Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1907, p. 5

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S.-. . -/".ii-- V • ' . - ' J ; " - , , - A ~ 2 ' ' ' , i > ' , • > - - - : ' ' „ m Consisting of.. * : . . SCARF PINS, HAT PINS, BROOCHES ! • • ... ? -Vi AND FOBS IS A DANDY ' [7K Remember we have everything 111 u|>- Don't fail to call on us before buying to-date Jewelry. If you loot you will- Our prices are always tjie lowest. *'5W" !'• •• V y.'-t t • 1:'v: • - - - 5,v . : . , , •- • . 17. *. .. ... . -. ... -- . .v . * >v* > ' ^ '^V 1' . j-'ak . t. , , -- * 'i taw#.iii)«iV IH M J I f c i < t ii' iqyiii*' !•»nmmi.i«)ii • & <• - f-> > '• m- «£f?s\/ E 'PHONE, 773 . Jacob & Company, McHENRY, ILLINOIS, J£= V A WHOLE WAGON LOAD V FOR PICNICS AND PARTIES oflshonitke • MASQUELE>TfS PHARMACY/ McHENRY ri/M FOR THE LMTTLflS FOLKS. ~ THE OLD CLOWN BAND &J¥ COMICAL TRfCJK OOMMC KSR Ml? JI 21st. LYON BROS.'" Old Fashioned Shows. Dog, Pony and Monkey Exhibition. Daring Equestrians;, Fearless Riders and Racers; Sensational Mid-Air Feats; Fearless Acrobats and Jugglers; Supreme Necro­ mancers; Hoop Rollers and Wire Artists. Two Performances Daily at 2 and 8 p. m. Adults, 25c. - - Children, 15c. LOCATION, ELDREDGE'S FIELD, WEST SIDE. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS - WPfUliO OROTIC. „c: F. B Orvia was m Fo* Lake viaitor r+ eently. •.. ~ f . R. A Oxtoby was at Barnard'a Mills the first of the week. Jesse B. Richardson transacted bnsi- ueas at Elgin Monday. Mrs. Mat Ranen and son and Miss Lena Frennd were Johnsburgh visitors Sunday. . ' ' * Mrs. S. A. Wilson and Miss Ada Westiake were R&gwood callers Satur­ day afternoon. Mrs. Robt Turner and daughter, Miss Alice, of Solon were callers here Tues­ day afternoon. Messrs. ami Meedames C. B. and L. H. Cole of Richmond visited relatives hare Sunday evening. Several from here attended the dance •it Solon given by the Kickapoo club last Friday evening. Miss Evelyn Turner of Hebron is spending several days witb her cousins, the Misses Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James visited their son* Joseph, and family east of town th® first of the week, Mrs. Arthur Merrill and Blanche Cor­ nish of Hul011 were trading with our merchants Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Peter Olaen and son, Harry re­ turned Wednesday morning from sever al weeks' visit with Iowa relatives. On account of the rain Wednesday forenoon not so many attended the Ladies' Aid at Mrs. Coiby s4 as intended to. . I Miss Emma May and Arthur tteargett were married here at. the Catholic- church Wednesday morning. They i?ave a weddinu: dance at .Tohn*burgh in the evening. Several «f our sports went to Genoa Junction Sunday afternoon to seethe hall tfaine Itetween our team and the Genoa boys. The score was fi to 4 in favor of Genoa. Ten innings were plHveri. y Yon can't tell a woman's age after she taken Holliater's R<X'ky Mountain Tea. H«r (sntnplesion is fine. She i« round, plump and handsome; in fact uln* 1h yonnir again. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets Ask your druggist. Mrs Hobart Ranen and daughters, Mrs Maggie Bell and Mrs. Susie Rauen spent the last of the week with rela­ tives at Kenosha. Little Stanley Ranen caiqe home with them and will spend a few weeks here with his grandparents Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop'a Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding,..blind piles disap pear like magic by its use. Large nick­ el capped glass jars 60 centa. Sold by N. H. Pet4sch. Children's day will be observed here I next Sunday, June 38, when the follow­ ing program will be given: Organ Voluntary .Ina James Processional and Song .School Invocation. Rev^J. F. Blv Hong . . . . . . . . S c h o o l Responsive Reading Supt. of School Song ; School Recitation Hazel Turner Hong .. .Edith Willison Hong School Address Pastor (>fferatoi^ Rainy Day Brigade Chorus of Girls Solo and Duet Grace Willison and Ina James Recitation Ruth Jackson Hong School Recitation. Margaret MacLean Hong Yonng Ladies' Bible Class Recitation .... j '...... Lillie Mick «ong i Ada Westlake, Ina James, N. Willison Recitation Mable Mick Anthem." Choir Benediction .... Red Dragon Tea is the best Tea in town at 50c per pound. €< tt comes pfit up in neat, clean and sanitary packagea. fMe froai dost, dirt or flavors of other goods which bnlk goods ate' subject to. Also carry good grades in bulk in tight cans. - ^ „ German American Coffee direct from the growers. v Always uniform in quality and absolutely unadulterated, put up In neat, sanitary packages preventing it from absorbing smell and flavor of other goods kept in the store. A steadily increasing demand for these Coffees is proof of its quality. Try it. It la better than most Coffees at the same price. - - • - - None Such Baked Beans, in tomato sauce, regular 15c, now.-,*-, w Oreen Clage Plums, per can. Yellow Eggs Plums, per cttp. Oold Drop Plums, per can...... STOFFEL, West McHcnry, Illinois. Terms Cash. