Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1907, p. 5

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TO-THE DRESSY »v YOUNG HEN! Our Tailor-Made Cloth Represent a progressive experience of many years of Tailoring and catering to tlie wants of well dressed men. THEY MADE GOOD PROM THE START, have held their-pop­ ularity because we have kept everything, from material to workmanship, right up to date. Every season has shown some improvement and this Fall and Winter our Gar­ ments have reached the stage of perfection WHICH PLACES THEM IN THE VERY FRONT RANKS OF AMERICA'S BEST TAILORING. :: :: :: :: :: :: dependable Garments that come from our model work shops, are the best and safest that can be obtained--an advantage that cannot be over­ estimated. Besides the cleanliness, excellent quality and tailoring, our Garments have the snap and style about them that appeals at once to the careful dresser, so even at the same prices there would still be im­ portant reasons why you should buy our splendid Clothes. Besides the advantages named, there is still another very important one: THE PRICE--Our Garments cost you 20 to 25 per cent less than others. There is an old saying that "PARSNIPS CANNOT HE BUTTERED WITH SOFT WORDS" and you cannot build a Coat with language. Newspaper ads and advertising matter of all sorts make them anything, but after two or three weeks' wear they are nothing. Expert ad writers have the "gift of gab," but ad writers do not make the Clothes--that's the reason why people are so often disappointed in their purchases. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW that if you will order yqur next Suit of us, you will receive a Garment that is guaranteed in every feature. In short, you will get absolutely the best tailoring obtainable at the LOWEST POS­ SIBLE PRICE. GIVE US YOUR ORl)ER AT ONCE. :: :: John D. Lodtz, McHenry Telephone No. 251. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street, Tags and price lists famished on application. COLU STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i & 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois IN CHICAGO DURING WINTER For the treatment of curable Chronic Diseases (nervous afflic­ tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gout, obes­ ity. catarrh, anemia, general de­ bility. etc. Only Natural Meth­ ods Employed. Dr. Carl Struck, Prop. IOO State Street, Suite 1409. CHICAGO, ILL. Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Chat new Harness I-| AVE you placed * " your order for yournew winter har­ ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen i n Mc- " Henry and want to do your #ok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices. :: :: IB. Ji. Cbelen, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.00 am... K . 4 f > a m . . . 12.30 p m.. 3.45 pn... 4.00 p m 4.57 p tn... H.flO am... 3.4A am. . ».10am... fl.02 p m .. Leave McHenry. 7.80 am... 8..<2a m... 4.33 p m.. 4.83 p m... 8.17 p m.. 7.20 a m. 7.0N p m. 7.48 p m 7 4K p m. Effective May 12, 1B07 WIBK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via Elgin . ..Via I)es Plalnes .. Via EIKIU ...Via l>es Plalnes... Via El)?ln -- Via !>«» Plalnes... SUNDAY TRAINS. Via l>es IMalties . Via Elgin.... , .. Via Des Plalnes... Via Elgin WIBK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. .Via Elgin Via Des Plainer.. Via Des Plalnes.. Via Elgin Via l>es Plalnes .. 8UNDAT TRAINS. Via Elgin -- Via Des Plalneg... . Vl» Des Plalnes Via Elgtq Arrive McHenry. --10.17 a m ...10.17 a m . ..2..i0 p in -- 4.4.ei p m . . .8.40 p in . . .8.40 p m S».37 a ii. .11.14 a m .11.14 a m . 4.M p n) Arrive Chicago. . 10.10 a m .9.35 a m . .8.15 p m .7.10 p tn • 7.53 p in . 10.35 a di .. 8.25 p m . »35 n ir 10.20 p in Want Column. All advertisemoiitf inserted tindfi tl>U head at the following rates: Five linen or le»«, S6 cent* for flnt Insertion; l& eente for each Hubttetjuent insertion. More tban live linen, 5 oent« a line for first insertion, and 3 rente a line for additlona insertion*. "CMJK SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. A Homesteads-Iim'ii led. For further in for mat ion apply to or address E. \V. Howe. Mc- tifiiry. 111. 17 tf \XTANTKIK-Men to cut aliout. 800 cords of " wood. Is all hard wood and easy cut­ ting. Will pay 91.50 per cord. C. K. .Iecks. at R. H. Kicnardson farm. West McHenry. Phone 573. H-tf "C^OR SA LE-A No. 1 Hotstetn cow, coming A in alxtut the first of November. Also a brood mare with foal and a 4-month-old colt. CHRI8T Hi.akk. near Johnsburgh on Spring Grove Road. 17-3t TpOR SALE CHEAP--Good Round Oak beat- ing stove, wood and coal, with twogrates and 1 Joint pipe, all in g<«>d repair. Apply to E. H. HKAI., West McHenry. III. fr-tf NEIGHBORING NE JVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OURABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS He PROBA TE NE WS j [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company. Woodstock. Illinois.] \REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Samuel J. Baneford. 