Wrd; iik b......... I*rd, ff!-! | Experience in the shoe business has taught us to have a line of men's work shoes built accord log to our idea. Special $2.25 The upper leather made of heavy calfskin stock, flfe;So!ea of -best oak tan sole leather.^ -^<v.\,v \ , i f Special Last Whlfcb yon-will not iiud elsewhere »od 'is nttch superior in comfort to the ordinary lasts used in iPfrk shoes. Try a pair. „ f Totals Three base hit--Scully vey. first base ob oalta -off Meenough, f» Shut out by Bending, 8; by Meenouffh,«, HI* byplscaef Jssffets. CsspSre, Sga-llag, ss ELGIN ACE? OUMO, ft Mesoomrh, p West McHenry, Hilnoss Summer J'St; - 4* . * •' >1 • 7 v * • - " • • line of Summer Hats,v- •a * / \ y < 4 Shoes, Oxfords, Shirts, w>. t -<^fr * Furnishings, Etc.,. was never * •JT • pore complete. also bfcve -*I! :>n mM •AP-4' ; f^il elegant line of Summer i f * > • £ * " " • D r e s s G o o d s w t i f t c h < # e a , C *?> r *?' "v'5ts"* * ... i ' %- *>< -W1 to see. „ ,, . . ^ a ^ * j*q ,« ^, g- "• j-# \ Vv 4 * ^ , t*-r-"f ¥>*teri 5?*. \ ̂ •* JfcL... kill'.- * : H , r t. "t'J1 Goods Promptly De livered. 'Phooe No. Llive 363. mmmm M. J. 4. a. - . news- wonderful Dr. •Root, ,, __ liver U^M9w great medi- **a"'i'- -t ef the nine- o«jWiry; dis- sfter years of „_fic research by % Kilmer, the eml- kldoey and blad- diMr tpeefauht, and is succe^al In |rompt!y curing Madder, uric acid trou- which is the worst I^ IOIlSlVfiwwrtp Itii at is not rec- omm«n4fidfor everything but if you have kid- orblftdklMr trouble it will be found jrou noed. Ii has been tested _ lnl»ap<t*S work, In private practice^ lunmiif th« heirless too poor to pur- ^aka«MPfll^ »nd has proved so successful in ' Alt & special arrangement has by which all readers of this paper who toy* not already tried It may have a frftffl by mai!, also a book nM*e aix^u> Swamp-Root and how to fiftieth n you \tm& kidney or bladder trouble. | When writing mention s e.T.';ag <hi3 generous • in Mi |vj«?-r snd <mnd yoar address So Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Sing- faunioR, N. Y. The 3P(tfyhir fifty cent and Khmc( imm sii?s are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, bnfc reraem ber the name, Swamp-Boot, Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, and th«*ddr«w, Bingham- ton, N. Yon every bottl& -- Two base 84 11 Important! .**4 7 '•* ft - w»' /""X* 8-3£, /*'•% We are alive to your interests. W Uy no Your interests and ours are identical You need paint this spring. wfc tteed your money " % 1 'ijt j P:' 'tx L-V-v 1'. - A : tvi • r i/lni' WE HAV1 radley & Vrooman s 'Crown Cottage Color'f ' tt •:St© lYV.' k£,r<, (. ^ U [ i ^ ."'J The best paint made and can give you value received for your money. Gall and see. We have a stock of fine varni^tls for all kinds of work and brushes to pnt than on witlu * V*, »V ? "• * -• V •. >, This we can do in a man* jaer that will make you smile. Years of experi ence in the drug business has placed us in a posi tion where we can fill any prescription desired and give excellent satis faction. :: :: Our Line of M Postal Carda Is #ways complete and up-to-date. That's why they go like hot rakes. The best place in town tb buy at honest prices. If you want us to prove this, call in. :: :: T1QER8 ARE QUITE TAME NEVER THREATEN TO DO MUCH DAMAGE TO BL.UE8. HARDWARE WEST SIDE IHnd lei us fltt Xbem tor wu Prescrip Jl'-'IL-.': •if H&S0. r •my- M,. mi M £&;oi . Besley Hint tfleffenrv Banding Pitches Masterly Gune and Molds Klctn Tiftn at Bay „3B)rltli the flwrtwt ftisi Mwy Errors Made. Hie IfcBenry Bines by defeating the Elgin Tigers last Sunday afternoon won their fifth game of the aeaaon, the fOOKf heiog 9 to 3. \ V ' ,: The looak had prepared for a good h»rd Btftiggle, but before the game had gone threeJimings they had convinced fttDMiTes that the contest was theirs without any over exertion on their part Meenongh, who was on the slab for the visitors, pitched a fair game of ball, but his support at the most critical as of the game was anything bnt perfect. The visitors opened the proceedings in a manner that made the local fans tremble with fear. Davey started ont with a two-base bit, Lenvigistrnck ont feat James was there with a single that scored Davey. Cook sacrificed, bnt the haSentBtter wae left on second when Fierke strncfc ont. The second and last tally for the visit ors came in the eighth. Meenongh was ials at feat, after Scully had fumbled his grounder. He then made & pretty theft of the second station. Davey went oat by way of Parker to Joorfetz. Lenvig laid down a pretty bunt before the home plate, which McDonough heaved over first base in his attempt to head eft the runner, the result being that Meenongh had crossed the rubber, with Lenvig resting at the center pillow. James struck ont and the running came taan and when Cook's grounder was gabbled up by Scully and delivered to JoorfeU in major league style. > Tha focals began their score getting