Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1907, p. 8

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y - ( 4 »•••'»> ;p Experience in the shoe business has taught us to have a line of men's work shoes built accord­ ing to our idea. Special $2.25 Shoes The upper leather made of heavy calfskin stock, the soles of best oak tan sole leather. Special Last which you will not find elsewhere and is much superior in comfort to the ordinary lasts, used in work shoes. Try a pair. Jos W. Freuiid, West McHenry, Illinois r- CLEARING SALE OF Summer Goodsi We hav£ some very pretty patterns i^'^ot weather Dress Goods especially priced at Ifcr to move them quickly. They are well worth lT^tO 18c. :: :: Others at per yard -j*- Fine Dress Ginghams, fmjj/f*. 10c to 30c Yard-wide Linen Suitir^s, at 15c to 20c Umbrellas and Para^dfs^ from $1.00 up Muslin Underwej*, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, lace and embroidery trimmed. :: Corsets, som/special values in gray and black. :: Men's fineytfegligee Shirts,'sizes 14 to 1§, in all the leadin^^fiades and novelties, from $1.00 to $3.00 Mey?/Straw Hats and Dress Hats, large line to se- \ejk from 50c to $3.00 ur Shoe Stock is the finest in town. Don't fail to look them over before buying. :: :: :: Groceries of all kinds. Chase & Sanborn Coffee, try our 20c and 25c quality. Phone No. 363. M. J. Walsh \s- COMFORT IN THE KITCHEN May be Secured by Using a Quick Meal Gasoline Stove. "The Klean Kool Kitchen Kind" We carry a nice line of them. Also the Jewel Gasoline and Perfection Oil Stoves. A good assortment of Hammocks and Croquet Sets, Lawn Sprinklers, Hose and Reels. Lawn Mowers from $2.50 to $12.00. If you are ex­ periencing trouble with your mower, bring it to us, we can put it in first-class shape for you.' When you want good Enameled Ware or Tin­ ware remember we keep it. :: :: :: F. L. McOriBER WEST 'SIDE HARDWARE if m The Good Old Place We are still here and doing business in the grand old way. Our line of Drugs, Fancy Goods, McHenry Sou­ venirs, Etc.? is right up to the min­ ute and it will pay you to investigate. ' * Ice Cream and Candies! * Our Ice Cream is the talk of the town and to appreciate its fine flavor you must sample it. Do this today. Our line of Candies is most complete. G. w. BESLEY WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS it sick women endure,1 the back, hips, legs, ^etc., the headaches,, waist idnd side pains, failing! [feelings,, nervousness, *r-| regular periods and other] suffering can be relieved] or cum, as were those! of Mrs# Lucy Rowe, |Gifford, HL, by taking CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF She writes Tof 4 years I strf- i f«cd terrible pains In my side, (from female trouble* Wine f of C&tdui cured them. ^ They | were better before I finished o n e b o t t l e . T h e doctotj ^wanted to operate m me» featj I took Ctraui instead* 'now I am nearly . Cardut is a cut%. fo* dis­ orders of the womanly ft*nc Itioos. Ttyjk El^i -4II Dra4ii»lj. £jM Tb6 Value of Knowledge. "Knowledge better than houses and lands," is the title of one of the first books presented to the children, and it is the substance of ten thousand pre­ cepts which are constantly dinned into their ears from infancy npwards. It is a trnth that should never be forgotten. Those who most constantly bear it in mind and who purchase books with an eye to future benefits, accumulate more than a fair share of the world's goods. With the single exception of a good conscience, no possession can be so valu­ able as a £ood stock of general informa­ tion. When we speak of information we do not mean that merely which has direct reference to one's trade, business or profession. A thoro knowledge of one's business or profession is not enough in itself to constitute what is called a well-informed man. On the contrary, one who possesses this kind of information only is generally regarded as a mere machine, unfit for society or rational enjoyment. A man should pos­ sess a certain amount of liberal and scientific information, to which he should always be adding something as long as he lives. "Keep a thing seven years and you will find use for it," is an old time motto which will apply admir­ ably well to any branch of knowledge. Learn any branch of science, language or art and you will find it of use to you. Employ that liesure which others waste in idle and corrupting pursuits in the acquisition of those branches of know­ ledge which serve to amuse as well as instruct, and yon will never regret it. Natural history, chemistry, electricity or any of the kindred branches of study will be of practical benefit to you, and the knowledge gained by their study gives one a quiet self-confidence, an ease and self-possession that stamps him as a person of good breeding in any so­ ciety. If asked what book we consider­ ed best for the general reader we would unhesitatingly recommend the "Fire­ side University," by John McGovern. We would recommend it for the power and beauty of its language, as well as for its practical value to the reader. I will mail you free, to prove merit samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys. Troublss of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak stomach nerves --the inside nerves--mean stomach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital or­ gans. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Re­ storative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me today for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by N. H. Petesch. Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. "Regular as the Sun" is an expression as old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular performance in the universe, unless it is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed by N. EL Petesch, F. Masquelet, Mc­ Henry ;G. W. Beeley, West McHenry, druggists.' 25c. Those who will exhibit at the McHen­ ry county fair are requested to secure entry blanks and mail their entries to the secretary before the fair, and thus avoid the vexation of having to stand in line and wait for entry tags at the sec­ retary'* office on entry day. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Item Clipped from The Plaindealer et . August 16, 1(M, % Oat baeeball boys went to Wauoonda | on Friday and played a game with the (club at that town. The result was a score of 18 to 14 in favor of McHenry. The new Johnsburg bridge will be completed and turned over to the com- missinnftrs the Isst of this week or th first of next. Good judges pronounce tt an A No. 1 bridge. Paul Brown, Chas. Owen, Frank Mo- Omber and Henry Smith of this village and Willis Smith of'Clifton, 111., are camping on Jtisten's point, Pistakee Lake. George Owen and wife and O. N. Owen of this village, Miss Jennie Bab­ bitt of Eltjin, Frank Cutler of Chicago are camping on Pitzen's point, Pistakee Lake. A large party from this village, El­ gin and Chicago took possession of the Elgin club house at Fox lake on Satur­ day, where they propose to stay for the next two weeks. The following com prise the party: Mrs. O. E. Hinsdall and children, Miss Clara Fish, Miss El­ la Himes and Mrs. John Falk of Elgin; Miss Bartlett of Bartlett Station; Church and family and Mrs. Peck of Chicago; Mrs. Benson Hanly, Mrs. E. J. Hanly and children, Mrs. S. Searles and daughter, Mrs. C. B. Curtis and Mrs. Jos. Fitzsimmons of McHenry; Mrs. Snow of New York; Mrs. Wm. Salisbury and family of Itasca, III. Someone unknown, either with ma­ licious intent or unintentionally, 'threw a stone, probably with a sling shot, rfrom the direction of the mill dam, and which struck S. Colyer, who was sitting in front of Owen's warehouse, in the forehead, inflicting an ugly bruise. If done on purpose the perpetrator should be severely punished, but if accidental should be taught better. It might have occasioned serious injury. Mr. Colyer offers $5 reward for information to con­ vict the person who did the act. We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary to the annual fair of the McHenry County Agricultural board, which takes place September 12 to 16, inclusive, for which the secretary will please accept our thanks. HAD AN AWFUL TIME. The Cause of Many; , ^ Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevc-' Country most dangerous becav ~ ' tive. f It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a severe attack of the measles I got caught in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not possibly have lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above thru simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word for this remedy. Sam. H. Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE OF PROBATING OF WILL. C. B. Whittemorb, Attorney. Estate of John (Jleary, deceased. STATE OF ILLINOIS I AA McHenry County F In the County Court, August term, A. D. 1907. To the unknown heirs at taw, devisees, legatees and all persons Interested In the es­ tate of John Cleary, deceased, late of Nunda, McHenry county, Illinois. By order of said court, public notice Is here ­ by given that Monday, the ttith day of Sep­ tember, A. I), 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House In Woodstock, in said county, is set for hearing the proof of the execution of the will of said John Cleary, deceased, and for admitting said will to probate, when and where you can be heard in said matter If you so desire. G. F. Roshton, Woodstock, IlffT Aug. 6,1907. County Clerk. Bat Chairiberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cared Htm. Remedy For Diarrhoea. to Fall. Neyer Known "I want to say a few words for Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past five years and haye recommended to a number of peo­ ple in York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I cannot say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world." S. Jemison, Spring Grove, York County, Pa. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. More attention than ever before will be given to the arrangement and decor­ ation of the various departments in the exhibit building at the coming fair. A special invitation is extended to every­ one to compete for ttie liberal premiums offered, and thereby assist in making a large and creditable showing. =~: \V^4 iAH NJ (\, •n this decep- sudden used by isease, hear! oplexy * result If deaths r:-- it--he:.. > i .v pneumc: O J t v f a i l u r e c s JI!H?