V EVERYBODY ELSE . is a remark that ever}* man likes to near about himself. Men the world over are beginning to realize that there are no ungainly men. Those who appear so are pimply the men who do not know how to dress. Let some one choose for'them the right fabric and color, see that it is made up with right lines and PRESTO? they blossom out with a charm of which nobody has ever dreamed. '7 A*;-: is to o-o where a wide run^e in choice of woo|ens is dis played. We hrtve 1,500 Samples nt'-the latest do- m^-tu; and 1'oivign stapies ---niu'i'lttes, etc. ICvvry jjariiK-nt we sell is made at our establishment for the wearer. Style unquestion able the latest- --PRICKS SO LOW that men who !ia e onlv a limited amount .0 spend ior their clothing find in them the opportun ity to dress right for little money. " " " - " Durability Assured by Our Responsible (juarantce of Hip (Me Ndteridls m Skilled Workmansliip. Suits, made to order Overcoats, made to order Pants, made to order Fancy Vests, made to order $13.50 to $36.00 $13.50 to $34.00 $3.75 to $11.25 $3.50 to $7.50 J. D. Lodtz, - flcHenry NOW Keep Your House Clean We would be glad to- "SHOW YOU How much comfort you can get for a LITTLE MON EY invested in our ...Call on... JACOB JUSTEN flcHenry, III. Ringwood Drug Store Our line of patent medicines is complete in every respect and when in need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this jn a manner that will make you smile. Our Soda Fountain is ever in commission. Come in and get rid of that tired feeling. A dish of our delicious ice cream will do it. :: s. w. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. A STORE FOR EVERYBODY Come and give us a call. We will be pleas ed to show you our Goods. We carry a complete line of Boots and Shoes, and pay special attention to R E P A I R I N G . Lt West McHenry, 111. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B V OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS fAN(Y (AIMS! We are proud to announce that we have one of the finest lines of fancy candies ever brought to town and want you to sample it. OUR I(E (REAM Is also of the kind that has won for us a great reputation. We want you to call an<! test it. Giunta Bros. NEAR DEPOT KLUliCiriEUl. W. h. Mituroe whs 4 Numt» visitor Fri'lav; Mrs F. \Y, I'artiuau in Nanda Monday. M r.s E Sentre was io Wtvw'nt^cfe last Tue»Ua\ Mrs A. Hansen ami jo is were in Nanria Monday. Mr* .) B. Lynch was in Janeaville ami riarvanl Monday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. S. Merchant were Wood stock callers Tuesday. Mrs. Throop of Nnnda was calling »t J. G. Hartman's Monday. Mi*s Emma Wagner of Algonqnin visited at T. Wille's Friday-. F. Wille aud stms were at Hnntley on bnnnue^H one dav last week : Rev. D. H. Dickey is attending pres bytery at Savannah this week. Chas Merchant of Walworth vinited hi» uephew. S. Merchant, Thursday. Mrs Anna Hunt and daughter, Lila. of Elkfin are vixitinu nt H. L Oilfield's. Mm F. H. .tackman of Woodstock visited her parent*In re from Saturday an til Tuesday. Don't fait t>> attend the alio1": Friday night a* quite a little home talent i« to be displayed. A F l)nv«f atj'l dmitfliter retnrned to their Austin Itmue Friday Mr Button and lister are <x- -upyiug ilit-ir (mri^e "luriirg their iio^eucn. St'Ht XM, N'OTI.S. Work is going smoothly. The water color «•'«-« ha« Iwtrnn work. There are seveml new pupil* in school. Our t.iinl •'lirollment is now I'ortv-live Mrs l'eterson anil Miss Peterson vis it! d s, |i, Mil Tltuis •!;» v Lost and t~uurf<i. Ij.)hr, between !i;>0 p. u». yestenlav and ihh)ii todty h oili..ns attack, with tmusea and si. k lieadai he. This loss was occasioned l>\ the tl 1 <<Ii 11 ̂ at N. H. Petesi-h s aiid F.