Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1908, p. 2

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The IcBenry Plaindealer. PPBLISHK1» BY f. Ck »CHKCIXEX< JtcHENRY. ILLINOIS. A friend in need often turns out to ^ •?## * useful "double." . - ju__. ' --m t^ 't)l4 Methuselah live on BOUT nail, ft buttermilk, of what? • P Wall street will never get over that facte for bumping the bumps. It Is evident that Castro's physician la no longer prescribing rest and quiet. Oxford is the largest university In the world. It has 21 colleges and five ,1 There are 1,567 walled pities in Chiha where there Is neither a foreign nor Chinese pastor. VICTIMS NOW TEN ONE MORE BODY DUG UP IN MRS. QUINNES8' BARN YAKS. PROBABLY WAS A WOMAN Witness Found Whos fc Story Tends to Prove Lampheie Knew 6f Crimes ancJ Tried Blackmail. Helen Gould might be good enough\ to remember that the prince doesn't* wtunt to marry her. Sometimes Parts would prefer that London should bombard it with sfiells rather than tourists. The Hollow Earth Exploring club ought to be able to get informatloii at almost any tile works. By this time the fools are wonder­ ing whether to take 'em off or wait until the rock-the-boat season opens. In view of family objections, could Prince Helie be persuaded to take the millions without insisting on the lady? California is producing the largest crop of lemons the state has ever had, bat she Isn't going to hand any to the sailors. There are times when China must be tempted to wish that Japan would get Involved in trouble with some remote country. Judging by the peekaboo waists ap­ pearing in the fashion pictures, the politics of the summer will be ex­ tremely radical. Some people talk too much to ex­ press one thought on the principle of the man who digs up the whole yard for one angleworm. To be sure, the price of meat is go­ ing up, but the mackerel are coming, and the price of vegetables will be get­ ting cheaper every day. A San Francisco rat having chewed off the signature of a last will and testament, the courts decline to follow suit and ratify the document. Cubans ate restive under the order prohibiting cock and bull fighting. This is about the best authenticated cock-and-bull story in existence. Miss Helen Gould .has been com­ pelled to curtail her charities, but Mme. Anna does not propose to re- dace the extravagances of make-be­ lieve royalty. A Paris museum is having difficulty In finding room for the diplodocus giv­ en It by Andrew Carnegie. The ob­ vious thing to do is to store a syllable or two somewhere else. Those who think Japan can't go to war because of the lack of money for­ get that the American revolutionists pnt np a fight with a paper issue worth no more than a continental. The first pair of spectacles were made in 1285, and probably that is the date when man first started saying that he couldn't read a subscription paper because he'd left his glasses home. The kaiser, though he finds It im­ possible to make ends meet on $4,000,- 006 a year, probably wouldn't be in­ terested in the current discussion whether a man can afford to get mar­ ried and raise a family on $12 a week. Laporte, Ind.--One more body was added to the death roll of the Guin- a. & 1UAJ, UIO ftlOWDVUiQ ICUV0 now numbering ten. Coroner Mack at first announced that the grave opened in the morning contained one complete cadaver and portions of a second, but in the eve­ ning said that what he had at first believed to be additional thigh and arm boneB are in reality pieces of the first set. Developments of the Day. Other important developments of the day included the following! Peter Colson, a new witness In the case, told R. N. Smith, the prosecuting attorney, that Ray Lamphere had acknowledged attempts to blackmail Mrs. Guinness. This is considered as definitely establishing a motive for a disagreement between Lamphere and the woman which resulted later in the burning of the farmhouse. Mrs. Leo Greening said that her son Emil, who formerly workfv^ the ADMIRAL. EVANS UNABLE TO PAR* TICIPATE IN CEREMONY. Formally Relinquishes Command Fighting Vessels and Departs for Washington. m Belle Guinness. An owl flew out of a burning chim­ ney at Coverach, Cornwall, Bh^land, with its feathers on fire, and perched on a hayrick near at hand. The result was that the rick was completely de­ stroyed, and several stacks of straw barely escaped. Mr. Burleigh of Maine is one of the few members of the house whose bi­ ography omits the familiar sentence: "Studied law at the < Univer­ sity." He is a real newspaper man, the publisher of the Kennebec Jour­ nal, and has been