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Golding and 4*tighter of Wauconda spent Sunday •ith McHenry friends. |" Plriadaal--. I iiv-Mc C C Sweet to Eat LUA vl3 J A Caatfy lewd Lsutivt. The Motor Boat Alice wil l make axt Exeursiuu Trip to l'ox Lake Next Sunday, June 23 making stops on all points on the river, IMstakee Bay and fisLakee Lake and Nip­ pers hi k for passengers. Round Trip, 75 Cents. Bout will leave Riverside House. Mciieury, at 10:00 a. m. and leave Howard Fox Luke, at ft p. m, :: :: :: WM. KOfPPf, CAPTAIN. 'Phone, McHenry. 821. Headache and conatipation disappear when Dade's Little Liver Pills are used. They keep the system clean, the stom­ ach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well. They aire for the entire family. Sold at N. H.< Petesch's drug •***• i , - \ ^ ^ " Will Cure Caunmnptlon, A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes: "Foley's Hoijey and Tar is the best prep- atiou for coughs, colds and lung trouble I know that it has cured consumption in the first stages." You never heard i of anyone using Foley's Honey and Tar | - ad not being satisfied. G. W. Besley. KIlHifefiCLU. I J. Oakroot was in Nunda on business Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Munroe was in Wood­ stock Monday. Mrs. Maud J,«yne was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Misses Ella and Alice Baker were El­ gin visitors Tuesday. t Ml* « L. Dtifeld visited Elgin friends Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Hanson and sons were Wood­ stock visitors Mon lay. Mrs J. B Lynch and daughter were \ hicago visitors Wednesday. Mrs N J Garrison and daughter. Hazel, were in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Steffenson visited rela­ tives in Chicago the first of the week. Miss Emma Eichkoff of Wdlklstock visited with Mrs. S. Merchant Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and son visited friends in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yanke attended the funeral of the infant child of Maurice Ward at Greenwood Monday. Mrs C. Allen of Woodstock attended th« W. C. T. U and missionary meet­ ing at Mrs. E Smith's Tuesday. Hundreds of people yearly go thru painful operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy. It is put up in such a form that it be applied right where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for any form* of piles. Price 50 cents. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. ^ • John Grnccaro, who has just returned from a visit to his mother in Italy, spent Sunday with Giunta Bros. Mr. Gruc- earo left Monday morning for Minne­ apolis, where be expects to go into busi- • •• „ - * y . w „ . . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. PeteX Schoewer of Mc­ Henry drove thru here Nick Ross and John fcfeis of Spring Grove were callers here Monday, Miss Carrie Niesen visited her cousin, Miss Delia Niesen, a few days last week. Mrs. Jacob Meyers and Mrs. Jacob Leickem spent Monday afternoon here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen of Mc Henry spent Sunday with Mrs. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller and Mrs. Math. Schmitt. of Zenda spent Sunday at John Miller's. Mr. and Mrs. John S Frennd and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes. Mr. M. Niesen and children of Mc­ Henry spent Thursday of last week at Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann'a. Don't forget the wedding dance at Stephen H. Smith's ball. Tickets only 35 cents. A good time is promised. Master Edwin Debrecht and sister, Stella, went to Flint Kill, Mo., Monday, to visit their grandmothers for a few weeks. • Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May and children, of Ringwood, spent Sunday with the latter 'e parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. * The Lily Lake school closed on Tues­ day and the children spent Tuesday at Columbia Park with their school teach ®r, Geo. Nell. Mrs. Maggie Frennd and Miss Dora Rothernel and Mrs, John Schaefer spent Sunday with Mrs. Mike Ranen at Spring Grove. Misses Tillie and Lena Hetterman en tertained the Misses Euitna and Rose Tonion. Gertie and Katie Althoff on Sunday afternoon. No greater mistake can be made than to consider lightly the evidence of dis. ease in your system. Don't take (Asper­ ate chances on ordinary medicines. Use Hoi lifter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets Ask your drug gist. Mr, and Mrs. Jos M. Schaefer and children, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Frennd and daughter, Hilda. Mr. and Mrs John Hiller, Mx. and Mrs. Mike Frennd, Mm. Stephen Frennd and Jake Frennd spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Will Amann's, Fremont Center. Pinenles for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi­ son from the blood. Try them for rheu­ matism, kidney, bladder trouble, lum­ bago and that tired, worn out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold at N. H Petesch's drug store. 'Mrs Stephen Frennd entertained the following on Wednesday of last week at a quilting: Mr. aud Mrs. John Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. .Viartin Freund, Mrs.