Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1908, p. 4

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"ri •'A /'v h¥: SSS&s^ /o Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Avers Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con­ sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The beat kind of a testimonial-- "Sold for over sixty years." »by I Aiao manufftOtur*ffa of f SlRSAPARILU. PILLS. HAIR VW0R We hav* hp secrete! We publish tfce formulas of all our m<?d yers ¥ •r OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEV GO. tm yer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry ectoral iri breaking up * cold. l!i€ MciSsary Pteiatalef ^'PUBLISHED EVEBY,THt!BSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. iX*e«ln Bank Building. Telephone, No.ST*. TSRMft OP SUBSCRIPTION: - One year.-.-....,.. »... -• A. .ftJSC «1* months, TSCta-jr"' Three moatha. 40 cU. Thursday, February 6, ig©8. 3j^ ^ ^ « { ' Th e people of Illinois arc most fortu- , mite at having such a conscientions, able £ and trustworthy man as Albert .T. Hop- kins representing them in the United V, States senate. His career as a pnhlic •ervant, covering thirty-five years, is an 'apen book that will stand the criticism of even his bitterest political enemies fC-/£ As a servant of the people every honr of this time, all his thought and energy *k hare been given to their interests. He !' j has at all times endeavored to make him- ftplf worthy of the people's confidence ' and in the performance of every dnty to *wholly eliminate religions bias, political prejudice and personal favoritism It baa been bis purpose in tbe United States annate to emphasize the practical things, to deal with the real conditions instead of chimerical ideals, and to secure tbe I:1 - s very best result* in the most economical way. United States Senator uopkins' !' sympathies are witb the struggling peo I" ' pie. He has attracted the attention of the people by his active championship of ^ the various measures which were intro­ duced into the senate by friends of or- > fptnized laber, and there are few tneni- f,, bens of organized labor in this city who are not ac*)nainteri with these facts. To the voters of tbe great state of Illinois R-aator Hopkins is again appealing for ! lift# *nffr*ge he no richly deserves, and f:' *i!to to ims*} all claims to favorable P efeaaideratir* on tbe record of tbe pres-rd d&e, hta official acta and fa private life --Peoria PWo CwaJag AUraeliaa. the old folks to where iar«\r<w#&s? io witne«<ing Alvin •Hisita; wtil b»» the attraction at ttie < «j*r* b«»o«e on Feb. IB, will ItaitMT ?<w»- 71l» atays in the last qnar- •U#wi*(fm eaaftwy ban aot given a more character than Alvin .toe)ill. aw i* istent whole mmled farmer from (it anywhere, visiting a Swap* .. "wrrting tbe strange people iwmS ttflfxtr^aateting tbe vicissitudes of the •a»ie* riam: picking op waifs, running trolley car*, and, in fact, bnying every­ thing f rota a plate of ice cream to a tr*|ley car or automobile. However, be escapes with his life and returns in­ tact to the farm, bringing city folk* home with him, when the conntry folkn j have their Innings and show the city j folks tbey are a* much Reuoens in the countrv a* the country folks are in the city. Th* village quartet will render all tbe *M mw%%, and the city folks will r«*ort by rendering all the latest song and dance uwxtttmm. A Orlftt «f r«t«otMl N*w» Oa»h*>r»<l lip by the Wayside by The I'lalwdeiUar Ropr«- KentMtivea. Guy L. Clemens was a Chicago .visit­ or Monday. ~ ' Jacob ilusten a Chicago visitor Wednesday. v Lurry Ed warns of Chicago spent Tuesday in McHenry. . Bernard Mneser was a tinsineea visit­ or in Chicago yesterday. Joe Schoewer was a Woodstock visit­ or Monday and Tuesday. Geo. H. Hanly was a Chicago passen­ ger Wednesday morning. Adam Thelen of Chicago is spending ; the week at the home of Peter Schoe­ wer .• • • W. K. Gaerin of Chelsea, Midi.. w the gnesfc of Mr. and Mrs. W. E Whit­ ing this week. Isaac Went worth has returned from Belvidere, where he has been tbe guest of his son for soru® time past Miss Kate F. Howe of Ri ver Forest is confined to her home here this week with a severe case of tonsilitis. Dr and Mrs. F. C. Ross of Nunda spent Friday eveniug in McHenry, tak­ ing in the Cblonial Troubadours at 'fcbfc Central. