Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1908, p. 4

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;% • z l t > ifs: ' P r - > mG: • \ If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de­ bility, nervousness, exhaus­ tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. fnlew th«re 1* daily action of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed, causing h«»a<i :iclie, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia, and tlius preventing tlie SarsHparilla from doing its best wm k. Aver'g Pills are liver pills. Act gently, ail vegetable. LOCAL NEWS OF STORY A8 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up About Oar Busy Little Burg That Mav Concern You or Your Friends. Alabastine, all colors, at J. J. tal's, McHenry. Vyci- yers towell. MM"- o manufacturers of tUifc ViOM AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. We harp no ' t he fo rmulas o l a i l o We publish r medicines. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Peterson, on Wednesday night, a boy. Easter novelties of all kinds at Bee ley's, over on the West Side. Tog ont with a nobby International suit. M. J. Walsh takes measures. file McHenry Pidiodealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F.'G. SCHREINER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 878. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year W.50 Six months, 75cU. Three months. Mots Thursday, April a, 1908. AXSOI'NCKMEST. To the Republican voters of McHenry connty: 1 hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1908,'and ear­ nestly request the support of my Repub­ lican friends thruont said county. V. S. LUMLEY. Woodstock, m., March 10, 1908. VILLAGE CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that the annual village caucus will be held at the vil­ lage hall on Saturday, April 4, 1906, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for trustees, village clerk and police magistrate. Polls will be open from 1 o'clock p. m. until 4 p. m. JOHN STOFFEL, Village Clerk. FOK VILLAGE TBISTEE. Thru the many urgent requests on the part of mv friends I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of village trustee, subject to the decision of the coming village caucus. Thanking the legal voters for their support and as. s 11 ring them that the support will be appreciated, I remain, Respectfully yours, L. F. NEWMAN. Easter novelties, an exceptionally fine assortment, ten cents, at Vyci tal's. Lenten supper at the home of Mrs. W. P. Gallaher this (Thursday) evening. A complete a*»ck tt window shades and lace aud tuul curtains at M J. Walsh's. W:-: FOK VILLAGE CLERK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of clerk of the village of McHenry, subject to the decision of the coming village primary. Thanking the legal voters for any support they may tender, I am, Very respectfully yours, H. E. PRICE. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry for the ensuing two years, and respectfully solicit your support. WM. STOFFEL. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry for the ensuing two years, and respectfully solicit yonr support MATHIAS WEBER. IS.. iP< ® FOB VILLAGE TKl SXEE. Thru the many requests of my friends 1 hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the office of village trnstee, sub­ ject to the decision of the village pri­ mary, and will be very thankful for the support of the legal voters of McHenry. Respectfully, GEO. MEYERS. |r IS, f : Pressing Down Pains are a sign of serioas female cotf plaint, that shosld have immediate attention. 11 yon begin ia time, yoe caa generally treat yourself at home, without the need of consulting a physician, by the regular use of Cardui, the well-known remedy for women's ills. Composed of pardy vegetable and perfectly harmless medicinal ingredients, being, besides, a gee* tie, uun-intoxicating, streagtbea* iug tonic, ? CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF reGevcs all female complaints, "My wile." writes Joha A. Rodgers, of Hampden Sidney, Va^ "was nothing but a walking skele­ ton, from female trouble. She suffered agonies with bearing* down pains, backache and head­ ache, Doctors failed to relieve her, so she took Cardui, and is u« ealirely cured." At All Druggists . WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, utatinj? age and describing sym- toms, to Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga, Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenet. IS 