Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1908, p. 8

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"?* T*' t^Tr, r- * • Kif v*- x u -^v. ,: » V,. i .v u- o.-»' * >t • r * . J ^ ;? *' i ' * " r * $ l v • &«. * ' * , tefii:'- !'> V^' h ? r W: $h:;-»,•>.' tiV =sv We have a fine Hue of Men's and Boys' Suits on hand arid it in necu of ,9] Suit, We can save you $5.00 on a Suit and give you a Suit equal to any tailor make. - - - JOS. w. REUND, WEST MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Our It Treat! We want yon to accept our in­ vitation to come to oar store and join as in celebrating. No, it's not onr birthday anniver­ sary or any event like that. We bare just received from Geo. M. Clark & Co., Div., a ship­ ment of JEWEL Evaporator Gaso­ line Ranges Talk about beauties 1 Say, they're so good that they won't last long because there are several newly married couples "off the gas-line" who won't be happy though married, unless they own one of these Ranges. The JEWEL EVAPORATOR RANGES are the very finest in the way of Gas oUne stoves that have ever been offered to the public--they are the acme of per­ fection in stove construction--have so many good points that they've got to be seen to be appreciated. Will you come in and look? J. J. Vycital LADIES Would yon be willing to spend a few hoars a day or week taking our course, if yon were guaranteed that it would enable you to design, cut and make yonr clothing in an attractive, perfect fitting, up-to-date manner? NOW JUST STOP AND THINK to learn how to make, any way some of her own clothing? If you take onr course, yon will be surprised how simple it is--yon will be surprised what yon will be able to accomplish after completing it. Yon will be taught to copy any style shown in My fashion book. So simple that anyone can learn It. Are yon going to take advantage Of this oppor­ tunity? Yon take no chances when yon enroll with us. We take an--your money back if not as represented. Ask the ladies who are now taking the course how they like it. Call and see them work. REMEMBER, your success is guaranteed at SNOW'S. There is an advantage by enrolling now. Drop in and we will tell yon why. Don't delay. Visitors always welcome. ^ Night School Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday SNOW'S COLLEGE of DRESSMAKING Yager Building, - - - East McHenry THE QUESTION IS: I ' ; I % Nuamiaiiaii *•9 1845. 1908. THE nUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEWARK, N. J. MUTUAL BEN- EFIT Life and Endowment Poli­ cies contain spe­ cial and peculiar advantages which are not combined5 in the policies of any other Co. Paid Policy-Holders Since organization in 1845 $250,476,338.60 C. W. Stenger, - Local Agent, AT WEST McHENRY STATE BANK, utm-tw : '• • t5; Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under ttila head at the ilowiug rates; Five UneB or lent, 25 cent* (or first pertiun; 16 cents for each 8ub»equent insertion, ore ttun Ave linee, b cents a line for first Insertion, >d S cents a line fur addition* insertions. FOlt SALE--Dakota and Colorado lauds. Homesteads located. For further Infor­ mation apply to.or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 17-tf BVJE SALE--Double store building in West * McHenry, 111. For Information apply to Mas. GKRTHODK L. MILIKU, West McHenry, »l- 38-tf POR SALE VEKY CHEAP-lncubator, 250- * eKg capacity, and Brooder. Ttnt.h make and good IOCSE, Pistakoe Bay, 111. Both Cyph- new. KINGBMSY m-tt 1-- -Will pay |25 for lonth there F ARM HAND WANTED month of May and ISM-per mont after to good man. Address or call at farm |f GEO. J. SAYKB, Platakee Bay, McHenry. 45-t,f QUARTER OF A CENTURY. f CHwd from Tfc® M, I»»it Dr. B^V. Anderson, of tfifi' v has formed a co-partnership with Dr. #f c 111. tjH)R SALE CHEAP--A * heavy farm wa^on M^Ilenry, 111. good narrow-tired Inquire of A. BURDO. 45-tf Sli' On® dollar a year for The Weekly In- ftpr-Oce&o; $1.60 a year for ThePlain- Or both byour recent special " $1.75 for fifty-two weeks 8M» tton far and near. IS Decoration llajt Dance. Yourself and friends are most heartily invited to attend a Decoration day dance to be held at the dance pavilion, Lily Lake park, near McHenry, Satur­ day evening, May 30, *08. Floor com­ mittee: McHenry, Arvil Yager; West McHenry, Jake Brefeld; Johnsbnrgh, John Offfling, Volo, Henry Stadtfeld; Fox Lake, Peter Bowers; Waoconda, Ben Martin; Round Lake, Charles Dykes; Lily Lake, Lester Tiffaney; Nunda, Geo, Jones; Ringwood, Joe Lawrence. Chubaroff's concert orchestra of five pieces will furnish the music. Say, Ipoys, if you are out for a good time, this is the place you