Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1907, p. 1

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' ft 4- H '78^' ;. '; • fii • Wmmm THE '<&, ,\. f̂ :\ - ,##« t -:: T\r r *"* '••- -•'s ,w-,-ir «,>"-„ . _l/: • »r, PLAINDEALER. *V "V - ' ^ ^ 1 * .- * f \1 'i -X >4*** ' -t .- V {«£Aj VOLUME XXXIII. jiM OF A PERSONAL NATURE WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE QO. AND S/! ^ <* WHOM S^- siv. . ' . McHenrjr Knttrtalm ^ Large Company of &> TiMton Daring the We«k--Whom W• g0_ " Kntertaln. F. J. Herbee Chicagoed Tuesday. IL,; <• Dr. C. H Fegers, Sr , spent Tueaday ' f ; ; , I n Ch i i t a fo . ^ , Mm Emma Phillips wu a Chicago visitor Monday. ! ;-'••: L F. Block was a buainea* visitor in ^.'phfcago Tuesday.' Will Biake of Chktago qpaat flttjjiiday ith friends here. Bernard Mueser attended to business £ Y in Chicago last Friday. f ^ , Mfes Llllie Heimer w*a a Chicago pas- ^^^•sngar Tuesday morning. , I* ^ Jacob Worts and son ware county 4^;r,.*ieat visitors last Saturday1. * * Mrs F. A. Bohlander war ta business ^V^^isifcor in Chicago Tuesday. , "{„•> Mrs. F. C. Ross of Crystal Lake was - t McHenry visitor Tuesday. ' Mies Dora 8 toff el of Chicago spent fSunday with her parents here. Marshal John Bolger of Woodstock a visitor in town Sunday. I H. Zimmermann spent the first of the Wk.,.„Vtve*k with his family in Cnicago. ^ - Frank Nolan of Chicago is the guest "4^- •' Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Stenger. " fiflrs. Chris Stagemann boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Chas. Q. Boss of Chicago visited at ; ,vJhe home of his mother here Sunday. • \® John R. Hunter of Chicago spent Sun- ! •>, •• .'Slay with his mother and sister here. C. Howard and son, Raymond, were Easiness visitors in Chicago Monday. E. Hunter attended to matters of a •f J.;sJJ>nsinesg nature in Chicago Tuesday. • ^Ti; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Draper visited V( 'llr. and Mrs. Merriman Sunday last. r' V Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Walsh of Grays- Hkke spent Sunday with relatives here. •? - Mrs. W. C. Evanson was the guest of •• fftelativ** at Palatine a few days this ?<'%eek. Miss Ana* Frisby returned Wednes­ day evening from a visit with Chicago felatives. ( ' Father MeSring of Johnsbnrgh board- : *r- iu uuioarfo train«t this station Mon- . #ay morning. *Jt Mr. and Mts. A. W. McOmber and ^fhildren of Sioux Falls, S. D,, are guests *f relatives in McHenry. tf§/ < Joe Wheeler came out from Chioago .$7eduesday evening to spend his holiday " Vacation with his parents. * Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jlisten and Mrs. ' John Freund attended the fnneral a f .-Relative in Chicago Tueeday. Mrs. J. J. Buch, who has been con- IVS^jtoed'to her home for the past three . Jreeks, is again able to be out. W. A. Schaefer came out from Chi­ cago Sunday morning to attend the -* "K. of C. initiation and banquet.. John Trapp returned to hie home in ,". f Chicago Tuesday morning after a visit >!#f several days with relatives here. «* A Albert M. Frett and son, Will, of Chi- V|iago spent Snnday with relatives and , ilso attended the K. of C. initiation ' ' Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn! will leave tomorrow for a few weeks' w visit with relatives in Montreal, Can. ' ' Henry Simon, who is now m the e*n- l ^ |>loy of the Chicago City Railway, was *'^||ie guest of relatives here a couple of V 4ays last week. '-**. 2 Gas Moritz, who has been spending •• Ifae past two months with hi* parents. ;> jpetnrned to Chicago last week to resume duties on the police force. ' V Rev. H. M. Fegers returned to his :^.:lome in Sterling, 111., Tuesday morning •fter several days spent at the home of . ilia brother, Dr. C. H. Fegers, Sr. Bid win L. Wagner of Chicago, presi­ dent of the West MoHenry State bank, was in town last Saturday to attend the monthly meeting of the directors. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mason and sons, Harold and Marshall, spent Monday frith Mr. and Mrs. Merriman. They ^ )}eve just returned from a six weeks' Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomp­ son at Deer Park, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nye and dangh- i / ter, Miss Ethel Strong, ofBarre, Vt., «re guests at the home of Mrs. Nye's "y lister, Mrs. Arthur Roberts. They are N «n their way to California, where they , »•; jfxpeot to spend the winter. I ̂ Mrs. Carl W. Stenger and daughter, llargaret, returned Tuesday evening ) Itom a visit of several weeks with rela- f ' ilives in Chicago and Green Bay, Wis. f'**• •: iThey were accompanied by Mrs. Steng- f. |tr's mother, Mrs. Mary Richard, who . -tikas come to make her home with her • -^/riaughter. ^ Attorney Janes J. Murphy and J. A •"* I l>ooner came out from Chicago to be in Uttendance at the K. of C's. initiation And banquet. The gentlemen informed A Plaindealer reporter that they had been abstaining from food for three days <: / previous to be able to do justice to the J|a»quet J Nothing like knowing what's going ^ v l(|n. We keep you posted locally, but j» lh»e Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news -ff all the world. By our special ar- fangement von can secure both papers lor one fall year for the very low rate ; * 11.7#.^ . jti* > ^ Hnllwl „ I To insure publication in The Plain- - #eal«r copy must be in the office no "' " • Ihter than Wednesday noon of each tlreek. Advertisers, especially, are asked " |o take particular notice to this effect. .$?: * •• • • . 4 W X" XMI ' : •; • "• •• ANOTHER HAPPY PAIfjU MIIM Ith Ma* SpkoldiDK miMl If*.*A. I. hrki An W«d. Unattended and witnessed by only the immediate families of the couple, the marriage of Miss Ella Mae Spaul- diuK and Mr. Albert Sheldon Parks was aolemnired at high noon, at the home of the bride's mother in West McHenry, last Tuesday, the Rev. Arthur Roberta, pastor of the UmversaMet church, per forming the ceremony. The ring cere­ mony was most effectively used. The bride wore aVery light tan lane- do wne gown made up in a neb princess style and took the part in a most pleai ing and gracious manner. The ceremony wis bountiful dinner. The couple had made every prepara­ tion fbr a weddiag trip, but an accident which befell Mrs. Spaulding during the afternoon compelled them to give up the trip as Mrs. Spaulding's oondition Would not allow her danghter to leave her bedside. The bHde is the only and accomplished (laughter of Mrs. J. H. Spaulding of this village. For many years she, with her mother, was engaged in the dress­ making and millinery buainees here, in which they were quite successful. Her mother, on aoeount of bar advanced age, about four years ago decided to give op active business, and not wishing to re­ sume the business alone Miss Spaulding accepted a position in the department •tore of J. E. Cristyat Waupaca, Wis., where during these years she had fall charge of the millinery department, tier worth to her employer having been of the highest degree of satisfaction, and her place will be hard to fill. She is a beautiful type of woman, possessed of a kind and jovial disposition, and blessed with all the requirements of a tree and helpful life companion. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parks, also residents of Mc­ Henry. He is a true specimen of Amer­ ican mankind and is now located at Woodstock, where, thru his ambitious character, he has quite extensively en­ gaged in the real estate and building business. Mr. Parks ist good-natured, straiget, far seeing yonng man and has laid for himself a good foundation for a gnat future, the good of which it is our wish he will reach at no distant date. The couple will make their home at the county seat about the first of Janu­ ary, their home being already furnished and ready fcr immediate oocupancy. Congratulations. Crying dolls--49c and 98u at Block & Bethke's. McHRNRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1007. 1 - k-- NUMBfefc JO EXGMANCE GLEANINGS. HAPPENING8 IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. ALTO BENDINQ-FELTZ. L*«1l V. Bending Joins th* Matrimony. of Lewis F. Banding has joined the ranks of the benedicts, the deed having been committed last Wednesday, Dec. 11, when be took one Miss Tena Felts to Chicago, where the knot wae securely tlM. The couple returned to McHenry Mon­ day evening and will go to housekeep­ ing at once in the Mrs Culver residence on Waukegan street. The bride is the estimable danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feltz of this* vil­ lage. She is a most pleaeing yonng lady and1ia8 always been popular among her friends and associates. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bending of 704 St. Louis Ave , Chicago, and who have a summer home at Emerald Park. It was thru base­ ball tame that Mr. Bending found his way to McHenry, coming here first about three years ago to join the Mc­ Henry baseball team. His playing dur­ ing the year 1605 was of snch excellent calibre that his services were again pro­ cured the following year, after Which he decided to make McHenry his per­ manent home. He is employed at the Borden factory, where be is recognized as a valued and trusted employe. He is an industrious, courteous and obliging yonng man" who has won friends at every turn during his short residence among us. Congratulations are now in order, Have you tried Beeley's Mentholated White Pine for that cough? School Note*. Mat Lanree, Anton Frenhd and Lydla Nicholls are new pnpils in room 4. On account of the death of their grandmother Hettie and Flossie "Ran­ dall have been absent several days. Gertrude Neiss has been nursing a neu­ ralgic face also. We have a two-week's vacation this year. The good hard work of most of the pupils has earned it, and we hope the fine sleighing will continue thruout Nothing unnsnal happening to prevent, school will close the first Week in June, even with this long vacation. .Christmas doings are in the air thia week. The three rooms downstaira will have a fine program Friday afternoon, beginning at 1:80, to which all their friends are invited. The high school and room 4 will have a spelling match and spontaneous program aleo, and in­ vite their fiiende. Buy your Christmas gifts at Vycital's aad save money. tf Public Sale. At the public park in the village of McHenry, next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, will be sold to the highest bidders all the wood (about 40 loads), the wood to be sold by the pile. A KliMllaiMani AiBortment of N«wa I tarn* In Condensed Form f»r Conven­ ience of Bnsjr People.... Geneva Lake is froktet for the first time this sfeasou. The inhabitants of the flourishing village of Oraysiake are now out tor a water works system. Over fSOO was realiisd Ladles' Aid society of the Harvard M. E. church thru a bazaar held one day laat week. G. E. Bur bank, who midra near Woodstock, recently slaughtered a hog tfoftt tipped tha beam at y?8 ponnda dre«»fd. CHRISTMAS AT THE CHURCHES. *Veat Wlll 'Be Appropriately Obeerred In Oar Churche*. M. X. CHURCH. The Christmas exercises at the M. E. church will be entirely in the hands of the children this year. A departure from the usual programs given at this time will be the use of a atereopticon. The different classes will give talks on the various subjects presented and a Christinas program will be carried on with the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. San­ ta Clans will both come down the chim­ ney, and they have assured us that they are going to take it for granted that ail the children, young and old, have been good this yeai, for there will be gifts for all. Following the usual custom, the Sunday school will have its asuaJ ,"a'" m HELP BOOM THE CONTEST BY PAYING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR JOB ACCOUNT. es. Extra t lerka have been employed in many of the stores in order to protect the goods. ' From current 'reports the attorney and marshal of the village of Fox Lake have lost their jobs, thsy having been notified by the .'illage board that their services were no longer required. The remains of Mrs. Franois Portia*, bnried in a Waukegan cemetery some twenty years ago, and last week disin­ terred to be placed elsewhere, were found to be petrified. It, is the most nnu«ual case ever reported in Lake county aud probably in the state Nunda Herald: Besides cut'ing out the mor ning train up on the Fox river division at 11 o'clock and down in the afternoon at 2 80 o'clock, the Terra Cot- ta "work train" ran iu the afternoon has been changed, Siighrua's train no longer making the trip, the new switch crew and train taking it. The train leaves Cryetai Lake at 3 p m and leaves Terra Cotta on the retnrn at 5 p. ui. The new switching crew does all the switch­ ing for this station and the ice houSfcs and at Terra Cotta. Conductor Mc- Ferson