Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1907, p. 5

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i'*"**- «• usw' ,!i,v; ',. ,^. • • . ; ... ^:-y: • -•' ' " • --• • v-,-.. ••. , - ' , N ̂ * ; • , -* ' i t t W h m M f r r i j i l 1 I i n . V*>/, _ i,• * • EST HADE-TO-MEASURE i l -- ' -- -- -- • • " ~ - . . ' i • in- i GARMENTS! At the Price Anyone Wa.nts to Pa.y V. * ' THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE to every man who wants to lie well dressed with Durable 'Garments at a. small cost. It means an opportunity for real economy siich a«J has nev­ er before been offered. The cost to be convinced is only a few moments of your time. :: :: can fail to appreciate the full worth of our Garments, which are conceptions of, the World's best offerings in material and workmanship--a universal reputation for superiorly of tailor- ing service is ours. the 1500 samples and let us quote prices on each one. The start is $13.50--astounding revelations fn economical values--a whirlwind of bargains. No two Suits from one sample. :: :: :: OPPORTUNITY IN C OTHING VA UE IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR--DO NOT LOSE THE ADVANTAGE. man Telephone No. 4 Jp TO THE Mjrriwl Onus! j nun The first question that confronts the newly wedded ones is the furnishing of the home. Furnishing thfe home as it should be done is no small task and often means a great deal of worry and hard work. We are in the HOME FUR­ NISHING BUSINESS and will, at any time, be only to glad too assist those wishing our as­ sistance. Our line of Furniture comprises the kind that makes the home both comfortable and cheerful. With quality and honest prices as our motto, we invite your inspection of our stock. JACOB MEN, • MCHENRY FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF DRUGS can be found HERE: CONSTANTLY 5. W. B RINGWOOD, m OWN - ILLINOIS. J Addition*! Personal.' Q Visiter of Elgin spent Sunday at Fox Lake. Mrs. J. N. Gilbert spent Wednesday in Chicago. John Spencer was a Chicago passen­ ger Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. C. Evanson was a windy city passenger Tuesday afternoon. Ben Bonslett of Chicago spent Toes day at the home of C. G. Frett. Mr. aud Mrs. John O. Meyers of El­ gin spent Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Inness boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Dr. C. H. Fegers was a professional visitor in the metropolitan city Wednes­ day. Mrs. Fred Kamhole and children spent Sunday with Crystal Lake rela tives. Miss Eva Miller spent 8nnday with her friend, Miss Babe Auiann, at Bound Lake. Mrs. B. Bnss recently spent a week with relatives at Tngleside and Burling­ ton, Wis. Mesdames B. Bnss and H. B Dowe spent Wednesday with relatives at Ter ra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heimer were among the Chicago passengers Wednes day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kamholz and daughter of Cary spent Snnday with relatives here. Mrs. W. Holtz, accompanied by Mrs. P. Engeln and daughter, Dorothy, is spending a few days at her old home at Ottawa, 111. The remains of Herman Curtis, young­ est son of C. B Curtis, and who at one time resided in McHenry, were brought here for burial yesterday. L. F. Newman, O. B. Gilbert, Earl Waite, Martin Stoffel, Martin Knox and Thomas Bolder saw the Cabs ̂ Tigers ball game in Chicago Wednesday. John P. Weber left last Saturday evening for Adams, Minn., where he will be the guest of relatives. He will also visit Iowa relatives before return­ ing. City Engineer Plum, Dr. Dr James Dalbey, Attorney Fred Raymond and Chester McGee of Elgin enjoyed a hunt­ ing and fishing trip here one day re­ cently. Geo. Gilles of Kenosha, Wis., spent Friday last with bis sister, Mrs. Fred Karges. Mr. Gilles left the following morning for Chicago, whence he de­ parted for Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, who have been spending the summer here, left last Saturday evening for Aurora, where they joined the "Uncle Josh Sprneeby" company, which recently showed here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bartz, who reside near Woodstock, were in *own Tues­ day. The former was carrying his left hand in a sling, having had that mem­ ber badly mangled in a corn binder Tuesday of last week. Bud The Pteindaaler "want" Ida. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS a Nunda visitor •isited Mrs. A. and HOLCOMBVILLK. ohnson spent Friday in Nunda. A J Thursday Mrs. F. Da vol! was Saturday. Mrs. Swan Hansen Johnson Friday. Mrs. P. Hunt is ill, care of Dr. Fearers. A. P. Peck of Beloit, Wis., spent Son- day at his home here. Mrs. Stolphe of Nunda fa thia week at P. Stolphe's. ' Rev. Fr. Bourke of McHenry Was a caller in this vicinity Friday. W. Zenk and Otto Lawrence were business callers in Elgin Monday, Mrs. G. Peck of Cleveland, Ohio, was a guest of Mrs. B. F. Peck Sunday. Frank and Miss Esther Zenk of Ridge field tilled at W. Zenk'a Thursday. Mrs. E. Fink and son, George, of Chi- caco visited at W, Gilbert's Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. C, Knoblauch and daughter,, EMe, Were Nuada c&llura Friday. Mrs Jay Doherty and daughter. Nel lie, visited the Misses Knox in McHenry Ssinrday. Mr. and Mrs. T Flanders anil children and Mrs E. Flanders visited at Geo. Whi*ton's Snnday. Mrs. Ge<v4 Weidner and sons, Mike and Willie, of Marengo visit*d relatives ht-re the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and ohil dren and Phil Hoffman were Sunday callers at Mrs B. F. Peck's. After spending three Polyclinic hospital, where she under­ went a successful operation, Mrs. Wm. Peck has returned home much improv­ ed in health. Sfe.mach troubles. Heart and Kidney ailments can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the xitrolling nerves of the Stomach, etc. etc. Sold by N. H. Petecch. TERRA COTTA, Walter Earle visited at J. H. Gracy's last week. Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville spent Sunday at L. Lock wood's. Ora Peck and wife of Woodstock vis­ ited relatives here Sunday. Walter McDonald of Chicago called at A. T. McMillan's recently. Frank Sprod from Minnesota visited at Henry McMillan's Sunday. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughters visited at Richmond Tuesday. Miss Florence Knox visited relatives at McHenry Thursday evening. Miss Frances Welch of McHenry spent Sunday at J. Mv Phalin's. Misses Alice and Lena Smith of Em­ erald Park visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. M. Knox and Mrs. A. Conway were McHenry callers Saturday after­ noon. Miss Marcella Riley and cousin, Marie Foley, of St. Charles visited at J. Riley's Sunday. Mr and Mrs. A. P. Peck of Holcotnb- ville were recent callers at Henry Mc­ Millan's. Charlie Matthews of Prairie Grove was a caller in this vicinity Monday evening. Mrs. M. Knox and sister, Mrs. S. Knox, of Elgin were callers in Emerald Park Sunday. Mrs. Frank McMillan and Mrs. Hen­ ry McMillan called on relatives in Hol- combville Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy and son. Merton, and W. Earle spent Thursday with relatives at Ridgefield. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol- ized acts like a poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is anti­ septic. For cuts. burnB, eczema, crack­ ed hands it is immediate relief. Sold at N.. H. Petesch's drug store. KIDOKFIKUk Mrs. Sophia Senne was in Chicago Friday. Mabel Skinner was a Nunda visitor Tuesday. Florence Mnnroe was a Dundee caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. KKne were Nunda call­ ers Taesdav. M rs. Tyrrell was ia Chicago on busi­ ness Saturday. __ Dr. Ballon called op J. H. Parks and family Monday. Minor Lockwood and wif# of Wood stock were Ridgefield callers Monday. Ernest Merchant, formerly of Rich­ mond, has moved into the Hanson house. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Kline were at Grandpa Kline's at Woodstock Snnday. Our pastor. Rev. Dickey, and wife have returned to the city, where the for­ mer takes up bis studies. He will fill his charge here until spring, when he will return for two years. Mr. Kimball will occupy the parsonage daring the winter. SCHOOL NOTES. Great improvement is being made in many ways. The stereopticon lecture by G. W. Conn will be given at the chnrgh Oct. 25. Particulars later. The upper room pnpils are doing some good work in music. Come and bear them in the morning. The attendance, is excellent- There was only one case of tardiness in the upper room during last mouth. It is a well known fact that persons living in the pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pinenles at night usually relieves back­ ache. SO days' treatment $1.