Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1908, p. 5

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^CRKiTClilNaRIN« - McHENRY. JACOB JUSTEN, WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OR McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. JVlcOMBER, West Side Hardware. & ClearingOut Odds and Ends of stock and all Winter Goods is our aim for the next SiO days. We will offer some tempting Bargains in all lines of goods. Our Ladies' Dress Skirts must go. We will close them out at £ the former pi ice. Come early and get .you r choice. The $5. 00 q ual i ty for only $2.50 We are offering some very low prices in the International Clothes, t>8 styles, ieduced from $1.50 to $8 per Suit Don't fail to see the sampled. All goods made to your measure and a perfect fit guar­ anteed. Fresh stock of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal. Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Etc. Goods delivered. 'Phone 863. Yours Truly, fl. J. Walsh. YOU HE 1 RISK! Your Money back if not Satisfied at the Cash Grocery. Strawberries, in syrup, extra quality, per can IOC Maine Corn, None Such, extra fancy, per uan *5C Green Gage or Egg Plume, per can Jams, Blossom brand, one pound glass jar ,oc Orange Marmalade, one-pound glass jar *®c Red Ripe Tomato***, band packed. per can '®c P. & Q. Naptba Soap, 5 bare Jjc California Prnnas, large meaty frnit. per pound ioc Columbia Apple Butter, pint jar 20c Columbia Picalette, pint jar *§c Sifted Early June Peas, per can *5C None Snoh Patnpkin, No. 3 can l£c Horseradish, new, per bottle '.•!•€ Sweet Corn, extra standard, can 12fC Crystal Domino Sugar, 5 pound* 4$C Royal Seal Oats, per package |4C Rolled Oata, best quality, per ponnd § $ Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery Goods, Crockery and Glassware. JOHN ST0FFEL. »» nil" L NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS tUMor n- KlbuKiriKUK February 13. Mr. Bartt waa a Chicago ewntly. v - [_ Mr. Horskey'and wife v ewf Klgdefield Mrs. L. Johsson called in Nnnda Monday- Steve Stephenson went to Sterling Saturday. Mr*. Kiuiball visited in Elgin. Friday and Saturday. H.-.Monroe waa in Wondatnck on bnai- new Thursday. ' Mra. Dike refM-ned from |rr .vi«l* to the city Friday. „;•» Mrs Henn* of Palatine .is visiting Ridtrefield friends. ^ M s Snm Hiinmons is visillug her daughter in Chicago. Albert Jacobs made a bnstness trip to Woodstiick Thursday. D 0. Kline was in tbecity on impor­ tant bnsiuess last week. t-has Tickler and "wife of Nnnda vis­ ited at S. H. Parks' recently. S. Olmstead of Woodstock visited his father and sister the last of the week. Mr. and Mr*. Shales of Crystal Lake took dinner at the Jaynes hottte Sunday. Miss Ponierauing of Wtwdfittwk visit­ ed her parent* near Cherry -Valley Snn- day. Mrs. Kline and daughters, Rnth and Mabel, drove over to Woodstock. meet ing Jack Frost They returned on the train. C3Mr. Dike is quite proud over the ar­ rival of twins at liis place last week. The only drawback is that they are twin calves. The ladies of the R. N. A. held a re­ ception in tl>e parlor of the Presbyter- inn church in honor of the Crystal Lake ladies of the R. N. A. George Peterson *dipp«*d on the ice while playing, resulting in the fracture of the arm just altove the wrist. It will lie some time before he can return to his studies*. The accident happen**! at school. Miss Lnlo Lynch and Mr. Patrick Bennett were married in Chicago Jan HO by the Rev. t°Hckey Mian Lynch and Mr. Bennett ar« well and favorably known, as both of them passed their childhood days in snd near Rtdgetield, FKBRCARY 20. Mra. A. Levey was in Nnnda Friday. Mr*. H. (Vtoper waa a Nnnda visitor We luesday. K. L. Kiinltall was a Mr Henry visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Nettie Levey was a Crystal Lake caller receutly. * Rruest Kaisor was a »it v caller the first of the week. Mrs. Esther Smith was a Woodstock visitor Thursday. W. H. Monroe was a pleansnt caller at Nnnda Friday Mr Wieland was in Wo. tdsbtck on busiuets Saturday Mrs Lolo Bennett is visiting iu Wood stock for a few days Mrs W. E. Dike was calling on Wood­ stock frieuds this week Rev. Dickey made his n*ual trip, re­ turning Monday morning D. L (Gibson called on Woodstock friends the Hr*t of the week. Mrs. B. Throop and daughter called at G. J Hartnmn's the first of week. Mrs. A. Walkup wh« having some dental work done In Woodstock recent­ ly. Mr. and Mrs. Fitr/ummons returned Saturday from a few days' visit in Chi­ cago. Elmer Jacobitr. Pew&nskutn, Wis , is visitiug at the Jayne home for a few days. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs Geo. Baker Thursday afternoon. Feb. 27. Mrs F. W. Hartman went to Elgin to visit relatives and friends the first of the week Sam Merchant, was shaking hands with friends in Woodstock last week Wednesday. Chas Keeler and son, Marvin, of El­ gin were recent visitors among relatives and friends here. Will Javne's mother returned to ber home in Chicago Snnday after a visit of several days here. Mr. and Mr*. Hart well and Mra. Han­ son and children were in Woodstock on businpss Thnrsdsy. Mrs. Leu)men* of Woodstock has been viaiting her sisters, Mra. Wakefield and Mra. Irish, here for several days past. Mrs. Sidney Reed is caring for her sister, Mrs Frank Reed. It is rumored that Conductor Reed has another little s »n. The Borden company has been filling its ice hfrtise here wiih McHenry ice this week. They have about til'teen carloads in at present. SCHOOL NOTES. Each room had a valentine box last Friday. , The first grade are interested in tell ing time. We observed Lincoln's birthday by appropriate work. Eighth grade final examinations ia geography March 13. The pbvHical geography claas is doing some good note book work. Rosie Peterson had the high marks in spelling for the month of January. Milton Jayne and Mr. Levey treated the school to a sleigh ride last week. A class for children of school age or near school age will be started April 6. The following pupils have ranked first for the past month: Grade 5, Milton Jayne, Ruth Kline; icrade 6, LewisThay er; grade 7, Ray Lynch; grade 8, Cora Lockwood, Pearl Zenk, Genevieve God- dard. The following pnpils had perfect at tendance during ls*t month: Willie Wieland, Rosie Pet*rem, Edna Steph ecson, Mfthel Kline. Sylvia Boomer, Cora Lockwood, Ray Lynch. Pearl Zen*. Elizabeth Emmons, Madaltut* _ raiA Mrs. Ambrose Ranght is- on the sick list. Ed Lnsk transacted business at Wan- conda Saturday. _ . Herbert Hovtsb! of Cin»ai m f#- cent caller in town. Albert Stubbins of Wanconda wa» 4n town Sunday afternoon Miss Anna Miller was a Ronnd Lake caller Saturday forenoon '* Mr. and Mrs Hairy Nicholls were McHenry visitors Saturday. Mra. Grace Kirwan was quite aiok last week, but is better at present. Messrs. Kii.tberh and Roney of Wan­ conda were iu town,Thnrsdsy. Mire Nellie Miller of McHenry is vis­ iting at the home of her parents here. Mr mi I Mrs. Pet« Miller of McHenry •pent Sunday at the Mat. Miller home. Miss Elida Russell of Wankegan spent last week with her parents near Volo. Messrs. Will and Frank Hironiums made a businem trip to Wankegan Sat nrday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Winkle of Mc­ Henry were guests at C. Sable's one day Recently. Mra. L V. Lnsk and sons and Miss Catherine Dowel! of West Fremont, apent Sunday afternoon in Volo. A load of yonug people from here at­ tended the masquerade at Wanconda Wedue*d«y evening. All report a good time. r Mrs. John Richardson .entertained her niece. Miss L*>uise Ritter, of Dea Plaines from Tuesday until Saturday of this week Word was received here this week of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiele of Goshen. Ind. Mrs. Thiele was formerly Miss Celia Rosing of this place CAKK. E. Couiiskey went to Chicago Tues­ day. L E Wahnslev spent Saturday and Snhda> in > 'hicago. George Hoelclier of Elgin spent Sun­ day at, R J Sutton's Miss Mary Uihbs returned Tbnraday. after spending a few days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Ed Knox called at Wiu. Welch's and R J. Sutton's Sunday last. W K Burns, son Will, and friend, Cleve Gowan, sjient. Sunday at the Park. Miss May me (\w-tello spent Thnreday last wit4i the Misses Whiting at Ring- wood. Walter J. Walsh spent a few days last week with relatives and friends in Chicago, Clarence Whiting of Woodstock spent a few days last week with friends in this viciuity. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Mary Pender, and son, Barl, visited at Peter Walsh's Monday Messrs Tims. Walsh of Gary, lad, and Frauk Walsh of Harvard spent Sun­ day at the home of their parents. Thos Bolger went t<> Elgin -Sunday evening, where he expects to attend the Modern Business college a few months. The friends of Mrs. P. Walsh will be pleased to hear that she is recovering nicely from her recent painful accident. Mamie and Josie Smith completed the fourth month of school Tneeday. being the ouly pnpils neither absent nor tardy James Frisby went to Battle Creek Mich . to attend the funeral of the Rev Fr. Slid Iter, who died ot that place Sat unlay. TERRA COTTAT Mrs J M. Phalin spent Monday at lugleside. Miss AI ice Smith of McHenry is spend­ ing a few weeks here. Mr. ami Mrs. T. R. Anderson spent Sunday st Richmond Miss Miuuie Knox spent a recent evening in this vicinity. M. J. Wslsh of West Mi-Henry visit ed at M. Knox's Sunday. Mrs. E. Knox spent a few days last week with relatives here. Wm. Wingate of Barreville spent recent day in this viciuity. Clyde Starritt was a business caller in McHenry Saturday evening. Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry ' a recent visitor in this vicinity. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville called in this vicinity Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs .1 Doherty of Holcomb ville visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lockwood and son spent Snnday wiib T. L. Flanders at Holcombville. Miss Alice Kuox aud pupils of the Terra Cotta school visited the Barre­ ville school Tuesday afternoon. Mild Mazln/7 , ' The proprietor of a plumbing estab­ lishment downtown has a poor opinion of goat initiations. A young man, dripper and twenty, came Into his plumbing shop and asked to see an ex­ pensive porcelain bathtub. The pro­ prietor explained at length the good qualities of a certain make. "This seems to be an excellent one," said the young man. Without warning he jumped into the uSiuiuu, drew bis coat ciuwij aruunu him and exclaimed: "Quick, turn on the water! I want to try It." The proprietor thought he waa in­ sane and, soothing his head, said, "There, there, you're all right." "Yes," the young man gurgled, splashing in the Imaginary water; "It's very comfortable." Then he began to squirm and splut­ ter. "Quick, quick!" be cried. "Turn off the water! I'm drowning!" "Wait till I reach the faucet," said the proprietor softly, side stepping to the telephone. Just at this moment two other young men, a trifle older, entered. "Weil. Bobby, had your batb?" they Inquired. "Yea." "Then come down to the vegetarian restaurant and order a side of roast beef."--New York Globe. Good aa a C»rknrtw. 4*Do you know how to take a tight cork out ®f a bottle without a cork­ screw?" was asked by a woman the other day at a gossip party. "It's a mighty good thing to know in an emergency. "My sister and I were coming back from the mountains, and she got faint on the cars. I had a bottle of aro­ matic spirits of ammonia in my bag, but when I tried to get the cork out I simply couldn't make It budge. -' 'Let me take It out for you,' sug­ gested a man across the aisle. "Then, borrowing my pocketknlfe snd using his own with It, he removed the cork in a jiffy. He Inserted the blades on opposite sides between the ln>ttle and the cork, each one turned In a different direction. Then when the blades were firmly pushed in he simply pressed the two together, gave them a wrench sideways, and the cork came out without any trouble. I have since tried it on larger bottles with success. It Is a trick worth knowing." --Exchange. . Th« Quast ef Truth. £ It Is a good deal easier to poke fun at history than to write history merit­ ing credence. Mr. Bodley when writ­ ing hia "France" experienced the force of this lu a curious way. He shut himself up in France for years to get the atmosphere and the knowledge necessary for hia work. One of his trials arose over some question of elect­ oral jurisprudence. It was not of in­ ternational Importance, but still inter­ esting to students of comparative pro­ cedure. Therefore he wrote to a dep­ uty who Is a parliamentary expert to clear up the obscurity In which the text books involve the point and incor­ porated hia reply in the text of the book. Later, being Invited by an ex­ perienced mayor to be present at a poll over which he presided, Mr. Bod ley put the question to him and re celved a quite different reply. Finally the author referred the point to a senator of indisputable authority, who showed that the deputy and the mayor were both wrong.--St James' Gasette. HOI.COM IIVII.I.K. Arion Bauer entered school Monday. W. Zenk and H. Smith were business callers in Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Peck were Nnnda callers one day laat week. Chas. Scbroeder of Nunda was a call­ er in tiiia vicinity one day recently. Mrs T. 1J. Flanders and daughters spent Saturday with Mrs F. Davoll. '"Mrs. Jay Doherty spent Saturday and Sunday with relative* at Terra Cotta. Mrs. C. Knoblauch and daughter, Etta, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sander of Elgin vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs P HuntSuuday A number from this vicinity attended party at C Sherman's Saturday even­ ing. Mrs. A. Johnson and daughter, Edna, called on Mra. John Powers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Schroeder and chil­ dren spent Snnday with relatives at Nnnda. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert and Mr. and Mr»». C. Hutson spent Monday in Woodstock. The Weekly Inler-Ocean and this paper delivered fir one year at oar "special deal" prioe ot $1.75 for tba tfA Woman's Wit. An emperoi of Germany besieged a city which belonged to one of his rebel lious uoblemen. After the siege had lasted for a long time the emperor <le termlned to take It by storm and to de stroy all it contained by Are and sword He did not, however, wish to Injure the defenseless women; therefore, be sent a proclamation Into the town, say­ ing that all the women might leave the place unhurt and carry with them whatever they held most precious. The uoblemau's wife iustantly decided to take her husband, and the other wo­ men followed her example. They soon Issued from the city gate In a long pro­ cession, each one with ber husbaud on her shoulders. The emperor was so much struck with the noble conduct of the women that be Bpared all; even the city Itself was left untouched. Wouldn't Tip It. A Toronto man who visited England last summer appears to think that country the champion tip taker. He says; "Well, I had tipped er?ry man from the swell gent who seemed to own the house of commons down to the hireling who gummed the wrong labels ou my luggage, and I went into the waiting room on the landing stage at Liverpool to wash my bands of ev­ erything English, and what do you think stared me in the face when I had fin­ ished? A placard saying, 'Please tip the basin.' I'll be hanged if I did!" Monuments. Dr. Griffin--I must say the world la very ungrateful toward our profession. How seldom one sees a public memo­ rial erected to a doctor! Mrs. Gollght- ly--How seldom! Oh, doctor, think of oar cemeteries!--London Answers. 1? 4 tO ̂ 5 y* Satisfy Customers Our ever increasing business seems to sig­ nify that we are succeeding in satisfying our trade. We consider that satisfying a custom­ er is of more importance than immediate' profit. -- Besides providing the very best of service we install every convenience that a drug store can contain. This is a store where trading is a pleasure. If we have not had the pleasure ' of serving you we hope to have it soon. You'll find our prices as low as right quality can be had for anvwhere. N. H. Petesch, - 'Phone 274. Druggist. McHenry, III. WORK AND DRIVING Harness! It will pay you to^ purchase a BLANKET or ROBE at the ex c ee d i n g ly low prices we are selling at this them time. Let us give you our prices Satisfactory work always n. A. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. fr McHENKt. - ILLINOIS. ----ONE NIGHT ONLY-- HOUSE Sunday, F ebruary 23 Jed Carlton supported by a Suberb Cast presents "WAS SHf 10 f" A Society Comedy Drama in Four Acts. ALL Special SCENERY The Best of all Rural Plays and Emphatic Comedy Drama Success. YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. : : : ; PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50c. SKATS NOW ON SALE. Doesn't Always Follow. Because some men get over a fence safely with a loaded gun it is not al­ ways safe to assume that they won't examine a mule's heels to settle a bet --Washington Post. Th« Diffaranca. Upgardson -- Doesn't Weerlus bora you nearly to death? He talks like a. phonograph. Atom--Not at alL When phonograph runs down It stops.-- Chicago Tribune. It Improves a girl's looks immenaaly to be rich -New York Preaa. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of John Maeller. Deceased. The umlfrstgued luivlnn !*-+• u appointed Adrnlnlstrators of the Estate of John Muel­ ler, deceased, late of the County of MrHenry aud Htate of Illinois, hereby (five th;it they will appear before the County Court, of cHenry County, at the Court House Id Woodst<H-kHat the April Term. <>n the Hrst Monday In April next, at which tijue all per­ sons having claims against sa,id Estate are notified aud requested to attend for the pnr- pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersign­ ed. Dated this llth day of February. A. D. IMS. John HcaMAhw Joaa H. Kaaaaaaca M-lt Administrators UmA Tk» JPIilnilwIir. Notice to Subscribers Under the new postal ruling's subscriptions to newspapers are not permitted to become more than one year in arrears, under penalty of paying postage on each at the rate of one cent per each paper sent out. Under the cireumstaoces The Plain dealer will be compelled to strike all names off the subscription list after April 1st that are more than one year in arrears, and plac« the names of those in arrears in the hands of a collec­ tor for collection. We are quite desirious of re­ taining all our old subscribers and will be pleased to have them call and settle. Don't tleJay this matter but call and square your account at onee, thus insuring furthur delivery of this paper. 1 "13M- Read This

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