Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1907, p. 4

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W f " • ' .<•*<• ?"« Ntwe-wai.vj;. •;.> w- ••>• . 4* 9®%atr >* *,?. <i-VV-" i" -i- -S;'-^ -f «** 4 \» V * V"* ^ i, SsMW* r%:-: ::#4 :il - ' rfcl *i;„ ••' J Professional, Society >• and Businesss Cards TiAVI O O. WfiLI.R *LD. rtHYSlCIA^.SCIUiEOX AN*I» x uige4> residence corner Klw sue '.ilfeenstroets, MfHcnry. Tt 1< plionc NO. 891 KKUKKH & KEG EES T>UYsLClAi>.a AM) Si:UCiEOSS, "McHenf" i:Hi. office at Residence, corner Courtand < tt>i •tracts. Telephone 333. DLT.SMILEY " rTTOR^EY ATLA W, WoeOtteck,-IHtao* j *"• All business intrusted to his care ̂ 111 • e nropetty and promptly attended to. ! I'AHKKK S. WEBSTER •m. 701, 70S Hector buildintf, 123 M*>n "ree street, Ohicajro.' Telephone Oeatt-u T AWYRIt W reu sti* J>R. «. G. (5HAMBERLIN DHNTIST. RmI4(iim ov«r n. J. W»l»ta'a Start Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. VinsTMcH«Kmr.Ii.t, IS SIMON STOFFEL . . Insurance Agent for all elassefcof l>roperty in the best Companies. West McHenry. USInoi* *JoHri J. Vycitof V. DEALER IN t General fiard ware Sfcovep. Paints and Oils. Tin and ma- repairing of all kinds. 'Phone548 McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. •FRANK BUHE PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER <mmi PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD *%i ,ise and Stpn Painting and all Interior I)ec- ; «i)r, j iiip. »><••- uori h town hue one lrfocs ' vest of river. Telephone No.254. IIOHJENRV. - - - ILLINOIS IplHelp! Thus cried the And * kind neighbor came to the res­ cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Facing hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then :he healthy scalp gives rich, heilthy hair. The be%t kind of a testimonial-- "Sold lor over sixty yeara." A X*Aa An 6v ,T. c. Ayes' ro.. I.owell, *•»•. Also manufacturer!.! of S48SAP4RU.U. PI-.I.S. A;M«Y PECTORAL. yers tie McHenry PliiiMler .PCBUSUKit KV,EKY,THUiiSi)A"i BY F. CI SCHREINER. Oflce in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 27S. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year . ....; --$1.60 Si* montM r.Vrta. Three rnoutha. iOcts. KILL the COUCH I NO CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery rlND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. !|1ABANT££D SATISFACTORY HE MONEY REFUNDED. PHOTO STUDIO. Poffcr&itK All shapes und sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en, finished in different styles. Price, 12.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive liPljttiYiiu- for nil kinds of outdoor work, such as jiroup pictures, views 1 bullilifiSf?, cattle. machinery., etc. Ctlt^rgemerits Copied from any small picture,. Likeness guaranteed in every Instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frame s A variety of styles In stork to select from. Odd sizes made up -for any size picture, certificate, etc. Wuukeg&s St., near the Htandplpe. WEST McHKNRY, ILL. T olvpj tuno, 493 CENTER VILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages \ We also handle Johns- c£. •- bnrgh Creamery Batter Thursday, November 7, 1907. iiiii i'oi holding the next quali­ fying examination for the Rhodes schol- a-ship in the state of Illinois has been set by the Rhodes Scholarship Trust in London, tor Tuesday, ^ the 21st, and Wednesday, the 22d of January, 1908. All natives of Illinois whs have com­ pleted the sophomore year in college are eligible for this examination. Tli« Rhodes scholarship is the bine-ribbon acKilorsh!;' n *ci<» conn try and in Eng- i;?L,u. Jtfei\t\s to the fortunate possessor the snin of fifteen hundred dollars a year for three years to enable him to spend three years in study at the University of Oxford. All applicarts must pass this preliminary qualifying examina­ tion. From th§* list of those who pass this preliminary qualifying examina­ tion, the state committee of selection will choose a candidate. The commit-" tee for Illinois consists of President Edmund J. .Tames, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, chairman; President Harry P. Jndson, University of Chicago; President M. H. Chamberlain, McKen- dree College, Lebanon, Illinois; Presi­ dent A. W. Harris, Northwestern Uni­ versity, Evans ton, Illinois; President C. H. Ratnmelkaiiip, Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois. RINGWOOD. Warren Foss Chicagoed Monday. Chas. Bacon drove to Green wood last