Do you like it? Then why be contented with it ? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The best kind of a testimonial-- " Sold for over sixty yews." A s A Mafr*) by J. C. Aytr Co., M--*. 4iao of 9 SARSAPABiLUu f f*C WLLS. CJ^'F O CHEtMf PET13CAL. fiie McSleory PhMeiler PUBLFSHED EVERY THKK8DAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. OSes lit Beak Building. Telephone, No. W*. TKRM* OF SUBSCRIPTION i One year ..T •••ty month*. 78ctt. Three months. Mots. Thursday, May 14,i$o8. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry Onanty: I hereby announce toy candi dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject, however, to ibe approval of the Republican voters of mid conntv, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1908, and ear nestly request the support of my Repab- flwMi friends thrnont said county. V. 8. LUMUCV. Woodstock, 111., March 10,1908. Mr. Henry Borhart of Crystal Lake cured of Gall Stones. He wa& told he would haw to be operated on in a few hours. Iustead, he came to Elgin and was cured by me without knife or med icine, and ie now working hard every day. Mtae M. Mink of Union, III,, R. R. No 2, was on her way to the hospital for an operation for Gall Stones. When t hey reached Elgin, they heard of uiy cures ana Drougnt ner uere, auu iu •«»- teen treatments she was cured entirely, and is now strong and healthy. Mr. W. H. Henze, West Chicago, R. H. Ho. 1, was cured in fifteen treat ments of a very bad case of Stomach Trouble. He could not held anything on his stomach. Could not move his bowels, con Id not sleep, --in fact, could not do anything and was told he could not live. He suffered terrible pain *in stomach and bowels. He is now a well man a$d has gained forty -pounds. Works hard every day and can eat any thing he wishes. His bowels move reg ularly and he has not taken a drop of medicine. If you wish, write to them or call by phone. I diagnose free of charge. If I cannot help you, I will tell yon so, as I do not take cases I cannot help of* cure. Write to me and ask any qnee tions you wish. I do not charge any thing for consultation. Prof. F. A Leach, No. 2 Spnrling. Elgin, 111. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY PROBATE NEWS I Furnished by McHenry Coanty Abstract •• Company, Woodstock, llllnois.l jf REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, bertha L. Mather et al to Mary McC0a- nell. N. 100 acres of SEM & NEK seC. 8 ; & pt NW*4 NWM Sec », Richmond f SHary McConnell to W. E. Gourley.j»t N. "\ 100 A, of SF>4 & NEK Sec is & pt NWi< 'SWX Sec 9 Richmond Jbhn W. Chewning & w to Henry F. r Diercks, Lts8,fl, 10 Blk 8 Chewnfnft's Ad. Algonquin. .. .... John Sahula & w to John V. Zelezny, S ' acres iu NWM Sec 19 Algonquin R9-- ' pl>hn V. Zelezny & w to John Sahula& W, A. road along W line Lt 1 /.elezny's subdivision. Sec 19, Algonquin R9. , jllniDia J. Fay & h to Sadie G. Hepburn, E 1 foot of W. 11 ft. of E. Srds Lt 3 Sim- mons Au Riugwood .'Vj|osephiue .1ones to same, Lt 2 Simmons ':;Ad KinKWOOd ... Ukirotiiea Seuger to Fred Gaulke etui, W H SEm SWMSec 3, Dorr . Eiviua Teeple & h to John wiuci. Lt 55 Assrs Plat Sec 35 Marengo 'J'jjplizabet.h Simpson et al to Charles I). Bacou. 4.5« acres in neM in neK seCS, ! Mi* Henry <30 -Jiohii J Buck & w to John Heimer et al, • •7 % int in 13.83 acres in sec 25, McHenry, 1 range 8 t. W0 ®t*jrge U Gilbert et al to Charles G Frett^ 6000 24000 000 »0 too 1 1000 115 9000 _jrg pt Its 2-3 blk 24 McHenry, w side V • river. £/.' MARRIAGE LICENSES ll' Walter Ciarenoe Leedle, £2... .Harvard Harvard Belvidere ... Woodstock ... .Algonquin Uary ,. .Terra Cotta . .....Nunda ..... Marengo .Marengo . ..Woodstock ... Woodstock .Harvard A8 SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Vp About Our Busy Little Burs That Mar Concern You r Tour Friends. When sick Herd rich's Bitters and Tonic will cure you. Remember the musical at the Univer- salist church Tuesday, May 19. We understand that Centerville is to have another saloon in the near future. The McHenry Electric Service com pany is expecting boilers, pumps, etc., to arrive some time this week. M. L. Worts has received his new auto. It is a three-passenger Ford roadster and a fine looking machine. The wet weather is putting a fair- sised crimp into the pay checks of those who earn their livelihood thru out-door work. ft Anna I. Howard, 21. t - John Shelby Spate, il •.. , Ada Symonda. 