Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1907, p. 5

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THE FIFTY-FOURTH ANNUA) «-™WILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AT ^ ' ---i1- Wcodstock, Illiccis, August 26 lad Close August 30,190? A more complete and elaborate program of free attractions than ever before pre­ sented. The interest already manifested leads the officers tobelieve that this year's Fair WILL SURPASS ALL PREVIOUS EXHIBITIONS. Prepare yotir exhibits early and plan to take your va­ cation at the Pair t&e last week in August. For premium lists, entry blanks, etc., address the secre­ tary* Woodstock, Illinois. :: :: :: :: :: Geo. A. Hunt, - Wm. Desmond, Secretary. President. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois For the treatment of curable Chrouic Diseases (nervous afflic­ tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gout, obes­ ity, catarrh, anemia, general de­ bility, etc. Only Natural Meth­ o d s E m p l o y e d . - - - - - Dr. (arl Strueh, Prop. 100 State street, Suite 1409. CHICAGO, ILL. r" P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs Hits is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists famished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. r Cbat new Barness HAVE you placed your order for your new spring har­ ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen i n Mc- Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t * here right along and our customers are pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices' :: :: 111. jH. Chclen, McBENRY, ILLINOIS. Why Not give us your next order for that steak ? We would be pleased to fill it for you. We know that we can please you as we handle nothing but the bfest. Buy your meats where you know you are being giyen a fair deal and honest prices. That is what we do Here -df Bank of cHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a ttDEML BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given t o c o l l e c t i o n s , . . . INSURANCE : in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. • Bankers. every day in the week. Opr line of Sausages, Salt and Smoked Meats is always fresh and up- to date. ' E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- burgh Creamery Batter Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. NEIGHBORING NE W$ AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS L. Hack went to Caicago Tuesday. Mrs. M. Gille* of McHenry is cpend ing a few days at E. Knox's. R. E. Sutton of Chicago is hia vacation at his home here. Miss Anna Cohan and a friend are visiting at the Cohan cottage R. L. Aylward of Elgin speut Satnr day and Sunday in this vicinity. Nellie Scully of Chu-ago is the of Mrs Ed Comisky this week Messrs. Penualla and Kaloui of Chica­ go are visiting S. Romano this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong spent a few days this week at their cottage. Misses Marv Maggio and Marie Tom aso visited Miss Mary Romano Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. Strong. W. K and son. Will, spent Sunday at Park. Frank Biggie of Chicago is his vacation with his sister, honey. Wm. E. Heaney and friend. Fianey, of Chicago called in this vicin­ ity Sunday." Mrs. W. Dalton and two children of Hampshire were the guests of Ed Knox and family Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Richter, Miss Anna Ne Sladek and Mr. Cech of Chi­ cago are at J. R. Smith's. Messrs. Clarence Whiting. Wm. How­ ard and Floyd Thompsou of» Woodstock called at E. Knox's Sunday. Misses Clara and Ethel Harbaugh re­ turned to Chicago Sunday, after spend­ ing two weeks at J. R Smith's Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rumsfield of Pistakee Bay visited Mr. and Mrs. Sohns at their cottage Thursday. The Misses Knox entertained Misses Mae and Grace Burhs and Ethel and Clara Harbaugh one day recently. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin, Messrs. Cassias McManamann and Ed Farrell of Chicago were guests at R J Sanday. A lively party of young folks took a launch ride in the Navigator Saturday evening and enjoyed the event im- Misses Anna Frisby, May Welch, Macie Dake, Mrs. Harry Bacon of Chi­ cago. Miss Bessie Martin of Wauconda, Rural Mail Carrier* Moot. The rural mail carriers of McHenry county met in the McHenry Pleasure club's rooms last Saturday evening. After the regular business meeting an address by H. C. Mead was listened to. The meeting proved one of the most interesting ones ever held by the asso­ ciation. Refreshments were served. Have you seen ^he Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at oqe» Oar ysitm are the lowest eyer.