Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1907, p. 4

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Professional, Society fend B\J sirveoss Cards t»A Vtl» ti. WKLLfl. M. l>. ,/£!<"! • \ >CK(iK(iN AN1> UOULI8T -- O&H rehidouce corner Eho ao« flMMltfMtti, McHenry. Telephone No. Ml' FEGF.KS & FEttKRfi OHVSICIANi! AM) Si: KG EONS, Mc Henry t nt. office at Residence, corner Court anc Etto stm ts. Telephone a ct _ I). T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock. nitnolB A All business Intrusted to his care will be properly aucl promptly attended to. PARKER S. WEBSTER 'V\ f^R- 701. 702 Hector building, 122 Mon ix»S street. ciiicajw. Telephone Centra hA 4531. DR. R. G. CMAMBERL1N HENTTST. Office aAd Residence over n. J. Wilih's Store Hour#: 8:00 to 5:3°- WRSIT MI HBNRT. II-r-. Telephone Ma. aaj SIMON STOFFEL Iusr< ranee Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, MllneU PROFESSOR LEACH Volmitdrily5 Offers Testimonial Wis Cured in FeDruary of Tftis Year of Acute Indigestion tud Nervous BredKdown-Also M- rdtgid of Heirt. There are readers of this paper who I know, orat l«ast have heard of J. R. I Young of LaSalle, 111., who for years 'has bet.. pr- uiinently connected with i the ^Etna Life Iusarauce Co. . He vol­ untarily submits testimonial in praise tjf Pr. r*?at Ii's efforts in hie behalf. It iuuuiy s^eui- iidt e«.->;try to offer more convincing proof of Prof. Leach's power - of what hie magnetic hands are able r<> accomplish. Mr. Young was curt d of three very common ailments--acute indigestion, almost all of us suffer from* it -nervous breakdown, yon have heard of more cases the past few years than ever before neuralgia of the heart, af­ fects tuany middle-aged people. Children John J. Vyoital DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paint** and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. Phone .>43 McHENRY. - ILLINOIS. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PA1NTKR AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, J5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Paintinfr and :i 1 i Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one MOCK west of river. Telephone No.234. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS KILL™* COUCH I AND CUS?£ ™ LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PB1C15 FOR OSHSI1® & I Ull ^rOLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour­ age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The children cannot possibly hare eooil health unless the how.-ls are in proper condition. Cor­ rect any constipation by giving smuil inative < of Ajer's Pills. All vegetable,sugar coated. Kadeby J. C. Ajrer Co., Lowell, *•••- Alio manufacturers of F HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRV PECTORAL. yers We have secret®! We publiab the fomuiaa of All our medicine#. lie McHenry Piaindeaier PUBLISHED KVEKY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER, * Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No, 178. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Due year Six months. 75cts. i Three months. 40ctB. pes! for Coughs. i';©cjs. C Whos@in« Cough, Etc 1 letter ilOD 8>oHie. fiwwHw n»*l> ••(itis* C*., CUu|a CONTAINING AB t ap« containing epiatee eoiitt* Kt« t % Bee'* laxative Imj u4 WMni tfca fcewels ud ceataiu ae evlatee. N. H. PETESCH. PHOTO STUDIO. r»>traits All shapes nun si/'-s. Sev­ eral pnx>fs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles, l'rice, 12.00 n,nd upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for- all kinds of outdoor work xii-h as group pictures, views • bri" 'tu-.. cs?t!e. •;.•I.'rt'-ry • f£ivl&.rgemerttN Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every instance. Finished in black and whit« or colors. Frames A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St.,uearthe Standplpe. WEST McHENRY. ILL. Telephone, 493 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In Februiiry of this year i suffered ait at­ tack of acute indigestion and nervous break- dowir. .mil war. told by one of the attending physician*, after the acute symptoius had been relieved, that medicine would do me very little good. He advised that 1 j;ive up business and go away somewhere for a long r«bt. a* that was all that could be done. As itooii ii» I was able to travel I went to Elgin. 111., where I took a court*- of 15 treatments from Prof. Leach, aod wan then able to re­ turn home aud resume my business, and have continued my work up to the present lime. Several years ago Prof. Leach cured rue of a >evere attack of neuralgia which had settled around the heart and my case seemed hope- lev*. 1 have personally known of many cures performed by J'rof. Leach during the past four or five years, in a wide variety of dis­ eases, after the doctors had failed to do any good, and having, personally, received very great benefit from his treatment. I can heartily recommend him to all who MilTer as I ouce did, and* who fail to find relief from medical treatment. J feel as well today as at any time in my life. j. R. YoifNo. 743 First Street. La-a!le. III. Aug. iij. 1<J07. Prof. Leach has a record of over 5000 cores of female trouble Never has failed in cases of appendicitis or gall stones. There is not a known disease of child or grown person that be has not cured by his vital magnetic powers. No medicines. rules' <»u will be in Elgin soon write f . .. rher proof of cures and his frte testimonial booklet, which also out­ lines method of treatment. All mail II should be addressed to permanent office, j lotrn •} Sorting building, Elgin, 111. |l! Ti-- , i. i f,r consultation aud |]; diagnosis at the office. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- bnrgh Creamery lintter Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. WEST SIDE M Market is^the place to leavjeyour order FOR Thursday, October 31, 1907. 200,000 PERSONS PHM Tlielr Way Over St. Pawl Line IJIIR I IIJ: Past Summer. According to figures shown by the St. Paul railroad company, just 200,000 per­ sons paid their fares to Fox Lake over their line this year, that is, that nnmber of persons left their trains at Fox Lake station. These figures are correct, in that they show how many people visited the lake, the number not indnding those who came via team, auto and in other ways. However, the 200,000 figures make it appear that the summer travel was enormous despite the cold season and a surprisingly short season as well. These figures are from May 1 to Sept. 1. The season was much shorter than any in a number of years, but the own­ ers of resorts are not discouraged, they say they did well while the season was on and they have hopes for a better trade next year. The shortness of the season had the result of bringing the people all in at uiice and many nights ^h© hotels could not accommodate the patrons and some of them had to sleep in, the woods, on porches, etc. The Miueola, hotel is to be kept open all winter for the first time, the plan in the past being to close it in October. White City Comedy an<l Vaudeville Co. The return engagement of the White City Comedy and Vaudeville company next Saturday and Sunday evenings will be hailed with delight by the peo­ ple of McHeury and surrounding terri­ tory. Those that witnessed the per­ formances of this company, last spring will remember that they were among the best performances ever given in the opera house. Everything is the clean­ est in comedy sketches and high-class vaudeville. This is not a company try­ ing out something to see if it is any good at all, bnt a finished, refined and amusing entertainment. Every person who'enjoys a good evening s amuse­ ment certainly should see this, the best show of the season. Hard Times In Kansas. , The old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the prosperous Kansas of today; although a citizen of Codell, Earl Shamburg, has not yet forgotten a hard time he en­ countered. He says: "I was worn out and discouraged by coughing night and day, and could find no relief until I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. It took less than one bottle to completely cure we." The safest and most reliable-cough and cold core and lung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggist#. Trial bottles free. If you are contemplating an auction sale this fall F. (J. Gans is the right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J, W. Freund at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, phone or telegraph. Oysters and Fish Rheumatism Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to teto particular notice to this effect Tel. Main 1714. W H Y do people of Mi Henry. Lake an other count I Irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's V% Fifth Aye. CHICAGO? liecause it 1h SO home like. I have found a tried and tested cure for Rhetv iMttiwn 1 Not a remedy that will straithten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor torn bony growths back to flesh a rain. That is impossible. But I can now surely kill the pains and panes of this deplorable disease. In Germany--with a Chemist in the City of Darmstadt--I found the last ingredient with which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made » perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases ol Rheumatism; but now, at last, it uni­ formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granular wastes, found In Rheumatic Blood, seem to dissolve and pass away under the action ofthls remedy aa frqely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause ol Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no real need--no actual excuse to suffer longer with­ out help. We sell, and In confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy N. H. PETESCH, J C Botton wa« in Woodstock Holi­ day. • " Fred Hartman Wat - It} Crystal Lake Monday. •><« Mrs. J. H. Parks wu in Wauconda Thursday. Mrs. Monroe was a Woodstock caller Thursday. Mrs. F. Hartman was at Nnnda last Thursday. x Mrs. Fred French was a Nanda call­ er Thursday. H. Cammack of Bayne called at Agent Lynch's Monday. E. 3. Otmstead and daughter were in Woodstock Tuesday. N. J. Garrison and family leave for California Thursday. F. Will^was in Woodstock on busi­ ness one day last week. Mrs. Cooper and Elsie Honghawont were in Nnnda Monday. Mrs. P. B. Honghawont was iu Nnn­ da on business Thursday. E. Cadwallader of Ter,ra Cotta visited his mother and sister Sunday. Fred French and family were McHen­ ry visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. E Lock wood went to Green­ wood Tuesday to visit her mother. Mrs. Briggs of Rockford visited her sister and mother the first of the week. Mrs. Morse and Mabel Skinner were in Chicago on a shopping tour Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at Frank Thayer's^ The C- F. C, class will give a mas­ querade in the church parlors Thursday night Miss Emma Eickhoff of Woodstock visited at S. Merchant's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boomer and children took dinner with relatives in Woodstock Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the church Friday. All are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett were calling at their son's home in Woodstock one day last week. Mrs. Ritt