36 McHenry came within an ace of los­ ing its handsome (?) depot last Monday morning. Always use a little of Berdrich's Ton­ ic or Bitters in yonr whiskey. It is like using cream in coffee. Bring or send yonr news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for you. A fine line of ladies' muslin skirts, corset covers and night gowns just re­ ceived at M. J. Walsh's. COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES. Items of interest Concerning the Teach­ ers' Institute at Harvard Last Week. C. Jay Smith's "A Pair of Country Kids" company at the Central next Sun­ day evening is said to be one of the lat­ est rural plays. E. La wins, tailor, has sent 84 ladies' garments to the Grand dyehouse. Any­ thing from a kid shoe to an ostrich feather dyed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Richard Yates, candidate for governor of Illinois, will speak pt the city ball in Woodstock next Wednesday evening, April 8. All who can should go over and hear him. Miss Hillebrand wishes to announce that she is again located in her old rooms in the Uulver house and will be pleased to meet her old and also new patrons. All work in dressmaking neatly done. John J. Buch has engaged the servic es of a first-class meat cntter, who is now conducting the Water street mar­ ket. Read Mr. Bnch's advertisement, which appears on another page of thfe issue. ____________ Harvard, 111., is one of the towns where the anti-saloon question is being most enthusiastically fonght. Both par­ ties are working hard. The anti-saloon element claim they will carry the elec­ tion by the special help of the Catholic people and their priest. The Benson G. Sherman farm will be sold to the highest bidder, for cash, at the east door of the court house in Woodstock on Saturday, April 4, at 1 o'clock p. m. Possession of said prem­ ises given the purchaser March 1, 1909. Taxes for 1908 to be paid by the estate. KIUumELU. Mr. Lindsley was in Chicago'Monday. R. Reed was a business caller at Nun. da Friday. Miss Ethel Reed: was an JElgin visitor Thursday. Mr. White and son were Genoa visit­ ors Saturday. Mrs Johnson and son Were Chicago visitors recently. H. Wille and wife visited his brother at Nnnda Sunday. Miss Glenys Jacobs retnrned from her trip to Elgin Thursday. V. Shales and family spent a part of Tuesday at Mr. Jaynes'. LeRoy Skinner attended the conven­ tion at Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. D. Kline and Mrs. F. Hannan were Nunda callers Monday. Mr. Ericeon was at Woodstock on business the first of the week. Mr. Hanson of Chicago was in town looking after hie property this week. Mrs. Corkill and little daughter of Cary are guests of Ridgefield friends. Prof. F. Thayer of Greenwood was a guest of friends here a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Benson were calling on friends in Woodstock Tuesday of last week. Mr. Jaynes has sold his place here. Mr. White will take possession in the near future. Ray and Madelene Lynch visited their sister, Mrs. Lolo Bennett, at Wood­ stock Saturday. Walter Reed visited bis sister, Mrs Waterman, at Woodstock a part of Sat­ urday and Sunday. Mrs. M. Bodie and little danghter of Elgin have been visiting friends and relatives here tor a few days. Mrs. Eva Lynch and mother, Mrs. Harriet Fanning, and daughter, Mabel Merchant, were Chicago passengers last week Tuesday. The^mtmps is quite the fashion here. Hugh Parks and Ralph and Harold Walkup are getting along nicely and their many friends congratulate them. Elston Hnnt of Chicago, a former Ridgf^eld boy, who holds a position with the C. &. N, W. railroad company, is visiting his uncle, R. L. Dufield, and family here for a few days. SCHOOL NOTES. Ten more weeks of school. , The eighth grade has begun civics. George Peterson is able to use his arm again. Our visitors number over forty for this year. The fifth grade will soon take np the study of history. Mr. and Mrs. Munson wad children visited school recently. The botany class is doing some good note book and drawing work. A representative of the Metropolitan Business college made ns a short call Mondays Don't forget the early closing and do yonr shopping during the daytime, Basket socials deem to retain their popularity with the ^cbool teachers and with the communities. Several have been held during the past few weeks and the proceeds of a financial nature indicate that they were exceedingly well patronized. Miss