Furnitur ,"'"r % • t ' " *'* W f - fOR THE KITCHEN, , DINING ROOM, PAR- ! k LOR and BED ROOM.?; ws AN ELEGANT AS SORTMENT AT EX- r CEE DI NGLY LOW> £'*•' PRICES. LET US . £ S H O W . « V, V * ; -• :•> i v - i . Undertaking anil Embalming. ^Mf | The Stove Q\iestion Is solved here to the highest degree of Satis faction. A fine line to select from at honest prl es. ^ F. L. M cOMBER. WEST McHEWRY, 3 * ILLINOIS. & ClearingOut Odds and Ends of stock and all Winter Goods is our aim for the next 30 days. We will offer sotne tempting Bargains in all lines of goods. Our Ladies' Dress Skirts must go. We will close them out at | ilie former price. Come early and get you r choice. The $5.00 quality for only.. , $2.50 We are offering some very low prices in the International Clothes, 68 styles, i educed from $1.50 to $8 per Suit Don't fail. to see the samples. All goods made to your measure and a perfect fit guar anteed. Fresh stock of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal, Groceries, Tea, Coffpe, Etc. Goods delivered. Pb$i»e 863. Yours Truly, H. J. Walsh. SW'vV. ^ Groceries of • QueJity a.rid Purity are what you want Ng . -V . Groceries of . -1 < . quality; rurity ana Cleanliness at JOHN STOFFEL'S CASH GROCER, v • v WEST McHCNRY, ILLINOIS. NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS «*s • Woodstock UlWlCIIBUi Miss Ellsworth vidted frien î here Thursday. Mrs. W. E Dike wai a Chicago visit or Friday. J. H. Parka and E. Anuera were in Nnnda Monday. Mrs. Ben Throop called at J, O. Hart mas h Sal urday. 8 Bannister and wife visited •!##, Thayer's Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Dike waa in Woodstock one day last week. Mm. L Johnson trailer Wednesday. Ijewifi Gibson of Chicago visited his parents here Snnday, Will Warner returned to his home in the city Wednesday. Mr and Mrs, Kimball spent Friday and Satnrday in Elgin. K Mr. Button was a bnsiness viaifar in Nunda last Wednesday. Mrs. John Johnston# was a pieman caller in Nnuda Wednesday. Miss Emma Eickftoff of Woodstock called on friends here Saturday. Mrs. Clara Wheaton of Chi<<Rgo visit ed at LeRoy Skinner's Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Dnfield sailed at John Dnfield's in Woodstock Satnrday Chas. Anderson w«>nt to Elgin Friday. He is nnder the doctor's care there. Sidney Reed and Messrs Bullock and Peterson were in Nmida Satnrday. Miss Johnston of Wood,nt.nok visited her sicter here the first of the week. Mrs. Hnntof Elgin visited at Uncle Doc Dnfield's from Friday nntil Snnday evening. Misses Emma and Martha Hoeppoer of Chicago visited their sister. Mrs. Weiland, Satnrday and Snnday Mrs. Frank Hudson of McHenry via- ited her sister, Mrs Stephenson, here a few days this week, retaining home Friday. Grandma French returned to her home in Ringwood last Saturday after pending several weeks with her chil dren here.. Mr. and Mrs Benson were Hartland visitors last week, at the home of H. Under. They are goiug to wove West in the near fntnre. F. Wille & Sons have put in a new earn crusher and added other improve- menta. They are now prepared to fill till orders promptly. SCHOOL sNOTKS. Mrs Weiland visited school Friday forenoon. George Jlartc haa returned hx school after a long absence. "Suowbound" is twing read in theaav- t*nrh and eighth grades. Who will average the highest In mu-» sic? Many are trying to. The seventh snd eighth grades are dring Borne map drawing. School work has b*»en somewhat in terfered with on acconnt of hard colds and coughing. , Mr and Mr*. Benson visited school last Thnrsday afternoou. So for many of the mothers have visited us, bnt Mr. Bensou is the first father. We hope utore fathers will follow his example. A Higher Health Level. "I have reached a higher health level since I began w using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin. Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masquelet'sl McHenry, G. W. Besley'a, Weat lie- Henry, drag stores. 