Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1907, p. 8

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- •ir . r " Suits '.: -'"" "r f t %& STILL OHM, nr GUARANTEED EQUAL TO ANY TAILOR-MADE GARHENT, AT >&&&& msms «TtlStw. *:<0k S5.OO ^ OF A PERSONAL NATURE SHKTrv-e»ry§t«wnr I90T ay Kun-NAinAN anson* ta LESS THAN YOU WILL PAY FOR SAME WHEN YOU SELECT THEM FROM A SAMPLE, AND CHANCE IT, WHETHER IT WILL FIT YOU. Come see the garment, try it on and, if satisfactory, buy it, hence no disappointment. We have an assortment ranging in pj*ice from * 4 $7.50 to $19.00 3.01. Freund, - iUesf IttcBenry. t>& >r P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE fSSiS/kfifiT *• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ALL DAY SALE. AUCTION! LEWIS^VOGEL, f AUCTIONEERS. IQGALNEWS OF NPHENRY SEEN BY THE PLAJNDEALER' WE PORTERS. ; 'ltetM mi htetest Picked Up A boat Oar V Baity Little Biitf That Mav Concern Ton or Tour FrMid*. A fall line of school book* at Petemh's Mrs. Henry Buchert was last Thurs­ day operated on by Drs. Fegers & Fe­ vers. Tbe canse for the operation was strangulation of the ovarian cyst. She is recovering nicely from the effects of the operation and her many friends hope to see her ont again soon W. O. Gam the auctioneer, ftntees satisfaction. If yoo have a bad cough get of Masque let's cough By rap. A good chest protector, all sizes, at Masquelet's drag store, East Side. Miss Phoebe Bartz. dressmaking by the day. Phone 761. 3Q-4t Extra special! Something yon want at VyeiteTs 10 cent counter this week. If yon are in need of a truss call ou Masquelet. He will fit yoo. East Side drag store. Oliver Moore has closed his saloon in tae Wirfs building on the West Side and left town. Little Isabelle Bishop entertained a number of her young friends at a birth- day party at her home last Friday even- tie guar-; ^Qg| the day being her seventh birthday anniversary. Games and refreshments a bottle made up the evening's program. Many ] tokens of remembrance were left by tbe little folks. Buy your hat of Mrs. E. W. Howe and know that yon will receive your money's worth. If you want your prescription filled with pure, fresh drugs go to Masquelet's East Side drug store. A large crowd attended the Wein- gart-Weber wedding dance at the Me Henry House hall last night. We put up eave troughs and do all kinds of tin work. Give us a call. J. J. Vvoiial, McHenry. l-tf Mm. E. W. Howe, the old reliable milliner, will best serve yon in the mil­ linery line. Her prices and goods are right. Remember every penny turned into this office between now and Jan. 1 en­ titles you to one vote. Help your favor­ ite along by subscribing for The Plain- dealer, a° paper that contains all the news all the time. You cannot taep posted on local doings unless yon join The Plaindealcr family. Misses Lncile Wentworth, Letah ?age and Lelah Claxton entertained the fifth and sixth grades of the public school at a Halloween party in the M. W. A. hall last Thursday evening. The young folks enjoyed themselves with the usual Halloween games that arrays prove so entertaining. Refreshments were also I served. I The members of the McHenry high j school, together with a number of in­ vited friends, enjoyed a Halloween par­ ty at Woodman hall last Friday even­ ing. Games, music and dancing made up the evening's enjoyment, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. W. F. Gallaber acted as chaperone and a most enjoyable time was had. A number of young people enjoyed a Halloween party at the home of Hester Beebe Wednesday evening of last week. The evening was spent in games, songs and music, in which all present took a most active part. Refreshments at an appropriate hour marked the closing of an evening of pleasure. Those present The most beautiful line of fall and winter hats ever brought to McHenry are now on display at Mrs. E. W. Howe's. Hot water bottles, fountain syringes j expressed themselves as highly pleased anfl ' combination syringe and bottle, all j with the manner in which they were styles and prices, at Mamjuelet's East ' entertainp i by Miss Hester. Side drug store. i :t ;--~ , . 