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Van Dyke of Humphrey, Neb., are spending their honeymoon with relatives in and around McHenry. T. L. Grot of Ottawa, III., wasabnsi- ness visitor in town a few day.s this week, and incidentally discussed the local optioA question to a considerable extent Joe Kappler, John McGee, Lester Griffittg and Lew Hammond of Wood­ stock saw the Colonial Troubadours here Saturday night and remained over to spend Sunday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Dykp, Misses Anna and May me Van Dyke and John Stoffel, all of .Humphrey, Neb., and Mrs. John J. Miller of this place were entertained at the home of Win. StofFel here last Sunday. Hon. D. T. Smiley, Miss Sybil Hen= dricks, Frank Hendricks, of Woodstock; Rev. Edward 2L Cobb of West Bader, Ind.; James Larkin, Sr., James Larkin, Jr., and Thomas Larkin of Ingleside were among those from a distance who attended the fnneral of Mrs. Thoma» Hogan here last Saturday. At tbe Central. Twenty five years of unabated success and still going is certainly a good rec­ ord for one play. Still, that is the un­ questioned length of time that the jolly old New England farmer, Uncle Alvin Joslm, has been touring the country, pleasing audiences and taking tbem back to the home times on the farm. It is hard, really, to describe it, wheth er it is a play or not, but it certainh made, a warm spot for itself in the hearts of the public, and many people who as a rnle are averse to theaters take the entire family to witness this plain, New England, homely play and laugh at the antics of Uncle Alvin Joslin on his visit to the city. It brings the sem­ blance of tears at the misery he encoun­ ters with city types of the slums, and they certainly laugh at the antics of the Swansee folks at home in their Indi crous efforts to "put on" some when Alvin brings the city folks for a vaca­ tion to the dear old New England home. The village quartet, the love making of •Si and Clorinda, and the bucolic humor are all as welcome as tbe morning dew. Taxes! Taxea! Taxes! Having received my books I am now ready to collect taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the following places during the week: Mondays, J. C. Debrecht's store, Johnsbnrgh; Tues­ days at Bradley & Fuss' store, Ring- wood; Thursdays at M. J. Walsh's, store, West McHenry; Saturdays at the store of Gilbert Bros., McHenry. 32 tf John Niesbn, Collector. N nttcei To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy most be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. L I; •#'v r &; &• Chtekm I'if Dinner. A cbickeii pie dinner will be served In 'Sttjffel'rt basement dining room by the laiUes of the Methodist Episcopal church Thursday noon, Feb. 18, to which a cordial invitation is extended to ever one. The cause is a worthy one and a i who can should uiake arrangements in wood seasou to take dinner with the la­ dies on that day* Failure to satisfy the inner man is unknown to these good workers and it goes withont saying that those vtho patronize the society will not go hway hungry. This will also be a good opportunity for tbe school children • to procure a nice warm meal and they, too, should take advantage of the chick­ en pie dinner. 'Dinner will be servwl from II :H0 o'clock a. m. until all have been served. The usual price, 25 cents per plate, will prevail. Html >Tb* PUipdealw "waat" ad». - - & V • J r" 1 •% r" V* Don't *12 ̂ jse Nervous ladies, but get rid of the dis-| ease which is the cause of | most of woman's nervousness, yitf female trouble. **l was very nervous," writes Mrs.1 T. L. Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn* "and auifcred six years | with every disease peculiar to my sex* I had headache,, backache, and acute female inflammation. I took three bottles of Cardui and it cured' me. I gamed 35 pounds in weight* 2 tell my husbacd; that WINE OF CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF Appreciated the Beautiful. Ttiat It Is aot always Well to pit on one's dowdiest garments when one goes to visijt the poor Is the moral of a story told in an English maga­ zine recently. There" were two phi lantliropists, according to the tale, one a professional and the other an ama­ teur. The professional had arranged to take the amateur to a gathering of eluiu dwellers In the east end of Lon­ don. At the appointed hour the ama­ teur, who happens to be a duchess and n great beauty, appeared of her friend, a dazzling apparition in ! court dress, tiara and jewels. "Oh, my dear," gasped the professional, falling helplessly into the nearest chair, "don't you know that we are going to one of the lowest and most squalid slums? I can't promise that you will bring any of that back with you." But the beauty only