Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1907, p. 5

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MCHENRY PLAINDEALER. VOLUME XXXIII. McltENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1907. NUMBER 1 •FAIRY SCENE PROM- "TOYLAND" m II IKE (ENTRALOPECA HOUSE Sunday, Sept. 8. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMlSSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house onffche street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. r*Z-- • '4"- VrPC Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois For the treatment of curable Chronic Diseases (nervous afflic­ tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gout, obes­ ity, catarrh, anemia, general de­ bility, etc. Only Natural Meth­ ods Employed. - - - - Dr. drl Strueli, Prop. 100 State Street, Suite i4«wy„ CHICAGO, ILL. IE**; Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 12,1907 WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Leave Arrive Chicago. NORTHBOUND McHenry. 7.00 am Via Elgin 10.17 a m 8.45 a m Via Des Platnes 10.17 a m 12.30 pm . . . Via Elffin 2„ri0 p m *1.00 p m Via Des I'lalnes 2.37 p m ].(.r) p m Via Des Plalnes 1.45 p m 4.00 p m Via Elgin 6.40 p m 4.97 pm Via Des Plalnes 0.40 pm 8PNDAY TRAINS. 8.00 am Via Dos Plaiues 9.37 a m 8.45 am Via Elgin 11.14 a m 9.10 a m..... ..Via DesPlaines 11.14 am S.08pm Via Elgin 4.55 pm WEBK PAT TRAINS. Me%;. sonrHHonrnv dhlc£o. +7.04 a m Via Des Plalnes 8.30 a m 7.20 am Via Elgin 10.10 am 8.32 am Via DeS"Plalnes 9.35 a m 4.23 p m Via Des Plalnes e.15 p m 4.83 p m Via Elgin 7.10 p m 6.17 p m Via Des Plalnes ,. 7.53 p m SDNDAT TRAINS. 7 JO am Via Elgin .10.35 am 7.08pm -- :...Via Des Plalnes 8.25 p m 7.48 pm Via Des Plalnes 9.35 pm 1 48 p m Via Elgin 10.20 p m •Saturday only, v tMonday only. i KILL the cough LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery HUGE FOR •*& run \^rOLD8 TrW Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB. MOMI1 REFUNDED. Chinese Stewards on Pacific Liners, We sailed from San Francisco, bound 'or Honolulu, on a ship whose stewards and sailors are Chinamen. Even if all does not go well with the boat s motion in days of storm, one cannot fail to be entertained by these spry sons of the orient. The costume worn by the stewards is quite remarkable. For ordinary, ev­ eryday wear they don white garments that lesemble American pajamas In their j=tyle of cut and fit For dinner each evening and on Sundays the white suits ure exchanged for light blue gar­ ments of the same description rather an odd livery to our prosaic finds'. Of course, every Chinaman preserves . a habitual, solemn silence. If, owiug to an interesting conversation, the passen­ ger fails to notice the dish with which the table steward la trying to serve him the patient Chinaman stands im­ movable, with outstretched hand and sphiiixlike countenance, until attention is drawn to him, after which, his duty done, he slips in silence on his way. Plodding, silently, the sailors attended to their duties with mournful faces that Strongly appealed to me. They ate with chop sticks, sitting on their heels the while, and were, in fact, eminently satisfactory specimens in every way.-- Travel Magazine. A Hopeless Case. A Scottish paper tells a story of an old Scottish woman who was "unco' drouthie," without the money to buy "a drappie." "I^assie," she said to her little granddaughter, "gang round to Donald McCallum and bring me a gill. Tell him I'll pay him i' the morn­ ing." Back came the child with a refusal. Donald declined to part with his whis­ ky without the cash. Eager and Irri- tated, the old woman cast about for some means of "raising the wind," and her eye fell upon the family Bible. "Here, lassie," she said, "gie him this and tell him to keep if until I brlug him the siller." Off went the little girl, but she soon returned, still car­ rying the Bible. Donald was obdurate. "He says he maun hae the haultees flrfi|, granny." In anger the disapi>ointed grand­ mother threw up her hands and ex­ claimed: "Losh, did onybody ever hear the like o' that! The man will neither tak my word nor the word o' God for a gill o' whusky!" A Canine Shirker. Rex, a thoroughbred Spitz, must per­ form the painful duty of escorting a certain neighbor home when she has been calling at Q,ur house. However, It Is not without a show of reluctance that he does It. Recently our friend missed her escort, and no amount of whistling proved equal to recalling him. This occurred several times and It was always in about the same place that Rex disappeared. One night our friend determined to discover Rex's little game. After whistling and call­ ing she made a pretense of going on. She stopped in a deep shadow. Around the corner of the nearest house appeared a slinking figure. Stealthily quitting the shadows Rex crept out and peered long and anxiously up the street, whither, as he well knew, he should have continued to conduct the lady. After this he turned shamelessly around and lit out for home.