1 The ministerial conference of tbe The R. N. A. will hold a bazaar at j not.hern district of Illinois, comprising the Woodman hall fin ring the afternoon ' fonrtv-fruu Lutheran pastors, met at St. '.and tpwning of Thursday. l>ec. *>. Par- j Jobu «• Lutheran church at Woodstock The undersigned, being abont to dis­ solve partnership, will sell at public auction, without reserve, on the prem­ ises known as Oak Grove farm, 4 miles southeast of Hebron and miles north­ east of Woodstock, on Thursday, November £ > 14 Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following desoribed property: 90 Head of Live Stock Consisting of * FIFTY CHOICE COWS 29 Head Young Cattle, of which there are 16 Mead Registered 63 Head High-grade Ho I steins. ELEVEN HORSES Black team, mare and gelding, 8 and 9 years old, 3200 pounds; black gelding 9 years old, 1400 ponnds; black gelding 14 years old, 1200 pounds; bay gelding 9 years old, 1200 pounds; grey gelding 16 years old, 1050 pounds; bay driver 9 years old, 950 pounds; bay mare 10 years old, 1100 pounds; hay mare 15 years old 1000 pounds; bay mare 2 years old, 850 pounds; sorrel gelding 5 years old, 1100 pounds. 100 Langshan chrokens, 5 ex­ hibition coops. Hay and Grain. 60 tons hay--timothy, clover and al­ falfa; 20 bu. seed corn, 225 bu. 20th Cen­ tury seed oats, 250 bu. barley, 50 bu. Chevalier two-row beardless, 100* bu. macaroni wheat, 15 bu. rye, 60 acres of corn in shock and 3 stacks straw. Farm Machinery h. p. Olds gasoline engine, new this fall; Deering corn binder, Deering grain binder, McCormick mower, hay rake, hay tedder, Rock Island hay loader, Success manure spreader, Kemp manure spreader, corn planter, check rower, 2 spools check wire, breaking plow, 4 stirring plows, Flying Dutchman gang plow, 2 Planet Jr. garden cultivators, Superior combined disc fertilizer and grain drill, disc wheel pnlverizer, roller, 2 sulky corn cultivators, 2 sets drags, Acme pulverizer, Cadillac automobile, two-seated surrey, 8 top buggies (2 good as new), open bnggy, high-wheeled wag­ on, 2 truck wagons, low fodder wagon, 2 hay racks, milk wagon, set wagon springs, swell body cutter, buggy pole, 3 sets bob sleighs, 3 shoveling boards, 2 sets dump boards, 6 extension fruit ladders, wheelbarrow, milk cart, 18 milk cans, 4 pails and strainer, grind­ stone, set stock scales, set platform scales, 2 sets family scales, galvanized stock tank, 4 sets heavy double harness, set light double harness, 2 sets single harness, 4 horse blankets, 2 lap robes, 2 binder canvases, Weber angle sieve grain separator, lot of grain bags, Round Oak stove, cauldron kettle, forks, shov­ els, etc. ? ticulars next week. On another page of this paper will be found *i*auction sale notice of Hunt Bros.' farm to take place on Thursday, Nov. 14. The herd of cattle offered is one of the finest in the county. The friends of John Grasser, who re- sities on the old Chas. Parks Jarni, will be pained to learn that he Ts suffering with appendicitis and that he will be operated on in the near future. Drs. Fegers & Fegers will perform the oper­ ation. The Halloween social given under the anspiees of the Ladies' Aid societj of the M. E. church at the home of G. W. lies ley last Thursday evening was well attended. The usual Halloween pro­ gram prevailed and a general good time WW enjoyed by preaaw. at Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Papers were read at Jhe txroference by the Revs. Lewerenz of DesPlaines, Kuehnert of Crystal Lake, and Kowert of Elgin. On Wednesday evening di­ vine service were held, at which time Rev. Banmgaertner of Chicago preached the sermon. The White City Comedy and Vaude­ ville company <lrew small audiences at the (Central last Saturday and Sunday evenings, again indicating that vaude­ ville is "dead" among theater goers. The people of McHenry and surround­ ing towns have been "stung" so many times with cheap vaudeville "gags" that they simply abominate the word "vaudeville." While it is true that there were a few good merits about the performances, as a whoie the applause during the action of the performance quite faint. Lunch at 12 O'clock. TERMS OE SALE: Sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year will be given on good bankable notes at 7 per cent. No property to be temoved until settled for. F. N. Torrance ) . Fremont Hoy f HUNT BROS. Appendicitis Is due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels by employing drastic purgatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's New Life Pills, the safe, gentle cleans­ ers and invigorators. Guaranteed for headaches, biliousness, malaria, jaun­ dice, at the N. H. Peteech, Frank Mas­ quelet, McHenry, and Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry, drng stores. 