fiatha asaoiKd round, when 6ne run was isgistered. Joorfetx went out on H*Mr Strikes, J. Riley was safe on an error by Meenongh and soon afterward Biade a pretty steal to second. Kappler went ont via James to G. Goddard. Thttrlwell was safe on an error by the ftnttaweman, which also allowed Riley to annex himself to the third station. Scully pat sag thru second and Riley momd. McDonough flew out to center and the inning was over. Five runners crossed the rubber in the third inning, during which the »atir« visiting team were making a Whn asoension. Bending started the proceedings by drawing free transporta tion toihe initial saok. He took second whan James let W. Riley's grounder get away from him. Parker sent a single into short center, which the man who occupied that field picked np and sent it about four feet over the head of the third baseman in an attempt 1m w*k»L Ililsy at th?f station. Before the ball could be relayed to the home plate all three runners had registered. Joorfetx went out on a grounder to the $ittfoer. J. Riley sent a high fly to the pitcher, Which slipped through the lat ter b angers. Eiiey stole second ana came home on Kappler's single. Kapp ler stole second while Thnrlwell was being given a base on balls. Scully struck out, but McDonough*s single brought in Kappler. Banding's long fly to left field ended the round. In the sixth another run was added to McHenry's tide of the tally sheet. Scully led off with a beautiful three- bams hit and came home a moment later on* wild pitch. After this the side was retired in a hasty manner. The eighth, in which the Blues soared their last two runs, was opened sy Banding, who went ont on a grounder to second. W. Riley drew a base on balls, stole second and went to third on a {Missed ball by the catcher. Parker ftew out. to first, but Joorfetz was there with the single. In relaying the ball to the home plate to catch Joorfetz the catcher let the throw go over him, bnt theball waa again relayed Uptime to nip Riley at the plate. The fbllowing is the tabulated soore : THB BOOSE BASEBALL AT TERRA COTTA. ^ In an exciting game of baseball at I Gh aey's ball park the Terra Cotta Tigeiy defeated the Crystal Lakr by a score of 9 to 0. Green and An» druss wers the battery for the Whit# Sox and Shnmann and Huffman for the Terra Cottas. Umpires, Scanlaft and (iracy. The winners outclassed their opponents in every respect. GAME NEXT SUNDAY. ; The Elgin Cotirt of Honor team will be in McHenry next Sunday to try for honors with the Blues. The Court ofi Honor team has been in McHenry sev> eral times daring the past two season! and has always proven a bitter* ommf ] for the locals. The visitors are said td be felly as strong as ever this $aar and promise to gwe the locals » bard teas?**,-. Oame called m 9:80 p. n». • Genera?, ad^ mission, 35 cents; children, 30 cents. Cured of Brifbt'i Disease. ' / Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon lie-i MilW Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes: 'T had kidney disease for many years < and had been treated by physicians for twelve years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended, bnt got no relief until I began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The first h^f bottle relieved me and fouir bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Before I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every fifteen minutes, day and night, and passed a brick-dust substance, and sometimes a slimy substance., I believe I would have died if I had not takett> Foley's Kidney Cure." G. W. Besley; flfctow Rates to Pacific Coast'--'.;:. ; % « ( a C h f c a s * , 5 7 « S * s P a s i f l s # £ • -North Western Lin*. u"- ;t- Very low rates for the round trip will be in effect to San Francisoo and Lot Angeles daily June 8th to 15th and June 22nd to July 5th ($2.00 additional for N. E. A. membership fee.) Also to Portland, Tacohia, Seattle and North Pacific Coast points June 90 to July 12th. Jnne 20th to July 18th to Spo kane. Liberal return limits. Variable routes. Favorable stop over arrange ments. For tickets and foil informa tion apply to any ticket agsajt of the North-Western Line. Jan SO Remarkable ffcesctie. That truth is stranger than fiction has once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the resi dence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: "I was in bed, entirely disabled with hem orrhages of the lungs and throat. Doc tors failed to help me, and all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. The coughing soon ceased, the bleeding diminished rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 50c and $1.00 at N. H. Petesch s, F. Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Trial bot tle free. • This paper and The Weekly Alter Ocean--$1.55 gets for both one Special deal. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist. In drawing poi son from the blood. Try them for rheu matism, kidney, bladder trouble, lum bago and that tired, worn out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Why not get in line? Yee, it is a special a very special--rate. $155 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. • • If yon suffer tram bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree* able trouble. It will improve the appe tite and aid digestion. Sold at N. H Petesch's drng store. Misses Louise and Anna Fraendof Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with McHenry relatives. WILL- CURE any case it" " mm If you want anything in the following prices: DRESS GOODS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, FURNJS HING * GOODS, GROCER1ES, r*~ ; I * • y • A mm 9Phone 291# fWEST McHENIIV, DISEASE- ;• tbat is not the readh vv „ • medicine can do more. ttl fit ISVEI OP TO DlEs - Virginia St., "For over five B. Spiegel, 1204 N. £vansvtlle, Ind., writes; vean I waa troubled with kidney and bladder affections Which caused me much jmin and worry. I lost flesh and was all ran down, and a year ago had to adbandoa work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's, Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I waa entirely cured.'* ̂ two SUSS, S0c AID H.OOL MU JUB KBNMHKD IT 6. W BESLEY, WEST McHBNRY The Farmer'sXIft. The farmer leads no e z life; [easyl The c d he sows will rot; [seed he} And when at e v rests from strife [eve he} His bones aty a k lot. - f' [ache a} In ddhetias to struggle llard [deed he] To e k liveing ont; [eke a} If i c frosts do not retard [icy} His crops there'll b a drought. [be a} The hired 1 p has to pay [help he} Are awful a s too; [lazy too} They o k rest when he's away [seek a} Nor n e work will do. ^ [any] Both n z cannot make to meet [ends he] And then for & d takes [aid he] Some hoarders who sor teatf [hearty] & e no money makes. [and he] Of little a c finds hi* life; [use he] Siok in old a g lies, [age be] The debt he o s leaves his wife [owes he} Aad then In pc dies. [peace he] He Fired the Stick. "1 have fired the walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a sore that resisted every kind of treat ment, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man, " Writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. C. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, etc,, by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. 4}' <"• WEST McHENRV. ILLINOIS. Capital Stock;, $25,000. •OFFICERS? EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARSER S. WEBSTER, Vice- ^IMON STOFFEL, Vice-President* ^ CARIy W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS.; SAVINGS AC* COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOriESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANQBi COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBUC. J X . "paid on Savings Ac counts and Time Cer tificates of Deposit. 01 /spy H RE you contemplating building this season? If 90, it will be to your interest to consult u^ts to the material to be used. We would be pleased Ho supply you with anything you may need in the line of building material. 0tlr prices are within reach of all and satisfactidtf Is always guarantied, Don't forget us when you get ready to build. We carry MeHBNRY. % A JMb SV .' ' -iMii • •-*. '̂ line or mmDcr, Cement, Etc. Brick. Lime, Shingles Huve you seen The Plaindea\er's new line of 1908 calendare? If not, see them at once. Oar prices are the lpweet ever. orTUi/r dl 1 niu BARGAINS THE PLACE D O Y O U R B U M /NG. • • • • ^ r \ r a n t xr M Z V S X J T J * * 0 J E * TIMES. as.. # t i t 0 •.tfj.. .. .x. . . ,^4 1 • • 0 i...it 9. £ * Jw 4#- Silk Nulls See our line of Summer Dresa Goods. Exceeds all. Small profits. Big values. Fine sheer-silk mull with small, fancy figure, a special big value. Never sold less than 35c per yard. We have. them in all shades, ,yd' Muslin Skirts! Ladies' and Misses' deep floun ced embroidery or lace trim med Skirts, at. $I.OO, «• $1.20 1 1 0' a. .4": *'• V1 sleeveless Vests.f >1 Ladies' short and sleeveless Vested 5c Ladies' fine ktiit Lisle thread Vests in long, short and sleeveless, price per ga.rin§n|̂ . f. ..25c Umbrella Drawers to mateh.. .. .>»>,. ».»-25c Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, a speclal^"Big^ f lace or embroidery trimmed, spcl..87C, $!.OOaild $1*29 Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 c , 30c, 25c and 49c Misses' Silk Ml^s> pcf*" pair.. - 35c Ladies' Gloves, black or white. 25c and 49c Ladies' Muslin Drawer*, *}! numbers, are exceptional val ues, at prices cotton goods are selling for today. See them. Lace or embroidery trimmed, open or clo sed, choice.' 49c, 69c Fine, fancy Lawns for sum mer dresses, in polka dot and leaf patterns, has no equal in quality ever sold at sov low a figure, per yard* \Sn MCHENRY, ILL. I « -? <-> TELEPHONE NO. 541. lisiif i f, * «Vj - : '.yv -* • -, -j ^ 4 ,*5^"1 *""d/iwv •» + f% •<? & iifi® v_ 1 -