*-'-* • -\ Messrs. Frank and Clarence Martin and Frank £teary of Wanconda and Leo Walmsley called in this vicinity Sun day. ^ The bites and stings of insects, tar, snnbnrn, cute, burns and bruises are re­ lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol- ized. Acts like a poultice and draws out the inflammation. Try it. Price 25 cants. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. On Sunday evening a large crowd assembled on the Romano lawn and were treated to ^concert by an orches­ tra consisting of a harp, cornet and two violins. The event was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Romano's 34th wedding anni­ versary, aud the evening was most de­ lightfully spent. Mrs. Carlton Dickinson and daugb ter, Ethel, and G. A. Larson of Wood­ stock; Mr and Mrs. Waldo P. Dickin­ son and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ball and sons, Frederick, Jr., Waldo and Rawson, all of Ellison P irk; Mrs. James Ball of Chicago and Miss Ethel Payne of Park Ridge are at the Heaney cottage this week. RliJ»KfIKL.U. P. Bennett was in Nunda Friday. J. H. Parks was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. W. Jayne and daughters were in Nnnda Friday. E. Jacobitz whs in Woodstock business Friday. J. F. ('laxton and family visited at P. Benson's Sanday. Mm A Peterson is visiting friends in Woodstock this week. Mrs. R. Goddard visited in Woodstock Saturday and Sunday. Mr. anl Mrs. Oak root were in Chica­ go on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mrs. Bullock and daughter, Dorothy, were in Woodstock Tuesday. Mesdames Benson and Paaske visited friends at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Haughawont were visiting in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ericson and children visited friends in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. C. Kellar and children of Nunda visited relatives and friends here Mon day. Mrs. Hanson and sons visited her parents in Woodstock Monday and Tuesday. Messrs. Wagner and Hansen enjoyed tbe sights in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. L. J. Gibson and lady friend are vis­ iting at the home of tbe former's par­ ents here. Mrs. Risley returned Tuesday from an extended visit with her daughter at Beloit, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Paaske and chil­ dren of West Chicago 'visited tbe first of the week with P. Benson and family. Word has been received here of the death of Wm. Kannenberg at Genoa Junction daring the storm of last Mon­ day afternoon. He and his wife were driving home from Genoa Junction when the storm came up, and they drove into the farm of a Mr. Sommers, Mrs. Kannenberg going to the house while her husband went to the barn with the team. The barn was struck by lightning and burned to the ground Mr. Kannenberg was found burned, but the fact that he failed to make his es cape from the barn leads people to think that he mast have been killed when the lightning struck the barn. Mr. Kan- nenberg was a brother-in-law of H. E. Price of this village. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--f 1.75 for one year's sabecrtption to both. fr Miss Vranees Rowing spentSaturday in Woodstock. Dr. J. L. Taylor of LtbertyviUe in town Sunday. Mis Hannah Kines of Wanconda vis­ ited at the Ralight farm last week. Paul Avery of Chicago is spending bis vacation at bis home near Volo Mrs. Mike Hertel and children of Fremont Center were in Volo Sunday Mr. and Mrs Rotchford of Chicago are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. Miss Colet Hirtel of Fremont Center was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing last we Mr. Watton and daughter of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls. Mrs. .Teuuie Cowman and daughter, Murl, of Round Lake visited Mrs. Rich­ ard Compton Sunday. Miss Raby Cook of Wauconda spent Saturday night and Sunday with her cousin. Hellen Raymond. Miss Georgia Kapple of Grayslake was the guest of friends near Volo from Wednesday antil Friday of last week. Mrs Charity Raught has returned to her home on the Raught farm several weeks' visit with NV aukegan and Chicago. Miss Maude Walton returned to Volo last Tuesday, after a week's visit with relatives in Wajsiteegnn. Her cousin, Mws Mary Walton, came with her and tflmainWl for~a few days Miss Lacy Dunnill entertained a few of her friends last Thursday in* honor of her birthday anniversary. Those present wer-» Misses Maade and Elsie Waltou. Elida Russell, Frances Rosing, Bessie Dunnill. Free, for Catarrh, jnst to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a snow,white, creamy, healing,, antiseptic balm. Containing sacli healing ingre­ dients as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Men­ thol, etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yonrself what this preparation can and will ac­ complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis Large jars 50 cents Sold by N. H. Nun- arm,-after frienas in TERRA COTTA. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leit-nei da callers Saturday. A. T. McMillan is building an addi­ tion to his residence. Thos. Thompson of Barreville was a aller in this vicinity Sunday. Chas. Back and A. T. McMillan Were Griswold Lake callers Sunday. Mrs. Frank McMillan and nieces were Holcouibville callers Sunday evening. Mrs A. T. McMillan and Mrs. Henry {McMillan were Woodstock callers Mon­ day. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry spent part of last week with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Walter Hatchwell of Nunda spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Chas. Buck. Mertou Uracy aud Miss Ruth Ander­ son attended the play at McHenry Sun­ day evening. A number of the young folks attended "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at Nunda Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and son spent Sunday at Clyde Wingate's, near Barreville. Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Bolger and daughter of Emerald Park were callers at M. Knox's Sanday. Misses Eva aud Neva McMillan and brother, Mark, spent Monday with their great-grandmother, Mrs, B. F. Peck, at Holcouibville. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in tbe conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the at­ tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of . which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60; the proper care of the body between this decade cannot be too strongly urged, carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Natnre's best helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revital izes every organ of the body. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masqnelet, McHeury;G. W. Besley, West McHen­ ry, d^nggists. 50c. JOHN8BDBOH. Can yon use a 10 gallon stone jar for 49c?--jnet the thing for pi<*kles or meat At Gilbert Bros.' this week. Look for their ad. C. Jay Smith's play, "A Pair of Conn try Kids," at tbe Central theater one night only is said to be one of the latest rural plays. Stephen H. Smith is making plan0 for a big labor-day dance to take place at his hall here on Monday evening, September 2. Fall particulars next week. The friends of Chas. Michels of this village will no doubt be pleased to learn thaj^he has sufficiently recovered from his recent siege of sea-sickness to enable him to be out again. I '11 stop your pain free. To show yon first before you spend a pennv--what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail yon free, a Triaf Package of them Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due aloue to blood con­ gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the annataral blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by N. H. Petesch. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at tbe expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Tit it. Secure Prof, leach's Vital magnetic healing drugs, no operations. Prof. Leach, Elgin's vital magnetic healer, has made the most remarkable cures in the past eleven years that have ever been heard of in the middle west. His cures are accomplished very easily and quickly. Every form of disease re­ sponds readily to the treatment. $ V./ rii V; J iryer lAllei to New booklet containing many testi­ monial* of his cures of prominent per sons, who doctored unceasingly for years, has just been issued. "It also con­ tains much other valuable information. Yonr request will receive Prof. Leach's personal attention, »ud copy of booklet promptly mailed to you. All diagnones are made without charge. Mention is here made of cures of sons residing nearby: Henry Pugh, Woodstock, 111,, severe of stomach trouble. Thirty treat­ ments. Chris Locker, Flannagan, 111., appen­ dicitis. Fifteen treatments. R. J. Young, 743 First street, LaSalle, 111., stomach