Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1907, p. 7

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Fall ancKUinter Suits! 1,500 Samples to select front ^POSITIVELY NO TWO SUITS FROM ONE SAMPLE. > . . I&> ff&ese are the 'very same fabrics, yon will find displayed itt the • shops of exclusive metropolitan tailors. We cordially invite every one to call at our establishment and examine our 1500 n€w cloth > " )' • 1 r* • styles, which are the "best of the several thousands offered to the public this season. They are beautiful cloths. Each one would attract the attention of a New York Broadway Beau Brummel. They do not present any gaudy grandeur, still the beautiful com- colors, superb weave and finish, create an effect that > will captivate anyone who sees them. We stand squa­ rely back of the GARMENTS we make to order f r o m t h e s e cloths with our u n q u a t ' f i e d G U A R A N T E E You cannot buy better Tailoring than we sell. T^pu'Come early and get first choice of the most handsome 1500 S A M P L E S No matter what price you pay--there is none better made anywhere and cer­ tainly thereis no place in town or state where garments like ours can be secured at the low prices we sell them. We positively guarantee tp meet any Chicago or out of town prices, quality considered. Our garments are leading by a good margin, in the tailoring world, in comfort, appearance and quality and we do not expect you to accept them unless they please you in every way. You can spend from, $13.50 to $36.00 for a suit--you cannot make a mistake at any price, as we guarantee every feature of all our garments. SCOURING, PRESSING AND CLEANING, J. D. LODTZ, - - Telephone Number, McHENRY. 251. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS S* NOW Keep Your House Clean We would be glad to- "SHOW YOU" How much comfort you can get for a LITTLE MONEY invested in our SCREENS ...Call on... JACOB JUSTEN flctienry, III. Ringwood Drug Store Our line of patent medicines is complete in every respect and when in need of anything in our line just drop in and let os supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile. Our Soda Fountain is ever in commission. Come in and get lid of that tired feeling. A dish of our delicious ice cream will do it. :: :: S. W. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. Want Column* All tulvertltwmentt; iiitwrteil tnuirr IH'«'l »l the following rate*: Kivc linen or less, 26 cent* for Sret Insertion; 15 ft'iits for each mib*1-411 rut itiHttrUon More than tiv<> linen, 5 cent* a line for llrnt insertion anil Heentrt a.lint* for a<itiiUona inuertioiin. "tMJR SALE--A choice farm of 100 acres 2H A mi It's from Mclieury. >4 cash, Imliince lotIK tluit! Ht f> per ••••tit. FTL-tf BANK or MCIIKNHY. "EVJR 8ALK --Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads Inwtted. For further infor mation apply to or address R. W. Howe. Mc­ Henry. 111. a-tf T OST-Somewhere on Streets of McHenry, a v string of dull gold l>«ads. Suitable re- warcTwlll bt» giyeu If returned Ut Miss LIL- 1,11c LLKIMKit. Mclieury, 111. • LOST- IVx'ket. book, silver chatelaine purse somewhere bet ween N. H. I'etesch's drujt store and Emerald Park. Was a present to loser, who values it, highly. Lilierut reward will be ffiven to finder If returned to N. H. IVtewJi. the druggist. POR KENT - Havinft moved my bliiard and *- pool room to basement I offer for rent, the main floor of I he old Owen building- Will put same in first class condition and remodel to suit ..renter. Apply at ouce to Uw). Y AG Kit. McHenrju 111. 10 tf TjVJlt SALE CIIEAI'-A tobacco aud cigar -1- cabinet, with case attached, lu first-class condition. 1<or further particulars U»cy. YAUKH, MCHenry. III . tpAKM FOK SALE--One of the finest 200 acre farms in Lake county, uuder the best of cultivation, situated 011 the bunks of a beautiful lake. In order to c'ose an estate I offer this farm at a very reasonable figure and on very low terms. Apply to U. W. IN- NKHS. Riverside hotel, Mclieury. 5-tf F°ii _ SALE--A good farm of 130 acres. Fair Improvements, ^ mile of river frontage. Ini|uireof E. W. HOWE, McHenry. 4 /"MKL WANTED for general housework. ^ Will pay from <4.00 to #4.50 per week to good girl. Applylo WM. BONSI.KTT, 7-tf Wes t McHenry. tjMJR SALE--Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey hogs; the best briHMi of swine on tiie market. Oaco. .1. SAVKR. PIKIIIIIM* UHV KTIN'U Farm. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. fO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGE* ARE THE LOWEST. Sctiid model, jjlioto or sketch for exj#rt search and fret* report on patentability.. MFRSNCEMENT nuits conducted btfmv all com' • /its obUtined through us,. jy^V£R- TfSiiO anil SOLO, fr T»*DE MARKS. SIONS and COFVUfGHTR .juiekl.v Opposite U. S„ Patent WASHINCTON, O. C. kly obUiMd. omot, MMMtl Placa Your Order Now. The gorerpment postal authorities have caused to be posted in every poei- office tli the country a circuit letter to the public, urging everyone to nse en­ velopes with a retnrn card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their retnrn to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it. will be put up in first-class manner. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents; and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wis# ordered. Trr It KMKRALD PARK Miss Mary Qibbs la visiting friends in Chicago this week. Bny your gr^c«ri«s this week at Gil­ bert Bros.'and save dollars. Miss Mayrne Ay 1 ward of Elgin is vis­ iting in this vicinity this week. Mrs. T. J. Renuehau of Round Lake visited at R. J. Suttoua Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frey and some frieuds wera a| their cottage Sunday. A number froui here atteuded the county fair Tuesday and Wednesday. Keiter and son, John B., adfl friend spent Sunday at Lake Defiance. Misses Margaret Keefe and Florence Mcdee visited the Misses Knox Friday. S. Romano returned to Chicago Tues­ day after % week's outing at Oak Villa. R. B Sutton and L. E. Walmsiey vis­ ited at Pistakee Bay Mid vicinity Tues­ day. Misses Gertrude and Bemice Blum of Chicago are. guests at the Park this week, Mr. and Mrs. John Hock and Mr. Minnia are visiting L. Huck and family this week. Prof. C. L Hooper of Chicago wan the gneot of J. R. Smith and family one day recently. Wm. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piegel, Sr., were recent gnests at the Berkircher cottage. Mrs. N. Biggy and friend, Mrs. Cum- miugham, of Chicago are visiting in this vicinity at present. S. Romano. T. Salemme, N. Pannella aud R E. Sutton spent a couple of days last week at Petite Lake. Mirwes Lucy aud Ada Carey, Mrs. J Overton aud Miss Lillian McAuliflfe vis­ ited the Misses Knox Monday. Miss Mayine Knox left Tuesday for Keokuk, la., where she expects to at­ tend school during the coming year. Mr aud Mrs. Day of Chicago are guests at the home of the latter's broth­ er, Chas Othan, and wife this week. T. Salemme. N. Pannella and John LaRocco returned to Chicago Saturday after spending a week at the Romano cottage Amerioan field fence--you know of it, and now is your time to buy it. F. L McOinber is offering a limited amount at special prices until Sept. 10. Mrs. C. Fuehrer and daughter, Ber-' nice, Mrs. Anna Kaiser and Miss Paul ina Prokst of < hicago spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. Mid Mrs. Robt. Sohns. Last Thursday evening Leo Smith took a party of young folks for a hay rack ride. It was a lively crowd and judging by the noise all evidently en­ joyed the event. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean giv^s the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement you can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate of fl 75. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blood. Try them for rheu matisia, kidney, bladder trouble, lum­ bago and that tired, worn out feeling. They bring quick relief, Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold at N. H. Peteech's drug store. TKBRA COTTA. Mrs. Chas. Buck spent Wendesday at Palatine. Mrs. Dolan of Chicago is visiting her brother, J. Riley, and family. Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Friday at Henry McMillan's. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss and daughter were McHenry callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan were McHenry callers Friday evening. Miss Eleauor Phalin is spending a few days with relatives at Woodstock. Most of the people from this vicinity are attending the fair at Woodstock this week. W. F. Burke of Chicago, daughter, Mary, and son, Jay, were callers at M. Knox's Wednesday. Mrs. M. Knox, daughter, Frances, and son, Harold, spent Sunday with rel­ atives at McHenry. Mrs. R. Anderson of Richmond spent few days last week with her son, T. R. Anderson, and family. A special sale of American field fence at McOinber's. Buy now and save 10 per cent. Sale closes Sept. 10. v Mrs. A. Cole and daughter of Rich­ mond spent part of laat week with the former's brother, T. R. Anderson, and family. Miss Lizzie Lehman and friend, Miss Miller, of Lake Geneva spent part of last week with relatives and friends in this vicinity. We have arranged with The Weekly i nter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with • ur own, at the exceedingly low rate of 1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. Summer