- Peter Frennd, Mrs. Jos. Justen, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund, Mr . John Miller and danghter, Susie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos Freund. Man Zan remedy comes put up in col' lapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy toap- ply right where soreness and inflamma tion exists. It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price 50 cents. Get it to­ day. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. KMKBALD PARK Mrs. J. Gibbs visited at Elgin Satnr day and Snnday. rhos. Bolger visited friends at Ring- wood Wednesday last. Mrs. M. Gilles is spending this week at the home of E. Knox. Prof. C. L. Hooper of Chicago visited at J. R. Smith's Sunday. Wm. Mahoney spent Friday and Sun* day last with his family. Miss Mae Welch spent a few days re­ cently with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent Snn­ day with ihe former's parents. Mrs. P. Walsh is visiting relatives and friends at Elgin this week. R. J. Sutton, son, Will, and Mrs. Jno. Powers spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. J. Powers and Miss Alice Sutton visited friends in this vicinity Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rennehau, of Round Lake visited at R. J. Sutton's Friday. Y Chas. A. Cohan and four friends of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park. Miss Mayme Knox, Martin Knox, Joe and John Sutton were at Woodstock Saturday. Robert Aylward of Elgin visited a few days with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Misses Nettie Whiting and Margaret Ward and J. Aylward visited in this vicinity Sunday. Harry Hnxton, Geo. Fraser and Hugh Kirk of Chicago spent Sunday at the Haxton cottage. Rev. P. Bourke and friend. Brother Augustine, of Norwood Park visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. M r . a n d M r s . S R o m a n o , d a u g h t e r , Mary, and son. Sullivan, were Visitors at Oak Villa this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox and daughters, Maryf|jjte, Genevive and Dorothy visited at R, J Sutton's Sunday. Miaa Margaret Sutton and nephew, Robert Larkin, came from Elgin Satur­ day. The latter will remain a few weeks: About twenty-five conple responded to invitations to a barn dance at J. R. Smith's Wednesday evening. Refresh­ ments were served and all enjoyed a very pleasant time. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bee's Laxative Congh Syrup. Contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarsenees, conghs and croup yield quickly. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. rugs ther F\RU6S and medicines alone hardly constitute the stock of an up-to-date drug store. The public demr||^ that other goods be carried. We meet the demand for everything everybody can expect to find at a drug store, although the sale of pure drugs and the compounding of physicians' prescriptions are the principal features of our business. You will find this a particularly satisfactory place to trade as we provide exceptionally fine service and our prices are invarirbly right. :: :: :: ;; ;; ;; ;; We would like your trade in drugs and other things. Come and see what a varied line we carry. >*. N. H. PETESCH 'Phone,-374. - Druggist, McHenry. ¥"•'•45 :"-nk HOUSf (LfAIG Ii That's the time when every house wife finds that her carpets have become badly worn during the winter months and must be replaced. We have a line line of Rich­ ardson's superlative carpets which can­ not be beaten. :: :: :: :: RUGS; LINOLEUM, AND • LACE CURTAINS One line of rugs is the finest we have been able to show in many years. Linoleum in any grade and width. We want to fill your lace curtain wants to. For the low­ est prices and best good? ws a rail. Jacob Justen, ftcHenry's Furniture flan.! • ' < & - Summer Drinks and Ice Cream Having opened our Soda Fountain and Ice Cream parlors for the sum­ mer we are now ready to serve the public in a highly appreciative man­ ner in this respect. Our cool drinks and ice cr^amare the best that skill and experience can accomplish. Stop in when this way and give it a test. Yon' will come again after that** S. W. BROWN, Druggist, Ringwood, Illinois. r - V ? I' ' 2. ' s ' \, , P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL. COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION VEN TO THE SAUK O* ' Dreaped Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists fnrniehed on application. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 * 3, Pittoa St. WlMtaMte Market. ' = ^ • - Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. sells the McVi.'ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Mfljs, ; Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggn ̂ Wind Mills, !* Well Supplies, Hjrwsss OU, Paint Oil and Machine OU a Specialty. Flak* UtfMi M Wvksl * A am agent for the above. We |>ut the Rods ou your Bulld- • and should they be struck . 'by Ugtitnlajc we pay d mil mm » lit uo more than f&tt. Oat) and get full particulars. Ctttfil BlKksalttti y * < ,h iim m t AanAiiHi ffWqj* KYSMHBK V" v« sxr t % • .-'v, $ v.'S - ' f v V ' *

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