•1- McHENRY PLAINDEALER NUNDA. ILL., SEPT. 19, J 907 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Official Proceeding* of the Annwl Sep- t«mh«F MMtlDgt 1907. The honorable board of supervisors of JrfcHenry county. 111., met in annual session at the court house Woodstock, 111., on the 10th day of Sept. 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. m. . Board was cailed to order by the chair man, James Lake. At roll-call, the following named sup ervisors were present: N. Brotzman, A. A. Crissey, H. E. Whipple, James Lake, John Baldock, Wm. Desmond, F. D. Perkins, J. H. Calbow, H. F. Heine- mann, B. C. Jewett, H. M. Turner. L. B. Covell, J. B. Richardson, J. C. Ladd, Ben Throop, and L. E. Mentcii. The report of the special committee of Hartland bridge was read to the board, and on motion of Sup. Desmond was approved as follows, to-wit: To G. F. Rushton, County Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois: The undersigned, the committee appointed by the board of supervisors of said coun ty to represent the interests of said county in the matter of the building of a bridge across the Pisgasaw creek be tween sections seven and eighteen, in the township of Dunham in said coun ty hereby certify that the bridge con structed by the Joliet Iron and Bridge company, of Joliet, under contract en tered into on September 6th, A. D. 1906, has been completed as per speci fications and that the same is in all re spects satisfactory, and has been ac cepted by us, we would therefore. In accordance with the resolution passed at the June meeting, 1907, recommend the pavment to said bridge company of $785.00 and to the commissioners of highways of the township of Dunham the sum of $94.45 and that the clerk of this county, In accordance with said resolution be authorized to forward a draft for the amounts as aforesaid to the parties entitled thereto. Ben Throop. Chairman. A. A. Crissey . C. W. Thompson A list of claims against the county was presented by the clerk and re ferred to the committee on claims. The matter of county tax levy for the current year, 1907, was presented by the clerk and on motion of Sup. Baldock, was referred to the commit tee on finance. The delinquent district road tax lists of the town of Hebron were presented to the clerk by Sup. Turner, and by him to the board, and on motion of Sup. Covell, they were referred to the committee on roads and bridges. On . motion of Sup. Desmond, board ad journed until 2 p. m. a p. M- Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll-call, all supervisors present ex cept Sup. Thompson. R port of H. E. Whipple, special com mittee on claim of Dr. Robert Hutch inson for care of Hans Johnson was road to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry County, ss Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred • the investiga tion of Dr. Hutchinson's claim for tak ing care of Hans Johnson, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: I find that Hans Johnson's personal property, ac cording to the assessed valuation for the past three years is as follows: For the year 1905, it was $1205.00; for the year 1906, it was $1020.00; for the year 1907, it was $1185.00. Also that he paid his taxes in March, 1906. which were $6.98, and in March, 1907, which were $5.56. I find that there was a mortgage giv en by said Hans Johnson, Dec. 11, Wtf, for $771.13, on 19 cows and o horses, with an agreement that one-half of the milk produced from said cows was to be paid on note for which mortgage was given. I also find that in the fall of 1906, said Hans Johnson rented a farm of 120 acres and gave a mortgage on his ma chinery for $430.00, to secure said rent, which has been paid monthly to date. All of which is, respectfully submitted. H. E. Whipple, committee. On motion of Sup. Desmond duly sec onded by Sup. Brotzman. the bill of $97.50 for the care of Hans Johnson, by Dr. Robert Hutchinson, was allowed, and tlve clerk of the county was ordered to proceed to collect the same from Boone county. The committee on claims of county poor and reliefs made the following re port, which, on motion of Sup. Mentch, seconded by Sup. Richardson, was ap proved. to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, County 'of McHenry, ss. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims, county poor and reliefs would beg leave to report that they have ex amined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the fol lowing, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows,' to-wit: Robert Hutchinson, treatment for • Myrtle Read 515 05 E. Windmueller. exam, blind 8 00 N. J. Juestin, coffin for Matt Beck er 23 00 Illinois Eastern Hospital, expenses of Anna Wollert 5 10 Northern Hospital for Insane, paup- 1 er bills .. .. 61 16 Illinois Asylum for Incurable In sane pauper bills 53 95 bills ...119 90 F. J. M.aha, services; .. ..15 00 E. M. Blocks, services and merchan dise to Ed Powell 23 00 J. I. Wernhain, M. D. services and rcdse. to Glen Driver 8 86 J. J. Stafford, burial and casket of John' McComb Iff 00 Town of Nunda, transient pauper expense .. .. , .. 209 St. Joseph's Hospital, care Charles Seward 10 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. A. A. Crissey, Chairman. • F. D. Perkins J. C. Ladd L. E. Mentch William Desmond The committee on claims, labor fees and supplies, made the following report, wliich was adopted on motion of Sup. j>p«riond. seconded by Sup. Baldock, to- wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims, labor fees and supplies, would beg leave to report that they have ex amined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the fol lowing. and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: A. Dwight Osborn, merchandise for sheriff $ 7 35 Woodstock Sentinel Co, supplies circuit clerk . .. 38 65 Woodstock Sentinel Co, printing rules for Co. judge . 30 00 P. F. Pettibone Co, supplies coun ty officcs... 196 0S Woodstock Sentinel Co, supplies county clerk and township schools 43 15 Woodstock Ex. and Telephone Co, services for 4 phones, county of fices 65 00 Roy G. Scott, supplies county clerk 11 50 Dacy Lumber Co, lumber for court house 4 90 Nunda Herald,supplies state's attor ney 19 00 F. M. Bunker, ex, refund of coun ty tax 10 35 Edward A. Foley, services as com. R. Ferperson. Insane 5 00 Mark Mortensen. 1 mo. services as janitor .' . 50 00 A. Still, 1 day destroying ballots.. SOU F. L. Kirnberly, same 2 00 Callahan & Co, 111. App. Report, Vol. 127 2 75 Hammond & Stephens Co, supplies county superintendent 32 00 C. M. Parker, same.... 40 00 Murphy & Mullen, supplies bought by sheriff.., 38 60 W. D. Kingsley, work done at court house 6 00 A. S. Wright, drugs for inmates of jail 9 96 James Lake, services 50 days on board of review 200 00 W. P. St. Clair, 54 days services on board of review 216 00 Theodore Hamer, 10 days service as sisting board of review 30 00 J. T. Bower, 54 days service on board of review 216 00 Keystone View Co, supplies for Co. * supt 20 80 William Desmond, clerk board of re view. 51 daT* 2"4 00 Geo. W. Conn, Jr., clerk hire and Incidental expenses 93 83 Lewis Vogel, services for Albert Clabun 16 60 A. A. Crissey, committee work.. .. 3 90 L. B. Covell, special com. work 4 10 Republican News Co, blanks 13 75 H. M. Turner, com. work 8 20 Bej» Throop, special com. work.. .. 3 90 Mark Mortensen, Janitor for Aug. and July ioo 00 National office supply Co I'D Wm. Desmond, com. work 3 00 Homer Whipple, same It* 20 L. K. Mentch, same 4 ?0 John Baldock. same 7 CO V. E. Jones, livery board of review 3 £0 City of Woodstock, light and water 34 05 E. V. Anderson, attending prisoners Co. jail n 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. N. Brotzman Ben Throop L. B. Covell J. H. Calbow H. E. Whipple The special committee on aid for Hart- land bridge made the following report, which was adopted, to-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of giving aid in building a bridge ovt-r the Klshwaukee creek between sections 3 and 10, in the township of Hartland, would beg leave to submit the follow ing report on the matters before them: Your committee would report that the cost of building the approaches to 'said bridge was forty-five and eighty one hun dredths dollars, and would recommend that an order In favor of the commis sioners of said town of Hartland be drawn for the sum of twenty-two and •Ighty one hundredths, (S22.S0) being one half the cost of building said approaches. All of which Is respectfully submitted. H. M. Turner, Chairman. John Baldock J. C. Ladd would beg leave to submit the follow ing report on the matters before them: That we have ascertained the several items of necessafy expenditures for county purposes as near as possible hrid recommend that the sum of" thirty-five thousand ($35000*00) dollars be levied as . a county tax cn pi! the taxable prop erty of said county and state aforesaid for the year 1907, and the county clerk is hereby instructed to extend said amount on all the taxable property in the county in accordance with this re? port for the following specified purposes;. For salary county judge.. '.. .. 