Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1907, p. 5

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. ' : r*?- *. * UR LINE O S O D A - -- ,.-c~ :,v OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS onaiisting SCARF PINS, HAT PINS, BROOCHES AND FOBS IS A DANDY Remember we have everything in up- Don't fail to call on us before buying to-date Jewelry* If you look you will Our prices are always the lowest, buy. ' V •h ^ E. C. Jacob & Company, PHONE, 773- McHONRY, ILLINOIS. fte Top Notes oi (offee Excellence. Direct from the growers--elegant cup quality. Compare it with tBe same priced coffe^ bought from coffee "wagons and you will be convinced that we DO sell just as good, if not better, coffee and of more uniform qulality---the same grades all the time, at popular pmces: 20, 25, 30, 35, 40c per lb. None Such sugar"corn, nothing finer, per can.. 15c Sanitas toasted corn flakes, 3 packages for 25c Columbia river salmon per 1-lb. flat can 18c Alaska red salmon, 2 cans 25c, per can........ 15c Fancy Oregon prunes, large size, pel- pound.. .lie Navy beans, fancy hand picked, 6 lbs. for.... .25c White Pearl flour, per %-bbl. sack . .1.20 Whole wheat flour, per 10-lb. sack 25 ixdusive Agents for Red DMjOB Tea. JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. Important! We are alive to your interests. Why not? Your interests and ours are identical Yott need paint this spring, we need yotlr money WE HAVE Bradley & Vrooman's "Crown Cottage Color" The best paint made and canr give you value received for your money. Call and see. We have a stoc^k of fine varnishes for all kinds of work'and brushes to put ^ them on with. :: :: :: :: F. L.McOriBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE * PENT IS *LL IT WILL COST !• • to write for our big FtlEE BICVCI-K catalogue Ukll I Showing the most compute line of high-grade • BICYCLES, TIKES and SUNDRIES at PRICES BILOV any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. M DO MOT BUY A BiCYCLE lrzn :̂ or on any kind of terms, until von have received our complete Free Cata- loffUM illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICKS ana wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. HMT MHIP OH APPROVAL avilkout a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and Allow IO Days Free Trial and tuake other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu­ able information by simply writing us a postal. < " •.. We need a MUmt Am&mi in every town and c*n offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at oncre. 0 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES "WPES PAll* .80 WOMT LET OUT TH£ JUR (CASH WITH ORDER «4.ii) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS, TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or G Serious punctures, like intentional knife cute, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Humirad Thsusai.s pain now in actual ma, Owr Seventy-liva Thousand pairs mM last year. DEsemprtom* Made in *11 sii«. It is lively and easy with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letjfers from satisfied customers stating that their tires have oulv beett pumped uponce or twice in.» whole season. They weigh lioraore > l.rm on ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding; Back" sezisatiom commonly felt when riding on asphalt Notice th< talok robber tread "A" and i a net ore strip* "At" and •«!>,** ilso rim strip "H" to prevent rim rutting;. This tire will tfull&st any other ir*afe«j-Not r, KLASTff} and HASH EUliNii. ing, very durable and lined inside d which closes up small punctures or soft roads is overcome by the patent et Weave" tread which prevents all air from being You uo not pay a cent until you have ei-aiuiasxl and found them strictly as represented. We will *. How a oaah discount ot 5 per cent (thereby making the price »4.55 per pair) if you send FDIX € 1SH WITH ORDER and encloee this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (.these metal puncture closers to be used in case ot intentional knife ruts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OtJR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank.. Ask your Postmaster, Banker Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this pajwer about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will fiud' that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last lor.Rer aud look finer than any tire you have ever u#cd or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle vou will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. , built-up-wheels Mddlea, pedals, jparts and repairs, ana ooaster-brakes, everything in the bicycle !ine~are soid'by us at half the usual prices charred