22. Greenwood Tp E in ma M. Lad wig. 2$ Woodstock Nicholas S. Wei agar t, 22 Wanconda Tp Mary A. Weber. 21 McHenry Frank E Seward, 25; Marengo Bessie H Sheldon, 28 Marengo Arlie A. Deitz, 31 .Woodstock Blanche E Jackett, 20 Woodstock Wm. Malwitz, 27 Union Martha Brandee, 24 Union Place Your Order Now. The government postal anthorities have caused to be posted in every posi- offioe in the country a circular letter to the pnblic, urging use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and lea re orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. • foil line of school books at Peteach's JO F. O. Qans the an tees satisfaction. Miss Mary Pit Ken of Volo made a short call here Tuesday. F rank Freund and family were seen on our streets recently. Miss Martha Mertes of Pistakee Bay visited her parents Snnday. Peter B. Freund of McHenry was seen in our village Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling visited at John Pitzen's at Volo Tnesday. Chas. Givens of McHenry was seen on our streets one day last week. Mesdauies Fred Dei thorn and Jake Miller went to McHenry Tuesday. '•The Kidnaper" at the Central this week Saturday and Snnday evenings. Mesdames John Molidor and John Pitzeq of Volo drove thru here Satur­ day. Help the lady of your choice along 150 votes by paying np your subscription now. Mr and Mrs. Jos. j^othermel of Mc­ Henry attended the wedding here last week. White City Comedy Co, at the Cen­ tral Saturday and Sunday evenings, November 2 and 8. Frank Tonyai. and Misses Maggie and Eva Miller attended the dance at Lily Lake Saturday night. John Williams and family attended the golden wedding anniversary of his parents here Tuesday. Rig up yonr costume and attend the Hard Time party at Stoffel's hall next Saturday evening. Nov. 2. White City Comedy and Vaudeville company at the Central Saturday and Sunday evenings, Nov. 2 and S. Otis Murray intends to move bis fam­ ily into their new home over the cream­ ery the latter part of this week. Auton Deithoru of St. Paul, Minn., who has been visiting his uncle, Fred Deithorn, returned home Friday. McMillan and Going, black face co medians, at ttie Central opera house Saturday and Sunday evenings, Nov. 2 ami 3. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller are the happy parents of a bright baby boy. The yonng gentleman arrived ^Monday morning. Miss Virginia Stewart supported by Ross C. Bennett and company at the Central Saturday ^nd Sunday evenings, Nov. 2. and 8. Mr. and Mrs Martin Williams cele­ brated their golden wedding anniver- verssry here last Tuesday. A full ac­ count of the same will be given in next week's issue.,. Do you knojv that Pinesalve Carbol ized acts like a poultice in drawing oat inflammation and poison? It is anti­ septic. For cuts, burns, eczema, crack­ ed hands it is immediate relief. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. The wedding dances at Smith's hall have been well attended during the past few weeks The dances are be­ coming more popular with each wed­ ding, as the growing crowds plainly in­ dicate. The music as furnished by Blake's Chicago orchestra was fine. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooping cough. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It works off the cold thru the bowels, cuts the phlegm, clears the head. For young and old. Guaranteed. Secure a bottle at once. Sold by N. H. Peteach, druggist. Mr. and Mrs. Redick and son came out from Chicago in their automobile Sunday morning at 3 o'clock to visit with Kingsley's at Pistakee Bay. When they bad nearly reached the hotel their auto tipped over, causing the death of Mr. Redick and breaking Mrs. Redick's arm. The son escaped without any in­ jury. Don't worry about your kidneys when yon can obtain 80 days' treat­ ment of Pineules for $1.00. These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your niouey refunded. This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. MA Y-Jt'STEN. The wedding ceremony of Mies Anna M. Justen and Mr. Jacob May at St. John's church here last week Wednes day was a very pretty affair. The Rev. H. M. Mehring performed the ceremony, which was very largely attended The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of white silk. Mrs. May is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Justen and is classed among Johnsburgh's fairest and