governor and state treasurer of his state. Many cases of astigmatism arise from the practice of reading in bed, particularly by persons recovering from a seyere illness. It strains the muscles of the eye to such an extent that they alter the curvature of the cornea--the abnormality to which the term astigmatism Is applied. If Dr. Hill takes along a $4 cigar with him when he goes to call upon the kaiser we hope he won't make the same mistake as the Maine lawyer who plotted to corrupt the Judge, and who in his nervous embarrassment kept for himself the 50-cent cigar that he had bought and gave the judge the twoler. Itrs. Humphry Ward is collecting some highly interesting and impres­ sive information in her tour of the public schools of New York city. In one of the largest of them she was Informed that 40 per cent, of the students there were of foreign birth, but that there was not a pupil in the school either of whose parents was born in America. Quite likely this may be an exceptional case, but there are said to be several other schools In the metropolis where the native born parents are In an insignificant minority. The aluminum books for the blind »OW being printed in Edinburgh are of thin sheets embossed in the usual way. They are easier to read than paper books, do not soil and are practically indestructible. Their expensivenesa to their drawback. notorious farm, saw two strangers at the place the night that Jenqie Olsen disappeared in November, 15^06. Emil Greening is now in Oklahoma City, and the sheriff's office will try to com­ municate with him in the hope of es­ tablishing the fact that Mrs. Guinness had accomplices in the murders at her place. Finding of One More Victim. The resumption of excavation at the farm again drew an immense crowd of spectators. The rush of visitors has become so great that some of the local liverymen ha*© established a regular 'bus line from the downtown district to the farm. The premature announcement by Coroner Mack that two bodies had been discovered only served to In­ crease the rush of curiosity-seekers. The scraps of humanity were found in the barnyard which had already given up nine cadavers. About four feet be­ low the surface, the excavators en­ countered bits of bone and burlap and a few stakes more of the spades and hoes revealed the skull, a decomposed torso, and leg and arm bones. Less 8kilfully Dismembered. The body was by far the least pre­ served of any of the ten grewsome relics. In addition to the usual traces of lime, the evidences were that a less skilful hand had accomplished the dismemberment of this corpse. The legs had been, as usual, severed above the knee joint, but the bones were splintered and the shoulder blade shattered. The skull had been sep­ arated and was lying near the feet. It was thought that the body was that of a woman, as a pair of woman's oxford tie shoes and the metal frame of a woman's purse were found In the grave. Picnic for the Morbid. Laporte, Ind.--All roads in Laporte county led to the Gupness farm Sun­ day, upwards of 15,000 sight-seers vis­ iting the place of defath. Practically every able-bodied Evident of this city made the trip and the railroads and trolley lines brought about 4,000 more to the city. Mayor Darrow found it necessary to issue stringent orders that the Sun­ day closing laws should be enforced, and the hotels and restaurants were overrun with patrons. Praactically every conveyance in the town was pressed into service in an attempt to provide transportation for the crowds. In the afternoon these proved Insuffi­ cient and late-comers were forced to make their way to the place on foot Horrible Epidemic In Kiev Prison. Kiev, Russia.--A frightful epidemic of exanthematuus typhoid is raging in the city prison. More than 200 deaths have occurred and practically all of the inmates are infected. The authori­ ties are withholding details. Bad Fire in a Detroit 8tore. Detroit, Mich.--Fire Sunday gutted the three upper floors of the six-story department store of Goldberg Bros qp Woodward avenue, causing a loss of $150,000, on which there was $100,000 insurance. What's this? A gun that will ahoot London to Paris? But then it would also deliver the missiles from Paris to London. No advantage gained by either metropolis. A doubt as to the original statement may also be noted. House Agrees to Army Bill. Washington.---Hie house Friday agreed to the conference report on the army appropriation bill, which now goes to the president. Of the $7,000 - provided for increased pay enlist-000 'mm ed men will receive $5,000,000. Seventy-Two Men Rescued. N^w York.