80..... 4.. •?- " 43eorge Kobs, 27 .'.fiertha Exner, 18 ... f;" William Hollst, 21 ^ JMinuie Jeschke, 18...... r . CJeorge Tremel, 82 ...... - jLoni Gehringer, 22 U or man Frame, 19. ^ . Vinita Lemmers, 20 | Urin Plankey, 21.. ..... j: Emma Allen, 26 harvard *'•'"' William H. Heiuemann, 82... .Huntley fcelva E. Wilcome, 21. Woodstock | . William Blake, 24.......... .IfcHenry /Mary Degen, 18. McHenry ~ ^eorge Schulz, 28 Sharon, Wis iiauma Reiher, 19 Sharon, Wis l Ferdinand Schuick, 91 Algonquin Itophia Calbow, 20 Algonquin v/r Albert Beth, 82 Woodstock < Magdalena Schmarjo, 26 Woodstock £ Charles Hobe, 80 Woodstock ^ Elizabeth Bonnichsen, 20 ... Woodstock Jiobert Struck, 23 .....Burlington, 111. Bertha Raddatz, 20. Marengo , f Jiaiaes P. Sutton, 251 Woodstock Florence Stella Squire, 16 '.Chicago EMERALD PARK. > H. Bending of Chicago is occupying bis summer home. Miss Celia Frisby of Elgin visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Miss Mary Gibhs is spending this week with Volo friends. * Mrs. E. Cdmisky went to Chicago Tuesday for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Smith entertained the former's parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox of McHenry , visited at E. Knox's Sunday. C. D. Whiting of Woodstock spent Saturday evening at E. Knox's. Miss Alice Sutton visited friends and relatives at Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Jas. Armstrong of May wood sprat a few days at hie cottage the past week. Messrs. Ray Corr, G. Dewey and Floyd Thompson of Woodstock spent 1 Sunday in this vicinity. Misses Anna Frisby, Rose Justan and Mabel Granger of West McHenry visited Miss May Welch Sunday. Messrs. W. K. Burns and son, Willie, • D. W. Hill and Jas. Haxton of Chicago were at their respective cottages Sunday Misses Irene Frisby and Anna McGee of McHenry and Richard Fleming of Barreville visited friends in this vicin ity Sunday. Messrs. M. Conway, Walter Walsh, Martin Knox and Ed and John Sutton attended the initiation and banquet of the Elgin council of K. C.'s at that place last Snnday. T- 1 ' Don't forget that the opening of the Columbia Park dancing pavilion for the Mason of i MS Promoters of the Elgin, Woodstock 4k Lake Geneva railroad are busily en gaged in forming their definite plans as to construction of the new line. The new electric street lights will not be strung across onr highways as pre viously but will project from the poles on steel anas, the arras being six feet long. Work on the excavation for the foun dation of the new residence to be erect ed by Simon Stoffel has been greatly delayed thrn the continued rains. The same also may be applied to. the Wm. Bishop residence. The Blake Degen wedding dance at Stephen H. Smith's hall at Johnsburgh last Wednesday evening was very well attended, there being nearly one hun dred couples present. Chubaroff's Mc. Henry orchestra furnished the music. An infant chip of Mrs. Joseph Jnsten passed away last week Wednesday and was bnried the following day, the fnn. eral taking place from St. Mary's church. Mrs. Jnsten has the sincere sympathy of our people in this, her sad bereave m e n t . . . . Postmistress Opens Love Letters. Wankegan Gazette, Monday, May 11: Grayslake was in the midst of a sen sation today unlike anything of the kind in the history of the little village. Mrs. Annie Whitmore, postmistress of the village, was arrested on a charge of open ing love letters of the Rev. Charles Her- ener and Miss Mary Calvin of Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr. Herener is a minister of the village and a prominent man Mrs. Whitmore was taken to Chicago by the United States officers, who went there to arrest her and she appeared be fore United States Commissioner Mark A. Foote. She denied the charge most emphatically, declaring she had never opened any letters of the minister or any body else. Her hearing was continued to May 21. The arrest followed