--Chicago Tribune. Barnato Won the Bet. There is a legend of an amusing competition In connection with a dis­ cussion regarding the financial value | of literary genius. Barney Barnato. who was a genius, but not literary", I$gan to chaff some financial jour­ nalists. "You bloomln* fellers don't know nothin' about literature. I'll back myself to write a little piece against any of ypr." The challenge was laughingly ac cepted, and a referee appointed. The papers were thrown a hat, and the referee, after analyzing them, said: "Gentlemen, I am bound to say that the pfrlm must l>e awarded to Mr. Barnato. Ills pto< e Is terse, faultless^, In form, irreproachable In mutter. You yourselves shall judge." And he read out the following essay:. I promise to pay to Mr. X. the sum of ; £100 for his kindness in ar'ti'g tis referee In this Int'er S;!PLT C 11. I.. 15AUXATO. The aw ard was unanimously con- [ firmed by the oomiH»tltors, and the j check was duly honored.--I.ondoL Telegraph.' j Delicately Put. ! "A footman." said a banker, "called j his master up by telephone niul said: j "'I regret to inform you, sir, that I your house Is on tire and f^st burning down.' " 'Oh.' cried the master, 'what a ter­ rible misfortune! But my wife--is she safe?' " 'Quite safe, sir. She got out among the first.' " 'Are my daughters--are they all right 7 "'All right, sir. They's with their mother.' "There was a pause. Then: " 'And what about my uiother-in-law, James ?' " 'That, sir,' said the footmau suave ly, 'was what I wished to speak to you about, sir, particularly. Your mother- in-law is lyiu' asleep in the third story back, and knowlif your regard for her comfort, sir, I wasn't sure whether I ought to disturb her or not, sir.'"-- Los Angeles Times. Amusements the Weed of Mai Baby's Share of Blame. She had been fitted for two gowns, the total cost of which was nearly $600. "JCow," she said to the saleswoman, "I want you to do me a favor." "Certainly," was the prompt re­ sponse. The customer colored deeply. "I want you to make out the bill partly for gowns for me and partly for baby dresses and a baby's cloak." The saleswoman was used to the whims of fashionable women, but this was something she was a little slow In comprehending. The customer ex­ plained. "You see," she said, "my husband Is very fond of our baby, andr If he sees that the bill Is partly for dresses for her--well, he won't mind so much."-- Exchange. Takes His Own Medicine. In Baluchistan when the physician gives a dose he is expected to partake of a similar one himself as a guarantee of his good faith. Should the patient die under his hands the relatives, though they rarely exercise it, have the right of putting him to death un­ less a special agreement has been made freeing him from all responsi­ bility as to consequences, while if they should decide upon immolating him he Is fully expected to yield to his fate like a man. Which Is Your Shortest Hour? "What Is your shortest hojir iu the day?" asked a business man of an ac­ quaintance.' "Don't say you have none. You have, although y*>u may not know It. Everybody has. Of coersc, reckoned by actual measurement, each hour is composed of sixty minutes, yet notwithstanding that chronological ex­ actness the lvwrs vary in length. My shortest hour Is from 2 <o 3 o'clock in the afternoou. I flud upon inquiry that this is the fleetest period for many people. Iu my case so swiftly do those sixty minutes hurry by that I try to crowd lpto them as many of the disagreeable, yet inevitable, things of life as I possibly can. If I have to interview a bore, I see him then; if I have to visit the dentist, I do it then. That hour Is bound to slip away quickly, no matter what happens; therefore the agony of disagreeable scenes seems of shorter duration.**-- New York Sun. Naked Truth. An encounter of wits once took place between the late Eugene Field and a New York woman. £>It was at dinner, and the woman was In evening dress, which was rather decollete. After a skirmish between the two relative to the respective merits of a well known author It would seem that Field came off second best. "Oh, Mr. FleM," exclaimed the wo­ man exultantly, "you must admit that you are fairly beaten at your own game!" Field bowed politely and, with a smile, promptly rejoined, "At any rate, Miss Blank, I have one consolation-- you can't laugh at me in your sleeve." --Llpplncott's. Legend of the Violet. A Latin poem of the sixteenth cen­ tury has a pretty legend of a violet that, In mythological days, was a maiden calleH Ianthis, one of Diana's nymphs. She attracted the attention 01 Apollo, whose admiration she did hot return, and, flying from his pur­ suit, she implored Diana to destroy the beauty which occasioned her so much trouble. Diana granted her request and turned her face to a dull purple. Ianthis, however, soon regretted the loss of her beauty and was pining away with grief, when tlie goddess had pity on her and changed her into a flower, which still shrinks from Apol­ lo (the sun) and hides her modest head in the shade. Miss At Regular Rates. Matilda Owens hung on the Man's Ruling Wish. There Is one wish ruling over man­ kind, and it is a wish which Is never In a single Instance granted--each man wishes to be his own master. It la a boy's beatific vision, and It re­ mains the grownup man's ruling pas­ sion to the last. But the fact is life Is a service. The only question is. Whom shall we serve?