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold byN.H. Petesch, druggist. IsLyiiisS EMERALD PARK. / John Aylward is spending this at E. Knox 's. R. E. Sutton of Chicago visited fit his home 8nnday. Miss Lucy Sutton spent a few days in Elgin last week. Louis Comisky of Chicago is visiting at Ed Comisky's. Misses Alice and Lena Smith spent Snnday at Terra Cotta. Misses Anna Cleary and May Welch Visited Miss Katie Knox Sunday. W. K. Burns apd some friends spent a few days hunting in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong spent a few days this week at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Richter of Chica­ go visited at J. R. Smith's Sunday. Misses Anna, Irene and Celia Frisby callers in this viciuity Sunday. G. Richter and R. Ceoh of Chicago gneetsof J. R Snitth and family Snnday. Clarence Martin of Wanconda, Lonis Whiting and Will Howard of Wood- stock visited s,t E Knox's Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gm. Frazer and thil dren and Miss Isabel H ax ton and H Kirk of Chicago spent Suttday at their cottage. Minxes Margaret, Alice and Lucy Sut­ ton and Messrs. M. and R. E. Sutton spent a delightfnl day s outing at Round Lake Sunday. Messrs. M. Knox And Thos. Bolger are spending a few days in Chicago and expect to witness the Cub-Tiger games and Corn exposition. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mahoney, wbo have been spending the summer at the Park, closed their cottage here the first of the week and ratnrned to the city. Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain SO days' treat­ ment of Pinenles for $1.00. These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. ^ roun Paul Avery of Chicago was at home Sunday. Mrs. Naomi Vasey was a McHenry visitor last Friday afternoon. Messrs. Fuller and Golding of Wan­ conda were in town Saturday. John Richardson made a business trip to Chicago one day last week. Miss Katie Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday at her parents'home here. Misses Anna Rossdeutscher and Bes­ sie Dnnnill were Wanconda callers Sat­ urday afternoon. Misses Elsie and Maude Walton were guests of relatives in Wsukegan Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. Gib Burnett and Miss Gertrude Turner of Slocum's Lake were Volo callers Saturday. Miss El id a Russell, wbo is attending a business collegs in Waukegan, was at home over Sunday. Mr. and Miju C. Dillon came out from Waukegan Saturday afternoon for a visit with relatives here. Miss Marguerite Granger of West McHenry was the guest of Miss Reba Hnson Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Charity Ranght has gone to Waukegan and will live with her son, Chas., during the winter months. Misses Mary Raught and Helen Ray­ mond attended the funeral of Miss Lida Kapple at Grayslake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Russell, Sr., of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of their son, S. J. Russell. Trial Catarrh treatments are beiug mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people--withont a pen­ ny's cost--the great valne of this scien­ tific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Djr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by N. H. Petesch. L PR OB A TE NEWS J ««»•»»»» [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry Meitd & w to J. E. Carmon, n!4*eM, seHsoi* St pt se^ueX nee 28, McHenry 115000 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. James Glen Stevens, 22 Richmond Ella Etta Mordhorst, 21 Richmond Etnil Schuett, 1ft Crystal Lake Ida Bore hard t, 20 Crystal Lake Theodore Friebruger, 28 -Cary Ottilie Krause, 21 Cary William Jackson, 35 ..... Alden Edith Ward, 29. ?... Harvard Herman A. Voltz, 24 Linn, Wis. Martha Seefeldt, 19 Alden John C. Deithloff, 40. Harvard Fredericka Renow, 47 Haivard Math. Lay, 26 Spring Grove Annie Schmidt, 28.. ....... Johnsburgb Simon Michels, 27 Johnsbnrsrh Elizabeth Smith, 80 Johnsbnrgh Gus M. Freed, 27 Rock ford Buelah N. Gaye, 25 Harvard Flftj Year* a Blacksmith. Samuel R. Worley of Hixburg, Va., has been shoeing horses for more than fifty years. He says, "Chamberlain's Pain Balm has given me great relief from lame back and rheumatism. It