Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1907, p. 4

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'-Six 5 !"JW vr T-Vv\v « ' Dandr There is one thing that will cure it--Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is s regular scplp-medicir.e. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap­ pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you--healthy hair, no dan­ druff, no pimples, no eruptions. The best bind of a testimonial -- "Sold lor over sixty years." ide *>y J- C. Ayer Co., Lowell, M»®«. Also imauftotsjren. of SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. qers | Voting In the Senate. ' Jafferson's Manual says: 1. Whe» the yeas and nays are ordered, the name* of senators shall be called alphabet­ ically, and each senator shall with on", delay declare his asseut or dissent tc the question, unless excused by (be senate, and no senator shall be permit ted to vote after the division shall have been announce^ by the presiding officer, but may, for sufficient reasons, with unanimous consent, change ot withdraw his vote. No motion to so# pend this rule shall be in order, not i«ual! the presiding officer entertain" !any request to suspend it by unani mous request (section 41). 2. When senator declines to vote on call of his name he shall be required to assign his reasons therefor, and, having as signed them, the presiding officer abal) submit the question to the senate /'Shall the senator, for the reasons as­ signed by him, be excused from vot lug?" which shall be decided without debate, and these proceedings shall be held after the roll call and before the result is announced, and any further proceedings in reference thereto shall be after such announcement (sections 17 and 16). PIKE Of WORK PerlorM W Prof. Ltab of 1 m SIROKt oTPAMirSIS A I, . (uiftf lo fifteen TrHtmeits When tk Pa- Went Could Not Move timer Am sr Leg. Tills Is Prubwbly On* Of The yulcksnt Cill'i-o On Record. [lie Mclfenry Vl&Mw PDBLiSHfc.i> tVfiBY THliitbi/Ai **.f F. Q. SCHRE1NER.. OIBce In Bank Balding. Telephone, No. 171. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION ( One year -ilJ® flii months, 75 cts. Threemonths. 40ots. Thursday, December 19, 1907. HOW HOPKINS SAVED THE WATER­ WAY. Washington, D. C -- How narrowly Illinois missed securing government co­ operation in the construction pf a water­ way from Lake Michigan to the Gnlf, is an incident of the Fifty-ninth congress worth relating. Representative Lori- mer had tried in vain to have the pro­ ject provided for in the house bill that was pending before the Committee on Rivers and Harbors As a member of the committee Mr. Lorimer had pre­ sumed that his favorite project would be accorded generous treatment, and his surprise, therefore, was srreat when he discovered that Chairman Burton was unalterably opposed to it Bnrton is the autocrat of the Committee en Rivers and Harbors. Whatever he fa­ vors is endorsed by the committee; what­ ever he opposes is defeated. The Lori­ mer item was turned down. The entire Illinois delegation was rallied to its sup­ port. CJncle Joe Cannon descended from his high place as speaker long enough to urge upon Bnrton not only the desirability, but economical neces­ sity of establishing a great waterway connecting the Great Lakes with the Gnlf of Mexico. Ordinarily the inter­ vention of the speaker in behalf of any measure of legislation wonld be suffic­ ient to insure its snccess, but in this case Bnrton prevailed. To justify his position he admitted to the Mil an ap­ propriation for a survey of the Mis­ sissippi river from St. Louis to Cairo, bnt that was clearly inadequate. After the bill had passed the house an appeal was made to Senator Hopkins to secure the desired appropriation for. Illinois. The senator undertook the task with characteristic energy and determination. He bad not previously been identified with this waterway legislation except to give it his general endorsement, and was content that the credit for whatever fras achieved shonld be enjoyed by oth- j A Fiery Speech. William O'Brien in his "Recollec­ tions" gives this picture of Timothy Heal.v'a first appearance in parliament: "A quarter of an hour after he took his saat as member for .Wexford he started up to make his maiden speech--tiny of frame, sardonic of visage, his hands in his