r a WHAT BOWLERS ARE DOiNQ. Suits Overcoats STYLE, QUALITY, FIT GUARANTEED EQUAL TO ANY TAILOR-MADE GARHENT, AT $5.00 1 nSc/If"Vc<» LESS THAN YOU WILL PAY FOR SAME WHEN YOU SELECT THEM FROM A SAMPLE, AND CHANCE IT, WHETHER IT WILL FIT YOU Come see the garment, try it on and, if satisfactory, buy it, hence no disappointment. We have an assortment ranging in price from $7.50 to $19.00 1.01. Fmind, • lllest IUcBenry. Ah •SPECIAL- Christmas Offer Until Christmas J^FOR*^ $5,00 we will make 12 of our best Photo-y graphs and one i6x ao WATER COLOR HILLE PHOTO STUDIO West McHenry, III. 'Phone 493. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE »at.V OF Dressed Beef, ilutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists famished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE SffliSACffiS: *• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Auction Sale! F. O. GANS, AUCTIONEER. We, the undersigned, having decided to go West, will sell at public auction, on the farm known as the Albert Colby place, miles north of Nanda, 4i wiles south of McHenry and 1J miles went of Burton's bridge, on ' WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18 Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a' ui .,* without fail, the following described property, to wit: 50-head of Live Stock-^o' Consisting of r 32--Fine Dairy Cows*~32 Some with calves by side, remainder new milkers and early springers; 10 2-year-old heifers, 2 1* year old bulls, 1 stock boll. 6--HEAD OF HORSES--6 Grey gelding, 8 years old, wt. 1600 pounds; black gelding, 12 years old^ wt. 1600 pounds; bay gelding, 16 years old, wt. 1300 pounds; black gelding, 15 years old, wt 1500 pounds; bay gelding 9 years old, wt. 1400 pounds; black mare with foal, 11 years old, wt. 1300 pounds; brood sow, heavy with pig, wt. about 4uu pounds. Chickens, Ducks, Oeese and Turkeys 50 chickens, 8 ducks, 30 geese and 25 turkeys. HAY, GRAIN, ETC. -- OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW AND WHERE THEY GO. i A Grist of Peraonal Ncwi Gathered Up by the Wayside by The Plaindealer Repre sentative*. C. G. Frett attended to business in & Chicago Wednesday. John Catlin of Elgin spent a few days this week wit|i friends here. j Robert Larsen of Elgin spent Satur- ~ day and Sunday with h<B parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John Josten left Tues- - day afternoon for a visit with relatives in Iowa. Mrs. C. G. Frett was the guest of Chi cago relatives and friends Tuesday and / Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Easton of Dexter, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3S IS, Whiting part of last week. £ >' Miss Eva Miller of Lily Lake return ed to her home last week after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends ill Chicago. Master Glenn Wells went to Chicago last Saturday morning, where he joined his mother, who had been the guest of relatives there. f tv • •«, Remember every penny turned into ttfts office between now and Jan. 1 en titles you to one vote. Help your favor ite along by subscribing for The Plain- dealer, a paper that contains all the .all the time. Yon cannot keep on local doings unless you join Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention it deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can j'ou cure a cold? Why not try Chamber lain's Cough Remedy? It is highly rec ommended. Mrs. M. White of Butler, Tenn., says: "Several years ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Someone told me of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I began nsing it and it relieved me at once. I need it for some time and it cured n^p. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." For sale by all druggists. "The prettiest line of Christmas and New Tear post cards may be found at Be^ley's. ^ ; Place Toor Order Mow. '•TM government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the pnhlic, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in, the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. 12 tons timothy and clover mixed hay in barn, 300 bushels choice seed oats; 2000 bushels of corn in crib, band husk ed; 10 bushels Home-Builder seed corn, 3 extra large stacks corn fodder, 1 stack corn stalks with corn. FARM MACHINERY, ETC.--' Hapgood riding plow, 4 walking plows, 2-section lever drag, Challenge corn planter, 8 foot Badger seeder, 14-disc pulverizer, 3 riding cultivators, Deering mower, McCormick corn binder, hay rake, hay "fork with 125 feet of rope, sickle and tool grinder. The above mentioned machinery is all practically new, having been used but very little. 