Caroline Mason, teacher in the Vanderkarr district in the town of Hebron, gave a social re­ cently at which the proceeds netted her something over $60. Miss Grace Conn, teacher in the Stone's Corners school in the same town, succeeded in raising about $58 at a basket social. Manyoth ers have been nearly as well supported and the good work is still «oiug on. There is only one caution to be given in these matters and that is to the effect that the school boards shall not be led to depend on these as a means for rais ing money or funds for the things that pnblic tax should provide. Now is a good time to begin the school gardens and prepare for a grand cele­ bration on Arbor day. Many school yards are still forlorn looking spots by the roadside. Now is the chance for the teacher to make it a place of beauty, industry and intelligence. Miss Lucie McCarthy of the Island school in the town of Dunham held a successful social during the last week in February. There will be a dairy school held for the boys of the northern part of the connty at Hebron on Thursday after­ noon and evening and Friday, April 9 and 10. Saturday will be given np to a judging contest. Prof. C. C. Hayden of the University of Illinois will be the instructor. Many other local institute workers will be in attendance to help the work along. Musical numbers will be provided by local talent. The meet ings will be held at the town hall. INSTITUTE ECHOES Ninety-six per cent, of the active teachers of the connty were in attend­ ance at the institute. Mr. Gilbert was at his best, and this always means a feast' for his hearers. Many of the patrons were present to hear his talks on reading and school management. Mr. Charles seems to know everything when it comes to birds, trees, fields aud bugs. His morning "bird hikes " were a popular feature of the institute. Miss Jewett made a decided hit with the teachers. It was her first appear­ ance as an institute worker, but her fu­ ture is already assured along this line. The ladies of Harvard added to their already famons reputation as entertain­ ers and providers. This feature of the week's institute added much J to the pleasure of the occasion. The "critique" was a departure from the ordinary program of institutes and it proved a great advantage. Mrs. Whittleton added one more star to her professional crown. Mr. Folk was effectively ubiquitous (if you know what that means). His part of the work was carried out to per­ fection. Mrs. Folk was in evidence when it came to making people welcome and comfortable. Mrs. Tait is always "above par." Her talk to the teachers on Tuesday morning was one of the best things of the week. All sincerely regretted the illness of Mrs. Goddard during ^the first days of the federation meeting. Much of the success of this meeting was due to her untiring efforts. The special music that was provided for the federation was superior in every sense. Harvard seems to have a "trust" when it comes to musical talent. Mr. Hart set another record for him­ self in his address on Wednesday even­ ing. He gave good proof that he is alive to the problems that confront him in his new field. Supt. Blair's address was a gem. The boy looms up bigger than ever after looking at the picture presented by the state superintendent of schools. Pies. Nollen's genial manner caught the audience and made them sympathet­ ic listeners at once. His address was scholarly and thoughtful. Supt. Ferguson seldom misses the mark when it comes to the discussion Want Column. All *<1 veil is. inserted nmi,.,. (!,;* |„ma at thl> followingrat<>«: M v«-Itnex or less, £6 eenU for first Insertion; IS cents for each subsequent Insertion. More than Ave lines, a cents a Une for first Insertion and 3 cents a line for additions insertions. ppOK SALK--Dakota and Colorado lands. *• Homesteads located. For further Infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry, 111. ir tf Double store building In West ..HI, For Information apply to MHS. (IKKTHUIIK L. MILII.KR, West McHenry i"- , as-tf 13>OK SALE r M.-Henry, III. ixr AN TED--Married man to work and man • ** ace farm. Splendid chance for right man. <*ood salary and share profits. Want quick answer. Address COUNTY CI.EKK JOS­EPH F. HAAS. County Building, Chicago. Iil.. or call at my cottage. Pistakee Bay, on Fri­ day or Saturday. L>OR SALE VERY CHE A P--Incubator, 250- * egg capacity, and Brooder. Both Cyph­ ers' make ana * HOUSE, Pistakee and Brooder, good as new. fay, 111. KINUSLBY 39-tf UH>K SALE--Gray mare, 10 years old, weight *- 1100 pounds. Will be sold cheap. For further Information apply to or address A. HITKDO, McHenry, HI. 4] SALE -About 200 bu. good seed barlev. 