breaches pockets, as coolly insolent as a Parisian gamin, as entirely de­ testable as a small Diogenes, peering over the rims of his pincenez as from his tub, through bilious eyes over his contemptible audience--and horrified the bouse of commons with the follow- >ing exordium: 'Mr. Speaker, If the noble marquis (Hartington) thinks he is going to bully us with his high and i mighty Cavendish ways, all I can tell him Is he will find himself knocked into a cocked hat in a jiffy, and we will have to put him to the necessity of wip­ ing the blood of all the Cavendishes from his noble nose a good many times before he disposes of us."" A Singular Dream. A singular dream is related in a well known British magazine. A woman suffering from anxiety caused by re­ duced circumstances dreamed that she went to church. "The people began to go out one by one. I looked around and inquired why they were leaving the church. They said: 'To look for the magic bird in the churchyard. You will always have luck if you find it' I thought I would try to find it, went oat and swept away the fallen leaves and found a speckled thrush, and as soon as I took it up it dropped £1 in my hand. The next morning I went Into our bade, garden and there among ^the fallen leaves was the speckled thrush, which had just been killed by la eat It was yet warm. I said, 'Here Is the magic bird, nod the money I know will come by post.' The hope was Justified, for £1 came in the morn­ ing and a check from a friend in the evening." The Unexpected. • curious story is that of the late Colonel Harry McCalmont of the Brit­ ish army. He was a poor man when hie went to the reading of his uncle's •will, hoping that perhaps the departed jmlght have remembered him to the 'extent of an old watch. True enough, the iawyer read out the words, "To my nephew, Harry McCalmont, I leaye ;my watch and chain." The legatee was satisfied, and, leaning back, he drowsed, lulled by the monotonous tones of the lawyer as he read .through the long Instrument At the close he arose to go. "I congratulate you," said the solicitor. "I don't know why you should," said the other. "You are residuary legatee," remarked the law­ yer. "You will have £4,000 annually for the first five years from this date, and afterward yoo will inherit some £7,000,000" Prof. Leach:-- 1 wish to tuske known to the public what you have <l<>iie for mr; altho 1 can not ?xpr»*a u>\ yt rttiiu'lw tor the bene fits derived.from your treatments. Last fall I afflicted with paral­ ysis. My right elite wtie eo completely paralyzed that 1 could uot tm>ve even my hand. After taking J5 treatments I was able to walk, and c*u now walk and dm e anywhere, and I feel bettar than i have for years. I hope that others who are afflicted as I was may see this and go to yon and be cared. Yonrs gratefully, J. G. YENERICH. Ottawa, III. BOWLERS ARE BUSY. Member* of Local League Laboring To Fatten Percentage*. lard That considerable interest is mani­ fested by the membersof the local bowl­ ing league is shown thrn the spirit that marks each and every contest. Each member is now working hard to bring op his average and all want to be at the head of the list. Teams II and III opposed each oth­ er last Thursday evening, the latter named team coming out victorious by a lead of Sixty-six pins. The score: TEAM NO. II. ' 1st 2nd . 3rd Will Weber 145 184 13o Mat Roiherinel 145 118 10b John Weber, capt. 168 186 l'Jfc Total pinn, 1202.. 448 888 871 Team average, 184. TEAM NO. III. let 2nd 8rd Yule 158 111 153 J. ftothermel 156 154 187 A. Yager 117 171 111 Total pins, 1268. 481 486 401 Team average, 142. On Monday evening teams VI and III bowled, the contest resulting in a vic­ tory for the former team, which palled bat a margin of 58 pins. The score: TEAM NO. VI. 1st 2nd 3rd F. Bishop 184 165 141 C. Bickler, capt. 154 180 186 Meyers, anb. 180 176 112 Total pins, 1278. 