27-can milk wagon, narrow tired wag on, handy low wheeled truck, hay rack, new top buggy, double seated surry, 2 sets double work harness, single buggy harness, number of grain bags, 2 incu bators, one brooder, milk cans, pails, strainers and other articles too numer ous to mention. One heater, one range. USUAL Lunch at NOON. -TERflS OF SALE: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 12 months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at 7 per cent per annum. Two per cent off for cash on sums entitled to credit. No property to be removed until settled for. LEMBCKE BROS., - - PROPS. CHAS. B. HARMSBN, Clerk. Holiday goods at Petesch's. Badly nixed"up. Abraham Brown of Winterton, N. Y., had a very remarkable experience; he says, "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one aaid heart disease; two said kidney trouble; the fourth, blood poi son, and the fifth, stomach and liver trouble; but hone of them helped me, so my wife advised trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health One bottle did me more good than all the five doctors prescribed." Guaran teed for blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints by N. H. Petesch, Frank Masquelet, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHen ry, druggists. 60c. . Day books, ledgero, journals and memorandum books of all^kinds at Besley's. . •• , , Notice I To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect: an<l VI of the McHenry Bowling rolled on the local alleys, the three- gaui« contest resulting in a defeat for team No. V, their opponents handing it to tltetn to the tune of thirty-five pins. The score: TEAM" NO. V. 1st 2nd 3rd Roley 147 159 159 N. J listen 90 140 109 F. Schreiner, capt. 146 112 ,*127 Total pins, 1189. 383 411 Team average, 182. TEAM NO. VI. 1st 2nd F. Bishop • 155 175 M Htoffel 108 141 C Bickler, capt. 128 168 391 469 395 3rd 121 110 181 Total pins, 1222. Team average, 136. Monday evening of this No. IV. and VI rolled, the former hand ing it to team VI in a most unmerciful manner, taking tiie three gamqi by , a majority of 129 pins. The score: ~ TEAM NO. IV. 1st. Barbian, capt. G! Vager, sub. W Heimer 186 171 136 118 187 IIS 3rd 154 110 149 Total pine, 1274. TeHm average, 144. TEAM NO. VI. 1st F. Bishop Stoffel 483 368 413 M C. Bickler, capt. 145 106 107 358 2nd 144 11B 159 415 3rd 120 132 120 372 Total pins, 1145. Ten 111 average, 127. One of the closest three-game contests y*t. rolled was pulled off last night when teams'No. land V were matched, the former team carrying away the honors by the wee, small margin of 8 pins. The score: TEAM NO. I. 1st V. Meyers John Freund, capt. C. Ross 129 178 106 413 Total pins, 1822 Team average," 148. TEAM no. v. 1st Jnsten 165 J Rothermel 121' Schrein'er, capt. 176 2nd 126 179 139 444 2nd 146 135 164 3rd 152 174 149 475 3rd 128 127 162 Total pins, 1324. 462 445 417 Team average, 147. Tomorrow (Friday) evening Yager's Colts u>eet the Nanda Kiddos on the local alleys for the second game of their series, , Teams No. I and III are scheduled for tonight, completing the second week of the league series. Perfumery at Petesch's,. A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide, ranges and strange natural formations, is a veri table wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonder ful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with long and throat trouble. "Exhausting cough ing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began using Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine that saved his life and com pletely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung trou bles, by N. H, Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHen ry, druggists. 50c and $1 00. Trial bottle free. If you are troubled with headache have Dr. Barber examine your eyes--at Park hotel every Wednesday from 10:00 a. in. to 4:30 p. in. A Dangerous Deadlock, that sometimes terminates fatally, is the stoppage of liver and bowel func tions. To quickly end this condition without disagreeable sensations, Dr. King s New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed absolute ly satisfactory in every case or money back, at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masque- let's, McHenry, G. W. Besley s, West McHenry, drug stores 25c. Have you seen The Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at once. Our prices are the lowest ever. * as Rh An Miih by KWaey art Bladder Tinkle. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful- ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent t hat it is r?ot uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, the cause of thediffi- culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the ssfme great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one-dollar size bottles. Yoymay have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Home of pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. , Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle, • a g a i n f ^ made thi* store his annual1 v Headquarters. assortment of Presents this year far surpasses all *»"' , f- previous efforts. The array of 1 ©ifts that now adorns ours helves ^ and counters are the'kind that are Suit able for every member of the family. Christ mas Toys are here in abundance. Hundreds of moderately priced Toys occupy our store and we see them. Bring them wbea you come? ' ' 'A : ^ P. A. Bohlarider COMING ILLINOIS CONVENTION. Features of the Meeting of Intereat Both Dairymen and Butter makers. Butter judging contests held at nearly all the conventions of the season, have been successful and are becoming estab lished as a popular .educational feature. One is to be held at the convention of Illinois State Dairymen's association in Marengo on the morning of January 14. Only buttermakers who have butter en tered in the exhibit will be entitled to compete, and the prize will be a butter tryer, to go to the one whose scores on five tubs of butter vary the least from the judge's markings. Another prize open to buttermakers will be a gold medat to be given by the Elgin board of trade. This medal, val ued at $25, is the only special premium the association permits, (all other prizes being cash), and it will go to the butter- njaker employed by an Elgin board of trade member who scores highest. The milk contest will also be held the forenoon of January 14, and in the after noon ah address by C. B. Lane, assistant chief of the dairy division, United States department of agriculture, will be es pecially interesting to milk producers and particularly to milk shippers. For the dairymen there will be ad dresses on topics of the greatest interest and by men who are leaders in the in dustry. Among the speakers will be O. C. Gregg, superintendent of farmers' in stitutes in Minnesota, and a practical dairyman, who has been in the business and has given particular attention to breeding dairy cattle for 85 years; H. G. Van Pelt, in charge of the state dairy farm run in connection with the Iowa dairy school; Colon C. Lillie, as sistant dairy and food commissioner of Michigan; Prof. C. C. Hayden, universi ty of Illinois, who will discuss the spe cial work the dairy department of that institution has been doing in and abont Marengo. There will be a number of other speak ers of prominence who will discuss.prac tical dairy topics and from a practical standpoint. Crying dolls--49o and 98c ^ Block & Bethke's. Here's Good Advice. O. S, Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y., says: "If you are ever troubled with piles, ap ply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured me of them for good 20 years ago. " Guar anteed for sores, wounds, burns or abra sions. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Mas- quelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. Toys of all kinds and at the right prices at Block & Bethke's. , West McHenry State Bank OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. is:. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:; EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-Preride&t. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL, W. STENGER, Cashier. •' !•' jijj".V". " j. CHECKING ACCOUN • COUNTS, CERTIFICATES"OF.PEPOS^r^ DOriESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : paid on Savings Ac counts and Time Cer_ tificates of Deposit 1 M THAT THIS IS THE PROPER TIME TO LAY IN YOUR Coal Supply? Wilbur Lumber Co. J) & XMAS GIFTS Do!l Buggies 49c and 98c Crying Dolls............ 49c and 98c Dress Dolls, 10c, 15c, 35c Child's Toy Tea Sets, ,25c. 60c, 98c Snare Drums. • • • 69c, 89c, 98c Nerer-Stop See Saw..... 39c Humpty Dnmpty Circus 98c Games of all kinds IOC Table Croquet.......... 10c, 49c, 98c Child's Work Boxes * 25c Smoking Set*. -49^, 98c, $1.15, $1.25 'J'HIS Store is the place to find just what you want. Never before have we been able to show you so complete a line of HOLIDAY GOODS as this year. We can suit .all members from the head of the house down to the little baby. When in town stop in and look over our line. It will help you. . . *. Full-size 1,0-4 all linen Table Spread^ . -$1.25 and $1.60 Hand made Side Board and Table Covers a real bargain at 36c, 76c, $1.29 to $2.75 See our stock while complete. Ladies' Spats, all Shades, only . . . . . >..75o FANCY DISHES, VASES AND WATER SETS