Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1907, p. 8

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' -* • > -I 5##. ^1' , -*• v . . *•& *fof ;r^ipljj-i'r»jlr,i f«- *. fck" I HxpeHencfi in the §hoe business | has taught us to have a line of Imen's work shoes built accord" ing to our Idea. Special $2.25 Shoes The upper leather made of heavy calfskiti stock, the soles of best oak tan sole leather. Special Last which you will not -find elsewhere and is much superior in comfort to the ordinary lasts used in work shoes. Try a fair. . v . • . FgMl £" i c u n i . West McHenry, Illinois . CLEARINQ SALE OF ff m- Summer Goods! We have some very pretty patterns in hot weather Dress Goods especially priced at 10c to move them quickly. They are wejl worth 15c to 18c. :: :: :: Others at per yard 15c to 85c Pine Dress Ginghams, from..... 10c to 30c Yard-wide Linen Suitings, at 15c to 20c Umbrellas and PArasols, from $1.00 up Muslin Underwear, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, lace and embroidery trimmed. :: Corsets, some special values in gray and black. :: Men's fine Negligee Shirts, sizes 14 to 18, in all the leading shades and novelties, from... .$1.00 to $3.00 Men's Straw Hats and Dress Hats, large line to se­ lect from 50c to$3.00 Our f^hoe Stock is the, finest in town. Don't fail to look them over before buying. :: :: :: : :: Groceries of all kinds. Oh asp & Sanborn Coffee. tefy our 20c and 25c quality. Phone No. 363. M. J. Walsh 4 *;. • i/ ( • COMFORT IN THE KITCHEN May be Secured by Using a Quick Meal Gasoline Stove. «* TheKleanKool Kitchen Kind We carry a nice line of them. Also the Jewel Gasoline and Perfection Oil Stoves. A good assortment of Hammocks and Croquet Sets, Lawn Sprinklers, Hose 'and Reels. Lawn Mowers from $2.50 to $12.00. If you are ex- "periencing trouble with your mower, bring it to us, we can put it in first-class shape for you. When you want good Enameled Ware or Tin­ ware remember we keep it. :: :: F. L. WEST SIDE HARDWARE (r |jgiV m- P,. ;- Bring in Your Prescrip tions 0. 01 . v$iev Hlffri ettry End let us Fill them tor you This we can do in a man­ ner that will make you smile. Years of experi­ ence in the drug business has placed us in a posi­ tion where we can fill any prescription desired and give excellent satis­ faction. :: :: :; Our Line of Postal Cards -a is always complete and up-to-date. That's why they go like hot cakes. The best place in town t to buy at honest prices. If you want its to prove this, call in. Poison has a very bad effect on ycur sys­ tem. ft disooiers your stomach cuid digestive apparatus, taints your blood and causes constipation, with all its fearful ills. IMbrd's Black-Draught1 Is * hUfld tonic, Uvw regulator, «od blood purifier. It gets rid of the poisons caused by over-supply of bile, and quickly cores bilious headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, indiges­ tion,, constipation, malaria, chills and fever, jaundice, nervousness, Irritability, melancholia, and ail sickness due to disordered live*. It Is not a cathartic, but a gentle, herbal, liver medicine, which eases without irritating. [E25 Price 25c at all Druggists. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY AND ADJACENT COUNTIE8. A XlKccllanaonii Auortment of News Items fn Condensed Form For Conven­ ience of Rna; I'eople. Golmar Bros,' circus exhibits at Lake Geneva on Friday, Ang. 9. Tbe Barnmn & Bailey circus will ex­ hibit at Elgin on Saturday, Ang. 10. Oh, joy! It's Sunday night, Ang. 4. Raymond's famons comedy, Tbe Mis­ souri Girl. Following their annual custom, there will be no papers issued at Harvard during the week of Aug. 8. The C. & N. W. depot at Algonquin was broken into one evening last week and relieved of property to the value of about $10. The Borden employes of the Genoa Junction factory beld their annual pic­ nic oiio day last wt'oir. Nearly 200 peo­ ple were present. The city of Aurora has secured eight new industries during the past year, employing from twenty to two hnndred and fifty hands each. A number of Elgin people are taking the rest cure by disporting in their bare feet in the wet • dew which falls over the grass each evening. Mrs. Edith Kingman Kern, at one time a Woodstock resident, was recent­ ly admitted to the bar at Washington, D. C., where she now resides. Frank Nelson was taken in custody by'Chicago policemen at Woodstock one da§' last week. He was wanted in Chicago on tt charge of forgery. A new organization to .be known as the Booster club has been formed at Waukegan. The purpose of the new organization is to boost the city. William Pellington passed away at his home in Woodstock one day last week. He was a pioneer resident of the county seat town and was in bis 90th year. Sue Joe, who has conducted a laundry in Woodstock for the paBt fiv^ years, has sold out his business there and ex­ pects to return to China at some future date. Elgin has two butter tub factories and Aurora one. It is claimed that more tubs are made in Kane county than in any state in the union outside of Illinois." The John Robinson circus would like Very much to make Zion City its winter headquarters, but whether or not the owner succeeds in his novel plan re­ mains to be seen. If you are contemplating tbe purchase of a gasoline stove this summer you Will make no mistake by seeing J. J. Vycital's line and getting his prices. His stovt* range in price from $2.75 £o $85. Horse thieves got away witb a valu­ able team of horses, a sorry and two sets of harness from the farm of Geo. W. Conn, near Hebron, one evening last week. Geo. Simes is tenant on «tbe farm. If you suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome tbe disagree­ able trouble. It will improve the appe­ tite and aid digestion. Bold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. f To stimulate a better attendance at their games, the Woodstock Y. M. C. A. baseball team is making a special feature each Saturday by offering prizes to tbe fans. Last Saturday prizes were awarded to the homeliest man and the most beautiful woman. The prizes are awarded by ballot. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi­ son from tbe blood. Try them for.rheu­ matism,-kidney, bladder trouble, lnm- bago and that tired, worn out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Woodstock Sentinel: D. F. Quinlan last week sold the 720 acre Burmeister farm in sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, Green wood, to Judge E. S. Lambert. This property was formerly known as the Dr. Farney farm, and is tnad£ up of farm lands formerly owned by Peter Nolan, R. C. Jefferson, John J. Murphy *qii TfomMM Ooftqr. _ Tb|ul« was con snmmated thru the Quintan office and is. one of the largest, transactions of its kind ever completed in McHenry county. Free, for Catarrh, just, to prove metit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow white, creamy, healing, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingre­ dients as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Men­ thol, etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of tbe aose and tfardafc. Make the free test and see for yonrseif what this preparation can and will ac­ complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jarn 50 cents. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Cotton thread, until a abort time ago the most stable in price of all staples, selling the country over for five cents a spool, is to be advanced, again so that the retail price will be ten cents. On May 29 there was an . advance which brought the market price to six and seven cents. Cotton thread for domes­ tic use is manufactured almost exclu­ sively by the combine. Increased cost of raw material and an advance in wages are tbe reasons given for tbe con­ templated increase in price. Independ' ent manufacturers declare that neither of the reasons is good, for when cotton was selling much higher than it is now thread retailed for five cents. Richmond Gazette: ClarenoelToung, a brakeman on the southbound evening freight train which passes thru this vil­ lage, had a narrow escape from being killed Thursday evening of last week. Mr. Young was standing upright on the caboose as tbe train pulled out of this village, and no donbt had forgotten about the viaducts, at any rate he failed to lower his body when the train passed under tbe bridge and as a result re­ ceived a fearful blow on the head. The force of the blow knocked Mr. Yoting down, but fortunately he managed to grasp the railing on tbe caboose and saved himself from Tailing between tbe cars, which would undoubtedly have resulted in instant death. Mr. Young received several bruises about the head, but escaped without any serious inju­ ries, which under the circumstances is nothing short of miraculous. I will mail yqu free, to prove merit samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of tbe Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak stomach nerves --the inside nerves--mean stomach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well have tbeir controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital or­ gans. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Re­ storative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me today for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative 'is Bold by N. H. Petesch. The Libertyville mile track, which has been the busiest spot in Lake coun­ ty for many weeks past, has lost most of its inhabitants and it will be another year till it picks up again. Last week a special train loaded with 108 grand circuit horses left to fill their engage­ ments at other tracks. The train was a Jong one and complete with all equine necessities as well as a Pullman coach for trainers and horsemen. In fact, it was considered such a notable event thai a number of views were taken by C. A. Beswick, the local photographer, which will be sent all over the country. It has been estimated that these horse­ men and the people connected with them have spent in the neighborhood of $10,000 in this village during the spring and summer and every business man in town has been more or less ben­ efited thereby.--Libertyville Independ­ ent. Clinmberlain'g Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy Better Than Three Doctors. "Three years ago we had three doc­ tors with our little boy and everything that tbey could do seemed in vain. At last when ay hope seemed to be gone we began iisiug Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours he began to improve. To­ day he is as healthy a child as parents could wish for." Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. For sale by all druggists. i rr ®hottaa«&a Hare Kidttey Trouble and Don't Know it. •tow To Find Out. * • Fill a bottle or common glass with your tnd let It stand twenty-four' hours; a sediment or set­ tling indicates an --a unhealthy condi- i I ' W t y t i o n ° * neyS. ^ „ atains your linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ der are out of order. What to Do. . There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root,. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in ths back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effebt of Rwjsmp-Root is soon realized, It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Soid by druggists in 50c. and$l. sires. You may have a sample bdttie of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent gSJS absolutely free by mai l Address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Svamp-Hoot Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men-, tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham* ton, N. Y., on every bottle. , QUARTER OF A CENTURY. I tenia Clipped from The Plalndtoaler ot Augnat 2, 1882. By the accidental discbarge of a re volver which he was loading, J. W. Cristy of Ringwood received a painfn} wound in tbe right hand on Saturday last. Fortunately it was not of a seri­ ous nature. * Math. Engeln, having remodeled the store lately purchased by him from F. 6. Mayes, has moved his stock into the same and now has one of the handsom­ est and handiest stores for bis business to be found in the West. The McHenry_ Brick Manufacturing company has just opened its second kiln of brick, and we can now truly say that they are second to no brick in the Northwest. They have the true ring, are a splendid rich color, and in short are as perfect as a brick can be made. This last kiln contained 180,060. The foot race on Saturday last drew out quite a crowd, especially the boys. In the first race there were five com­ petitors, the first money being won by Antony Barbian, the second by i Johnny Barbian, and the third by Leonard, of Crystal Lake.' The second race was between the two Barbian boys and Allen Walsh, and was easily won by Walsh. The match between Lew Holmes and Almon Granger was won by Grang­ er.- . ' Several agreeable entertainments are now being enjoyed by the family of Elder Wheeler, thru the politeness of guests who represent four nationalities. In the performance of music all are. in nnison in the English, supported as they are by the organ. Then each in turn, French, Swedish and German, chant, sepai ately, theif- verse, each to the amusement of tbe other, the medley being conolnded by the rehearsal of sen­ tences of Greek and Hebrew. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of hnman life is many years below the' at­ tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60; the proper care of the body between this decade cannot be too strongly nrged, carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Elefctric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revital­ izes every organ of the body. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, IttcHenry; G.' W. Besley, West McHen­ ry, druggists. 50c. Zeke Hobson's clodhopper dance is one of the features that will be intro­ duced in The Missouri Girl at Central opera house Sunday, Aug. 4. .. * V. ; * ' v If you want anything in the following • lines at' tire lowest living prices: GOODS, SrtfOES, HATS and CAPS, FURNISHING *>' GOODS, GROCERIES, •t 'p ' y * ~ -iV' • - . V l " / > - ***** - f. * • * 'Phone" 291*. WEST McHENRY. OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:- EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. • CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOriESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC, t. paid on Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer_ tificates of Deposit M Building material MRE you contemplating building this season? If so,* it will be to your interest to cQnsult us as to the material to be used. We would be .pleased £o supply you with anything you may need in the line of building material. Our *prices are within reach of all and satisfaction is always guaranteed. Don't forget us when you get ready to build. We carry a full line of, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. OJilbur Cumber Co. I *i * Children's 9 w We are offering Children's ready-to-wear Dresses at less than cost of material. Linen color Sail Suits, handsome­ ly trimmed with braid to corres­ pond, sizes 8 to 14, choice at $1.39 Plaid Gingham Dresses, blouse effect, neatly trimmed with em­ broidery, neck and band, all sizes, a special big value at......... 69c Three-ruffled Gingham Petti­ coats, choice at. 75c Black sateen Petticoats, at . . . . . . . . . . . , r 4 9 c a n d $ 1 * 2 9 10-4 full-size bleached Bed Sheets at.......... 55c and 6$c 45x36 bleached, hemstitched pil­ low case ;.. $OC Marseilles full-size Bed Spreads, at .$1.39 All Men's silk Negligee Shirts with collar attached,, fprmerly sold at $1.89, -noWi White Canvas Oxfords,^"children's sizes, at,,^ ..85c and 93<? Ladies' sizes at... $1.25, $ 1 .35 Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, either kind, at. *.... ̂ ».. .$1.29 Ladies' white Parasols, assorted patterns, at. .$1.00 Berry Sets, fancy Jap ware, con­ taining one large Berry Bowl and 12 sauce dishes to match, special per set $1.25 Fancy Jap Cake Plates, at.. 39c Jap Vases, to close, each ... 50c Large Variety erf McHenry Sou­ venirs* each ^ , = 10c ¥V S- f iyy*. m TELEPHONE NO. S4>- ..'.V"V '* : * V •-> " "MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. £?J. VI . r.,4* -- ... 2>, . m£. I . , f v H~- J4 '"z V Ifvr Vs'>* h<* -s / ' 4 , v i Tt- -"4 • • - r ^ •

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