--Seventy-two men who for moi J" ILan 24 hours had been facing death ia^lfre raging sea near Fire Island, were rescued from the crumbling hulk of the big German ship Peter Rickmers Friday, San Francisco.--The combiMd At* lantic and Pacific fleets of battleships, armored cruisers, torpedo boat de­ stroyers and auxiliaries, aggregating in weight of displacement, the enoiw mous total of more than 400,000 tons, were reviewed in picturesque San Francisco harbor Friday by Secretary of the Navy Metcalf. To*** a A nf tha twh flMtn lav at anchor in four long columns and, proceeding from the Oakland shore, the secretary on board the little gun­ boat Yorktown--a reminder of the days when the navy was in its infancy --proceeded southward through the lines formed by the armored cruisers of the Pacific fleet, nearest the Oak­ land shore, and the second squadron of the Atlantic fleet, headed by the Minnesota. Turning back to fhfe north at the end of these two lines, the Yorktown traversed the lane formed on the starboard by the battleships of the First Atlantic squadron and on the port by the little destroyers. 1 Rear Admiral Evans, who had hoped to end his active naval career by par­ ticipating in the official ceremonies, was not permitted by his attending physician to go aboard the Connecti­ cut. Rear Admiral Charles M. Thomas was again the senior office.' Admiral Evans formally relinquished command of the fleet Saturday and left for Washington. The afternoon was marked by the presentation of silver services to the battleship Nebraska and the armored cruiser California, from the states after which the 6hips were named. Gov. Sheldon of Nebraska and Gov. Gillett of California personally made the presentation speeches. At night In the St. Francis hotel the official dinner of welcome by the city of San Francisco was presided over by Mayor Edward R. Taylor. All the flag and commanding officers of the fleet were present. At a later hour and attended by all the higher officers and a host of the younger men, came the dance of the Friday Night club at the Fairmont hotel. Woman An Likely to Suffer with OMk 0erous Kidney Disorders. Mr*. John Kirk, R. F. n tfo. 2,Be- troit, Mich., says: "Five years ago at a, critical time of life 1 was on the verge of a collapse with kid-# ney troubles, back­ ache, dizziness, puffy dropsy swellings and urinary .Irregularities. 2 lost flesh and felt laixguid, nervous or unstrung all the time. As my doctor did not help me I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. In a few weeks all these svmntnmn left »w® * now weigh 163 pounds and feel In ex­ cellent health." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. fbster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Itt, to-+iJKSC-&TAr 7/vec., OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS SECRETARY TAFT ADJUSTING DIS­ PUTES AT PANAMA. Tentative Accord Reached In Bound* ary Question with Colombia, arid Other Important Matters; PRINCE EULENBURG ARRESTED. Once a Confidential Friend of the Kai­ ser--His Ruin Predicted. Berlin. -- Prince Philip Zu Eulen­ burg was Friday placed under act­ ual arrest. The crown prosecutor took this step as a result of the tes- timony given by two men at the prince's bedside to the effect that Prince Zu Eulenburg had been guilty of wrongful actions with them 25 years ago. Prince Zu Eulenburg was involved in the court scandal in Berlin that grew out of the charges brought by Maximillen Harden, editor of Die Zukunft last summer. At the sec­ ond Harden trial the court declared that all the charges made by Harden were absolutely without foundation. The prince was taken into custody at his castle at. iJebenbgrg and brought In an ambulance automobile 40 miles to the charity hospital, where he was detained pending a further investiga­ tion of a charge of perjury made against him. The prince's arrest is taken to mean the irretrievable ruin of this brilliant man who was at one time a confidential friend of the em­ peror. 8HOOT8 AT HUSBAND ON 8TAGE. Alligator Tamer's Wife Causes Sensa­ tion in 8t. Paul. St. Paul, Minn.--During a perform­ ance at the Majestic theater, a vaude­ ville house, Saturday night, Mrs. Bert Swan, who occupied a box, fired six shots at her husband, an alligator tamer, while he was on the stage. None of the shots took effect. Mr. Swan left the stage, a blank curtain was hung down under pre­ tense of showing moving pictures, and panic was thus averted. After she had been arrested Mrs. Swan said that she did not intend to kill her husband, but merely shot at the scenery. She refused to discuss her alleged troubles with her husband. Mrs. Swan will accompany her huB- band to New -York. Harmon for Ohio Governor. Columbus, O.'