V Mfytfii VALUABLE NEIGHBORING NEWSASCHRONICLEp BY OUR ABLE CORPS 0F CORRESPONDENTS - About the PAIR OF HANDS ..SELLING AGENTS FOR. -i- i are spend* U mm V"?3 »:yr . "V - " ^'41 •sr >., »%•<$ ' • " :i r-fa :American Gentlemen Shoes •; American Lady Shoes Children's and Misses' Shoes "i*, HIHIIHH-M'" o.'W*' . * * V'". •>- <!»' ,>? •<* V • 1 1 - -)£ v Jv, f , » ,, ( Spl r * ,u eCIal prices on - ' ~ 3tmerieah k •-. §en!leman \ mm >-1-^ LADIES' OXFORDS 1 111 i 1 ' f - \ "V-V" tit-. WJ'jP*V Style 1013 Via k i d bbchtr doc edge »ol«. Vade thank; MM •fitaiy heel. "Empire" . J. Toe P«»$3.50 . 3tmtrieam EVERY PAIR WAR RANTED TO GIVE Style 6001 A patent kid Wl* ton booteduHuppet with kub1c« ib-&ep, wdled tok. mi4St"«T MfU £ady SATISFACTION OR 8H0E '• CALL AND GET NEW PAIR. THIS is our GUARANTEE VasMr rrioe S3.D0 Telephone No. 271. IS ILL IT WILL COST TOO to write for our big FREE BICYCLE catalogue showii^^he most complete line of high-grade 1PFNT VvIhiIV I snowing the most complete line ot high-grade • w ™ BICYCLES, TIKES and SUNDRIES at £ KICKS • BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. A DO MOT or on anv kind of terms, until Illustrating; aud describing every kind of higl Items ami latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW , ...... ,ou have received our complete Free logues illustrating mid describing every kind of high-^rade and Sow-grade old , . , . . . ....... $ „ • ';^.v vW' fe' We are now in a position to fornish those who wish It with Brick Ire Cream which we wake ourselves. The fact that we boy all our cream at the McHenry plant of the Borden company warrants n« to say that our £i-e Cream is the* freshest and purest obtainable. We will make np, on de mand, special orders of Brick Ice Cream of any flavor or color desired for picnics, dinners, weddings, re ceptions, dances, parties or any other occasions, on the shortest of notice aud guarantee onr goods to be just exactly as We represent them to yon. Give us a trial order. That is the best way we can prove oar statement Giunta Bros. NEAR DEPOT Chicago & North-Western. , Kffect.lve Miiy 12.1907. VKH DAT TRAINS. clSn. NORTHBOUND 7.0ft h ni Via'Elgin. •.... «... •v+5 a in . ...Via Des I'hiiiif# .... 12.30 p m ..Via Elgin *1.00 p m t..Via Des Plain^#... , 3.45 P m. . . i . . . . Via Deis PiaiinH...., (,Wpm.„n . ,. ..Via Elgin.. 4.57 p m...,....Aria Des PlaiinJBi..., SITNBAT TRAINS.. ,1.00am..; .....Via 1>ps Plaint*..... S.*5am. .., .... ..Via Elgin. . ..4.. 9 10am..!.'. ..Via I His l'l&ines.. 3.08 p m .... Via Elgin.. ...A.. WEEK DAY TRAlM. SOUTHBOUND. ...Via I>es Plaines.. . Leave McHenry +7.04 a m. .31) a m Via Elgin 8..i2a ni Via Des Plai 4.Si p m 4.S3 p m iaines Via Des Plaints.. ,.. Via Elgin 6.17 p m.» .IH's l'laiin»,..... , Sunday TKAIN|t 7.50 a ni J.....' Via Elgin....... 7.0K p m .v Via Des I'laine*...,-.. 7.4S p m \ Via Des Plaines 7 4H pin.faiv... ..Via Elgin.. •Saturday only. +Monday only. Arrive 38c!ienry. ...10.17 a m „.10.17 a m . ..2.50 p in 2..17 )i n» ... ,i.4f> p m . .. .fi.40 p-m . ..6.40p m 37 h m .. .11.14 a m ...11.14 am , 4.55 p m Arrive Cliicago. .. MlOnni ...10.10 am . 9.;v> a m ..G.l;> p m -.7.10 p it . 7.53 p ni .10.35 am . h.25 p dc , vt.as d to 10.30 p m Have you seen The Plaiudealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at one*. Oar prices are the lowest ever. I iiY 4>fc C C Sweet to Eat JL€lA"vi3 «Jr A Uody Bowel Uxativt. DO HOT BUT A B/CYCLE at any price, amy kind of terms, nntil you have received our complete Free Cat»> 9« illustrisl bicycles, old pa PRICKS ana wonderful new oll'nrg made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. MC SHIP OH APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and allow lO Day* Free Trial aud make other lilx-ml terms which no other bouse in the world will do. Ycu will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a KMmm Atrmnt in every town and can offer n opportunity to make money to suitable young mm who apply at once. $8.50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ?.N kZ #» Prfoo %m QA iianRBsB^ 9A-oU $8M per pair. _«•«. M To tntfoduo9 Wo Wilt Soli You m Sample Pmh* fop Onlw (CASH WITH 0HO£R «4.6S> NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Jlfhult of 15 ex]>erieucc: iii. iuc making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious puiictureSj like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like anv other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual us*. Over Seventy-Svo Thousand