by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUNDRY catalogue. ng% but write us a postal today. BO NOT THINK OF BUYING a Uxf nlVm WW SUM bicycle or a pair oi tires from anyone uutit vou know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal 10 Icars CV«*>-UUJUK. Write it NOW. % HEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Sept. "J L" CHICAGO, ILL. NEW MODEL DRUGSTORE That's the place to buy your drugs. Everything new and up-to-date. No stale or shop-worn goods in the building. Our motto is "Satisfaction," that's why our custom­ ers art always pleased. Call and see. frank Nasquelet DruHlst nd Apotdeciry » m st. mm m L jf PR OB A TE NEWS lJ [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Lydia E. Owen et al to Arthur M. Mc­ Coy et »l, 5.18 acres In nej* sec 35 & nwK sec 36, McHenry tXtt? TO Anna Doherty et al to Alice Knox et al It 8 blk 13 w side Fox river, McHenry StOO CO Charles H. Vegers to Liuie Turner, strip of land 10 ft wide off s side It i blk 22 McHenry, w side river 75 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred W. Becker, 82 Chicago Lillian Hansen,22 Chicago Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dar­ ing the third of a centnry in which it has been in use, people have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. KM KHALI) PARK E. Comisky is in Chicago this week. Mrs. J. Walsh and children spent Thursday at P. Walsh's. Miss Katie Knox visited Miss May Welch's school Thursday. Charles A. Cohan and D. W. Bill spent Sunday at their cottages. J. Kelter of Chicago and Miss Alice Sutton spent Monday at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frey of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park. L. Huck and H. Bending opened up their cottages for the summer last week, Mrs. .Tames Overton and Miss Ada Carey visited with the Misses Knox Snnday, Mrs. John Phalin and children visit­ ed at the home of William Welch Thurs­ day last. Misses Mary Oibbs, Celia and Anna Frisby visited at the home of R. J. Sot- ton Thursday. Messrs. Clarence Whiting and Wm. Howard of Woodstock visited at the home of E. Knox Sunday. Mrs. M. Kelley of Chicago and daugh­ ter, Mrs. A. Cooper of New York, visit­ ed with R. J. Sutton Sunday. Misses Alice Smith and Ethel Har- baugh and C. R Thurlwell visited at the home of John Claxkon Sunday. Let me sebd you free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingre­ dients as Oil Eucaliptns, Thymol, Men­ thol, etc., it gives instant and lastiqg relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will ac compliah. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis Large jars 50 cent*. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Ringwood Catreraallat Choreh. Rev. Arthur Robert** pastor. The hour of servioe will be changed next Snnday from 2:80 p. m. to 7:80 p. m. This is on account of Sunday School con­ vention at regular hour. The nature of the service will be the singing of fkvorite songs. Come prepared to sing. Every* body cordially invited. Bead The Plaindealer. >J, Mrs. Hilier of Volo was a visitor here Tnesday. Miss Margret Adams sp&it W day in Chicago. Jacob FFSUUU of Spring Grove, was a caller here. Jake Schumacher of fiieutl* here Sunday. Walter Jack of n few days last week. J i* Huemann watt * business caller in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nett were Spring Grove callers Tuesday. Miss Emma Bugner of Pistakee Bay spent Sunday at home. The eldest son of Frank Freund is very ill at this writing. Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago spent Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Bob Carey and wife of Spring Grove made a call here Sunday. Dr. Nye and sister, Emma, were Mc- R^ory Wrwlnetutay, Mioses Katie Lay and Rose Jus ten drove to McHenry Sunday. Mrs, Debrecht received last Saturday a new piano from Chicago, Joe Btten and wife of Spring Grove were seen in town Monday. Mrs. Mat Steffes and Miss Rose Pitten were McHenry callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton May attended a funeral at Spring Grove Tuesday. Misses Lillian Hilier and May Mollidor of Volo made a call here Thursday. Mrs. Joe Schaefer and Mrs. Miller were Spring Grove callers Tuesday. Mat Lay and Joe Miller of Spring Grove were Sunday callers, of course. G, F. Boley and Mies Annie Kenne- beck attended church here last Snnday. Miss Susie Miller visited her cousin, Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer, a few days last week. Mrs. George Nell visited at the home of Mrs. Pbilip Schaefer Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frennd of Spring drove visited at the home of Mrs. M. May Sunday. Mrs. Nick Rooe and daughter of Spring Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. John N«tt