y,.V OT1? . , -"Xt?*' yv t - •*«.-* V-r^* ^c: ' ^v;-- •' .V i?»r'1? o-s;.. -*;.;• -i , at"-1"' 4'?' V4.' "** Our J ailor-Made Clothes Represent a progressive e.xjwle'nee of many years.of Tailoring and catering to the wants of well dressed men. THEY MADE GOOD PROM THE START, have held their-pop ularity because we have kept everything, from material to workmanship, right up to date. Every season has shown some improvement and this Pali and Winter our Gar ments have reached the stage of perfection WHICH PLACES THEM IN THE VERY FRONT R'AJteS ^ AMERICA'S BEST TAILORING. :: :: ;; :; Dependable Garments that c6ni€ from our inodel work shops, are the best and safest that can be obtained--an advantage that cannot be over estimated. Besides the cleanliness, excellent quality and tailoring, our Garments have the snap and style about them that appeals at once to the careful dresser, so even at the same prices there would still be im portant reasons why you shoufd buy oUr splendid Clothes. Besides the advantages named, there is still another very important one: .THE PRICE--Our Garments cost you 20 to 25 per cent less than others. :: There is an old saying that 1'PARSNIPS CANNOT BE BUTTERED WITH SOFT WORDS" and you cannot build a Coat with language. Newspaper ads and advertising matter of all sorts make them anything, but after two or three weeks' wear they are nothing. Expert ad writers have the "gift of gab," but ad writers do not make the Clothes--that's the reason why people are so often disappointed in their purchases. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW that if you will order your next Suit of us, you will receive a Garment that is guaranteed in every feature. In short, you will get absolutely the best tailoring obtainable at the LOWEST POS SIBLE PRICE. GIVE US YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. :: OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS John D. Lodtz, Telephone No. 251. & -TO THE IMy Ndrned Ones! The first question that confronts the newly wedded ones is the furnishing #f the home. Furnishing the home as it should be done is no small task and often means a great deal of worry and hard work. * We are in the HOME FUR- ^ NISHING BUSINESS and will, at any time, be only40 glad too assist those wishing our as sistance. Our line of Furniture comprises the kind that makes the home both comfortable and cheerfuL With quality and honest prices as our motto, ,we invite your inspection of our stock. JACOB JUSTEN, • MdNRY X. Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BAKKIK MlSffit&S. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE ia First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers^J iw- imm I ?%"i (r Cbatliew harness l-I AVE you placed * " your order for yourqew winter har ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen i n Mc Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices. :: ;* m. fl- Cbelen, MeflENRY, ILLINOIS. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.00 am.. 8.45 a rn. . 12.30 p m 3.45 p in.. 4.00 p tn.. 4.5? p m.. 8.00 a iu . . 8.4ft am. 9.10a hi.. 8.08 p m.. Leave McHenry. 7.20 am 8..<2 am... 4.23 p ill... 4.23 p m tt.17 p m. 7.80am... 7.08 piu... 7.48 p m 7 4M p M.... Effective May 12.1907. WEEK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via Elgin ..Via Des Plaines .ViaF.lKin -- Via Des Plaines.... . . .. ..Via Elgin -- Via IHss Plaines.... SUNDAY TRAINS. Via ties i'iaittfti... Via Elgin . .. Via Des Plaines..... • Via Elgin WKKK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Elgin Via Des Plaines.... Via Des Plaines.. . Via Elgin Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin -- Via Des Plaines . VI» Des Plaines Via Elgin.s Arrive MeUeury. ...10.17h m ...10.17a m . ..2..ri<) p rn ... 1.45 p m .. .6.40 p m . .S.40p m .. B.37 a ax 11.14a m .. UJ4 a m .. 4.55 p m Arrive Ohtcago. 10.10 a m .9.35 a m . .6.15 p m ..7.10 pm . 7.58 p m .10.35 a n> . .8.25 p EE . a.as v vr 10.20 p HI Want Column. A l l advertlBementK iiuwrted imrtcr th!