-?* rYrrk Hi' f~ «re ofte: of kidney kidney tr. uh!< Is al- I lowed to; > . nee the kidney-p sioned blood will ack the vita! orgc: • or the kidneys themselves break down c...i waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always re~- It from a derangement of the kidneys and : cure is obtained quickest by a proper tres. ment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by faking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is.soon realized. It stands the hlghe:.t for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make aUy misfake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham­ ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Hottie of Hv-'nrrr-I Finance anil Markets. .Nothing about a metropolitan news­ paper shows more plainly a high degree of organization than an accurate and comprehensive report of the world's markets. As might be expected, the Chicago Record-Herald covers this field in the same satisfactory manner that is characteristic of the paper's entire news service. It tells its readers every day what consols are worth in London, what money and stocks are worth in New York, what wheat and 'the other grains are, worth in Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis and the other markets and presents in addition accurate informa­ tion on the eventB and conditions that determine these values. The Record- Herald is the only liiorning paper in Chicago having its own special corre­ spondent to cover the New York stock market. George S. Beachel's letters report the daily movements of the New York stock and money markets in a way that shows the writer's close asso­ ciation with the men who rule in those affairs in Wall street. Equal attention is devoted to the Chicago stock afcd financial markets and to the daily move ments of prices on the board of trade. The "Speculative Gossip" and the notes that record Wall street and LaSalle street happenings contain many a line that shows a bit of the "real" inside history of the various markets. The Record-Herald makes it a point to cover in full the financial reports of compan­ ies and corporations and devotes partic­ ular attention to banking interests in Chicago and the West. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human life is-many years below the at­ tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60; the proper care of the body between this decade cannot be too strongly urged, carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revital­ izes every organ of the body. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHen­ ry, druggists. 50c. Why not get, in line? Yee, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. If you suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree­ able trouble. It will improve the appe­ tite and aid digestion. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Go to 'i Bohlander's If yon want anything in the following lines ^ ^;vth^^::|owef| living prices: DlRESS GOODS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, FURNISHING"5 GOODS, GROCERIES, ^ ETC,, ETC. F. A. * Phone 291; WEST McHENRY. HI! [---LU_... . . .. i' J. " "• n i .. fj West McHenry State Bank OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. jOFFICERS:; EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S, WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3 percent paid on Savings 'Ac­counts and Time Cer_ tificates of Deposit Building material R you contemplating building this peason? If J I so, it will be to your interest to consult us as lo the material to be used. We would be pleased to supply you with anything you may need in the line of building material. Our prices are within reach of all and satisfaction is always guaranteed. Dont fbrget us when you get ready to bitild. We carry a full line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. Ulilbur Cumber Co. Children's Dresses! We are offering Children's ready-to-wear Dresses at less than cost of material. Linen color Sail Suits, handsome­ ly trimmed with braid to corres­ pond, sizes 8 to 14, choice at $1*39 Plaid Gingham Dresses, blouse effect, neatly trimmed with em­ broidery, neck ai\d band, all sizes, a special big value at.. I>9C Three-ruffled Gingham Petti­ c oats, choice at ..... • • • • 75c Black sateen Petticoats, at 49c and $1.39 10-4 full-size bleached Bed Sheets at 55c and 65c 45x36 bleached, hemstitched pil­ low case 20c Marseilles full-size iBed Spreads, at $1.39 All Men's silk Negligee Shirts with collar attached, formerly sold at $1.89, now $1.29 White Canvas Oxfords, children's sizes, at 85c and 98c | Ladies' sizes at... .$1.25, $ 1 .35 Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, either kind, at .$1.29 Ladies' white Parasols,, assorted patterns, at. $1.00 Berry Sets, fancy Jap ware, con­ taining one large Berry Bowl and 12 sauce dishes to* match, special per set. 91.25 Fancy Jap Cake Plates, at.. 39C Jap Vases, to close, each ... 50c Large variety of McHenry Sou­ venirs, each....... s.,-. ioc BLOCK & BETHKE TELEPHONE NO. 54«- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. « 1 %• - * iLv Je... J.

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