want to set sail for on the above mentioned date. Come to the place where the rich and poor 3jingle in perfect harmony, where old nd young enjoy themselves, where the best of dance floor may be found and dance to firsticlass music. The only real place of enjoyment in this part of the conatry. Refreshment* of all kinds served on the grounds. Join the merry crowd at this, the next dance. Tickets, J.ip.Sf0rouBTT,Fm)fc Northrop, of Woodstock, and will move to that city early next week. A young son of James Dowel), of Yolo, was accidentally killed by a pis­ tol in the hands of a comrade one day last week. Wm. L. Smith, of Ringwood, has pur­ chased the residence of A. A. Martin, in this village, and will occupy the same as soon as Mr. Martin moves out. J. Oatman & Sons, of Dundee, brought to this village on Tuesday last one huudred swarms of bees, and have located them on the farm of Henry Mead, just west of the village. People who were deluded by the Sul­ try atmosphere of last Friday into ex­ changing their winter for their summer clothing, were down on their knees on Monday morning--not in penitence, bat looking to see where the mercury in the thermometer had gone to. . At Bennett's photograph gallery in this village, one day last week a group was taken that represented five gener­ ations, viz: a child three months old, its mother, grandmother, great-grand­ mother and great,-gieat-«randipother, the latter being over #0 years of atje. The picture was a remarkably good one when we take into consideration the fact that it is very difficult to get a good picture of a group where there is so much difference in age. O. W. Owen has been repairing two watches the past week that have a pe­ culiar history One is owned by M. M. Chase, of Ringwood, and was lost by him while husking corn fourteen years ago. The ground has been cultivated each year since, the watch never com­ ing to light until last August. It was badly rusted but Mr. Owen has put it in good running order, and to look at it one would never think it had been buried fourteen years. The other one was lost and lay in the ground about one year, and Mr. Owen has also put it in good running order. The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general, debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and in­ somnia. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Price 50c. IMP Year May Party. The "Just Us" club, composed of about thirty young ladies of McHenry, announces a leap year May party to be given at Stoffel's hall on Saturday even­ ing, May 33, and a cordial invitation is extended to the general public to attend. This is the second time this year that the young men of McHenry and vicinity have been offered a good time at the hands of the young ladies, and those who were fortunate enough to receive invitations at the former dance found out that the ladies of our town do not do things by halves. Metzger's Wood­ stock orchestra will furnish the music, and yon all know what* that means. The floor will be in cha^Vc^he follow­ ing young women: fWest McHenry, Mrs. E. F. M"^hewp/ McHenry, Mrs. C. W. Steng^' Vv oodstock, Miss Lil Stone; Wauwpdjp Miss Kate Nichols; Richmond, Wtu'della Schroeder; Johns­ bnrgh, Lena Michels; Yolo, Hellen Ray­ mond; Emerald Park, Alice Button; Genoa Junction, Maggie Schuran; Ring- wood, Agnes Carey. Preliminary danc­ ing will be indulged In from 8 until 9 p. m., dancing from programs beginning at 9 o'clock. A good program has been arranged and Metzger will take care of it. Now, girls, don't be bashful. All of yon who have enjoyed good' times at the hands of the young men for the last three years, just show them now that you have appreciated them, and take this opportunity to show them what it feels like to be the one who is treated. Dance tickets are only 50 cents. Re­ member that dancing begins early and be sure to call for the fellows in plenty of time for them to get their gloves and hats on straight A Californlan'tf Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when 1 bought a box of Bucklen's Ar­ nica Salve;" writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Peteech's drug store. Low Rates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago Ualon Pacific A North Westarn Line. Yery low rates for the round trip, in effect to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and North Pacific Coast points, daily, June 1st to September 15th. Liberal return limits, variable routes, favorable stop-over arrangements. Apply to any ticket agent, The North Western Line, for full particulars. June 11 WHEN HENS ARE GAME. , * ifc ^tWrj^ SfiJfral Tall. Wj " jiay