Tuesday. Miss Leone Kelly visited McHenry friends Wednesday. Cal Coates of Harvard was in town the first of the week Mrs. John Preinnd and son and daugh­ ter were Chicago passengers Wednes­ day. Mrs. J. Watson returned Tuesday from a visit with her daughter, Mra. J. Qilno, at Westbrook, Miuu. Misses Lora and Elsie Dodge spent Saturday and Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. South wick, at WilliamB Bay. Mrs. Sarah Inman returned to her home in Wichita, Kan., after spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs- Smith accompanied h<«- as far as Chicago. It ia a well known fact that persons living in the pine forests do not snffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pinenles at night usually relieves back­ ache. 30 days' treatment $1.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. One dollar a year for The Weekly Int er-Ocean, $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by onr recent special arrangement, 41.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. f/ Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. WEST SIDE Hi is][[the place to fefeav^your order t . . . . .FOR. . . . Oysters null foil = Also an elegent ^ line of fresh arid ; w i t M E A T S F. ihatthews. Cramps cause women some c their most excruciating- ly painful hours* Mrs. LuU Berry, of Farming- ton, Ark., writes: "I suffered with terrible cramp* every month, and would sometimes lose consciousness for 4 to 9 hours* On a friend's advice I took WOMAN'S RELIEF and as a result am now relieved of all my pains, and am doing all my housework." No mat­ ter what symptoms your female tremble may cause, the most reliable, scientific remedy for them, is Cardui. Try it, A* .tl I ou 1*1 U55UHS t}d r< j - S"-*'. Joe Rosing of Round Lak* at home Sunday. Messrs. H. T. Filler-hik! F. L. Girt i'f Wanconda were in town Sunday. [ Miss Catherine IVirceil of West Fw- mont spent Tuesday ni«ht i»» Volo. Miss Delia Beekwith of M« H»-nrv wag I the guest of friends here ls*t week. Mr. and Mrs. Hen Rosing and family : were in Gravslake one day last week. Misses Catherine Do well and Hell en Raymond spent last Wednesday iu Chi cago. Mrs. Rc&sdeutchtr was cal led to Elgin last Wednesday by the death of her mother. Willie Moore of Shabbona. 111., was the guest of his? mother and winter here a few days last week. Mrs. Sarah A Howard of Grant was a guest at A. J Raymond's l»st Wed­ nesday and Thursday. Mrs. Jennie Co*sman and daughter, Murl, of Routt'l Lake were visitors at the Kirwan home Sunday Mr. and Mrs Thos. Wright and fam­ ily of Wanconda were guests of Mr. ai d Mrs ThoH. Fiwher Sntartfty. Mrs. Lisle Stone and son of Waucon^a were Sunday visitors at the home of the former'8 father, Chas. Potter. Mrs. Richard Compton has returned to Volo after a visit of several weeks at Round Lake She will make her home with her daughter, Mrs.' Grace Kirwan, this winter. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are how dispensing Preventics, for they are not only safe but decidedly certaiu and prompt. Preventics contain no qui­ nine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent pneumonia, bron­ chitis, la grippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Gooi for feverish children. 48 Preventics 2o cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by N. H. Petesch. • Last Wednesday being the fortieth wedding anniversaiy of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable this worthy couple enter­ tained a nnmber of relatives and friends at a card party in the evening. Those present were: Mrs. John Sabel and son and Mrs. George Bohr of Chicago; Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed. Snyder of Fox Lake; Mr. knd Mrs. Theo. Winkle- of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Etnera'd Park; Messrs. Fuller, Raymond and Walmsley; Mesdames Howard, J. Rot- ing/and Raymond of Volo. All report a tpost enjoyable time. J A Hard Debt to Pay. "1 owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid off, " writes G. S. Clark, of Westfield, Iowa, "for my rescue from death bv Dr. King's New Discovery. Both kings were so seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Discovery. The ominous dry hacking cough qnit before the first bottle was used, and two more Dottles made a complete cure." Nothing has ever equaled New Discovery for coughs, colds and all throat and lung complaints. Guaranteed by N. H. Pe­ tesch, Frank Masquelet, McHenry, Gto. W. Besley, West McHenry. 