Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1907, p. 4

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r "> ^ A rt \ • i % • ».i V t 4fn »+ r"( ,» ^ /; Harness 1-1 AVE you placed 1* your order for your new spring har­ ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen i n Mc­ Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are ; pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices. :: Trust If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de­ bility, nervousness, exhaus­ tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knowsjMoo. Ask him about it. Unless there is daily action of the bowels. i>oi»onotis products are ahsorbed. causing he:«<t- ache. biliousness, nausfa. dTspepsla. and imis prevpiniiig the S.irsaparilla from doing lt^ work. Aw'j rills are liver pills. al> vegetable, Act gently• £ad* by J. C. Ay«r Co., Tjowell. Mas*. Alio manufacturer» of 9 HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CUKE. CHERRY PECTORAL-yers XlMfl ? no seereta ! We publiah JL Cbelen, McSENRY, ILLINOIS. Bank of This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a tfXEKAL BAHKIM BUSIKSS. We endeavor to do all business intrasted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE ta First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. lie Hdfeary PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. (L SCHREINER. Office In Banlc^ullding. Telephone, No.87*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: . / A Caustic Rejoinder.,. ' ^/' A physician who had for 0fteen years been one of the doctors of the Actors' fund and' who attended hun­ dreds of actors with no compensation whatever, wrote to a prominent man­ ager and asked for some theater tick­ ets. His request was refused, the man­ ager asking what the doctor had ever done that he should be entitled to re­ ceive theater tfekets gratis. The phy­ sician immediately replied- His M.tor contained a brief recital of his services to theatrical people. In conclusion he said: "Despite my services, as named above, I should not have thought of asking you for tickets had It not been that upon the occasion of the death of Mr. Blank you assured me that if you could ever serve me in any way what­ ever you would consider it a favor if I would call upon yon. However, I bear you no ill will op account of yonr present action. I was very glad to at­ tend Mr. Blank when he died in your box office,, and I should be happy to do as: much for you at any time." year Six months, 75 cts. ..U.50 Three month*. 40ots. Thursday, May 9. I x CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt . MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- burgh Creamery Butter Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. iiv r!l' '• ' &?• Why Not give us your next order for that steak 'i We •would be pleased to fill it for you. • We know, that we can please you as we handle nothing but the best. Buy your meats where you know you are being ven a fair deal and onest prices. That is what T0 do Additional Personal. 1 M. L. Worts spent yesterday in Chi­ cago. Henry Heimer was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. N. E. Barbian was at the county seat Wednesday. F. L. Carr of Wanconda spent a day here recently. Mrs. L. C. Gates was a Chicago visit­ or Wednesday. v. L. F. Block was a business visitor inj Chicago Wednesday. ' C. G. Frett boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. John Walsh spent Wednesday with Chicago relatives. Henry Meyers and son, Joe, spent Chicago. Ben Stilling returned home^ Tnesday from his South Dakota trip. G. W. Besley was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. Misses Frances Bnss and Lena Stoffel were Iugleside callers Sunday. Fred Pegel of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of T. W. Winkels. Herman Lewis spent Saturday and Snnday at Addison, 111., with friends. J. P. Smith attened to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wednesday. Frank Masquelet and son, / Frank, were windy city city visitors tnesday. Miss Lizzie Adams of Chicago is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Thnrl- well. John Schmidt and Addie Sehillo of Chicago spent Sunday with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Sable and son of Chicago spent Sunday with T. W Winkels. W. D. Ball was in-McHenry a couple of days last week looking after his in­ terests here. Mr. and Mrs. John Sable and sosi^ftlr. Mrs. T. W. Winkels and son spent Monday at Fox Lake. Miss Kate Howe of May wood return ed to her school dnties Sunday evening after spending a week's vacation here. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin was called to Highland Park, 111., last Monday morn­ ing thru the illness of his brother, who passed away soon after the doctor's ar­ rival at his bedside. Mrs. R. G. Cham­ berlin left Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral, which was held yesterday. It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from physical weakness when Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea would make tbem well. The greatest tonic known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--f 1.55 gets for both ,ooe year Special deal. Everyone knows that Spring is the season of they year when the system needs cleansing--Dade's Little Liver Pills are highly recommended. Try them. Sold at N. H. Petescb's store. John Evanson iB packing his store goods and will vacate the Simes build ing on the West Side. He has not as yet definitely decided what he will do. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. Tom Corwirt's Education. The father of Tom Corwin, the fa­ mous Kentucky statesman, orator atod wit, felt that lie was too poor to make a scholar of more than one child of his large family, and so the elder brother, Matthias, was kept at school and Thomas placed at hard work on ipe farm. Th? breaking of a leg proved a happy incident In the life of the boy, as the enforced confinement gave him time for devotion to his beloved books, and he committed a Latin grammar to memory.. Upon his recovery he again importuned his father to send him to school and, meeting a refusal, deliber­ ately broke his leg the second time that he might have leisure to study. His heroic determination to learn resulted in his being placed in the same instita tlon attended by his brother, where his natural ability and great Industry gath­ ered a thorough knowledge of the best English literature and a fair acquaint ance with the Latin classics.--Ohio Magazine. ' Why Horses Shy. The horse shied at a piece of white paper, and the rider tumbled off into the mud. It Is well for the world," said an automobilist, smiling, "that it is ceas­ ing to use the horse for a servant. The horse is a half blind giant, with the mind of a baby. No wonder, then, that when we trust out lives in his keeping he is apt to go back on us. His main trouble is his eyes. So poor is the horse's sight that he mis­ takes a bank of snow for a fierce white beast A mud puddle at his feet is a yawning chasm. A shadow flung across his path is a black terror seeking his life; hence the weakminded, nearsight­ ed, powerful horse goes through life beside himself with fear. He is no more to be trusted than a maniac, and, like a maniac, he sees a monster await­ ing him at every corner. Yet we get on his back, fools that we are."--New Orleans Times-Democrat. Here every day in the week. Our line of Sausages, Salt and Smoked Meats is always fresh and up-* to-date. £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, Sll. Try/ drug How Clouds and Fogs Differ. Clouds are bodies of moisture evapo­ rated from the earth and again partial­ ly condensed in the upper regions of the air. Fogs differ from clouds only in one respect--they come in contact with the surface of the earth while clouds are elevated above our heads. When the surface of the earth is warmer than the lower air the vapor of the earth, being condensed by the chill air, becomes mist or fog. But when the lower air is warmer than the earth the vapor rises through the air and be­ comes cloud. Fog and mist differ in this respect--that mist is a fine rain, while fog is vapor not sufficiently con­ densed to allow of its precipitation in drops. The Fata Morgana. The most singular aerial phenomenon is the fata morgana, a sea mirage seen off the const of Calabria and between Italy and Sicily. It presents the phan­ toms of cities, houses, temples, palaces and ships, sometimes in their proper position, sometimes inverted, occasion­ ally at an angle. The phenomenon has been known for many ages and for­ merly occasioned great and widespread alarm, being regarded as an evil omen that betokened some genera! and se­ vere calamity. An Ungallant Actor. " : ;_\- v A well known American actor, who til old enough not to consider himself a matinee Idol by any means, was somewhat surprised and pleased in a St. Louis hotel a short time ago when a pretty girl sfopped him in the cor* ridor and presented him with a .rose, jvithout saying a Word. He was more surprised