25c KNRKALIt PARK. Mrs. E. Comisky is in Chicago at the present writing. MiftH Mary Gibbs of Terra Uotte sprat Sunday at home. W. K. Burns and son. Will*, spent Sunday at the Park. Misses Irene and Anna Frisby called at R. J. Sutton's Monday. Mrs. Robert Sohns of Chicago is visit ing her husband this week. Mrs. D. Corr of Woodstock is spend ing this week at P. Walsh's. J. R. Smith and family entertained * number of relatives Wednesday last. Misses Maytne Knox and Margaret Waru visited Miss Lucy Sntton Wed nesday. Jas. Haxton, Sr , and son, Harry, and D. W. Hill were at their cottagea here Snnday. Messrs. Emmett Geary and Arthur Daley of Wauconda visited at E. Knox's Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh, this week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haaney returned to Chicago Friday after spending a week at their cottage. Messrs. John Gibbs, Jr., Mid Than, Walsh of Chicago spent Snnday with their parents here. Misses Irene Frisby and Mande Ber nard of Chicago and J. Scbaefer of Mc Henry called in this vicinity Saturday. Mrs. P. Walsh had the misfortnne to fall last Saturday, sustaining a severe fractnre of the bones in one leg. The injured member is very painfnl, bnt the patient is resting as well as conld be ex- pentad. , S OffM8BUSOB. Fred Diethorn wpa a Ringwood caller Monday. Jacob .Josten had his ioe house filled last week.. Jacob Rothermel left Thuraday for Adams, Mihn. < Mr. and Mrs. John Miller drove to McHenrv Tneeday. Mrs. Maggie Freund spent Tuesday with Mr*. Jacob Frennd. * John Oeffling spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weingart, Miss Lizzie May spent Sunday with Sir. and Mrs. John Miller. John Mertes and family moved into their new home last week. Mrs, Brilz is recovering slowly from her recent, period of serious illnesa Mrs. John Blake and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Math Blake Tuesday. Mrs. Maggie Frennd visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Scbaefer Wednesday. Quite a few from here attended the dance at McHenry Wednesday night. Nick Barbtan and Peter Morita of McHenry called here on business Mon- ITEM8 PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN DURING THE WEEK. Peter May had the misfortune to have his ankle badly crashed last week and will probably be laid op by It lor some j time to oome The National Pickle A Canning com pany propose to open their pickle fac tory here this season provided a suffi cient number of persona will interest themselves in planting cucumbers. The price, ftflc for vat run, will prove qnite profitable and sbonld secure a large acreage. All those who wish to see this industry again in operation and are willing to contract will please leave their names at Bohlandar'a or Block A Bethke's. Mar 2ft The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our deal" price of fl.75 for tjfep Cm tip and Whooping Cough. The mothers of young children have no need to fear these diseases if they keep Chamberlain's Congh Remedy at hand. Mr. M. Davenport of Pauls Val ley, Ind. Ter., writes, "I have nsed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in hay family for several years and have fo tnd It especially effective for cronp and whooping cough." For sale by all druggists toia Mr. and Mrs C. Sable were McHenry callers Snnday. Albert Stnbbins of Wauconda attend ed church here Sunday. Mrs. Lola Avery was a Grayslake vis itor Satnrday afternoon Miss Ella Moore waa a visitor at Wau conda one day this week. Mr. Wentworth of McHmry spent Thursday at. the Cash Store. Messrs. Meyer* and McDowell of May ers' Corners were in Volo Sunday. Mrs. George Huson and daughter, Reba, were at Wauconda Satnrday. Measrs. Mills and Tnrnbnll of Wan- oonda were in town Snnday forenoon. Mrs Grace Kirwan was the gneat of relatives at Round Lake a law days last week. Mrs Dick Dlenlien of Libertyville visited her sister, Mra Eton Rosing, Suuday. Miss Anna Compton is ataylng with her sister. Mrs. Coaaman, at Round Lake at present. Don t forget the aervicea at the Volo M E chnrth every Satnrday evening. Everybody welcome. HWl.COM H VI LLC. Mrs. P. Hunt was a Woodstock caller Friday. Mr. and Mra. Bauer spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Nellie Johnson called on Mrs. A. Johnson Sunday. Rev. P. Bourke called on frienda