laughed. "That's all right," she said. "I quite understand you. But poor people love beautiful things. Their children espe­ cially are captivated with tine dresses and feathers. Just wait and you will see!" And the professional did see. Those poor, half starved, half naked slam dwellers had eyes for no one but the dazzling youbg beauty who had done them the infinite honor of coming to see them in her most beautiful frock and jewels.' \ > ..V../ . LOCAL NEWS OF M'MENRY # |KN BY THE PLAIN DEALER , * REPORTERS. Items of Inter*** Picked Vp A bant Our Rnay Little Bur* That May Cmiftern You or Your Krteucis. ...... ,i; Herd rich's Tonicand Bitters too* up the systyiu. F. O. Qass tbe ssclk»o«6r, iuc uOUSc j - . . 15D tees satisfaction ne g»J»r- Don't forget the early closing and do your shopping during tbe daytime. You'll find the best articles ever of fered for 10 cents at Vycital's tf C. Q. Frett is confined to hta home this week battling with a severe case of grippe. ' E. E. Bassett, rami carrier | on rt>ute No. 1, West McHenry will move jib Ipwn from Ostend. . Not Much News. In the summer of 1903 an exploring expedition set oat from Cook iulet, Alaska, in an attempt t'fr climb Mount MeKiuley, the highest peak on the American continent They went in with a pack of cayuses through a hun­ dred miles of tundra and then strug­ gled for weeks over glaciers and through terrible hardships, to emerge at last on the Chulltna river, down which they rafted to civilisation, as represented by Cook Inlet. As they came in, worn, ragged, al­ most dead from exposure and hunger, a tall old man strolled upshore with four white men's dogs, says Robert Dunn in 'The Shameless Diary of an Explorer." They asked, him the news of the world. "Waal, yer know the pope's dead," he drawled, "and the cardinals held a sort of convention and elected a new pope. "Roosevelt he's agreed to complain to the czar of Rooshla about them mas- sacreed Jews, and some one's killed that Queen Dragon of Servia trying to jump her claim to the throne* And Rooshla's going to fight the Japa. The* ain't much happened this summer." Murdered by a Statue. The death of Kenith, tbe half myth­ ical king of Scotland, was one of tht most curious and remarkable in his­ tory, if it may be called a historical fact. It seems that Kenith had slain Cruthlintus, a son, and Malcolm Duf- fus, the king and brother of . Fennella. She, to be revenged, caused Wlltus, the most ingenious artist of the time, to fashion a statue filled with automatic springs and levers. Finished and set up this brazen image was an admirable work of art. In its right hand Wlltus placed a ewer and in the left an apple of pure gold -finely set with diamonds and other precious stones, To touch this apple was to court death. It was so arranged that any one guilty of such vandalism would be immediately -rid­ dled with arrows shot from loop­ holes in the «tatute'« body. Ivenith was Invited to see the wonder and, kinglike (and just as Fennella hoped), tried to pluck the imitation fruit. Ha was Instantly riddled with poisoned ar­ rows, dying where he fell. A good citizen will not dntnp bis ash ea in the highway where they obstruct sleighs and bobsleds. Bring or send yonr news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for yon. Born, to Mr and Mrs. Chan. Parker, who reside east of town, oh Friday, January 81, a baby boy. Think of what it means! fl 76 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this papeY for one year. It's a special deal. , Among.the more interested ones we find several who are already predicting a dry town the coming season. The Knights of Columbnscontemplate giving an old folks' dance at Stoffel's hall some time in the near future. Contractor Peter J Freund and men are this week at work at Pistakee Bay, placing the Eagle Point hotel upon a solid foundation. Mrs. Mary L. Cobb will leave Mc Henry in a few weeks to make her home with her son, the Rev. Edward A. Cobb at West Baden. Ind. NEW. HAVING opened it Har-ness and Repair Shop in the old Sehiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, griviijg them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : : R. Pdtzke & (o. West McHenry. Professional, Society ^ and Businesss Card# DAVID G, WKU'S, M. U. . ^ ' PHYSICIAN,SURGEON AND Office and residence corner Klin ant G rQ£nsLreets, McHenry. Telephone No. »u / ' FEOER8 4 FEU BBS pHYHIOiANB AND HUKOEONH, McH t m. Office at Residence, corner Court S1!m streets, Telephone 333. f ; D.T. SMUiEY _ 1 f LAW, Woodstock, !l!l«ga All business intrusted to hiB