> lii-atl at the Following rate*: Five lines or lew, >6 cente for flnt Insertion; 16 rente for each nubxequent ifuwrtion Mure than Ave lines, 6 cent* a line fur tlrst insertion and 3 cento a line for addition* in»ertlonn. TjVJR SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. For further infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc Henry. 111. 17 tf TXT ANTED--Men to out about 200 cords of ** wood. Is all hard wood and easy cut ting. Will pay 11.50 per cord. V. E. .IEIKS, at It. H. Hicimrdson farm. West McHenry. Phone 573. T.V 1 S-tf j^OR SALE--A four poll Appleton corn husker. nearly new. Will be sold reason able. inquire of E. P. FLANDERS, West Mc Henry. 80-3t* "C*OR 8ALE CHEAP-Good Round Oak heat- *• ing stove, wood and coal, with two grates and 1 joint pipe, all in good repair. Apply to E. H. BGAI., West. McHenry, 111. >ly to 17-tf PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry lounty Abstract Company. Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jos Heimer & w to Peter Moritz, Its 9 & 12 and Its 10 & 11. blk 16. & strip 19 feet, wldt- off n side It 8 & 11 ft strip off s side it 5, blk 17, McHenry, w side river 1700000 Bengt Nordqulst et al to Everett Hunt er. blk 1-2-4 and Its 1-2-3-4-5-0 blk 3, e side river, McHenry 1800 00 Same to same, pt seK sec 20, range 8, McHenry I 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Horsky, 24 Woodstock Julia Mabel Zenk, 19 Ridgefield Frank F. Sahs, 22. Woodstock Emma Frances Bohls, 19. .Crystal Lake Wm Krift, 28.. .... Wberitland. Wis. Ottilio Heitermann, 25 Jobnsbnrgh Myron C. Waterman, 18.... Woodstock Florence Reed, 19 Ridgefield Fred Scbroeder, 43.. Riley Mrs. Augusta Steinke, 54. Harmony Your skin sbonld be clear and bright if your liver is in normal condition. Dade's Little Liver Pills act on the liver and headache, constipation and bilious ness disappear. Price 25 cents. Sold at N. EL Petescb's drag store. Take advantage of oar specially lew rate of $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter-Ooean for one year. ' JOmiSBURGBL -liii and Mrs. John Meyers called here Sunday. | ' . Mat Lay trf Spring drove was in town Monday. J. Debrecht went to Chicago last Mon day evening. Mrs. John Smith made a short call here Sunday. Win. Althoff attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. The farmers around here are very busy hasking corn. John Ross and Stepbea Niess drove thro here Thursday. | Martin Thelen of Round Lake was seen on oar streets Snnday. Miss Lena Pitzen of Volo spent Sun day with Miss Lizzie Miller. Mike Pitzen and John Qeffiingof Volo were callers he^e Wednesday, Miss Mamie Degen and gentieman friend drove thru here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rothermel spent Sunday afternoon at McHenry. Wm. Smith and sister. Maggie, spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Mrs, Mat J Schaefer boarded the train for Chicago Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels visited Mr aud Mrs. John Mertea Mondav. Misses Emma Schmitt and Lizzie Miller were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ranen of Spring Orove made H short call here Monday. Frank Toman and sister. Maggie, at t ended tbe dance at Lily Lake Sunday night. Ray Maurice and Clarence Divine of Chicago were pleasant visitors here last Tuesday Miss Lily Schaefer and gentleman friend attended the dance here Wednes day night. Misses Margaret and Lena Adams «pent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Chicago. Miss Em ma Nye left Wednesday morning for Valparaiso, lad., where *>he -vill attend school. Wm. Krift of Burlington, Wis., spent fhe latter part of last week at the home of Henry Hettermann. Mrs. Wm. Kattner and Mrs. Jobu Thelen spent last Monday with Mrs. ThurKvell at McHenry. Misses Eva Miller and Maggie Tonian and gentlemen friends were Spring (trove callers one day last week. Messrs. and Mesdames Frank Miller. Joe Miller and Joe Michels visited with Mr. ahd Mis. Peter Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Mat Steffes and daugh ter, Loretla, and Mrs. Nick Steffes and ilaughtoi, Caivliut, dpent Sunday at Volo. A great number of young people from here attended the Weingart-Weber wed ding dance at McHenry Wednesday evening. Misses Kate, Anna and Barbara Weg ener and brother, Nick, of Chicago at tended tbe wedding here Wednesday last and they returned home Thursday morning. Miss Ada Schumacher left Monday evening from tbe Spriug Grove station for Stacyville, Iowa, where she1 intends to stay for a week's visit with her old friends and relatives. To cure a cold first move the bowels, Bee's Laxative Congh Sprup acts gently on the bowels, drives out tbe cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping cough. Guaran> teed to give satisfaction or money re funded. Eqnally good for young and old. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. Joe Freund and Nick Klein gave a party to the young folks last Sunday evening at the latter's home. All kinds of games were played and lunch was served at the proper hour. A delight ful time was had by all. Those present were: Misses Helen Schmitt, Clara Lay, Katie and Lizzie Thiel, Gertie Ruentz, Susie Freund, Eva Miller, Lizzie Miller, Maggie Tonian, Lena Klein, Mary Scha- fer, Gertie Schaefer, Katie Schaefer, Lena Pitzen, Martha Mertes; Messrs. Wui. Hergott, John Oeffling, Wm. Schmitt, Peter Freund, Peter Brits, Charlie Michels, Mike Schaefer, John Niesen, Peter Schaefer, Willie Adams, Joe Hettermann, Joe King, Joe Smith, Lonnie Michels, Wm Thiel: Messrs. and Mesdames John Schaefer, Will Klein, Joe Michels; Maggie Freund. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. On Tuesday, October 29, Mr. and MTB. Martin.. Williams of Jobnsbnrgh cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Very impressive services were held in St. John the Baptist's church, the Rev. H. Mehringofficiating, being assisted by Rev. Beck. Mr. John Williams and Mrs. K. Stofifel acted as bent man and bridesmaid, respectively, tieing tbe oldest son and daughter of the aged couple. After a beautiful sermon by the Rev. Mehnng, which was replete with words of encouragement and good cheer, the aged couple, together with relatives and friends, repaired to the formers' home, where a bounteous wedding dinner was served. The tables were profusely dec orated with massive yellow chrysanthe mums and carnations. The entire day was spent in reminiscences and all were profuse in their congratulations and well-wishes for tbe aged couple. Many valuable tokens of esteem were received from Chicago, Milwaukee and Portland, Oregon, as well as from near by friends. Those in attendance from a distance were: Mr. aud Mrs. John Williams and family, Miss Freidly, Chi cago; Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler, Mil waukee, Wis. Those from the sur rounding community were: Dr. and Mrs. Nye, Peter Williams and fam ily, Messrs. and Mesdames Hy Williams and family, Joe Stilling and family, Peter Weber and family, Wm. Stoffel and family, B. Hstterinanii, John King, Thee. Meyers; Messrs. Peter Wagner and Frank Smith; Meedamse Fred dmith and Anna Buchner. Mr. Williams was born on April 30, 1828, in Berlin, Germany. Mrs. Williams was born on December 26, 1&59, in Neuerkircben. Germany. Elev en children were born to them, of whom seven are liying; namely, John, Peter and Henry, sons, and Katherina, Sister Hyronima, Eva and Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Williams retired from the farm about fifteen years - ago, mov ing to Johnsburgb, where they have since lived in ease and comfort. That God in His infinite mercy may gnard over them in the future as He has done in the past, and give them many more years here on earth was tbe earn est wish of all present. A Significant Prayer. "May the L^rd help yon make Bock- len's Arnica Saive known to all," writes G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill. N C, "It quickly took the pain oat of a felon for me and cared it in a wonderfully short tsrna" Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 35c at the N. H Petesch, Frank Masquelet, MoHsnry, Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry, drugstores. SPRING OKOVK. Walter Svkes of Wilifjot, Wis., fctfca in town Monday. i Mrs. Wm. James was an Antioch vis- itor last Thursday. Noble Clark of Hebron vitdted at An drew Huff's Sunday. James MacLeau of Hebron vieited his family here Sunday. Earl Westlake of Chicago visited his parent* here Sunday. Miss