and children and Mrs. Shales and children visited Mrs. Jaynes last Thursday. Mrs. Jackman of Woodstock is visit­ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mnnroe, for a few da^s, Chas. Keeler of Elgin and son, Mar vin, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at Mrs. Wakefield's. ?M rs. I. Yuel and. two sons of Elgin visited at Mr. Button's and Mrs. E. Smith's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs*visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Thompson, at Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. Willberger of Nunda and Mrs. Schumann of Terra Cotta called at Mr. Benson's and Mr. Lynch's last Thursday. Mr. Kim ball's scholars have received t cordial invitation to spend Halloween •it his home Friday evening from seven to nine o'clock. SCHOOL NOTES. Mrs. Boomer visited school recently. The primary grade is ready for the readers. Come and visit school and see the kind of work the pupils are doing. The fourth grade has taken up long li vision, and is also nsing copy books in writing. The stereopticon lecture last Friday evening was attended by about two hundred people. Supt. G. W. Conn gave us an excellent lecture. The pro­ ceeds, which were $12.00, will be used for buying pictures. Why Colds Are Dangerous. Because yon have contracted ordinary colds and recovered from them without treatment of any kind, do not imagine for a moment that colds are not danger­ ous. Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have their origin in a common cold. Consumption Fs not caused by a cold, but the cold prepares the system for the reception and devel­ opment of the germs that would not otherwise have found lodgment. It is the same with all infections diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to bensontracted when the child has a cold. You will see from this that more real danger lurks iu a common cold than in any other of the common ailments. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The many remarkable enres effected by this preparation have made it a staple article of trade all over a large part of the world. For sale by all druggists. HOLCOMBVILLK. Mrs. A. P. Peck visited at F. Davoll's Sunday. Jay Vasey was a Chicago passenger Tuesday. Pearlie Peck wae a caller in Ridge- field Tuesday evening. Mr. Stores and son of Lake Geneva spent Sunday at Ben Peck's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zenk and children were Elgin visitors Monday. F. M. Peck of Chicago was a caller at F. Davoll's one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers spent Sun­ day with relatives in Grayslake. Mrs. F. Peck and daughter, Ruby, of Chicago spent Sunday in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutson visited the former's parents near McHenry Sunday. Mrs. C. Colby and daughter, Edna, were Sunday visitors at T. L. Flanders'. Mrs. George Johnson and children of Chicago spent Sunday at A. Johnson'9. Mrs. Henry McMillan and children and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Sunday with Mrs. B. F. Peck. Pain anywhere, pain in the head, pain­ ful periods, Neuralgia, toothache, all pains can be promptly stopped by a thoroughly safe little Pink Candy Tab­ let, known by druggists everywhere as Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets. Pain simply means congestion--undue blood pressure at the point where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood pressure; and pain immediately departs. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., and get a free trial package. Large box 25 cento. Bold by N. H. Peteech. TERRA COTTA. '. A fnll line of school books at Petesch's f «?• fit- Gracy is harvesting bis beet ' crop. Mrs. G. Lehman of Katuaa is visiting ' relatives here Mrs. Frank McMillan called on rela­ tives at Holcombville Sunday. Mrs. Henry McMillan and children were Holcombville callers Sunday. Miss Emily Watson of Chicago is a guest at the home of J'. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Earle pf Oshkosh, Wis., are visiting at J. H. Gracy's. Miss Annie Buss spent several days last week with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Frank Peck and daughter, Ruby, of Chicago^visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in McHenry A. T. McMillan attended the funeral of Richard Steele at Prairie Grove last week Mondav White City Comedy Co. at the Cen­ tral Saturday and Sunday evenings, November 2 and 3. Quite a number from here attended the mission given at St. Patrick's church in McHenry last week. Up-to-date vaudeville acts--White City Comedy company--at the Central next Saturday and Sunday evenings A hard time orchestra will, furnish both old-time and up-to-date music at the Hard Time party at Stoffel' hall next Saturday evening, thus giving both old and young an opportunity to enjoy the event. It is claimed indigestion is the nation­ al disease. That's why the demand for Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increas­ ing because they do the work. Stom­ ach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druKgist about them. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist School Report. The following are the names of the pupils of the Terra Cotta school who have been neither absent nor tardy dur­ ing the month ending Oct. 28, 1W0T: Arthur Shales, Florence Knox, Eleanor Phalin, Frances Knox. Lillian Riley, Alice Riley, Eddie Knox, Mary Con way, Lester Lock wood. 1 1 1 1 I * DRUGGIST. 