26c. A full line of school books at Peteech's * : PEOPLE THAT YOO KNOW WHERE THEY GO. AN* A Rrtat of P«wnn*l Ji*wi Gathered Up by th* WkjrMd* by The Pteindeitler Repre­ sentative*. • • • _ Jos. W. Freund was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Herbert Morien of Chicago was the gnest of McHenry friends here Sunday. Mrs. S. S. Torrance spent Tuesday in Chicago buying new goods for her store and getting new pointers in the; milli­ nery line. Fred Bisliop was in (Jbicago last Fri­ day, whese he purchased fifty pairs of roller skates for the skating rink to be opened in Buch's hall. Mrs. Carl W. Stengerand little daugh­ ter leave today (Thursday) for a two months' visit with relatives and friends in Chicago^ Green Bay and other Wis­ consin points. Mr. Stenger will make his home with G. W. Besley and family during his family's absence. RINGLING BROS. Women as Well as Men :^re Made Miserable Kidney Trouble. Btny Barn u in & Bailey Show For $410,- OOO --Oet New York Entree. Ringling Brothers, tbe cirohs men with headquarters in Chicago, are now the owners of the big Barn am & Bailey show. At a meeting yesterday in New York of the English shareholders of the "greatest show on earth," which was rather stormy, it "Was decided to sell out to Ringling Brothers for #410.000. It is reported that not since Mr. Bai ley's death has there been a payment of dividends, and for this reason the Eng­ lish share holders were induced to part with their holdings. The purchase of the English shares of the Barnum and Bailey show makes the Ringling Broth­ ers absolute masters of the circus field in this country. They now own the Ringling, the Barnum & Bailey, the For^paugh and the Sells shows, besides a number of smaller tent shows. Negotiations have been in progress for some time. The only condition of the sale is that the circus retain its old name. By this deal Ringling Brothers come into possession of a number of shares of stock in Madison Square Garden in New York. For years they have been trying to get into New York to give their cir ens, but on account of the Barnum & Bailey interest in Madison Square Gar­ den .they were not able to rent the building. The Ringling circus, which has open­ ed in Chicago at the Coliseum every year, will go east and tbe Barnum & Bailey show will come west next season, opening at the Coliseum, while the Ringling show will open in the Madison Square Garden. Three Trains to California, The Overland Limited, the Los An­ geles Limited and the China & Japan Fast Mail daily between C^cago and the Pacific coast make close connection with the train service from all points on the North-Western line. They form the most splendid and complete trans­ continental service, and offer choice of routes going one way and returning another, without extra charge. If you are planning a winter trip to California send for booklets and information, or call on any ticket agent of the North­ western line. ? l9-4t Cold* and Croup in Children. "My little girl is subject to colds," says Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41, Fifth street, Wheeling, W.Va. "Last winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy without the aid of a doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many times from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup. As soon as he shows any signs of croup I give him Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy for three or four days which pre­ vents tbe attack." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. If you are contemplating an auction sale this fall F. O. Gans is the right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Freund at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or telegraph. This paper and The Weekly Inter- Ocean--$1.75 for one year's subscription to both. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon J for a child to be born i3 afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able te control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should, be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home of swamjviioot. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and theaddress, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. School Notes. Allen Noonan is back again. Edith Nichols entered.the fifth grade Tuesday. The Wednesday evening program of the art exhibit will be given in the pri­ mary rooms, Prof. F. M. Goodman has consented to give us a lecture on art at the Friday evening exhibit next week. The boys made a respectful request on. Monday evening that they be al­ lowed the use of the "city hall" for bas ketball, as heretofore, but received no consideration whatever. A new certificate of fully accredited relation with the state university has just been received. This fully accred its our high school with all the colleges of