trouble and neuralgia of the heart. Thirty treatments. Mrs. R. J. Young, 743 First street, La Salle, 111 . female trouble. This lady could not do any work and was to sleep. Mrs. A. Engleking, Hampshire, 111., ring sore on limb. Fifteen treatments. Mrs. A. O'Halloran, 862 Chestnut street, La Salle, 111., abscess on left kid­ ney. Entirely cured in thirty treat ments after doctors said she could live but a short time. This cure was effect ed a year and a half ago. Prof. Leach never fails on stomach, liver, bladder, female trouble, gall or appendicitis. Rheumatism is lly treated in all forms. Address all mail to Professor f. A. Leach, Room 2, Spurting Building, E L G I N , - - I L L I N O I S . FANCY CANDIES! We are proud to announce that we have one of the finest lines of fancy candies ever brought to town and want you to sample it. one Kt CREAM Is also of the kind that has won for us a great reputation. We want 3Tou to call and test it. Giunta Bros. N E A R D E P O T Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 12.1907. WKKK DAT TRAINS. Oh?raRKo. northbound McHeury. 7.00 a Via Elgin 10.17 a m H 4i"> a eq. ..Via Ifes I'lalues 10.1« a id 12..'to p Lii Via Elgin S.ftO p in *1 00 p m Via r>. s Haines 2. (7 p in 3 4ft p m .... Via ltes Plaines 4.45 p m 4.00 um Via Elgin S.40 p m 4.57 pm Via 1>«b Plaines 0.40pm SCNI»AY TRAINS. K.OOa m Via Hps I'lalues 9.37 a in 8.4ft am. ... Via Elgin 11.14 am U.lOa m Via l»tss IMaiues 11.14 am M p m V i a K l g l u -- f 4 . 5 5 p m WKKK DAY TRAINS. McHenry. south bound. Chicago. +7.04 a ni Via l>os l'laim*s 8.30 a iu 7.20 am .Via Elgin 10.10 a m 8!.J8a m Via l>es Plainer # ir> a m 4.23 pm Via H»*s Plalnes 4S.lf> p uj 4.28 pm Via Eiein^j 7.10 p m 6.17 pm Via !><*s Plaiues 7.53pm SOKDAV trains. 7.20 am Via Elgin 10.35 am 7.08 p tn Vla'Den Plalnes 8.25 p ie 7.48pm . . .VI. I»es Plalues ...8.35 dip 7 4N p m ..Via Elgin 10.20 p m •Saturday only. tMonday only. Want Column. All advertisements jnwrtrri under tliis lit*ad at the following rates: KlveMnesor less, 26 centu for first insertion; 15 cents for ea«t» aubsetjuent insertion. More than five iint*^, 5 a line f<»r llrat Insertion, and 3 cents a line for addition* insertion*. A choice farm .of 100 acres 2H M cash, balance long t ime at 5per cent. 51-tf Bank or McIIknry. pvjU SA l.E " miles from McHenry. TJUJR SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. ' Homesteads located. For further Infor mill ion apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 3-t'f PF*AUM FOB SALE One " acre farms in Lake c< of tbe finest 200 unity, under the best of cultivation, situated on the bauks of a beautiful lake. In order to close au estate I offer this farm at, a very reasonable figure and on very low tern<s. Ayply to B, W, In- nkss, Riverside hotel, McHenry. 5-tf Tj>OK SALE--A good farm of 120 acres. Pair s Improvements, H mile of river frontage. Inquire of E. W. Howk, McHenry. 4 The Wm. Phaleu home in West Is offered for sale oil reason T3H>R SA LE McHenry able terms. For further particulars write to Mrs. Phalkn, 73 English Court, Keno­ sha, Wis. 7-3t* rMRL WANTED for general housework- vx will pay front <4.00 to §4.:Vi per week to good girl. Apply to Wm. Bonslktt, 7_tf Wes t McHenry. tju)R BALE--Pedigreed DuroC-Jersey hogs; ut and Sundae People tell us that our Sundaes are in some way better than the best served elsewhere. We think there is a reason, for it. We use the very best materhils to be had and are particular about hav­ ing everything absolutely fresh. Our Ice Cream is a pure cream product and its smoothness and richness is particu­ larly noticfeable in these delicious Sundaes N. H. PETESCH, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Ji NOW Keep Your House Clean We would be glad to "SHOW YOU" How much comfort you can get for a LITTLE MONEY invested in our ^ :.'S SCREENS ...Call on... iS JACOB JU3TEH HcHenry, III. :I Hf M f Ringwood Drug Store Our line of patent medicines is complete in every respect and \Vhen in need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile. Our Soda Fountain is ever in commission. Come in and get\ rid of that tired feeling. A dish ©i^ our delicious ice cream will do it. i: " :: S. W. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. ^ - s; "•k:' ' J £ Groceries! THE FRESHEST AND MOST COMPLETE line TO BE FOUND IN THE TOWN OR COUNTY. * :P, -i. John S WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS* - ">-s> ; * 4CI 1 - -- * \-i

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