410 471 888 Team average, 127. TEAM NO. HI, 1st 2nd 3rd A. Yager - 141 613 150 Ynle 104 135 99 J. Rothermel 108 150 166 Total pine, 1220 848 457 415 Team average, 186. Dolls at Petesch's. Unlearned, but Wise. "I'm after Justice rather than law," said J oh a Dudley, who for twenty-one years, from 1770 to 1791, was one of the most popular judges of New Hamp­ shire. He was unlearned In the law, and his education was so defective that he could not write five consecutive sen­ tences in correct English, yet so ac­ ceptably did he discharge his judicial duties that Chief Justice Parsons of Massachusetts, one of the most learned of lawyers, said of him, "We may smile at his law and ridicule his language,^ yet Dudley, take him all in all, was the greatest and best judge I ever knew in Nsw Hampshire." New Year1! Dance. A New Year's dance will be held at Stoffel's hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, to which a cordial invitation is ex­ tended to the dance loving pablic. The management informs as that Sherman's orchestra of Woodstock will furnish the music, and those who attend can be assured of the best in tlie music line that the county affords. Particulars will appear in these columns next week. Don't forget the date, Tuesday, Dec. 31, New Year's eve. Hand painted china at Petesch's. Have you seen The Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at once. Our prices are the lowest ' .ever. ers. liis iittitudt. ^is respect did not change materially after the whole bur­ den of responsibility for forwarding the great project was transferred to his jur­ isdiction. He explained his position succinctly at the time to the Washing­ ton correspondent of a Chicago news­ paper: "That waterway is an Illinois project,"he Baid. "Illinois wants it; Illinois will have it. That is all there is to it." And that was all there was to it. The senator submitted an amend­ ment to the house bill providing for an appropriation of $400,000 for the project, and in his capacity as a member of the Committee on Commerce saw to it that it was incorporated in the draft of the bill as finally reported to the senate. He took care, moreover, that it remained in the ^ill when that measure was pnimd by the senate, and thereafter exercised his influence and prerogative as the rep­ resentative of the state of Illinois to pre­ vent Burton from striking out the item in oonference. Burton tried to do this. He threatened to permit the bill to fail rather than accept the Hopkins amend­ ment, and thereby raised a great clamor among southern democrats whose pork barrels had been filled to overflowing bat Senator Hopkins was inexorable. In the language of the late Senator Hanna he stood pat. "Illinois fs going to have that appropriation," he said. And Ill­ inois got an illuminating insight into the way her junior senator does things. Take advantage of our specially low rate of $l.7o for this papier and The Weekly Inter-Ocean for one year. The Strain of the Glass Houses. "The son of a glassblower is rarely found in the same employment," Baid a speaker at a child labor conference. "I would rather send my boys straight to heli than send them by way of the house," one glassblower Is quoted saying. It appears that the charac- the men Is greatly affected by t*ic extreme heat and consequent physi< strain of the glass houses. to hell 'glass I ias say Iter of Moved the Audience. "Did you notice how I moved the au­ dience last night?" asked the amateur elocutionist. "Moved isn't the proper name for it, rejoined his critical friend. "It was Bttle short of a stampede." Comparatively. • I Towne--Yes, my wife is able to drtay ® comparatively little money. Browne --Oh, come now! Comparatively little? Towne -- I mean on little compared with what she thinks she ought to have. Wrinkles surely to weak women, I * hu have to frown and cn- |dure the torture due to the! diseases peculiar to their sexX Ipt only wrinkles, but hol-1 [low, lack-lustre eyes, sallow] [complexion, gray hair, all of I Which tell ox premature old| lage. The prevention of this flies in your own hands.! [Cure the disease that causes! [your suffering, and strength­ en your weakened ccnsti- [tutioo, with ( Clear writers, like clear fountains, do not seem so deep as they axe. The turbid look the most profounds--Lai* dor. The xtw,: Place four Order Now. government postal authoril k*Te caused to be posted in every p< office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to ose en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, fart,. . or person of any occupation shonld have his name and address printed on hiH envelopes, thus insuring their return 10 the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in 6rst*dw Prayer books at Petesch's. Mi WINE OF CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF of which Mrs. Mary Irvin, of IVra plin City, Va., writes: "I think u 1 is the best on earth for all suffctmg 1 I women. My due tor did me no I rood. I suffered untold misery I rom head to foot, but the first dose I I of Cardui gave me relief, and when I II had taken one bottle, I fe,H like a new woman," The above seems' to prove that Cardui will relieve 1 your pain, strengthen jour consti- 1 | tution and renew your youth. Try it. J H ftB DraffUs, fUM E2y Rings, Clocks, Watches, Bracelets Chains, © Stick Pins, .Scarf Pins, Necklaces Cut Glass Organs, Pianos, iLamps ingflachin SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. 'CV , ^ x : - , • < > N. A. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Plcked Up About Qor Busy Little Ilura That May Concern Too or Yoor Friend*. Manicure sets at Petesch's. Fountain store. pens at Masquelet's drag Pet Christmas cards and booklets at ssch's. Crying dolls--49c and 98c at Block & Bethke's. • F. O. Gans the auctioneer. He guar­ antees satisfaction. The highest price paid for buckwheat at the McHenry mill. A n elegant new line of fancy lamps, all colors and sizes, at Besley's. Before buying a cook stove or heater see Yycital's line and get his prices, tf Day books, ledgers, journals and memorandum books of all kinds at Bee- ley 's. Day books, ledgers, journals and memorandum books of all kinds at Besley's. ___ Always nse a little of Herdrich's Ton­ ic or Bitters in yonr whisky. It is like nsing cream in coffee. Good spring wheat wanted at the West McHenry mill. John Spencer, proprietor. tf A very important business transac­ tion took place in Centerville last week, of which we shall speak in next week's issne. " The Elgin National Watch factory will be closed down all next week and nntil Jan. 2, when it will be reopened with the same force that is now em­ ployed therein. If you are contemplating an auction sale this fall F. O. Gans is the right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Frennd at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention Mr Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phgne or telegraph. The Chicago & North-Western Rv. is using a gasoline motor car on its lines west of the Missouri river with what are understood to be very flattering re­ sults. The car at present is in opera­ tion between Norfolk, Neb , and Bone- steel, S. D., making th8 trip of 152 miles daily in each-direction. The car is said to be popular with the traveling public. It is said to be well adapted to their requirements and it is operated quite economically. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from The Plalndea'rr ol ' December 20, 1882. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- Aye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. George Blethen, who at one time had the local management of the Citizens' Telephone company, is now at Benning­ ton, Okla., where he is building a fifty- mile telephone line with a gang of fifty men. We have arranged with The Weekly luter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.76 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. Remember every penny turned into tins office between now and Jan. 1 en­ tities you to one vote. Help your favor­ ite along by subscribing for The Plain- dealer, a paper that contains all the news all the time. Yon cannot keep posted on local doing* unless you join The Plaindealer family. »' •>' ,C:V E. Waite, who has been building a house for A. Hankins in Indiana, fin­ ished his job and came home last week. We understand that Marshal Holmes was present at several "surprise par ties" in this village on Saturday even­ ing last. Boys, it's better yrn "look a leedle oud," as you "know not what an hour may bring forth," especially when it's after eleven o'clock. Died, at the residence of his oldest daughter, Mrs. Frank Cole, near Spring Grove, Tuesday, Dec. 19, Peter Stevens, father of C. V. Stevens of this village, in the 76th year of his af$*. " A social event of more than ordinary interest occurred at McHenry Dec. 13, In the msrri'age of John Dertnont of Richmond aud Miss Sarah Parker, daughter of Winslow Parker, formerly of McHenry. The bride was well known and highly respected in McHen ry circles and had also won many friends during her stay in Richmond, and scarcely anyone