Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1907, p. 4

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Your That's too bad! We had no­ ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per­ fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayef's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best kind ol a testimonial-- "Sold for over sixty years. Mad* bv J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Also c'* SABSAPARIU-A. PILLS, AUCTION SALE! fke Mcltwry Pltitoler POBLItjUKL' EVERY THUUsLAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. Offlee In Bank Building. Telephone, No. S7S. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION* Oae year W-6® months, 75 cts. Three months. 40 cts. p. O. tiANS, Auctioneer. Thursday, October 24, 1907* KMKRALI) PARK. M. K>lt«r of Chicago visited at R. J. Snttc iday. Emmett. Geary of Wauconda visited in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Nancy Frisby is visiting El^in •relatives and friends this week. Miss Alice Sotton is spending this week seeing Chicago and Elgin. Win. Snttou returned home Monday evening after a week spent in Chicago. M. A. Sutton and Robert Larkin are spending a few days in Elgin this week. Messrs. Ed Larkin and Rob Aylward n visited at R. J, Cotton's Sun day. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and chil­ dren visited in this vicinity Thursday last. f Miss Mary Gibbs returned Saturday •vening after spending three weeks in JSlgin. Mies Anna Oleary of Sioux Falls, S. D., called on Miss Mary Gibbs Sunday evening. H. Bending closed his cottage for the Mason and returned to the city Tues- 4§y evening. Mrs. Wilbur Spielman and Miss Ur- Mla Lynn of Barreville visited Miss Mary Gibbs Wednesday. Mimes Anna Cleary and Lacy Sutton visited Miss Katie Knox's school at Grjswold Lake Friday last. Mrs. P. Costello and son, James, of Elgin spent a few days last week the gaest of P. Walsh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Comisky drove oat from Chicago in their auto and •pent Sunday at E. Comisky's. Miss Alice Smith entertained Miss JSdna Colby of Barreville and Miss Nel- lie Newman of McHenry Sunday. The Emerald Park Tigers were de­ feated by the Prairie White Sox by a score of 9 to 8 at the McHenry ball park Sunday afternoon. OCTOBER 24. Jas. Haxton and daughter. Isabel, Were at the Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent Snn- <ftfcy with the former's parents. Miss Florence Connell of Elgin is vis­ iting at R. J. Sutton's this week. Miss Katie Knox and Walter Walsh visited Ringwood friends Sunday. Wui. Howard of Woodstock was a teller in this viciniiy Saturday last. Theo. Schiessle of Chicago is spend fag a few days at L. Buck's cottage. MrB. J. Gibbs and daughter, Mary, Visited Mrs. E. Comisky Thursday last. Miss Kate O'Flarity of Elgin visited the past week with Mrs. E. Frisby and f&uiily. Misses Mary Gibbs, Anna Cleary and Kate O'Flarity visited at R. J. Sutton's Friday last. Mr. and MrB. W. K. Burns and son. Kenneth, spent Sunday at their gum- auer cottage- Out of Sight. "Out of sight, out of mind," is an old •aying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve it's out of sight, out of mind and out ot existence. Piles, too, and chilblains die appear under under its healing influence (iuaranteee by N. H. PeteBch, F. Mas ^uelet, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West -McHenry, druggie*a. 25c. The nudersigned having rented1 his fnna, locked 4 miles southeast of Mc­ Henry, H miles northwest of Griswold Lake, I mile Bouth of Lily Lake, on Lake Defiance, will sell at public auc­ tion on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 39 commencing at 11 a. in., the following described property, to-wit: ^--Choice Milk Cows--9 one with calf by side, balance close springers, one-half of which are Hol- steins; 4 2-year-old heifers; 8 spring calves; 18 mouths-old Holstein bull; 12- months-old bull; roan mare with foal, 12 years old, weight 1200 