--In a tumultuous con­ vention characterized by the most in­ tense factional feeling, the Democrats of Ohio Wednesday nominated Judson Harmon of Cincinnati, attorney gen­ eral of the United States under Presi­ dent Cleveland, for governor and in­ dorsed William Jennings Bryan, and instructed the delegates-at-large to the national convention to. vote . for him for president. Journalist Dies at Sea. Cherbourg.--Joseph Leicht, a first cabin passenger on board the North German Lloyd steamship Lutzow, which arrived here Sunday, died dur­ ing the voyage. It was stated that Mr. Leicht was an American Journalist. Four Perish in a Fire. St. Johnsburg, Vt.--The explosion of a kitchen gas stove in the tene­ ment of John Wilson Friday set fire to the interior and caused the death of four persons, two by burning ^4 the others by suffocation. Cleveland Bank Assigns, Cleveland, O.--The Euclid Avenue Trust company Friday made an as­ signment to the Cleveland Trust com­ pany. No statement relative to lia­ bilities or assets was given in the as­ signment deed. \ Michigan Man Heads Surgeons. Washington.--The American Surgi­ cal association held its final session Wednesday and elected officers for the ensuing year, the new president be-, ing Dr. C. B. G. Nancrede at Ann Ar­ bor, Mich. House. Defeats the Canteen. Washington --By the overwhelming vote of 167 to 46 the house of Repre­ sentatives Wednesday again went on record against the reestabllsbment of the canteen in national soldiers' honuflk ' \ Panama. -- Ever since his arrival here, Secretary Taft has been busy holding conferences, with President Amador, Foreign Secretary Arias, Senor Arango, the Panaman minister to the United States, Mr. Squiers, the American minister to Panama, and William Nelson Cromwell, the legal adviser of the Panama Canal com­ pany. The conferences were con­ cluded Sunday. They covered nu­ merous topics relating to the treaties which it is desired to negotiate be­ tween Colombia, the United States and Panama. While details are lacking, it Is stated that a tentative accord has been reached upon important points, and that decision with reference to the others only awaits special in­ quiries now in progress. The result of the conferences, it Is announced, is satisfactory to all parties concerned. Colombia's recent seizure of the town of Juarado on the frontier in volved in the general boundary ques­ tion between the two countries, has been fully considered. The Panaman government has agreed to the sug­ gestion made by Mr. Taft to withold all action until the secretary of war has had an opportunity personally to confer with President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Root One ot the most Important ques­ tions affecting the canal zone has been to determine the titles of indi­ vidual occupants of lands in the zone and the valuation of lands appropri­ ated for canal uses. Until now ad­ justment had been Impossible, but a solution has been reached by which an arbitration tribunal will be consti­ tuted under the existing treaty. This tribunal will have the power to de­ termine all questions as to valuations and legal titles. It will be composed of two citizens of the United States and two citizens of Panama, with Gov. Magoon of Cuba as umpire. LEVEE BREAKS AT VI/iCENNES. Preparations Are Being Mad* for a 8erious Flood. Vincennes, Ind.--Friday night at eight o'clock the Wabash river was 18.8 feet, the rise being at the rate of an Inch an hour. The levee broke in two places, flooding thousands of acres and threatening the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern tracks three miles west. The second break in the levee oc­ curred on the Indiana side, five miles south of here. Two mills closed and preparations are being made to fight the biggest flood in the history of this section. WORK NEARLY DONE. Congress Will Be Ready tfc ^djowrn May 25. ; % Washington. -- The supply bills of congress, in which appropriations are to be made for the support of the government for the next fiscal year, beginning on July 1, are in such condition in both houses that if no complications arise in connection with other legislation, it will be possible to reach a final adjournment by May 25. There are 14 of these general meas­ ures, carrying an aggregate of alt most a billion dollars, and of these the house of representatives, in which all of them originate, has passed 12, all but the military academy and the general deficiency bill. Both of these carry comparatively small