1 I'or further information apply to J. T. COKDINOI/T, West McHenry. III. 41-2t* PV>K SALE AT A BARGAIN--One Baily trap and one Studebaker phaeton with full leather top. Both In iirst, class condition. Inquire of T. J. WALSH. McHenry, III. 41* SALE--Fancy Barred Plymouth Rock hens, all laying. Also eggs for hatching, li for (Scents. .1. .1. HiI/LE, West McHcnrv, 111. 41-4t OMALL "PIGS FOR HALE--Very choice ^ breed. GEO. J. SAYBB. Pistaqua Bay Stock Farm. Pistakee Bay, 111. 41 3t TpOR SALE--Millet hay Call x OWEN, Bank of McHenry. O. N. 41 "EV)R SALE OR RENT--Eighty acres of land. *- 1 mile south of McHenry. Apply t6 or write THE PLAINOBALKR, McHenry, 111. »9-3t TJ^OK SALE--Thorobred white Wyandotte J eggs for setting. Guaranteed to hatch. On for 15 eggs of pure Dustin strain. 1). O. NEl,1,is. West McHenry, III. 40 n V. S. LUMLEY, Solicitor. STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 .McHenry County 1 In the Circuit. Court of McHenry County, state of Illinois, May term, A D. 1908. .lolin Walsh, comolainarit.vs Rose Schwamb Lenora Bennetts, the unknown heirs and de­ visees of Ann Dufield, deceased. the unknown heirs and devisees of John L. Dufield, deceas­ ed. Henry Paine. Skelton Glaister, George Marie. George Marble, Charles M. Goodsell, John M. Bay. Lewis Floury, Phillip Nation. Sarah Nation, Henry King, Mary L. King, Amos Stephenson, Samuel Stone. Anna Ma- riah Farlow, Sarah E. Pierson, C. Walworth and the unknown owner or owners of the east half (HVof the west half of the northeast quarter (W of section no. twenty-seven (27); also that, part of the southeast juarter (H) of said section no. twenty-seven (27) bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of said southeast quarter (k), and running thence east along the east and west quarter line thirteen (13) chains and thirty-three (33) links, thence south parallel with the north and south quarter line thirty (30) chains, thence west parallel with said east and west quarter line thirteen (13) chains and thirty-three (33) links to said north and south quarter line, thence north along sain north and south quarter line thirty (30) chains to the place of beginning; also a part of the southwest quarter 04) of section no. twenty-seven (27). bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the north­ west corner of said southwest quarter '(>*) and I running thence east along the east and west quarter line 120 rods to the northwest corner of the east half (H) of the east half (H) of said southwest quarter (M). thence south ten (10) rods, thence west parallel with the said east und west quarter line 120 rods to the west line of said section, t hence north ten (10) rods to place of beginning, containing seven and one- half (7H) acres of land, all in township 110. forty-five (43) north, of range no seven (7). east of the third principal meridian. Defend­ ants. T11 Chancery. Bill to clear title. Notice is hereby sriyen that the above is the title of the court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said court" and that process for said defendants has been is­ sued to the sheriff of said county returnable to said court at its court room in the city of Woodstock, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, on Monday, the 25th day of May, A. D. 11)08. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court at my office in Woodstock this 23rd day of March. A. I). 190S. THEO, HAMEK, Clerk. «IPi CHOICE Let your Grocery wants be known to us, thereby being assured that your order will be filled with promptness, courteous- ness and last, but not least, with groceries of quality, some that will stand the test of the new Pure Food Law. Our line of candies and fruits is also quite com­ plete at all times. We can and will be pleased to supply you with Flour and Potatoes. Wm. Simes UP-TO-DATE GROCER Heimer Block, - ncHenry vis (r ...NEW.... Circuit Court Seal ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. V. S. Lumley, Attorney. Estate of Nicholas Enpels, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the estate of Nicholas EN- gels, deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that, he, wi I appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court, House in Woodstock, at