Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1907, p. 5

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4- He Is Not Dressed Like EVERYBODY ELSE a" remark that every man likes to hear about himself. * Men the world over are beginning to realize that there are no ungainly men. Those who appear so are simply the men who do not know how to dress. Let some one choose for them the right fabric and color, see that it is made up with right litres and PRESTO! they blossom out with a charm of which nobody has ever dreamed. is to go where a wide range in choice of woolens is dis­ played. We have 1,500 % Samples of the latest do­ mestic a,nd foreign staples --novelties, etc. Every srarment we sell is made at our establishment for the wearer. Style unquestion- ablv the latest--PRICES SO LOW that men • who havo only a limited amount Lo spend for their clothing find in them the opportun­ ity to dress right for little money. :: :: Durability Assured by Our Responsible (iiiarantee of Hifli (irafle - Materials and Skilled Workmanship. Suits, made to order Overcoats, made to order Pants, made to order Fancy Vests, made to order $13.50 to $36.00 $13.50 to $34.00 $3.75 to $11.25 $3.50 to $7.50 J. D. Lodtz, - flcHenry A* -TO THE--*- riouicQ The first question that confronts the newly wedded ones is the furnishing of the home. Furnishing the home as it should be done is no small task and often means a great deal of worry and hard work. We are in the HOME FUR­ NISHING BUSINESS and will, at any time, be only to glad too assist those wishing our as­ sistance. Our line of Furniture comprises the kind that makes the home both comfortable and cheerful. With quality and honest prices as our motto, we invite your inspection of our stock. JACOB JUSIH, Ringwood Drug Store Our line of patent medicines is complete in every respect and when in need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile. Our Soda Fountain is ever in commission. Come in and get rid of that tired feeling. A dish of our delicious ice cream will do it. :: :: S.3W. BROWN, Ringwgod, Illinois. A STORE FOR EVERYBODY Come and give us a call. We will be pleas­ ed to show you our Goods. We carry a complete line of Boots and Shoes, and pay special attention to R E P A I R I N G . L t NORDSTROM West McHenry, 111. FANCY CANDIES! We are proud to announce that we have one of the finest lines of fancy candies ever brought to town and want ytiu to sample it. OUR ICE (REAM Is also of the kind that has won for'us a great reputation. We want you to call and test it. Giunta Bros, NEAR DEPOT FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAIiN I JfiR AND PAPER HAHfiER CARRIAGE PAIN UNO, $5.00 dill UPWARD HouSe aud fcUfrn Painting aud all Interior Dec­ orating. Kraideuce uorlli town line one block wes<. of river. Telephone No.2M. MCHENRY. - - - ILLINOIS Tbe Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price of ft.7$. for the two. # - . " Read The Plaindealer. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ? v " - V ' • • -f on the sick list Albert N last week. Ed Lask of day in Volo. the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., last Friday Peter Frost of Chicago spent Wednes­ day and Thursday with his parents ruont was the Thursday. Miss Katie Frost has where she intends to coming winter. Mrs. Walter White and daughter, Marie, of Rollins were in town last Sat* urday afternoon. Mrs. Win. Dillon was the guest 6t relatives at Wanfeegan last Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Maud Walton ha? given Hp tier position in Roand Lake and returned to her home in Volo. Mrs. John Richardson entertained her niece, Mrs. (*«orge K a abler, qf Des Plamea last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wui. dough and daugh­ ter, Bessie, of Wauconda spent Sunday at A. J. Raymond s. Henry Stadtfeld bas given up his JMV- Hition at Pistakee Bay and will be in Volo for several mouths. Mr. aud Mrs. Win Rosing and son of E mud Lake were uruests* of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosiug Suuday Miss Bessie Duunill, in couipan.v with friends frotu Chicago, enj>>yed a trip fibrose Lake Michigan reoeutly. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hironimns and children of West Freuiont were Sunday visitors at the Win Dnunill home. Misses Maud aud Elsie Walton were guests at the home of their cousin, Mrs. John Hironimns, at.Wanconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimns enter­ tained the former's sister, Miss Kate Hironimns, of Fremont Ceuter last week. Mrs. Shults has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Richardson, after a visit of several weeks at Des Plaines and Palatine. Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf and daughter of Lombard came to Volo Saturday and will visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls, for some time. To cure a cold first move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Cough Sprup acts gently on the bowels, drives out the mid, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping cough. Guaran­ teed to give satisfaction or money re­ funded. Equally good for young and old. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist RINGWOOD. Clarence Whiting of Woodstock was a home visitor Sunday. Geo. Harrison and daughter, Grace, called in McHenry Monday. O. •. Tabor was a recent business caller at Algonquin. Miss Eleanor Hawley visited Miss Grace Hopper at Greenwood Tuesday. Mesdames Irving Herbert and Chas. Shales were Richmond callers Saturday. Will Beatty and mother of Richmond spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Brink of McHen­ ry visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon Sunday. Ray Dodge returned Monday ifrom a short visit with his sister, Mrs. G. L. Bacon, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Carey attended the funeral of Richard Fitzgerald at Lake Geneva Tuesday. Mesdames Walter Bradley, Will Mc­ Cannon and Will Beck attended the fair at Elkhorn Thursday. The Ringwood W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Delia Hobart Saturday after­ noon. Leader, Mrs. Loveina Thomas. A band concert and basket social for the benefit of the Ringwood Cornet band will take place at M. W. A. hall in Ringwood Friday evening of this week. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone. Ladies are requested to bring baskets with lunch for two. Don't worry: about your kidneys when you can obtain 30 days' treat­ ment of Pineules for $1.00. These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Cleary, Deceased. Tbe undersigned having been appointed Executor of t,lie last. Will and Testament of John Cleary, deceased, late of tbe County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the November Term, on the first Monday in November next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified aud requested to at­ tend for tbe purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to ni.ike immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of September, A. D. 1907 B. PKBBY, Executor. lH*3t J AMI Your skin should be clear and bright if your liver is in normal condition. Dade's Little Liver Pills act on tbe liver and headache, constipation and bilious­ ness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. •OLCOMRVILLK. September 19. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin spent Sunday at Chas. Harrison's. Mrs. F. Powers spent Sunday at T. Powers'in McHenry. Mrs. T. Wingate visited at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Wednesday. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry is vis­ iting at Jay Doherty's. Raymond and Wilt Powere were Son- day callers at W. Welch 's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago are visiting relatives here. Lawrence Fuher of Indiana spent Sat­ urday evening at W. Zent's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowley of Nunda were callers at &. Silver 's Monday. Mrs. G. Weidner and son, Mike, of Marengo are visiting at W. Zenk's. Miss Esther Zenk of Ridgefield spent several days last week in this vicinity. Misses Irene Davoll and Jemie Win kleman were McHenry callers Sunday. Mrs. Earl Miller of Iowa is visiting her parents, Mr. and i&rs G Whin ion. Mesdames W. Gilbert and M. Con ley and children Were Woodstock callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and chil­ dren and Mr*. B. F. Peck apent Sunday in Woodstock. Misses Margaret Cleary and Bridget Doherty of McHenry were callers at W. Powers' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrison returned home Wednesday, after an extended visit with relatives in Wisconsin. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooping cough. Bee'B Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It works off the cold thru the bowels, cuts the pblegm, clears the head. For young and old. Guaranteed. Hecure a bottle at once. Sold by N. H. Petesch. druggist. September 26. Miss Jessie Winkleman visited school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Schroeder spent Sun­ day in Chicago. W. Doherty and W. Zenk spent Wed­ nesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, C. Harrison visited at Jas. Ladd's Sunday. David Powers was a business oaller n Woodstock Friday. Miss Victoria Oleeon called on Miss Etta Powers Saturday. C. Schroeder of Nunda was a caller in this vicinity Monday. F. M. Peck spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. B. F- Peck. James Powers was a business visitor in Chicago one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bertschy and daugh­ ters are visiting at F Bertschy o, Mr. and Mrs. H Silver and children were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and chil­ dren visited at P. Flanders' Sunday. A. P. Peck and family and Mr. and Mrs. B. Peck spent Suuday in Elgin. Mark aud Phil Hoffman of Spring Grove were callers at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Thursday. Mrs. H. McMillan and children of Terra Cotta were Sunday callers at F. D. Davoll's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert, Mrs. M. Conley and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutson spent Sunday at Ostehd. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck, son, Pearlie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peck spent sev­ eral days last week in Wisconsin, where they attended the Elkhorn fair. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate of 11.75. TERRA COTTA. Merton Gracy is again able to be out. Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin was a Sunday visitor in this vicinity. Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry spent Thursday at M. Knox's. Mrs. H. McMillan and children spent Sunday at Holcombville. Mr. aud Mrs. T. R. Anderson were Richmond visitors Sunday. Mrs. W. Hatch well of Nunda spent Monday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs A. T. McMillan were Suuday visitors at McHenry. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday with the Misses Knox at Emerald Park. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond spent Saturday and Sunday with rela­ tives here. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daugh­ ters of McHenry were Sunday visitors at M. Knox's. Mrs. M. Rogers of Chicago and sister, Mrs. Hall, of St. Louis spent Friday and Saturday at A. T. McMillan's. The Touch That Heals is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever com­ pounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer it* this Salve will cure it For burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles it's an absolute cure. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. Groceries THE FRESHEST AND MOST COMPLETE line TO BE FOUND IN THE TOWN OR COUNTY. v/v,. John WEST McHENRY, S3 ILLINOIS. - •« West Si IMm 'SM IS THL KltiHT PLACE TO BUY S T O V E S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DRPRICES Cresm Baking Powder The finest in the world WIMHI ordering ask for Dr. Price's by naisie, else the grocer may forget the kind you are accustomed to. The First Cough of the season 5 Even though not severe, has a tendency to irritate * the sensitive membranes of the throat and delicate bronchial tubes. Coughs then come easily all win ter every time you take the slightest cold. Cure the first cough before it has a chance to set up an inflammation in the delicate capillary air tubes of the lungs. The best remedy is Petesch'^ White Pine and Tar It at once gets right at the seat of the trouble and removes the cause. It is free from opiates and is as safe for a child as for an adult. Money back if results are not satisfactory. 25 ORIVTH. , N. H. PETESCH Druggist. 'Phone, 274. McHenry. 4 ?.s; OUR NEW LINE OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING SAMPLES IS HERE AND WE BELIEVE IT TO BE BY FAR THE FINEST WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO SHOW. WE WANT EVERY IN McHENRY TO SEE THE DIS­ PLAY AND GET OUR PRICES. Phone No. 363. M. J. Walsh ; • '.V1! ife7

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