has the switch crew in charge. Woodstock Sentinel: What came very nearly proving a fatal accident was nar­ rowly averted last Saturday at the home Of Mrs E E Fairchild qn Madison street* The Misses Myrtle and IsnbeHe Matthews, whose home is near Crystal Lake, who are roomers at the home of Mrs. Fajrchild, and are engaged as fac­ tory employes, retired Friday night aa usual in their room adjoining the parlor, where a large base buruer supplies heat for the house. On Saturday morning Mrs. Fairchild, who also occupies an adjoining room on the same floor, awoke with -a severe headache and a feeling of general depression A few minute* lat­ er she called the young ladies, but re­ ceiving no answer, investigated, and found them overcome by the effects of coal gas which had escaped from the stove during the night. Mrs. Fairchild hastily called Dr Warner, and with his assist'nee the Misses Matthews were resuscitated, tho with great difficulty Later in the day the young ladies were feeling mnch better, and their father, Mr. Matthews, took them home in a closed carriage on Saturday afternoon. It was a very close call from death and all concemed^re to be thankfully con­ gratulated that the results were no worse than appears. Christmas cards and post eafd albums -a nice selection at Masquelet'a. A Sad Wrangle. Last Saturday afternoon between the hours of four and five o'clock a wrangle resulting quite seriously occurred, th* participants being Postmaster H. C. Mead and a rural resident whose name, for various reasons, we will omit. The two men met in McOmber's hardware store, and a!moat immediately became engaged in a heated argument, which resulted In blows. The quarrel was subdued as soon as possible, but not un­ til Mr. Mead was laid out on the floor, unconscious. Ths postmaster was har­ ried to hie home and medical aid sum­ moned. It was found by Drs. Wells and Chamberlin that both jaws were brok­ en, while head and body bruises of a very painful and serious natnre were also sustained. Mr. Mead now lies at his home in a precarious condition, and at1 this time no steps have been taken for proeecution. Fine imitation cut glass water *ets 96c at Block & Bethke's. Mew Year'* Dance. A New Year's dance will be held at Stoffel's hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. SI, to which a cordial invitation is ex­ tended to the dance loving public. Tbe management informs us that Sherman's orchestra of Woodstock will furnish tbe music, and thoee who attend can be assured of the best in the music line that the county affords. Particulars will appear in these columns next week. Don't forget the dttte, Tuesday, Dee. 91, New Tear's eve. You'll find the beet articles fered for 10 cents at Vycital's. ever of* tf Chamberlain'* Coach Remedy Aids Nature Medicinee that aid nature are always moat successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, aids expectoration, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, thereby aid­ ing nature in throwing off a cold and restoring the system to a healthy oondi­ tion. For sale by alj druggists. Bring or send yonr news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for you. dren whom Santa may overlook in his hurry. One feature to be noted ia that the free-will offering will be turned over to the Lake Bluff Orphanage at Lake Bluff, 111., so it is noped that the donations will be liberal. Th* exercises will be held at 7:80 Tuesday evening and all will be welcomed. UNI VERS AL.I9T CHURCH. Special services in all parts will b* held next Sunday. Preaching at 10:80 a. m., Sunday school at 11:45 a. m- Subject of sermon, "What the Angel Said " No one can*««fford to remain awa3~ from these services. Make your plans to come to chnrch. Come and bring a friend with you. Everybody oordially invited. Plans are being made by the pastor to giv«ra Christmas enter­ tainment Tuesday evening by the use of a atereopticon. T his will be a change from the order heretofore given and we feel assured to aunounce that it wiH be of great interest to both young and old! A small admission will be charged to those outside tbe members of the Sun­ day school. Everyone cordially invited. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. Mhaa at 0, 8 and 10 a. in., the last mass a high mass. A Passionist Father from Chicago will preach the sermon at the last mass. Special music will be rendered at the last mass. The ser­ vices will close with tbe benediction. ST. MARY'S CHURCH. At St. Mary's church mass** will be "held at S, 8 and 10 a. m. and vtspers at 2:80 p. m. Special ChristmM music will be prepared for the day. Get your prescriptions filled at Maa- queiei 'a--pure, fresh drugs. 0ROQRAM8 ABOUT READY. IlllaoU State Dairymen'* Convention Pro- •ram* to Be leaned Thl* Week. Programs for tbe thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Illinois State Dairymen's association at Marengo, Jan. 14 16, will be malted out this week. A copy will be sent to every creamery and to every dairyman who is a member of the asso­ ciation and to all others who will send in requeets for copies. This program will show tbe interesting features, prom inent speakers and the up-to-date sub jects to be discussed at the different sessions. Aihong the speakers, besides Illinois, tbe statee of Iowa, Michigan and Min­ nesota are represented and two mem­ bers of the dairy division, United States department of agriculture, will give addresses Besides the speakers whose uames are given it is expected to have others of state prominence at th* ban­ quet Wednesday evening, Jan. IS. Tbe Elgin board of trade has renewed its offer of a gold medal, valued at |25, to the buttermaker employe of s board of trads member who scores the highest. Bssides, there will be liberal cash pre­ miums and a pro rata purse to b# divid­ ed among exhibitors whose scores are. 80 or Letter, a 90 score to count one point. Several applications for entries in the milk contest have been received already and it is hoped to have a dozen at least. Officers of the association expeot to make this a permanent feature of state dairymen's conventions. The butter score* at the convention will count as on* of the scorings in the educational test now being conducted by the state food department. An elegant new line of fancy lamps, all colors and sizes, at Besley's. Methodist Church Services. Christmas services will be held next Sunday at the Methodist church. In tbe morning the pastor will preach on the topic, "Christ's Advent an Auspi­ cious Event in the World's History." Sunday school a$ 10 a. «m. Topic of stndy, Christinas lesson. E. H. BSAL, Pastor. Only Twelve More Day* Left In Which to Tote, 8o Why Not Pay Your Sub­ scription Now ? But twelve daya remaiu before tbe close of The Plaindealer s Voting con test, when the winners will receive the prizes offered by this paper. Why would it not be a wise plan to pay your Bubscription now, at a time when it will do tbe most good? The money will come in mighty bandy to the pub lisher and the vote* will be moot thank­ fully received by any oue of tbe con­ testants In the race for she beautiful prizes. Do not forget that bnt bne more stand­ ing will be printed before tbe finat re­ sult will be published Next'Thursday, Dec. 26, will be the last day that the standing of the different contestants will be known'to the public until the following Thursday, Jan. 2, when the final result will be given. This doe*> not mean, however, that votes will be accepted antil that time,--no, Indeed not. All votes will be void after five o'clock Tuesday, Dec. 81. Hadn't you better turn in yonr votes at your first opportunity, lest you forget? We think so. The last weak of the contest, from all indications, promises to be au unusual­ ly active one, as tbe iutereet aroused is increasing each day. The result up to last night is as follows: Mrs. Mayme Lamphere 15S28 Miss Theresa Barbian, McHenry 8892 Miss Maude Schreiner, McHenry. .4090 Miss Julia M. Freund, W. McHenry 8442 Bliss Mayme Beimer, McHenry... .8885 Miss Rosie Pitzen, Pistakee Bay 1060 Miss Angela Petescb, McHenry 76? Miss Katie Buch, McHenry 725 The three prizes to be given are now on display at N A. Huemann's jewelry store and may be seen at any time. The first prize, a ladies' $20 gold watch, Elgin movement, 20 year case, is a most handsome timepiece and goes to the lady having the highest number of votes at the close of the contest The second prize, aa elegant $17 East man kodak, uioderu and up to date in every respect, will be presented to the lalcly ranking second in the contest, and tbe third