in this vicinity Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. W. Gilbert visited at Chas Harrison's Sunday. Miss Kate Laughlin of McHenry ia visiting at W. Doherty'a, Thomas Laughlin of McHenry spent Wednesday at W. Doherty'a. Mr and Mrs. F. Bertscby were Wood stock visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Flanders and chil dren visited at Geo. Whiston'a Friday. Ponplc arc I»oIus |g Oar Mcwjr Mtti* City--New* asS«M by Tla PlalMtealer Batter 3tark«fc When sick. Herd rich's Bitters and Tonic will cure you. Before buying a cook stove or heater see Vycital's line and get his prices, tf Good spring wheat wanted at the West McHenry mill. John Spencer, proprietor. . tf Don't fail to eee the "cowboy girts1' ip the lady minstr«]8 at the Central opera house on Friday and Satnrday evenings This year February will have five Saturdays. The month begins and ends on Saturday and yet it baa bnt twenty- nine days. The legal voters of Nnnda and Crystal Lake will again vote on the qnestion of consolidating the twin village on Tues day, Feb. 4. Rev. A Roberta of the tJniversaiist church delivered the fnneral sermon of Edwin Whitaon at Woodstock on Sun day, Jan. 19. "Won t Yon Be My Little Tfcddy Bear?" If you will, meet, me at the Central opera house on Friday and Sat urday evening. Two hundred mew are at work har vesting the season's ice crop for the Knickerbocker Ice Co. at Crystal Lake. The wage scale is 15 cents per hour. F. L Colby of Nnnda has taken his son, Claude, into partnership with him and the firm will hereafter be known as F. L. Colby & Son. They deal in farm implements. The telephony girl is a peach among currents and is called up and called down oftener than any other girl in town. She is the greatest wire perform er in the state. We wish to supply your drugs this year. .You wish to trade where your interests will be most fully protected and promoted. We should combine and our proposition is this: : : ; Begin trading here with the intentioilil of remaining a customer only so long as you receive courteous treatment, get wholly reliable Goods, find what you want, are satisfied with prices. If you do this we shall not ask ybu to remaiiar unless every one of these conditions is fully and satisfactorily met. :: :: N. H. PETESCH, DRUGGIST *l^ionea7|. w - McHenry, 111. ---J The Chicago & North Western rail way company has withdrawn all of ita timber land in Wisconsin and northern Michigan from the market and will use it for the growth of tie and bridge tim ber for its 7,500 miles of track. TERRA COTTA. Henry McMillan la quite sick at this writing. Dr. H. H. Bay of Nunda was a caller here Saturday. Mrs. Wattles and son of South Dako ta are visiting relatives here. Miss Edna Colby of Barrevllle was a caller at L. Lock wood'« Tnesday. Mrs. J. H. Gracy entertained the Lar- kin club at her home last Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Colby of Barre- ville spent Snnday with their daughter and family. PROBA TE NEWS (.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois.] REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Peter Mleseu to the Johnsburirh Cream ery Oo. Ha in KwMnwii m»c 18, St rt of way for drain to Fox River, McHenry r» 1100 00 The Johusburgh Creamery Oo. to Mary Miller, 100 rods in neM sec IN McHen ry. r 8 Charles H. Fetters to John D. Lodtz, Its 10 & II blk 4 C. H. Pegers' subdvu of pt neM sec 28, McHenry, r 8. ISO 00 Lawrence Huck & w to Robert J. But- < ton, It Xt Emerald Park A rt of way... 1 &c Robert J Button to Julia M. Huck same l&c MARRIAGE LICENSES. . Ringwood .. McH Harold B. Whiting, 22, Ada Kane 18. McHenry Herman Meyers, 21 LeRoy Eyaline Miller, 20 Chemung John Miller, 23 Johnsburgh Delia Martha Niasen, 21 Johusburgh Gottlieb Boley, 34 .... McHenry Anna Kennelrack, 19.. McHenry Herman Ebel, 25 Algonquin Anna Winkler, it. Cary Placc Voar Order Mow. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- offioe in the country a circular letter to the pnblic, urging everyone to nse en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. One of the principal mail order bouses of Chicago has fewer employee by sev eral hundred than were required several mouths ago The reduction has been gradual, indicating that the campaign of the retail merchants and newspapers is having its effect. The business men of Waukegan have formed a new commercial association which promises to do great things for that enterprising Lake county city. Al ready several factory propositions are being considered, and Waukegan citi- wns are looking for one of the biggest booms that that city has ever experi enced. When yon send a package thru the Sibil do But put any writing in it. or if you do. tell the clerk at the post office there Is, for the government may hunt yon up and fine you |10 for doing ao. Last year tbe post office department collected in tines for ibis one trick, and moat of this came from the poor. too. • The prevalence of colds prompted well known physician to give this ad vice'gratis: "Don't neglect small colds; dress warmly; breathe thru the nose; keep the feet dry; don't keep on warm wraps or overcoats while in tbe house; shnn drafts when perspiring; keep living rooms well ventilated; don't overeat; and partake -sparingly of alcoholic beverages." The postmaster general has issued an order stating that tbe postmasters at rural delivery offices will inform rural carriers under their jurisdiction that they are requested to present a neat per sonal appearance; that tbe vehicles used by them must be suited to tbe service, kept in good order and presentable; that the horses must be fit to work and not cast discredit on the postal service. Many do not seem to understand the recent rulings regarding the mailing of postal cards, and as a resnlt their cards are delaved or they never reach their destination. A plain post card without tinsel goes for one cent, and a message may be written on the left half of the face of the card. Cards ornamented with tinsel, particles of glass or mica must be inclosed in an envelope. If there is no message on the card and if the enveloye is not sealed it goes for one cent. If the card bears a message, or if tbe envelope ia sealed, a two-cent stamp must be affixed to the envelope and not to the card. ana Going at * Big Discount. It will pay you to purchase a BLANKET~or ROBE at the exceedingly low prices we are selling them at this time. Never before have we offered the public such bargains as we do at the present time on all Blankets and Robes car ried in stock. Aimost giving them away. Quite a num ber have already taken ad vantage of this RARE SNAP and are well pleased with their bargain. Only one more week and the spec ial sale is over. Come at once if you want to get in on SPECIAL SAI*$ PRICES. n » . \ Al » MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. I Bring or send your news items to this office. Wa will be only too pleased tta> paLliah tham for you. Postmaster General Meyer has ordered that hereafter souvenir post cards re^ ceived at the dead letter office of the department that are not returnable to the senders because of defective address es and for other reasons be sent to the orphan asylums and children's homes in Washington. Between 40,000 and 60.- 000 of tbe cards are received at the dead letter office daily. This sounds very charitable and interesting, but if you would take a glance at the bulk of sou venir postal cards you might have a slight moral reservation as to the edu cational advantages contained in some of these "picture Htudies." The 13tb annual meeting of the Illi nois Farmers' institute and affiliated as sociation of Domestic Science will be held February 11, 12 and 13 at the Coli seum in Peoria. The affair, which since its foundation has been tbe principle "convention of the state farmers, prom ises to eclipse all former efforts in every detail, many of tbe moat distinguished orators and scientists in Illinois promis ing to address tbe assembly. Many of tbe men prominent in agricultural cir cles of this county are planning to take tbe trip and from present indications the hotel accommodations of the Distil- P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPW3IAL ATTENTION GIVEN *6 THX SAJJE 0®^-"' . Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veil, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street application. COLD STORAGE FREE Stall I 4k a, Faltoa St. Wtnlwah Markat. Tags and prioe lists furnished on CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. iNt. rf • J . F. O. Gans the auctioneer, an tees satisfaction. ̂ He guar- You'll find the best articles ever of fered for 10 cents at Vycital's. tf John Powers, who resides southwest of town, is suffering from blood poison ing. ' Chicken pie dinner at Stoffel's base ment dining hall Thursday noon, Feb rnary 18. Several of our young men left Monday for Twin Lakes where they will work on tbe ice fields. Take advantage of our specially low rate of $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter-Ocean for one year. Some of our citizens keep their aide walks free from snow, some keep them indifferently cleaned, while some others do not clean thetrs at all. Bnt such is life. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Trv it. One dollar a year for The Weekly In- ter-Ocean; fl.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, f 1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. The Lake county ic« fields are now nearly all in full operation and it is ex pected that the large houses thruout that section of the oonntry will be filled to their utmost capacity this season. The Ringwood W. C. T. U. will meet with Mra Libbie Allen Satnrday after noon, Feb. 1. Subject, Abraham Lin coln; leader, Mrs, H. P. Buckland. There will be good ornate and all are invited. One of our older residents predicts that we Will have an unusually heavy fall of snow in the next two months. He bases his prophecy on the heavy fogs that have been noticeable over i*lre Michigan of late. After April 1 the names of all anb- acribers "who are one or more years in arrears to The Plaindealer will be taken from our list. This we must do to com ply with tbe new ttts&*L4a*\ uj» llery City will be taxed to tbe utmost, and save teonbis. We have arranged with The Weekly *1 Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can ae- ^ cure that sterling paper, together with V -1 our own,'at the exceedingly low rate of •*' ^ $1.75 for one year, This is a rare op- f --•*$' 1 portnnity and should be taken advant- ' of. ^ r. .,4^ The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal * church will serve a chicken pie dinner at Stoffel's basement dining room oil Thursday, Feb. 13. The usual price of 25 cents per plate will prevail. Dinner served from 11:80 o'clock a. m. until all are served. By postal from Chicago we leant that Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Sehaefer of that city are entertaining a fine looking young lady which arrived at their home last Friday. The young lady seems to enjoy her new home very much and W, A. says that he haa already taken har into the family. * If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in tbe family, entertained at a party, bad a tnarriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, band ^r mail it to this office for publication. All items frill thankfully received. • ' • , if We are informed that the wurtead of * carp recently shipped to New York by Ben Stilling brought that gentleman a snug sum. At least so satisfactory were the returns that the balance of tbe carp now penned at Pistakee Bay will also be shipped soon. A number of our peo ple who have sampled the fish pro nounce them to be moat jrltfln properly fed and prepared. A few of the subscribers to stock of the new amusement park at Springfield are beginning to wonder whether or not their investment will prove financially beneficial. After a careful considera tion as to the heavy expeuse incurred in operating and keeping in repair an en terprise of this sort, a few are beginning to feel that their dividends will not be(> as large as was outlitird to them when purchasing. Another thing to be con sidered is the fmjuent damage , that confront such enterprise* aa a fa*-' suit of accidents and fatalities. ' ^ x i&>' < 7 ̂ " AlK*: . s "At5 !J •£» '1 Tl» rtainiisslsf "west" eii, „ $2* . ' ' T . * •= s'StiA iisJ'JiS