pounds; bay mare with foal, 10 years old, weight 1100 pounds; bay mare, 11 years old, weight 1300 pounds; 18 months-old colt, weight at least 900 pounds; extra fine sticking colt; 5 very choice brood sows. HAY, GRAIN and MACHINERY! About 15 tons fine timothy) hay, all in barn; about 5 tons, slough hay in Barn; 550 bushels fine Yellow Dent corn, husk­ ed by hand; 8 stacks corn stalks; 20 bu. potatoes; mower; self dump hay rake; new corn planter: pulverizer; lever drag; 3 stubble plows; 2 corn plows; breaking plow; roller; hand cultivator; lumber wagon; truck wagon; milk wagon; new single top buggy; road cart; road wag­ on; bob sled; road scraper; 20 grain bags; 5 milk cans, pails and strainers; corn sheller; bone grinder; full set carpenter tools; pair of fly nets; single fly net; hay rack; hog rack; wood rack; Btone boat; wheel barrow; cutter: lawn swing: 2 sets work harness, one brand new; sin­ gle harness; 12x20 canvas tent, with poles and lopes complete; 100 white oak fence posts; 2 cords oak wood; 3 extra good boats, in good condition; grind stone; cross-cut saw; sprayer; about 200 chickens; shovels, forks, hoes, spades, and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 7 months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at 7 per <jent per annum: 1 per cent off for cash on sums entitled to credit. No property to be removed until settled for. Plenty to Eat and Drink at Noon FRED DEUTSCHMAM. J. R. YOUNG Praises"'" PROM LEA(H Voluntarily Oilers Testimonial Wis Ctiird in February of This Yeir of Acute Indigestion *u<f Nervals BredfcKown--^Also Neih riKtii of Heirt. Thm are readers of this paper who know,"or at Wst have heard of J. R. Youngof La Salle, 111., who for years has been prominently connected with the -.Etna Life Insurance Co. He vol­ untarily submits testimonial in praise of Dr. Leach's efforts in his behalf. It hardly seems necessary to offer more convincing proof of Prof. Leach's power --of what his magnetic hands are able to accomplish. Mr. Young was cured of three very common ailments--acute ind'ppfifion. pTmost. all of us suffer from it--nervous breakdown, you have heard of more cases the past few years than ever before--neuralgia of the heart, af- fects many middle-aged people. WeaK Kidneys Weak T " ys. surely point to weak kidney Starves, iue Kidney*, like the Heart, and the . Btouwuh. find their weakness, not in the organ itaeli but in the nerves that control and guide •uod strengthen then. Dr. Shoop's Restorative la 4k medicine specifically prepared to reach theae Controlling nerve*. To doctor the Kidneys alone. Is (utile. It A a waste of time, and o! money as frell. >. II your back &c2iett or is weak, if the urine tealds, or is dark and strong, if you have symptoms 4>1 B rights or other distressing or dangerous kid- Hey disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative* mouth-- lab let* or Liquid--and see what it can and will 4o lor you. Druggist recommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative , . U. Ji PETESCH, E, P. GKA.'WER, Clerk. KlJJUjcariKI.1*. Joe Robinson went to Chicago Thurs­ day. E. E. Shepard was in Chicago Thurs­ day. L. A.JWalkey waajin Chicago Thurs­ day. Mr. French was in Woodstock Mon­ day. Mr. Lang of Woodstock was here Sat­ urday. Mrs. Dora Cooper was in Woodstock Monday. V ~. Te^ti^itr was a Palatine visitor Saturday. EL E. Knilans was a. ( hicago visitor Thursday. Mrs. Rose Goddard visited in Solon over Sunday. G B. Baker was in Chicago on busi­ ness recently. J. H. Parks and P. W. Hartman were in Chicago Monday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman was a Wood­ stock caller Saturday. Miss Eichkoff of Woodstock called on friends here Saturday. Grandma Skinner of Nunda is visit­ ing at R. L. Dufield's. Mr. Ericson and family were Wood­ stock visitors recently. Henry Skinner of Waukegan Sun- dayed at R. L. Dufield's. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Nunda wast a Ridgefield caller Thursday. Lewis Gibson of Chicago visited over Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. R. Drury of Nunda was a caller in town Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Throop of Nunda visit­ ed at J. G. Hartman's Sunday. Robt. Knilans and sister, Rhoda, are guests of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., relatives. Roy Waterman and wife visited over Sunday with relatives at Charter Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kline and daugh­ ter, Rosa, of Fort Wayne, Ind., spent Saturday and Sunday at D. Kline's. Will Ormsby and wife are visiting friends and relatives at Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, and grandson, Derwood Merchant,. were in Chicago Saturday. J. C. Button and Mr. and Mrs. Chae. Dufield attended the funeral of Richard Steele of Nunda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Parks and son, Hugh, visited the former's father, Mr. Phil­ lips, in Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Senne of Woodstock and Mrs. Fred Wille and children of Nunda took dinner at Father Wille's Sunday. TERRA COTTA. M. Knox and family visited relatives in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. A. T. McMillan and Mrs. Frank McMillan were McHenry visitors Fri­ day. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and children were Ringwood visitors last Wednes­ day. Mrs, Hatchwell of Crystal Lake visit­ ed her mother, Mrs. C. H. Buck, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors at Henry and Frank McMillans'. Mrs. Fred Powers and Miss Annie Powers of Holcombville were callers in this vicinity last Wednesday. Louis Steinbach and Peter Nelson entered school Monday. There is now an enrollment of twenty-six prfpiis. A Criminal Attack | on an inoffensive citizen is frequently t made in that apparently useless little ! iiibe called the appendix. It's general­ ity t-«if vt">v, *»vtraeted constipation, following liver torpor. Dr King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, pre- ] v.jnt appendicitis and establish {regular j habits of the bowels. 25c at N. H. Pet- | (Hch's, F. Masquelet's, McHenry; G. W. I Beaiey's, West McHenry, drag stores. Cbat Dew Harness HAVE you placed your order for yournew winter har­ ness? If not, let u$ figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever -seen--*u--Me«- \\ Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are tjeing b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are pleased. Come in and let us give yqu our prices. :: :: 111* fl. Cbmn McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Jit TO WHOM i i MAY CONCERN: In February of this year I suffered an at­ tack of aCute indigestion arid porvons break­ down, and was told by one or the attending physicians, after the acute symptoms had been relieved, that medicine would do me very little good. He advised Jihat I giv# up business and go away somewhere for a long rest, as that was all that could be done. As soon as I was able to travel I went to Elgin, f II., where I took a course of 15 treatments from Prof. Leach, and was then able to re­ turn home and resume my business, and have continued my work up to the present time. Several years ago Prof. Leach cured me of a severe attack of neuralgia which had settled around the heart and my case seemed hope­ less. I have personally known of many cures performed by Prof. Leach (luring the past four or five years, in a wide variety "of dis­ eases, after the doctors had failed to do any good, and having, personally, received very great benefit from his treatment, I can heartily recommend him to all who suffer as I once did, and who fail to find relief from medical treatment. I feel as well today as at any time In my life. J. II. YOUNO. 743 First Street, LaSalle. 