the visit to the village of several secret service men of the government and it is declared they have evidence which will make it go hard with the postmistress. Mrs. Whitmore is well known in western Lake county and if the charge is proved against her, she will be removed from office forthwith. •venisff. VOIA Miss Mary Ranght was a recent Wan conda caller. Fred Converse of West Fremont was in town Monday. Mrs. Theo. Winkle of McHenry spent Sunday at C. Sables. Miss Fanny Sexton of Wauconda vis ited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Math. Glossen of Griswold Lake attended church here Sunday. Misses Lacy Dannill and Kate Trowt were in Wauconda Friday afternoon Miss Mary Hook has reopened her school, after an ftbs«ljc§ of several weeks Miss Kate Rosing of Ronnd Lake spent part of last week with relatives h«re. Mrs. Wm. Dillon was the guest of rela tives at Wankegan Saturday and Sun Miss Anna Compton was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Jennie Cossman, at Round Lake a few days lately. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and children and Miss Catherine Dowel I of West Fre mont were in town Saturday afternoon Will Hironimns has- returned from Chicago where he has been taking treat wane ai illiooie £y» and fiar intlr mary. :UVY 1; V' y&' '-ttz ̂ v^F5k-* &<• • • , % ^ , - *, T,/ "y U 1 v a h ^^^TrrmflT corn THOSB who havp been closely in touch with the trend of Musical Sentiment in recent years have observed a marked development of critical judgment and a deeper interest in all that pertains to higher accomplishment. A natural consequence of this evo lution is the growing demand for a Piano of a higher standard than obtained in the past. j In making the Gonover Piano, the manufacturers have held present day requirements constantly in view'and have created methods by which they are best fulfilled. The Conover Piano, therefore, is dis tinctly a modern instrument. It embodies principles that experience has demonstrated to be the founda- tion of superior tone quality and is made in accord ance with the most advanced ideas 6f construction. Produced under these conditions, it is a Piano that not only meets the demands of the exacting and accomplished player but exerts an important influence for the betterment of musical knowledge. We handle the Conover and would be pleased to explain further to you why it is the best. The Jeweler's WatcH JEWELERS carry South Bend Watches. Tiiaf ought to be good enoi evidence that they are b. t for you. We know and w< will prove to you for the ask ing that no other watch y< >u can buy will give you siu-h complete satisfaction. We show you why they stand t«.••it-, that other watches cannot, jjihI how you can save money in 1 iv injj a South Bend Watch B » v Just ask us and see. No oblige tion to putcbusc. , l r j - . . X' . .. 4* < aim ... ... -"V'*1. ... ... ... .jrs • »• <r. • N.A. HUEHANN ' WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Your Health depends largely upon the selection of your Groceries and Table Delicacies. Impure and Unclean groceries are Often the unsuspected pauses of many minor diseases. Be sure ta ase goodp uregroceries at all times and .if you If ill permit us to be tour guide we will nelp you choose gro ceries which will be just right in everyway, We have a nice, clean Stock of good pure gro ceries at Right Prices Call and be Convinced I S> Wm. Simes •PHONE 694 rteimer Block, - ricHenry . . . E A S T S I D E . . . M A if M -ifl/nt Ml rlOIKtl A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS , of every description. J. J. Bl)(tl, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. ....NEW... HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop ,in the old Sehiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : : R. Patzke & (0. West McHenry, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN t STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER. Commercial and Fam ily trade solicited. All * home cooking. :: :: RATES: $1.50 PER DAY THEO. S(MSSLE, Mgr. WEST McHENRY. Cfeicago ft North-Western. Effective November 10, WW* DAT THAWS. ohfcYno. nokthbobs# 7.00 am Via EUtln..... . 8.00 a ni,....,.