prize, a solid gold ring with chip diamond setting, will be presented to the third highest contestant. Qo to N. A. Buemann's jewelry store, con­ vince yourself that the jrizes offered are well worth working, for, and then oafst yonr ballots for the lady of yonr choice. . . Manicure sets, shaving sets, military sels at Masqnelet's drug store. Take Notice. Died,.iu Cuba, 111., on Tuesday after­ noon, Dec. 9, an unknown man,, who is said to have given his name as McHen­ ry. He is from 40 to 45 years of age ahd weighs in the neighborhood of 160- 170 pounds. From appearances he has been well kept and it is the desire of the authorities of the above mentioned plftce to locate his relatives that they may be notified of his death. Any in­ formation in tbe hands of any of onr subscribers or others will please be for­ warded to Mr. C. D. Taylor, Cuba, III. As a further means of identification we might add that Mr. MoHenry was sent to Cuba by a Chicago employment agen­ cy to work on the C. B. & Q. R. R., arriving on the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 9. County papers will please oopy. KNIGHTS OF COLUftiffUS INSTALL Candidate* AVe G»V«n Flrttjlfcc. ond and Third Degree*. ' '•-1 Christmas books for Piteach's. tbe children at Mayor BUM Bays Perm. Wauconda Leader: The Schendorf fa) m of 884 acres was sold late last week to Mayor Busse of Chicago and Satur­ day the new owner came out to arrange for carrying on the work 'and business of the- farm. Sam New kirk will re­ main in charge until Match and po*si- bly later. Mr. Busse will have the buildings repaired and tbe farm put upon a paying basis as soon as labor can effect tbe change. We did not learn the price paid, but hear that^ it was about $100 per acre. Gifts, suitable for all pufpOQe, aold everywhere for 16c, 85c and S6e, at Vy­ cital's, 10c. . tf Blagwnod M. K. Church. At the Ring wood Methodist church next Sunday afternoon the pastor will preach upon "Christ s Advent" and the choir will render Christmas music. EvangtoUstic aervices in tbe evening. ; E H. Beal, Pastor. The prettiest line of Christmas and New Year poet cards may be found at Besley'e. " Rteffwood Dnlveraallst Chareb. Rev.' Arthur Roberte, paatofv Re­ member the hour of services next Sun­ day. A special subject will be given. Everybody cordially invited. Toys of all kinds and jat th* rtght Block St Bethke's. Toilet sets of pride at Besley's. all deecriptions and To Whom It May Concern. The copartnership of E. C. Jacob & Co., jewelers, McHenry, IU., hiss been dissolved by mutual coiweut, C. W Edwards having withdrawn all ,his in­ terests in the firm. E. C. Jacob will continue th* business as heretofore. AH debts to date will be iusumed by Ik C. Jacob and all accounts due E. C. Jacob & Co. should be paid to E. C. Jacob. Dated this fourteenth day of December. 1907 £. C. JACOB. C. W. EDWARDS. Teddv bears--75c, 89c, $1. triad $1 89 at Block & Bethke's. Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities h^Ve caused to be posted in every "pbsl- (jffice in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a retnrn card printed thereon. Every bufcinesa man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on hie envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-cla!*^ manner. On* of the grandest' as Well: 'as U&t elaborate social functions ever' acodin- plished by any order or society in Mc­ Henry materialized last Sunday when a class of sixty-six candidates was taken into the order of Knights of Columbus, Fifty four of these candidates wete resi­ dents of McRfenry and the immediate vicinity, and will mike op the local lodge, while the balance were from Woodstock. The plans loi I he big event have been in progress for several weeks and that they were fulfilled in a most highly fcfHciaur manner each and every Knight present last Sunday will testify, espe­ cially <th« candidates. The Visiting Knights bejjan to arrHh* Saturday evening and by Sna&Sy noon nearly two hnndred Were in town, rep­ resenting twe!v» different cities, as fol­ lows: Chicago, Aurora, Oreen Bay, Wis , Janeeville, Wis., Valparaiso, Ind., Elgin, Evanstou, Sterling, Dixon, Wood­ stock, Harvard and Richmond At the uoon hour the greater part of th* visitors Were oared for; at the Park hotel, where 140 sat down to one of the finest