care wlUioe properly and promptly attended to. The new local telephone directories are out and all patrons not already sup­ plied will be furnished with one by ball­ ing at the central office. Still Ahead. A congressman rays he was riding Id a smoking car on a little one track road and in the seat in front of him sat a jewelry drummer. He was one of those wide awake, never-let-any- one-get-the-better-of-him style of men. Presently the train stopped to take on water, and the conductor neglected to send back a flagman. A limited ex­ press, running at a rate of ten miles an hour, came along and bumped the rear end of the first train. The drum­ mer was lifted from his seat and pitch­ ed head first against the seat ahead. His silk hat was jammed clear down over his ears. He picked himself up^ and settled back in his seat. No bones bad been broken. Then he pulled off his hat, drew a long breath and, straightening up, said: "Hully gee! Well, they didn't get by us anyway?" Got His Wish. At the height of their nightly quar­ rel the other day Mrs. Blank choked back a sob and said reproachfully: "I was reading one of your old let­ ters today, James, and you said iu It that you would rather lfre in endless torment with me than ta bliss by your­ self." "Well, I got my wish," Blank growled. The Dolphin Vielin. The Dolphin violin was so named on account of the beauty of the wood, the back of tbe Instrument resembling the color of a dolphin. It was made by Stradivarlus In 1714, and it Is consider­ ed the most beautiful violin in the world. It Is owned by an Englishman and is valued nt £,--Musical Home Journal. Well Occupied In Cither Case. It Is beautiful to see a young girl start out with the avowed intention of devoting her life to teaching school, •nd yet few people blame her seriously when she quits to get married.--Tomb» stone Epitaph. A Hypocrite. Teacher (after explaining the charac­ ter of the Pharisee)--And now what do we mean by a "hypocrite?" Pupil-- Please, miss, a man wot says he Is wot he Isn't, but he ain't.---Punch. A young danghter arrived at the bona of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brefeld yes­ terday (Wednesday) and Ben is holding his head just a trifle higher these days. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Wolff of Chicago are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy, born on Friday. January 31. Mrs. Wolff is the daughter of Nick Weber, who reside* east of town. Another sure sign of a new depot for McHenry! A wrecker occupied the side­ track near tbe depot Tuesday morning. No action was taken as the visit was merely to siz» up the situation. • • One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter -Ocean; f 1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by oor recent special arrangement., $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Word reached McHenry Tuesday an­ nouncing the death of Edward Carr at Portland, Ore. Mr. Carr was well and favorably known to many of our read- eis, as bis former home was near Ring- wood. The first opportunity you have call and settle your account witb The Plain- dealer, as we mus't comply with Uncle. Sam's demands by asking each and every subscriber to pay his or her paper in advance. The marriage of Mr. Ernest Lerche and Miss Gertrnde Zens, both of Wau- kegan, was performed in that, city re­ cently. The bride was a former McHen­ ry resident and is favorably known to many here. After April 1 the names of all sub­ scribers who are one or more years in arrears to The Plaindealer will be taken from our list. This we must do to com­ ply witb tbe new postal law. Pay up and save trouble. Sleighing parties, among the young people are not near as numerous this winter as in previous years. The cause for this we are at a loss to explain, un­ less it is becau e It is leap year and the girls have "done gone broke " Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on thrill just as cheap 38 yon can buy the blank envelopes at the stores'? We print 500 good grade envel­ opes with yonr return card for fl.50. Work of filling the Brand ice houses at McCollum's Lake is vigorously going on. With good weather it is expected the houses will be filled to their utmost capacity within nine or ten days. The ice is from fourteen to fiftex* inches thick. a;??. • i*;' "V3, Druggists Place Yoar Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card* printed thereon. Every bnsinesa, man, farmer or person of any occupation should have hie name and address printed on bis envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be tmt lit) in first-class manner, in a i^ way v % x * - ( . A local character who very frequently imbibes of the "fire water" is seriously debating in bin mind as to whether or not he had lietter lay in a snpply of "needful" jnst previous to the local op tion election. The question appears to be a most perplexing one. At ft recent meeting of the rural mail carrierx of McHenry countv held at Ma­ rengo, E. E. Bassettof R. F. D. No. 1, W/»st, McHenry, was appointed as one of the members of the executive^ com­ mittee. The next meeting ;wili take place at Cary on May Id. The sleet storm of yeRterday did but very little damage to the local and rural telephone lines, The few cases that were reported were at once attended to and the lines were kept in perfect order all day by R. N. Patchen and his as* *i«tants. All those knowing themselves to be indebted to Oliver Moore will call and settle with F. L. M save themselves trouble ar expense. Unless prompt made accounts mast and V'-B'fc :1: SW.'w';< T H E B E S T STOPPING AT Nme. S. S. 'PUonc 364. • West McHenry. Want Column. All advertiKementH inserted under tills heart attlie following rates: Fire lines or lent), 8t> cent* (or flrMt Insertion; IS eentv fur each subsequent insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 vents a line tor tlrot insertion, and 3 cents a line for additlona Insertions. XpOR SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. For further lufor matton apply to or address E. VV. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 17-tf WANTEI)---Men to cut about, 200 cords of wood. Is all hard wood and easy cut- cowl. C ting. Will pay ft.AC per at K. H. Richardson farm. West. Mcllenry. Phone 57H. E. .1ECKS ;ury 13-tf XjVDR RENT--The old Michael Cleary farm x of 133 acres; nearly all under cultiva­ tion; H iiille froui McHenry; fair buildings. For further Information apply to or address Miss MaooibClkaky. MrHcnry, 111. XpQR SA LE OR RENT -A twenty-acre farm ^ located in the town of Burton, McHenry county. Dwelling on property. For further i n f o r m a t i o n a p p l y i « o r a d d r e s s M r s . M a r y K. Adams, West McHenry, III. 87-4t The Wsskly luter-Gucnu auu this paper delivered for one year at our 'special deal" price of $1.75 for tbe two. / The Knights of <?olumbaa Will give an old folks' dance at Stoffel's hall on Friday evening, Feb. 21. Particulars next week. 7 -- The many friends of Mm Peter Walsh, who recently fell and broke her leg, of which mention was made in these col­ umns hist, week, will be pleased to learn that tbe fractured limb is knitting nice> ly and that her complete recovery is iook»d for even sooner thau was at first expected. During the past four years Miss Em- mert, the optician, has fitted over 150 pairs of eyes each month. Have her ex­ amine your eyes if you are in doubt as to their condition. If you do not need glasses Bhe will tell yon aa No one urged to buy. She will be atBesiey's drugstore, Thursday, February 18. The new management of the Centra) opera house announces that strict atten­ tion will be given those who are iocliu ed to be rowdyish while in the building during a performance. v Oiqggior two of the would-be "wise guys" have already been given fair warning and at their next offense will be placed in charge of a village officer. The Ladies' Cinch Pleasure club mat at the home of Mrs. J. J. Hille yester­ day (Wednesday) afternoon, where they were most delightfully entertained. The prise, offered to the lady winning the highest number of games, was won by Mrs F. A. Boh lander. The games were followed by refresh men t*. The next meetiug will be with Mrs. F. L. „Mc- Qmber next Wednesday afternoon. There are a few business men in Mc Henry who never spend a cent in ad- veriising whose business has dropped off and off nntil tbey have begun to clamor "bard times" all tbe year round, while other business meu who n**f The Plaindealer's columns as an advertising medium are remarking what a splendid business tbey are doing. It is the ad­ vertising man whose receipts go up, lip, up, instead of downv down, doWn. j «Jarrt P»rty mt Volo. A public card party will be held in Barir's hall, Volo, on Friday evening, Feb 14. Cinch and euchre will be the games indnlged in and a pleasant tiaie is assured all who attend. Admission to the gatn^s is twenty-five cents. Hand some prizes will !>e awarded the winners aud refr«sli.iu«nts will also be«arve4. < ' Nutlee. Miss Etnmert, optician, at Bealey's drng store, Thursday, Feb. "18. Valentines of all kinds at 8# W. Bss- lov'i Willi ™ M r , . ^ v ' i • * •• PARKER S. WEBSTER T AWYER. 