pairs sold last year. PER PAIR NAILS. TACKS CLASS WON T OUT THE AIR Nottoa the thick robber tread "A" wed puncture strips "B" and "U," also rim strip "H" to prevent rim outtln^. This tire will outlast any other make--SOFT, ELASTIC aa* UASY BIOIMU. OEWOMPTUMt Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable aid lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinarv tire, the puncture resisting (jualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Hack" sensation commonly felt when riding on aspliaft or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these tires is J8.5Q per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4-iia per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.I), oil apptuvaL You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash diseount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price $4.55 per pair) if you send FULL. CASH WITH OitDDIt ana enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated bras® heiid pump aiul two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture etoseire to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OliK expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster, Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look; finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. _ 1, , 1, mm B90A IfrC built- uw heels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and OlMv I £Jm%mmJrtflamCdjy everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual (trices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SIJNOKY catalogue. ItAV Ufitrr but write us * postal today. DO NOT Til I.N IV OF BUVINU a OO nVf WVAtm bicycle or a past of tires from anyone until you know the rt> w atd wonderful offers we si e milking. It only costs a postal to learn every thing. Write it NOW. n HEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. "J L" CHICAGO, ILL «>I» PARK Miss Lncy Sritton spent Monday last in Elgin. Mrs. J Power* of Elgin is visiting at R. J. Sutton's, .h /„• ^ y IT Oominky went to for a few weeks* stay. J. Gihbs of Chicago is w»»«k at his home here. W R. Burns »uid son, Wm in« this week at the Park. Miss Esther Becker of Chicago visited the Misses Sutton Sunday. It E. Sntton of Chicago spent a few •biVK last week at his home l&re. Mrs. O'Flarity of Elgin visited in this vicinity Tuesday and' Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walsh of McHenry visited'Mrs W. Mahoney Sunday. Thos Bolger, E. Sntton and J. Ayl- ward Mpebt Tlturwlay last in Elgin. E. .1. (\>han uf Chicago spent the Fourth with his uon Charles. and fam ilv .. /. : i" • •/' ,• \ Misnes Liliiiih Al-mant and Edna Al are visiting at Jl. R Smith's ttiis w*ek.- ... ' . LoUw» G»tm*ky of Chicago spent a fo<r rtHv* |««t s?ith his rouein, Joe C'onihdry.'"- . • Mrs. O'Flarity of Elgin and Bliss N»ncy Frisby visited at R J Sntton'a Wednesday • Misses Mary, Carre aud Anna'ltomaho. :tnd brother. Sullivan, a^ent the Fonrth at Oak Villa. ,T. and M. Kelter and Mies EHa Kelter of Chj«-ago are spending this week at Lake Dffiance. Messrs Qeo Frasser and Bngh Kirk of Chicago are spending this week at the Haxion cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolger, Mrs. J.y (iibbs and Miss Minnie Knox visited in this vicinity Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. Strong of Chicago visited the latter's mother, Mrs W. K. Burns, a few days last week. Messrs. Frank and Thos. Biggy and Thos O'Neil of Chicago spent the Fourth at the Mahoney oottHge Mr aud Mrs Paul, At m>trong and lam ly and nephews, Gforg* and Os- vfild Anu-f,roner, of River Forest open- •d thuir horn** for the summer Saturday Mrs. Wm. Mahoney entertained the I'oi towing goes to Sunday: Mrs Nellie 'J rant McCarthy, Misses Catherine <if*ary. Anna and Nellie Biggy, Margar et Cunningham; Messrs. Joseph Geary, liaymond McCarthy, James .Biggy aud Thos. O'NeiJ,. ; Man Zan reufodly <*omes put up In col !*» [wible tube with a nozzle. Easy toap- ply right where soreness and inflamma tion exists. It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price -.10 cents. Get it to day. Sold at N. H. PWeech's drug H t f f l P O l . • i ' * ' ' Among thoseN^ho attended the funer al of Mrs. Jan. Wall Tuesday and spent the day at R J Suttou's were: Messrs. and Mesdauies D. McManaman, John and Wm. Wall, Mrs. Shockin, Misses Alice McManantan, Mae Wall and Julia Bowls of Chicago; Margaret Snt ton of Elgin; Messrs. Caseins and Ed McManaman of Chicago. The Charming Woman is not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities t hat all the world admires-, neatness, clear eyes, clean, smooth skin and that spright liness of step and action that ac company good health. A physically weak woman is never attracti /e, not even to herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, bright • •. es, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed by N. H. i etesch, F Masqnelet, McHenry, (J. W. Bmley. of W. McHenry, druggists. 