60c and #1. Trial bottle free. KllHilSFIELU, Geo. Wheeler was a business visitor in Nunda Tuesday.- Mr. Parks was a Nunda visitor Tues­ day and Wednesday. Mrs. F. Hartman was a Woodstock visitor last Thursday. Mr. Phillips of Wanconda called at Mr. Parks' Tuesday. E W. Merchant drove over to Wood­ stock the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Lynch drove to Nunda Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Kline were in Chi­ cago on business Wednesday. E. L. Kimball attended the Teachers' institute in Chicago last Friday. J. Bartz was a Chicago visitor Tues­ day. His little nephew returned with him. Mrs. Henry Keed and daughters, Mrs. Waterman and Florence, were Nunda shoppers recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson of Har­ vard spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josephson. Mr. and Mrs. George Kline of Wood­ stock took dinner with the former's brother, D. O. Kline, Snnday. The infant son of LeRoy Skinner un derwent an operation Wednesday at the office of Dr. Hull at Nunda. The un­ fortunate little fellow is doing nicely. The Ladies' Aid society will meet in the church parlors next Thursday after­ noon, November 14. It is desired that every member be present as important business is to be transacted. Mrs. Risley had a very narrow escape from serious injury last Wednesday. In climbing thru a window a ring worn on one <>f her fingers was caught on the ledge of the window, the sudden jolt de­ priving her of her balance and felling her to the ground. The fall braised tie victim quite badly. SCHOOL NOTES Mrs. Stephenson visited the school. Wednesday. There have been only three cases of tardiness this month in the npper room. PRIMARY GRADES. Roll of honor; Sylvia Boomer, Rose Peterson, Edna Stephenson, George Peterson, Willie Wieland, Mabel Kline, Sigried Munsou, Vernon Uollen, Carl Munson, Gladys Boomer, Etmna Wei- land, Lucy Benson. HIGHER GRADE Roll of honor: Donald Knilans, Ethel Thayer, Walter Reed, Ethel Reed, Ruth Kline, Pearl Zenk, Madalene Lynch, Ray Lynch, Lewis Thayer, Cora Lock- wood. Genevieve "Goddard He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Elec­ tric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took. For several years I had stomach trouble and paid out much money to little purpose, until I began taking Electric Bitters. I would not take $500 for what they have done for me." Graud tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great alter­ ative and body builder; best of all for lame back and weak kidneys. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Petesch, Frank Masque- let, McHenry, Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 50c. What Dean Russell Says A boot lu The International Live Stock exposi­ tion grows better with each passing year. What up-to-date stock man can for a moment think of omitting this great event from his plans? We make arrangements to go to Cnicago the last of November of each year and to give a week over to solid enjoyment, and bet­ ter than that, even, to improvement and the advice of this great convention. Not only does the stock man go himself, but he talws his wife, sons and daughters. Farming is the best business on earth, but every business man must get away from the affairs that so directly en­ gross him for a little while each year, The banker goes to his National Bank­ ers' convention, the merchant goes to the great city to study the latest styles, inventions and improvements. The stock man, of course, must go to the International to see and renew his as­ sociations with other stock men, and to see the best specimens of all breeds of live stock and to gain inspiration which comes from that marvelous Internation­ al gathering. "I will meet you at the next Internatioaal" is a line that will go into thousands of letters written by stock men to each other and to their friends. H. L. RUSSELL, Dean of Agriculture, University of Wis­ consin. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooping congh. Bee's Laxative Congh Syrup tastes good. It works off the cold thru the bowels, cuts the phlegm, clears the head. For voting and old. Gnaranleed. TERRA COTTA. Mrs. Charles Jordy of Iowa spent Monday with relatives here. Mrs. T. R. Anderson has been on the sick list during the past week. Mrs. G. Peck and daughter of Crystal Lake are visiting at Henry McMillan's. Mrs. Smith of Ridgefield spent Mon day with her cousin, Mrs. J. H. Gracy. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond spent Saturday and Sunday with rela­ tives here. Mrs. R. Anderson of Richmond spent several days last week with her son, Thomas, and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. L Earle returned to their home at Oshkosh after spending the past week at J. H. Gracy's. SCHOOL NOTES. John Conway entered the eighth grade Monday. The pupils have been gathering fungi from the trees and nsiug them for draw­ ings. Misses Mamie Huffman and Mildred Stein bach of Nnnda visited school last Thursday. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed oat free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These testa are proving to the people--without a pen­ ny 's cost--the great value of this scien­ tific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by N. H. Peteach. The Weekly Inter-Ocean* and this paper delireifed for one year at oar "speoiai 4eal" pripe #l»3i far the two. ' ' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Villas* Board Votes To Install New ^ ^ *nr« Lamps. ' / *'J!j Coondl Room, Novembfi 4, The board of trustees met in regular session. Present trustees Block, Barbi- an, Herbes, Si Hies, tttufffel, Weber. Pres­ ident Frennd presiding. The minutes of the last regular meet­ ing were read and approved. The following bills were read and ap­ proved by the finance committee: Wm. Bonsltt", gravel.,...... rrv .f 9.50 W. U. Gas & Electric Co., tar... 26-90 DiYoutg, labor ... 1.40 rf. Block, expense .. 3 50 M. M. Niesen, police services 60.00 John Walsh, do 50.00 Geo. Meyers, labor 185.80 Atchison, burying skeleton .... 8.00 J. Stoffel, frt on tar 5.40 Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline ..... 16.28 Geo Meyers, graveling 47.50 Jos. Meyers, labor 2 60 Nic Colby, do 1 00 J. Niesen, do.. 45.00 Geo. Hanly, sod 3.00 Win. Feltz, labor 44.00 Ed Banly, sod 7.50 Wm. Simes, labor. . 1.( 0 B. E Herbes, labor;; . ... 9.0l> B Nordquist, labor 7.15 Standard Oil Co., gasoline 12.00 Wm. Sitnes. labor. ST.SO G. Engeln, laKor 20.00 J . J V y c i t a l , s u n d r i e s . 9 . 8 8 On motion by Stoffel, seconded by Block, the bills were approved and or­ dered paid. The matter of repairing certain parts of Pearl and Fourth streets was reierred to the street committee. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Her­ bes, that the president and street com­ mittee shall determine what shall be done with bridge over mill race. Car­ ried. ^ Motion by Simes, seconded by Bar- bian.that the street committee and pres­ ident purchase six gasoline artf lamps. Carried. * On motion duly carried the board were allowed their salaries. P. J. Freund $16.50 H. Block 16.50 N. E. Barbian 15.00 F. J. Herbes 15.00 Wm. Simes 16.50 Wm. Stoffel ... 3.00 M. Weber 13.50 C. P. Barnes 25.00 John Stoffel 37.50 A petition requesting the board to give the high school class the use of the village hall for basketball practice was read, and on an unanimously carried motion was laid on the table. The board then adourced. J. STOFFEL, Clerk. mi PRACIKE TOO £X UBS IVI fttira Time Ifeetfed to Atteirtf Patients it Elgin Office- Clijcaffl Patients vplttnsferrrt to f tyn. " ----- .& Prof. F. A. Leach, Elgin's magnetic nerve and stomach specialist, finds his time too limited to give proper attention to the Chicago office, and for this reason haa transferred his Chicago patients to the Elgin offices, three additional treat­ ing rooms in the Spnrling rooms having been engaged. Calls will be made in any part of the state, nights or Sundays, but only In cases where the patien'sjtre unable to come to E'gin for treatment Engagements can be made by phone or letter. Many times Prof. Leach has made c^lls at a distance on patients who have lain in bed for months, and after one or two calls the patients have been able to come to Elgin for additional treatment® Thousands of permanent cures have been made. Prof Leach is agifted healer. He did not learn the>artof healing from book study. Since childhood he has had the power to cure disease. Many who call themselves magnetic healers have learned a simple system of mas­ sage. Anybody cau massage and rub and use hypnotism, but it remains for a gifted person to name your ailment, tell you the cause, and then by the laying on of the hands cure your disease. Prof. Leach never fails on stomach, nerve and female trouble, gallstones and appendicitis. He will not take cases he