and less pleased to receive a note the following day reminding him of the incident and asking him to send the giver of the flower two sea is at the theafer in w&lch he was playing "as a memento of the occasion." "My dear young lady," the actor re­ plied, waxing sarcastic as he realized what had been the object of the at­ tention ho had been paid, "I would be glad to send you the seats you ask for. but, on consultation with the manager of the theater/1 have been informed that the seats are all fastened down and that he is opposed to having them sent away as souvenirs In any event, so that you will have to be contented with an autograph for a souvenir of your benevolence of yesterday in­ stead."--Harper's Weekly. Beats Radium For Cost. If you object to paper money, bit wish to carry big values in small com­ pass, you might do worse than lay in a stock of best lenses for microscopes. Weight for weight, gold is not nearly so valuable as glass In the form of powerful lenses,, and an ordinary purse filled with such lenses might easily represent a fortune. The record in­ crease in the value of the manufac­ tured article over the raw material is probably made by this variety of glass, which multiplies itself 50,000,000 times. The front lens of a micro objective in­ strument costing about fl weighs no more than about .0017! of a gram; hence the value of such lenses to the weight of about two and a quarter pounds would be about £600,000. The cost of making this weight of glass is 1% pence to 3 pence, and thus when worked up into the shape of .a lens the glass has increased in value about 50,- '000,000 times.--London Express. surely to weal: women,^ [who have to frown and en- Idtoe the torture due to thel iiseases peculiar to their sex/ Not only wrinkies, but hoi- flow, lack-kistre eyes, sallow] [complexion, gray hair, all of 1 I which teli of premature oldj [age* The prevention of tl flies m your own hands.! Cure the disease that causes] [your suffering, and strength- yout - wcafcgatfd cau».ii ftutioo* With WINE CARDUI the A Battle of Butterflies. "A battle of butterflies," said Japanese viscount firmly. "Impossible!" cried the lady on his right. "Oh," the viscount insisted, "the tiling is authenticated. It happened on Aug. 20, 1889. Tales and poems with­ out number have been written on it. On the evening of Aug. 20 two oppos­ ing armies of the butterflies fought an aerial battle between Nojima and Ka- vasaki Mura. The fight continued till sunset, when the smaller army turned and retreated, the victors pursuing it till all were lost In the rosy sunset haze. The ground beneath the combat was thickly strewn with wounded and dead warriors. The battle drew a thou­ sand people. It occurred about thirty feet up In the air. The spectators were amazed and horror stricken to see these gentle blue butterflies grappling and struggling furiously and silently in a blue "blizzard above their heads." The Bookplate. An ex llbris, or bookplate, is a small piece of paper whereon Is printed the owner's name and pasted on the in­ side cover of a book--in other words, it is a printed slip to denote the owner­ ship of books. A proper ex librls should have, first of all, the name, boldly and plainly printed, and a space left for the number of volumes contained in the library; then, to make it more In­ teresting and personal, some decora­ tive device of the owner's peculiar and Individual choice as well as some fa­ vorite motto, if desired. In Europe those who have the right use family crests or armorial bearings for their ex libris. Every well regulated library should have some mark of ownership, and the ex libris takes the place of the owner's signature. Curious Effects of Frost. An egg expands when it is frozen so much that the Increased bulk breaks the shell. Apples, on the con­ trary, contract to such an extent that a full barrel will shrink until the top layer will be a foot below the chime. When the frost has been slowly and carefully drawn out they again as­ sume their normal size and appearance. Apples can be transported when the mercury is 20 degrees below zero. Po­ tatoes once touched by frost are ruined. Weak K i d PATENTS TtompQf or rCC RCTUHNCD. M VUM' UmtlMCC. Our CHARGES 4RS 1 modci, photo <>r wU<H?4-h for . fret? report on pau-nlHbUity. suit# conducted before all LftroUgCt AllVIKJt* ft, free. TftAM-MAKKS* PCf*» and OOfYMOHTI quickly obtained. U. s. Patent Office, sw&y poin iKflllil MSeM. msk Weak Kidney*, surely point to weak kidney Kerves. The Kidneys, like tbe Heart, and the Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ Itself, but in the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. Bhoop's Restorative is a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nem*. To doctor the Kidneys alone, to futile. It ib u waste of time, and of money as well. tt your back aches or is weak, if the mine scalds, or is dark and strong, it you have syiuptoms of Bright^ or ether distressing or dangerous kid­ ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month- Tablets or Liciuid--end see what it can and will do for you. Druggist recommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative fl H. PETESCH, An Easier Trip. "The president of this road," remark­ ed the man In the corner of the smok­ ing compartment, "Is one of thosq old fashioned railroaders. He began as a brakeman. Instead of riding over the line in a private car to inspect it, he walks over It." "I don't blame him," declared the m&n who was making his first trip on tne road.--Cleveland Press. Moths and Butterflies. Some moths look very much like but­ terflies, but there are two ways in which you can always tell the one from the other. Each has little slen­ der feelers growing from the head, but the butterfly's feelers, or antennae, as they are called, have knobs on the ends. The antennae of the moth some­ times have tiny feathers on them and sometimes little spires, but thy' are never knobbed. Then, too, in alight­ ing the butterfly always holds her wings erect, while the moth's droop or are nearly flat No Longer Worried. "I thought," said the visitor, "I'd drop in and tell you what your hair re­ storer did for a friend of mine. When he started to using your elixir there were only a few hairs on his head, but now it's completely covered." "Indeed?" explained the patent med­ icine man. "Yes; by six feet of earth."--Catholic Standard and Times. y WOMAN'S RELIEF o! which Mrs. Mary Irvin, of Pam- pHn City, Va.» writes: "I think it; S is tfe.e best on earth for all suffering J women. My doctor did me no I suffered untold misery I j &-o*n head to foot, but the arst dose i [ of Cardui gave me relief, and when ! I had taken one bottle, I fe.H like a I new woman," The above seems to provs that Cardui will relieve your pain, strengthen your oonsti- i tut ion and renew your youth. Try it. j At all Druggists, $1.00 E29 Want Column. All advertisement!) inuerted undor this bead, at, the following rates: Five lines or lens, 26 cent* for first Insertion; 16 cents for eacti subHequent Insert inn More than five lines, 5 cents a line for flvst insertion, fiid 3 cents a line for addltlona insertions. Ip^OR RENT-- 8<tol0 acres on south side of mill pond, near the stand pipe. Good for canning products. O. N. OWKN, 36 Bank of McHenry, HI- T^OR SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands Homesteads located. For further infor­ mation apply to or address E. \V. Howe, Mr- Henry, in. :w-tf "Cj^OR SALE--A house ancTlot near the river, •*- very cheap; part cash, balance time. 41-tf BANK OF McH KNRY. •CVJR RENT--The living rooms in the old Henry Colby fiat on Water street, near river bridge. Kor further information apply to or address E. W. HOWE, McHenrv. 43 if MK£ men wanted on road operating city and in- t.ernrhan linf>«. Answer "R," care of the WANTED--For conductors and mo­ tor men. A few intelligent, industrious terurban lines, Plaindealer. 46-!2t T OST--Small gold medal locket. Cinder please leave at this office and receive re­ ward. TOR SALE--A road wagon in good condi- -1- tion. Will be sold reasonable. For fur­ ther information apply or write to W. C EVANSON, West McHenry. "C^OR RENT--80 acres of land, 1 mile south *• of McHenry, 00 acres hay, balance plow land and pasture. ' Inquire of JOHN KNOX, West McHenry, 111. 4<M,f T^OR SALE--The property south of Riv» j- -1- side and near the river, known »8 the Stebbins property. For' further information address Mas. C. L. SANDBURG, Plainville. Kan. _ " 46-til TpOR SA LE--To settle the estate, tbe prop- r erty known as the Grimoldby. place, con­ sisting of house, barn, and two lots, on Main street, West McHenry. For further informa­ tion apply to N. J. JUSTEN, West McHenry. 43 BOY WANTED AT ONCE-To work in bak­ery $ hop. Must be sixteen or over, tor further Information apply at McHenry Bak­ ery, MAX ZIMMERMANN, Proprietor. 45 forty acres of fine timber laud near Ij^ORSALE OR TRADE--Two hundred and r forty Witlieo, Wis. Bargain if taken at once. For further Information apply to AUGOST LAR SON. McHenry, 111. 4T>-.