Sunday. Miss Susie Thiel of Chicago spent Snnday with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thiel. Mrs. JohnS.. Frennl and daughter, Lillie, visited grandma MichelB Tues­ day afternoon. Mrs. Nick Steffes and little Caroline are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Solon spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams. Mrs. Frank Mathfeu of Chicago is spending the week at home with Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers. Mr. and Mm. Joe Thelen entertained in*, auii him Tti'yui uiuivu aud Mr.aud Mrs. John Mertes Sunday. Miss Dora Rothertnel visited a few days last week with Mrs. George SteinB- doerfer, near Crystal Lake. Mrs. Joseph antf Mrs. JohnThelon were guests at the latter's sister, Mrs. W'll Thurlwell, in McHenry Saturday. M rs Martin Freund and danghtets, Mary, Tina and Rosa, of Ingleside visit­ ed Wednesday at the home of Mat Lay. Martin S. Freund and family and J. Hilier and family spent Thursday at the bouiewf Peter M. Frennd in McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann of Mc­ Henry visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huemann Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mike Frennd and children of West McHenry, Mrs. Jacob Frennd and children of Pistakee Bay, Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer visited with Mrs. Peter Freund Wednesday of last week. HOLCOMHV1LLB. . 'Mrs. Claud Hutson was a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday. Miss Jessie Winkleman was a visitor in Nunda Sunday. Thomas Powers of McHenry called at W. Powers' Saturday. Rev. P. Bourke called on friends in this vicinity Thursday. Chas. Harrison and C. Hntson spent Thursday last in Chicago. « Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert called at G. Whiston's Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Holarbush and daughter spent Sunday at H. Silver's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert of Chica go visited at W. Gilbert's last week. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove visited with Mrs. B. F. Peck Snnday. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox visited at the home of J. Doherty Sunday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders of Ring- wood spent Sunday at the home of T. L. Flanders. Mrs. C Colby and daughter, Edna, of Barreville visited relatives in this vi­ cinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan and children and Mrs. Wagener of Spring Grove were visitors at the home of B. F. Peck Snnday. Mrs. Risley is the guest of ter at Beloit, Wia, J. A. Parker was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Sir* Sr«nh«nsoii and Saturday in Nunda. Meadames P. Benson and J. B. Lynch are visiting friends in Chicago. Mrs. W. Jay nee and daughter were Nunda visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Hanson of Chicago is visiting her son and family in this vicinity. Mrs. R. L, Daiiekl and son, Arthur, tvere WoodstocK visitors Sunday. D. Kline and daughter, Ruth, were county seat visitors last Saturday. W. Frencu of Rockford visited his brother and family Snnday and Monday Mrs, Nettie Smith was the guest ot Woodstock relatives several days this Mrs. Breymeyer and children of Pax- ioo, Kansas, are visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiile. ** Mr. ana Mrs. &t)tsit$, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thayer aud (laughter of Chicago visited at fc'. Thayer's Sunday. Mrs. C Wilson returned to her home in Rockford Monday after an extended visit with relatives here. Mtsses Martha and Emma Hoeppner of Chitmgo visited their sister, Mrs. W. Weiiaud, Saturday and Suuday. Mrs. C. E. Conerty and daughters of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. I^yncb, Tuesday and Wednes­ day. Mrs. Esther Smith was called to Lake City, Iowa, last week on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs, Thomp­ son, who; passed away Snnday, May 12, at one o'clock. DAVID DUPIELD. (Taken from the Abingdon (111.) Enter­ prise Herald.) David Dniield, an old resident of this vicinity, died at his home southwest of this city Suuday, May 5, alter but a week's illness of pneumonia. He was born December 30, 1887, on a farm near Woodstock, McHenry comity, 111., was the son of Nathan and Eliza- Oetta Dutield, who were among the earl­ iest H«rtl«»r» of the locality, being reared in and near W oodstock. He was mar­ ried November 5, 1869, to Lydia A. Stafford, who died November 24, 1896. She was the daughter of J. P. and Sarah Stafford, also early settlers near Wood­ stock. Four children were born to them Arlie, who died in infancy; Mrs. Wm. Burket, Arthur C.and Clyde,all of whom were with him at the time of bis death. There also remain