esteemed daughters. The groom is the son of Mrs. Martin May. He is a young man of exceptionally good business qualifi­ cations and in a social way is a good fellow who enjoys the acquaintance of a large circle of friends. Congratula­ tions. KLEIN-ROTHERMEL. The marriage of Miss Dora Rother- ifiel to Mr. Wm. Klein took place at St John's church here yesterday, the Rev. H. Mehring speaking the words that united them as man and wife. ' The bride is the daughter of Mr. Peter Rothermel and is a most accom­ plished young lady. She possesses all the qualifications that go to make up a model housewife and her jolly and pleas­ ant disposition has made her a great favorite among her friends and acquaint­ ances. The groom is a blacksmith by trade, being in bnsiness at Ingleside, Lake county, where the newly wedded ones will make their home. He is a yonng man of exceptionally good qualities, with the prospects of a most successful business career. The many friends of the young couple extend their hearty congratulations. RINOWOOD. OCTOBER 24. Mrs. Chas. Corey^is visiting *t Lake Geneva this week. Mrs. Wm. Hepburne was a Chicago passenger Monday. Walter Bradley was a visitor in the windy city Tuesday. C. W. Randall of Elgin spent Sunday with his family here. J. Carey transacted business at Wood­ stock the first of the week. Simon Stoffe) of McHenry was a busi­ ness visitor here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elan Harrison were McHenry callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mre. John Gould of Hebron visited here last week Thursday. Mrs. Casper Krumpen and children visited Mrs. Charles Shales Wednesday. . Meadaroes Grace Mr. Cannon and Lena Peet spent part of last week with Elgin friends. Misses Hettie Randall and Lola Boyle of McHenry visited Mins Agnes Dodge Saturday. Mr. and Mrs! G L Bacon returned to their home in Chicago Tuesday after a wdtk s visit with relatives here. Misses Maude and Fannie Granger and Flossie Randall were entertained at the E. A Smith home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Currie and son of Des Moines. Iowa, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bacon. Mrs. Cur­ rie is a cousin lo Mrs. Bacon. OCTOBER 81. Miss Ada Westlake was in town Fri­ day afternoon. Eld Bell was a McHenry caller one day last week. Mrs. W. E. Smith was a McHenry caller Monday. Miss Agnes Carey was a Chicago pas senger Saturday. Scott Hai rison is calling on friends and relatives here. James McCannou spent Sunday with friends at Harvard. Ray Dodge was a windy city visitor the first of the week. Mrs. Charles Bacon visited Richmond friends one day last week. Mr. aud Mrs. Will Kelly visited in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beatty and family were Richmond visitors Sunday. J. V. Buckland and mother were Mc­ Henry visitors last Friday afternoon. George Pringle of Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robin son. John Nett and Charles Michels of Johnsbnrgh were in town last Thurs­ day. Mesdames Jas. Green and B. Tonyan were Richmond callers one day last week. D. Shales and son, Earl, of Wilmot,' Wis., visited Charles Shales and family Snnday. Messrs. Will McCannon and Will Beck are each the possessor of a fine new rubber tired buggy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams attend­ ed the celebration of the golden wed­ ding anniversary of the former's par­ ents at Johnsbnrgh Tnesday. Miss Lor a Walking ton returned houir Saturday evening from a visit with St. Charles friends. She was accompanied home by Miss Margaret Bennett. To enre a cold first move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Cough Sprup acts gently on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take*and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping congh. Guaran­ teed to give satisfaction or money re­ funded. Eqnally good for young and old. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. TOLft Miss Ella Moore was a McHenry call­ er Tuesday. Frank Do well of Round Lake was in Volo Thursday. Harry Wheelock of Grayslake was a Volo caller Wednesday. Ed Lusk of Round Lake was in Volo Sunday afternoon and evening. *• Misses Nettie Russell and Mary Hook were recent visitors at McHenry. Messrs. Fuller and Harrison of Wan­ conda were Volo callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Jr., of Wanconda passed thru town Snnday. Misses Anna Rossdeutscher and Lucy Dunnill spent a recent forenoon in ftfe- Henry. Mrs. John Myer was on the sick list last week but is somewhat better at present. Mrs. E. G. A Gale of Elgin was in town attending to bnsiness matters last Thursday. Mrs. Kate Waite of Wankegan made a business trip to her farm near Volo last week. • Mrs A. J Raymond and Miss Anna Miller were Grayslake visitors Thurs­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Geary of Wancon­ da were guests at the Mat Miller home last Wednesday. Mrs. Ben Rosing entertained her sis­ ter, Mrs. Dick Detaben, of Libertyville a few days last week. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Miss Katherine Do well of West Fremont were guests of friends here Sunday. Miss Mary Raught attended the wed­ ding of her brother, which occarred at Winfield last Wednesday. Mrs. C. Sable and daughter, Mrs. Winkle, of McHenry visited at Mrs. EM Snyder's at Fox Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Kirwan enter­ tained the former's sister, Mrs. Henry Dobner, and daughters from Kansas last week. White City Comedy Co. at the Ceu^ tral Satnrday and Snnday evenings, November 2 and 3. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. These tests are proving to the people--without a pen­ ny's cost--the great value of this scien­ tific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop'a Catarrh Remedy. Sold by N. H. Petesch. TAKE NOTICE GILBERT'S Store this week, special low priceaare offered in many lines. While they last here are a few items: :: :: :: :: •• The Elgin Dress Shirt, mostly stiff fronts, some soft, $1.00 quality for , 75c Boys' and Girls' Combination Suits 43c Ex heavy double width Flan­ nelettes, per yd 11 i-ac Cotton Batts, per roll. gc Men's Heavy Fleeced Under­ wear. per suit 90c One lot Sweaters, sizes from 4 years to size 3-1 50c, 75c Boys' Suits. . $i.a to $5 Boys' Overcoats. .....$3 to $7 ( We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent on each garment 1. 8 pairs good Ladies' Hose. 25c 3 pairs Canvas Gloves . . .25c Cotton Blankets 50c to $2.25 Royal Worcester Corsets, f 1 00 quality for • • • 75C One lot Shoes, sizes 2i t*> 4, some Patent Colt skiu, some Vici kid. but all of extra good quality and have sold fron $8 to |3.50, your choice of lot . . $2 One lot Girls' Shoes, 8 to 13, some worth $2. choice. ..$1.25 < >ne lot Ladies' Oxfords, 2| to 4, some worth $2 50, One lot Boys' Patent Colt or Box Calf, sizes H to 5, all $2 25 to $2.50 quality, choice. $1.9$ Lace Curtains, 3£ yds long, 50 inches wide f.2$ fo |.£§ Large h'vy white Bed Spreads 95 to 1.75 Fancy* Drees Linings, 25c and 35c quality, choice. 19c Ladies' and Gents' Vest Sweat­ ers, plain or fancy.. $ fo 4.IO Men 's Waterproof Coats ....... -S5 TO $5.50 Men's Cravenettes, for fair or stormy weather.., $|Q One lot Men's Cotton Pants, your choice 95c < )ne lot Men's Wool Pants.... $2 to $4 Von may have heard of the fatuous Hamilton Brown Shoes They are here, and for all ages and at reduced prices. Men's Patent Colt Skin, lace or but­ ton, the $5 quality for $4 The All American Shoe for Ladies and Gents.. S2.25-$4 REMEMBER! A SPECIAL DIS­ COUNT on all SWEATERS dur­ ing THIS SALE. dilbert Bros. Telephone, 271. flcHenry, III. FrankHasqueiet I keep in stock all the standard Patent Medicines and Druggists'Sundries. We have a large and well selected stock of Sponges, Chamois Skins, Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Hraces, Package Dyes, Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Cologne, Bay Rum, Florida Water and Extracts for the Hand­ kerchief. Our stock comprises all of the popular odors. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ;; :: :: Toilet and Fancy Goods Toilet Sojtps, Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Infant Powders, Tooth Powders, Satchet Powders, Toilet Cases, Dressing and Fine Combs, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Dust Brushes, Artists' Brushes, Marking Brushes, Camels' Hair Pencils. Also handle Window Glass of all sizes. Call and see us. Your patronage is always appreciated and no matter how small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be our con­ stant aim to sell you the best goods that can be ob­ tained at reasonable prices. Living, as we do, just over our store we can attend to your wants at all hours, day or night. :: :: :: :: :: :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. •of fir TO THE Newly Hail OK! The first question that confronts the newly wedded ones is the furnishing of the home. Furnishing the home as it should be done is no small task and-often means a ^reat deal of worry and hard work. We are in the HOME FUR­ NISHING BUSINESS and will, at any time, -be only to glad too assist those wishing our as­ sistance. Our line of Furniture comprises the kind that makes the home both comfortable and cheerful. With quality and honest prices as oar motto, we invite your inspection of our stock. JACOB mm, - M(!MY

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