'PHONE 274. McHenry, - 111 should be one that can stand plenty of use or remain elastic and pli­ able for a long time when laid away. The average rubber floods of today contain so lit­ tle pure rubber that one must exercise particular care in selecting. ;; You can purchase Syringes here and be sure of getting something that will give long and satisfactory service We handle only the lines made by reliable m a n u f a c t u r e r s . Y o u can find here fountain and bulb Syringes in splendid variety and ai, prices ranging from 50c to $2.00. We also have about every other kind of syringe made. were out His Dear Old Hother. "My dear old mother, who is now e,Khty-three years old, thrives on Elec­ tric Bitters," writes W. R. Brunson of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for about two years and enjoys an excellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Electric Bitters affect the aged, and the same happy results follow in all cases of female weakness and general debility. Weak, puny chil­ dren, too, are greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stomach, liver and kidney troubles by N. H. Pet­ esch, F. Masquelet, MeHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 50c. P1STAKKE BAY. Mr. and Mrs. John Reebie last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRoberts of Chi­ cago visited their summer home here last Sunday. Ex-Alderman E. F. Herrmann and wife of New York City were guests at the Kingsley House the past two weeks. Andrew McAnsh and family have va­ cated their summer home at Pistakee Bay and returned to Chicago for the winter. The family of Connty Clerk Joseph F. Haas has returned to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Haas expect to make weekly visits to the Bay during the winter. A weak Stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with palpitation or inter­ mittent pulse, always means weak stom­ ach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how quick­ ly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by N. H. Petesch. An automobile party of thirty mem­ bers spent Saturday and Sunday at the Kingsley House. A game dinner was served to them on Sunday. Among those in the party were: County Clerk Joseph F. Haas, County Comptroller James Monahan, County Committee­ man Frank Pasdeloup, Joseph F. Gun- ther, Frank B. Edelman, Harvey Wil­ son, Edward Birk, ot Birk Brewing C^ Hy Ericsson, Wm. Landshaft, Dr. E. Burrows. .Drink (food •••• Coffees German-American Coffees have the drink. They are put to­ gether right--fit for the table of the American citizen. Put up in sani­ tary packages, prices aoct 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c Cereal Specials! Milk RJce. a rice product similar to Quake Puffed Rice, special priGe pei package 5c Toy Gust-O,--a ready to eat Wheat Flake, toy in each package, special per package . ,5c Free--Will give a picture fi»ee •with 25c worth of Lighthouse Soap as long as they last. :: :: :: :: John Stoffel. l>eti»ltlou of Blind Pig, In view of the many references which have been made to "blind pigs" in the lake region of Lake county, the follow­ ing, showing the origin of the term blind pig, will be of interest, an ex­ change saying: "The incident datoe back to 1851, the date of the enactment of the first Maine law. When the law went into effect there were many ingen­ ious efforts to evade its provisions. A saloon keeper in one of the small vil­ lages in Maine rented a small building adjoining his saloon, which was con­ nected by a door cut thru the walls. In an adjoining room he had a small pig which he asserted was blind. Whether the animal was totally blind I do not know, but there was no expression abont the eyes that indicated that he might be blind. The saloon keeper pasted a large placard over the < door announcing that a blind pig was on ex­ hibition within, admission 10 cents. Each visitor then passed into an adja­ cent bar room, where he was treated to a drink without charge. Thns the sa­ loon keeper could not be found guilty of selling liquor, but to see a blind pig. From this incident an evasion of the liquor law has come to be known as keeping a 'blind pig.' " For Cbroolc Diarrhoea. "While in the army in 1868 I was tak­ en with chronic diarrhoea," says George M. Felton of South Gilson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies but without any permanent relief until Mr. A. W. Miles of this place persuaded me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once." For sale by all druggiate. The Stove Qviestion Is solved here to the highest degree of Satis­ faction. A fine line to select from at honest prices, y ^ F. L. McOMBER, WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. (r FALL WINDS /lake it necessary to dress warmer. Our line of Underwear and all warm goods is very complete. Men'g heavy fleeced Underwear, good quality. ..50c Men's heavy wool Underwear, good quality... .$1.00 Men's heavy wool Und 'w'r, best grades $1.25 to $1 75 Ladies' cotton fleeced Underwear 25c to 50c Ladies' cotton fleeced Union Suits 50c Ladies' wool Union Suits $1.00 to $2.25 Children's cotton and wool Underwear. 25c to $1 H5 Extra'heavy 12-4 cotton Blankets $1 50 to $2.50 Smaller sizes from 50c np Good quality Flannelette, 28 inch wide at 10c Extr quality Flannelette, 82 to 86-in wide.12* to 18c Our line of Dress Goods is complete in all staple and novelty weaves 30c to $1.50 yd W« have a fine line of Ladies' Cravenette Coats, all new models, for $5.00, $7.00, $10 00 and $12.00 Men's Cravenette Coats, the celebrated Priestly and Kenreign brands from $9.00 up Mittens. Gloves. Cap«. Duck Coats, Etc Ball band Felts and Rubbers. Try our Chase & Sanborn or McLaughlin'Coffees. Goods delivered. Phone 363. M. J. WALSH. =?v 4 4 4

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