--W. F. Faber. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and shonld be taken advant­ age of. Think of what it means! $1.75 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this pager for one year. It's a special deal. Still lr> the Dark. "Does your maid object to being called a servant?" "I don't know. We've only had her two weeks and she hasn't really permitted us to get on speaking terms with her as yet."-- Chicago Record-Herald. % arm of the editor of the Laneville B gle, to whom she had been engag for three years, and endeavored to turn his gaze toward the sky. "Just notice the moon, William 1" sh^ said in a melting voice. "At the usual rates, Matilda, I shal be happy to do so," he replied.™ Youth's Companion. The Return. Magistrate--What! Do you mean to say your husband struck you, and he that physical wreck? Mrs. Maloney-- Yes, yer honor, but he's only been a physical wreck since he struck me.-- Independent. Discontent is the want of self reli­ ance; it Is the Infirmity of wilL--Emer­ son. Too Strenuous. "My son tells me you've discharged him," said the office boy's mother, "and I think that's strange. You ad­ vertised fof a strong boy; and he's cer­ tainly"-- "He's too strong, madam," interrupted the employer. "In the single day he was here he broke all the rules of this office and some of the furniture."--Catholic Standard and Times. Endurance. 'Ethel--How long can a human being live without food? Jack--I don't know about human be­ ings, but I know poets who have been writing for years.--Judge. It has become necessary to modify the old Baying, "Life is what we make It." Life is what we make in it.--Los Angeles Times. THEATRE TALK NO. 3 "HOW SHALL WE AMUSE OUR- SELVES SANELY AND IN GOOD CONSCIENCE?" was a question before a recent meeting of a young men's social organization in Philadelphia. This is a ques ti nof public mot als that must be considered and settled b the great body of amusement and pleasure loving people. Says one editorial paragraph: "IF YOU ONCE MAKE A KULE THAT A MAN CANNOT BE GAY AND AT THE SAME TIME GOOD YOU WILL BE MORE APT TO DECREASE GOODNESS THAN TO DESTROY GAYKTY." "JilAKE THE PEOPLE HAPPIER AND YOU WILL MAKE THEM BETTER." And one of the conservative religious papers recently said, "LET US NEVER BE AFRAID IN INNOCE NT JOY." We need hrarier.;ag up, invigorating, diverting --10 UALOOS& THE PENT STROKE FROM OUR ARMS, THE CAPER FROM OUR HEELS, THE CALL FROM OUR LUNGS AND THE SONG FROM OUR HEARTS. As to the moral character of sports, amusements and pastimes, it is well to remember that they have no char­ acter of any kind except that which the individual gives them. IT IS FOR EVERY MAN TO DECIDE WHETHER HIS AMUSEMENTS SH \LL BE INNOCENT OR OTHERWISE, AS HE DOES WITH HIS TONGUE AND HAND. (twill.cost ran 1 CENT H BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. M DO MOT BUT A BIG YCLE IrZFZZ kind of terms, until you bave received our complete Free Cat*? CES • com factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP OUt APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Pay the Fnirht and allow 10 p-r-.-i- Fr«< Trial and make other liberal terms which no other, house in the wot la • do. You will learn everything and eet much valo- tbie information by simply writing us a postal. OTTO and c:in ler an opportunity fippl J SLfc, OJiCtir.. We need a Rfd*r> Aamnf ' bfe j-to make monev to suitabP- young r 58 PUNGTURi-PROOF TlStES O N L Y NAILS, TACKS OR GlftS 3 WON'T LET our THE AIR RejgSsim* Prfoet I $8e£$& per pair. F© UtttradtMOts W® Wist SeiS If©*? » S&mfste Pain* ios* iQtsiy (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTUKES. Result of 15 years exjx^rience in tire making. No danger from THORNS, CAC­ TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any'other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual IIM. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. the thickrahbrr tread "A" a-maotgure strips "B" and *'I> " also strip *'H™ to prevent rim cutting. Title tir® will ont?.*st any othM make-SO FT. ELASTIC aa4 EASlf HIDING. ONTfft » - WAY TOTiiFCtTY How unfortunate that the abuse of good amusements should have been allowed to give them a bad name. BUT MOST UN­ FORTUNATE 13 1 HE SELFISH INTOL­ ERANCE THAT SO MULTIPLIES "FOR­ BIDDEN THINGS" (one of which some have tried to make the drama) as to make it next to impossible to enjoy life in good conscience. THE YOUNG AND VIGOROUS WANT RECREATION, THE OLD AND HEAVY LADEN WANT RELAXATION. This relief comes to both in witnessing • dramatic production of sterling worth such as "THE TWO ORPHANS" which comes to town in the near future. NO PLAY OF THIS TYPE HAS BEEN MORE SUCCESSFUL. It is romantic in nature, full of emotion THIS IS THfc REAL THING and human inter­ est and while brisk in motion never borders on the sensational. THE VAR­ IOUS PICTURESQUE CHARACTERS ARE ALL IN THE HANDS OF CAPABLE PLAYERS, and a complete scenic produc­ tion is given. IT IS THE KATE CLAX- TON VERSION, (that noted actress having made the play famous) that will be presented here and the management says wYOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK." \M CANDIES! We are proud to announce that we have one of the finest lines of f^ncy candies ever brought to town and want you to sample it. OUR ICE (REAM Is also of the kind that has won for us a great reputation. We want you to call and test it. Giunta Bros. NEAR DEPOT Promptly obtain^!, or FEE RETURNED. 