111. Aug. 13,1907. Prof. Leach has a record of over 5000 curee of female trouble Never has failed in cases of appendicitis or gall' stones. There is not a known disease of child or grown person that he has not cured by his vital magnetic powers. No medicines. Unless you will be in Elgin soon write for further proof of cures and his free testimonial booklet, which also out­ lines method of treatment. All mail should be addressed to permanent office, room 2, Spurling building, Elgin, 111. There is no charge for consultation and diagnosis at the office. PROBA TE NEWS LFurnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Amy O. Chapel I & ti to George E. Yag­ er, It 4 blk £i McHenry, w side Fox river $2200 00 .lohn I. Story & w to Gertrude M. Tlie- ien, eii Its 2 & It & pt it « blk 20 w of Fox river, McHenry 1*00 00 Mary A. Schneider & h to Joseph G. Maravlglla. et al. It 1 Koslng's sub- dvn & right of way from Kennebeck's laud, McHenry 107"> 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. J. Walter Peake, 50 Louisville, Ky Lucy Spencer, 35 West McHenry Jacob J. May, 23 Johnsburgh Annie Justen, 21. Ringwood William Klein, 32 Ingleside Dora Rothermel, 25 Johnsburgh Howard Dermont, 21 Woodstock Myra Wells, 20 Woodstock Oscar Mead, 71 Woodstock Mrs. Rosina P. Mead, 68.... Woodstock T. M. Blackmail, 35. .Whitewater, Wis. Carolyn F. McConnell, 35 Richmond Frank E. Fay, 38 Ringwood Catherine, Tyrrell 31 Woodstock Ed J. Tupper, 29 Clark, S. D. Sarah K. Robinson, 25 Marengo Win. F. Wittmu8,28 Dunham Twp. ~ ~~ Chicago Mary S. Rekow, Fred S. Gay, 28 Ada C. Wells, 25 Jens Michelsen, 21.... Inger Mary Jensen, 28 William R. Conley, 21 Alice D. Senger, 21.... Carl Senz. 24. Harvard Harvard .Woodstock Woodstock .Woodstock .Woodstock Evansville, Wis. Mary Anderson, 20 Woodstock Carl Stein, 50 Harvard Mrs. Augusta V^eise, 50 Harvard George B. Freund, 21 McHenry Elizabeth H. Delling, 19 Chicago Fred Schuitcke, 22. Harvard Mary Guttschow, 28... Walworth, Wis Hugh Itwin, 25 Bay C}ty, Mich LuellaM Sherburne, 24 ....Hebron Bank of McHenry This Bank reoeives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our ckre in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class lowest rates. Companies, at the Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. t •••• Drink 6ood Coffees Germfe.vt-Am6rican Coffees have the drink. They are put to­ gether right--fit for the table of the American citizen. Put up in son!-' tary packages, prices 30C, 35C, 3OC, 35C, 4OC Cereal Specials! Milk RJce, a rice product similar to Quake Puffed Rice, special price pei package \ ... ,gc Toy Gust-O.--a ready-to-eat Wheat Flake, toy in^ach package, special per package^ sc Free-Will give aV picture free with 35c worth of Lighthouse Soap as long as they last. :: :: :: :: John StoffeL IT I Professional, Society V t &nd Bvisinesss Cards | DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN,SUKGEON AND OCULIBT Office and residence curuer Elu* »*w Green streets. McHenry. T^Ittpbnm Nlfjfl' CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle burgh Creamery Johns- Butter Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, 111. WEST SIDE is^the place to leaveyour order FOR Oysters id fish Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, 111. T«i. Mala 1714. WHY do people of Mi Henry, Lake an other count! drop In at Lambert Q. Seng's M Fifth Aye. CHiCAaor il BO The Stove Question Is solved here to the highest degree of Satis­ faction. A fine line to select from at honest prices, sg Ng F. L. McOMBtR, WEST McHENRY, 3 3 ILLINOIS. S Handy Heat t When Needed! A Hot Water Bottle is indispensable in every home. Heat is nature's cure for pain and when applied properly will often prevent serious ills. We make H specialty ol high grade Rubber Goods, the kind worth having. Our fall stock of Hot Water Bot­ tles is the most complete we have ever car­ ried. All kinds and all sizes and at prices^ that can't be beaten anywhere. The better grades are guaranteed for a year. A new one for the asking if any of these prove faulty. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ N. H. PETESCH, DRVGGIST. 'PHONE 274. MOHCNRY, ILL. r?