sums, both are of such character that. they sel­ dom arouse opposition, and both could be disposed of in very brief order if necessary. The academy bill will be reported to the house early this week and the deficiency bill not later than Thursday. The senate is not so well along as it could be on account of the fact that that body must necessarily take up' the bills after they have been consid­ ered and passed upon by the house. The senate Is, however, unusually close upon the heels of the lower body and In addition to the deficiency and academy bills, has left only the post office and the sundry civil bills. These, however, are two of the largest of the appropriation bills, carrying as they do between them about one-third of the1 aggregate appropriation made for the session. Both unquestionably will arouse much discussion in the senate and it is probable that the greater part of the time for the next two weeks will be given for their consid­ eration. . . Force of Habit. /, "Bet "that lady has been to the mil­ linery opening," whispered the big Waiter in the white apron. "What makes you think so?" asked tlte cashier; "Why, I Bald: 'Madam, what kind tot. trimmings do yon like with your steak?' and she says: 'Why, make it black lace and two bunches of red cherries with wire leaves."' DE8ERVED TO WIN HIS CAM. f Really Abie Argument Put Forward ... by Accused Sailor. •OT-*. ' ' - A very good story has recently been " told In the fleet of an incident which'Kv happened when Admiral Evans was inl|j! command of the Indiana. An old-time'V.'-- bluejacket was at the mast before T1 Capt. Evans, charged with getting !-*>i food out of a mess' chest outside ofigS^ meal hours. This getting of food for ' night watches la a common and strong desire on the part of most men aboard ship. Capt. Evans asked the n^n what he ** had to say; and the man, sizing up the delicate situation, said: - -,r jl uiuu t ui&e no 100a outer that chest. Why, captain, there weren't no food in that chest! ] looked In that chest, and, captain, I met a cockroach coming out of chest with tears in his eye*."--Har­ per's Weekly. * A GOOD COLD. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, W ninrcurjr -*111 surely destroy the ssaee of amen and completely deraago the whole ayitem when entering tt ttirnijgh tlse mucous surfaced- Bticb irftlcles ehonld never be used except on prfc»cr!p- tluna from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do 3s tea fold to JUe good you can possibly dg. rive from them. Kail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cbeaey & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer* cury, and la taken internally, actlupr directly upon toe blood and mucous surfaces of the system, in buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the mnnlne. It 1b taken Internally and made la toMo. Ohio, by F. J Cheney & Co. Testimonials irM. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Tske Ball's Family Pliia for constipation. Bees in Block of Stone. "While workmen were sawing through a block of Bath stone at Exeter, Eng­ land, they cut into a cavity in which was found a cluster of two or three dozen live bees. The incident occurred at the works of Messrs. Collard & Sons, monu­ mental sculptors. There was not much sign of life in the bees at first, but when air was admitted they gradually revived and after a few hours several of them were able to fly. BOY KEPT SCRATCHING. CHESTER PUPILS 8TRIKE. Flood at East Alton. East Alton,-111.--Wood fiver broke through its banks, after rising four feet in four hours Wednesday after­ noon, and half of East Alton is under water. The tracks of the Chicago & Alton, Big Pour and the McKinley ln- terurban line are overflowed, and traffic temporarily is suspended. Two big factories have been forced to shut down because of the high water, which covers an area five miles long and a mile wide. Many families were forced to vacate their homes. Express Messenger Murdered. Denver, Col.--Train robbers, who boarded Denver & Rio Grande train No. 4 at Castle Rock Thursday, mur­ dered Express Messenger Charles H. Wright, aged 60, employed by the Globe Express company. Prom the dead messenger the rob­ bers took the keys to a small safe in the baggage car, which they opened and took the contents, in all worth less than $100. Narrow Escape of Fast Train. Washington, Pa.