1500 00 For county services, county clerk, sheriff and treasurer 2500 00 For clerk hire and office expens es county supt. of schools.. .. 70C 00 For stationery, postage, express and county officers 2400 00 For clerk hire, witness fees, etc., board of review 400 00 For per diem board of review.... 700 00 For mileage and per diem circuit and county court jurors 2500 W For coroner's and jurors fees at Inquests 250 00 For fees of birth and death re ports 250 00 For bounties under state law woodchuckB and crows 3500 00 For Indigent poor at poor {arm and asylums...'. 500 00 For fuel, light, water and court house and jail...* 2500 00 For relief of the blind 1612 50 For general and primary election expenses 3500 00 For general repairs court house and jail 1000 00 For general repairs poor farm.. 1500 00 For janitor services and supplies court house and Jail 1200 00 For dieting prisoners 800 00 For sheriff's deputy* hire, livery etc 1100 00 For court reporter.-,, 500 00 For insurance on county buildings 300 00 For contingent expenses, repairs, extra help, labor, law books, furniture and county aid in building bridges 37V7 50 For per diem, mileage and spe cial committee work of mem- bers board of supervisors.. .. 2000 00 $35000 00 A11 of which Is respectfully submitted. John Baldock. Chairman. A. A. Crissey H. F. Heinemann J. H. Calbow The committee on roads and bridges made the following report, which was adopted, to-wlt: STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Mr. Chairman and. Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom, was referred the various road warrants of the town of Hebron and the highway commissioner's certificate of tax levy for said town would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have ex amined all road warrants returned to the county clerk and would recommend that the county clerk be instructed to spread all unpaid district road tax of the several warrants, on the collector's book for the year l:Ki7. We would fur ther recommend that the certificate of tax levy lor road and bridge tax of the highway commissioners of said town of Hebron laid before this board by H. M. Turner, supervisor of said town, be approved, and that the county clerk be directed to extend a road and bridge tax amounting to two thousand three hundred, (2300) dollars, the same being less than forty cents on the hundred .dollar valuation. In accordance with the certificate of said highway commission ers. All of which is respectfully submitted. L. B. Covell, Chairman. J. C. Ladd N. Brotzman J. B. R'chardson F. D. Perkins goods !2 47 E. V. Anderson, medical attend ance 1® Continental Bridge „Co, bridge cov er ,. .. .. 42 - Jos. Sheahan, I'abor on cess poo).. Viola Swanson, attendant., 22 69 G. K. Mills, superintendent.. .... 489 47 Q. KL Mills, incidentals.. .... .... 45 78 Total.... .... .. ........$2533 90 Plus supplies on hand March 22, 1907 .. .. 88T S0 $3421 80 Less supplies on h&rid....$ «14 70 >- Less board private pa- • tients i. .. 8100 Less sale of live stock.. 100 20 Less permanent Improve ments 456 38 Less clothing 175 24 Less med. attendance.... 16$ 10 Less tobacco 24 96 $1620 58 Net running expenses.. .. .. $1801 22 Total number of weeks, 914 6-7. Rate per week. $1.97. Bills were sent to towns and Individ uals as follows: N. Brotzman, Riley $ 52 64 A. A. Crissey, Marengo 110 68 H. E. Whipple. Dunham 7 04 Jas. Lake, Chemung 109 68 John Baldock, Alden 100 68 Wm. Desmond, Hartland 61 95 F„ D. Perkins, Seneca 50 76 J. H. Calbow, Coral 47 08 H. K. Heinemann, Grafton 10a 43 E. C. Jewett, Dorr 560 61 C. W. Thompson, Greenwood.. .. 147 32 H. M. Turner, Hebron 48 79 J. C. Ladd, McHenry 200 32 Ben Throop. Nunda 221 06 L. E. Mentch. Algonquin 155 42 McHenry county 173 81 L. A. Walkup for John White.. 81 90 All of which is respectfully submitted. William Desmond, Chairman. II. E. Whipple ' L. B. Covell Ben Throop A. A. Crissey L. E. Mentch The county treasurer's abatement tax lists for 1!K)6, read to the board and ap proved, and on motion of Sup. Des mond, the clerk was directed to issue summons to collect where possible. On motion of Sup.' Mentch. seconded by Sup. Turner, the state's attorney was authorized to contract for expenses of the witnesses in the prosecution of the case of the People vs. Perrin. On motion of Sup. Mentch, seconded by Sup. Desmond, the clerk was ordered to proceed to coHect from Lake Co., III., for collection of burial expenses of Ed Powell. The clerk presented a communication from Frank H. Hall of Aurora, 111., which is as follows, to-wlt: Aurora. 