBBKI4N •*'v' BKNTI8T. Office aad Resldence over n. J. W«tSli'» IMilf Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. ; ; Wjbst Iwu , , STOFFEl, v Insurance Agent for all classes N», »93< SIMOM property in the best Companies. y 1 West McHenry, IIHaoti* FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL, PAIHTICR AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD Housf mxf Hl(fii PalntliiK and all Interior Dec- orat iuK. liUMiciuuce north town line one block we*, of river. Telephone No,2M. MCHknrv, • - - ILLINOIS doh*» J. Vycital 1 DEALER I N Geaered Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils.| Tin and ma­ chine repairing of alt kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Tetophone, No. <#4. Office In Hetm- erbldg., Centervllle D. A. WIllfY, M.D. C. VETERINARY SUROEON AND DENTIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a specialty. 'Phone 253. WIVt. BACON Dealer in Windmills* Pipes, Pumps, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all tlaies. McHENRY, ILL, Tel. Mala 1714. WHY do people of Mi Henry, Lake an other counti lrop In at Lambert Q. Seng's fie Fifth Ave. CHlCAOOr Because It is SO homelike. .Tf'4 m* ikiag s Jew discovery fOR C R F n t t ̂ fwc^^w)0. OLDS Trial Bottle Free I AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY VOR MONEY ISpriTNDED- ̂ ̂ HOLLISTER'S locky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Bosy People. Irin^s Goldea Health and Benewed Vigor. . -w'cirtc for Constipation, Indigestion, LIv» C.Jney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impur t. Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headai ' 'inckache. It's Itocky Mountain Tea in tu f.irm, 85 cents a box. Genuine made b, ^listkb Drug Company, Madison, Wis. 0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE T H E O R I G I N A L LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CENTERVi Mark L A X A T I V E . Tba r*d latter B" • on •very bottle. We handle everything in th# line of fresh and salt MEATS |md Sausages We also handle Johns- biirgh Creamery Butter • . 85; Q. Frett, McHenry, ill. fl CONTAINING HONEY-TAR an wuk ooataJalac eplstee ensH. •to tfeeVwela. Be«'« L*xa.ti«« Boavy aa4 1 U« boweii coouuo» ae ulstoS. N. H.- PETESCH. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes au>f sices. Ber­ t-nil proofs to select from. Each do«- nn finished in different styles. Price, S2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive -apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as #roup pictures, views < buildinKs, cattle, machinery, etc. C . \ l e > . r g e t ' o p i e d i r o n ) a n * small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and w li it e or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sices made up for any sise picture, certificate, etc. Waokegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone, 493 -- •?' J-. Si '•J li. •j #.'V IwMmttiaaiBBiiy T. i'J' .A-. tJa

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