--The passing of a shifting engine, which the would-be train-wreckers had not counted upon, undoubtedly averted serious disaster to the east-bound flyer from St. Louis to Pittsburg on the Panhandle rail­ road of the Pennsylvania system be­ tween fcere and McDonald late Satur­ day night. An obstruction was placed on the tracks in such manner that nothing could have saved the fast train had it not been discovered. The switching engine ran into the obstruc­ tion and was ditched. Black Paper and White Ink. Appleton, Wis.--If a proposition put forth Thursday by Wisconsin print pa­ per manufacturers is taken as seri­ ously by eastern manufacturers and by the publishers of the country as it Is here, Americans in the near future will be reading black newspapers print­ ed with white ink. The chief points advanced for this revolutionary prop* osltlon are the preservation of forests, the saving of millions of . dollars an­ nually in pulp wood and the reduction in price of print paper ta fiffr'lftif* one-half the present price. ^ ^ v Teachers Forced to Apologize for Rid* , Ing on Street Cars, ^ . Chester, Pa. -- As a manifestation of the bitterness with tpiich many people regard the Chester Traction company and the men who took the places of the motormen and con­ ductors when they went on a strike several weeks ago, this city Friday witnessed a sympathetic strike of the pupils of the Morton avenue school because two teachers, Miss Anderson and Miss MacFarland, rod$ on the trolley cars manned by strike-break­ ers. When the pupils learned that the teachers had ridden on the cars they refused to attend the sessions. As a climax to the incident moth­ ers of the children went before the school board and demanded the re­ moval of the teachers. The parents were promised that the teacherB would make an apology to the chil­ dren on Monday and also make a pub­ lic apology through the columns of the local newspapers. Eczema Lasted 7 Years--Face Was All Raw---tfkln Specialists Failed, But Cuticura Effected Cure. "When my little boy was six weeks old an eruption broke out on his face. 1 took him to a doctor, but his face kept on getting worse until it got so bad that no one could look at him. His whole face was one crust and must have been very painful. He scratched day and night until his face was raw. Then I took him to all the best specialists In skin diseases but they could not do much for him. The eczema got on his arms and legs and we could not get a night's sleep in months. I got a set 6f Cuticura Reme­ dies and he felt relieved the first time I used them. I gave the Cuticura Remedies a good trial and gradually the eczema healed all up. He is now seven years old and I think the trou» ble will never return. Mrs. John Qr Klumpp, 80 Niagara St., Newark, N. J., Oct 17 and 22, 1907." "That seems a very bad cold you're got, my little man!" "It's a very good cold; It's kept me away from school for two weeks now! * COMPLAINTS ABOUT PAINT. The time to complain about paint Is before the painter applies it. The man who puts up the money should not shirk the responsibility of choos­ ing the paint. True, the painter ought to know paint better than the banker, the professional man or the merchant. The trouble is, the house- owner too often deliberately bars the competent -and honest painter from the Job by accepting a bid which he ought to know would make an honest Job impossible. Secure your bids on the basis of National Lead Company's pure White Lead and pure Linseed Oil and see that you get these materials. No one need be fooled by adulter^ ated white lead. A blowpipe testing outfit will be mailed to anyone inter- ested In paint. Address, National Lead Company, Woodbridge Building, New York City. The Reason. "Wouldn't you be better oil without your husband?" "1 don't think so--his life isn't In­ sured." GREAT FIRE IN ATLANTA. Two Business Blocks Destroyed, Loss Being $1,250,000. the Atlanta, Oa.--One million and a quarter dollars is the loss, conserva­ tively estimated, of a fire which start­ ed at 3:30 o'clock Friday morning and swept two blocks of Atlanta business property. • By night the fire was under control with ruined buildings in the district bounded by Forsythe, Nelson, Madison and Hunter, streets. Late in the day the police and fire departments dyna­ mited what was left of the ragged walls. Three Die In Auto Crash. Bakersfield, Cal. -- W. E. Loucke, his wife and their baby were in­ stantly killed Thursday when an automobile in which they were riding was struck by a Southern Pacific train at Reedley. Loucke was a prominent business man of Solma. Economical Physician. • Ambassador Wu Ting-fang %M once, it Is alleged, tilling about a cer­ tain selfish politician. He said: "The man reminds me of a doctor of Shang­ hai. A mandarin came to this doctor for advice. He could not sleep, had no appetite, suffered a good deal from depression and nevertheless was tak­ ing on fat at an alarming rate. 