20 VEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHANCES ARC THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert -earrh and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suita conducted before all court*. Patents obtained through us. ADVER­ TISED ami SOLD, free TRADE-MARKS. PEN­ SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained., Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, bnt The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can seenre both papers for one fnll year for the very low rate of $1.75. Take advantage of our specially low rate of $1.7£ for this paper and The Weekly Inter-Ocean for one year. DESCRIPTION t Made in all sires. It is lively and easy ridine verv durable and lin«l in*u. will, a special .quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and whkhlloses up small without a! owing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customerssStiS that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season The^eLh ̂ morfthSf an ordinary tire, the puueture resisting qualities being given by several lavers of thin srveri«li= prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding in^phalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from bein® squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overturning all suction The regular price of thesl tires is JS 50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received We ship C o. D. on approval. you send plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid ordeVs71hese'meUl puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as i?[ anker, Express or Freight Agent or the Kditor of this these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run a bank. Ask your Postmaster, Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Kditor of this paper about us. If you "order a" pair"ol faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than an v tire you hn ve ever used or seen at any price. We know that you'will be so well pleased that when you want a bicvclc von will give us your order. We want you to send as a small trial' order at otice, hence this remarkable tire offer. gin A GTTD-n&AifICO built-up-wheels, saddles, pedala, psrts and repairs, and a everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUNDRY catalogue. I)/) Jtf/IT* IMfJ&tY but write us a Postal today. 1H> NOT THINK OF BUYING t bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until vou know the new -irl wonderful offers we are making. If ortlv coats a postal to learn everytbiin' ">""ii(e it NOW 0 MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. "JL" G NIC AGO, ILL. Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and ««Uh Foreiern and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care iu a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- burgh Creamery Butter Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, IU. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits A l l shapes an'1 size„s. Sev­ eral priK)fs to s«'le<-t from. Kuch doz­ en tin is lied In different styles, Price. frJ.tKI mid upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for .all kinds of outtk*»r work, such as group pictures, views < buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Cul&rg«m«nts Copied from any small picture. Likeness guarantee" in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Frames A variety of styles in stix'k to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., nearthe Stiindplpe. WEST McllENKY, ILL. Telephone, 493 Bead The Plaindealer "w«nt" ads Cbat new Harness i-i A V J£ you placed * * your order for your new spring har­ ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen i n Mc­ Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices. :: :: m. Jl. Cbcicn, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. & Why Not give us your next order for that steak ? We would be pleased to fill it for you. We know that we can please you as we handle nothing but the best. Buy your meats where you know you are being given a fair deal and honest prices. That is what we do Here every day in the week. Our line of Sausages, - Salt and Smoked Meats is always fresh and up- to-date. E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. TfTETTRTGINA L LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Ml for Couah, •••ry bout*. C O N T A I N I N G HONEY-TAR All eottfc ttymp* Mlatoe mat*, •fit* . Boe*• Laxative Sm«t PA4 nl Bmttti fc#w*u *at «nta»a M irfiiii. N. ti. PETESCH, I *

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