111.. July 31, 1907. Mr. F. E. Thayer, President of the Farmers' Institute, Woodstock, III. Dear Sir: The boards of supervisors In twenty-five counties of Illinois made ap propriations last year for Farmers' In stitutes ranging in amounts from $25 to $200. A few of the counties near you gave amounts as follows: Lake Co., $50; Winnebago, $200; Kane, $100; DeKalb $200; Carroll. $100; DuPage, $200; JoDav- less, $75; Ogle, $100; etc. ^ I have just learned that Sangamon county appropriates this year for the Farmers' Institute, $300. Yours truly. Frank II. Hall. Whereupon, on motion of Sup. Ladd, seconded by Sup. Whipple, an appro priation of $75.00 was made to aid in carrying out the work of the farmers' institute. The committee on finance made the following report which, ou motion of •up. Desmond, seconded by Sup. Whip ple, was approved. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of a county tax levy for the year 1907, The committee on poor farm made the following report, which on motion of Sup. Heinemann. seconded by Sup. Rich ardson. was approved, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on poor house and farm beg leave to submit the following report: Committee met at the poor farm Aug. 22, 1907, for the purpose of auditing the bills and ascertaining the cost per week of keeping the poor from March 22, 1907, to Sept. 1, 1907. Members of com mittee present. Desmond, Whipple. Cris sey. Throop, Covell and Mentch'. The following bills were presented, read and ordered paid: A. B. Pratt & Son, meat $i< 11 Mrs. J. M. Thomas, clothing.. .. 7 13 E. L. Hanaford. oil 36 06, B. S. Austin, groceries 26 40' H. A. Stone, boots and shoes.. .. 36 90 Thorne & Son, clothing 100 65 Schuett & Sehaaf. farm supplies.. 20 15 T. B. Merwin, blacksmithing 34 50 John Tong. repairing 73 Dacy Lumber Co, lumber and ce ment 84 12 H. H. Bosshard, mill feed... 73 01 Wm. Wiley, grinding 1 25 . C. D. Barker, harness goods.. .. 9 30 C. F. Gaulke A Sons, meats.. .. 65 46 Ike Miller, groceries and tobacco 290 03 Whitsor. Bros, hardware.. .. .... 5S 70 Mead Charles, groceries 81 27 A. D. & J. A. Kennedy, same 60 60 A. S. Wright, antiseptic 92 03 A. S. Wright, paints an<l glass.. 63 85 A. S. Wright, medicines 9s» 50 Bunker r.ros, groceries 73 70 M. N. Wien. dry goods 15 07 Murphy & Mullen, same 48 17 L. T. Hoy. drugs 32 85 Chas. Hachman. harness goods.. 4 60 Hall & Eckert, lumber 62 31 E. G. Griebel, repairs 12 35 Buell & Olmstead, feed 68 88 Walters & Burger, repairs l 40 Willis Dlsbrow. groceries 84 9C Woodstock Dry Goods Co, dry The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: The committee on education begs leAve to submit the following report: We have examined the books of the county superintendent of schools containing the accounts of the superintendent with the various funds of the schools and find the same correct. The account with the distributable fund shows that the sum of $5349.00 has been distributed to the Various township treas urers and there Is left on hand a bal ance of $183.46. The account with the institute fund shows a balance in the hands of the county treasurer at the close of the school-year. July 1, 1907, of $68 52. The total amount received from the annual township exercises and now in the hands of the superintendent is $92.97. The proceeds of the annual township ex ercises are invested in travelling librar ies for the country schools. There are now twelve such libraries circulating among the country schools of McHenry county. An examination of the running expen ses of the office of county superintend ent reveals a total cost for incidental expenses and clerk hire for the past year of $433.13. Respectfully submitted. Committee on Education. J. B. Richardson. J. H. Calbow John Baldock The following Is a statement of the cost of supporting the poor for the var ious towns for the year ending March 31, 1307, as appears from the records of the overseers of the poor, filed with the clerk: Hartland. Burton. Alden, $211.15. Richmond. Chemung. $1804.11. Hebron, $135.67. Riley, $l07.O4. Greenwood. $328.00. Marengo. Dorr Dunham. Grafton. Nunda. Coral, $115.40. McHenry, 9873.79. Seneca, $114.26. Algonquin, $651.49. JAMES LAKE, Chairman. Attest: G. F. RUSHTON. Clerk.