cannot help or cure. This can be easily proven, as he diagnoses free of charge. Diagnosis is made by touch of the hand. If he cannot help you he will tell you so, and will advise you what to do and it won't cost you anything. If you will send your name and address to .permanent offices, room 2, Spnrling Building, Elgin, 111., he will mail you, free of charge, a booklet ex­ plaining his method of treating and testimonials of some of his most remark­ able cures If you do not find test! moniule sufficiently convincing he will send you names of reliable persons cured of the same ailment as yours, and you are welcome to correspond with them and see what he has done for them. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the newH of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can seen re both papers for one full year for the very low rttfe of $1.75. It comes pnt up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply to the sore­ ness and inflammation, for any form of Piles; it soothes and relieves pain, itch­ ing and burning. Man-Zan Pile Rem­ edy. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. Why not get in line? Yep, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one fnll year. Don't let it get away from yon. Do you know that Pinesalve Carbol ized acts like a poultice in drawing ont inflammation and poison? It is anti­ septic. For cuts, burns, eczema, crack­ ed hands it is immediate relief. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. GIRL WANTED--To learn the art of typesetting. Must have grammar school education. Work nine hours per day at good wages to start. For fur­ ther information apply at this office. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wi reordered. Try it. m Tel. Main 1714* WHY do people of Mt Henry, Lake an other countl Irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's 98 Fifth Aye. CHfCAOO? Because it la so ."'V <?• Ik DRUGGIST*- 'PHONE 274. McHenry, - ill. should be onf» that can stand plenty of iwe-^r remain elastic apd pli­ able for a lon|? time "when laid away. The average rubber g'oods of today coniajn so Jit- tie pure rubber that one must exercise particular care in selecting;! You can purchase Syringes here and be sure of getting something that will give long and satisfactory service W6 handle only the Ifnes made by reliable m a n u f a c t u r e r s . Y o u can tind here fountain aud bulb Syringes in splendid variety and at prices ranging from. .. 50c to $2.00. We also have about every other kind of syringe made. fr .Drink floods Coffees German-American Coffees have the drink. They are put to­ gether right--fit for the table of the American citizen. Put up in sani­ tary packages, prices 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c Cereal Specials! Milk» a rice product similar to Quake Puffed Rice, special price pei package 5c Toy Gust-O.--a ready-to-eat Wheat Flake, toy in each package, special per package 5c / Free--Will give a picture free with 25c worth of Lighthouse Soap as long as they last. :: :: :: John Stoffel. The Stove Q\iestion Is solved here to the highest degree of Satis­ faction. A fine line to select from at honest prices, sg ^ F. L. McOMBEH, WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. - , * . . J i - ̂ ' . • V •^5 " *•, f'"i f': J-.,:.. ^ • .f ' t.:, S\ /A WIND5 flake it necessary to dress warmer. Our line of Underwear and all warm goods is very complete. Men's heavy fleeced Underwear, good quality--60c Men's heavy wool Underwear, good qnality--$1.00 Men's heavy wool Und'w'r, best grades$1.25 to$1.75 Ladies' cotton fleeced Underwear 25c to 50c Ladies' cotton fleeced Union Suits 50c Ladies' wool Union Suits -$1 00 to $2.25 Children's cotton and wool Underwear. .25c to $1.35 Extra heavy 12-4 cotton Blankets $1 50 to $2.50 Smaller sizes from... .. ,60c up Good quality flannelette, 28 inch wide ac 10c Extr quality Flannelette, 32 to 86-ih. wide,12i to 18c Our line of Dress Goods is complete in all staple and novelty weaves. 30c to $1.50 yd We have a fine line of Ladies' Cravenette Coats, all new models, for $5.00, $7.00, $10.00 and $12.00 Men's Cravenette Coats, the celebrated Priestly and Kenreign brands from $9.00 up Mittens. Gloves. Caps. Duck Coats, Etc. Ball band. Felts aud Rubbers. Try our Chase & Hauborn or McLaughlin Coffees. Goods delivered. 'Phone 363. V'il ; StefcX"*'. asssaaa i V , , 'M. % V+* u. J.i£l * r"

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