„Vla Des Plain* .. 3.26 y m Via I'luiuM.. Via KIkIu .....Via D«b PlaluM.. • IDMDtV miH. VIHKIKIU. . .. «.i0k m Via De« Plain >.00 pm.. Bank ofr McHenfy This Bank receive^ deposits, boys and sells Foreign and DomfcBtic Exchange, and does a iUBtU. BAXKIK BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrnated to our care in a manner and npon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Publfic. - Bankers. OUR anyorte giving us a con tract for Electric Lighting in the Village of McHenry for one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: £MK Serviced). Geo. K. Paige, flgr. 3.45 p lit 4.5T p lu ....Via EIkIb. VKBK OAT THAIS*, SOUTHBOUND. m ..... ... Plu.. 4.29 p m... Via !>••* I'UU _ 4.£lp m.,... Via Kkyin BDNDAY THAI AS. 7.20 am.. Via Elgin. 5.00 p in.. Via D»8 Plaints.... 5.00 pm ..Via K]«lu .77.... l/eard McHenry. 7.20 a m Via Elgin... 8.17 a m,,,...... .Via lJi'5 Plain 1907. Arrive McHenry. 10.17 am 10.17 am 5.04 p m .... .6.40 p in .. «.40p m ....11.14 am ....U.l«am i.... 4.66 p m Arrive Chicago. .... .9.5ft am ...' .9.5$am 6.90 p ui 7.10 p m . .9.56 a m , .6.a0 p ui .7.60 p m CLOSING OUT SALE ?4en V Rock ford Sooks, 6c, fancy.. 18o Men's red, white and bine handker chiefs. 6c, 8c, 10c Men's Suspenders, ftflcqnaltty 25e Men'ft and Boys' Collars 5c, 7c, 8c, 13c Shoe Laces, brown anrl black . 1, 2, 8c Ijadies', Boys' and Children's Hose. . 1,...7c, 8c. 10c, 15c ljinen Thread, black and white.8,10c Overcoat, Vest or Pants Buttons, per dozen 4c, 5c, 8c, 13c Mending Tissue, per package.. . ..,8c 4-oz. bottle Horse Radish .0e 4 oz. bar glycerine Soap. 4c, 5c 5 oz. package Lily White Starch.. .4c ^inwamnn. AHspjflft, <nn. .7c > • ; * • • " ' • : ̂ Lots of others at your own price. E. Eawless, Near Riverside House, McHenry. A .if. /2Lt . , ... ..» & * tf .. .. ** *4 *" *• ̂ . . "" 1 . . *3 >> 'A*' ' V- ** t j Think of what it means! $1.7$ for The | Weekly Inter-Ocean and this pAgfl* omjtmt. It'» • •peei«) 4«al. Stallion! Age, 5 Years Weight, 1400 Pounds Color, iron Qra^l Will make the season at the barn of Jos. Justen, x/% mile south of Ladd's Corners, near Ringwood. Terms given, on applica tion. :: :: :: Considered one of the finest young Stallions in either Mchenry or Lake Counties. -- • ^,V Terms, $10.00. JOS. JUSTEN, Owner. Professional, Society V» s^nd Bustnesss Cards DAVI1J G. WELL8, M. U. PHYSICIAN, SUKG EON AND oOtJLU»T 1 OAc« and residence corner Klua #K Oreea streets, Mcllearv. Teleidwne No. HI FEOEttB & FEGEKS PHYSICIAN* ANT) SU KG EON 8. KcHsayy Jl 111. at B6Biueuce*.coEi Elm streeu Telephone aat; D. T. SMILEY f'lf 1 DR. R. G. CHAMBKRliN OMeinlllHMMn ever n. J. WsMi'a «4|#s, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. • Wbst MOHBNRT, |j^, TetoyfwaeN*. »9» _ * SIMON STOFFEL ̂ 4-; \. ^Insarance,Agent fo»-all classes of property in the best Companies. Wut jMcHmry, IIMaeb. John J. Vyolti i l . DEALER IN ?;•' v'". <• - ^ • Genera! Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'FMooeTM. W M . B A C O N Dealer iu Windmills. Pipes, Puxu^b, Flitl&ss, Well Supplies. Plrst-clswi Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H . C . M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AdGNT. I am now prepared to Insure &11 kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, 111. J o h n D . L o d t z MERCHANT TAILOR. FIBST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS •KH KILL the COUGH and CURE ml LUNC8 «"™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOB 08^ naSiSfc. AND AU THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. Reed The PkindnlH "wmI Tel. JAeto m* WHY do people of Mt Henry, Lake an t> t li e r coanti irup in at Lambert Q. Seat's a2 fifth Aye. CHICAOOr Because lt Is so home Ilka. PHOTO STUDIO. Portrait* All shap*>- siuMev- eral proofs to select from. Eituk tloa- tMi tlnislied In different styles. Price, 12.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen haud sontt? Fbotoe and & 16-30 enlargement finiMhttil neatly and artistically in nat ural colors. :: :: of huildlngs, ca S5.00 «gan St., near the S EST McHENRY, I 499 WEST SIDE t Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. £. F. Matthews, WMI McHenry, 111. , .w , «i JIl..