be Shot. Chicken owners and thote who aire not chicken owners but whose neigh­ bors are will kindly sit up and pay attention, says the Rockford Star. Attorney General Stead in a decision handed down at a recent date, holds as follows: That chickens when they wander away from their owner's premises, meaning their own private bug hunting grounds, and take to tearing np Mr. Neighbor's newly made garden become wild birds. That having become snch, and taking it for granted^-that Mr. Neighbor has become a wild man, and is willing to go to extremes, in order to square accounts, they may be shot. That having been shot, without re­ gards to what particular portion of the anatomy the- piffled at, Mr Chicken Owner is without recourse in law. Of course he way tell Mr. Neighbor what he thinks of him, or, if he is will­ ing to take chanceB on police court publicity, he may lick Mr. Neighbor, but he cannot sue. This decision is of particular impor tauce especially to those who do not own chickens but have gardens under cultivation, and it looks like a safe bet that some one will give it a try out. As for chicken owners who are not as careful of their egg producers as they might be, there is but little to say ex­ cept: "Keep your chickens at hbtne." What may be done in case the neigh­ bor's family horse gets loose and rolls on the neatly kept front lawn, or if the cow lunches off the tulip bed, or the kids "raise ned" in general remains to be determined. The attorney general has not been requested to say. It Reached the Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large general store at Omega, O., and is pres­ ident of the Adams County Telephone Co., as well as of the Home Telephone Co ,of Pike County,O., says of Dr. King's New Discovery: "It saved my life once. At least I thiuk it did. It seemed to reach the spot--the seat of my cough,--when everything else failed." Dr.King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak 8pots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 00c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free Going Fishing? Some of the best fishing in the world can be enjoyed in the summer resort region of Wisconsin, Minnesota and North ern Michigan, most conveniently reached by direct and superior train sei> vice of the North Western Line. Fre­ quent fast through trains leave daily for this lake region, which for variety of in­ terest, excels all others. Numerous good hotels, boarding houses and camps afford excellent accomodations. For descrip­ tive booklets and full particulars, apply to yonr nearest ticket agent. June 11 Valued Same as Gold. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar Yiew, Miss., says: "I tell my customers when tbey buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or biliousness." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drag store. 25c. The Cause of Many v-»^ ; . .Sudden Deaths. a disease prevailing in 'this country most dangerous because so decep­ tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it--heart dis­ ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid­ ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poison­ ed blood will at­ tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel­ ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer'g Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over- Comes Uiat unpleasant, compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most, distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil­ mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Official Publication. fteport of the condition of tbe West McHenry State Bank at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commence­ ment of business on the 12th day of May, 1908, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law. RESOURCES. * V •> ' * Loans and Discounts. . Other Bonds and Securities, including Premiums J8,500.00 Furnitufe and Fixtures 1 746.44 Due from National Banks ..%. It,378.44 Checks and other cash items.. 371.65 Cash on hand a. Gold Coin -- .......... " Treas. Certificates b. Silver Coin... " Treas.Certificates c. National Bank Currency d. Legal Tender and Treas. Notes e. Fractional Currency, nick­ e l s a n d c e n t l . . . . . . T o t a l . . . . . . . . . . J . . . $ 1 0 4 , 4 0 7 0 0 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in........ Undivided profit* .., ,, Time Deposits, Saving!.^.. '* " Certificates .. 1480 00 950.00 " 620.00 1400.00 131000 1840.00 196 74 $25,000. #,589.62 88,191.29 ' 4,700.00 Demand Deposits, Individual.. 32,151.09 " " , Certificates 825.00 Total..... ;;,:.V^. $104,407.00 STATE OP ILLINOIS,"!