'We'll soon put you in condition again,' said the physician. 'What you need is ex­ ercise, good, hard exercise. Four times a week you can come here and put in the morning polishing my floors.' 'But why not my own floors?' the mandarin inquired. 'Mine/ said the physician, 'are larger.'" CAU8E FOR HIS HURRY. Garfield Digestive Tablets From your druggist, or the Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 25c per hot* tie. Samples upon request. Those who await no gifts from chance have conquered fate.--Richter. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar i» good quality all the time. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria. 111. Even a poor wall-paper hanger may put up at good hotels. , - Mrs. Window's Boothia* gytua. For children teething, soften* tbe gnroa, raaneM 1b> Ouamatloa, allays pain, cure* wind collu. SScabotU*. A well-informed physician quently ill-informed. is fr*> "Ah, I love to see a little boy in •uch a hurry to get to school!" • "Yes, sir. Me little brother's got de measles, an' I'm hurrying up to get excused!;' CHANGE IN FOOD Fatal Tenement House Fire. New York.--In a tenement house fire early Sunday Annie Bates, 19 years old, a domestic, was suffocated and three other persons, one a police­ man^ were injured. The prompt work of a patrolman saved many lives. Hurls Himself to Death. Chillicothe, Mo.--C. M. Rucker of Springfield, Mo., a traveling crockery salesman, committed suicide early Sunday morning by throwing himself from the window of his room In tike third story of the Leper hotel. Prominent Guatemalans Executed. City of Mexico.--News has reached this city of the execution at Antigua of Col. Solozano, commandant of the Guatemalan Military academy, and Vincento Cesona, one of the wealthiest and mpst prominent men in Guate­ mala. Break for Liberty Is Fatal* Burlington, Vt.--While making a break for liberty from the guard Ifne, Patrick Rynne, a convict at Fort Ethan Allen, was shot and killed Fri­ day night by Private Thomas Mallory i. • >*< Works Wonders in Health. It Is worth knowing that a change In food can cure dyspepsia. "I deem it my duty to let you know how Grape- Nu£s food has cured me of indigestion. "I had been troubled with It for years, until last year my doctor recom­ mended Grape-Nuts food to be usied every morning. I followed instruc­ tions and now I am entirely well, i "The whole family like Grape-Nuts, we use four packages a week. You are welcome to use this testimonial as you see fit." The reason this lady was helped by the use of Grape-Nuts food. Is that it Is predigested by natural processes and therefore does not tax the stom­ ach as the food she had been using; it also contains the elements required for building up the nervous system. If that part of the human body is In perfect working order, there can be no dyspepsia, for nervous energy repre­ sents the steam that drives the engine. When the Nervous system is run down, the machinery of the body works badly. Grape-Nuts food can be used by small children as well as adults. It is perfectly cooked and ready for Instant use. Read "The Road to Wellville," In pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full «f human Interest. One of the E^rsenliafa of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world'* best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world-wiQo acceptance through the approval of the Well-informed of the World; not of indi­ viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain­ ing the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com­ mended by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu­ factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.* only, and for sale by all leading druggists. SICK HEADACHE CARTERS Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Div> trees from Dyspepsia, In­ digestion andToo Hearty Eating. A perfect rem­ edy tor Dizziness, Nau­ sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat­ ed Tongue, Pain in t&e Side, TORPID LIVSB. they regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SHALL FRIGE. IPlTTLE TIVER Brills. CARTERS PIUS Genuine Must Bear ftc-Simile Signature REFUSE SUiSTlTilit. THIOUTCH POY PAINTER STANDS FOR PAINT QUAUTY IT IS FOUND ONLY OK PURE WHITE LEAD MADE ST THe OLD DUTCH PROCESS For famous and deliciooe candies ami chocoiat«% write to the maker for eaV t alog, wholesale or rt tan. Gu»th«r*, CoofacttoMlV 212 Stmts SUwi. CkteaUb V •ll : • .t # * f-y" ! 'W* % •

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