#Masqnelet's, MrHenry, and (*. \V. liesley's. West McHenry, drug r-tores a box of Dr. King's New Lite IMis the gnarar.teed < nre for bil iousness, malaria and jantulice. 25c. KUKKA l.l> I 'AKK j. E. Smith spent Wednesday at Hampshire, Miss Alice Sutton is spending this week in Elgiu Edward Portman of Chicago called in this viciuity "Sunday. W111. E. Heuney of Chicago was a San- day visitor at the Park. Miss Anna Frisby of McHenry visited at R. .1 Sutton's Sunday. Miss Alice Smith is spending a few days with her grandparents. Miss Nellie Biggy is spending a few days with Ueo. Frisby aud family. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Frisby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs Sunday. F. Geary of Wauconda was a busi ness visitor in this vicinity Snnday. Mr. and Mrs B .1 Cohan of Chicago were at the Park Snnday aud Monday. Messrs. .1, B and Ed Kelter^f Chica go spent Snnday fishing at Lake Defi ance. Mrs. H. Bending returned to Chicago Saturday after spending a few weeks at the Park. Mrs. M Conley of Chicago was the guest of her brother, W. Bolger, and family Sunday. Peter Smith of Humphrey, Neb., is visiting his cousin, J. R. Smith, and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. A. Cohan aud daughter spent last Saturday and Sun day at their cottage Don't worry about your kidneys wheu yon can obtain days' treat ment of Pinenles for $1.00. These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. K\Ki I'Tnli S NOTICE. Ksliil-eof John Cleury. liecenKerl. Tin' uililersljriied having lieen apitointed I r.xecul.or of llie last Will :ui<l Text an.t ril of I .lohli cleury liei-east'd. I ale of the County of ! Mi-I leni-y mill ji| :ite of Illinois, hereby jiives I not lee I hat he will appear befoi-e t he County I Court of Mi-Henry County, at the Court ! House in WiKxtstoek. ut t lie Novenilinr Term, , on 1.lie lirst Monthly in November next, at wliii-h t inie all persons having elaluis aKalnsl sai<1 K.st ite are holilied ami rci|u«-*U"(i to at lenil for t lie pur pose of having the same ad - j justed A11 persons indebted to said Kstate requested to tiiake iniinediale payment undersigned. <1 this Hit 11 day of September, A. I». liKK .Iamks B. I'krkv. Kxeei.t »r. t ,o t he Hat 1 i;(-;tt Mrs. Jnines Kirwan spent Saturday Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent Thursday in Libertyville Olfa C. Mnrray of Johusbnrgh was in town recently. Misa Maude Walton of Ronnd Lake was at home Snnday. Hans Hendricks of lugleside made a business trip to Volo Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Suniner Bauer of Ronnd Lake were Volo callers Snnday. Mrs. John Richardson was the guest of relatives in Des Plaines Sunday. C. G Huson and son. Lee, of Liberty ville were Volo callers one day last week. Miss Kate Caspers of Big Hollow spent Saturday and Snnday with her cousin. Miss Anna Miller. Miss Klida Russell has gone to Wau- kegan, where she v ill resume her work at the Waukegan Business college. Mr Mini Mrs. Eugene i^ramer and children of Chicago were guests at the Rossdentscher home one day recently. Mrs . ientlie Ciwsmati ot Ron lid Lake a-id Mi»s ftlith ('Hrpeuter of Elgin were Volo visitors Thursday afternoon. Your skin slionlil I>e clear and bright if your liver is in normal condition. Dade's Little Liver Pills'act 011 the liver and headache, constipation and bilions- Hhss disappear. Price 2ft cents. Sold at N. H PrtMsch's drug storw. The Rev Th< s C^wayle of the Lake Cuitity Law and Order league conduct ed services at the Volo M. E. church last Snuday afternoon He will also preach there next Sunday afternoon. Sept. 22, at 'i.lMl p. tn Everyone wel come. The Touch That Heals is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's tlie happiest combination of Arnica fiovvers and healing balsams ever com pouuded. No matter how old the sore or uh erthis Salve will enre it. For hnrns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles it's an absolute cure. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. PROBATE NEWS NW IKurnistied by McHenry County Abstract Company. Woodstock. Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Michael Welch to F.lla I,. Wlikin*. Its 7. K & 11 l lanly'sout lots. McHenry f 1 &c l.ydia M. Owed et al Art.lnir M. Mc Coy. el nl, pt lie1* sec It") Jfc pt nw1*' sec :«», Mcllenry, range s «25 01) MAItlilAUK LICENSES. W111 G. Schroeder, 24 Huntley Anna Johuson, 22 huntley Alva Rugg, ill Richmond Kate Haskins, 25 Richmond Henry Timni, 30, , <'rystal Lake Emma Schuldt, 20 Crystal Lake Deithrick Dascher, 514 Marengo Emma Albright, 20 Riley Mark Wakeley, 21 Harvard Jennie Barnes, 25 Harvard Roy Still. 20 Seneca Lillian Coffman, 18 Seneca Groceries! THE FRESHEST AND MOST COMPLETE line TO BE FOUND IN THE TOWN OR COUNTY. I WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. fP Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted local])', bnt The Weekly Intpr-Gcean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can seenre both papers for one full year for the very low rate of $1 75. Fifty Years the Standard DR tftlCK ~ CREAM BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tartar Powder Hade from Grapes 1 NO ALUM FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINIINO, *5.00 dn<j UPWARD House and Paiiitinjr and al I Interior 1 lee- orating. Resilience north town line one blocK wes, of river. Telephone No.2H. MCHENRY, - - - fLuNois The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special dea|" price of fl.75 for the two. Read TJm. Plaindealer. Frankriasquelet I kot'p in stock all the standard Patent Medicines and Druggists' Sundries. We have a large and well ^ selected stock of Sponges, Chamois Skins, Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces, Package Dyes, Dye Wopds and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Cologne, Hay Rum, Florida Water and Extracts for the Hand kerchief. Our stock comprises all of the popular odors. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Toilet and Fancy Goods Toilet Soaps, Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Infant Powders, Tooth Powders, Satchet Powders, Toilet Cases, Dressing and Fine Combs, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Dust [{rushes, Artists' Brushes, Marking •Brushes, Camels' Ilair Pencils. Also handle Window Glass of all sizes. Call and see us. Your patronage is always appreciated and no matter how small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be our con stant aim to sell you the best goods that can be ob tained at reasonable prices. Living, as we do, just over our store we can attend to your wants at all hours, d:iy or night. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: •~t McHENRY, ILLINOIS. & THROUGHOUT SGIOt TEAR we shall see to it that every require- ment in the way of SCHOOL SUP- PLIBS is met by our stock. Our Aim is to have it complete aodon dvery item possible to give better values than can be had elsewhere at the pi ice. N. H. PETESCH, Druggist. 'Phone, 274. McHenry. "I i A SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL SIZtiS OF jlmnrinn FinlH Fnnrinrt hiiiuiuiii lien ===== NOW IN STOCK: I Cllllll^ A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT FROM FORMER LOW PRICES WILL BE GIVEN ON ALL PURCHASES OF FENCE MADE ON AND BE FORE SEPTEMBER TEN. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. :,C: "I OUR NEW LINE OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING SAMPLES IS HERE AND WE BELIEVE IT TO BE BY FAR THE FINEST WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO SHOW. WE WANT EVERY MAN IN McHENRY TO SEE THE DIS PLAY AND GET OUR PRICES. Phone No. 363. M. J. Walsh . \ - •>4 j..?" i ' "1 1