the North Central association. Tbe St. Louis Post-Dispatch says of the Tnrner Art exhibit: "The collec tion of photographs and photogravures of famous paintings now on exhibit at the high school is considered the finest ever presented in St. Louis." Come out and help us by your pres ence and "admission fee next Week, ai the entire net proceeds of the exhibit is to be invested in pictures at a discount of 25 per cent from tbe list price and we hope to get several fine pictures by this means for our school. We are to have one of the Turner Art exhibits tbe last four days of next week, This is a collection of the finest of the world's pictures, worth- several thou­ sands of dollars as they oome to us, and representing invaluable originals all over the world. They will be on public exhibition at the schoolhouse each even­ ing ot the four days and during the greater part of Saturday. Buy your tickets of the school Children, as they get a commission. How to Care s Colli. Be as careful as you can you #111 occa­ sionally take cold, and when yon do, get a medicine of known reliability, one that has an established reputation and is cer­ tain to effect a onick cure. Such a medicine is Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy. It has gained a world wide repu­ tation by its remarkable cures of this most common ailment, and can always be depended upon. It acts on nature's plan, relieves tbe lungs, aids expectora­ tion, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. During the many years in which it has been in general use we have yet to learn of a single case of cold or attack of the grip having resulted in pneumonia when this rem­ edy was used, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains no opium or other nar­ cotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult For sale by all druggists. A full line of school books at Petesch's ' > P» Our enormous stock "of Fall and Winter Goods is arriving and being placed on our shelves almost daily and we believe we have one of the most complete lines ever brought to town. If you are looking for style, fit, quality and honest pri­ ces we invite your inspect­ ion Of OUr StOCk. » .v ?: -n WEST McHENRY, ILL, OP WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS, Capital Stock, $25,000. EOFFICERS:- EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOrlESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : ; 3 percent paid oti Savings Ac­counts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit i=J) f? s THAT THIS IS THE PROPER TIME TO LAY IN YOUR Coal ^ Supply? Wilbur Lumber Co. -jf * - • •' 'r">k Our Boys' Clothing stock affords some real Bargains, and in Quality, Workman­ ship and Style they cannot be excelled. SEE THIS SUIT1 Boys' 2-piece Suits, made of a fine stripe suiting, a big value; sizes 6 to 14 years, at per suit.., $2.00 Boys'stylish 2-piece Suits made of a fine brown mixed suit­ ing; a sub­ stantial gar­ m e n t f o r school wear; see this suit at per suit... $2.25 Boys' 2 picee suits, Nor­ folk style; made up of j a 1 1 - w o o l plaids and stripe suit­ ings, a neat, stylish gar­ ment at $2.98 & $4.00 Staley Underwear ==-- FOR MEN ===== Grocery Items We now have a complete line of these goods on our shelves in sizes to fit all. The word STALEY stands for quality. Their Garments are all wool and a yard wide. They are soft arid com­ fortable to the wearer and will outwear any other make. Ask the wearers of Staley's Underwear and they will tell you that there is none better. We carry all sizes in both rf* I A A i| OC f I CA Shirt# and Drawers,'prices per garment^LUVj ^K*i- J) yltJlf BED BLANKET VALUES: 11-4 Glendale, all wool Bed Blanket, a fine soft wool djr » with a white and black border, a special value, per pr * , Full 12-4 cotton Bed Blankets, extra large sizes, made $3. ,oo of a soft downy cotton, one that will sell at sight, spc! Full 11-4 Blankets, at per pair... v 98c BLOCK & BETHK Potato Chips, per box.. .10c Large package Toasted Corn and Cerealine Flakes, per package.. 10c Fancy Bottled Pickles, mixed sweet and straight, per bottle :10c Extra choice Tea SiftingB, per 1-lb. package 35c Beinz Tomato Soup, per can. 20c Large can Trojan Pineap­ ple, per can .* 28c 2-lb. can extra heavy syrup Yellow Egg Plums, can. 19c 2 lb. can extra heavy syrup Bartlett Pears 20c 2-lb. can Yellow Crawford Peaches, per can 90c 2-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, per can 10c Elgin Sugar Corn, can.. 10c Falker's Early June Peas, per can lOc r- 4-t. jrt.' if*

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