Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1908, p. 5

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* ; • • • •!:&,...ate.. . - . • * * ' c ' * • . * * » r ; r ^ f i v v ' ^ v " <v /;JK,": •l * ys m \'tr • :;?: , ̂ «* > '-f v>: c If," * „• i: W?» Pr» " fw \y$: THE Spring time is,, the time when the 'model housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets,, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact that we have placed a line of such goods into our store this spring that we are indeed proud of. We know our lines are such that will please you all. €fall in and see what we have to off#* - - Undertaking and Embalrhing is also a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our person­ al supervision* We take complete charge, fur­ nish hearse, and care fc>r t offies when so wished. 4 -- WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Your»f F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware, -- . OUR S'tfOCK OF....... SPRING DRESS GOODS Is now nearly complete, we having many new novelties to offer in Dress Goods and Waistinj?s in Silks, Voiles, Panamas, Chiffons and Novelty Weaves. :: :: :: :: :: f A Fine Line of Ureas Ginghams at per yard only 10c; better grades at 15c, 18c and 25c: Oauze Underwear and Hosiery. Our Shoes and Oxfords are of the moat up-to- date styles. Be sure and see them. :: Hen's Work Shoes. Extra heavy solely guar&n- , teed Waterproof, at $3.50: just the thing for rough, * hard wsar. :: i'. n New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties. Our Line of International Tailoring Samples is ready for your inspection. It's time now to order your Suit for Easter. A perfect fit guaianteed. Over 1000 samples to select from. :: A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH, PURE GROCER­ IES. McLaughlin's and Chase & Sanborn's Cof­ fees. White and Graham Flour and Com Meal. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE j6J. 1 IMS I HI Should be fresh, absolutely pure and of the highest qual­ ity. We sell the finest, cleanest and purest Pood Stuffs. Canned Fruits! pHERRIES, red, per can aoc STRAWBERRIES, in syrup, per can.. .aoc APRICOTS, large, per Cain age GKEEN GAGE PLUMS, per can. 18c PEACHES, Muirs, per can age Canned Vegetables! PEAS, E. J., sifted, usu­ ally sold at 20c, per - can... «sc SUGAR CORN, 8 cans for LIMA BEANS, WAX A GREEN BfEANS per can »oc JELt-O, the delicious dessert, ia beyond doubt the most delicious yon may try. It is better than pastry, more easy to prepare. No cooking, no standing over the stove on a hot daj. It save* time and * money; Bitnply add hot water and set aside to oool. All flavors, tf^f P«*affe ...ioc JELL O ICS CREAM POWDKR, for making lee Oreem, flie pack­ age .......... ISC E ' J O H N S T O F F E L . n ' C4*r- j, S^V NEIGHBORING OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS -M; <*•»*.«* '• . I A * u f . j j L t l ? L i i i „ » . i . A.. smunri mi. J- C. Button was in Woodstock' Hon- day. J. F. Whits ww a Nnnda caller Sat­ urday. Mrs, B. Cooper was a Nnnda callw Friday. Mrs. S. Merchant was a Nnnda caller last Friday. Mrs. Josephenaon was a Nnnda shop­ per Tuesday. Mrs. Maud Jaynes was a Barring ton caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. .Tosephensonentertained company Sunday. Mrs. Briggs and two children are vfe- itiag at the W. Dike farm. Miss Etta Levey insde a business trip to Nnudn one day last week. E W. Merchant made business trips to Nnnda Wednesday and Friday. Mrs. 8. Merchant and children were Harvard and Woodstock visitors Hator- d*y. Mrs. D O Kline and J. C. Bntton were Woodstock callers last week Wed oesday. M«s. 8, Sense end Mrs. F. Waterman of Woodstock visited relative here Tneflday. Mrs. Garrison and little daughter, Hazel, were Elgin visitors Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch called at her daugh­ ter's home in Woodstock last Wednes­ day afternoon. Mr. Horsky and wife of Woodstock spent a |iart of Saturday and Sunday at Father Zank's Mr. Wetland was in Woodstock on business Thursday. I. E M&sou left on Thnrseay for In dependence and other points in Wis­ consin to buy cattle. Mrs. Harley Thayer and little dangh ter of Chicago spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer, returning home Saturday. Rev. Dickey and family have returned to their home here after several months spent in the city- We are glad to wel­ come Rev. and Mrs. Dickey baok to Ridgefield once more. Mr. Bartman received a car load of oows Thursday, Mr. Murphv of Wood stock acting as Mr. Hartman's pur­ chasing agent They are for his farm here, as Mr. Allen, the new tenant, had no stock of his own. The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mis. Fred Reed Friday after noon. Abont twenty five ladies were present. A pleasant and social time was had. Refreshments were served Collection, (3.65. Mrs. Reed and her daughter^ Mrs. Bessie Waterman. will entertain the ladlee at the home of Mrs. Reed. SCHOOL NOTES. Friday will be visiting day. We are keeping a flower record. Onr list of visitors is now over forty. The township exercises will be held Jose S. Mrs. Levey, Mrs. Garrison and Miss Ella Baker are recent visitors. Those neither absent nor