^ County of McHenry, > • * I, CARL W. STENGER, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STINGER, Cashier. PROBATE NEWS Warning Nottaa. . All parties found or seen hnntinsr, fishing, boating or trespassing, without my permission, on Lake befiance, with­ in tbe lines of the N. W. i of the S. E. i of section 6, township 44, N., range 9, E. 3rd P. M., will be prosecuted to the extent of the law, and all boats found trespassing within the above lines on said lake will be captured and held as hostage. See Illinois statutes, chapter 56, section 7. M. KELTER. March 1, 1908. Low Bound Trip Rates to Denver, Colo rado Springs and Pueblo Via Chi­ cago, Union Pacific ft North West­ ern Line. On sale daily June 1st to September 30th. Return limit October SlBt. Two fast through trains to Colorado daily. The famous Colorado Special, only one n i g h t t o D e n v e r . F o r b o o k l e t s , a n d f u l l information, apply to any ticket agent of the North Western Line. June 11. [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRAN8PEES. _ Peter Nleseti et al to Mat til as B Schaefer, sab It 1 It 15 sec 12, McHenry r 8 flSO Ellas U Palmer & w to John H Mack ay, strip 100 ft wide In Coon Island, Mc­ Henry r 9 1 Same to smbe, strip 100 ft wide s of same 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Bay Dygert, 28 Woodstock Mamie Harden, 1$.'. ....... " Joseph Schaefer, 81.. 1... .Johnsbnrgh Katie Thiel, 20 Stephen L. Austin, 27 Austin, 111 Pauline Frances Schaefer, 80 " " Sam Criscione, 21 Ellen Qllck. 16 Mottoat • , • ,v To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. E. Lawlns, tailor, has sent 84 ladies' garments to the Grand dyehense. Any­ thing from a kid shoe to an ostrich feather dyed. Satisfaction guaranteed. 0P Spring and Summer Goods OUR LINK IN DRESS •'*<'P.Ji1 v' GOODS IS NOW ; PLETE: SUITINGS; GINGHAMS, WAISTINGS, ETC., the following brands of flour: CERESOTA, PILLSBURY ' BEST AND SPENCER'S; EV A. BOH LANDER. |55Ri * ^*>7," . WEST ILLINOIS. 1^" fiMrtiiyfiiilii OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:: EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-Preside#© . SIMON STOFFJ^L, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT* DONESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE* COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : pai4 on Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit^ HEADQUARTERS FOR. Lumber, Lime, Cement, Brick, Sewer Pipe, Coal, F!our aad Feed. We have a complete stock of all kinds of Building Material and mason's supplies and can fill esti­ mates promptly. I^*Let us figure on your j^mates. :: :: Wilbur Lumber Co. ricHenry, III. 'Phone 43a. P. O. West McHenry. Bead The PUlndealer Poll Tax Notlc* Notice is hereby given that the poll tax is now due and must be paid before the first Monday in June. Payment may be made to the town clerk, N. H. Petesch, or the highway commissioners. Unless said tax is paid on or before tbe above specified time, the accounts will be left in the hands of a collector. A Veritable Czar. Yon are. And the telephone is yonr messenger. You give your order. It travels for yon. Brings distant business pnan into yonr office. You talk to him. Transact business. Dismiss him. Over the long distance lines. Chicago Tele­ phone Company. Fresh corn meal for plenty granular meal SPECIALS! We are showing many new goods ifi Dress Materials, Linens, Swisses, Poplins, French Ginghams, Percale and Lawn at prices that will make you buy. :: :: :: Calico, per yard........ ftjc Apron Ginghams, yd.. ..7c Nemo Corset...... $8.00 W. B. Corsets at. 98c, $1.89, $2.00 Ladies' tan and black Hose, per pr,... 15c, 25c, 49c We have had many good things to offer you in the Waist Line, but never before have we shown such big values as we %re displaying thip season. Ladies' Waists, made of good quality Lawn with eyelet tem)>roidery fronts neatly tucked and stitched, many different patterns at 98c White Waists made oi a fine sheer mercerized Mull, front worked with ipercerized thread in many different designs, a handsome Waist, wmth 25 per cent, more than we are asking, on sale at..... • •. • • • • • • • • • • • $1.25 Black Lawn Waist with embroidered and tucked fronts* *1,^98e, $1.39 Black Sateen Waists, plaited and trimmed, also black and white check, at • • -- •-- • 98c, $1.15 and $1.25 All over embroidered W aist, at. • • • * * • • * • • • ••• $2.98 Many other Waists at • . . . $1.15, $1.29, $1.39, $1.75, $2.25 WW-: . i'J. 't'i 0I- 4^' .} :£ famil BLOCK & -TELEPHONE, NUMBER 541.- . ... M * 'I/* " -J- v> <-, W - • -• 1 •-

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