Alice Shotliff visited at Round Lake Saturday aud Snnday. Harry Polly of Ingleside visited his sister, Mrs Hillar, here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark visited at • Hebron the latter part of last week. Mrs. Mike Rauen and son, George, were visitors at Johnsburgh Sunday. Wilber Hunter and lady friend of An tioch visited at R. A. Oxtoby's Sunday. Mrs. James Foulke and sister, Miss Edith Price, were Chicago visitors Sat urday. Mrs. li. A. Oxtoby and Miss Ada Westlake were callers at Wilmot Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas of Mc Henry visited at Jacob Hollarbush's Snnday. Misses Luella and Myrtle Churchill of Woodstock visited their parents here Snnday. Mrs, Frank Sanders and sister. Miss Ina James were callers at Wilmot, Wis., Wednesday. Misses Georgie Vogel and Blanch Cor nish of Solon Mills were in town one day last week. Boy Blanchard and Miss Martha Stevens attended the play at McHenry ; Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders ̂ and son, Dale, went to Norwalk, Wis., Saturday where they are going to make their home Mr. and Mrs. William DeJanes of Brooklyn, Wis., who have been visiting at Jaoob Hollarbush's, returned to their h >me Saturday. It is claimed indigestion is the nation al disease. That's why the demand for Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increas ing because they do the work. Stom ach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. ASK yonr druggist about them. Sold by N. H. Petesoh, druggist KHERALD PARK. OCTOBER 81. D. W. Hill of Chicago was at the Park Sunday. Miss Margaret Ayl ward of Elgin spent Tuesday in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. J R. Smith visited with friends at Volo Wednesday. Mr. $nd Mrs. Chas Gibbs of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. School opened October 21 with an en rollment of 1(1 pupils. Miss Mary F. Knox is teacher. Miss Florence Connell returned to El gin Sunday after spending a week with the Misses Sutton. Messrs. J. B. Kelter and B. J. Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday hunting in the vicinity of Lake Defiance. Messrs. John, Paul and Jas. Arm strong of River Forest spent Saturday and Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Smith entertained Messrs. and Mesdames T. Winkle of McHenry and C. Sable of Volo Sunday. James Haxton and son, Harry, and danghter, Isabel, and Geo. Fraser of Chicago spent a few days at the Haxton cottage. NOVEMBER 6. D W. Hill of Chicago was at his cot tage Sunday. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Snnday at bis home here. Miss Alice Smith spent Friday with McHenry friends. Miss Anna Frisby of McHenry spent Sunday at R. J. Sutton's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent SUE- day with friends at Fremont. Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Chicago is spending this week at Berkircher's. F. Romano and two friends came out from Chicago Sunday and spent a few days hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Chi cago spent Saturday and Sunday at tbe Berkircher cottage Messrs. C. W. and H. Berkircher re ceived word of their father's death last Friday and on Saturday left for Creeta- line, Ohio, to attend the funeral. Don't worry about your kidneys when yon can obtain 80"days' treat* nient of Pineules for $1.00. Theee little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by N. H. Pcfeesch, druggist. Bead The Plaindealer. vf -v.- n , s 5^ J : - ' * Instruments! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION - v 9 *• /• I . 7 , ̂ >1 A -J- ,»'V %it - -4 s=3eS Our line of Pia nos comprises all the old and Reliable Makes. Don't invest until you have seen our Stock We still have a few exception- ally good Bar gains left in our line of Pianos and Organs that you should see. The long Winter Evenings will soon be here and you'll want for sort of en- t ertai n nient. What better or heaper enter t iinmentcan be had than a Pho nogrftrjii? rlake the home cheerful by put ting in one of these machines & The cost is small and you*ll never regret the mon ey expended for one of these fun and joy makers. WEST ricHENRY, ILLINOIS.