dinners they were ever served, Mrs Dermont. the popular proprietress of this hostlery, Wks complimented on all sides on her ability to Satisfy the' In ner man. The work of initiation took place in Stoffel's hall," and began at one o'clock. The first degree was conferred by tbe degree tfeaiu representing the Wood­ stock lodge, the second degree by th* Elgin team and the third and nibst im­ portant degree by Past Sta.e Deputy P. S McArdle, assisted by Henry Lynch, both of Chicago. The degree work was pronounoed by all- present as belig among the best, if not the beet ever ex­ ecuted in the state, the third degree es­ pecially being pterfonried in an sntlfoa- iastic manner. At the conclusion of the degree v 6rk the Knights marchsd in a body to the Central opera honse, where a most elab­ orate banq&et was eervSd. After the customary invbfcaMou, by Rev. Paul Bourke, the two hundred ahd fifty Knights sat down to a moat ann|ptn6o« brffifft* ^Bi**n3nu fMiT MENU. Blue Points . Olive* Mfxed Pickle* SfeamedTftain Potato Roast* Young Turkey wflh Dressing Cranberry Jelly * C$»fery Frtift* », Bananas AptAta „ fcrapee Neapolitan Ice Cretin £ - Akeort*d Cakes Che*se Salted Wafer* ^ Cotffee - Cream Cigar*^ j: A Francis O^Shaugun^s;' of CSiicago tobk the role of toastmaater, and a betr ter man could not have bean selected. He "carried the role out to perffedtion, his jovial, good-natured disposition making him a prime favorite among the multitude from begihnittg to end. Af­ ter a short, tint most timely ahd Im­ propriate address, the toastmaster in­ troduced Rev. H. M. Fegers as the first speaker, who answered the call in his usual courteous and painstaking way. His subject was "Onr Missions" and be handled it in a clear and forcefnl man­ ner. P. S. McArdle. National Advo­ cate, bbifig utiable to remain for the banquet, left a vacant nhmber on the program, but Attorney Lang of Rich­ mond proved himself equal to the oc­ casion by responding to Mr. McArdle'* name. His address Was well given and heartily appreciated by all. Attorney Frank E. Bhopen came next. He based his speech on "Ohr Opportunities," pointing dut in a brilliant way our opportunities in life and how to make them beneficial. One of the gr*at treats of the day and evening was the pres­ ence of one Mr. Donahue, of Paducah, Ky., an eager worker of the K. of C, 's., who came all the way from bis southern home to be present at the initiation and banqnet. By request he also favored the attentive audience with a few Well chosen remarks. On account of limited time we are obliged to omit a detailed account of the balance of the program, but will say that the "acldffeBses by Jobu R. Brown, G. K., of Rockford; Attorney J. J. Cooney, district deputy, of Wood­ stock; Rev. Gilmartin of Woodstotek, Rev. Goulet, "Rev. Bourtte and Dr. C. H. Fegers, Sr., were well received. l*be music during the evening was rendered by Sherman's 8 piece orchestra of Wood­ stock. Among tbendted tfiefflbersbfiSe^lo- otm Weekly phsk-ufs •TEUIS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN DURING THE WEEK. Wfcat People arc Doing In Oar Ttaay Uttte city--Sew* a* Seen by The Plalwle*i*t raty-ncwi aa 1 AepVeaVutattrc There were no offerings nor sales on the Elgin board of trade Monday and the market wae declared firm at 28# cent*. ' ' Nearly every store window in town i* to holiday attire. A baby boy came to gladden the bom* of llr. and Mrs. Ben Herbw last Friday. On aooount of tbe holidays Dr. Bar­ ber will not visit McHenry again sDtfl January 8, 1908. ' The mammoth willow troes on Green street between Pearl and Elm are being cut down this week. The Plaindealer wishes each and evary one of its subscribers a Merry Christ­ mas and hopes that Santa Clans will re­ member you all. Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock haa purchased a Ford runabout and will hext summer mak* Us trine o**r iK *:< horseless manner. i/ rillc y V .-"•re "l-v- The many friends of Fred Block, who has be^n very ill for the past five weeks, will be plaasod to laani that he has so far recovered as to be ftp and around the house. The basket social given by the pupils of tbe Prairie school last Saturday even­ ing proved a most successful event. The program and lunch were enjoyed by all present. Theaaat *em o! fit.