coughs and colds yield at <>nce to Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. ( ontains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. ItH laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs and croup yield quickly. Sold at N. H. Peteach's drug store. RINGWOOD. Warren Foes was a recent Chicago visitor. Will McCannon was a Richmond call­ er Monday. Buy your groceries this week at Gil­ bert Bros.' and save dollars. Miss Ella Beebe of McHenry is spend­ ing the week with Ringwood friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walsh of Grays- lake were Sunday visitors at Ed Whit­ ing's. Mr. and Mrs. Emon Carr of Chicago are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Chas. Shales and Mrs. W. A. Dodge called on relatives at Spring Grove Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Bennett spent several days last week with her aunt, Mr?. B. Johonnott, at Ohicngo. S. W Kelley and family started for Michigan this week, where they will make t heir future home. Missen Clara Smith and Agnes Dodge returned recpntiy from a visit with rel­ atives and friends in Elgin and Chicago. Mesdaiaes Richard Thompson of Mc­ Henry and Eliztbeth Simpson visited Mrs. James Carr in Greenwood Tuesday. Leon and Sarah Dodge returned Tues­ day evening from a week's visit with their sister, Mrs Harry Bacon, in Chi­ cago. Can yon use a 10 gallon stone ^jar for 49c?--just the thing for pickles or meat. At Gilbert Bros.' this week. Look for their ad. J. Bennett went to St. Charles Mon­ day tnorning, having accepted a position as station agent there. His family will join him there in the near future. Mrs. Wm. Whiting and children of McHenry, Mrs. Casper Crumpen and children of Spring Grove and Mrs. Win. Bansaun aiuj daughter of Denver, Colo., were entertained at the home of Mrs. Chas. Shales last Saturday. Remedy Cor Diarrhoea, to Pull. Never Known "I want to say a few words for Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past five years and have recommended to a number of peo­ ple in York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I cannot say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world." S. Jemison, Spring Grove, York County, Pa. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. HOLt'UMBVlLLKf Mrs. Claude Hutson visited at F. Mar. tin's Mondsy. Earl Peck of Beloit is spending his vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Jordan are visiting at W. Harrison's. Miss F rauces W elch of Griswold Lake visited at F. Powers' last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders were call­ ers in this vicinity Sunday evening. Frank Bigggi of Chicago spent several days the past week at W. Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zenk and children spent Sunday afternoon at Geo. Zenk's. Messrs. Cunningham and Dnrand of Chicago spent Sunday at W. Harrison's. Mrs. White of Fox Lake is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Powers, here. Misses Jest-ie Winkleman and Iren«< Davoll visited friends in McHenry Mon day. Mrs. E. Flanders r%tnrned Thursday from an extended visit with Richmond relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. Handera and 'chil­ dren spent Thursday with relatives in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Flanders and children and Mr. and I^rs. C. Hutson spent1 Sunday at Pista- kee Bay. Miss Alice Evanson returned.-to Chi­ cago Tuesday morning after a visit of two weeks with relatives here She was accompanied home by Grace an.i Vera Doherty, who will spend a few days sight-seeing at the metropolis. If you suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree­ able tronble. It will improve the appe tite and aid digestion. Sold at N. H. Peteach's drug store. C Sweet to Eat 1 Candy Bowel Uutive. Lax-ets 5 PROBA TE NE WS i [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.. & to Josephine " 1>i=;ir=r.. „iJK)80 00 William Hepburn Jones, It ~ SiSiTuGus auaajivui^n Calvin .T. Hendricks, master of chan­ cery, to John fc\ Cluxton, t'H lt2ow^ sec ti Nunda, also pc in wHseH sec 31 McHenry « KSWOO MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank J. Howard, 23 Harvard <^lara Kruger, 23 Walworth, Wis. Hundreds of people yearly go thru painful operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy. It is put up in such a form that it can be applied right where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for any form of piles. Price HO cents. Sold at N. H. Pet'esch's drug store. TOUk Misses Maude and Elsie Walton were recent Waaconda visitors. Miss Elsie Smith spent a few days the last of the week in Chicago. Miss Catherine Do well of West Fre­ mont spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Bud Huson of Elgin is visiting at the Ranght farm at present. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wahns- ley, on Thursday, August 22, a son.. M iss Frances R'v»in£ was the gnest of relatives at Fremont (Vntef last week. Mrs. Lanrii HII 'HOU wa» the guest of relatives at Meudota, 111", » few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hanson enter­ tained relatives from Ktoughton, Wis., last week Mr. anil Mrs Claude Richardson of Elgin *pent last **week at the Wm. Dunnill home. Mrs. Charity Ranght attended the Conison Edwards wedding pt Rollins last Wednesday. Mrs. Libbie Clark of Wayland, Mich., Mrs. E. Carpenter of Elgin and Mrs. Ira Smith of Fort Hill were Sunday visit­ ors at A. J. Raymond's. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, paiifful, protruding, blin<^ pilerf disap pear like magic by its use. Large nick­ el-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from you. Headache and constipation disappear when Dade's Little Liver Pills are used. They keep the system clean, the stom­ ach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you jpell. They are for the entire family. Sold at N. H.* Peteach's drug store. Lax-ets 5 c tweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Lautir*. Central h™ McHenry, Illinois. One Ni^t, Sunday, September I J* -- SCENE IN-- Ma's New Husband The Open I UK of Nehool. School opens Monday morning at 9 o'clock. All pupils Wishing to enter, but uncertaiu of their classification, should see the principal on Friday or Saturday afternoon of this week at the schooihouse, between 3 and 4. It is urged that all pupils be prompt to enter on the first day if poesible. WM. F. RICK, Principal. The bites and stings of insects, tan, sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are re lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol- ized. Acts like a poultice and draws out the inflammation. Try it. Price 25 cents. Sold at N. H. Peteach's drug (7* Groceries! THE FRESHEST AND MOST COMPLETE line TO BE FOUND IN THE TOWN OR COUNTY. John Stoffel, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Secure Prof. Lean's Proof ol Oires Vital magnetic healing sieana no drugs, no operations. Prof. Leach, Elgin's vital magnetic healer, has made the most remarkable cures in the past eleven years that have ever been heard of in the middle wast His cures are accomplished very easily t and quickly. Every form of disease re­ sponds readily to the treatment. w • "m: j j* ml itifi nevrf Uikrd U „ New booklet containing many tes& t monials of his cures of prominent per­ sons, who doctored unceasingly for years, has just been issued, It also con- ! tains much other valuable information^ 1 Your request will receive Prof. Leach's personal attention, and copy of booklet promptly mailed to von. All diagnonea are made withont charge. Mention is here made of cures of '*5-| sons residing nearby: Henry Pugh, Woodstock, 111., severe case of stomach trouble. Thirty treat­ ments. Chris Locker, Flannagan, III., appen­ dicitis. Fifteen treatments. ' R. J. Young, 743 First street, LaSalte, 111., stomach trouble and neuralgia of the heart. Thirty treatments. Mrs. R. J. Young, 743 First street, La Salle, 111 , female tronble. This lady ^ could not do any work and was unabl* to sleep. cOfh Mrs. A. Engleking, Hampshire, 111, ring sore on limb. Fifteen treatments Mrs. A. O'Halloran, 862 Chestnut, street. La Salle, III., abscess on left kid* ney. Entirely cured in thirty treat­ ments after doctors said she could live but a short time. This cure was effect­ ed a year and a half ago..' c 5" Prof. Leach never fails on stomach, liver, bladder, female trouble, jet­ stones or appendicitis. Rheumatism J» •• successfully treated in all forma. 2^ Address all mail to ^ Professor f. A. leadi, T RtHMii a. Spurting Building, * E L G I N , - - I L L I N O I S . * »sS Now r ai* rul School! Whenever you are ready we are ready to furnish everything required in school supplies. It pays to get the necessary equipment early and a- void the rush which comes later. This year, as in the past, we shall be headquarters for all that pupils require. Books, Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Pen Holder*, Ink, Erasers, Rulers, Crayons, Composition Books, Drawing Pencils and Paint Boxes Water Colors, Brushes, Etc. You are sui e to find what you want here and will get the best quality for the price. Children giv­ en careful and courteous attention. If you can't come with them send them alone; we will see that they are properly looked after. - • fw •• Alt DRUGGIST mmm. - MtfNitY. si. i^s wft. M. ., .ti

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