50c. HOI.CO M HVltLK. Ed. Gilbert of Chicago visited at W. Gilbert's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller ef Nunda visited at J. Miller's Sunday. Jay Vasey was a caller at Emerald Park Thursday evening. Mrs. M. Peck visited at Mrs. W. Gil bert's Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mae Welchof Griswold Lake called at F. Powers* Monday. Miss Etta Powers called at W. Doherty's Tuesday afternoon. Thos. Thompson, of Barreville waa a caller in this vicinity Thursday. Mrs. B. F. Peck spent tlie Fourth with her parents at Terra Cotta. Miss Emma Conway of Emerald Park is spending a few weeks in this vicinity. Mias Anna Bolger of Emerald Park spent part of last week at Jay Doherty's Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert spent the Fonrth with Mr. and Mrs. E. Eaton in Elgin. Mrs W. Zmk and children and Miss Mabel Doherty Spent Saturday at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders of Ring- wood visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Couley and children and Miss Katie Cpnley of Chicago visit* ed at W. Gil bert's ̂ Sunday. * r-- The Doctor Away From Bmm When Moat Needed. People are often very much disappoint ed to find that their family physician is away from home when they most need bis services Diseases like cramp colic and chol«ra morbus require prompt treatment, and have in many instances proven fatal before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. The right -way is to keep on band a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. No physician can pre scribe a better medicine for these dis eases. By having it in the house you es cape much pain and suffering and all risk. Buy it now it may save life For sale by all druggists. s Ladies--Modern • will remove super fluous hair, at Masqnelet's, east side. E. Jacobite was in day. "' Mrt.O. L. Gibeon was in Nfcnda Mon- d*y- .' • J. H. Parks was in Chicago busi ness Monday. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Lynch wereNunda callers Sunday. Miss Pearl Hanghawont waa in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. Walknp and aon, Harold, were Chicago visitors Monday. Miss Emma Eichkoff of Woodstock is visitiug friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Jackman of Woodstock is spend ing the week with iter parents here. Mrs. A. Briggs and daughter of Rock- ford are visiting with Mrs. W. Dike. The R. N. A. camp initiated twenty- three new members Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and son and Mrs. R L. Dufieild were in Nonda Monday. Miss K Flaherty of Chicago visited at th« home of F. Thayer, Friday and Saturday. Mr and Mra Jenka and children are visiting Mrs. Jenks' mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield: Genevieve Goddard returned Satur day after spending a week with friends in Chicago. * Mrs. Castle and children of Austin are spending the aammer with her father and sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parks and son, Hugh, visited Mrs. Parks' fattier at Wauconda Sunday. Dora Hudson of McHenry was the guest of her cousin, Arline Stephenson, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weiland and chil dren visited the former's mother in Chicago Snnday and Monday. Iver Ericeon moved his family here from Woodstock Monday and are occupying the Baldwin house. The Ladies' Aid society will give an elocutionary entertainment itf' the church Friday ̂ evening, July 19. Mnf Senne returned to her home in Palatine, Monday, after several weeks' visit with her son and family north of here, Mrs. C. E. Conerty and daughter re turned to their home in Chicago after an eight weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Huudreds of people yearly go thru painful operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy, It is put up in such a form that it can be applied right where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for auy form of piles. Prioe 50 cents. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. BENJAMIN F. DtTFIELD; Benjamin F. Du field, brother of R. L. Dufield of Ridgefield, died at his home in Perkinstown. Wis., May 21, 1907. He was born in West Virginia in 1832. In 1837 he moved with his parents to Illinois and resided at Greenwood for nearly twelve year*. At the age of seventeen he went to Kentucky, learn ing the blacksmith trade,-and resided there for many years, fiually coming to Wisconsin. Twenty-six years ago he was married to Miss Clough. They moved to Dakota and lived for twelve years. Fourteen years ago last Septem ber they moved to Perkinstown and the deceased was blacksmith for the tannery while it was in operation. Three chil dren were born to them. George, Rob ert and «Edna, all of whom with the wife, survive. He also leaves one daughter, Mrs. Anna Hunt of Elgin by a former marriage. Funeral services were held in the Perkinstown M. E. church, Friday afternoon at 2.80 and interment in the Perkinstown cemetery. Rev. D» S. Dunn officiated at the funeral. RIN0W04I0. Mr. and Mrs." Ed. Peet are the happy parents of a baby girl. Ned Noonan is slowly recovering from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fose were Windy City visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. Chas. Shales called on relatives at Keystone Sunday. Chan. Harrison and John Carey were business visitors at Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. John Watson and daughter, Erma, were recent Chicago visitors. Mr. and Mrs. lngall and danghter, Edith, of Elgin are guests of relatives here. Miss Winnie Grimoldby of Colorado Springs, Col., is the guest of Mra. A. G. Bi«hop. Harold Stevens of Elgin arrived here Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Chas. Bacon and daughter, Malissa, were passengers for Chicago Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johonnottand son of Terre Haute, Ind , are visiting with N. D. Stevens and family. Dorothy Carr, who has been sick for the past week, is now recovering under the care of Dr. Wells of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Stevens, W. E. Bishop of ChehaliB, Wash , and mother, Mrs. Julia Bishop, have been visiting relative^ and friends in Elgin, Chicago and Evadston. The Willing Workers of Ringwqod will hold an ice cream socfit and apron sale at the home of Mrs. W. E Smith on Tuesday, July W. A cordial invita tion is extended to a.11. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. chnrch of Ring wood will hold an ice cream social at the Ring wood park next Saturday evening. Ice cream and cake will be served at 10 cents. A pordiai invitation is extended to all. The Plaindealer will be 8ent to any address on trial three months for twenty- tiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. The above is rather an odd heading. It was used in the Chicago Record- Herald for the first time May 18, 1906, in an article which referred to me as follows; "Elgin is the home of Prof. F. A. Leach, who is becoming prominently known the country over by reason of his remarkable magnetic cures. tLis is believed to be the most valuable pair of han'ds in the world today." It brought ailing persons to me from all of the central Htates. I am using it very generally now in my public an nouncements. It will appeal to yonif you are one who has tried for health and every practitioner has so far failed in your case. When I was two years of m age it was discovered that my bands would alleviate pain. Not until I was 17 did I know that I could, cure diseases of all kinds. At that time and ever since, by merely touching the hand, I can tell where every ache is in your body, the parts diseased, when the disease first started and the cause. Over §00 children, given,up to die, have been cured by me and are now stroAg and healthy. In writing for my free testimonial booklet address mail to my permanent offices, Suite 2, Spurling Block, Elgin, aud it will be give^ my personal atten tion. Chicago oftiees for treating are in Kimball Hall, Jackson Blvd. and Wabash Ave., and are attended by me Tuesday, Thursday aud Sat.mtlay.j|fter- noons of each week. It will be your good fortune if you do not delay writ ing at once for additional information. Professor F. A. lentil, ELQ( lN , - - ILLINOIS . It i iAw. « . . . V:Ji II: S P R I N G G R O V E N. N. Weber was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Clifford Smith of McHenry sprat the Fourth here with relatives. J. M. Westlake visited Chicago xpla tives the fore part