701, 708 Hector building, 1® «•£» l' ' roe street, ohlcago* Telephone Cenpa 45M. , . '*V -- -- --y --- ! " T~ DR. R. G. CHAMBER LUt DRNTIST. Olfbse sad Residence ever ft. J. Walsh's Steiw Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. ' Was* MdBsNinr.ltt, T«te|>liooc No. 393 j SIMON STOFFEL | Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. John %J. VyeitsH DEALER IN General H».rdWare Stoves, Pa&itfl and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing, of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drllUng a Specialty. •Phone) WM. BACON Denier In Windmills, Ptpes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work gnar& all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTKR AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PA!!H!NC% $5.00 UPWARD House and Sign Paintiug and all Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one block wesi of river. Telephone No.SM. McHenry, - - - Illinois K I L L THE COUCH MD CURE THE LUNGS *"™ Dr. King's New Discovery for Cengs"8 t-sSa. AND ALL THROAT AND LUN6 TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFAOSO&T OB MONET REFUNDED. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits A11 shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz-' en finished in different styles. Price, $2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views r buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Cul«Lrgemen.ta Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standplpe, WEST McHENBY, ILL. TelepKone, 493 DEMI HOTEL R. L. UNLAND, MANAGER Md (Idrk Sts., Clicdgo ENTRANCE ON HADISON ST. Steam Heit - Electric Bells ia ill Rons • • • • • 50c., 75c., and $i«oo Located <n the center of the business district From Stock Yards take 79th and Halsted Sts. car direct to corner uf Madison aud Clark Sts. Chicago & North- Leave Chicago. 7.00 am... 9.00 a m... 3.25p m... H.45 p m.. 4.57 p m... 8.45 am. . ».10am... 3.00 pm... Leave McHenry, 7.00a m... 8.17a m... 4.23 p m .. 4.83p m... 7.20am... 5.00 pm.. 5.00 pa... Effective November 1#, warn OAT TRAINS. NORTHBODND Via Elgin . .... ..Vlu Des Plaines .. Via Des Flatnes.. ..Via Elgin •• Via Des I'lalnes., SUNDAY TRAINS. ^ .. Via Elgin. . .. ..Via Des Flalnea.,, .... Via Elgin-- .. WBBK DAY TRAINS. SOtirHBOCND. i^Vla Elgin Tla Des Plaines,. ....Tla Des I'lalnes.. Via Elgin SOttOAY TRAINS. ... Via Elgin...,., Vlu Des I'lallien.. ..Via row. Arrive McHenry. .....10.17 a 111 ......10.17 a m .. ....fuH p in ......U.40 p ui .. . ,.«.40 p in ::S .14am 14 am .Kpt) Arrivt) QjhlCago. ......t»..W a IB ; .... u. lu f 1! IK lit p.55 a in .. *.«$.!» p nt ..... p ui If yon are contemplating an anction sale this fall F. O. (tens is the right man to cry yonr sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Freund at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Qans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'pbone or telegraph. All the latest popular designs in valen­ tines, Happy Hooligan, Foxy Grandpa, tbe Katzenjammer Kids and all the rest at a W. AWiawy. • " / . - - . , ..A WORD TO THE.. L A D I E S ! When about «tq prepare Breakfast, Dinner or Supper and you are at a lost to know just what to serve make us a call. Our shelves are loaded down "Suggestive Table Delicacies and Fresh Groceries. (Diir l|ne is ever fresh and comprises the desirable grade. Why can we not fill your next order? -:: Win. Simes , liP-TO-DATR QROCBR Hetmer Block, - flcHenry tv Bank of M c H e n r y This Bank receives, deposits, bays and sellB Foreign and Domestic Exchange, ana does a mim BARKIIKt B8SIIICSS. We endeavor flo all business intrnsfed to oitr Care in a, manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the pliiblio patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given t<o ooUections * .. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - BaiTkerp. WEST 3IDE ; the place tib 4iveyour^der . . i . . , F O H . . . . . Oysters M Fish Also an elegent . line of fresh and s a l t M K A T S E. F. Matthews, Waal Mcflenry, III. CENTERVILLE Market =====1 We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns­ bnrgh Creamery Batter, Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. •jf- i'Ji, 'r ."ij lilfe: -i '-A-- T«». Mala ; ' . '/vjf WHY , do people of Hi Henry, Lake aa ' >• 1 r couatl, *Jr«»p In at ...<•> t ambert "• s"r' 88 Fifth Afe. CtflCAOOf Because ft to 1 hogte like. •• V . « • •», i-wv.-A-'<*>#• 1 lip \ < •

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