is better known in and abont hie native-town than "Jack," the fortunate and happy groom. The ceremony was performed in the parlors of the Parker House by Rev. Grover C. Clarfe of Richmond, in the presence of a large company of-friends from Mc Henry and Richmond. After congratu­ lations the dining room doors were thrown open and the gnests sat down to a wedding dinner, such as only the skilled caterer can provide. There was no lack in quantity, quality or variety The happy pair took their departure soon after dinner for a two weeks' trip among friends in the West One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; fl.60 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our -recent special arrangement, $1.76 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near.. Public Sale. „ At the public park in the village of McHenry, next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, will be sold to the highest bidders all the wood (about 40 loads*, the wood to he sold by the piwi, ( « XMAS « and Groceries We have just received an ex­ cellent new line of Christ­ mas Candies, Nuts and Gro­ ceries and respectfully ask your patronage. We also carry at all times an excep­ tionally fine stock of Fandy Canned Goods of the pure and fresh sort. Let us fill your ocder. - - - - - Wm. Simes UP-TO-DATE GROCER HeJmer Block, - flcHenry DAVID G. WELLS, M. P. pHYBIO!AN, SURGEON AND OOULIf* -1- Office ana residence corner Elm sa< Green streets, McHenry. Telephone Mo. 211' FEGERS & FEGERB pHYSIOIANB AND SURGEONS, HcHeaty L 111. Office at Residence, corner Qoertaai Elm streets. Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY A TTQRNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. PARKER S. WEBSTER T AWYER. 701, 70* Rector building, 122 fit on ^ roe strei ~ 4531. BR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Office end Residence over n. J. Welsh's Stem. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBST MoHnirmr. ILU • • ' Telephoae No. >93 * SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHeary, UHa s| Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of M«. Henry, Lake an other countl irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's 91 Fifth Aye. CHICAGO? Because it is so. home like. Want Column. All advcrtir-emenis insertcti under thin head at the following rates: Five lines or le«e, 25 cents for flrnt insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than tlve linen, 6 cents a line tof first insertion, and 3 cents a line for addition* Insertions. •DOR SALE--Dakota and Homesteads located relation apply to or address E. W. Henry. III. Colorado lands. For further Infor- Howej^ Mc- tf ANTED--Men to cut about 200 cords of *' wood. Is all hard wood and «asy <Mit- tlng. Will pay fl.SC per cord. v. E. J®< h. , at R. 11. Ktcbardson fartu. West McHenry 1~-t f Phone^va. _ RENT --The old Michael Clea% fan of 123 acrt's; nearly 14,1 under cultiva tton; H mile front McHenry; fair Imilaliijr- For further information apply to or aaar* > Miss MAOOIS CI,KARY. McHenry, 111. J o h n J . V y o i t 3 l DEALER IN GeneraJ Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 648 McHENRY, ILLINOJ^. Well-drilling a Specialty. •^phone i WM. BACON Dealer in Winc\piills, Pipes, Tumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Wcjrk guaranteed at) all Times. McHJSNRY, ILLINOIS. 1 FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTEH AND PAPER HANGEEt (ARBiAGE PAINTING, $5.00 Mi House and Sign Pulntlun and ui! Interior Dee- oritHng- Residence north town Sine one block west uf river, ieiephone No.&k MCHENRY, F°«f jp\OR KENT 12« acres black - , so1' farm, one mile from Borden factory, at McHenry, 111. Good large house, 2 Huge barns, oi her buUdiiiirs; free rent until March 1, 1W0*. i-Wie w o o d , f r u i t , s p r i n g . E a s y t e r r a s t o R o o d r u i n 04.2T, SNUMSTORRIEI TTV6li S?ALh. :::Kinglet" Barred Plymoui h " cockerels and pullets. 1 hey are 4' ^t b r e d a n d f r o m o n e o f t h e b e s t s t r a i n s I n t h e United States. See them. Write for prices bu . SSJtf KILLTHC COUGH UI CURE THE LUNCS ™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CBitfr *NP ALL THROAT MO UWTHWIji II. GUARANTEED SATIiyAAWWl OB MONET BSFOTR8HX ' I s v %•- •Mi,. v 4, •>* • - ' A *-•*> 1 ^ iL

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