(t* Chicago & North-Western. " Effective November t8,1906. WEBK DAY TRAINS. ChfcYgo. NORTHBOUND McHenry. 7.00 am Via Elgin 10.17 am 9.00 a m Via Des Plaines 10.17 a m 3.25 p m Via Des Plaines 4.50 p m 4.00 p m Via Elgin .6.40 p iq 4.57 pm Via Des Plaines 6.40 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.45 am Via Elgin 11.14 a m 8.10a m Via Des Plaines 11.14 am ?.02 p m Via Elgin 4.65 p m WEEK DAY TRAINS. Leave annrnnniTun Arrive McHenry- SOUTHBOUND. Chicago. 7.20 am Via Elgin 10.10a no 8.2ii am Via Des Plaines .9.55 a m 4.23 pro Via Des Plaines 6.15 p m 4.23 p m Via Elgin 7.10 p rr. EUNDAY TRAINS. 7.20 am Via Elgin .10.35 am 5.00 p m Via Des Plaines 6.30 p a 5.00 pm ViaElgin. . .. .7.50prr IIMHH MMttM X PROBA TE NEWS ! -/ A Lasting Impression. "Well, Bertha, I hear you met Mr. Cooke yesterday. Did you like him?" "Do you know, dear, he made an Im­ pression upon me that nothing will ob­ literate." "Really! How--what did he say?" "It wasn't what he said; it waa what he did. He spilled a cup of tea over my new white silk dress." A Martyr. The Friend--If your married life is so unhappy, why don't you get a di­ vorce from your husband? Unhappy Wife--Because he would then marry some other woman and make her un­ happy.--Chicago News. Succeeded. "She married him to reform him.**' "Did she succeed?" "Sure! He used to be a spendthrift and now he has Nothing to spend.**-- Houston Post In using a cough syrup, why not get the best? One that comes highly recom­ mended is Bee'8 Laxative Cough Syrnp, contains Honey and Tar and is superior to other cough syrups in many ways. Children always like it because it con­ tains no opiates, is a laxative and is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money refunded. Try it. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drng store. His Intelligence. Purchaser--You told me that parrot I bought of you was the most Intelli­ gent bird in your collection, while the fact is he doesn't talk at all. Dealer-- That's what I meant when I spoke of his Intelligence. ° / The Secret. He-Why did you tell me this if it was such a secret? She--But if I didn't tell it to somebody how could anybody know I could keep a secret?-- Baltimore American. Age does not make pi childish, M some say. It finds -us true children.-- Goethe. Potatoes Or Tomatoes. I will furnish seed and land fbr some­ one who will plant and care for same on shares. H. C. MEAD Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment, Please note that it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itch­ ing, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear, like magic by its ose. large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sole by N. H. Petesch. Bead The Plaindealer. Of all the fruits there are in tbe That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest otses For Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. us Supply You With Our Groceries and Fruits We Can Satisfy You MEPIM 271 NEW SHOE STORE Having opened a new shoe store in the Schnorr block in West McHenry I hereby ask the public for their patronage. Besides handling a full line of shoes I also do repair work of all kinds, in which line I consider myself an expert. Buy your shoes of me and I will repair them free of charge. Lt Schdorr Building, West McHenry •••#•• ••••*•»• •••••••• Hl« »W»--«««»««»« ««--»« [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company,,Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Etta J. Kittle to Walter Bolger sHne^, sec 11, Nunda 13100 00 Same to John Gibbs, nHneMnw^, sec 11, Nunda $2000 00 Amelia L. Carter et al to James C: Ladd, lt 46 assrs plat, Ringwood #2500 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Helms, 27 Spring Grove Katie Ross. 26 Spring Grove Paul Schaefer, 24 Crystal Lake Hilda Reddersdorf. 28 Crystal Lake Celcille Y< ung, 47 Anrora Mrs. Nellie Sheppard, 47 Aurora Best for Women and Children. On account of its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syrnp is especially recommended for women and children. It does not nau seate or gripe like pills and ordinary cathartics. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating them. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes, G. W. Besley. We give you the news of town and county, and give it to you right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele­ graphic newg pf America and the oabled news of all the world. $1.66 for both papers one year In the treatment of piles it becomes necessary to have the remedy put up in snch a form that it can be applied t>6 tbe parts affected. Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help but reach the spot. Relieves blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. 50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store Have you seen The Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at once. Our prices are the lowest U i - 1 I Professional, Society V &nd Bvisinesss Cards DAVIDG. WELLS, M O. p H YS1 CI A N, SU itG E< 'Jj UCULIBT „ , * , Oflioe at.d re-jiaeiioe ount«f Kl» ant y " si! . Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 , f FEGJCltS & FEGEK8 ^ * J? pHYSUJIA N b .\ N XIHL!'.(i EON8. McHenry III. Office Jit Oonrtui^ Kim street* Telephone r - D. T. SMILEY ^TTORNEVjVT JLA W„ Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will be nrnna»"lw u*tsl Thfe West Side Fruit\Candy Store That is the place to buy. We handle the finest line of candies and fruits to be found in town. Lama's box candies, the best that money can buy, are here in plenty. We also handle all kinds of vegetables iti season. Peanuts are roast­ ed right here and are fresh. Our soda water fountain is open and we want you to give it a trial. Giunta Bros. NEAR DEPOT • ] ' PARKER S. WEBBTER ** T A\V YER. 701, 702 Rector building, 122Mon-xv roe street, Chicago. Telephone Central 453], +• r DR. R. G. CHAMBKRLJK DENTIST. Office sad Residence over H. J. Walsh's Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. • WHIST MOHBNOT. IU. . , ft. Telephone No. 393. , ; * SIMON STOITFEL, Insurance Agent for all classes of property in che best Companies, West Memory, flltoolr FRANfTBUHR PRACTICAL PAiNTlCiB • AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one bloca of river. Telephone No. 254. we*., or river. MCHENRY. ILLINOIS John J. Vyoital DEABER IN General Hardware StoveB, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, No. tiM. Office In Heim­ er bldg., Centerville D. A. WILLEY, M. D. C VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wei;-drilling a specialty. i;- 'Phone 253, WM.BACON Dealer in Windmills. Pipes, Putnpfi, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, 0 ILL Tel. Mala 17144 WHY do people of ML Honry, Lake an o t h e r countl Irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Are. CHICAQO? Because lt is so home like. K I L L t h i C O U C H AND C U R E THE LUNGS Dr. Km orC 0NSUMPTI0N 0UGHS and OLDS Price 69c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Sureet and QuiCK^st Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MON EY BACK. •miiw--i HOLLISTER'S ?ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiao for Busy Pogpie. brings Goiiiea Health, and Renewed Vigor. leclflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live , Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, lnipur t. Bad Breath, Slupcrish Bowels, Hea(lu< , Wackaclie. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tu* -orm, 85 a box, Genuine made t. •..'STKR DITI II COMPANY, Madison, Wis. .0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Best lor Coughs. Coldi, Croat*, Whooping Cough. Efe L A X A T I V E The red lerte* "H" laoii every bottla Pri'I.fcKii IWule *o«i. •- CECUMS* CONTAINING "TAR All coarh «rnip» containing opiate* esastf« Rt« tt>« bowels. Bee'i Laxative Honey u4 j mufe* tit* bowels ana COUUIM mo opiate*. H. H. PETESCH. Btrtbagzara Private Hospital FOR W O M E N Offers* first-rlrtss I'r imte Home ! la (lellcHtf- health nishiuir Nkilirnl Medleal ttr Kiiriririil treatment or tl0'"e *c" <'»miiio<j»U<>itN during confinement, lender car* bestowed upon the patients iutrusteil to UN bv other pity sit-in n». Circulars 011 up- plication. 2;»>V. Adams Srreet, Chicago, state Llccnse, Telephoae Xomoe iltt. PHOTO STUDIO Harried meals, lack of exercise are the main cansee of dyspepeia. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids digestion, improves the appetite, Spld at N. H. Peteech's drng store. Portraits, AII shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doe- en finished in difTerentstylea; Price, #2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor vkork.Kuchai* if roup pictures, views «• butldlriRx. cattle, machinery, etc. Ctilakrgemorttw. Copied from any small ph'ture. Likeness guaranteed In evrv inntanee. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles In stock to netect from. Odd sices made np tor any site picture, certificate, «te. Waukngan ft., near the Standplpe. WRWT MctlKNEY, ILL. TELEPHONE, 495 tL:A' ife t ^£1

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