- OUR NEW LINE OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING SAMPLES IS HERE, AND WE BELIEVE IT TO BE BY FAR THE FINEST WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO SHOW. WE WANT EVERY MAN IN McHENRY TO SEE THE DIS­ PLAY AND GET OUR PRICES. -4 j Phone No. 363. M. J. Walsh FKUEKS ft FKGKJKH * PHYSIOIANS AND SURGEONS. Mcfteary 111. Office at Residence,corner Court Elm streets. Telephone 383. IX T. &MTLEY ATTORNEY 4T LAW. WiKMlKtock, lIllooU All business Intrusted to hKcare will b« properly and promptly attended to. PARKEK S. WEBSTER T A W YER. 701, 702 Rector buildltig, 138 MOB roe street, Chicago. Telephone Centra 453*. DR. R. G. CHAMBRRLIN DENTIST. . Office and Residence over rt. 1. Wriik'i 5t«r* Hours: 8:00 to 9:30. WBST MOHHNKT. IiL. Tctepfione No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the bent Companies . West McHenry, lfMbisU John J. Vyoltal DEALER IN V General hardware Stores, Paints asul Oils. Tin and lna-" chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. --L FRANK BVHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sitfu Painting aud ali Interior Dec- oraMng. Residence north town line one. block west or river. Telephone No.254. M CH E N R Y . . . . I LLINOIS K I L L T H E COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR COLD!1* AND ALL THROAT AND LUNGTROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. T H E O R I G I N A L BPF s • JLmt X--J L A X A T I V E . The red letter B"Uon erary bottle. AH eoifl syrup* containing opiate# eoMtl* (ate the towels. Bee's LaxatlTt Moasy ul ttl Meres the bowels an4 conUlae m «miatee. N. H. PETESCH PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz- on finished in differentstyles. Price, £2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive nppaiatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as itfoup pictures, views ( buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. &il«LrtfemervtM Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Klnlshed in black and white or colors. Frame • A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standplpe. WKBTTBcHENRY, ILL. Telephone, 493 Want Column. All advertisement* intierteri under till* head at iho following rated: PiveUnoH or lexi*. vent* for ftrftt Insertion. 15 centa for eat'h Hubsequent insertion. More than ttve linen, 6 centu a line for It rat insertion, and 3 cent* a tine for addition* Uwrtionn. TJV>R WALK Dakota and Colorado lands. L1 Homesteads located. For further infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 1II. I7tf BAKOAIN-240acres, fine buildings, good laud. Located within miles of Wood­ stock, 1 mile from Hartland station. Price right. Also HO acres within 1 mile of Wood­ stock. Price $5000.00: $1">0»1.00 down and bal­ ance 10 years at 5 per cent.. Write/or 'phone 1). F. QIHM-AN, Woodstock. III. ' in* A tllO, hUl1. '»UV« M- UVI%O, •*»« > 0911, »I.1U L'TO and ISO acres on shares. Uood dairies. I». F. (JuiNi.AN. Woodstock, III. ]«« WANTED -Men to cut about 200 cords of wood. Is all hard wood and easy cut­ ting. Will pay $1.3® per cord. O. E. JBCKS, at It. H. ICicnardson farm. West McHenry. I'houe 573. ts-tf pOR SALE-A No. 1 Holstein cow, coming A in about, tile first of November.^ Also a Itrood mare with foal and a 4-uioiit.h-<mi colt. OHKIST ITIIAKE, uear Johnsburgh on Spring Cirtive lioud. 17-at •p^OR SALE A pair of thorobreti Barred Rock pullets; also one 8-year-old cock. J. J. HIL.I.K. West McHenry, 111. 17-tf Xpt >R SA LE ('H EA P--Good Round Oak heat- ing stove, wood and coal, with twogrates a" iu K<*KI repair. Apply to L. li. liKAU West M<-IIeury, III. 17-tf RINGWOOD. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Jessie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harrison spent a few days last week with their #on, Boy, a u d f a m i l y i n E l g i n . , L . ' The Willing Workers of Ringwood will serve a chicken pie dinner in M. W. A. hall Thursday, Oct. 81. There will be Aprons for sale.

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