three sisters, Mrs. J. G. Smith of Palisade, Neb., Mr?. Geo. Wilson, Mrs. John Blake of Fair- bury, Neb., and one brother, Nathan Dutield. He with his young wife settled on a farm southwest of this city rH 1869, wrh*»r« h« since resided Mr. Dufield had filled otuces of trust IU ittmwtuk township, having been collector for seven years and assessor for eighteen. Mr. Dufield was an excellent citizen and a valued member of the community His personality was agreeably manly. He was endowed with a capable and in­ genious mind, but his nature was so un- obstrusive and retiring that the power of his intellectual faculties was often passed unseen. His soul was cast in a mould of honor and he was a hearty hater of hypocrisy Politically he was affiliated with the Democratic party. He was a good neighbor and faithful friend. His courtesy was of that grac­ ious kind that never wounded the finer feeling of fellow man. The nobility of bis character could scarcely be overdrawn. His was an ideal type of honorable manhood and stood conspicuously on ground above the frailties and laults which mar and spoil so much of humanity. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church Tuesday at 2:80, conducted by Rev. F. L Hanscorn. In­ terment was made in the Abingdon cem­ etery. Relatives attending from outside of the city were Dr. Dutield from Marshall- town, Iowa; Mrs. Fryberg of Chicago and Nathan Taylor of Reynolds, ilh The New Pure Pood and Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that Fo­ ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drue law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. G. W. Besley. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe s for the most up to-date summer millinery. Conghs and colds contracted at this season of the year should have immedi­ ate attention. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar and in unequalled for hoarseness, croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers en­ dorse it; children like to take it., Con­ tains no opiates. MOVPB the bowels. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. I 5tY.4>tc C Sweet to Eat LUA vLJ J A Candy Kowtl l.iitfw. Fifty year* the StitmUard % X CREAM BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tartar Pomrdar Made From Grapes Mo Alum Those jarho patronize^ our soda fountain this season may be sure that no care or expense will be spared to provide for tbem the purest and mmt delicious beverages it is possible to supply. Absolute cleanliness prevails in every detail of making and serving our soda. Our glasses are thoroughly washed, then rinsed in clean water and finally polished with a clean, dry towl. Our materials are the finest we can/buy, we are liberal in the use of them, and our list of bev­ erages is up-to-the-minute. There will he health and enjoyment , for you at our fountain this summer. ^ N. H. Petesch, Druggist, McHenry, Illinois ' % % v r': r* iu (mid in That's the time when every house wife finds that h^r carpets have become badly worn during the winter months and must be replaced* We have a fine line of Rich­ ardson's superlative carpets which can­ not be beaten. :: :: :: :: RUGS, LINOLEUM, AND •' ^ LACE CURTAINS One line of rugs is the finest we have been able to show in many years. Linoleum in any grade and width. We want to fill your lace curtain wants to. For the low­ est prices and best goods give us a call. Jacob Justen, ricHenry's Furniture flan. • - Vi , tVj! j , 4 4 s'x 4 \ {*• u i > f< % t j ' i 1 x: : Summer Drinks and Ice Cream Having openfed our Soda Fountain and Ice Cream parlors for the sum­ mer we are now ready to serve the public in a highly appreciative man­ ner in this respect. Our cool drinks and ice cream are the best that skill and experience can accomplish. Stop in when this way and give it a test. You will come again after that. f S. W. BROWN, Druggist, Ringwood, Illinois. 'v $• ;S:V VVi P H I L I P J A GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVKN TO TH* SAXJE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists famished on application. COWjI'STORACIE FREE Stall i t j, Pialtoa St WIMIMBI* Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 4 vy ,1M , 'if '/ 'Mm. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh Illinois. sells the McVi.'ker Gasolin® Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggi» >v, Wind Mill*, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a. Specialty. friikiifi LipiQfflf Roe Winsi k aa» stent for tbe abov*. He pet the Rods on your ftatta tags and should they be strucV by lightning we pay tfnooMwe than iMfc a«ti C«t tall particotan. ttteril BlKfeBttiti Prkes Uwiys RHUMiif L:-iM AW; 1 *

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