is the best liniuient I ever need." For sale by all druggists. Bays VKlyollne Oil Route. E. S. Brink is again engaged in the oil business, havidg purchased the Val- voline oil route of L J. Wooley, who has conducted the same for the past few years. * Miss Elfreida Berner, who is attend­ ing a business college in Chicago, spen Saturday and Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G Berner. tins Moritz of Chicago is Bpending a three months' furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moritz, here. Mr. Moritz is on the police force. I avj>fc C C Sweet t» Eit M«A vftj O A Caatfy Btml laufeii that during and after the COAT SALE) at Gilbert Bros'. Store this week, special low pricesare offered in many other lines. While they last here are a few items: ' :: :: :: :: :: :: - i-i 3 The Elgin Dress Shirt, mostly stiff fronts, some soft, $1.00 quality for 75c Boys' and Girls' pombination Suits. 43c Ex heavy double width Flan­ nelettes, per yd. 11 i-ac Cotton Batts, per roll 5c Men's Heavy Fleeced Under- r, per suit 90c sizes from 4 . • 50c, 75c $1.25 to $5 One lot Sweaters, years to size 34... Boys' Suits.., Bovs' Overcoats $3 to $7 ( We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent on each garment )! 3 pairs good Ladies Hose.. 35 c 3 pairs Canvas Gloves .. . 25c Cotton Blankets .50c to $2.25 Royal Worcester Corsets, $1 00 quality for.. 7$C One lot Shoes, sises to 4, some Patent Colt skin, some Vici kid, but all of,extra good quality and have sold fron $3 to $8.50, your choice of lot. .$a One lot Girls' Shoes, 8 to 13, some worth $2, choice. ..$1,25 One lot Ladies* Oxfords, 2* to 4, some worth $2.50, choice..$1 One lot Boys' Patent Ooit or Box Calf, sizes 1| to 5, all $2 26 to $2.50 quality, choice..$1.95 Lace Curtains, 3* yds long. 50 inches wide 1.25 f« 1.69 Large h'vjr white Bed Spreads *5 to 1.75 Fancy Dress Linings, 25c and 35c quality, choice........ 19c Ladies' and Gents' Vest Sweat­ ers, plain or fancy. .3 fa Men's Waterproof Coats ...............$5 TO $5.5© Men's Cravenettes, for fair or stormy weather...... One lot Men's Cotton Pants, your choice 95c One lot Men's Wool Pants.... $2 to $4 You may have heard of the famous Hamilton Brown Shoes They are here, and for all ages and at reduced prices. Men's Patent Colt Skin, lace or but­ ton, the $5 quality for $4 The All American Shoe for Ladies and Gents.. .$2.25-&4 - >*5 REMEMBER! A SPECIAL DIS- COUNTon all SWEATERS dur­ ing THIS SALE. Telephone, *71. > HcHenry, HI. •' : I keep in stock all the standard Patent Medicines and Druggists' Sundries. We have a large and well selected stock of Sponges, Chamois Skins, Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces, Package Dyes, Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Cologne, Bay Rum, Florida Water and Extracts for the Hand­ kerchief. Our stock comprises all of the popular odors. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Toilet and Fancy Goods Toilet Soaps, Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Infant Powders, Tooth Powders, Satchet Powders, Toilet Cases, Dressing and Fine Combs, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Dust Brushes, Artists' Brushes, Marking Brushes, Camels' Hair Pencils. Also handle Window Glass of all sizes. Call and see us. Your patronage is always appreciated and no matter how small your purchases, you may rest assured, it will be our con­ stant aim to sell you the best goods that can be ob­ tained at reasonable prices. Living, as we do, just over our store we can attend to your wants* at all hours, day or night. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :! McHENRY, ILLINOIS. i-7 ' "v v. vfc- M P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest hop** on the street Tags and price lists furnishei application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 * 3, Pnltoa St. Wholesale Market. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois IN CHICAGO DVRING WINTER For the treatment of curable Chronic Diseases (nerrous afflic­ tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gout, obrs ity, catarrh, anemia, general bility, etc. Only Natural Meth­ ods Employed. - - ~ Dr.Qrl Strueti, Prop. 100 State Street, Suite 14*9. -4 CHICAGO, ILL. < * • ? ST:; -Si 1S3

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