** was tealife*^, ' A heavy fall of snow brought the sleigh bells out Sunday and many have been enjoying the treat since. As we lee many "bobe" la town th* sleighing on the country roads must he good as well. Ed Sutton, a foftaer resident of Ww- Henry, arrived in town Tuesday* with* carload of choice Durham cattle, which will tw? sold tit public at tila stock yards at 10 o%l66k a. tn. toaw* row (Friday). SE. Lawlus received a severe cat ov*r the left eye thru a fall sustained while «p46wn last Monday. Dr. Wells dres­ sed the wound, and while it is a deep cut his many friends hope it will not ba long in healing. Don't forget the date, Friday, Decem­ ber 27, of the opening dance at the Mc­ Henry Honse hall. Tell your friends to be there, 'cause it's going to be a treat and neither yott nor they can afford to miss it. Dance tickets Ml cents. Wbile loading wood last Wndnhimjifoj Jos. Ahrehs had the misfortune to tove a heavy log fall on his left hand, badly lacerating the first two fingers, and mashing the whole hand. Dr. Wells was called and dressed the wounds. The victim is doing nicely. The chicken pie sapper Mid sale h«t* fey the Willing Workers of the tTnirer- salist church at the chnrch parlors Tuee­ day evening tfas very largely attended. The supper conld not be excelled and the articles of handiwork foand read.} sale. It was a very pleassuit nJTafr tad much enjoyed by all. The basket social and bazaar given at the city hall last Friday evening by the Ladies' Aid society of the M. £. church was a very pleasant gathering. Altho not largely attended the crowd waa a responsive one and the baskets and oth­ er articles sold well. The program waa vary much enjoyed and some! w4s represented. While descending a Sight of stairs III her home Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. H Spaulding, lost her footing and fell to the bottom. While she is very fortun­ ate in not sustaining any broken boo**, Mrs. Spaulding is suffering intensely from the bruises and general shaking np received. Her many friends hope 'for her speedy recovery. ^ The Grayslake Canning company it. . Installing large and expensive machin­ ery in anticipation of the growth of business next season. This fndustry in our neighboring town has been a profit­ able one since its organization, and we Hope the day is not far distant when the McHenry factory will be to our town what tiie oMtt Grayslake ia to it* .In­ habitants. , dnrlhg '&L< Perfumery at Petescb's. . \ . . v. The young hoodlums who last Tuesday night amused themselvea by stoffing the keyhole to the Weet Mo- ciety prieeent besides thoee previously 1 Henry foet office full of paper wada, mentioned were: Frank J. Hannifin, | w{jj hereby take warning and not let Aurora; W. F. Nolan, Green Bay, Wia., and John J. Owens, Chicago The yfsltitfg Brothers left cWa Special trafn at 12:80 Mondaymolding for their respective homes, the special rhhnhsg as far as Elgin, from where the more distant bound Knights we** ooffveyed over the electric lines. Too much praise cannot be given the several old members, whoee untiring ef­ forts are directly responsible for the foundation of a Knights of ColnmbUs council in McHenry. Great credit is also doe the ladies who prepared and served the banquet, which all must agree was one of the finest ever *ervcd a gathering of people in the history of our village. Hext Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock, (Continued on page five.) such an act occur again, for it is an •»- sured fact that Uncle Sam will play a trick upon them that they will bava every reason to remember for some time to come. The keyhole in the poet office door waa so tightly stuffed with paper wads that it took Assistant Postmistrwa Tillie Stewart nearly a half hour to gain an entrance. Fortunately she did not miss the morning mail bat she came within an ace of doing so. However, the would-be joke caused Misa Stewart more than a little inconvenience, and we must congratulate the little lady upon her pluck in getting the mail oat on time. Again we eay, boys, do not let $ it ever happen again. Yon have oar word for it that wben your Uucla §atat • once takes hold of a caair like wia ha shows no leniency whatever. - iS' f s * s£>' ^ 4 v - / v> ;«|KiW

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