t he June term, ori the first Monday in June next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against said estate are notified antl requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to said est ate ace requested to make immediate payment, to the undersigned. Dated this 23rd day of March, A. D. 190* 40-4t JACOB ENOELS, Administrator. HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : R. Pitzki! & (0. West McHenry. IhOBsands Hate Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it Prevaleitey of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm­ ing increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. Whilekidneydis- orders are the most common diseases that pre- vail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and phy­ sicians, who con­ t e n t t h e m s e l c e t with doctoring the effects, while the orig­ inal diteaae undermines the system. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne­ cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug­ gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have | sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. When .1.., ..r hw^i, R,,,t. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, bat remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham­ ton, N. Y., 00 every bottle. of a present day problem. He lived np to his reputation when at Harvard. As nsual the program was too full. General discussion is the best (when you can depend on getting it). The ideal program may be printed and exe­ cuted some day. Show us the teacher who can truth­ fully say: "I came, I listened, I obtain­ ed nothing." Miss Norton's paper was excellent. It was to the point and it was properly timed. It deserved more discussion. Next year 's meeting will be still bet­ ter. Some of the mistakes of this year will be avoided. Let everyone lend a hand. It now looks as tho the McHenry county federation is the coming thing in our great county. The average attendance at the sessions of the federation was in the neighbor­ hood of four hundred. That's going some. The reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Folk on Tuesday evening was a pleasurable affair One hundred and twenty teachers were preseut. The Women's club set the pace in the method. . They dealt largely with' his­ tory or rather facts. Why not plan the whole federation program along this line next yearV President Thayer of the farmers' in­ stitute gave an excellent talk. More farmers should have been present to hear it. The representatives of the women's clubs gave some encouraging reports These reports should be published. Marengo made a strong bid for the next meeting and she got it The elec trie line is guaranteed to be in operation by that time, and what's more they have guaranteed half rates for the occasion. Marengo will do her part next year. Let us all prepare to go. Supt. Blair says, "It's hard to dupli­ cate it " Prof. Gilbert Bays, "You'll travel many times up and down Illinois U) find its equal. " That's enconraging. 1'rewident Nollen's delay, due to miss­ ing a train, compelled the shifting of the evening program on Thursday. This new arrangement provided for the dis cntwiou of "the nmall boy and the small village" on the following day by Rev. Tait and Supt. Sheltou. Thru an un­ pardonable blunder on the part of the presiding officer Rev. Tait was not call­ ed upon WEST SIDE Ml Market is the place to leave your order FOR Oysters and fisli Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S £ . F . M a t t h e w s , West McHenry, III. The National Pickle & Canning Co, are now con­ tracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. They expect to secure a large acreage at this high price. Con­ tracts may be made at Block & Bethke's or F. A. Bohlander's; or J. C. Dc- brecht's, Johtrsburirh. part of the chairman was responsible for the loss of one of the l'«ent nnmhers on the program. The chairman wishes to make this pnblic apology for the oversight. Secretary Johnson was present. He came fresh from victory at Woodstock. He handled his subject in a thoro way. Now is the time to «et ready for next year's meeting at Marengo. Let us make our programs vital and important. If you have eutertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be oTgeneri^l interest, hand or mail it to this office •for publication. All items will be thankfnlly received. Bank of McHenry ' ,j» f •• 1 • This Bank receives, deposits, bnys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and Joes a (fNERAL BADKIIM BUSfflfSS. We endeavor to do all business intrnsted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the pnblic patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Professional, Society *• a.nd Bxistnesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYBICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST Office and residence corner Klin MI Green streets. McHeury. Teieohuu# N0.JHI FEGER8 * FEQ&K8 PHX?r9IANy ANI> 8U»GEON8, McHenry PI m Residence, corner Court Elm streets. Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, IUlnoto business Intrusted to bis care will be properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAMBER LIN DENTIST. OMce and Residence over n. J. Walsh's 8tora> Hour*: 8:00 to 5:30. W 1ST MoHnnn. lit. Telephone No. 393 OUR To1;anyone giving us a con­ tract for Electric Lighting in. the Village of McHenry for one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: Electric Service (o. Geo. K. Paige, Hgr. WEST SIDE M STOItf! An elegent new line of new spring styles fo • men, women and children. >ur prices are correct. Let as fit you out. Repairing neatly executed. Lt WEST McHENRY. CLOSING OUT SALE Men's Rock ford Socks, 6c, fancy.. 18c Men's red, white and bine handker­ chiefs ,6c, 8c, 10c Men's Suspenders, SOcqnality 26c Men-H and Boys' Collars 5c, 7c,8c, 12c Shoe Laces, brown and black.. 1, 2, 8c Ladies', Boys' and Children's Hose.. 7c, Sc. 10c, 15c Linen Thread, black and white.8, 10c Overcoat, Vest or Pants Buttons, per dozen 4c, 5c, 8c, 12c Mending Tissue, perpackage 5c 4-oz. bottle Horse Radish ®c 4 oz. bar glycerine Soap 4c, 5c 5 oz. package Lily White Starch.. 4c Cinnamon, Allspice, Pepper, can. ,7c Lots of others at your own price. E. Lawless, Near Riverside House, McHenry. Take yonr eggs to O. B. Gilbert's. This lapse of memory on the " Highest market prices always paid. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.75 for one year's subscription to both. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West MtHwry, IIIIMU. John «J. Vycital DEAI.EB IN General H ardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - , ILLINOIS. Well-drlHtnft a Specialty. 'Phone! WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, . . ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring agalust death from any cause. West Mchenry, 111. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK <jNLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS K I L L t h e C O U C H HI CURE THB LUNGS with Dr. King's New Discovery FORCSSfSP ,-sSa. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONET REFUNDED. Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of M». llenry. Lake an other countl 3rop in at Uunbert Q. Sens'* 92 Fifth Ave. CHICAQOP Because it is so home like. PHOTO STUDIO. •fftraits All shapes aud sissos. Sev­ eral proofs to select frouu. h doi- en finished in different styles. Price, •2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive Hpparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand some Photos and a 16-20 enlargement finished neatly and artistically in nat­ ural colors. :: :: Waukegan St., near the Standpipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Taltphonti 499 Chicago & North-Western. Effective November 10,1907. Leave Chicago. 7.00 am -- 9.(10 am... 3.25 p m... 3.4ft p m... 4.57 p m... 8.45am. . 9.10 am.... S .00 pin... Leave McHenry. 7.20am... 8.17am... 4.23 p m... 4.23 p m... 7.20 a m... IS.00 p m.. 5.00 p m WBBK DAY TBA1HS. NORTHBOUND Via Elgin . ..Via Des Plaine# .. ...Via Des Plalnes.. Via Elgin ...Via DesPIaiues.. BOND AT TRAINS. Via Elgin. . .. ..Via Des Plalnes... Via Elgin: WBEK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. -Via Elgin ....Via Des Plalue#.. ....Via Des Plalnes.. Via Elgin SUNDAY TRAINS. •••41; via Elgin ...Via Des Plalnes... Via EIKIU... .... J. Arrive McHeury. ...10.17 am ....10.17 am .... 5.04 p m •... 6.40 p m . . 6.40 p n ...11.14am . ..11.14 an ... 4.65 p m Arrive Chicago. ,... 9.55 a a . . . 9 . 5 5 a n , ...0.20pm ...7.10 pm .9.50 a a p m 7.50 pm Plac« Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every poei- office in the country a circular letter to the pnblic, nrging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their retnrn to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it wiU be pot up la first fc. . :pifc 41^

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