tardy for the month etidhig May 8 are: Mildred French, Willie Wieland, Alfred Carlson, Sigiid Mnnsoi), Vernon Collen, Carl Muhson, Edward Laces, Josiah White, Jackson Wfeite. The following pupils were neither ab sent nur tardy last month: George Pe terson, Pearl Zank, ttay Lynch, Lucy Benson, Harold Lucas, Cora Lockwood, Elizabeth Emmons, Madalene Lynch, Hellen Oarleeon, Ruth Kline, Genevieve Goddard. The uutubers after the following names indicate the number of 100's for the past two weeks: Mildred Jaynes, 18; Rose Peterson, 17; Mildred French, 14; Willie Wieland, 14; Edna Stephen­ son, 13; Jackson White, 10; Elsie Ander­ son, 1\ Burton Collen, 9; Alfred Carlson, 8. JOHNSBCROH. Kate Althoff was horns Sunday. C. M. Adams spent Friday in Chicago. Margret Adams Chicagoed Thursday. Joe Thelen was a McHenry caller Sat nrday. Mrs. Henry Degen was seen in town Monday. Miss Hellen May is the guest of Mar­ tin 8. Frenud, William Adams was a Pistakee Bay visitor Tuesday. Uim Anna Freund of Chicago was a caller here Tuesday. Kate Freund spent last week with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Jos. J. Freund entertained Emma Nye for dinner Sunday. Jos. F. Schmitt went to Racine Mon­ day to visit with friends. Mrs. Maggie Freund is now occupying the house of Peter Williams. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Hnemann called on Jacob Huemann Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schafer are the proud parents of a baby girl. Miss Hellen Michsls attended the Round Lake ball game Sunday. Miss Katharine Thiel is visiting with her sister in Chicago this week. Eva King is the guest of Mrs. Peter King in Chicago for a few weeks. Maater Charles Micbels, little son of Hubert Michels, is on the sick list. Joseph Schaefer and Katharine Thiel will be married next Wednesday, the 30th. Anton May and family of Spring Grove were tbegnseta of home folks Sun day last. Miss Hellen Klein and sister, Mrs. George Wirfs, were McHenry shoppers Monday morning. Quite a number of young people from here attended the dance at Spring Grove Wednesday night ' Misses Kate and Christina May of Spring Grove spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. Adams. Miss Kate Frenud of Iowa te visiting her many relatives and friend* in Johns- burgfc and vicinity. Mi8« Eva Stoffel of McHenry spent Sunday.-with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams. Stephen May, who is employed as an assistant at Nick Freund's blacksmith shop at Spring Grove, waa a •pleasant caller here Tuesday evening. " RINeWOUO. George Adams was a recent .visitor at E!«ih, Chas. Bacon was a ealler at Solon Sunday, Chas. Shales was a Chicago passenger Friday. * Sam Beatty was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Miss^ Eleanor Haw ley of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents here. 0. H. Stephenson and wife were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Gus Adams of Greenwood waa a pro­ fessional caller here Saturday. Ray and ^gnes Dodge were Spring Grove visitors Sunday afternoon. Dr. Hepburn is weturing an unusual smile, because of the arrival, of a boy, born May 13. Several from here attended the Flora DeYoss play at Richmond Friday and Saturday nights. Mrs. Charles and a lady friend of Greenwood visited'at Charlee Shales" one day last week. Mesdames Lena Peet and Grace Mc- Cannon and Miss Graoe Harrison sprat Thursday at Elgin. Rev. Wm. Nickle and Willis Kittle of Chicago spent several days at Isaac Harsh's the first of the week SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The McHenry Township Sunday School convention was held in the M. B. church at Ringwood Sunday, May 10, 1908. Wm. F. Rice, president of township, presided in a very able man­ ner, and discussions and suggestions were very practical and should be a help to us in our Sunday school work. The following are the resolutions recoiuiueuded and adopted; Resolved, That the schools represent­ ed here today be recommended to use bibles instead of quarterlies for the next three months; Resolved, That Sunday sohools repre­ sented here today use all means to in­ duce the adults iu their neighborhood to attend Sunday school; Resolved, That the next township convention be au all-day session; Resolved, That an effort be made in each school to make it so interesting that people can't stay away; Resolved, That the schools represent­ ed here today appoint a lookout com­ mittee iu their respective school to visit sick, call upon new members and look after the absent ones. ; An amendment to the foregoing reso­ lutions, That this convention recom­ mend sending a delegate to International convention at Louisville, Ky., witb expenses paid. TERRA COTTA. The carpenters are at work on Henry McMillan'b new house. Tbos. Powers of McHenry visited rtl atives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R Anderson spent Snnday in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. George Ames were Mc­ Henry callers Saturday. Andrew Henderson of Nonda palled in this vicinity Monday. M. A.Conway attended the K. of C. banqnet at Elgin Sunday. Wm. Doyle of Minnesota was a visit­ or at J. M Phalin s Sunday. Thos. Thompson of Barreville was a caller in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Robert Anderson of Richmond visited relatives here Thursday. Mrs. Martin Conway and children of McHenry Bpent Friday at Jos. Boas'. Mrs. Earl Hyde of Genoa Junction spent Thursday at T. R. Anderson's. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville was a ealler in this vicinity Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers of Mc­ Henry visited in this vicinity recently. Meedaines H. and F. McMillan called at A P. Peck'sin Holcotnbville Sunday. School was closed Wednesday after­ noon on accopnt of Mr. Magoon'a fun­ eral. Mr. and Mrs. Huff and family of Chi­ cago moved to the Amea residence laat week. The annual township exercises will be held at Terra Cotta on Monday evening, May 25. Miss Alma Holt* has gone to the Lake Shore house at Crystal Lake for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch of Griswold Lake were visitors at J. M. Phalin's recently. Misses Anna and Etta Powers Of Hol- combville spent a recent day with rela­ tives here. Mr. and Mra; Fred Powers of Hol- coinbville were the guests «of relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Peek of Woodstock were callers at Frank and Henry Mc­ Millan's Monday. Misses Lena Steinadoeffsr, Emma Conway and Eleanor Phalin visited friends in Emerald Park Sunday. The final eighth grade examination was held at the Terra Cotta sehoolFriday Misses Etta Powers and Margaret Ward assisted in correcting the paperB. The following pnpils took the examination: John Bolger, Kert Knoblac, Walter Conway, Will Powers, Joe Feffer, Neil Doberty, Eleanor Phalin, Lyretta Fetfer, Irene Davoll, Genevieve Knox, Marue- rite Knox, Florence Knox. , If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yonrself, met witb an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of new^that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. AU itana will be tbaakfoliy received. . The following af% a few or the lOW PRICES in effect at this store for the next few days. Remember these are only a feiiv 7 MISS Fresh Dates, p*r -- >-t pound 5 ̂ Blueing, per ^ bottle.. : * * Ten-pound Bag Salt* -- ̂ each 5^ 5c Package Hard-wood Tooth Picks Wm'&C per package. ^ * JfiW Mixed Pickles, .five « varieties, per quart. Fish Poles, good vfvsv ones, each * Lemons, extra fine « O ̂ per dozen A Come in and get OUR PRICES. 'Phone 691. HORSE HOODS! of every description is what we deal in. Every­ thing that goes to make up a first-class Harness Establishment may be had here. When you get ready for that uew work or driv­ ing harness, if you appre­ ciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our p r i c e s / : : : : : : M. A. Thelen The National Pickle & Canning Company are now contracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. Seed will be ready about June 1. Contracts may be made at Block & Bethke's or"^. A. Bohlander's; or J. C. De- brecht's, Johnsburgb. MAT 28 National Pickle- Canning Co. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We poeitively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been takeo from onr lists since the new postoiBoe ruling want into effect April 1. /P ? • Why Don't Yo Take a Tonic 9 • You need one if your appetite is poor dr fickle, if you are unaccountably tired, if you are nervous or pass sleepless nights. You may not be exactly ill, but you will )>e if your present'eondition continues. Oar DANDELION tELLOW DOCK AND IRON W. V3 /Mi. is the remedy that will most speedily fi- store your appetite, strength and vigor. It stimulates the digestive organs and all other vital organs and makes the blood rich, red, vitalizing fluid it should be. Money back if you are not satisfied with the effects in your case.. . ....... Rriô . $1.00 •3$ ^2 N, H. Petesch, Druggist^ McHenry, III. - 'Phone 374. '"i • FOR MEATS AND GROCERIES J, I * * 1 1 f ft* CHARLES Q. FRETT 'Phone 54a. '•f i 5 4 *1 Mont d'ore Ussogue V. BELGIAN STALLION **-- | Y/ \&5 i1" j/.-c- SA ^ r ,•, '-'iSt . .,\yt V* \ ̂ "1 Color--Dark Bay; Height--18 Hands; Weight--2000 lbs.; Age--6 years. Will make the season of 1908 at the follow­ ing places: Mondays, at Nunda; Tuesdays, at Algonquin; Wednesdays, at farm of Chas. Knaack; balance of week in McHenry and vicinity. All mares parted with before the usual time of foaling will be considered in foal. For further information as to terms, etc., address :: :: .« McHenry Belgian Horse Co." McHenry, Illinois, tutfitamii P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COriMiSSiON MERCHANT J :-i 'I SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO TH* SAUI OF ' Dressed Beef, ilutton, Hogs, V««l, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ^ This is the oldaat home on the street Tags and price liate fnrnished on application. COLD STORAOB FREE SaiLlSaS?- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois Partbetnatmntirf carsble Okwale IMseases {nervous ttffttcUous, diseases of th« stonjaoh, IxVwt'ls ami tirer. rh«u«xiatiHUK obesity, catarrb, aueiula, l«wml dcbUitr. see.) tintjf W--ral Dr. (ifl Strueb, Prop. ioo State Street, Suite 1409. CHU AUO, ILL Tt-j.i'j,* J'I" * «i\i.- s.. ' 'C; ' yUsSS' . J . » ^

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