of the week. Miss Ina James was a business oaller at Richmond Wednesday morning.' Walter Sykes of Wilmot attended to busiuess here the first of the week. Miss Mabelle Neish of Fox Lake called on fflends here Tuesday eveniug. Mrs. Jas Foulk is entertaining her siBter, Miss Edith Price, of Bristol, Wis. Jas. Pierce of Pistakee Bay spent Tuesday with his parents east of town. Mr. and Mra. Henry Sweet are re joicing oyer the arrival of a little daugh ter. Mrs. Pete' Bowers entertained an aunt from near Antioch several days last week. » Mrs. Wm. James and Mrs. R. A Ox toby were Wilmot caller^ Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Richardson enter tained several ladies from Antioch Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Wilson and Miss Hunter re turned Sunday from a week's visit with Richmond relatives. Jas. Todd of Ringwood and L. D. Todd of Nunda were in town one day the first of the week. The "stork" left a sweet little girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Baker e irly Wednesday morning. Reed Carr and Miss Ada James spent the Sabbath at Holcolmville as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. The residence of Robert Esh looks fine in its new coat of white with dark brown trimmings. The Schaeffer Bros, were the decorators. Rev. Father Krug has returned from his foreign trip, but we are sorry to state is not much benefited in health. He was giveu a hearty ^welcome by hi* many true friends. Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow white, creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingre dients as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Men thol, etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation can and will ac complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. Large jars 50 ceuta. Sold by N. H. Petesch. About thirty-five Woodmen and Royal Neighbors gathered at the home of Otto Hasse Tuesday evening and sprung a genuine surprise on him Otto was just thinking 'twas bed time, but soon changed his mind and con cluded to stay awhile with his guests. After the first shock was over he pulled himself together and did all he could to make the evening an enjoyable one. Progressive cinch and flinch were played, after which ice cream and cake were served in abundance. Otto in tends to set sail for his old home in Hamburg, Germany, about the 18th and will take the very beet wishes of his friends across the deep. ' If you suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree able trouble. It will improve the appe titeandaid digestion. Spld al N. H Petesch's drng storoL •jA v,; It i, : Sundaes served at our fountain, combination of real-creani ic| creain and the most luscious .fruits obtainable can .hardly be ^ 'anything but rich and palate *f| pleasing. ' | f We serve about every \iocl of sundae ever heard of. Be sides those ;prepairedl with fruits we serve maple not and chocolate nut sundaes that are simply delicioij^ IOC. -.X . i f.;"H. PF:TE5CH m. Mst McltefilKJik III NOW We would be glad • • -to----- * llH0W YOU" .Ml.. How much comfort jpu can get for a LITTLE MONffj iuVested in our "• SCREENS ...Call on... JACOB JUSTEN McHenry, Ill.<;';f f; V ' „ \ " < .i . v , . , Drug Store - 5' l Our line of patent medicine# is complete in every respect and when in need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile* Giir Soda Fountain • •«> r * i id , l 4 J -1 - ' • is ever in commission. Come in aiitl get rid of that tired feeling. A dish of our delicious ice cream will do M: S. W. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. •/ * ' r-~r. \ * ^ ^ J! Red Dragon Tea is ti^s i>est lea in town at 50c per poun% | It comes put up in neat, clean and sanitary packages, free from dual, dirt or flavors of other-goods which bulk goods are subject to. 4JW| carry good grades in balk in tight cans. - - - ̂ > German American Coffee y^ direct from the growers. «. ,s Always uniform in quality and absolutely unadu 1 teratetf, up Hi neat, sanitary packages preventing it from abeorbiug smell and flavor of other goods kept in -the store. A steadily increasing demand for these Coffees is proof of its quaUty. Try i*. ICJ» bet^n thanj»o»! Coffees at the same price. • .. - r • - - '-'p None Such Baked Beans, in tomatosauce, regular 15c, now.'..... toe Oreen Cage Plums, per can...." .. aoc Vellow tggs Plums, per can...., aM»c Oold Drop Plums, per ean JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Utinoi * : A>.